Aviation Industry is No stranger to an Interdependent global society

Page created by Johnnie Holland
Aviation Industry is No stranger to an Interdependent global society

                                                                                             B Y  J A S O N D I C K S T E I N
                                                                                             AEA GENERAL COUNSEL

       aviation Industry is No stranger to
       an Interdependent global society
             ecent economic events have           Thus, it is with some joy international         But perhaps the reports are not
             reinforced the homily that           economists receive the news from             fully accounting for trade inhibitions;
             we live in a global economy.         a recent World Trade Organization/           perhaps protectionism is simply tak-
      Cascading bank and securities fail-         Organization of Economic                     ing another form. Trade limits can
      ures resonating across the globe have       Cooperation and Development/United           be overt. For example, Brazil has
      shown how interdependent the econ-          Nations Conference on Trade and              published a list of 102 target United
      omies of the world have become.             Development report on protectionist          States goods, upon which it intends
         The aviation industry is no stranger     measures.                                    to levy punitive tariffs as punish-
      to globalization. Aviation is one of           The joint WTO/OECD/UNCTAD                 ment for U.S. non-compliance with a
      the prime instrumentalities of glo-         report concluded that fears of ram-          WTO ruling concerning U.S. cotton
      balization. Since 2001, the air cargo       pant protectionism were misplaced.           subsidies. The list is made up mostly
      industry has hauled 326.1 million tons
      of goods valued at $437 billion. Last
      year alone, in a depressed economy,                       Since 2001, the air cargo industry
      the air cargo industry still was respon-
      sible for the carriage of 36 million
                                                                has hauled 326.1 million tons of goods
      tons of goods valued at $49 billion.                      valued at $437 billion.
      During the past five years (2005-
      2009), this has totaled 195.7 million
      tons of goods valued at $273 billion.       According to the report, new import          of consumer goods and automobile
         During times of global recession,        restricting measures by the G20              engines, so AEA members should
      economists often fear protectionist         nations cover around .7 percent              be largely unaffected, although
      reactions. Protectionism shields local      of G20 imports. These numbers                headphone tariffs increase from 20
      economies, but inhibits the global          are down from 1.3 percent of G20             percent to 40 percent. However, trade
      interactions helping to facilitate inter-   imports from the period of October           limits can be more subtle.
      national trade. Of course, those same       2008 to October 2009, which is the              Countries can take “safety-related”
      interactions also facilitate interna-       last time a similar report was issued.       actions that effectively inhibit trade,
      tional interdependence, which leads         The report also indicates nearly half of     but are not recognized as protection-
      to international cascading failures         these import restrictions were related       ist measures because of the claim
      when one large economy is in trouble.       to fuel.                                     of a safety basis. Technical barriers

 64     avionics news   •   may   2010
The predicted compromise would permit the U.S. to enter
                         into bilateral agreements with other governments, such as
                         the current maintenance implementation procedures, and
                       to rely on audits conducted under those bilateral agreements
                                         in lieu of live audits by U.S. inspectors.

like this are largely prohibited under       port its program, the FAA would             everyone. The U.S./European Union
the Agreement on Trade in Civil              have to add inspectors to its inter-        bilateral agreement still remains
Aircraft, but they are permitted when        national field offices to be able to        unimplemented, and while the
they relate (or are alleged to relate)       support the twice yearly audits for         U.S. currently has bilateral agree-
to safety.                                   the roughly 500 “foreign” repair            ments with 13 of the 27 EU nations
                                             stations holding FAA repair station         (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic,
U.S. Initiative Impacting                    certificates. With no additional fund-      Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Maintenance Globalization                    ing being provided to support this          Italy, the Netherlands, Poland,
   As I was writing this column,             burden, the FAA would either have to        Romania, Spain, Sweden, and the
Congress was considering an FAA              tax the repair stations to pay for the      UK), there are only three countries
Reauthorization Bill that would              additional costs (an option permitted       with MIPs in Europe: France, Ireland
impose new burdens on repair sta-            under the current FAA regulations)          and Germany. Repair stations in
tions outside the United States that         or it would have to cut back on the         other EU nations likely would need
want to hold U.S. FAA repair sta-            total number of extraterritorial repair     to be subject to the U.S. FAA audits
tion certificates to work on U.S.-           station certificates it issues to a limit   unless the U.S.-EU agreement is
registered aircraft.                         that can be fully supported by the          implemented. And repair stations in
   The proposed legislation would            existing staff.                             nations that do not have MIPs with
require two audits a year to be con-            Government is the art of the pos-        the U.S. would have no recourse but
ducted by FAA inspectors. Failure            sible, and the U.S. already seems           to submit to the audits or lose their
to obtain such inspections would             to have identified the compromise           FAA certificates.
mean the non-U.S. repair station             solution it likely will implement. The         Repair stations in countries like
would lose its FAA credentials and           predicted compromise would permit           Canada could be affected unless
would be unable to maintain or alter         the U.S. to enter into bilateral agree-     the language of the bill is changed
U.S.-registered aircraft (or the parts       ments with other governments, such          to preserve the current relationship
removed from such aircraft). It is           as the current maintenance imple-           between the U.S. and Canada (or
not the fact of the inspections that         mentation procedures, and to rely on        unless it is redrafted to meet the
entails the greatest burden; it is the       audits conducted under those bilat-         new statutory requirements). In
lack of resources for supporting these       eral agreements in lieu of live audits      fact, the current language of the bill
inspections that causes a problem.           by U.S. inspectors.
   Already strapped for cash to sup-            But this solution does not help                        Continued on following page

