Association between ultraprocessed food intake and cardiovascular health in US adults: a cross-sectional analysis of the NHANES 2011-2016

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Association between ultraprocessed food intake and cardiovascular
health in US adults: a cross-sectional analysis of the NHANES
Zefeng Zhang,1 Sandra L Jackson,1 Euridice Martinez,2,3 Cathleen Gillespie,1 and Quanhe Yang1
1 Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA; 2 Department of Nutrition, School of Public

Health, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; and 3 Center for Epidemiological Studies in Health and Nutrition, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

ABSTRACT                                                                          Introduction
Background: Higher intake of ultraprocessed foods (UPFs) might                       Ultraprocessed foods (UPFs), as defined by the NOVA
be associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
                                                                                  food classification system, are formulations of macronutrients
Objectives: Our objective was to examine the association between
                                                                                  (starches, sugars, fats, and protein isolates) with little, if any,
usual percentage of calories (%kcal) from UPFs and the American
                                                                                  whole food and often with added flavors, colors, emulsifiers,
Heart Association’s “Life’s Simple 7” cardiovascular health (CVH)
                                                                                  and other cosmetic additives (1). Examples of UPFs include
metrics in US adults.
                                                                                  soft drinks, packaged salty snacks, cookies and cakes, processed
Methods: We analyzed data from 11,246 adults aged ≥20 y from the
                                                                                  meats, chicken nuggets, and powdered and packaged instant
NHANES 2011–2016 (a cross-sectional, nationally representative
                                                                                  soups. UPFs are typically energy-dense products, high in calories,
survey). UPF designation was assigned on the basis of the NOVA
classification system, according to the extent and purpose of food
                                                                                  added sugar, unhealthy fats, and salt, and low in dietary fiber,
processing. Each CVH metric was given a score of 0, 1, or 2                       protein, vitamins, and minerals. The level of consumption is
representing poor, intermediate, or ideal health, respectively. Scores            generally high in high-income countries and is increasing in low-
of the 6 metrics (excluding diet) were summed, and CVH was                        and middle-income countries (2). Researchers have shown that
categorized as inadequate (0–4), average (5–8), or optimum (9–12).                high intake of UPFs is associated with overweight (3, 4), obesity
We used the National Cancer Institute’s methods to estimate the
usual %kcal from UPFs, and multivariable linear and multinomial
logistic regression to assess the association between UPFs and CVH,
                                                                                     The authors reported no funding received for this study.
adjusted for age, sex, race and Hispanic origin, education, and                      The findings and conclusions expressed in this article are those of the
poverty.                                                                          authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the CDC or
Results: The weighted prevalence of inadequate, average, and                      the US Department of Health and Human Services. No private sponsor had
optimum CVH was 8.0%, 51.7%, and 40.3%, respectively. The mean                    any role in the study design, data collection, analysis, or interpretation of data,
usual %kcal from UPFs was 55.4%, and midpoint of quartiles of                     writing the report, or the decision to submit the manuscript.
intake ranged from 40.4% (quartile 1) to 70.5% (quartile 4). Every                   Data described in the manuscript, code book, and analytic code will be
5% increase in calories from UPFs was associated with 0.14 points                 made available pending e-mail request to the corresponding author.
lower CVH score (P < 0.001). The adjusted ORs for inadequate CVH                     Supplemental Tables 1–5 and Supplemental Figure 1 are available from the
were 1.40 (95% CI: 1.23, 1.60), 1.82 (1.45, 2.29), and 2.57 (1.79,                “Supplementary data” link in the online posting of the article and from the
                                                                                  same link in the online table of contents at
3.70), respectively, comparing quartiles 2, 3, and 4 with quartile 1 of
                                                                                     Address correspondence to ZZ (e-mail:
UPF intake. The pattern of association was largely consistent across                 Abbreviations used: AHA, American Heart Association; CVD, cardio-
subgroups.                                                                        vascular disease; CVH, cardiovascular health; FDR, false discovery rate;
Conclusions: Usual %kcal from UPFs represented more than half                     FNDDS, Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies; HbA1c, glycated
of total calorie intake in US adults. A graded inverse association                hemoglobin; HEI-2010, Healthy Eating Index 2010; NCHS, National Center
between %kcal from UPFs and CVH was observed.              Am J Clin              for Health Statistics; NCI, National Cancer Institute; PIR, poverty-to-income
Nutr 2021;113:428–436.                                                            ratio; UPF, ultraprocessed food; %kcal, percentage of calories.
                                                                                     Received June 18, 2020. Accepted for publication September 4, 2020.
Keywords: ultraprocessed foods, usual percentage of calories,                        First published online October 6, 2020; doi:
cardiovascular health, NHANES, odds ratio
428                                              Am J Clin Nutr 2021;113:428–436. Printed in USA. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the
American Society for Nutrition 2020. This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.
Ultraprocessed foods and cardiovascular health                                        429
(3–6), dyslipidemia (7), hypertension (8), metabolic syndrome          FNDDS (USDA SR) (24). The detailed procedures to classify
(9, 10), type 2 diabetes (11), cancer (12), cardiovascular disease     food items according to NOVA (25) and estimate NOVA calorie
(CVD) incidence (13), and all-cause mortality (14–16).                 contributions have been described in detail elsewhere (5, 25). Our
   The American Heart Association’s (AHA’s) “Life’s Simple             analyses focused on UPFs.
7” includes 7 cardiovascular health (CVH) metrics (i.e., BMI,             We used a method developed by the National Cancer Institute
smoking, physical activity, dietary intake, total cholesterol, blood   (NCI) to estimate the usual %kcal from UPFs, accounting for
pressure, and fasting glucose) (17, 18). The presence of a higher      between- and within-person variation in intake (26). This method
number of ideal CVH metrics is associated with a graded and            allowed us to estimate the distribution of the usual %kcal from
significantly lower risk of CVD incidence and mortality (19–22).       UPFs in our study population (27) and to examine the nutrient
Although a few studies (3–11) have examined the association            disease association corrected for measurement error, also known
between UPFs and individual cardiovascular risk factors, none          as the regression calibration, a statistical method for adjusting
have assessed the association between UPFs and the AHA’s               point and interval estimates of effect from the regression models
CVH metrics. Given the potential role that UPFs have on                for bias from measurement error (28, 29).
several individual cardiovascular risk factors, we hypothesized           The NCI method requires that at least some respondents

