Page created by Luis Barrett
  rom yo ur backyard t
F                     o the Bay

       Grow a Beautiful Garden
             Build Healthy Soil
  your backy
From   ard to the Bay
T                                                                                                                           Table of Contents
          he Bay-Friendly Gardening Program was developed to encourage residents to make environmentally
          friendly gardening choices. It is not a particular style, but an approach that works with nature to reduce
          waste and protect the watersheds of the San Francisco Bay.                                                         Chapter 1: Gardening for a Sense of Place                                                                                                            7
                                                                                                                             Chapter 2: Into the Garden — Look Before You Leap                                                                                                   18
Bay-Friendly Gardening was originally developed by the Alameda County Waste Management Authority and
                                                                                                                             Chapter 3: Gardening from the Ground Up                                                                                                             27
Source Reduction & Recycling Board, also known as StopWaste, and is managed by the non-profit Bay-Friendly
                                                                                                                                • The Nitty Gritty on Soil                                                                                                                       27
Landscaping and Gardening Coalition. Visit for more information.
                                                                                                                                • Building and Protecting Healthy Soil                                                                                                           29
This guide was first published in 2004 and is now in its third print run.                                                       • Choosing Appropriate Plants                                                                                                                    30
                                                                                                                                • Putting Plants in Their Place                                                                                                                  36
                                                                                                                             Chapter 4: Gardening Day to Day and Through the Seasons                                                                                             40
Project Team
                                                                                                                                • All About Composting                                                                                                                           41
  Jeanne Nader - StopWaste                                                                                                      • Worm Composting                                                                                                                                45
  Jennifer Ketring - Green Logic Consulting                                                                                     • About Feed the Soil                                                                                                                            60
  Anne Hayes, Principal Writer
  Cindy Nelson, Associate Writer
                                                                                                                                • Integrated Pest Management                                                                                                                     62
  Ben Duggan, Associate Writer                                                                                                  • Contending with Weeds                                                                                                                          65
                                                                                                                             Chapter 5: Gardening for the Birds and the Bees                                                                                                     70
                                                                                                                             Chapter 6: If You Don’t Own the Land                                                                                                                75
Thanks to the following agencies and representatives for contributing to the first edition:
                                                                                                                             Chapter 7: Looking for Help                                                                                                                         79
  Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program                                                                                        • Bay-Friendly Qualified Professionals                                                                                                           80
    Louise Cervantes
                                                                                                                                • Community Resources                                                                                                                            80
  Bio-Integral Resource Center
    Tanya Drlik                                                                                                              Garden Design Survey                                                                                                                                81
  East Bay Municipal Utility District
    Susan Handjian and Chris Finch
  The Watershed Project
    Sharon Farrell and Jen Brown

                                                                                                                            Bay-Friendly Garden Profiles
  Graphic Design, David Gilmore
  Illustrations, Joal Morris                                                                                                 From the Backyard to the Bay: Protecting our Local Watershed.....................................................................                   16
  Photographs, Ben Duggan, David Gilmore, Kwai Lam, Rachel Michaelsen, Richard Rollins, Sunny Scott,
     Tamara Shulman
                                                                                                                             Reusing Local Resources: Reducing Waste with Creative Solutions................................................................                     17
                                                                                                                             Rainwater Harvesting & Greywater: Storing and Reusing Water On-Site......................................................                           26
                                                                                                                             Right Plant Right Place: Selecting Plants Suited to Your Site.........................................................................              34
A special thanks to the Bay Area gardeners and landscape professionals who shared their gardening wisdom and experiences.
                                                                                                                             A Garden for Every Lifestyle: Rethinking Your Lawn.......................................................................................           39
                                                                                                                             Compost, Chickens & Crops: Building Healthy Soil for Bountiful Harvests................................................                             46
Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper with soy-based inks.
Third edition 2013.                                                                                                          Urban Habitats: Gardening for Wildlife...........................................................................................................   72
                                                                               The information presented in this
                                                                               guide is provided as a public service
                                                                               by the Bay-Friendly Landscaping &
                                                                                                                                         Gardening Tips
                                                                               Gardening Coalition. This information                                                                                                                  Words from the Wise:
                                                                               is not a substitute for the exercise                     Gardening tips have been gathered from
                                                                               of sound judgement in particular                                                                                                                Bay-Friendly Qualified
                                        Bay-Friendly Gardening is a                                                                      local landscapers, organizations, books
                                        trademark and servicemark              circumstances and is not intended                                                                                                               Professionals and tour host
                                                                               as recommendations for particular                           and other resources. Tips of all sorts                                             gardeners share insights from
                                        developed and owned by
                                        StopWaste.Org.                         products or services.                                       can be found in each chapter.                                          their experiences. Look for these anecdotes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  scattered throughout the guide.

