Aspirations, Ambitions, and Approaches - Observer Research ...

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Aspirations, Ambitions, and Approaches - Observer Research ...
Ambitions, and
Aspirations, Ambitions, and Approaches - Observer Research ...
India at 75
Ambitions, and
 Approaches      © 2022 Observer Research Foundation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
                 reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from ORF.

                 Attribution: Aspirations, Ambitions, and Approaches, January 2022, Observer Research Foundation.

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Aspirations, Ambitions, and Approaches - Observer Research ...
                                                                                                                                             There is no percentage in stating the
                                                                                                                                             obvious, yet it must be reiterated: The
                                                                                                                                             international     community         needs   new
                                                                                                                                             ideas, anchors and torchbearers to
                                                                                                                                             reinvigorate globalisation and strengthen
                                                                                                                                             global co-operation.

                                                                                                                                             Towards        this     end,    only    asinine

    INDIA @ 75                                                                                                                               assessments of a future world order
                                                                                                                                             as the century turns 20 would ignore
                                                                                                                                             the crucial role of India in shaping this

    ETHIC,                                                                                                                                   decade, and determining the trajectory
                                                                                                                                             of the decades to follow. Our endeavour

    ECONOMY                                                                                                                                  with this series of essays is to capture the

                                                                                                                                             ideas and ethics driving contemporary
                                                                                                                                             Indian diplomacy; examine the methods

    EXEMPLAR                                                                                                                                 and contours of India’s engagement with
                                                                                                                                             the world; and, offer a prognosis of India’s
                                                                                                                                             future as a leading power.

    SAMIR SARAN                                                                                                                              Under     the         rubric   of    ‘India@75:
                                                                                                                                             Aspirations, Ambitions, and Approaches’,
                                                                                                                                             ORF has curated 18 essays written

                                                                                                                                             by some of the world’s finest minds,
         f a weary international community—         learn to live with the virus, as it shows   had been evident. Generational and           representing former heads of state and
         reeling       from         unanticipated   signs of transitioning to become endemic.   geographical shifts in the balance of        government, members of parliament,
         challenges     and     unprecedented       A “new normal” where COVID-19 does          power, rapid advances in technology-led      heads     of    international       institutions,
         disruptions    in    the    early   21st   not cripple communities, countries and      innovations, and existential global risks    leaders from business, and experts from
    century—was looking forward to a                whole continents is the future, even as     like climate change have all strained        academia and media. Between them, they
    stabilising start to the 2020s, its hopes       vaccine inequity makes the possibility of   the capacity of prevailing international     have studied India’s evolving relationship
    were short-lived. COVID-19 continues            more lethal variants imminent.              norms and institutions. These had left       with new geographies, its engagement
    to weave its way through borders and                                                        them looking wilted, if not withered. Now,   with new domains of global governance,
    continents, felling victims and flummoxing      But even before COVID-19 forced us to       these norms and institutions have all but    and the human imperative that must
    governments. Two years down the line,           radically rethink and redo the way we       shattered from the strain of the pandemic.   define India’s rise.
    it is increasingly clear that we have to        live our very lives, a certain tiredness

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Aspirations, Ambitions, and Approaches - Observer Research ...
Few predict the path ahead will be                                                                                                      how drastically—and rapidly—the mental
    easy for India, or that latent and legacy                                                                                               maps of the world are morphing.
    challenges confronting this nation can
    be ignored. Indeed, most assessments                                                                                                    There is a common thread that binds
    in this volume suggest disquiet and                                                                                                     these analyses: A keen interest in
    uncertainty.   Amrita Narlikar       begins                                                                                             India’s evolving relationship with the
    her essay with a cautionary note on                                                                                                     US and China. These three nations will,
    world affairs. “Multilateralism is facing                                                                                               after all, rank among the largest three
    a crisis of unprecedented proportions,”                                                                                                 economies by the middle of this century.
    she writes, “It manifests itself in a                                                                                                   The turbulent Twenties will see the
    fundamental questioning of the very value                                                                                               dynamics of this power triangle assume
    of multilateralism within countries and                                                                                                 centre stage. The US sees India as a
    deadlocks in negotiations in multilateral                                                                                               partner in its endeavour to neutralise an
    organisations.” But this global crisis, she                                                                                             increasingly aggressive and expansionist
    argues, also begets opportunities for                                                                                                   China. Jane Holl Lute argues that India
    India. C. Raja Mohan agrees and asserts                                                                                                 “has      understood     China’s      principal
    that this period of churn offers India the                                                                                              strategic aim to replace the United States
    opportunity to shed the temptation to act                                                                                               as the most consequential security
    alone and actively build new coalitions                                                                                                 power in Asia”. While India’s choices will
    and consensus with other powers. But                                                                                                    undoubtedly implicate the balance of
    this will depend, he argues, on how quickly                                                                                             power between the US and China, India
    India can restructure its traditional                                                                                                   will most likely chart its own course in
    worldview.                                     old geographies acquires new salience.        But shaping new geographies will also      international affairs.
                                                   And this is where the new external            require India to manage certain old
    As Harsh V Pant writes in his essay, this      partnerships are actively taking shape.       relationships. The Indo-Pacific should     ORF      Distinguished   Fellow    Rajeswari
    restructuring is already underway, as          Central among these is the dynamically        not be seen in isolation—its markets and   Pillai   Rajagopalan     highlights     India’s
    “India’s past diffidence in making certain     evolving Indo-Pacific construct which,        communities are also rapidly integrating   behaviour in international negotiations
    foreign policy choices is rapidly giving       as Premesha Saha posits, will weave           with the Eurasian supercontinent. Steven   on outer space as a primary example.
    way to greater readiness to acknowledge        communities, markets and states from          Blockmans laments that the India-EU        In     every   significant   process—from
    the need for a radical shift in thinking       the East Pacific to East Africa into one      relationship has underperformed given      the UN GGE to the EU CoC—India has
    about internal capability enhancement by       strategic geography. How India adapts         its potential to anchor democratic and     argued for greater multilateralism while
    leveraging external partnerships.”             its “economic structure” to these realities   rules-based   governance    in   greater   actively discouraging behaviour that is
                                                   and implements its “commitment to             Eurasia. Solomon Passy and Angel           “inherently destabilising”. I would add
    As the world’s centre of gravity shifts        prevent hegemony in the oceans”, argues       Apostolov boldly make the case for         India’s engagement on cyber governance,
    from    the    Atlantic   system,    India’s   Kwame Owino, will determine its ability to    exploring the possibility of a dialogue    particularly on emerging technologies, to
    engagement with both emerging and              lead these new regions.                       between NATO and India, indicating just    this list. Although technological systems

