Basic Conditions Statement - Llangarron ...

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Basic Conditions Statement - Llangarron ...
Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

                                   Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan 2021 - 2031

                                              Basic Conditions Statement
                       (Paragraph 8(2) of Schedule 4B to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990)

                                                                                       Llangarron Parish Council, January 2021
                                                                                                                Supported by

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

1.0 Introduction

1.1       Planning Practice Guidance (Paragraph: 065 Reference ID: 41-065-20140306)1 sets out that only a draft Neighbourhood Plan or Order that meets
          each of a set of basic conditions can be put to a referendum and be made. The basic conditions are set out in paragraph 8(2) of Schedule 4B of the
          Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as applied to neighbourhood plans by section 38A of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. A draft
          order meets the basic conditions if—

              •   having regard to national policies and advice contained in guidance issued by the Secretary of State, it is appropriate to make the
                  neighbourhood plan
              •   the making of the plan contributes to the achievement of sustainable development
              •   the making of the neighbourhood plan is in general conformity with the strategic policies of the development plan for the area
              •   the making of the neighbourhood plan does not breach, and is otherwise compatible with European Union (EU) obligations.

1.2       Regulations 32 and 33 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 (as amended) set out two additional basic conditions. These are:

              •   the making of the neighbourhood plan is not likely to have significant effects on a European site or a European offshore marine site either
                  alone or in combination with other plans or projects and
              •   having regard to all material considerations, it is appropriate that the neighbourhood development order is made where the development
                  described in an order proposal is Environmental Impact Assessment development (this does not apply to this examination as it is not about a
                  neighbourhood development order).

1.3       A further Basic Condition was added by legislation on 28 December 2018. The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 para 1 states:

              •   In relation to the examination of neighbourhood development plans the following basic condition is prescribed for the purpose of paragraph
                  8(2)(g) of Schedule 4B to the 1990 Act- The making of the neighbourhood development plan does not breach the requirements of Chapter 8
                  of Part 6 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017.

1.4       This Basic Conditions Statement sets out how the Llangarron NDP has been prepared to meet the basic conditions. It has been prepared as a
          supporting document for consideration by the NDP independent Examiner.


Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

2.0 Legal Requirements
2.1     The Submission Plan is being submitted by a qualifying body
        This Submission Plan is being submitted by a qualifying body, namely Llangarron Parish Council.

2.2     What is being proposed is a neighbourhood development plan
        The plan being proposed relates to planning matters (the use and development of land) and has been prepared in accordance with the statutory
        requirements and processes set out in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by the Localism Act 2011) and the Neighbourhood
        Planning Regulations 2012.

2.3     The proposed Neighbourhood Plan states the period for which it is to have effect
        The proposed Neighbourhood Plan states the period for which it is to have effect. That period is from 2021 to 2031 (from the current year and
        referring to the same period as the adopted Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy 2011 - 2031).

2.4     The policies do not relate to excluded development
        The Neighbourhood Plan proposal does not deal with county matters (mineral extraction and waste development), nationally significant
        infrastructure or any other matters set out in Section 61K of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2.5     The proposed Neighbourhood Plan does not relate to more than one neighbourhood area and there are no other neighbourhood
        development plans in place within the neighbourhood area.
        The Neighbourhood Plan proposal relates to the designated Llangarron Neighbourhood Area and to no other area. There are no other
        Neighbourhood Plans relating to that neighbourhood area. The Designated Neighbourhood Plan Area has the same boundary as that of the Group
        Parish at the time of the designation and is shown on Map 1 in the NDP.

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

3.0 Basic Conditions

3.1       a. Having regard to national policies and advice contained in guidance issued by the Secretary of State, it is appropriate to make
          the plan
          The Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan has been prepared having appropriate regard to the policies set out in the revised National
          Planning Policy Framework (NPPF, February 2019)2.

          2. Achieving Sustainable Development

          Paragraph 1 of the NPPF explains that 'The National Planning Policy Framework sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how
          these should be applied.' Paragraph 7 sets out that 'The purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable
          development.' The planning system has 3 overarching objectives to achieve sustainable development (paragraph 8): an economic objective, a social
          objective and an environmental objective. These should be delivered through the preparation and implementation of plans (paragraph 9).

          Table 1 sets out how the Llangarron NDP delivers the 3 overarching Objectives:

          Table 1 Delivering Sustainable Development

            NPPF Overarching Objectives                                                 Llangarron NDP Policies and Proposals

            a) an economic objective – to help build a strong, responsive and           Llangarron NDP recognises the area's location within a rural area of
            competitive economy, by ensuring that sufficient land of the right types    Herefordshire where the local economy is focussed on existing tourism
            is available in the right places and at the right time to support growth,   enterprises, many small and medium sized farms, small agricultural
            innovation and improved productivity; and by identifying and                businesses supporting the agricultural sector and local services. In
            coordinating the provision of infrastructure;                               addition many people work from home offering a range of local

                                                                                        NDP Objective 3 - Employment is: 'To support existing businesses and
                                                                                        to attract new employment opportunities in local agriculture, food
                                                                                        production and sustainable tourism opportunities, so that jobs are


Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

                                                                                       provided close to where people live, and opportunities for
                                                                                       homeworking are encouraged.'

                                                                                       This should be delivered through NDP Policies EMP1 and EMP2.

                                                                                       Policy EMP1 provides criteria to guide proposals for new agricultural
                                                                                       buildings and poly tunnels including consideration of visual impacts,
                                                                                       traffic, lighting and protecting local residential amenity. Policy EMP2
                                                                                       supports small scale tourism and rural diversification.

                                                                                       In addition NDP Objective 7 - Communication is: 'To encourage the
                                                                                       development of faster broadband and other means of communication
                                                                                       within the Parish to allow business to operate and grow.'

