Avis Europe improves business agility and cost control with real-time project planning

Page created by Katie Caldwell
Avis Europe improves business agility and cost control with real-time project planning
Customer success story

Avis Europe improves
business agility and cost
control with real-time
project planning
                             Customer profile
                             Industry: Car rental services
                             Company: Avis Europe plc
                             Revenue: €1.4 billion
                             Employees: over 5,600

Business                     Challenge                       Solution                     BENEFIT
Avis Europe is the leading   In a difficult economic         Avis uses CA Clarity™        The firm can implement
car rental company in        environment, Avis needed        Project and Portfolio        major programmes,
Europe, Africa, the Middle   to achieve better resource      Management (PPM) to          confident its IT resources
East and Asia. The           utilisation and reduce          manage IT projects,          are being allocated
company serves over          costs. However a lack of        schedules and resources.     cost-effectively. Increased
eight million customers      transparency of costs and       The solution provides        visibility of its IT project
across a network that        resource allocation for IT      real-time project planning   costs and resources enabled
spans 112 countries.         programmes was                  and a systematic approach    Avis to accelerate business
                             hampering decision making.      to managing risk.            agility and reduce risk.

                                                                                     we can
Avis Europe improves business agility and cost control with real-time project planning
Avis Europe

              Avis — delivering the promise
              Avis Europe is the leading car rental company in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia, with more
              than 30 years’ experience in its sector. The company serves over eight million customers across a
              network that spans 112 countries.

              Since Warren Avis opened ‘Avis Airlines Rent A Car Systems’ in Detroit in 1946, the company has
              embodied its famous slogan ‘we try harder’, expanding into the international arena in 1965 and
              achieving leadership in the Europe, Africa and Middle East market in 1973 — a position which Avis has
              retained ever since.

              Through its two brands — Avis and Budget — Avis processes seven million rental transactions a
              year and has a presence at 75 principal European airports. The company’s success is attributable
              to its continuous investment in its network, technology and people, and to its ongoing promise of
              ’We try Harder’.

              Poor visibility of project status, resources and costs
              Avis has embarked on a major strategic initiative designed to help it weather the economic uncertainty
              by streamlining its operations; focusing in particular on achieving better resource utilisation and
              reducing costs.

              The company recognised that there were potentially significant efficiency improvements to be gained
              from the way it ran large programmes, which often covered multiple geographies as well as utilised a
              wide range of resources and skill sets.

              “It’s not always easy to know
              whether our resources are being
              properly utilised.”
              Jenny Lane
              Project Manager, Avis Europe

Avis Europe

              Jenny Lane, Project Manager at Avis Europe, explains, “With such a wide geography, project and
              portfolio management can be a challenge. We have distributed project teams all over Europe and it’s
              not always easy to ensure the teams are working well together, or if our resources are being properly
              utilised. With projects running in parallel and people often working on more than one initiative at a
              time, project and portfolio management is a complex exercise.”

              The IT division was also going through a period of change, moving from a centralised to a matrix
              structure. Although this new approach was better aligned to business needs, it added a level of scale
              and complexity that was beyond the team’s existing project management tools and processes — many
              of which were spreadsheet based.

              “Our current approach was not only unworkable with the new structure it also meant that we had
              no reliable means of gaining a consolidated view of our projects in terms of their status or their
              performance against budget,” comments Lane. “That lack of transparency was making it difficult to
              make management decisions and ensure every project was aligned with the company’s objectives.”

              Avis recognised the need for a project and portfolio management solution that would drive greater IT
              efficiency through best practice execution, resource optimisation, and financial governance.

              Real-time project planning and analysis
              Following an abortive implementation of a competitive solution, Avis chose CA Clarity PPM. “The
              relationship with our former partner wasn’t giving us what we needed, but it did give us a much better
              understanding of what we were looking for in terms of a solution,” comments Lane. “From there it was
              a relatively simple decision to take CA Clarity PPM. It has the right functionality and is a fully
              integrated product.”

              CA Clarity PPM provides real-time project planning and analysis, a systematic approach to managing
              risk and controls, and visibility of current and future IT service and resource costs.

              With a number of key strategic programmes already scheduled — such as the preparation for chip and
              pin at all European terminals — Avis’ timescales for implementation were extremely tight. Assisted by
              Sandhill, a CA Technologies Platinum Partner, implementation began in October 2009 with the solution
              fully operational by early January 2010.

Avis Europe

              For Lane, a strong success factor of the implementation was the close working relationship between
              Avis, Sandhill and CA Technologies. “The partnership approach provided us with a better understanding
              of how CA Clarity PPM’s functionality would work with our current and new processes,” explains Lane.

              As with any major change, user education was also critical to the success of the implementation
              and to deriving long-term benefits from the solution. “We needed to ensure everyone had a good
              understanding of the functionality of the CA Technologies solution and how it would help them work
              smarter,” says Lane.

                                                                    major strategic projects are being
                                                                    managed via CA Clarity PPM

              Avis offered staff a wide choice of learning options, from ‘drop-in’ lunchtime demonstrations and Q&A
              sessions, to user training classes and workshops for ‘power users’ such as resource managers and
              project managers.

              User engagement continued even after the solution was up and running, explains Lane. “Three months
              after implementation we ran review sessions to get further feedback. We also set up mailboxes so
              people could ask questions or get additional support if they needed it.”

Avis Europe

              The solution is used for a wide range of key processes from project management and resource
              management to timesheet administration and financials for high level reporting.

              Around 150 people currently use CA Clarity PPM to complete their timesheets, with 20 line managers
              and project managers using it for reporting, project planning and resource management. “We’ve
              implemented a number of processes that are now seen as ‘business as usual’ and we’ve produced
              robust reporting where previously we had to allocate resources based on sometimes questionable
              assumptions,” adds Lane.

              As a result, the solution has a major role in ensuring Avis continues to remove cost and improve
              efficiency across its operation. “CA Clarity PPM is already supporting 20 major strategic projects across
              the business as well as around 10 smaller, tactical ones,” says Lane.

              Improved agility, assured efficiency
              CA Clarity PPM allows Avis to easily track and manage projects throughout their lifecycles with
              visibility for all key stakeholders. The result is a seamless project and portfolio management system
              that couples top-down portfolio planning and analysis with bottom-up project, programme, financial
              and process management.

              “Being able to react more quickly to
              changing requirements is
              immensely valuable to Avis.”
              Jenny Lane
              Project Manager, Avis Europe

              With these capabilities, Avis is able to rollout major programmes across multiple countries, confident
              that its IT resources are being allocated efficiently and cost-effectively in support of its strategic focus
              on cost reduction and improved utilisation.

Avis Europe

              As a result, Avis has been able to:

              • Ensure project portfolios are more closely aligned to strategic objectives

              • Facilitate faster decision-making, with transparent access to a single, reliable source of project and
                programme data

              • Improve risk management by identifying projects that are running late or over budget.

              “CA Clarity PPM is helping us improve our business agility by giving us very useful information on how
              our resources are being used, and where they can best be focused to support the business. Being able
              to react more quickly to changing requirements, identify where there is too much or too little demand
              for certain skill sets and flex our service accordingly is immensely valuable to Avis.”

              Copyright ©2010 CA Technologies. All rights reserved. All trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein
              belong to their respective companies.

              This document is for your informational purposes only. CA assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the
              information. To the extent permitted by applicable law, CA provides this document “as is” without warranty of any kind, including,
              without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. In no event
              will CA be liable for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, from the use of this document, including, without limitation, lost profits,
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