Back in the Saddle Again - August 26 - 31 & September 2

Page created by Pamela Alvarado
Back in the Saddle Again - August 26 - 31 & September 2
August 2021     Tribune Evergreen State Fair Guide                                      Page 1

                                     August 26 - 31 & September 2 - 6

 Back in the Saddle Again
                   Open for Fun in 2021!

                                               Tribune’s Evergreen State Fair Guide

           We’re Here
        When You Need Us

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Back in the Saddle Again - August 26 - 31 & September 2
Page 2                          Tribune Evergreen State Fair Guide                                                                                                                                         August 2021

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Back in the Saddle Again - August 26 - 31 & September 2
August 2021                                  Tribune Evergreen State Fair Guide                                                                                                              Page 3

                Ticket Information                                                                             Fairfest 3on3 August 28-29
            Gate Admission • Parking • Carnival                                                                  Fairfest is a whole new experience

                                                                                                               in basketball with something for the

 This year The Evergreen State Fair will                    as non-disabled parking. These spaces are          whole family! Two days of tournament
not be offering Special Admission days. This                located closest to the entrances in all official

                                                                    FR 21
                                                                                                               play, festivities, guest speakers, skills
allows them to disperse the usual crowds                    parking lots.
that attend on Special Admission Days and                     • Day Of                                         and shooting competitions, prizes
eliminates the pressure of having to come to                  Visa and Mastercard are the only accepted        and more!

the Fair on a certain day to save money on                  payment types for day of parking at this             You have the day to compete for
admission.                                                  time. Parking passes are non transferable          bragging rights of winning the 5th
                                                            and cannot be used for re-entry to the             Annual Fairfest Evergreen State Fair
 Advanced Purchase General                                  Fairgrounds Parking Lot.                           3 on 3 tournament and the evening
Admission Tickets on Sale Now                                                                                  to explore the fair or enjoy a movie
Through August 25                                            Carnival Prices                                   with your friends and family!
  • Advance Purchase Admission ... Adult $12                  • Discounted Advance Unlimited Ride                This year’s FairFest 3 on 3
  • Advance Purchase Admission ... Senior /                 Wristbands only $30 online or at the box
                                                            office through Aug. 25 (Service fee applies        Tournament will be at Galaxy Theater
Youth $9                                                                                                       located at 1 Galaxy Way in Monroe.
  • Weekday Round-up Package : 4                            to on-line sales.)
Admission Tickets… $32                                        • Unlimited Ride Wristbands … $35                Participants receive fair tickets that                      (Valid for any one person any one day of         they can use any time during the Fair
weekday-roundup-advance-admission-                          the Fair)                                          and movie tickets, as well.
p a c k a g e - m o n ro e - e ve r g re e n - s t at e -     • Individual ticket …$1                            This tournament supports STARS                    can’t wait to see you soon!
fairgrounds?                                                   (Rides require 3-5 individual tickets)          Unlimited,which has helped bring community            For more information and the schedule
  p a r t n e r _ i d = 4 3 0 # _                              Sheet of 27… $25                                connection and outreach for youth, adults and       for the different age groups, divisions and
ga=2.236296513.1336695492.1628176364-                          Sheet of 80 … $70                               families for more than 25 years.                    more, visit
1656225295.1617041016                                          Sheet of 120 … $100                               Bring your family, friends and your “A” game
 Admission Tickets                                                                                             and experience an annual event that can
                                                             Masks and Safety                                  become a tradition for the entire family. We
 • Adults (ages 13-61)… $14 Weekdays - $16                    The Evergreen State Fair will be following
(Sat & Sun)                                                 the state of Washington Mask Mandate for
 • Seniors (ages 62-89)… $11 Weekdays - $14                 public indoor spaces. Free N95 masks will be
(Sat & Sun)                                                 available for all guests upon request.
 • Youth (ages 6-12) … $11 Weekdays - $14                     The Fair will be closedWednesday,September
(Sat & Sun)                                                 1 to give staff and volunteers a day to clean
 • Active Military with I.D. … $11 Weekdays-                and sanitize the fair park, change over the
                                                            barns and rotate the animals with no public
$14 (Sat & Sun)                                             on the grounds and prepare for the second
 • Seniors (age 90 and older) … FREE                        half of the fair.
 • Kids (age 5 and under) ,,, FREE                            Fairgoers are encouraged to pre-purchase
 For orders of 50+ tickets - please visit https://          tickets or make cashless sales for the safety                       of the patrons and staff.You can pre-purchase
View/5168/Group_Ticket_Order_Form-                          fair admission and carnival tickets. Butler
2021. Group Orders must be placed by August                 Amusements operates a “cashless” midway.
20.                                                         Only the food concessions, ticket boxes and
                                                            ticket kiosks directly accept cash, debit card,
 Parking Prices                                             and credit cards
 Disabled parking is available in all                         For more information please visit www.
Fairgrounds parking lots at the same rate         

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Back in the Saddle Again - August 26 - 31 & September 2
Page 4                                             Tribune Evergreen State Fair Guide                                                                                                                         August 2021