                                                                                       This should be delivered through NDP Policy COM1 which promotes
                                                                                       the provision of a high speed broadband network as part of
                                                                                       development and supports new telecoms equipment in the parish
                                                                                       subject to criteria.

         b) a social objective –to support strong, vibrant and healthy                 Llangarron NDP has a strong focus on social sustainability and
         communities, by ensuring that a sufficient number and range of homes          supporting the local community. The NDP has been prepared over
         can be provided to meet the needs of present and future generations;          several years with a high level of community engagement to ensure
         and by fostering a well-designed and safe built environment, with             local people's concerns and ideas are incorporated at every step. The
         accessible services and open spaces that reflect current and future           NDP guides new housing and other development to the settlement
         needs and support communities' health, social and cultural well-being;        boundaries of the 4 main settlements identified in the Herefordshire
         and                                                                           Core Strategy as suitable for growth and promotes sustainable

                                                                                       Objective 1 - Sustainability is 'to promote the creation of balanced
                                                                                       communities with sufficient housing, business opportunities and
                                                                                       facilities to satisfy all sectors of the community.'

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

                                                                                       This will be delivered through Policy SUS1 (and all other NDP Policies).
                                                                                       Policy SUS1 sets out that development proposals should enhance and
                                                                                       maintain the vitality of local communities by supporting local and
                                                                                       essential services and new residential development should be located
                                                                                       within the identified settlement boundaries of Llangrove, Llancloudy,
                                                                                       Llangarron and Three Ashes and should contribute to a suitable mix of

                                                                                       Objective 4 - Housing is 'to ensure the provision of sustainable, energy
                                                                                       efficient housing in the Parish which is appropriately designed to meet
                                                                                       the needs of all sectors of the community. This will include both private
                                                                                       and affordable sectors. The scale, design and location of the dwellings
                                                                                       should as far as possible reflect the character of the area and any new
                                                                                       dwellings should be built to a high standard of design.'

                                                                                       This should be delivered through NDP Policies HOU1, HOU2, HOU3 and
                                                                                       HOU4. Policy HOU1 supports new housing development within the
                                                                                       settlement boundaries of Llangrove, Llangarron, Llancoudy and Three
                                                                                       Ashes subject to local criteria. Policy HOU2 guides proposals for
                                                                                       replacement dwellings in the countryside and Policy HOU3 sets out
                                                                                       criteria for assessing the proposed change of use of agricultural
                                                                                       buildings to dwellings and holiday accommodation. Policy HOU4 sets
                                                                                       out criteria to guide proposals for housing extension where planning
                                                                                       permission is required.

                                                                                       Objective 6 - Community Facilities is 'to protect existing community
                                                                                       facilities and assets and promote the improvement of services and
                                                                                       other facilities within the Parish and encourage the improvement of
                                                                                       existing facilities and services such as footpaths, open space and play

                                                                                       This should be delivered through NDP Policy CSU1 which identifies
                                                                                       existing community facilities in the parish for protection and which

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

                                                                                       supports proposals which improve the range of community facilities
                                                                                       and local services available within the Parish, including a car park,
                                                                                       improvements to a village hall and allotments.

         c) an environmental objective - to contribute to protecting and               Llangarron NDP has a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability
         enhancing our natural, built and historic environment; including making       which reflects its location within a rural area and the area's many built
         effective use of land, helping to improve biodiversity, using natural         and natural heritage assets.
         resources prudently, minimising waste and pollution, and mitigating
         and adapting to climate change, including moving to a low carbon              Objective 2 - Environment is 'to manage and protect the countryside
         economy.                                                                      and heritage assets for all to enjoy, by providing measures to protect
                                                                                       and enhance the landscape setting and character of the villages
                                                                                       including conserving important heritage assets and protecting the
                                                                                       wider countryside.'

                                                                                       This should be delivered through NDP Policies ENV1, ENV2, ENV3 and
                                                                                       ENV4. Collectively these policies seek to protect and enhance local
                                                                                       landscape character and biodiversity, and seek to protect heritage
                                                                                       assets and the built character of the settlements by promoting
                                                                                       sensitive change, and address local flood risk and the need to manage
                                                                                       development to ensure the capacity of WwTW is not exceeded.

                                                                                       In addition the NDP promotes sustainable transport choices. Objective
                                                                                       5 - Roads and Traffic is 'to promote measures for pedestrian and
                                                                                       cyclists’ safety and ensure there is no detrimental impact on highway
                                                                                       safety for all road users. Wherever possible the plan will encourage and
                                                                                       support the use of public transport and roads, paths, drains etc will be
                                                                                       maintained in good condition.'

                                                                                       This should be delivered through NDP Policy TRA1 which promotes a
                                                                                       range of measures in new developments to support walking and cycling
                                                                                       and use of public transport.

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

                                                                                       The NDP also supports low carbon energy technologies. Objective 8 -
                                                                                       Energy is 'to encourage the use of sustainable energy whilst seeking to
                                                                                       ensure there is no detrimental impact on the character of the area or
                                                                                       the people who live in the Parish. New housing schemes and other
                                                                                       development will be encouraged to incorporate sustainable energy

                                                                                       This should be delivered through NDP Policies ENG1 and ENG2 which
                                                                                       guide renewable technology schemes in new developments and
                                                                                       support small scale renewable energy schemes subject to impacts on
                                                                                       local landscape, biodiversity, character, residential amenity and

        The presumption in favour of sustainable development is explained in relation to plan making in paragraph 11:

        11. Plans and decisions should apply a presumption in favour of sustainable development. For plan-making this means that:
        a) plans should positively seek opportunities to meet the development needs of their area, and be sufficiently flexible to adapt to rapid
        b) strategic policies should, as a minimum, provide for objectively assessed needs for housing and other uses, as well as any needs
        that cannot be met within neighbouring areas5, unless:
        i. the application of policies in this Framework that protect areas or assets of particular importance provides a strong reason for restricting the
        overall scale, type or distribution of development in the plan area6; or
        ii. any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in this
        Framework taken as a whole.

