Automating Finance & Accounting How robotic process automation (RPA) will transform F&A

Page created by Esther Johnson
Automating Finance & Accounting How robotic process automation (RPA) will transform F&A
Automating Finance
& Accounting
How robotic process
automation (RPA) will
transform F&A
Automating Finance & Accounting How robotic process automation (RPA) will transform F&A

Picking Processes and People
With the use of RPA, for the first time, accounting
departments can reliably automate many of the
processes they were previously unable to.

         The fitness criteria for choosing
         which processes to automate are:

         It must be a highly manual, repetitive
         and high volume process

         It must be a rule-based process
                                                      One of the key considerations    additional time delivers         from managing people to
         It must have a low exception rate            is variation. For example, if    value. This is where the role    driving higher value activities
         (low variation between processes)            90% of your transactions can     of humans alongside RPA          from their staff, including
                                                      be mapped in ten steps, but      will change. As robots take      exceptions and decisions that
                                                      10% require an additional        over the routine, repetitive     require human intervention,
         The inputs must be electronic or             two steps to be completed        transactional processing         while the orchestration
         machine readable                             after step three, this becomes   tasks, finance and accounting    engine oversees operational
                                                      an exception to the rule that    professionals will be expected   performance. Finance and
                                                      needs to be managed. Here,       to become expert exception       Accounting professionals
         The processes and their underlying           exception paths need to be       handlers. They will need         will move away from data
         Applications must be stable                  built into the workflow to       to perform the complex,          gathering, data entry and
                                                      manage the variation. While      judgement-based, transactions    book-keeping and instead
                                                      these processes can also         that the robots are not able     take on more advisory roles
                                                      be automated, it will take       to perform.                      where their judgement and
                                                      time to build workflows                                           consultative skills will see
                                                      into the robotic process, so     The role of managers in          them become business
                                                      the business has to make a       accounting departments           partners.
                                                      decision as to whether the       of the future will move away

UIPAT H.CO M | AUTO MATION F I RST ERA                                                                                                                    7

Finance and Accounting
process automation entry points
Here, we’ve picked out a list of the processes in finance and accounting that are highly suited to RPA. Though the listing is not
comprehensive, it provides a good suggestion of F&A sub-processes that can be explored by any organization that is embarking
into driving RPA-led digital transformation of its F&A function.

Procure                                  Accounts                          General                            Tax, treasury                        Financial planning,
to Pay                                   Receivable                        accounting                         and compliance                       analysis and reporting

Purchase order entry and delivery        Sales order entry                 General ledger and subledger       Data aggregation for tax liability   Data aggregation for reports
Vendor verification and setup            Customer data set up              reconciliations                    Convert data to tax basis            Report preparation
                                                                           Bank reconciliations                                                    (including the below)
Vendor master-data management            Customer data management                                             Complete tax return workbooks
                                                                           Inter-company reconciliations
                                                                                                                                                   n   Trial balance and balance sheet
Vendor queries/helpdesk                  Billing/invoicing                                                    Prepare tax returns
                                                                           Manual journal entries                                                  n   Profit and loss
Invoice receipt and classification       Collection activities (dunning)                                      File tax returns and payments
                                                                           Reclassification journal entries                                        n   Cashflow
Invoice data extraction                  Cash application                                                     Tax accounting entries
Invoice data entry and interface         Credit risk management            Fixed asset accounting                                                  n   Variance analysis

Two and three-way purchase               Dispute verification and          Inter-company settlements                                               n   Management reports
order/invoice/                           resolution                        Financial close activities                                              n   Statutory/regulatory reports
receipt matching                         Chargeback management
Non-purchase-order invoice
Vendor statement reconciliation
Accounts payable accrual
journal entry
Expense compliance audit
Payment processing

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Considerations for automation                                                 The results of RPA can be dramatic
A great place to start if you’re         periodic and event-driven
                                         activities. Here, the best way       Process                  Client                      % of Robotization   Benefits
considering using RPA is to start
by automating straightforward            to automate general accounting
                                                                                                                                                       8 months ROI
processes such as invoice data           processes is to take a more agile    Purchase order entry     Global automotive                 100%          100% accuracy rate
                                                                              automation               supplier, Germany
entry and cash applications.             and iterative approach to realize                                                                             78% improved processing time
These are best suited to carry           the most value from automating
                                         the process effectively.                                                                                      3 months ROI
out proof-of-concept studies
                                                                                                       Media company,                                  100% reduction in manual
before beginning your RPA                                                     Credit note processing                                     100%
                                                                                                       Switzerland                                     effort and accuracy
journey. You can follow this             Another consideration to                                                                                      60% improved processing time
with other processes such as             make for general accounting
                                         activities, such as manual                                                                                    15% manual effort reduction
billing and invoicing, as well                                                Travel and expense       Consumer goods                    100%          75% improved processing time
as customer and vendor data              journal entries, is to use           report processing        company, Germany
                                                                                                                                                       100% accuracy
set-ups.                                 attended rather than
                                         unattended automation as             Accounts payable:                                                        2 months ROI
Moving on to general                     these processes could require        Three-way matching                                         100%          90% improved processing time
                                                                                                       company, Switzerland
                                                                              automation                                                               10% manual effort reduction
accounting processes, these              the need for expert judgement
are often fragmented as a result         or a customized computation                                                                                   15% manual effort reduction
                                                                              Travel and expense       Consumer goods
of being been generated from             specific to the event or scenario.   report processing        company, Germany                  100%          75% improved processing time
                                                                                                                                                       100% accuracy

                                                                              GRN-to-Invoice match     Building materials                              100% compliance on TAT SLA
                                                                              and release hold         supplier, UK                                    54% FTE reduction

                                                                              Automate vendor                                                          70% productivity improvement
                                                                                                       Global property insurer            —
            The best way to automate general                                  payments                                                                 50% operations cost reduction
            accounting processes is to take a                                                                                                          3 months ROI
            more agile and iterative approach to                              Invoicing/billing        HR service provider,              70%
                                                                                                                                                       10% manual effort reduction
            realize the most value from automating                            automation               Germany                                         75% faster processing
                                                                                                                                                       60% cost reduction
            the process effectively.
                                                                                                                                                       100% accuracy
                                                                              Cash application         Retail company, India             100%
                                                                                                                                                       80% volume automated

                                                                                                                                                       5 months ROI
                                                                                                       Accounting services                             25% manual effort reduction
                                                                              Month-end accounting                                       75%
                                                                                                       provider, Germany                               65% improed processing time
                                                                                                                                                       100% accuracy

                                                                                                                                                       67% improved processing time
                                                                              Daily P&L reports        Global financial services         100%          Faster/earlier report delivery
                                                                              generation               company
                                                                                                                                                       100% reporting accuracy

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