Huge Block Party                                                                                       Evergreen Morning of Dreams
  August 28!
                                                                                             The Evergreen State Fair               organizational
                                                                                           in Monroe will host the                  experts and Fair
                                                                                           much anticipated fourth                  partners to see
                                                                                           year of “Evergreen Morning               what could be
Replaces Fair Days Parade for 2021                                                         of Dreams” on Tuesday,,                  done in terms
                                                                                           August 31 from 9-10:30 a.m.              of a s ens or y
  Come celebrate Fair Days                at the last minute with all                      The event offers a calmer                sensitive event
and the end of Summer                     of the uncertainty would be                      Fair setting for those with              at the Fair. After
Saturday, August 28 from                  terrible,” said Drews.                           disabilities or special needs.           much research
Noon to 6 p.m. in downtown                  The Block Party will be a                      To help maintain a peaceful              and planning,
Monroe!                                   family friendly event with                       environment, the Fair will               Evergreen
  The Monroe Chamber                      a bouncy house, some food                        open one hour earlier to                 Morning of
of Commerce is excited to                 trucks and restaurants                           Evergreen Morning of Dreams              Dreams was born
present Monroe’s first End of             will be offering specials                        guests than to the general               – a special event
Summer Block Party!                       and outdoor dining. It is                        public. Tickets are on sale              with all the fun of
  Part of downtown Main                   recommended to make                              now on the Fair’s website:               the Fair but with
Street will be shut-down                  reservations at your chosen                                   minimal lights,
for some fun, food, drink,                restaurant for parties of five                     In 2016, the Fair received a           sounds, and crowds.                couldn’t have asked for a better   and under are free.
shopping and camaraderie.                 or more.                                         hopeful request from a mom                “Every aspect of Morning of       outcome. ”                           Parking is $10 (cash) paid at
  This free event is to replace             There will be over 40                          whose child with autism                  Dreams was a huge success,          Several activities will be        the event. Carnival tickets will
Monroe’s Fair Days Parade                 vendors, a beer garden, and                      couldn’t experience the fun              and the only critical feedback     available to guests before         be sold at the event.Individual
in 2021. “The parade takes                the band Minimum Wage                            of the Fair with all its big             we received from the public        opening to the general public,     tickets are $1, sheets of 27 are
over a year to plan,” said                (plus a few other bands) will                    sounds, flashing lights, and             was a need to expand the           including, Select Animal           $25, sheets of 80 are $70 and
Janelle Drews, Director                   be performing.                                   crowded spaces. She asked if             event so even more families        Barns, Select 4H and Display       unlimited ride wristbands
of the Monroe Chamber                       Stores will remain open                        anything could be done to help           could have the opportunity to      Exhibits, Select Carnival Rides    are $35.
of C o m m e rc e . “P lu s               later than normal for your                       her family.A special Fair team,          participate,”said Brielle Dodge.   without lights and sounds (9-        The Evergreen Morning of
considering the countless                 shopping convenience.                            led by Evergreen State Fair              “The largest compliment we         10:30 a.m., additional costs       Dreams allows families to
hours of people creating                    You are welcome to bring                       Marketing Specialist Brielle             received from many parents         apply).                            truly enjoy the experience
floats for the Parade to                  your dog as long as it is on                     Dodge, met with local parents            was, ‘You gave my family the        Tickets are $14 for age 13-61,    and fun of the Fair in a calmer
possibly have it be canceled              a leash.                                         who had autistic children,               chance to feel normal.’ We         youth 6-12 are $11, kids age 5     setting.

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 14751 N. Kelsey Street • Monroe                                                                                                         Member FDIC      Equal Housing Lender
Back in the Saddle Again - August 26 - 31 & September 2
August 2021                            Tribune Evergreen State Fair Guide                                                                                                                              Page 5

Evergreen Fair gets “Back Equestrian Events at the Fair!
in the Saddle” for 2021                                                                                     Unfortunately, the Pro-West
                                                                                                          Rodeo canceled this year, but
                                                                                                                                                    • We d .
                                                                                                                                                  Sept. 1
  Snohomish County will            hard work of our neighbors,                                            there are still many great              - Fair is
definitely be hosting an 11-       friends and fair family. The                                           equestrian events happening             Closed
day Evergreen State Fair at        2021 Fair acknowledges the                                             in 2021!                                  • Sno-
the Evergreen State Fair Park      challenges and isolation                                                 • 4-H Horse Shows: August             homish
in Monroe this year from           the community faced                                                    26 - September 2 (Fair is               County
August 26-31 and September         during the last year. While                                            closed Wed. Sept. 1)                    We s t e r n
2-6. The Fair will be closed       respecting the challenges                                                • Western Regional / Open             Games:
September 1.                       are not over, we are                                                   Class Clydesdale Show:                  Sept. 4 -
  This year’s theme: “Back in      committed to offering an                                               August 26 - 28 at 5:00 p.m.             Stilly Figure
the Saddle Again – Open for        event that celebrates our                                                • Wester n Re g iona l                8,One Jump
Fun in 2021” is a cheerful         fellow Washingtonians.Our                                              Clydesdale Show: August                 Scurry, Polo
metaphor of dusting oneself        event hopes to reconnect                                               29 at 2:00 p.m.                         and Key (Team: Rescue
off after the challenging          our communities and                                                      • WA State Draft Horse and            - time permitting) from
ride that was 2020, and the        demonstrate we have so                                                 Mule Extravaganza: August               10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
anticipation of reuniting          much to be thankful for                                                29 at 5:00 p.m.                           • Snohomish County
members of the community           now and into the future.”                                                •WA State Draft Horse and             We s t e r n G a m e s :
and fans of the Fair                 With changes such as                                                 Mule Extravaganza: August.              September 5 - Stake,
  With increased sanitation,       advance purchase admission                                             30 at 5:00 p.m. (featuring WA.          Half Eight, Speed
capacity limits and adherence      and parking e-ticketing,              “Everyone looks forward to       Pullers Association)                    Barrels, International
to health guidelines like social   electronic building capacity        the Evergreen State Fair, and        •WA State Draft Horse and             Flag Team: Ribbon,from
distancing and mask usage,         message boards and other            after the cancellation in 2020,    Mule Extravaganza: August.              10 a.m. - 6 p.m
the Fair staff has plans in        innovations, Fair staff are         we couldn’t be happier to see      31 at 5:00 p.m.                           •September 6 - TBA
place to keep everyone safe        working hard to make a 2021         this important community
and healthy while at the Fair.     Fair safe, fun and possible.        event come back,” said

                                                                                                                                                                Dagmars Marina
  Since health and safety            “Snohomish Count y                Snohomish County Council
guidelines and related metrics     welcomes some celebration           Chair Stephanie Wright.“With
will ultimately guide decision-    after a year of struggle and        the proper health and safety
making, the Fair will feel and     sacrifice,” said Snohomish          guidelines, it will be a fun,
look a little different in 2021.   County Executive Dave               festive, and safe fair.”                                                                      Dry Storage
  Snohomish County officials       Somers.“While the Evergreen           It will be crucial to “Know                                                              Covered/Uncovered
are hopeful that the 2021          State Fair may be a bit different   before you go” to enjoy a safe
Fair will nonetheless bring a      this year, we’re looking            and fun fair. With COVID-19                                                                     Moorage
lot of joy and tradition back      forward to getting everyone         i n for m at i on ch a n g i n g
to the summer festivities.         ‘Back in the Saddle Again!’         frequently, the guidelines
                                                                       and state recommendations
                                                                                                                                                                       Now Offering
“One mission of the Fair is
to connect communities,”
                                   We have no doubt that our
                                   agriculture community,              for fairs could shift. Stay                                                                      RV Storage
said Jeremy Husby, Division        vendors, guests, and Fair           connected with the Fair Park
Manager, Evergreen State Fair      family will be excited to have      and updates through their
                                                                       website, newsletter and social                                                                425-745-2275
Park.“Every year the fairgoers,    the opportunity enjoy the end
volunteers, and our partners       of summer festivities the Fair      media at www.evergreenfair.
celebrate and showcase the         offers.”                            org
                                                                                                                                                                    1870 Ross Ave • Everett