        The Llangarron NDP takes a positive and balanced approach to development, recognising that whilst the indicative housing target set out in the
        Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy has been met and exceeded, some further limited development within the identified settlement boundaries
        would be acceptable, provided that housing types and sizes are suitable, the economy and community facilities are enhanced, and the sensitive
        character of the natural and built environment is protected from unsympathetic change.

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

        Paragraph 13 explains that the application of the presumption has implications for the way communities engage in neighbourhood planning.
        Neighbourhood plans should support the delivery of strategic policies contained in local plans or spatial development strategies; and should shape
        and direct development that is outside of these strategic policies.

        3. Plan Making

        In Section 3 Plan Making, the NPPF sets out that 6 principles that plans should address. Table 2 sets out how the Llangarron NDP addresses each of
        these in turn.

        Table 2 Plan Making

         NPPF Plan Making                                                              Llangarron NDP

         a) be prepared with the objective of contributing to the achievement of       The NDP has been prepared to contribute to sustainable development;
         sustainable development;                                                      Table 1 above sets out how the Plan's objectives, policies and
                                                                                       proposals address economic, social and environmental objectives.
         b) be prepared positively, in a way that is aspirational but deliverable;     The NDP has been prepared positively. The Parish Council has worked
                                                                                       hard to ensure policies are positively worded to 'support' and
                                                                                       'encourage' suitable and appropriate development.

                                                                                       The environmental policies in the NDP set out locally appropriate
                                                                                       criteria which reflect the designated area's location in a rural area of

                                                                               The policies have been prepared over a long period of time and though
                                                                               several stages of informal consultation and engagement. The work on
                                                                               the NDP has been led by parish councillors with the support of officers
                                                                               from Herefordshire Council and independent planning consultants.
         c) be shaped by early, proportionate and effective engagement         Local residents have helped to shape the policies, many of whom have
         between plan-makers and communities, local organisations, businesses, a detailed knowledge of the area and its intrinsic character and special
         infrastructure providers and operators and statutory consultees;      qualities and are passionate about protecting them.

                                                                                       All the policies have been prepared through an extensive and
                                                                                       thorough approach to community engagement, including informal

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

                                                                                       consultation on the emerging plan, two formal Regulation 14 public
                                                                                       consultations and various public meetings, including those considering
                                                                                       the proposed settlement boundaries.

                                                                                       The accompanying Consultation Statement sets out the details of the
                                                                                       extensive, wide ranging and multiple community consultation and
                                                                                       engagement activities which have been undertaken since 2013 at all
                                                                                       stages of the Plan's preparation. Briefly this has included:
                                                                                           • Initial questionnaires seeking the key issues
                                                                                           • Discussions with various community groups and associations
                                                                                           • A presentation to the local primary school
                                                                                           • A stand at the Llangarron Village Fete in July 2013
                                                                                           • A questionnaire to all households in the Parish and an
                                                                                               invitation to a Neighbourhood Planning for Real Event in
                                                                                               November 2013
                                                                                           • An open day in November 2014 and follow up questionnaire
                                                                                               relating to the Draft Sustainability Statement, Draft Vision and
                                                                                           • First version of the Draft Plan published for formal
                                                                                               consultation (Regulation 14) in 2017
                                                                                           • Regulation 14 public consultation on revised and updated
                                                                                               Draft Plan, September - October 2020.

                                                                                       Consultations were promoted using local newsletters, the Parish
                                                                                       Council's website and hand delivery of questionnaires to all
                                                                                       households in the Parish by members of the Steering Group. Drop In
                                                                                       events were held at key stages. During the COVID-19 Pandemic the
                                                                                       Parish Council held an open online meeting to discuss and agree
                                                                                       changes to the Submission NDP. Stakeholders were invited to speak
                                                                                       for a short period at the beginning of the meeting.

                                                                                       At each consultation stage representations have been considered
                                                                                       carefully and appropriate amendments to the NDP made.

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

         d) contain policies that are clearly written and unambiguous, so it is        The NDP policies and proposals have been prepared by the Parish
         evident how a decision maker should react to development proposals;           Council, with support from a planning consultant and planning officers
                                                                                       at Herefordshire Council.

                                                                                       Amendments have been made at key stages to improve the clarity and
                                                                                       reduce ambiguity, but it is understood that the Examiner is likely to
                                                                                       recommend further changes to wording following the examination
         e) be accessible through the use of digital tools to assist public            Updates and documents have been provided on the NDP website at all
         involvement and policy presentation; and                                      stages of plan preparation.

                                                                                       Responses by email were invited at informal and formal consultation

         f) serve a clear purpose, avoiding unnecessary duplication of policies        The NDP has been amended and updated to reduce duplication with
         that apply to a particular area (including policies in this Framework,        policies in the Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy and duplication
         where relevant).                                                              with national policies.

        The Plan Making Framework

        Paragraph 18 sets out that policies to address non-strategic matters should be included in local plans that contain both strategic and non-strategic
        policies, and/or in local or neighbourhood plans that contain just non-strategic policies. The Llangarron NDP contains non-strategic planning policies
        and proposals that add local detail and value to strategic policies in the Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy. The supporting text for the NDP
        policies refers to the relevant strategic policies.

        Non-strategic policies

        Paragraph 29 advises that neighbourhood planning gives communities the power to develop a shared vision for their area. Neighbourhood plans
        can shape, direct and help to deliver sustainable development, by influencing local planning decisions as part of the statutory development plan.