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Aspirations, Ambitions, and Approaches - Observer Research ...
are rapidly unravelling, India has sought      only possible by following through on the       prosperity and peace”. Indeed, each essay      challenges and allow us a moment to
    to frame rules for its digital economy that    SDG agenda. All of this, according to Adil      has this very sentiment at its core—the        learn from the journey so far. The world
    serve both its development interests and       Zainulbhai, will be powered by India’s          importance of India’s rise for its own         in the 2020s demands more from us.
    preserve interdependence. As Trisha Ray        already immense digital infrastructure,         people, its region, and indeed as a model      Indians must be ready to deliver.
    writes, “New Delhi must prepare to shape,      innovation     capabilities   and     skilled   for the world in this century.
    rather than be shaped, by these shifting       workforce as it leverages the Fourth
    geopolitical winds.” Others remind us that     Industrial Revolution to its advantage.         We hope these essays will provide an
                                                                                                                                                  Samir Saran
    much work still needs to be done. Renato       “India’s green transformation,” asserts         intellectual stimulus to debates and
    Flores urges India to learn lessons from       Mihir Sharma, “will have to be led by the       discussions    that    will      undoubtedly   President of the Observer Research
    its RCEP withdrawal, shed traditional          decisions of its people and by the energy       contribute to shaping our collective           Foundation.

    hesitations, and emerge as a leading           of its private sector.”                         future,   examine     our     contemporary
    advocate for multilateral trade.
                                                   It is these twin imperatives—achieving
    India’s most significant contribution to       sustainable development and the climate
    the global commons will be providing           change agenda—that make India a very
    sustainable livelihoods to its own people,     different type of ‘rising power’. Its path
    and its battle against climate change.         to prominence will not be defined by
    Indeed, Oommen Kurian & Shoba Suri             military dominance or coercive economic
    begin their analysis with the proposition      capabilities. Instead, India’s rise will be
    that success or failure in implementing        characterised by its ability to provide
    the global SDG agenda is dependent             solutions, technologies and finance to
    almost wholly on India achieving its own       emerging communities in urgent need
    targets. India already produces nearly         of new models of economic growth and
    half of all global vaccines and is a leading   social mobility. It is this ‘new economic
    voice on IPR reform, as Khor Swee              diplomacy’, Navdeep Suri believes, that
    Kheng & K. Srinath Reddy note, making it       will define India’s foreign policy priorities
    essential for global health security.          in the decade ahead.

    India will also be tasked with achieving       Underwriting India’s foreign policy will be
    livelihood goals for itself and the world      its civilisational identity as a democratic,
    in a carbon-constrained world, which is        open and plural society. Arguably the
    why Jayant Sinha argues that India can         most abstract of all its foreign policy
    no longer rely on the ‘farm to industry’       tools, India’s own ability to retain social
    model of development. Instead, Nilanjan        cohesion     while    providing   economic
    Ghosh asserts that India’s own goal            growth and development will, as Prime
    of becoming a US$10 trillion economy,          Minister Stephen Harper observes, help
    which is both equitable and inclusive, is      “lead the world as a whole to greater

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30 days for payment. Through e-NAM,
                                                                                                                                        he sells through direct purchase orders
                                                                                                                                        and saves on commission and hamali
                                                                                                                                        charges.    Furthermore,     he    gets   the
                                                                                                                                        payment within minutes online.

                                                                                                                                        Bhanu, along with his classmates, and
                                                                                                                                        social media student friends from Assam,
                                                                                                                                        designed a rooftop rainwater harvesting
                                                                                                                                        structure   for   his   locality   in   Beed,
                                                                                                                                        Maharashtra. He posted his success

                                                                                                                                        story via a live video on the National Atal
                                                                                                                                        Innovation Challenge and got selected

     INDIA’S LEAP: IR 4.0 TO
                                                                                                                                        within a day. He now gets funding to scale
                                                                                                                                        this idea and work with experts in Atal

                                                                                                                                        Incubation Centres.

                                                                                                                                        Reena wants to venture into robotics and
                                                                                                                                        artificial intelligence. Through Swayam
                                                                                                                                        and NPTEL offerings, she curated her
                                                                                                                                        personalised course toolkit (rather than
                                                                                                                                        a packaged course) to learn what was
     ADIL ZAINULBHAI                                                                                                                    interesting with live demo sessions. Along
                                                                                                                                        with the certification, she managed to
                                                                                                                                        interact with experts and meet peers in
     Envision this:                             5 years from now:                             Vikas requests, processes and gets        her cohort with like-minded ideas. She is
                                                                                              his MBA loan approval in less than 10     now ready to tinker and build for India!
     Saravanan nods with a smile when the       Anurag who has just completed his             minutes on his phone.
     payment soundbox tells him the exact       undergraduate degree intends to help                                                    More than 70% of Ravi’s crops were
     transaction amount in Tamil. He sells      his father in the farms near Bhagalpur.       Vidyasagar, a resident of Balkonda        destroyed due to untimely rains in
     toys and chocolates outside a school in    Using   digital   advisory    applications    Mandal, has been selling his produce      Nalanda. He logs onto his mobile app and
     Tiruchirapalli.                            (for planning and pre-planting—IMD            through    commission     agents     at   applies for crop insurance. Through geo-
                                                forecasts, soil health), Internet of Things   Nizamabad market yard for 20 years.       tagged data and satellite imaging, his
     Dhabalesh Majhi raps out of a small        (IoT) monitoring devices (in-season care)     He used to stay back in the market yard   claims are processed within a day and
     house in Kalahandi District in Odisha,     and digital marketplaces, he helps raise      till weighment completion and wait 20-    funds are transferred into his account.
     using his phone to reach out to lakhs of   farm revenues—all this using an app via
     his followers.                             open platform and data sharing.