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that intake of UPFs is associated with reduced CVH. In this study,     have multiple days of nutrient values to estimate the between-
we examined the association between usual percentage of total          and within-person variations. The estimate of usual intake
daily calories (%kcal) from UPFs and CVH by using data from            distribution was adjusted for age in years, sex, race and Hispanic
nationally representative samples of US adults.                        origin, the first- or second-day dietary recalls (all participants
                                                                       had a first-day, and 87.7% had a second-day dietary recall), and
                                                                       the day of the week when 24-h recall was collected [weekday
Methods                                                                (Monday–Thursday) compared with weekend (Friday–Sunday)].

Data source and participants
                                                                       CVH metrics
   NHANES is a large, multistage, complex survey of the civilian,
noninstitutionalized US population conducted by the National              CVH metrics were based on the “Life’s Simple 7” metrics
Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), CDC. Detailed descriptions        developed by the AHA, which included smoking, physical
of NHANES methods are published elsewhere (23). Briefly, a             activity, healthy dietary scores, BMI, total cholesterol, blood
stratified, multistage probability cluster sampling design was         pressure, and fasting plasma glucose (17, 18). The definitions
used to collect health and nutritional data from a representative      of ideal, intermediate, and poor CVH metrics for adults are
sample of the US population. During the 2011–2016 NHANES               presented in Supplemental Table 1. In the main analysis of
cycles, 17,048 participants aged ≥20 y were interviewed; of            the current study, the dietary score was not included. Fasting
those, 14,865 had a complete and reliable first 24-h dietary           plasma glucose was available for 48.4% of participants because
recall. We sequentially excluded 174 pregnant women, 2514              NHANES only collected fasting blood samples in half of
participants who had history of CVD (defined as having coronary        the participants. Instead, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) was
heart disease, heart attack, angina, or stroke, n = 1406) or cancer    measured in almost all participants. To maximize the sample
(n = 1108), and 931 participants who had missing information           size, we used HbA1c values
430                                                            Zhang et al.

score of 0, 1, or 2 to represent poor, intermediate, or ideal          the noninstitutionalized US population and account for sampling
health, respectively. On the basis of the sum of 6 components          probability and nonresponse. Statistical analyses were performed
(diet component was not included because UPFs were derived             using SUDAAN version 11 (RTI International) accounting for the
from dietary data), an overall score ranging from 0 to 12 was          complex sampling design. All tests of statistical significance were
categorized as inadequate (0–4), average (5–8), or optimum (9–         2-tailed, and a P value
Ultraprocessed foods and cardiovascular health                                            431
TABLE 1 Comparison of selected characteristics by cardiovascular health metric categories in US adults aged ≥20 y, NHANES 2011–20161

                                                 Overall             CVH score 0–4            CVH score 5–8            CVH score 9–12    P value
Characteristics                               (n = 11,246)            (n = 1064)               (n = 6089)                (n = 4093)     for trend2
Age, y (mean ± SE)                            44.6 ± 0.38              53.7 ± 0.40              48.4 ± 0.38              38.0 ± 0.50
432                                                                                       Zhang et al.