        Neighbourhood plans should not promote less development than set out in the strategic policies for the area or undermine those strategic policies.
        Llangarron NDP supports development in line with Local Plan Core Strategy Policy RA1 - Rural housing distribution which sets out a minimum

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

        housing growth target for the Ross rural HMA of 14% or 1150 new houses. The Core Strategy identifies the settlements in the rural areas where
        new housing should be accommodated under Policy RA2. In Llangarron Parish, Llangrove is identified in Figure 4.14: as a settlement which will be
        the main focus of proportionate housing development, and Llangarron, Llancloudy and Three Ashes are identified in Figure 4.15: Other settlements
        where proportionate housing is appropriate. In order to be in 'general conformity' with the Core Strategy, new housing development in the parish
        should be concentrated in these identified settlements.

        Paragraph 30 goes on to say that once a neighbourhood plan has been brought into force, the policies it contains take precedence over existing
        non-strategic policies in a local plan covering the neighbourhood area, where they are in conflict; unless they are superseded by strategic or non-
        strategic policies that are adopted subsequently.

        5. Delivering a sufficient supply of homes

        Paragraph 65 sets out that strategic policies should also set out a housing requirement for designated neighbourhood areas which reflects the
        overall strategy for the pattern and scale of development and any relevant allocations. The NDP has been prepared in the context of Herefordshire
        Local Plan Core Strategy Policies RA1 and RA2, and sets out that although the minimum requirement has been met, further limited development
        will be supported over the plan period.

        The designated area is located within a rural area. Paragraph 78 advises that to promote sustainable development in rural areas, housing should be
        located where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities. The NDP supports this principle by guiding new development proposals
        to within the settlement boundaries of the settlements identified for growth in the Core Strategy.

        6. Building a strong, competitive economy

        Paragraph 83 advises that in rural areas planning policies should enable a) the sustainable growth and expansion of all types of business in rural
        areas, both through conversion of existing buildings and well-designed new buildings; b) the development and diversification of agricultural and
        other land-based rural businesses; c) sustainable rural tourism and leisure developments which respect the character of the countryside; and d) the
        retention and development of accessible local services and community facilities, such as local shops, meeting places, sports venues, open space,
        cultural buildings, public houses and places of worship.

        The NDP addresses these matters through policies which support suitable rural growth and tourism and which seek to protect and enhance local
        community facilities.

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

        Paragraph 91 sets out that planning policies and decisions should aim to achieve healthy, inclusive and safe places which promote social interaction,
        are safe and accessible and enable and support healthy lifestyles. The NDP promotes walking and cycling and improved accessibility to local
        facilities including those supporting a resilient and sustainable community.

        9. Promoting sustainable transport

        Paragraph 102 advises that opportunities to promote walking, cycling and public transport use should be identified and pursued. The NDP includes
        a transport policy which supports increased walking and cycling and use of public transport by encouraging developments to incorporate linkages
        and facilities such as cycle storage.

        11. Making effective use of land

        Paragraph 118 advises that planning policies should a) encourage multiple benefits from both urban and rural land, including through mixed use
        schemes and taking opportunities to achieve net environmental gains – such as developments that would enable new habitat creation or improve
        public access to the countryside; and b) recognise that some undeveloped land can perform many functions, such as for wildlife, recreation, flood
        risk mitigation, cooling/shading, carbon storage or food production.

        The NDP supports landscape and habitat protection and enhancement and recognises the need for flood risk mitigation. Allotments are included in
        the list of proposed improvements to community facilities.

        12. Achieving well-designed places

        Paragraph 124 explains that the creation of high quality buildings and places is fundamental to what the planning and development process should
        achieve. Paragraph 125 goes on to say that design policies should be developed with local communities so they reflect local aspirations, and are
        grounded in an understanding and evaluation of each area’s defining characteristics. Neighbourhood plans can play an important role in identifying
        the special qualities of each area and explaining how this should be reflected in development.

        Llangarron NDP describes the local character of the settlements and wider countryside of the parish on some detail and includes policies which aim
        to protect heritage and local character and which also consider landscape character. Sustainable design runs through the NDP and is referred to
        and promoted across a range of policies. The NDP also notes several significant local views which are valued by residents and which should be
        considered in development proposals.

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

        14. Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change

        Paragraph 148 advises that the planning system should support the transition to a low carbon future in a changing climate, taking full account of
        flood risk and coastal change. Paragraph 151 goes on to set out that to help increase the use and supply of renewable and low carbon energy and
        heat, plans should c) identify opportunities for development to draw its energy supply from decentralised, renewable or low carbon energy supply
        systems and for co-locating potential heat customers and suppliers and in paragraph 152, local planning authorities should support community-led
        initiatives for renewable and low carbon energy, including developments outside areas identified in local plans or other strategic policies that are
        being taken forward through neighbourhood planning.

        In addition to policies promoting more sustainable, low carbon forms of transport, NDP Policies ENG1 and ENG2 guide renewable technology
        schemes in new developments and support small scale renewable energy schemes subject to impacts on local landscape, biodiversity, character,
        residential amenity and highways.

        Planning and flood risk

        Paragraph 157 sets out that plans should avoid, where possible, flood risk to people and property. They should do this, and manage any residual
        risk, by various measures including c) using opportunities provided by new development to reduce the causes and impacts of flooding (where
        appropriate through the use of natural flood management techniques). Flooding is a significant local issue in many parts of the parish and Policy
        SUS1 requires development to minimise the risk of flooding for existing and new properties by promoting and delivering measures to reduce flood
        risk; and undertake works to upgrade the shortfalls in the capacity of other infrastructure including, utilities, waste water and land drainage.
        Minimising flood risk is also addressed directly in NDP Policy ENV3.

        15. Conserving and enhancing the natural environment

        Paragraph 170 advises that planning policies and decisions should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by protecting and
        enhancing valued landscapes and sites of biodiversity and recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside. NDP Policy ENV1
        identifies important local landscape features and views for protection and sets out how landscaping schemes can protect, restore and enhance local
        landscape character.