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Aspirations, Ambitions, and Approaches - Observer Research ...
          ndia has more than 750 million             Industrial Revolution Wave. This marked           and Mobile Number), INR 3.8 lakh                force multiplier when combined
          internet     users      today       and    the start of a change in India’s perception       crore Direct Benefit Transfers (DBT)            with Aadhaar and DBT to increase
          innumerable small success stories          of “Electronification and Information             annually to beneficiaries, and 9.3              transparency,      efficiency,        and
          that affect lives—from the kirana          Technology".                                      billion e-KYC transactions.                     productivity of government delivery.
     store, which has now widened its audience
     to outside its street, to textile weavers       Over the last decade, cyber-computing         •   CoWIN: To tackle COVID-19, India’s          •   E-Shram: This is designed as a
     who sell through social media platforms.        improvements have steadily narrowed               open source, modular real-time                  National Database of Unorganised
     India is at the cusp of disruptive digital      the gap between the real and digital              vaccine monitoring platform has                 Workers, which is the largest in
     change, one that is already creating the        worlds    accelerating    the    onset   of       clocked more than 1.5 billion vaccine           the world. It currently has over
     next large businesses, democratising            Industrial Revolution 4.0 as we know it.
                                                                                                       doses and, with open Application                21.5 crore unique registrations
     ideas and driving inclusion at a scale          India has been a major disruptor in this          Programming        Interfaces     (APIs),       in less than six months, seeded
     never seen before.                              space taking giant strides in implementing        is becoming a key Indian export                 with Aadhaar along with details of
                                                     unique, large-scale projects powered by           for global healthcare during the                occupation, skills and educational
     Today, India is powered by consumption          public digital infrastructure.                    pandemic.                                       qualifications,   amongst        others.
     by a burgeoning middle class (70% of total                                                                                                        This unlocks huge opportunities for
     spending) supported by rising disposable        India’s Century - Digital Innovation          •   National    Digital    Health   Mission         the Government to extend suitably
     incomes     and      affordable      internet   being India’s driving force                       Stack: This aims to create a unified            tailored social security schemes,
     penetration (marked by Jio’s entry into the                                                       network     (remote,     decentralised,         targeted    skilling    initiatives    to
     telecom space in 2016) across rural and         •        Unified Payments Interface (UPI):        coherent) to match people with                  increase employability and bring
     urban areas. Post liberalisation, India has     India’s real-time mobile payments system,         resources across public and private             the large informal workforce into
     moved from being the business process           which is universally interoperable, low-          sector services. This will cut costs,           the digital fold. With a unique UAN
     outsourcing hub of the ’90s and 2000s—          cost (replaces PoS), and mobile-first             save time, and increase the ability             number, we will gain unprecedented
     with call centres and software testing—         has seen incredible growth, clocking              to monitor health compliance for                insight into movement of workers,
     to being at the frontier of innovation and      more than 4.5 billion transactions worth          millions of Indians. With the right             and the demand-supply market
     cutting-edge technologies at a population       INR 8.26 lakh crores in just December             security infrastructure in place, it            marked against skills across varied
     scale.                                          2021. In 18 months, we have seen more             can help in timely interventions to             geographies of India.
                                                     transactions per month in UPI than we             check the course of a pandemic or
     During the 1990s, India saw a boom in           have had in 40 years on credit and debit          in the long term for the nation at          •   eNational Agriculture Market: With
     the services sector —predominantly in
                                                     cards!                                            large.                                          more than 2.1 lakh traders, 1 lakh+
     Information Technology (IT), IT Enabled                                                                                                           commission agents, 1000 mandis
     Services (ITeS), and financial services—        •    Aadhaar:     The    largest   identity   •   Jan Dhan Yojana: With more than                 and 17 million+ farmers, this pan
     with the IT industry growing from US$150             programme in the world with 1.29             44.3 crore beneficiaries banked,                India electronic trading portal aims
     million in 1991 to more than US$5.7 billion          billion individuals, has moved from          the scheme has enabled banking                  to create a unified national market
     in 2000, which, for the first time, created          being an identity marker to powering         penetration,      financial     services        for agricultural commodities. More
     a new set of Indian-made companies,                  India’s Digital Stack with 410 million       usage      and,   more     importantly,         importantly, it aims to arm small
     like Infosys, Wipro, and TCS, that have              Jan Dhan Accounts (part of the JAM           financial inclusion for a variety of            farmers with the power of “choice”
     become world beaters riding the 3rd                  trinity of Jan Dhan accounts, Aadhar,        demographics. This has been a true              and “information”, increasing their

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bargaining power across India.                  are modular with plug and play, which          According to MeitYv, India’s public and              scale issues and democratises technology
         With Jan Dhan (banking penetration,             essentially seek to democratise and            private digital offerings are on their way           usage. Indian start-ups have already
         payments), and a unified logistics              decentralise technology usage. India has       to unlocking more than US$1 trillion                 started exporting software extensively
         interface platform (transport), this            been building ‘open digital platforms’,        in digital value by 2025. India today is             as well (a change from only providing IT
         is in line to be a true game-changer            which are tremendous force multipliers         building cutting edge technology for the             services two decades ago); for example,
         in the coming decade.                           (Platformisation). This is critical and        world with offerings ranging from social             more than 17 million developers and
                                                         unique in being affordable, interoperable,     commerce, Software as a Service (SaaS),              98% of fortune 500 companies use the
     •   Direct    Benefit     Transfer         (DBT):   API-driven (and hence scalable), mobile-       payments, ed-tech and much more.                     ‘Postman API Platform’ today.
         Focussing on maximum governance                 first in vernacular languages, and allows
         through     technology,          DBT     has    India’s entrepreneurs to build on the rails    Seizing the Digital Opportunity                      Future is Digital
         transformed          the     Government         of these platforms to innovate and solve
         delivery system over the past eight             problems at scale and for trust.               India’s      emerging     digital   ecosystems       Digital forces have started to re-define
         years with over 311 schemes,                                                                   supported       by   robust      innovation   in     how we connect and transactix with
         spanning        54    ministries,        and    India’s start-up landscape has benefited       start-ups and favourable demographic                 each other and institutions, it has
         reaching more than 900 million                  immensely with Aadhaar, UPI, and Jan           dividendvi (with an increase in working              enabled       organisations    to     automate
         citizens.iii Along with the JAM trinity,        Dhan (financial inclusion) coming in. The      age population till 2041 and 3.6 million             routine tasks to enhance productivity,
         it has increased the productivity of            boom in the past 5-6 years has been            STEM graduates annually) give us a                   and it has brought about data-driven
         Government spending with leakages               phenomenal. Venture Capital investment         unique opportunity to lead in the decades            decision-making for organisations and
         coming down by more than 90%.                   surpassed all records in 2021, with more       to come.                                             governments. Interaction of these forces
                                                         than US $17 billion in funding and 840+                                                             will carve out new digital ecosystems in
     •   API Setu: To facilitate an open API             deals. India is home to 81 unicorns with a     This wave of digital growth would help core          the times to come. India stands to gain
         policy,   and    build      interoperable       total valuation of US $275 billion (as on 29   digital sectors and ones with immense                due to its cutting-edge tech stack.
         digital   platforms        for   seamless       December 2021)iv, 44 of which were born        growth        potential    (newly     digitising
         government delivery, this platform              in 2021 itself.                                logistics,       educationvii,      healthcare,      India’s Tech Stack backed by a sound
         by the Ministry of Electronics and                                                             agriculture) to exponentially increase               foundation (UPI, Aadhaar, open-source
         Information      Technology         (MeitY)                                                    potential by 2025—financial services                 architecture with strong data security

         currently helps provide information                                                            (170X) agriculture (70X), education (30X),           measures), digital reach (> 1 billion
         from more than 300 central and                                                                 Government Emarketplace by 25X.                      internet users, local language content),
         state government departments by                                                                                                                     can propel India to be the digital factory
         accessing 973 different data points                                                            India is already on its way to be the                of the world (software innovation, data
         including Driver’s License, vehicle             India is home to                               software development engine of the                   analytics).
         registration, PAN, e-KYC, to name a                                                            world. This is evident in the fact that it is
                                                         81 unicorns with a                             the fastest growing country in terms of              Digital enablement will drive productivity
                                                         total valuation of                             developers contributing on open source ,      viii
                                                                                                                                                             from MSMEsx to big companies, redefine
     What is worth noting here is that all
     such large public digital solutions are
                                                         US$275.5 billion                               with the number projected to grow to
                                                                                                        10 million by 2023. Open-source software
                                                                                                                                                             impact    in
     built with an open architecture, and                                                               development, at the core, solves large-              Return on Investment and learning

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Aspirations, Ambitions, and Approaches - Observer Research ...