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Legal ease                                the globalization equation — not even       the regulated organization should
 Continued from page 65                    the U.S. aviation safety component of       develop a formal process to identify
                                           the equation.                               the causes of substandard performance
 addressing “non-certificated mainte-                                                  of the SMS, determine the implications
 nance organizations” would preclude       Implementation of Safety                    of substandard performance of the
 Canadian repair stations from per-        Management Systems                          SMS in operations, and eliminate or
 forming work because they are not            The FAA has been promoting the           mitigate such causes. It is envisioned
 Part 145 organizations (they are 571      idea of safety management systems.          as continuous improvements aimed
 organizations).                           SMS is an ICAO mandate and some-            at those elements of the program the
     This FAA inspection burden likely     thing the civil aviation authorities of     safety policy identifies as being sub-
 would be implemented shortly after        the world have been directed to incor-      standard.
 the new TSA rule, which would             porate into their regulations. In the          Contrast this with the FAA’s SMS
 require initial auditing of repair sta-   United States, the momentum of the          order, which talks about a continual
 tions’ security programs. This rule       SMS movement is making it appear            improvement to the level of safety.
 would permit periodic inspections,        as though we must adopt some sort of        Under the ICAO plan, continual
 but it does not set a schedule or         SMS regulation to avoid being subject       improvement to the level of safety is
 minimum frequency for such audits.        to disparate SMS standards from each        a government obligation under the
 Together, the programs likely would       of the foreign markets our businesses       government’s state safety program, not
 require about three audits each year      affect — which could impede the abil-       a private industry obligation under the
 of non-U.S. repair stations by U.S.       ity of U.S. repair stations to provide      SMS. Under the ICAO-recommended
 inspectors.                               maintenance to customers from outside       paradigm, the FAA should be responsi-
     What would be the likely impact?      the United States.                          ble for periodically raising the bar. But
 Some non-U.S. repair stations prob-          As ICAO envisions it, SMS would          such bar-raising activities are accom-
 ably would decide an FAA certificate      be imposed on repair stations, air          plished through normal rulemaking
 is not worth the burden and would         carriers and manufacturers. At a para-      activities that guarantee a level of due
 surrender their credentials. Others       digm level, SMS resembles a quality         process in accordance with traditional
 probably would incur significant          management system with a few addi-          legal norms.
 expenses to submit to the additional      tional features. The additional features       By shifting the burden to raise the
 audits. The European Parliament and       include collection of data to support       level of safety to make it an obligation
 EASA already have plans to impose         safety risk analysis, risk-based analysis   of the regulated industry, the FAA cre-
 reciprocal auditing burdens on U.S.       of the safety data, proactive identifica-   ates the potential for a regulatory sys-
 repair stations holding European cer-     tion of potential hazards, and a plan       tem that violates due process standards
 tificates, to the extent necessary to     for mitigating or remedying identified      by imposing changing safety standards
 mirror the U.S. burdens imposed on        hazards.                                    without the formalities of rulemaking,
 European repair stations.                    The FAA’s suggested implementa-          and equal protection standards because
     The timing of these U.S. efforts is   tion of SMS was published in FAA            companies are required to improve, so
 ironic, in that the International Civil   Order 8000.367. It is meant to serve        they must meet ever-higher standards
 Aviation Organization is considering      as the template for SMS in the United       unique to each company and inconsis-
 proposals calling for recognition of      States. But the U.S. template diverges      tent across the industry.
 foreign repair station certificates at    in subtle, yet critical ways from the          It is subtle changes like this that
 face value. ICAO is the international     ICAO recommendation.                        turn a regulation that could be easily
 body charged with promoting global           For example, ICAO’s SMS manual           integrated into the U.S. system into a
 aviation safety and cooperation.          envisions a paradigm of continuous          potential regulatory blank check.
     Globalization is important, and the   improvement of the SMS. In explana-
 FAA does not always have control of       tory text, the ICAO SMS manual states                            Continued on page 68