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Back in the Saddle Again - August 26 - 31 & September 2
Page 6                              Tribune Evergreen State Fair Guide                                                                                             August 2021

                                                      Roving Entertainment
  Besides the Grandstand          Joe Stoddard will bring                                             Sunday Speedtrap
entertainment and the           his high-energy music and                                               (Solo Variety)
variety of the acts at the      comedy to the Fair. Joe is a                                           10:30 a.m. – 5:30
Courtyard Stage, there will     talented performer with many                                         p.m. Daily w/breaks
be entertainers throughout      years of experience to make                                          Chris Eric has been an
the Fair so you never have to   you smile!                                                         acoustic folk/pop singer/
go very far to find something                                                                      songwriter known as
to enjoy. (Subject to change)                                                                      Sunday Speedtrap for
                                                                                                   over 25 years,performing
      Adria the Juggler                                                                            over 1,360 shows and
    11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.                                                                         releasing 13 independent
Daily w/breaks – West Gate                                                                         original records.
  Adria the Juggler is a PNW
entertainer specializing in
family oriented, audience
interactive, comedy juggling.
                                                               Chris Eric
   Dr. Owl Jester (Balloon      Joe Stoddard
  August 26 - 11:00 a.m. –
1:30 p.m. & 3:00 p.m. – 5:30
  September 3 - 12:00 p.m.
        – 5:00 p.m.                                                                                                                                       Eric Haines
   Courtyard Stage Merch                                                                                                                   11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Daily w/breaks
         Tent #514                                                                                                              Comedian Eric Haines is an award-winning comedian and
                                                                                                                               multi-talented performer with amazing abilities as a one man
  Joe Stoddard (Variety/                                                                                                       band, singer, guitarist, banjo player, marionette puppeteer,
   Manfred the Singing                                                                                                         unicyclist, juggler, and stilt walker
                                                          Under the Radar (Vocal Quartet)
                                                            11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Aug. 26                                                   Tarnished Brass (Brass Quintet)
   11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
                                                            12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.  Aug. 28                                                   12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.  Aug. 28
      Daily w/breaks
                                        Under the Radar, a mixed a cappella quartet, will share fun and the joy of                            12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.  Aug. 29
 (10:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. on
                                       music including pop and doo-wap tunes from the ‘50s,-‘70s, as well as Great                            12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.  Sept. 4
          Sept. 4)
                                       American Songbook standards.                                                                           12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Sept. 5

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Back in the Saddle Again - August 26 - 31 & September 2
August 2021   Tribune Evergreen State Fair Guide   Page 7
Back in the Saddle Again - August 26 - 31 & September 2
Page 8                                              Tribune Evergreen State Fair Guide                                                                                                                                  August 2021

         Welcome to the thrill of the Evergreen Speedway!
                                                                                                       Racing. The Gates                   not surrender your
                                                                                                       open at 4 p.m. and                  ticket at the gate as
                                                                                                       Fan Fest starts at 5:40             it acts for both Fair
                                                                                                       p.m. Enjoy Monster                  Gate Admission and
                                                                                                       Truck, Megasaurus,                  entry to this event!
                                                                                                       Jr.Hornets,Bus Races,                 • Sunday, August
                                                                                                       Mini Bump 2 Pass,                   29 is the SUN
                                                                                                       FIREWORKS Show                      Mat i ne e Show
                                                                                                       and more!                           – MONSTER
                                                                                                         Tickets are $35                   TRUCKS & Racing
                                                                                                       admission for those                 with Megasaurus,
                                                                                                       age 13-61, $25 for                  Vintage Modifieds,
                                                                                                       seniors (62+) and for               Dwarfs, Jr. Hornets,
                                                                                                       youth age 6-12, youth               and Bus Races. Gates open at         five and under are admitted          online at
                                                                                                       age two to five are $5              Noon and Fan Fest starts at          free. Tickets include Fair           or at the box office day of
                                                                                                       with children under                 1:50 p.m.                            admission! Do not surrender          event.
  High Road Promotions                      host Formula Drift.                                       two admitted free if                   Tickets are $35 admission          your ticket at the gate as it acts    For more information
is entering their 11th year                   The entire staff of Evergreen                    sitting on your lap. Tickets                for those age 13-61, $25 for         for both Fair Gate Admission         p l e a s e v i s i t w w w.
of operations of Evergreen                  Speedway takes great pride                         include Fair admission! Do                  seniors (62+) and for youth          and entry to this event!   ,
S p e e d w a y. Ev e r g r e e n           in hosting you, your family                        not surrender your ticket at                age 6-12, youth age two to five        • Sunday, September 5 is           or on Facebook at Evergreen
Speedway has fast become                    and friends at the best family                     the gate as it acts for both Fair           are $5 with children under           FIGURE 8 MANIA AND                   Speedway. Office number:
the center of motor-sports                  Fair in America! Evergreen                         Gate Admission and entry to                 two admitted free if sitting on      DEMOLITION DERBY.                    360-805-6117
in the Pacific Northwest.                   Speedway celebrates their                          this event!                                 your lap. Tickets include Fair       Enjoy Outlaw F-8, Stinger-8,
As the only NASCAR track                    67th year of operation on the                        • Saturday, August 28                     admission! Do not surrender          V8 Extremes, Bus Races,
in Washington State, it                     Evergreen State Fairgrounds in                     is MONSTER TRUCKS &                         your ticket at the gate as it acts   Boat Races, Hornets and
hosts the NASCAR Whelen                     2021. High Road Promotions                         Racing with Megasaurus,                     for both Fair Gate Admission         FIREWORKS Show! Gates
American Series and the                     operators, Doug and Traci                          Bus Races, Legends, Dwarfs,                 and entry to this event!             open at 2 p.m., fun begins
NASCAR K&N Pro Series                       Hobbs, have been recognized                        and Hornets. Gates open at                    • Saturday, September 4            at 6 p.m. Tickets are $38
West. Evergreen Speedway                    by NASCAR for excellence as a                      3 p.m. and Fan Fest starts at               is the Granite Sprint Car            admission for those 13-61,
hosts weekly NASCAR, in                     Top 10 track in North America                      4:50 p.m.                                   Series. Enjoy Winged Sprint          $25 for seniors (62+) and
addition to Drag Racing,                    multiple years.                                      Tickets are $35 admission                 Cars. Super Stock Figure 8,          youth age 6-13, kids age 2-5
Drift, AutoCross, MotoCross                   T h e 2 0 2 1 Eve r g re e n                     for those age 13-61, $25 for                Street Stocks,Mini Stocks,and        are $5, children under age two
and dozens of non-racing                    Speedway Fair line-up is                           seniors (62+) and for youth                 Midgets. Gates open at 4 p.m.,       are admitted free if sitting on
events throughout the year.                 maybe the best ever – each                         age 6-12, youth age two to                  fun begins at 6 p.m.                 your lap. Tickets include Fair
Evergreen Drift Pro Am is                   night has something for                            five are $5 with children                     Tickets are $27 admission          admission!
nationally recognized as #1                 everyone!                                          under two admitted free if                  for those age 13-61, $21               Tickets for all Evergreen
in the nation and one of eight                • Friday, August 27 is                           sitting on your lap. Tickets                for seniors (62+) and for            Speedway race events during
tracks in the United States to              MONSTER TRUCKS &                                   include Fair admission! Do                  youth age 6-12, youth age            the fair can be purchased