        Ground conditions and pollution

        Paragraph 180 sets out that planning policies and decisions should ensure that new development is appropriate for its location taking into account
        the likely effects (including cumulative effects) of pollution on health, living conditions and the natural environment, as well as the potential
        sensitivity of the site or the wider area to impacts that could arise from the development. This includes considering such matters as noise and light

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

        pollution. NDP Policy ENV1 includes protection of the area's dark skies and Policy EMP1 requires proposals for conversions of agricultural buildings
        to take suitable measures to protect the amenity of occupiers of nearby residential properties and to minimise or otherwise mitigate disturbance,
        noise, odours, lighting or other pollution.

        16. Conserving and enhancing the historic environment

        Paragraph 184 advises that heritage assets are an irreplaceable resource, and should be conserved in a manner appropriate to their significance, so
        that they can be enjoyed for their contribution to the quality of life of existing and future generations. Paragraph 18 goes on to say that plans
        should set out a positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the historic environment. Policy ENV2: Protecting historic assets and
        settlement character notes several buildings of particular significance to local residents and requires development to preserve the character and
        protect the settings of villages and to use local materials where appropriate.

3.2     b. Having Special Regard to the Desirability of Preserving any Listed Building or its Setting or any Features of Special Architectural or
        Historic Interest
        The NDP notes the listed buildings in the Group Parish.

        [Note: this Basic Condition only applies to Neighbourhood Development Orders but has been included for the sake of completeness].

3.3     c. Having Special Regard to the Desirability of Preserving or Enhancing Character or Appearance of any Conservation Area
        The Plan area does not include a Conservation Area.

        [Note: this Basic Condition only applies to Neighbourhood Development Orders but has been included for the sake of completeness].

3.4     d. Contributes to the Achievement of Sustainable Development
        The Submission Neighbourhood Development Plan contributes strongly to the achievement of sustainable development. This is set out in more
        detail in Table 1 above in relation to the economic, social and environmental objectives of the NPPF.

3.5     e. In General Conformity with Strategic Local Planning Policy
        The Submission Neighbourhood Plan is in general conformity with strategic Local Plan policies contained in the adopted Herefordshire Local Plan
        Core Strategy 2011-2031. Table 3 sets out the way that the Neighbourhood Plan conforms to the relevant strategic planning policies in the Local

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

        Table 3 Conformity with Local Strategic Planning Policy
 Llangarron NDP Policy                           Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy 2011 - 2031 Policies,   General Conformity
                                                 adopted October 2015
 Policy SUS1: Sustainable Development            Policy SS1 - Presumption in favour of sustainable              NDP Policy SUS1 sets out the overarching
                                                 development                                                    policy approach in the NDP, promoting a
 Policy SUS1: Sustainable Development            Policy SS2 - Delivering new homes                              sustainable approach in new development.
                                                 Policy SS4 - Movement and transportation                       This is in line with the presumption in
 Development proposals will be required to       Policy SS6 - Environmental quality and local distinctiveness   favour of sustainable development set out
 demonstrate that they contribute to             Policy SS7 - Addressing climate change                         in Core Strategy Policy SS1.
 sustainability and community resilience by
 addressing the following criteria:              Policy RA2 - Housing in settlements outside Hereford and       The NDP Policy addresses matters such as
                                                 the market towns                                               conserving and enhancing the natural and
 1.       Development proposals should           Policy RA6 - Rural economy                                     historic environment which is in general
 conserve and enhance the natural and            Policy MT1 - Traffic management, highway safety and            conformity with Core Strategy Policies SS6
 historic environment. Wherever possible         promoting active travel                                        and LD1 and LD2, sustainable transport
 existing trees and hedges should be             Policy LD1 – Landscape and townscape                           which is in general conformity with Core
 retained. This should be achieved through       Policy LD2 - Biodiversity and geodiversity                     Strategy Policies SS4 and MT1. The Policy
 the design and delivery of high quality built   Policy SD4 - Waste water treatment and river water quality     also provides the broad planning
 environment and landscaping schemes                                                                            framework for guiding new housing
 which respond positively to local                                                                              development to the main settlements in
 distinctiveness and rural character;                                                                           accordance with Core Strategy Policies SS2
                                                                                                                and RA2 and considers flood risk and
 2.        Proposals should minimise reliance                                                                   infrastructure requirements in line with
 on the private car by promoting walking                                                                        Core Strategy Policies SS7 and SD4 and
 and cycling and where possible being                                                                           requires employment development to
 located close to local bus services, whilst                                                                    respect local character in line with Core
 recognising that for rural communities the                                                                     Strategy Policy RA6 which requires
 car is likely to remain an important mode of                                                                   development to be of a scale suitable to its
 transport for many households;                                                                                 setting.

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

 Llangarron NDP Policy                           Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy 2011 - 2031 Policies,   General Conformity
                                                 adopted October 2015
 3.      Development proposals should
 enhance and maintain the vitality of local
 communities by supporting local and
 essential services;

 4.       New residential development
 should be located within the identified
 settlement boundaries of Llangrove,
 Llancloudy, Llangarron and Three Ashes
 and should contribute to a suitable mix of
 housing in terms of type, size and tenure to
 promote strong, balanced communities,
 and in particular meet the needs of young
 families, the elderly and people with
 disabilities. The precise housing mix should
 address the changing needs of the parish
 over the plan-period in order to support
 local community and economic wellbeing;

 5.      Outside these settlements
 development will be considered to be in
 Herefordshire's countryside and will be
 required to comply with Herefordshire
 Local Plan Core Strategy Policies RA3, RA4
 and RA5;

 6.       Development should ensure there
 is no detrimental impact on essential
 infrastructure by:
 i.       Minimising the risk of flooding for
 existing and new properties by promoting

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

 Llangarron NDP Policy                           Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy 2011 - 2031 Policies,   General Conformity
                                                 adopted October 2015
 and delivering measures to reduce flood
 risk; and
 ii.      Undertaking works to upgrade the
 shortfalls in the capacity of other
 infrastructure including, utilities, waste
 water and land drainage.