66   avionics news   •   may   2010
Legal ease                               for the U.S. to abandon SMS as a regu-       ICAO model. And these non-U.S.
Continued from page 66                   latory fixture. Because of the globaliza-    implementations are one of the ele-
                                         tion of the aviation marketplace, ICAO       ments driving implementation in the
Worldwide Impact: Implementing           enjoys a strong influence as an arbiter      United States.
SMS in the U.S.                          of international aviation regulatory stan-      Implementation, or at least rec-
   This might have some readers clam-    dardization.                                 ognition, in the U.S. of SMS has
oring to abandon the SMS paradigm.          Already, a number of nations have         become important for international
Some people claim it is not reasonable   implemented SMS regulations on the           trade reasons. If the U.S. does not
                                                                                      implement SMS in its regulations and
                                                                                      its major trading partners do imple-
                                                                                      ment it, then the trading partners
                                                                                      would be justified in insisting that
                                                                                      U.S. certificate holders comply with
                                                                                      the non-U.S. SMS provisions as a
                                                                                      condition of market access. This is
                                                                                      partly because SMS provisions are
                                                                                      deemed to be safety requirements.
                                                                                         For an avionics manufacturer
                                                                                      intending to sell to many markets,
                                                                                      this means the manufacturer must
                                                                                      meet all of the potentially conflicting
                                                                                      standards from the various markets
                                                                                      in which the manufacturer intends
                                                                                      to do business. On the other hand, if
                                                                                      the U.S. has its own SMS program,
                                                                                      the U.S. easily can assert its program
                                                                                      achieves the same goals and should
                                                                                      be subject to recognition in the for-
                                                                                      eign nations. Repair stations with
                                                                                      multiple certificates (such as FAA,
                                                                                      EASA, CAAC, TCCA, etc.) will
                                                                                      recognize the value in having simi-
                                                                                      lar standards the various regulatory
                                                                                      authorities can validate easily.
                                                                                         So, U.S. implementation of SMS
                                                                                      for repair stations and manufacturers
                                                                                      makes more sense as a trade issue
                                                                                      than as a true safety issue (for repair
                                                                                      stations and manufacturers already
                                                                                      employing rigorous quality and con-
                                                                                      tinuous operational safety systems,
                                                                                      the safety case for SMS is highly
                                                                                      speculative because most of the use-
                                                                                      ful elements of SMS already exist in
                                                                                      the regulatory system).
                                                                                         This does not mean, however, the
                                                                                      FAA implementation concept envi-
                                                                                      sioned in Order 8000.367 is the only
                                                                                      way to implement. Gap analyses have

68   avionics news   •   may   2010
shown most of what SMS requires                 be “automatically superior” to a sys-                regarding the usefulness of SMS in
already is contained in Part 21 (the            tem that does not feature risk-based                 small organizations.
manufacturing rules) and in Part 145            analysis might be a faulty one. No                      This is an issue on a fast track, so it
(the repair station rules). So, the most        one has yet developed sound data to                  will continue to deserve headlines in
painless implementation would be to             support or refute such a hypothesis                  the months to come. q
add the elements not yet contained
in the regulations and declare vic-
tory. This likely would entail adding
clauses to Parts 21 and 145, and either
Part 119 or Parts 121/135.
   The FAA has expressed a prefer-
ence for a single, uniform SMS regu-
lation that would exist in a separate
place in the regulations and be applied
to each of the certificate holders
described in its last paragraph. There
are cosmetic justifications support-
ing this approach. It would be easy
to point to a separate SMS part and
claim the U.S. is in compliance with
ICAO provisions, while the FAA                                 Duncan Aviation has the component solutions customers expect from an
                                                             award-winning team of aviation professionals who provide instant service
would need to work a bit harder to                           24/7 for the following:
demonstrate SMS is encompassed in
each of the regulatory structures to                            •   Rotables, Parts, OEM Exchanges and more
                                                                •   Any Component, Avionic, Instrument or Accessory Repair or Overhaul
which it applies.                                               •   Avionic, Instrument and Accessory Loaners
   It also would be easier to make uni-                         •   Propeller Sales, Service and Solutions
form changes to SMS when changes                                •   Free Locator Service
                                                                •   International Service and Solutions at 402.475.4125
are warranted. But it would impose                              •   Free Technical Advice
a uniformity of implementation that                             •   Consignment Management and Sales Acquisitions
might not serve the best interests of
                                                                One call connects you to a universe of
safety. Manufacturers, air operators and                     aviation services and solutions to your
repair stations are not built the same                       toughest aviation problems. Your
                                                             boss will think you’re a genius!
and do not operate the same. Trying
to impose a uniform SMS mechanism
on them all might be like trying to fit a
square peg into a round hole.
   If we recognize safety resources are
not infinite, then we must recognize
the resources spent on implementing
an SMS system that does not work
well, might be resources taken away
from a safety system that could have
worked better. For example, resources
spent on risk analysis of low-risk
issues could have been spent on miti-
gating well-known, higher-risk issues
that do not need risk analysis to be
   Thus, the assumption an SMS must

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