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Back in the Saddle Again - August 26 - 31 & September 2
August 2021                       Tribune Evergreen State Fair Guide                                                                                                                      Page 9

                     Daily Attractions                                                  Makers Market at the Fair
                                                                                        The Evergreen State Fair
                                                                                      showcases local products from
                                                                                      local people, which is why the
                                                                                      Makers Market is perfect to
                                                                                      the 11-day Fair. The Makers
                                                                                      Market is designed with Fair
                                                                                      guests and local artisans in
                                                                                      mind and consists only of
                                                                                      vendors selling original and
                                                                                      handmade items.
                                                                                        Be sure to check out the
                                                                                      Makers Market in the Display
                                                                                      Hall (#500 on the Map) at the
            INTERNATIONAL                                AZTEC INDIAN                 Evergeen State Fair!
         LUMBERJACK SHOWS                                   DANCERS
       Location: Frontierland, #409
 12pm; 4pm and 7pm daily; (no 7pm show
 on 9/6) Fair is Closed Sept. 1
                                                  Location: Frontierland, #404
                                             2pm and 6pm (no 6pm show on 9/6)
                                             Fair is Closed Sept. 1
                                                                                               Commercial vendors
   From axe throwing, log rolling, sawing     This unique show of Indian dancers       All commercial vendors will be located in the huge 33,000 square foot Gary D. Weikel Event
 and some comedy mixed in – your Fair        will amaze you! Their beautiful cos-     Center (#604 on the Map) as the Commercial Building will be closed for the 2021 Evergreen
 day experience would not be complete        tumes, cultural teachings, and dancing   State Fair.
 without seeing the lumberjack show.

                                             are one-of-a-kind.
                                                                                                            Clean Air Fair
 Chainsaw Carvers, NW District Beekeepers, NW Native Americans, Quil Ceda Carvers,      For the health and safety of both visitors and employees, the Evergreen State Fair is proud
Shannahan Cabin, Sky Valley Stock & Antique Tractors, Snohomish County Agricul-       to be a Clean Air Fair! This means no smoking, vaping, electronic cigarettes, use of marijuana
ture Display, Sow & Litters, Totem Poles, WSU Master Gardeners and more.              or tobacco products will not be allowed within the fence line of the Fairgrounds or within 25
                                                                                      feet of the entrances.
** NEW! Goat Playground (East of barn #609)

NEW PUD ARC TRAILER DEMOS: Location: North of the Event Center #604
  Demonstrations on power line safety performed daily by trained PUD Electricians.
  August 26-27: 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, 8pm; August 28-29 and September 4-5: 1pm, 2pm, 3pm,
4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, 8pm; August 30-31 and Sept. 2-3: 5pm, 6pm, 7pm,                    Please check the Evergreen State Fair website before going to the Fair. More activities could
  FAIR CLOSED MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1                                                     be added and some might change. It will be critical to “know before you go” to enjoy a safe and
  Thursday, September 2-3: 5pm, 6pm, 7pm; Monday, September 6: 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm     fun fair. “Back in the Saddle Again – Open for Fun in 2021 – See you at the Fair!

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                                                                                              11014 19th Ave. SE • Silver Lake • 425-338-7125
Back in the Saddle Again - August 26 - 31 & September 2
Page 10                       Tribune Evergreen State Fair Guide                                                                                                            August 2021