                                                                                                       Nandan M. Nilekani, "India's software industry turned superstar after 1991," Rediff, https://

                                                                                                       T. P. Bhat, "India and Industry 4.0", Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, https://isid.

                                                                                                       E TECH, "India to have 900 million active internet users by 2025, says report", The Economic

                                                                                                       Invest India, "The Indian Unicorn Landscape", Invest India,

                                                                                                       Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, "India's Trillion Dollar Digital Opportunity",

                                                                                                       McKinsey Global Institute, "Digital India: Technology to transform a connected nation", McKinsey
                                                                                                       Global     Institute,

     outcomes); transform India’s agriculture     Digital India today, means different          vii
                                                                                                       Ministry of Education, Department of Higher Education, "All India Survey on Higher Education
                                                                                                       2019-2020", Ministry of Education,
     ecosystem (digital farm advisory, IoT-       things to different people—with most                 files/statistics-new/aishe_eng.pdf
     enabled    monitoring)     to   healthcare   being things we take for granted—from         viii
                                                                                                       ET Bureau, " India emerges as the fastest growing country in the world by open source
     (demand-supply mismatch – telemedicine,      ordering food at 2 AM, shopping online,              contribution," The Economic Times,
     improve quality and trust).                  transferring a portion of the salary back
                                                  home in real-time to creating a reel in the
                                                                                                       Nivruti Rai," Data-centric innovation and digitalisation will catalyse India’s growth", Observer
     Sectors and industries will radically        countryside, but what it does mean for               Research Foundation,
     be impacted and change with digital          the world is that India with its technology          digitalisation-will-catalyse-indias-growth/

     adoption. For example, software and          is here to lead!                              x
                                                                                                       Milind Kumar Sharma, Samir Mittal, "It's time for Industry 4.0," The Hindu,
     applications layer would account for 60%                                                          https://www.thehindu. com/opinion/op-ed/its-time-for-industry-40/article36103800.ece

     of the value of an autonomous vehicle in                                                   xi
                                                                                                       Morgan Stanley Blue Papers, "Shared Mobility on the Road of the Future", Morgan Stanley,
     the future . (See Illustration above):

                                                                                                       Mayank Agarwal et al.," Industry 4.0: Reimagining manufacturing operations after COVID-19,"
                                                                                                       McKinsey Global Institute,
     Leading this digital transformation, the                                                          insights/industry-40-reimagining-manufacturing-operations-after-covid-19
     India of tomorrow will drive services and                       ADIL ZAINULBHAI
     make major strides in manufacturing in
                                                                     Chairman at Capacity
     the future.xii (SAMARTH UDYOG Bharat                            Building Commission
     4.0 aims to create technological solutions                      of India and Quality
                                                                     Council of India
     at scale and increase the share of
     manufacturing in GDP to 25% by 2025).

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Aspirations, Ambitions, and Approaches - Observer Research ...
Unlike   developed        economies,     India’s
                                                                                                                       green transition is not a matter of
                                                                                                                       compensating those in sectors that have
                                                                                                                       to be decarbonised while retrofitting
                                                                                                                       other, profitable sectors. Nor is India,
                                                                                                                       unlike       some    upper-middle        income
                                                                                                                       economies in East Asia, already so
                                                                                                                       industrialised that the natural movement
                                                                                                                       from manufacturing to services would be
                                                                                                                       sufficient to reduce the carbon intensity
                                                                                                                       of its output. Its commitment to reduce
                                                                                                                       the carbon intensity of its economy to 45

                                                                                                                       per cent by 2030 (over 2005 levels) is,
                                                                                                                       thus, a far deeper commitment than made

                                                                                                                       by those other economies, as it requires
                                                                                                                       completely eschewing carbon-intensive

                                                                                                                       growth while at a very different level of
                                                                                                                       development. Such green growth would
                                                                                                                       be unprecedented. It requires India to
                                                                                                                       discover a path to high-income status
                                                                                                                       that is completely different from all those
                                                                                                                       before it.
                                                                                                                       In some sectors, India has already

                                                                                                                       demonstrated        its   ability   to   absorb

          ndia is in a unique position with       India’s leadership on climate change is,                             and catalyse transformation at scale.
          respect to climate change. It is        therefore, not just a matter of keeping its                          Renewable energy is one such sector.
          simultaneously the country with         promises; it is a signifier of the country’s                         About 45 per cent of India’s greenhouse
          the most citizens exposed to threats    acceptance of global responsibility. Yet,                            gas emissions come from the power
     caused by a warming world; the country       the fact is that, India has to increase        Commitement,          generation            sector—unsurprising,
     which will have to most dramatically alter   its   ambition    on   carbon    mitigation
                                                                                                 co-benefits, cost
                                                                                                                       given that coal is abundant in India, and
     its development trajectory if the world      alongside        shouldering     enormous                            reducing energy poverty and increasing
     is to keep warming below two degrees         adaptation costs—all while ensuring a          and captial are       supply continues to be a priority for
     Celsius; and the member of the G-20 that
     has gone furthest towards meeting its
                                                  comprehensive economic transformation
                                                  that meets the aspirations of its young
                                                                                                 the 4 Cs of India's   the developmental state. Yet, by the
                                                                                                                       end of 2021, India had added over 100
     climate targets.                             population.                                    renewable miracle     gigawatts of renewable energy capacityi,
                                                                                                                       and, at COP26, the Prime Minister