 7.       Any new development should
 minimise the impact on the local roads and
 surrounding highway network by:
 i.       Introducing traffic calming
 measures where appropriate to minimise
 the impact on local amenity and improve
 pedestrian, equestrian and cyclist safety;
 ii.      Promoting sustainable transport

 8.      Small scale employment related
 development should support the local
 economy, while retaining the area’s unique

 9.      Development which supports
 opportunities for working from home will
 be supported.
 Policy ENV1: Landscape and biodiversity         Policy SS6 Environmental quality and local distinctiveness     NDP Policy ENV1 requires development
                                                                                                                proposals to protect and enhance the
 Policy ENV1: Landscape and biodiversity         Development proposals should conserve and enhance those        landscape character and biodiversity of the
                                                 environmental assets that contribute towards the county’s      Parish. The Policy goes on to set out that
                                                 distinctiveness, in particular its settlement pattern,         proposals should minimise their impacts

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

 Llangarron NDP Policy                             Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy 2011 - 2031 Policies,        General Conformity
                                                   adopted October 2015
 New proposals for development should              landscape, biodiversity and heritage assets and especially          on a range of locally important landscape
 seek to protect and enhance the landscape         those with specific environmental designations. In addition,        features including views, dark skies,
 character and biodiversity of the Parish. In      proposals should maintain and improve the effectiveness of          PROW, hedgerows and trees and water
 order to protect the landscape character          those ecosystems essential to the health and wellbeing of the       courses.
 new proposals should positively enhance           county’s residents and its economy. Development proposals
 the existing landscape and minimise their         should be shaped through an integrated approach to                  This is in general conformity with Core
 impacts on:                                       planning the following environmental components from the            Strategy Policy SS6 which requires
                                                   outset, and based upon sufficient information to determine          development proposals to conserve and
 1.       Important views, including but not       the effect upon each where they are relevant:                       enhance those environmental assets that
 limited to, visually sensitive skylines, valley   •       landscape, townscape and local distinctiveness,             contribute towards the county’s
 sides and hillsides as shown on Maps 3A           especially in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty;                  distinctiveness, in particular its settlement
 and 3B;                                           •       biodiversity and geodiversity especially Special Areas      pattern, landscape, biodiversity and
 2.       Nocturnal character including dark       of Conservation and Sites of Special Scientific Interest;           heritage assets. Developments should also
 skies, from light pollution;                      •       historic environment and heritage assets, especially        protect, and where possible restore,
 3.       Hedgerows (see Polices Maps 4, 5,        Scheduled Monuments and Listed Buildings;                           important habitats such as traditional
 6 and 7), unregistered parks and gardens          •       the network of green infrastructure;                        orchards and hedgerows.
 and ancient woodlands;                            •       local amenity, including light pollution, air quality and
 4.       Public open spaces and footpaths;        tranquillity;                                                       This is in general conformity with Core
 5.       Veteran, ancient, mature and             •       agricultural and food productivity;                         Strategy Policy SS6 which requires
 notable trees and existing traditional            •       physical resources, including minerals, soils,              proposals to conserve and enhance those
 orchards; and                                     management of waste, the water environment, renewable               environmental assets that contribute
 6.       Waterways and tributaries of the         energy and energy conservation.                                     towards the county’s distinctiveness,
 River Wye.                                                                                                            including landscape and biodiversity.
                                                   The management plans and conservation objectives of the
 Development proposals should                      county’s international and nationally important features and        Core Strategy Policy LD1 requires
 demonstrate how they have addressed the           areas will be material to the determination of future               proposals to demonstrate that landscape
 preservation, and restoration, of existing        development proposals. Furthermore assessments of local             character has influenced design, and to
 green infrastructure, for example, trees,         features, areas and sites, defining local distinctiveness in        incorporate new landscape schemes to
 hedges and woodland. Wherever possible            other development plan documents, Neighbourhood                     ensure development integrates
 development should support the creation           Development Plans and Supplementary Planning Documents              appropriately into its surroundings and
 of new habitats, for example by planting          should inform decisions upon proposals.                             maintain and extend tree cover.

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

 Llangarron NDP Policy                           Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy 2011 - 2031 Policies,    General Conformity
                                                 adopted October 2015
 orchards as part of biodiversity net gain
 and as a resource for the community.            Policy LD1 – Landscape and townscape                          In addition Policy LD2 – Biodiversity and
 Traditional hedgerows should be retained a                                                                    geodiversity requires development
 boundary treatments and new hedgerows           Development proposals should:                                 proposals to conserve, restore and
 should use appropriate local species which      -       demonstrate that character of the landscape and       enhance the biodiversity and geodiversity
 enhance biodiversity.                           townscape has positively influenced the design, scale, nature assets of Herefordshire, including through
                                                 and site selection, protection and enhancement of the         restoration and enhancement of existing
 'Traditional orchards should be retained        setting of settlements and designated areas;                  biodiversity and geodiversity features on
 unless it can be demonstrated that their        -       conserve and enhance the natural, historic and scenic site and connectivity to wider ecological
 loss will not reduce environmental              beauty of important landscapes and features, including Areas networks, and the creation of new
 biodiversity or be detrimental by causing       of Outstanding Natural Beauty, nationally and locally         biodiversity features and wildlife habitats.
 loss of wildlife habitat. Where orchards are    designated parks and gardens and conservation areas;
 lost developers can be expected to include      through the protection of the area’s character and by
 an equivalent range of varietal fruit species   enabling appropriate uses, design and management;
 traditional to the local area in landscaping    -       incorporate new landscape schemes and their
 schemes of at least equivalent size to that     management to ensure development integrates
 which will be lost or provide a new orchard     appropriately into its surroundings; and
 using traditional species for the benefit of    - maintain and extend tree cover where important to
 the local community.                            amenity, through the retention of important trees,
                                                 appropriate replacement of trees lost through development
 The priority for new development should         and new planting to support green infrastructure.
 be to avoid direct and indirect impacts
 upon landscape character and biodiversity.      Policy LD2 – Biodiversity and geodiversity
 Where impacts cannot be avoided,
 mitigation and then compensation                Development proposals should conserve, restore and
 measures should be provided.                    enhance the biodiversity and geodiversity assets of
                                                 Herefordshire, through the:

                                                 1. retention and protection of nature conservation sites and
                                                 habitats, and important species in accordance with their
                                                 status as follows:

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

 Llangarron NDP Policy                           Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy 2011 - 2031 Policies,      General Conformity
                                                 adopted October 2015
                                                 a) Development that is likely to harm sites and species of
                                                 European Importance will not be permitted;
                                                  b) Development that would be liable to harm Sites of Special
                                                 Scientific Interest or nationally protected
                                                 species will only be permitted if the conservation status of
                                                 their habitat or important physical features can be protected
                                                 by conditions or other material considerations are sufficient
                                                 to outweigh nature conservation considerations;
                                                 c) Development that would be liable to harm the nature
                                                 conservation value of a site or species of local nature
                                                 conservation interest will only be permitted if the importance
                                                 of the development outweighs the local value of the site,
                                                 habitat or physical feature that supports important species.
                                                 d) Development that will potentially reduce the coherence
                                                 and effectiveness of the ecological network of sites will only
                                                 be permitted where adequate compensatory measures are
                                                 brought forward.
                                                 2. restoration and enhancement of existing biodiversity and
                                                 geodiversity features on site and connectivity to wider
                                                 ecological networks; and
                                                 3. creation of new biodiversity features and wildlife habitats.

                                                 Where appropriate the council will work with developers to
                                                 agree a management strategy to ensure the protection of,
                                                 and prevention of adverse impacts on, biodiversity and
                                                 geodiversity features.
 Policy ENV2: Protecting historic assets and     Policy SS6 - Environmental quality and local distinctiveness      NDP Policy ENV2 aims to ensure new
 settlement character                            Policy LD1 – Landscape and townscape                              development is sensitive to local context
                                                                                                                   and character, including built heritage, the
 Policy ENV2: Protecting historic assets and     Policy LD4 – Historic environment and heritage assets             distinctive character of each village by
 settlement character                                                                                              using local materials where appropriate.

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

 Llangarron NDP Policy                           Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy 2011 - 2031 Policies,    General Conformity
                                                 adopted October 2015
                                                 Development proposals affecting heritage assets and the
 Development proposals should:                   wider historic environment should:                              This is in general conformity with Core
                                                 1. Protect, conserve, and where possible enhance heritage       Strategy Policy SS6 which requires
 1.       Not adversely affect Listed            assets and their settings in a manner                           development proposals to conserve and
 Buildings, important landscapes and             appropriate to their significance through appropriate           enhance those environmental assets that
 features, and buildings considered to be of     management, uses and sympathetic design, in                     contribute towards the county’s
 local architectural, or historic interest       particular emphasising the original form and function where     distinctiveness, in particular its settlement
 which contribute to the character of the        possible;                                                       pattern and landscape (and others).
 villages within the Plan area.                  2. where opportunities exist, contribute to the character and
                                                 local distinctiveness of the townscape or                       Policy LD1 sets out that development
 2.       Pay special attention to the need to   wider environment, especially within conservation areas;        proposals should demonstrate that
 conserve and enhance such buildings or          3. use the retention, repair and sustainable use of heritage    character of the landscape and townscape
 sites, their setting and any significant        assets to provide a focus for wider regeneration schemes;       has positively influenced the design, scale,
 architectural, historic and landscape           4. record and advance the understanding of the significance     nature and site selection, protection and
 features.                                       of any heritage assets to be lost (wholly or in part) and to    enhancement of the setting of settlements
                                                 make this evidence or archive generated publicly accessible     and designated areas.
 3.      Not adversely affect settings of        and
 heritage assets which are valued by             5. where appropriate, improve the understanding of and          Policy LD4 protects heritage, requiring
 residents. These include but not limited to:    public access to the heritage asset.                            proposals affecting heritage assets and the
 •       St Deinst Church, Llangarron;                                                                           wider historic environment to protect,
 •       Christ Church, Llangrove;               The scope of the works required to protect, conserve and        conserve, and where possible enhance
 •       Bernithan Court, Llangarron;            enhance heritage assets and their settings should be            heritage assets and their settings in a
 •       Langstone Court and its associated      proportionate to their significance. Development schemes        manner appropriate to their significance.
 unregistered park and garden;                   should emphasise the original form and function of any asset
 •       Treribble, Three Ashes .                and, where appropriate, improve the understanding of and
                                                 public access to them.
 4.       Preserve the character of each
 village particularly by using designs and
 building materials for new development
 which respect local building tradition,
 features and distinctiveness. Schemes

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

 Llangarron NDP Policy                           Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy 2011 - 2031 Policies,   General Conformity
                                                 adopted October 2015
 should respond to the height and scale of
 nearby buildings and new buildings should
 not exceed 2 storeys. The use of traditional
 Herefordshire red sandstone and render
 with painted window frames preferred.
 Schemes which contribute to light pollution
 should be avoided.

 5.       Protect the setting of villages and
 the character of the open countryside by
 locating new development within the
 settlement boundaries, unless there is
 special justification as identified elsewhere
 in the plan, for example for agriculture or
 tourism proposals.

 6.      Take account of known surface and
 sub-surface archaeology, and ensure
 unknown and potentially significant
 deposits are identified and appropriately
 considered during development. Lack of
 current evidence of sub-surface
 archaeology is not proof of absence.