Quality Landscape Materials at Affordable Prices            Carnival offers thrills for everyone!
Topsoil • Bark • Mulch • Gravel • Rocks                Butler Amusements, the           children which is perfect for
        Pick-up or Delivery                          largest carnival in the Western    children who are not ready to
                                                     United States,is celebrating its   brave the rides alone.
                              Recycling:             51st year of operation. Butler      Ju st i nside t he Re d
                             Yard Waste,             is celebrating its 24th year at    Gate (West) is where the
                                                     the Evergreen State Fair,where     Spectacular and Major rides
                             Brush, Sod              fair-goers of all ages will find   are located. Spectacular rides
                                 Retail &            their favorite rides!              are the most thrilling and
                                Wholesale              Carnival hours are August        exhilarating .
                                                     26-31 and September 2-5             Advance carnival wrist-                      from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. and        bands on sale now through
                                                     September 6 from 11 a.m. to        August 25.          Advance
Riverside Topsoil, Inc.                              7 p.m. (closed Sept. 1)            wristbands are only $30
   7404 Lowell River Road in Snohomish                 Near the Blue Gate (East)        (valid any day of the fair) and
                                                     are the Family and Kid rides.      are on sale online at www.        a complete list of rides,                box. They can redeem an
  425-379-9933                                       Kid rides are gentle and
                                                     smooth running with just
                                                                                        cost is $35.)
                                                                                                                          restrictions, safety and
                                                                                                                          general information.
                                                                                                                                                                   advance sale carnival voucher
                                                                                                                                                                   for a ‘smart’ wristband and
                                                     the right amount of thrill for      All rides have height and         Cashless Midway 2021                    they have the opportunity
                                                     first time riders. Family rides    other restrictions. Please         B u t l e r A m u s e m e nt s          to purchase a smart card
                                                     can accommodate adults and         visit for       operates a“cashless”midway.              in order to play carnival
                                                                                                                          Only the food concessions,               games. OR they can purchase
                                                                                                                          ticket boxes and ticket                  an unlimited ride ‘smart’
                                                                                                                          kiosks directly accept cash,             wristband and purchase a
                                                                                                                          debit card, and credit cards.            ‘smart’ card in order to play
                                                                                                                          Customers first visit a ticket           carnival games. The third
                                                                                                                                                                   option is to purchase game
                                                                                                                                                                   credits and individual ride
                                                                                                                                                                   credits which are tracked by
                                                                                                                                                                   a provided ‘smart’ card.
                                                                                                                                                                     The ticket kiosks are a
                                                                                                                                                                   convenient way for customers
                                                                                                                                                                   to reload their ‘smart’ card,
                                  Bringing                                                                                                                         check their card balance and
                                independence                                                                                                                       track their purchases.
                                                                                                                                                                     The ‘smart’ cards can be
                                   to living       3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt                                                                          reloaded at ticket kiosks and
                                 and quality                                                                                                                       at ticket boxes.
                                    of life!                                                                                                                         Credits can b e used

                                                      Working      together for
                                                       3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt
                                                                                                                                                                   interchangeably for rides
                                                       Working together for
                                                                                                                                                                   and games plays. Credits are
                                                       3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt                                                                      $1 each.
                                                       your  financial
                                                       Working             future
                                                                together  for
                                                          your financial
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                                                                Affordable, Capable,
August 2021                           Tribune Evergreen State Fair Guide                                                                                                             Page 11

                       2021 Evergreen State Fair Concert Lineup
      Monday, August 30:          From the young kids who play         record. And they continue
             Foghat               Guitar Hero III and know all of      to release new music every
  Foghat’s live performances      the lyrics to ‘Slow Ride,’ to the    few years.
show why the band is still        Dazed & Confused generation            Foghat has never stopped
around today and why they         of 30-40 somethings and              touring although there have
will be able to keep on rockin’   the Boomers who bought               been several ups and downs
as long as they want.This band    Foghart’s first vinyl or 8 track!    and changes over the years.
is truly timeless.                Looking at the audience and          They sadly lost Lonesome
  Constant touring is part of     seeing all of the generations        Dave Peverett in 2000 and Rod
their DNA and the band just       rockin’ to Foghat is very            Price in 2005, but Roger Earl
loves to play. Their live show    gratifying to the band.              kept banging and kicking to
is as intense as ever with the      According to lead singer           keep Foghat’s musical legacy
incredible energy that one        Charlie Huhn, “the band              going.
would expect from a band with     just wants to make sure that           According to a recent review,
such a long musical history       after every show they are all        “The‘70s called… but there is
and they are bringing their       convinced that they just got         no way in hell we are giving
fans along for the ride.          rocked, from the second we           Foghat back to them.” The
  Not content to rest on their    start the first song to the end      iconic band from the past is
laurels, the band released a      of the show.”                        rockin’ just as hard as they       vocalist /rhythm guitarist       Rodney O’Quinn as a “fill-in”    pure joy of playing has been
great new studio album in           Formed in 1971 when                did decades ago, if not more.      Charlie Huhn played with         who came to Foghat via the Pat   an inspiration to all.
June 2016 titled “Under the       Lonesome Dave Peverett and             Foghat’s thunderous blend of     Ted Nugent, Gary Moore           Travers Band where he proved       If Foghat had only givine
Influence” and another ‘live’     Roger Earl left the British          blues, boogie and butt-kickin’     & Humble Pie. Lead / slide       he knew how to lay down a        us ‘Slow Ride,’ the band’s
album in June of 2017 called      blues-rock band,Savoy Brown,         rock ‘n’ roll are shaking walls    guitarist Bryan Bassett played   solid groove. O’Quinn viewed     place in rock history would
“Live at the Belly Up.” Both      Foghat has earned eight Gold         and fans everywhere.               with Wild Cherry and Molly       MacGregor as a mentor and        be secure. But the band is so
were given great reviews.         records, one Platinum record           There is so much talent in       Hatchet. Bass player Craig       is a great permanent addition    much more than that.As stated
  Foghat fans are of all ages.    and one Double-Platinum              this band it is ridiculous. Lead   Macgregor, who had been          to the band. And on drums        by Roger Earl, “We are still a
                                                                                                          with the band since the ‘70s,    is the man given the thanks      ‘work in progress’,writing and
                                                                                                          unfortunately became ill         for keeping Foghat going…        recording, and plan to be until
                                                                                                          in 2015 and was unable to        founding member roger Earl,      the day we depart this earth.”
      To Purchase Concert Tickets:                                                                        play. Craig recommended the
                                                                                                          very talented and personable
                                                                                                                                           who’s positive attitude and
                                                                                                                                           solid drumming style and
                                                                                                                                                                              Tickets are $25-$45.
                                                                                                                                                                                 continued on page 14
    • In-Person
    Tickets can be purchased in advance at the Fair Pass Booth through August 25. Pass
  booth hours are M-F, 8:30am-4pm. During the fair, gate admissions can be purchased
  at any gate entrance and will not be subject to a convenience fee.                                         SNOHOMISH MINI STORAGE
    • Online                                                                                                          • Heated Storage Units • Office/Residential Rental
    Tickets are available online through sales are subject to a convenience                                            • We Sell Boxes
    • By Phone
    1-800-514-ETIX (3849) Phone sales are subject to a convenience fee.