18                                                                                                                                                                        19
committed to taking the non-fossil fuel        Modi made clear at COP26, India expects         to be built. Proper design of this build-out             In the end, the greening of India’s
     generation capacity in the country up to       climate finance worth US$1 trillion to          can reduce cooling demand at the source.                 development pathway will have to be the
     500 gigawatts by 2030. India now has           support its ambitions. This is not a gift. It                                                            product of millions—indeed billions—
     the lowest installed cost for large-scale      is not aid. It is investment in our shared,     Similar possibilities exist in the transport             of such choices. India’s commitment to
     solar power in the world —another
                                                    global future—an investment that will           sector, both in terms of public transport                climate change will be marked not just in
     demonstration of its traditional skill at      bring returns not just in terms of climate      and in terms of individual mobility.                     the singular choices of its leaders, but in
     supply-side process innovation.                action, but in cold, hard cash. Green           Many Indians are yet to buy their first                  the many choices made by its citizens—
                                                    growth is still growth, and growth brings       car, and are not necessarily addicted                    for electrification, for energy efficiency,
     The renewable energy revolution in             opportunities for investors.                    to the conveniences of the internal                      and for responsible consumption. As has
     India was powered by the alignment of                                                          combustion engine. If they are presented                 been the case throughout its 75 years of
     several factors. First, there was clear        India’s ambition on renewables has              with attractive alternatives in terms                    freedom and development, India’s green
     political commitment that translated into      concealed the fact that similarly ambitious     of decarbonised and accessible public                    transformation will have to be led by the
     favourable and consistent policy. Second,      targets have been set and are being met         transport, or cheap and efficient zero-                  decisions of its people and by the energy
     there were clear co-benefits given that        in some other sectors as well. Consider         emissions personal vehicles, they may                    of its private sector.
     potential demand outstrips actual supply.      cooling, which is inextricably linked to the    never choose to buy a traditional car.
     Third, technological innovations and cost      housing sector as well as to agriculture        Thus, there is every chance that India’s
                                                                                                                                                                                    MIHIR SWARUP
     reductions could quickly be adopted and        through the construction of cold-chain          current rate of car ownership—of under                                          SHARMA
     adapted. And, fourth, global and domestic      networks. The India Cooling Action Plan,        25 for every 1,000 people—will not
                                                                                                                                                                                    is the Director Centre
     capital was incentivised to flow into the      launched in 2019iii by the Union Ministry       increase to levels seen in the West or                                          for Economy and
     sector. Commitment, co-benefits, cost,         of Environment, Forests and Climate             even China.                                                                     Growth Programme
                                                                                                                                                                                    at the Observer
     and capital are the four Cs of India’s         Change, plans to reduce cooling demand
                                                                                                                                                                                    Research Foundation.
     renewable      miracle.   India’s    success   across sectors by at least 20 per cent by
     in carving out a unique green growth           2037-38 and to reduce overall energy
     trajectory will depend on how effectively      requirements for cooling by at least 25 per
     the four Cs can be extended to cover           cent by 2037-38. Given that this comes at
     the greening of other sectors—from             a time when the relevant residential and
     mobility, to housing, to manufacturing, to     commercial sectors will expand manifold
     agriculture.                                   and temperatures will continue to rise,
                                                    this is exceptionally ambitious.
     Three of the four factors can be
     engineered      domestically—co-benefits,      Here, however, one advantage of being
     commitment, and cost. But capital will         a latecomer to the development race             i
                                                                                                          Press Release, "India achieves 100 GW Milestone of Installed Renewable Energy Capacity", Ministry
     require   closer    integration—financial,     becomes visible. By some estimates,                   of New and Renewable Energy,

     industrial, and technological—with the         almost three-fourths of the buildings that      ii
                                                                                                          Sudhir Singh, " India becomes lowest-cost producer of solar power," Economic Times, https://
     rest of the world. As Prime Minister           will stand in the India as of 2030 are yet

                                                                                                          India Cooling Action Plan, "India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP)", International Energy Agency, https://

20                                                                                                                                                                                                               21
contours      of     the    economy.       Green
                                                                                                                                                 technologies and business models are
                                                                                                                                                 set to unleash an unprecedented wave
                                                                                                                                                 of   disruption,     propelling      the   Indian
                                                                                                                                                 economy towards the Green Frontier.
                                                                                                                                                 In the last few years, there has been a
                                                                                                                                                 swift expansion of the green energy and
                                                                                                                                                 technology ecosystem in India—spread
                                                                                                                                                 across wind and solar power generation
                                                                                                                                                 firms, biofuel production, and electric
                                                                                                                                                 vehicle manufacturing. What was once

                                                                                                                                                 an aspiration has become a reality, as
                                                                                                                                                 countries around the world are beginning

                                                                                                                                                 to recognise India as an attractive
                                                                                                                                                 destination        for     renewable       energy

                                                                                                                                                 investment and are making substantial
                                                                                                                                                 investments in India’s green energy
                                                                                                                                                 system. Indeed, the Indian renewable
                                                                                                                                                 energy industry has rapidly increased
                                                                                                                                                 its capacity, at an annual growth rate of
                                                                                                                                                 17.5 percent between 2014 and 2019,
                                                                                                                                                 and increased the share of renewables in
     JAYANT SINHA                                                                                                                                India’s total energy mix from six percent to
                                                                                                                                                 10 percent. This growth was accompanied
                                                                                                                                                 by a sharp increase in investment in the

                 s     the     Indian    economy     The battle against climate change will     and inclusive future for its population of       sector, from both domestic and foreign
                 strides     towards    achieving    play a pivotal role in shaping India’s     1.38 billion people, India must integrate        players. Since 2014, the sector has
                 the     US$     5-trillion   goal   economic     trajectory.   Conventional    environmental      protection    into     the    received investments worth more than
                 in    the   next   decade,   the    development models—driven primarily        growth agenda. This entails embracing a          US$42 billion, and around US$7 billion in
     country must navigate through a host of         by unbridled industrialisation and rapid   development model in which the economy           foreign direct investment (FDI) between
     multidimensional challenges. Foremost           urbanisation—are no longer suitable        leapfrogs from “farm to Green Frontier”.         April 2000 and June 2018.i
     amongst these is the climate change             for the country’s economy. The standard
     crisis. India has a vast population, with the   development model, in which an economy     The onset of the Fourth Industrial               To be sure, substantial potential remains
     majority dependent on the agricultural          progresses from farm to factory, has       Revolution   presents     a     tremendous       untapped in the green economy. Global
     sector, making it especially vulnerable         become incompatible with India’s twin      opportunity for India to couple its              experience     suggests       that     long-term
     to the irreversible and catastrophic            goals of long-term sustainability and      economic     and   environmental        goals,   economic growth in the 21st century
     consequences of climate change.                 competitiveness. To create a sustainable   which will transform the fundamental             can only be sustained if policymakers