 Policy ENV3: Flooding                           Policy SS7- Addressing climate change                          NDP Policy ENV3 has been prepared as
                                                                                                                parts of the NDP area are in areas where
 Development proposals should be located         Development proposals will be required to include measures     there is a history of flooding. The Policy
 in areas at low risk of flooding wherever       which will mitigate their impact on climate change.            guides development to areas at lower risk
 possible. Development proposals in Flood        At a strategic level, this will include:                       of flooding and requires proposals to
 Zones 2 and 3 will be subject to the            • focussing development to the most sustainable locations;     provide effective surface water drainage
 Sequential Test and (where appropriate)

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

 Llangarron NDP Policy                            Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy 2011 - 2031 Policies,    General Conformity
                                                  adopted October 2015
 Exception Tests in accordance with               • delivering development that seeks to reduce the need to       measures and to not adversely impact on
 National Policy. Proposals also should have      travel by private car and which encourages                      existing infrastructure.
 regard to the Strategic Flood Risk               sustainable travel options including walking, cycling and
 Assessment for Herefordshire (SFRA).             public transport;                                               This is in general conformity with Core
                                                  • designing developments to reduce carbon emissions and         Strategy Policy SS7 which requires
 1.      Where the management of surface          use resources more efficiently;                                 development proposals to minimise the
 water drainage needs to be addressed,            • promoting the use of decentralised and renewable or low       risk of flooding and make use of
 developers should utilise sustainable            carbon energy where appropriate;                                sustainable drainage methods. Policy SD3
 drainage systems (SUDS) where this is            • supporting affordable, local food production, processing      requires development to reduce flood risk
 practicable.                                     and farming to reduce the county’s contribution to food         through the inclusion of flood storage
                                                  miles;                                                          compensation measures, or provide
 2.       Development on all sites should be      • protecting the best agricultural land where possible;         similar betterment to enhance the local
 accompanied by detailed drainage                                                                                 flood risk regime.
 proposals setting out the approach to foul       Key considerations in terms of responses to climate change
 drainage, storm water, SUDs and any              include:
 proposed flood alleviation, and                  • taking into account the known physical and environmental
 infrastructure improvements including            constraints when identifying locations for development;
 permeable surfaces, and how these will be        • ensuring design approaches are resilient to climate change
 delivered effectively.                           impacts, including the use of passive solar
                                                  design for heating and cooling and tree planting for shading;
 3.      Existing utility infrastructure should   • minimising the risk of flooding and making use of
 not be compromised and mechanisms                sustainable drainage methods;
 should be put in place to avoid or mitigate      • reducing heat island effects (for example through the
 any possible pollution.                          provision of open space and water, planting and
                                                  green roofs);
                                                  • reduction, re-use and recycling of waste with particular
                                                  emphasis on waste minimisation on
                                                  development sites; and
                                                  • developments must demonstrate water efficiency
                                                  measures to reduce demand on water resources.

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

 Llangarron NDP Policy                           Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy 2011 - 2031 Policies,   General Conformity
                                                 adopted October 2015
                                                 Adaptation through design approaches will be considered in
                                                 more locally specific detail in a Design Code Supplementary
                                                 Planning Document.

                                                 Policy SD3 – Sustainable water management and water

                                                 Measures for sustainable water management will be required
                                                 to be an integral element of new development in order to
                                                 reduce flood risk; to avoid an adverse impact on water
                                                 quantity; to protect and enhance groundwater resources and
                                                 to provide opportunities to enhance biodiversity, health and
                                                 recreation. This will be achieved by ensuring that:
                                                 1.      development proposals are located in accordance
                                                 with the Sequential Test and Exception Tests (where
                                                 appropriate) and have regard to the Strategic Flood Risk
                                                 Assessment (SFRA) 2009 for Herefordshire;
                                                 2.      development is designed to be safe, taking into
                                                 account the lifetime of the development and the need to
                                                 adapt to climate change by setting appropriate floor levels,
                                                 providing safe pedestrian and vehicular access, where
                                                 appropriate, implementing a flood evacuation management
                                                 plan and avoiding areas identified as being subject to Rapid
                                                 Inundation from a breach of a Flood Defence;
                                                 3.      where flooding is identified as an issue, new
                                                 development should reduce flood risk through the inclusion
                                                 of flood storage compensation measures, or provide similar
                                                 betterment to enhance the local flood risk regime;
                                                 4.      development will not result in the loss of open
                                                 watercourse and culverts should be opened up where
                                                 possible to improve drainage and flood flows. Proposals

Llangarron Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement, January 2021

 Llangarron NDP Policy                           Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy 2011 - 2031 Policies,      General Conformity
                                                 adopted October 2015
                                                 involving the creation of new culverts (unless essential to the
                                                 provision of access) will not be permitted;
                                                 5.       development includes appropriate sustainable
                                                 drainage systems (SuDS) to manage surface water
                                                 appropriate to the hydrological setting of the site.
                                                 Development should not result in an increase in runoff and
                                                 should aim to achieve a reduction in the existing runoff rate
                                                 and volumes, where possible;
                                                 6. water conservation and efficiency measures are included
                                                 in all new developments, specifically:
                                                 • residential development should achieve Housing - Optional
                                                 Technical Standards - Water efficiency standards. At the time
                                                 of adoption the published water efficiency standards were
                                                 110 litres/person/ day; or
                                                  • non-residential developments in excess of 1,000 m2 gross
                                                 floorspace to achieve the equivalent of BREEAM 3 credits for
                                                 water consumption as a minimum;
                                                 7. the separation of foul and surface water on new
                                                 developments is maximised;
                                                 8. development proposals do not lead to deterioration of EU
                                                 Water Framework Directive water body status;
                                                  9. development should not cause an unacceptable risk to the
                                                 availability or quality of water resources; and
                                                 10. in particular, proposals do not adversely affect water
                                                 quality, either directly through unacceptable pollution of
                                                 surface water or groundwater, or indirectly through
                                                 overloading of Wastewater Treatment Works.

                                                 Development proposals should help to conserve and enhance
                                                 watercourses and riverside habitats, where necessary
                                                 through management and mitigation measures for the

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