   All concert tickets purchased prior to the Fair or bought at the Fair entry gates include
  Fair admission. Youth age two years and older must have tickets to attend the concerts.
  Under age two may sit on lap of paid concert goer. All tickets are non-refundable.                                 
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                                                                                                                9010 MARSH RD, SNOHOMISH, WA
Page 12                        Tribune Evergreen State Fair Guide                                                                                                              August 2021

                          2021 Courtyard Stage entertainment
 The Evergreen State Fair                                     Saturday, August 28            3:45 p.m.: Danny Vernon’s
offers a wide array of talent       Friday, August 27      11:00 a.m.: Under the Radar    Illusions of Elvis
at the Courtyard Stage.        10:30 a.m.: Siggie The    (Quartet)                           5:30 p.m.: The Memphis
 (#514 on the Map)            Vintage Man                  12:30 p.m.: The Shed Players   Belles (Vintage Vocal Trio)
                               12:15 p.m.: Arlington     (Folk/Americana)                   7:15 p.m.: The Lonely Hearts
     Thursday, August 26      School of Dance               2:30 p.m.: Gardening          Club (Beatles Music)
         Opening Day           1:30 p.m.: Joe Stoddard   with Ciscoe “Late Summer           8:45 p.m.: The Lonely Hearts
 10:45 a.m.: The Reptile Man (Variety)                   Gardening Tips and Q&A”          Club (Beatles Music)
 12:30 p.m.: Joe Stoddard 3:00 p.m.: Eric Haines            5:00 p.m.: Moon Candy
(Variety)                     (Variety)                  (Country/Alternative Rock)            Tuesday, August 31
 2:00 p.m.: Opening Day 4:45 p.m.: The Blue Mariah         7:00 p.m.: The Dan Canyon       10:30 a.m.             New
Ceremony                      Band (Country)             Band (Country)                   Age Flamenco (Lat in/
 3:45 p.m.: Under the Radar 6:45 p.m.: Marcia Kester       8:30 p.m.: The Dan Canyon      Mediterranean Folk/Guitar)
(Quartet)                     (Country)                  Band (Country)                    12:15 p.m.: Eric Haines
 5:15 p.m.: The Fentons 8:30 p.m.: Minimum Wage                                           (Variety)                    Shed Players
(Country)                     Band (Rock)                      Sunday, August 29           2:00 p.m.: NewAge Flamenco 3:45 p.m.: Aztec Indian 7:30 p.m.: Filé Gumbo
 7:00 p.m.: 4-H Awards                                     10:30 a.m.: The Honky Tonk     (Latin/Mediterranean Folk/ Dancers                      (Rockin’ Cajun/Zydeco/Soul)
                                                         Sweethearts (Country)            Guitar)                       5:30 p.m.: The Dan Canyon 8:45 p.m.: Filé Gumbo
                                                           12:15 p.m.: Danny Vernon’s      3:45 p.m.: Aztec Indian Band (Country)
                                                         Illusions of Elvis               Dancers                                                 continued on page 13
                                                           2:15 p.m.: Inochi Taiko         5:30 p.m.: The Fentons
                                                         (Taiko Drummers)                 (Country)
                                                           3:45 p.m.: Danny Vernon’s       7:30 p.m.: Good Vibes (Pop)
                                                         Illusions of Elvis                9:00 p.m.: Harmatones
                                                           5:45 p.m.: Sheri Roberts       (R&B)
                                                         Greimes (Jazz)
                                                           7:45 p.m.: The EveryLeaf         Wednesday, September 1
                                                         Band (Modern Country)                  Fair is Closed
                                                           9:00 p.m.: The EveryLeaf
                                                         Band (Modern Country)           Thursday, September 2
                                                                                       10:45 a.m.: Sunday
                                                               Monday, August 30      Speedtrap (Solo Variety)
                                                           10:30 a.m.: The Honky Tonk 12:15 p.m.: The Reptile Man
                                                         Sweethearts (Country)         2:00 p.m.: Joe Stoddard
                                                           12:15 p.m.: Danny Vernon’s (Variety)                   Marcia Kester
                                                         Illusions of Elvis
                                                            2:00 p.m.: Buck and
Blue Mariah Band                                         Elizabeth (Variety)
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                                                                                                                                                            1111 Craftsman Way • Everett, WA 98201
                                                                                                                                                                       ON THE WATERFRONT
August 2021                             Tribune Evergreen State Fair Guide                                                                                         Page 13

                                2021 Courtyard Stage entertainment
                                                                         5:45 p.m.: The Blue Mariah
                                                                       Band (Country)
                                                                         7:45 p.m.: The Unknowns
                                                                       (Jazz Blues)
                                                                         9:00 p.m.: The Unknowns
                                                                       (Jazz Blues)

                                                           Saturday, September 4
                                                         10:30 a.m.: Marvin Edwards
                                                       (Solo Country)
                                                         12:15 p.m.: In Folkmotion
                                                          2:15 p.m.: Sheri Roberts
                                                       Greimes Trio (Jazz)
                                                           4:15 p.m.: Katelyn and
                                                       The Roosevelts (Blue Grass/
                                                           6:15 p.m.: The Fentons         Dan Canyon Band                                        Moon Candy Band
Ciscoe Morris
                                                          8:15 p.m.: Scattered Sunn
continued from page 12       Vintage Man (Country/Pop) (Rock)                       Dancers)                                   8:45 p.m.: Scattered Sunn     2:15 p.m.: Dr. Owl Jester
                               12:15 p.m.: Eric Haines                                1:30 p.m.: Moon Candy                  (Rock)                        Magic Show
                                                            Sunday, September 5     (Country/Alternative Rock)                                               4:00 p.m.: 4-H Awards
 (Rockin’ Cajun/Zydeco/ (Variety)
                               2:00 p.m.: Joe Stoddard    10:30 a.m.: Sunday          3:30  p.m.: Bailadores de                  Monday, September 6         5:30 p.m.: 4-H Demos   
                             (Variety)                 Speedtrap (Solo Variety)     Bronce   (Mexican  Folkloric                     (Labor Day)             Fair Closes at 7pm
    Friday, September 3        3:45 p.m.: The Unknowns   12:00 p.m.: Bailadores de Dancers)                                    10:45 a.m.: Applause Studio
 10:30 a.m.       Siggie The (Jazz Blues)              Bronce (Mexican Folkloric 5:00 p.m.: The ABBAgraphs                   Performance Team (Children’s All acts and times subject to
                                                                                    (ABBA Tribute)                           Dance)                        change without notice.
                                                                                      7:30 p.m.: Scattered Sunn                 12:15 p.m.: Monroe Tiny