22                                                                                                                                                                                                   23
effectively leverage the linkages between         target for 2070 and propelling the levers        (2015), National Clean Air Programme                    Climate change is a global challenge
     technological    innovation      and     green    of development towards more green                (2019) and Jal Jeevan Mission (2019) are                that implicates everyone and requires
     growth. This can be accomplished by               and sustainable pathways. The country            important examples of frameworks that                   coordinated, multi-stakeholder action.
     focusing on two key policy levers: Market         has declared to increase its non-fossil          embed the principle of sustainability in the            India’s low-carbon growth pathway can
     creation and the mobilisation of green            energy capacity to 500 GW, bring its             domains of urban development, air quality               provide a new and unique model for
     finance.   As   shown    by      international    economy’s carbon intensity down to 45            and water management, respectively.                     the rest of the developing world. As the
     best practices, the green economic                per cent, and reduce 1 billion tonnes            Schemes such as the Ujjwala Yojana and                  third-largest greenhouse gas emitter,
     transformation of any region must be              of carbon emissions from the total               the Rural Electrification Programme, too,               the country’s climate action will play a
     a market-driven process, for which                projected emissions—all by 2030. The             are driving green technologies across                   crucial role in bolstering global efforts
     policymakers     must    unleash        market    capacity target for renewables has been          the country.                                            to combat the crisis. Thus, India’s green
     forces to incentivise investments for             increased from 175 GW to 228 GW by                                                                       transformation is critical not only to the
     building a low-carbon economy. It is also         2022, further committing to fulfil 50 per        The next decade will be decisive in                     Indian growth story but also to global
     imperative to dovetail the financial sector       cent of its energy requirement through           establishing         India’s      development           sustainability.
     with the national climate policy, to develop      renewable energy by 2030. By launching           pathway and with the right policies for
     sufficient financing capacity from private        the International Solar Alliance (ISA)           renewables, electric, mobility, carbon                                      JAYANT SINHA
     as well as public sources. At the same            in 2015 and the Coalition for Disaster
                                                                                                        trading systems and carbon taxes, better
                                                                                                                                                                                    is Member, Global
     time, to catalyse any economy’s green             Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) in 2019    iii
                                                                                                        outcomes can be achieved not only                                           Advisory Board,
     transformation, a conducive regulatory            and, most recently, the Infrastructure           across environmental but also economic                                      Observer Research
                                                                                                                                                                                    Foundation. He is
     environment for green innovation is a             for Resilient Island States (IRIS) in 2021,iv    indicators. Massive green investments
                                                                                                                                                                                    the Chairperson of
     necessary condition. Another crucial              India has successfully positioned itself         will lead to fast economic growth, lower                                    the Parliamentary
     policy lever is the creation of an effective      as an emerging leader in the domain of           energy imports, higher job creation, rise                                   Standing Committee
                                                                                                                                                                                    for Finance and a
     institutional   architecture     to    support    climate action. The Smart Cities Mission         in investment levels, and more lives saved                                  Member of Parliament
                                                                                                                                                                                    from Hazaribagh,

     green growth, the pillars of which would                                                           from air pollution. Careful planning must
     include legislative bodies, independent                                                            be undertaken to ensure the transition is
     monitoring      organisations,        dedicated                                                    just, fair and inclusive.
     funding agencies, academic institutions
     with major climate change research                The standard
     programmes, and intersectoral expert
                                                       development                                      Endnotes
                                                       models are no                                    i

                                                       longer compatible
     The Indian government’s commitment                                                                       Jayant Sinha, Tanushree Chandra, " Getting to the Green Frontier Faster: The Case for a Green
                                                                                                              Frontier SuperFund", Observer Research Foundation,
     to pursuing low-carbon development is                                                                    the-case-for-a-green-frontier-superfund/
     evident in its ambitious targets and path-        with India's goal of                             ii
                                                                                                              International Solar Alliance,
     breaking climate initiatives. The recently
                                                       sustainable Green                                iii
                                                                                                              Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure,
     concluded COP26 marks a momentous
     moment for India, with Prime Minister             Growth”                                          iv
                                                                                                              Press Release, "Launch of ‘Infrastructure for Resilient Island States’ (IRIS) at COP26", CDRI,
     Narendra Modi declaring a Net Zero                                                                       cop26

24                                                                                                                                                                                                             25
order was already struggling to manage.
                                                                                                                     That a transatlantic consensus would
                                                                                                                     provide     replicable    templates      for
                                                                                                                     governance around the world is no
                                                                                                                     longer a popular assumption, not even in
                                                                                                                     its Western core. These challenges do not
                                                                                                                     undermine the fundamental strengths
                                                                                                                     of   the   democratic    capitalist   model,
                                                                                                                     which continues to provide prosperity,
                                                                                                                     security and resilience, wherever it is
                                                                                                                     fully embraced and thoughtfully applied.
                                                                                                                     However, they do suggest that the model
                                                                                                                     requires new champions.

                                                                                                                     Few are as capable of or appropriate for
                                                                                                                     occupying this mantle as India. For all its

                                                                                                                     monumental challenges as a nation—its
                                                                                                                     multiple divisions, its colonial past, its
                                                                                                                     socialist legacy—the Republic of India
                                                                                                                     stands as a tribute to the emancipatory
                                                                                                                     potential of freedom and democracy.
                                                                                                                     Indeed, the coming decades will be
     THE RT. HON. STEPHEN J. HARPER                                                                                  shaped in no small part by the choices
                                                                                                                     India makes as it seeks to rise to its

     L                                                                                       “
                                                                                                                     “great-power” potential. This journey is
             ight illuminates; shadows define.   now more wealth and opportunity than                                taking place amidst a shift in the centre
             Amidst the gathering clouds of      ever before, but there is also growing                              of gravity of economic power from the
             global turbulence and disruption,   agitation from globalisation’s uneven                               Atlantic system to the Indo-Pacific region
             India’s rise as a self-defined      affects. Disruptions to economic norms      India has achieved      and during immense technological and
     democratic power holds great promise        and national identities have led to         a lot. Its 3000-year-   political transformations.

                                                                                             old civilisation has
     for the world order.                        politics becoming more fragmented and
                                                 polarised, while zero-sum behaviour by                              India’s rise is also set against the
     Even before the worldwide trauma            authoritarian regimes has weakened the      had wide culutral       backdrop of a bi-polar contest for global
     unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic,
     globalisation and rapid advances in
                                                 rules-based order.
                                                                                             impacts on all of       supremacy between China and the United
                                                                                                                     States (US), along with the increasing
     technology had already been reshaping       The pandemic has only strengthened the      humanity."              decoupling of their economic models.
     societies across the globe. There is        headwinds that the post-war international                           Most emerging economies have sought