                                         9                                                                                                                       2

                                                                                                                                                                      Difference in CVH Scores (95% CI)
       Distribution of % kcal from UPF




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                                         0                                                                                                                       -2
                                             22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82
                                                                                   Usual %kcal from UPF
  FIGURE 1 Distributions of usual %kcal from UPFs and adjusted differences in CVH scores (40.4% as reference), US adults (n = 11,246), NHANES
2011–2016. Multivariable linear regression models were used to estimate the adjusted differences in CVH scores and corresponding 95% CI, and were adjusted
by age, sex, race and Hispanic origin, education, and poverty-to-income ratio. CVH, cardiovascular health (excluding diet component); UPF, ultraprocessed
food; %kcal, percentage of calories.

that high consumption of UPFs is associated with increased                                         both are associated with greater consumption of added sugar
CVD incidence and early death from all-cause mortality (13–                                        and UPF consumption has been shown to be associated with
16). One recent randomized controlled crossover trial observed                                     added sugar (25), but we would not have captured this association
that participants had higher energy intake and weight gain                                         because our measure only captured total cholesterol and self-
during a UPF diet, whereas they lost weight when consuming                                         reported high cholesterol. In addition, reverse causality might
a nonultraprocessed diet (35). Our analyses showed a graded                                        explain the negative relation between UPF consumption and total
inverse association between %kcal from UPFs and CVH. Many                                          cholesterol. People who develop hyperlipidemia might improve
high-cholesterol foods (eggs, cheese, beef, shellfish, etc.) are not                               their diet and reduce UPF consumption.
classified as UPFs, which could explain the negative association                                      Several mechanisms have been suggested for the association
between UPFs and cholesterol. Further, people consuming a high-                                    between UPFs and CVD risk factors. UPFs are typically high
UPF diet can have lower HDLs and higher triglycerides, because                                     in sugar, sodium, and trans and saturated fats, and are energy

TABLE 2 ORs and 95% CIs for cardiovascular health metrics associated with UPFs: US adults, NHANES 2011–20161

                                                                                   Quartiles of usual percentage of calories from UPFs (n = 11,246)

                                                                            Q1                       Q2                      Q3                       Q4                                 P value3
Midpoint and range of usual percentage of                                   40.4%                  51.2%                  59.5%                  70.5%
  calories from UPFs                                                    (26.1–46.6%)            (46.7–55.3%)           (55.4–64.2%)           (64.3–86.0%)
Health metrics
  Age, sex, and race and Hispanic origin adjusted
    Average CVH vs. optimum                                                 1.00               1.43 (1.32, 1.55)      1.89 (1.64, 2.17)      2.72 (2.18, 3.39)
Ultraprocessed foods and cardiovascular health                                                  433

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   FIGURE 2 Adjusted ORs (95% CI) for poor or intermediate CVH of each individual CVH metric associated with usual %kcal from UPFs, US adults
(n = 11,246), NHANES 2011–2016. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to estimate ORs and corresponding 95% CIs, and were adjusted by
age, sex, race and Hispanic origin, education, and poverty-to-income ratio. The midpoints (range) of usual %kcal from UPFs were 40.4% (26.1–46.6%),
51.2% (46.7–55.3%), 59.5% (55.4–64.2%), and 70.5% (64.3–86.0%) for quartiles 1–4, respectively. CVH, cardiovascular health (excluding diet component);
Q, quartile; UPF, ultraprocessed food; %kcal, percentage of calories.

dense (1). First, studies have shown that increased intakes of               in sodium is associated with high blood pressure (39, 40), and
high-sugar foods—sugar-sweetened beverages and foods having                  trans and saturated fat consumption has been associated with
high-energy density—were associated with obesity, metabolic                  increased risk of CVD (41–43). Second, high-intensity flavoring
syndrome, and diabetes (36–38). Consumption of a diet high                   makes ultraprocessed products extremely palatable, which can
434                                                                    Zhang et al.

TABLE 3 Adjusted ORs and 95% CIs for CVH metrics associated with UPFs by selected subgroups: US adults, NHANES 2011–20161

                                                        Quartiles of usual percentage of calories from UPFs2 (n = 11,246)
                                                   Q1                       Q2                     Q3                       Q4               P value3
Midpoint and range of usual                      40.4%                 51.2% (46.7–55.3%)    59.5% (55.4–64.2%)     70.5% (64.3–86.0%)
  percentage of calories from UPFs            (26.1–46.6%)
Age 20–44 y (n = 5591)
  Inadequate CVH vs. optimum                       1.00                  1.28 (1.02, 1.60)     1.54 (1.03, 2.30)      1.97 (1.05, 3.70)        0.054
  Average CVH vs. optimum                          1.00                  1.32 (1.19, 1.47)     1.64 (1.36, 1.96)      2.17 (1.63, 2.89)
Ultraprocessed foods and cardiovascular health                                                      435
supersede natural satiety mechanisms (44), so people might eat          help inform the public about healthier eating patterns, which are
more of these foods, even when they are no longer hungry. In            recommended to improve CVH (37).
addition, because UPFs often lack fiber (1), these foods might
                                                                            Data collection was sponsored by the CDC.
not make people feel as full as less processed foods would (45). In
                                                                            The authors’ responsibilities were as follows—ZZ: planned data analyses
these ways, ultraprocessed products can facilitate overeating and       and drafted the manuscript; SLJ, EM, CG, QY: contributed to study planning,
high glycemic loads. Furthermore, adverse effects of chemical           analysis, and manuscript development; ZZ, QY: conducted data analysis; and
additives on CVD have been suggested in experimental studies            all authors: read and approved the final manuscript. The authors report no
on animal or cellular models. For example, high oral doses              conflicts of interest.
of sulfites can cause damage to rat hearts (46); doses of
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