                                                                                    (Rock)                                   Jazz Band

          Shows!!                                                                                                          Harmony Animal Wellness Center
  There will be three Huge Fireworks Shows at
 the Evergreen Speedway Racetrack / Grandstands                                                                           Dr. Frank Bousaid, DVM Integrative Veterinary Medicine
 during the Evergreen State Fair:                                                                                                       Independently Owned
  • Thursday, August. 26 at 9:00 p.m.                                                                                       Western Medicine • Chinese Acupuncture • Herbs
  (free with paid fair gate admission)                                                                                             Clinic Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-6:00
  • Friday, August 27 after the Monster Truck Show                                                                               Saturday 9:00-1:00 • Closed Sunday
  (included in the Monster Truck Show ticket)
  • Sunday, September 5 after the Demo Derby                                                                                 505 W Main St., Monroe • 360-863-1005
  (included in the Demo Derby ticket)                                                                                      

                                                                                                                                                         • Fully Fenced & Gated
                  Aaron’s Olympic 4x4                                       Automotive Repair
                                                                               & New Parts                                                                 with Keypad Entry
                     Jeep and 4x4 Parts and Accessories                                                                                                  • Affordable Month-to-
              4WD Service & Repair           Deal of the
                                                                                                         360-805-1300                                      Month Rentals
                                                                                                                                                         • Video Cameras
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                                             Trail Gear
                                                                                                             14911 Chain Lake Road                       • 24-Hour Private Mail
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         and Hard Tops                                                                                     Located near Lowe’s and Goodwill                Boxes!

     360-568-7728 • 520 Pine Ave, Bldg. B • Snohomish

                                                   Kathy Heichel
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 360-794-7665                            425-788-7070                                                             144 Woods Street • Monroe (off Main Street)

   Body Therapeutic Healing Center
                  117 W Main St., Monroe, WA
                                   Hellerwork Structural Integration Bodywork
                                      Injury Treatment/Lymphatic Drainage
                                    Occupational Therapy/Insurance Accepted
                                      Massage/MyofaschialRelease/Deep Tissue
                                      Hot Stone/Swedish by Michelle Taylor, LMP
                                         Inner Peace Meditation by Spiritual
                                       Counselor/Reiki Master Oliva Hernandez
                                    Hypnotherapy/Life Coaching/Intuitive Reading

   Stress & Relaxed
                                           Janaki Rose, OTR/L
   Tension Balance                360-863-2701• Cell 206-799-6771
                                                    Monroe, Index and Seattle
Page 14                                Tribune Evergreen State Fair Guide                                                                                                      August 2021

continued from page 11
                       2021 Evergreen State Fair Concert Lineup
                                                                                                           Friday, September 3:
      Tuesday, August 31:         among “Ten                                                                 Flor de Tolaache
          Chris Janson            Songs I Wish                                                          Latin GRAMMY Winners
  Country star Chris Janson       I’d Written.”                                                       Flor de Toloache will perform
will perform Tuesday, August        In 2018, the                                                      Friday, September 3 at 7:30
31 at 7:30 p.m. (doors open       gold-selling                                                        p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.).
at 6 p.m.).                       “Drunk Girl”                                                          Founded in 2008, Flor de
  Janson is a platinum-           garnered                                                            Toloache is led by singers
selling recording artist, high-   “Video of the                                                       Mireya I. Ramos (founder)
octane entertainer, multi-        Year” at the                                                        and Shae Fiol (founding
instrumentalist, and award-       ACM Awards                                                          member).
winning singer/songwriter.        and “Song of                                                          Reminiscent of the early
  In the spotlight and behind-    the Year” at                                                        days of mariachi, the group
the-scenes as a writer, he has    the MusicRow                                                        started as a trio, Harp, Violin
landed one hit after another,     Awards.                                                             and Vihuela. Today, Flor de
including two number one            A l ong t he                                                      Toloache’s members hail from
singles.                          way,Janson has                                                      diverse cultural backgrounds
  In addition to three CMA        become one                                                          such as Mexico, Puerto Rico,
nominations, Chris scored a       the industry’s                                                      Dominican Republic, Cuba,
double-platinum smash with        best live performers and has       new album Real Friends, and      Australia,Colombia,Germany,
“Buy Me A Boat,” which the        sold out venues far and wide.      follow-up single “Done” both     Italy and the U.S. The result
iHeartRadio Music Awards            Now it’s onto new music          topped the country charts.       of this cultural bouquet is an
decreed “Country Song of          for Janson: “Good Vibes,”          His current single,“Waitin’ On   edgy, versatile and fresh take    extensive European and U.S.        album received a Latin
the Year” and NSAI cited          the flagship single from his       5,” is impacting audience via    on traditional Mexican music.     tour as the opening act of Black   Grammy nomination for“Best
                                                                     radio now. In addition to his      While working to preserve       Keys’ singer Dan Auerbach’s        Ranchero/Mariachi Album”
    Avoid the Hassle                                                 own successes, the talented
                                                                     songwriter has lent his pen to
                                                                                                      centuries old traditions of
                                                                                                      Mariachi, their mélange of the
                                                                                                                                        new band, The Arcs. After
                                                                                                                                        performances to sold out
                                                                                                                                                                           in 2015.
                                                                                                                                                                             The band’s new record
   and Take the Bus!                                                 industry peers including Tim
                                                                     McGraw (“Truck Yeah,” “How
                                                                     I’ll Always Be”), LOCASH
                                                                                                      traditional and the modern
                                                                                                      pushes the bounderies of the
                                                                                                                                        audiences in the UK,Germany,
                                                                                                                                        Holland,Italy,and France,they
                                                                                                                                                                           ‘Las Caras Lindas’ was the
                                                                                                                                                                           connecting bridge between
  Getting to the fair has never been so easy! Take the                                                genre and brings Mariachi         continued to captivate crowds      Mariachi Flor de Toloache and
 bus and avoid the hassle and expense of driving                     (“I Love This Life”) and the     music to new audiences.           in the legendary venues.    The Acres, with whom they
                                                                     legendary Hank Williams Jr.        Over the course of the            Flor de Toloache’s critically    recorded ‘Yours, Dreamily.’
 and parking fees.                                                   (“God Fearin’ Man,” “Those       last few years, Flor de           acclaimed self-titled debut          Tickets are $20 to $38.
  Community Transit has extended bus service to                      Days Are Gone”).                 Toloache’s performances have
 the Fair with front-door service — Routes 270,                        Tickets are $35 to $80.        illuminated world renowned                                            continued on page 15
 271, and 424 will take riders straight to the West                                                   stages in Europe and India.
 Gate entrance. Route 271 will also offer extra route                                                 The group embarked on an
 trips during the fair. Plan your trip from anywhere
 in Snohomish County. See the details for each route