26                                                                                                                                                                  27
to prioritise their own development in a        Jaishankar, has rightly highlighted that by       economic dynamism and mutual benefit            progress are incompatible with extreme
     multi-polar environment and to protect          2030, India’s human capital will be a key         will need to be pursued at the international    social diversity and high initial levels of
     themselves from the fallout of this             feature of its diplomacy. Yet more than           level. A well-articulated trade agenda          poverty. After Independence, India left
     strategic competition. However, the world       half of India’s workforce is still employed       is essential, which will advance India’s        behind the famines of the past. Since the
     is increasingly being pushed towards a          in the agricultural sector, which accounts        place in global supply chains and build         1990s, it has undertaken an economic
     real choice: Free markets governed by           for a mere 15 percent of the country’s            confidence in the country as a destination      transformation that is destined to achieve
     the rule of law and democratic norms vs.        gross domestic product. There is an               for investment. It must avoid both the          great heights. Now, should India make the
     a state-directed, neo-mercantilist model        urgent        requirement     for   long-term     pitfalls of export-oriented protectionism       right choices, it will discover the potential
     of trade, investment and debt. Countries        structural realignment—a generational             and the re-colonisation of Indian sectors.      of helping to lead the world to greater
     will invariably gravitate towards a rules-      transformation—to prepare this diverse            Doing this right will not only make India a     prosperity and peace.
     based world of free nations or a hub-and-       workforce for the new realities of the            truly wealthy country, but also enhance
     spokes global order with Beijing at its         Fourth Industrial Revolution.                     its global leadership and provide the
     centre.                                                                                           world with a stronger and more stable                               THE RT. HON.
                                                     Further, India will have to undertake             trading order.                                                      STEPHEN J. HARPER

     India did not need Chinese aggression in        substantial economic reforms to realise                                                                               is Canada’s 22nd
     Ladakh to demonstrate on which side of          its income goals. Harnessing technology           India has already achieved a lot. Its                               Prime Minister and
                                                                                                                                                                           Co-Chair of the
     these choices it should fall. The country       to overcome its rigid bureaucracy,                3,000-year-old civilisation has had wide                            Observer Research
     is, by its very nature, a deeply pluralistic    robust federal engagement with state              cultural impacts on all of humanity.                                Foundation’s Global
                                                                                                                                                                           Advisory Board.
     society that will naturally resist any          governments, more emphasis on the                 Modern India has put a lie to the notion that
     inclination to authoritarian governance.        private sector, and better governance of          democratic governance and economic
     It is also an inherently entrepreneurial        state institutions will be essential moving
     nation that has thrived when presented          forward. India’s recent policy innovations
     with the opportunities that democratic          towards economic formalisation, such as
     capitalism affords. Thus, as India emerges      the delivery of services through Aadhaar
     from its non-aligned legacy and becomes         and the introduction of the GST (Goods
     a real player in the international arena, its   and Services Tax), have been significant
     success will rest on the democratic model       steps    in    the   right   direction.   Early
     at home and appropriate partnerships            measures towards the privatisation of
     abroad. The bold policy directions of           key sectors are encouraging. Necessary
     Prime Minister Narendra Modi indicate           structural reform in agriculture is being
     a clear understanding of India’s growing        debated. Additionally, India must scale
     importance in the world, its needs and its      what is already the world’s third-largest
     potential.                                      start-up ecosystem.

     One of those needs is greater opportunities     Finally, at a time when nations are
     for the largest working-age population in       reasserting the primacy of their own
     the world. External Affairs Minister, Dr. S.    economic interests, an Indian agenda of

28                                                                                                                                                                                                     29
It was this ambitious statement of intent,
                                                                                                                                                  carrying an unusual blend of altruism and
                                                                                                                                                  pragmatism, that set the foundations of
                                                                                                                                                  modern India’s economic diplomacy. And
                                                                                                                                                  it worked. I saw this first-hand during my
                                                                                                                                                  extensive travels across Africa, hearing
                                                                                                                                                  stories of prime ministers and ministers
                                                                                                                                                  who had learned maths and science from
                                                                                                                                                  Indian teachers; of industrial estates
                                                                                                                                                  and agriculture schools set up by Indian
                                                                                                                                                  experts; of national defence colleges

                                                                                                                                                  established by the National Defence
                                                                                                                                                  College (NDC); of the vast numbers of

                                                                                                                                                  civil servants and technical personnel,
                                                                                                                                                  doctors and nurses, engineers and

                                                                                                                                                  scientists who had been trained in India
                                                                                                                                                  under the ITEC. From Addis Ababa and
                                                                                                                                                  Gaborone to Accra and Windhoek, the
                                                                                                                                                  goodwill towards India was palpable. The
                                                                                                                                                  country was considered a helpful and
                                                                                                                                                  trustworthy friend.

     NAVDEEP SURI                                                                                                                                 It felt good, but that was about it. Barring
                                                                                                                                                  a handful of honourable exceptions,
                                                                                                                                                  India’s aid programmes did not translate
                                                                                                                                                  into any distinct economic benefits for the

                 conomic diplomacy is broadly           and the United Nations Conference            was a newly independent and still            country. This started to change sometime
                 defined   as    the    aspect    of    on Trade and Development. Foreign            impoverished country announcing that         around 2005. India rolled out its first lines
                 diplomacy       that       focuses     assistance programmes were added as          it would now provide support to its even     of credit (LoCs) to Africa, with a modest
                 on     international     economic      an afterthought to the principal objective   poorer friends in Africa and Asia, arguing   sum of US$500 million. With soft interest
     relations. In the aftermath of World War           of pursuing commercial goals.                that, “it was necessary to establish         rates that included a grant element of
     II, this has usually meant promoting                                                            relations on mutual concern and inter-       about 30 percent backed by a sovereign
     national trade, investment and technology          However, India became something of           dependence based not only on commonly        guarantee, these LoCs became a catalyst
     interests through aggressive bilateral             an outlier in September 1964, when the       held ideals and aspirations but also on      for some of India’s leading companies
     negotiations and pushing the same                  Indian Union Cabinet decided to establish    solid economic foundations.”                 to crack the difficult markets of a
     interests     in   multilateral    institutions,   the Indian Technical and Economic
     such as the World Trade Organisation               Cooperation Programme (ITEC). India

30                                                                                                                                                                                                31
francophone Africa and to successfully          The dramatic expansion of India’s aid
     execute projects in countries across            programmes under the Development
     Asia and Africa. These projects cover           Partnership Administration within the
     key infrastructure sectors like transport       Ministry of External Affairs accompanied
     connectivity via railways, roads and            an equally vigorous push to the more
     ports; power generation and distribution;       ‘conventional’ aspects of commercial and
     manufacturing     industries;    and   even     multilateral economic diplomacy. India’s
     agriculture and irrigation. As a result,        diplomatic missions became actively
     ambitious but often delayed connectivity        engaged in organising trade shows and
     projects   in   India’s   neighbourhood—        “Make in India” events, pursuing market
     spanning road, rail and river transport         access and contesting non-tariff barriers;
     networks along with oil pipelines and           wooing MNCs, private equity firms and
     power      transmission       grids—finally     sovereign funds to invest in the country;
     started to take shape under the direct          and pursuing oil concessions and energy
     supervision of Prime Minister Modi.             security arrangements. India’s high-
                                                     profile participation in Dubai Expo 2020
     On the services side, India was building        and the imaginative manner in which the
     IT Centres for Excellence, leveraging its       India Pavilion has been used to project a
     satellite capabilities to offer education and   New India is an example. At the same time,
     health services through the e-VidyaBharti       by actively participating in multilateral
     e-ArogyaBharti programmes. The original         institutions, India is signalling its intent
     ITEC    programme     was    expanded     to    to be involved in defining the new rules of
     provide 12,000 fully funded training slots      the game, instead of remaining a passive
     in courses ranging from cybersecurity           spectator to rules framed by others.