                                                                                                                                                               Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital
                                                                                                                                                               is proud to be part of the Evergreen
                                                                                                                                                               State Fair. Our veterinarians and
                                                                                                                                                               staff are on-site for animal check-
                                                                                                                                                               in and inspection, to keep the
                                                                                                                                                               cows, sheep, goats, llamas, alpacas,
                                                                                                                                                               swine and other participating
                                                                                                                                                               animals healthy.
                                                                                                                                                               Good luck to all and enjoy the fair!

                                                                                                                                                               Comprehensive & 24/7 Care
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      Kirkland WA, 98034           Monroe WA, 98272          Redmond WA, 98052
          425.821.7979                360.805.5556              425.881.3255
                                                                                                           11308 92nd St SE, Snohomish |
August 2021                         Tribune Evergreen State Fair Guide                                                                                                                     Page 15

 Concert Lineup                                               continued from page 14                  2021 Evergreen State Fair
    Thursday, September 2
         Zach Williams
                                 of divine intervention
                                 occurred.That particular
                                                                                                     Honoree Kathy VanBuskirk
  Zach Williams will perform     evening, he happened                                                  Each year, The Evergreen        ribbons, solving problems
Thursday, September 2 at 7:30    to be filling in leading                                            St ate Fai r honors an            and answering questions at
p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.)      worship at their church’s                                           individual or family who          the office window. She is the
  ZachWilliams,the Jonesboro,    main campus. Music                                                  has contributed significant       first to arrive in the morning
Arkansas-raised and currently    producer and songwriter                                             personal time and energy          and the last to leave at night
Nashville–based artist, has      Jonathan Smith, who                                                 toward the improvement and        for the 10 days 4-H horses are
become one of CCM’s leading      was visiting his wife’s                                             betterment of the annual          at the Fair. She also works at
artists and songwriters with     family who attended that                                            fair. This year, the Evergreen    all the 4-H Horse events at the
his singular blend of southern   church regularly, was in                                            State Fair recognizes and         Fairgrounds.
rock, country, and faith-        the congregation. Zach                                              celebrates the dedication            Kathy and her husband
filled songwriting, which        recalls:“He heard me sing                                           of Kathy VanBuskirk, 4-H          Bruce are celebrating 45 years
quickly awarded him his first    and invited me to have                                              Equestrian leader.                of marriage this year and have
GRAMMY Award® with his           coffee. He said, ‘I need to                                            Kathy says that the years      two children together: their
debut album, 2017’s Chain        hear your story—people                                              have gone by so fast it doesn’t   son Jay who participated in
Breaker. With two additional     don’t sing like that without      church and the song’s demo                                                                                  Kathy VanBuskirk
                                                                                                     seem possible that she has        motorcycle 4-H and is active
GRAMMY nods among                a story.’”                        version.                          been in the 4-H programs for      in auto racing at the Evergreen        forward to seeing the third
numerous other accolades,          Jonathan then invited Zach        Reflecting on his new           50 years. As a leader, she has    Speedway, and their daughter           generation of 4-H kids join her
he now returns to share his      to come to Nashville to write     album ‘Rescue Story’, and         been president, horse show        April who was in the 4-H               program this year. As Kathy
boldly vulnerable and hope-      with him and Mia Fieldes,         the blessings Christ has given    chair, served on the Horse        horses program.                        always insists, it has been
filled sophomore album, aptly    which led to the trio writing     him, he says:“When I gave my      Fair Committee, announcer at        All of these things have been        most rewarding working with
titled Rescue Story.             his debut smash single,           life to the Lord, I realized He   horse show events, and active     wonderful, but for Kathy the           parents, teachers, leaders and
  Zach’s music pulls from        “Chain Breaker.” Soon, Zach       never left me, even in the dark   in the 4-H tack sale since it     best part has been working             a County that encourages and
the hard luck truths of          found himself making the          times. For this new album, the    first began over 30 years ago.    with young people, watching            supports young people.
outlaw country, the dirt-road    trek to Music City more and       title fits because every song     She was inducted into the         them learn about horses and              “Back in the Saddle Again”
grit of southern rock, the       more often and a new career       in it has a rescue story. When    Washington State 4-H Hall of      helping others within their            is the theme of the 2021
contemporary roots music         began to slowly come into         you’re at your end of the rope,   Fame October of 2014.             clubs and their communities.           Evergreen State Fair which
of alt-country artists, and      focus. “Chain Breaker” was        that’s when your rescue story       Kathy has volunteered at the    Kathy gets great pleasure              runs August 26-31 and Sept.
a firm grounding in classic      eventually played at a label      begins. In my case, Jesus has     Evergreen State Fair every year   seeing the kids she led bring          2-6 (closed Sept. 1.)
and contemporary Christian       meeting, and it was like          been my rescue story.”            for the past 20 + years working   their children back into the             For more information about
artists.                         something out of a movie—           www.zachwilliamsmusic.          in the horse arena office         program after they are grown           the fair, please visit https://
  It was Christmas Eve in        Zach was signed to a record       com                               helping with registration,        and gone. She is looking     
2014 when a seismic stroke       label based on his singing at       Tickets are $30 to $55.

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    Stop by during the
   Evergreen State Fair!                                                Two Convenient Locations to Serve You!!
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