     and climate change to entrepreneurship
     and education. The government also
     started to offer Buyer’s Credit to the tune
     of US $1 billion to encourage countries to
     purchase Indian products. Recognising           India is a veritable
     the importance of climate change, India
     not only took the lead in establishing
                                                     lighthouse of
     the International Solar Alliance but also       knowledge and
     agreed to provide an LoC of US$1.6              ideas, which can
     billion to fund solar energy projects in
     developing countries.
                                                     and will make a

32                                                                                                  33
Nevertheless, in the new decade, India            will be followed closely, not only by India’s   Energy Technicians, and for IndiaStack       country’s   formidable    strengths   and
     must    confront       fresh   challenges    in   competitors but also by its allies in the       to configure Aadhar-like solutions. There    resources. India is a veritable lighthouse
     the domain of economic diplomacy.                 developing world who count on India’s           are many more waiting in the winds, to       of knowledge and ideas, which can and
     Protectionist trends are on the rise,             advocacy to protect their own vital             take their ideas and expertise beyond        will make a difference.
     and there is a preference for bilateral           interests. The upcoming collaboration           India’s shores. Thus, India must now tell
     over multilateral trade arrangements.             between      the    Observer      Research      its own stories—of the school children in
     A growing anti-immigration sentiment              Foundation and India’s Foreign Service          Bangladesh, the amputees in Malawi, the
     in major Western countries poses new              Institute to design and run a programme         solar grandmothers from Kenya, the IT
     hurdles to labour mobility. With artificial       on new economic diplomacy signals the           graduates from Ghana, the nurses from
     intelligence,    the     Fourth     Industrial    growing importance of this emerging             Ethiopia and all the others whose lives
     Revolution, and 5G as the emerging                discipline. Over the years, it is expected      have been touched by its ideas and vision.                      AMB. NAVDEEP SURI
     backbone of economic growth, India                to build significant capacity amongst
                                                                                                                                                                       is Distinguished
     must retool some of its own economic              young Indian and foreign diplomats to           In this world of new economic diplomacy,
                                                                                                                                                                       Fellow at ORF
     diplomacy. If data is the new oil, clear          engage effectively with these issues in the     India matters. Instead of lamenting
     and transparent domestic laws and                 context of both bilateral and multilateral      about India’s inability to match Chinese
     institutions must be developed to inspire         platforms.                                      largesse, it is important to play to the
     confidence in India as a safe destination
     for data processing. If climate change            In this new economic diplomacy, it is
     becomes     an   existential      matter    and   important to look beyond government
     pandemics such as COVID-19 threaten               actors alone. Some of the best talent
     to send the entire global economy                 lies in the exceptional work being done
     into a tailspin, India must lead the              by India’s leading NGOs in areas such
     conversations on subjects ranging from            as education, healthcare and financial
     resilient infrastructure to global health.        inclusion. Some of the brightest ideas in
     It’s active participation in the Quad             these areas come from the numerous
     alongside the US, Japan and Australia             social   entrepreneurs     and    start-ups
     will play a key role in addressing issues         that have taken upon themselves the
     of climate change and vaccine production          challenge of disrupting business-as-
     as also in the quest for critical minerals,       usual. Many have developed education,
     cybersecurity, supply chain resilience,           healthcare, financial inclusion, and other
     adoption of 5G and other technologies             models that can be scaled up and adapted
     from trustworthy sources, and a host of           for other developing countries. Cases
     other emerging challenges.                        in point include the growing demand in
                                                       several countries for the Pratham model
     The positions taken by India on these and         of primary school education, the Jaipur
     other new areas of economic diplomacy             foot, the Barefoot College of Women Solar

34                                                                                                                                                                                               35
economic competitiveness at the macro-
                                                                                                                          scale is also ample.

                                                                                                                          However, the vision of growth as the
                                                                                                                          sole parameter of development has
                                                                                                                          been       challenged    globally    for     over
                                                                                                                          half a century, with the challenge
                                                                                                                          becoming       more      prominent       recently
                                                                                                                          with development being viewed through
                                                                                                                          the    Sustainable      Development        Goals’
                                                                                                                          (SDG) lens. To a large extent, SDGs find

     TOWARDS A                                                                                                            a theoretical underpinning in Mohan
                                                                                                                          Munasinghe’s         sustainomicsii,       which

     10-TRILLION-DOLLAR                                                                                                   talks of a transdisciplinary knowledge
                                                                                                                          base       combining      economic,        social

     INDIAN ECONOMY BASED                                                                                                 and environmental goals. This also
                                                                                                                          presents itself as reconciling between

     ON THE SDG AGENDA                                                                                                    the    irreconcilable     trinity   of
                                                                                                                          efficiency, and sustainability dimensions

                                                                                                                          of development. Much in contrary to
                                                                                                                          this global policy and academic thinking,
                                                                                                                          the Indian “growth-fetishism” has led
     NILANJAN GHOSH                                                                                                       to a development paradigm that has

                                                                                                                          often witnessed a compromise with

                                                                                                                          the concerns of equity and distributive
              he Indian development story,       were witnessed in large-scale land-                                      justice,     apart      from   environmental
              especially over the last three     use changes for linear infrastructure,                                   sustainability. The sheer paucity of
              decades      since      economic   agriculture,     industry,    and      urban     India should            social security to provide a cushion
              liberalisation,   has   focussed
     on economic growth only with scant
                                                 settlements; dam constructions impeding
                                                 over the natural hydrological flows, and
                                                                                                  present itself as       during crisis was evidenced during
                                                                                                                          the economic lockdown of 2020 in the
     recognition of the costs of growth. While   the like. These have also been associated        a more equitable        wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which
     growth entailed creation of new capital     with social costs of rehabilitation or lack
                                                                                                  green economy by        clearly revealed the anguishes of the
     through large capital expenditures, in      of rehabilitation leading to conflicts. Yet,                             country’s migrant labour, the micro and
     most cases, the costs imposed on the        there is no denying the critical role physical   reconciling between     small enterprises, and the poor. It was
     society and natural ecosystem have          capital plays in promoting economic              equality, efficiency,   apparent that the social cushioning to
     been so overwhelming that they have
     raised questions on the efficacy of such
                                                 growth, while the empirical evidencei
                                                 of physical infrastructure enhancing
                                                                                                  & sustainability”       the poor and vulnerable has been, so far,
                                                                                                                          provided by the market forces, thereby,
     investments! Such capital expenditures      the overall business environment and                                     highlighting the failure of policy-driven

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