                                                                4                                                                                                                                    5
We live in an amazing place.

                                                                                                               Gardening for a Sense of Place
                                       n the edge of a continent, bounded by deserts
                                         and mountains, California is a land of spectacular natural beauty.

                                         It is also a land of extremes — within our borders are the highest

                                         and lowest points in the lower 48 states.

               California also boasts a Mediterranean          Creek is the largest watershed in eastern
               climate. A handful of places — regions          Marin County with a drainage basin that
               that lie between 30 and 40 degrees latitude     covers 45 square miles; Alameda Creek in
               on the western limits of a continent —          eastern Alameda County drains an area of
               share California’s exceptional climate. The     almost 700 square miles, carrying water from
               Mediterranean basin, the Western Cape           the inland cities of Livermore, Dublin, and
               of Africa, Central Chile, southwest and         Pleasanton into the bay.
               south Australia, and much of the state
               of California: these are the only areas         The bay is a great mixing ground that is
               on the planet that experience our mild          tremendously fertile and full of life. Fresh
               temperatures. Furthermore, each of these        water meets salt water in its northeastern
               regions is defined for half the year by the     reaches; drifting phytoplankton form the
               absence of rain.                                base of a complex food web that includes
                                                               hundreds of thousands of resident and
               The Watershed of the                            migratory birds. The bay is also a repository
               San Francisco Bay                               for many abiotic elements — including
               Seventy-five percent of California’s annual     urban runoff.
               precipitation falls north of Sacramento.        Wherever there are surfaces that water can
               Some of this area — 40 percent of the state     not penetrate, such as rooftops, driveways,
               — lies in the watershed of the San Francisco    streets, and parking lots, rain quickly runs
               Bay. Two rivers, the Sacramento and San         off. It picks up whatever it flows across —
               Joaquin, are the main channels of a system      litter, motor oil, sediment, pesticides and
               that covers 60,000 square miles.                fertilizers, plant debris — and carries it
               Immediately surrounding the bay are many        to nearby storm drains, which lead to our
               smaller watersheds — the hills and valleys      creeks, which empty into the bay.
               of our towns and neighborhoods. Novato

The bay contains high levels of some pesticides,          Standard gardening practice is to remove all           Bay-Friendly Gardening mimics natural systems,
including diazinon. All Bay Area creeks have been         plant debris off-site, to landfills or large compost   which recycle everything — water, debris, and
listed by the EPA as impaired by diazinon, which          facilities, which effectively mines our soils of       nutrients — endlessly. It pays attention to               A Bay-Friendly Garden:
is toxic to birds, mammals, honey bees, and other         organic matter. Urban soils have often been            climate and local conditions and uses plants
beneficial insects.                                       compacted, eroded, and so depleted that they are       that are adapted to those conditions. It follows
                                                          no longer able to function naturally. By keeping       maintenance practices that support the goals of                             Builds Healthy Soil
                            The ubiquity of               plant debris and fruit and vegetable trimmings         conserving resources and reducing waste. This
   Pyrethroid               diazinon in Bay               on-site in the form of mulch and compost, we           approach to gardening:
   insecticides have        Area waterways                restore the soil’s ability to absorb water or filter
   replaced diazinon,       illustrates the impact        pollutants. Returning organic matter to the soil is     •   Landscapes locally                                                     Reduces Waste
   which was banned         that gardeners can            the link between protecting our watersheds and          •   Landscapes for less to the landfill                                    in the Garden
   from the residential     have in harming or                                                                    •   Nurtures soil health
                                                          conserving landfill space.
   market in 2004.          protecting our natural                                                                •   Protects air and water quality
   Pyrethroids are          resources. Because of                                                                 •   Conserves water
   found in many urban      its toxicity, diazinon          What Is a Watershed?                                  •   Conserves energy                                                       Conserves Water
   creeks draining to       has been phased                 A watershed is the area of land that water flows      •   Provides wildlife habitat
   San Francisco Bay        out of the market,              across on its way to a creek, river, lake, bay, or
   and are causing          but other harmful               ocean.                                               Bay-Friendly Gardening does not advocate a
   widespread toxicity      products have taken                                                                  particular style of gardening. Bay-Friendly Gardens
   to aquatic organisms.    its place. Through                                                                   aren’t a mold you have to fit into — they offer                             Creates Wildlife
                            changing our gardening                                                               endless opportunities, from backyard wildlife                               Habitat
                            practices, many of                                                                   gardens and native plant communities to vegetable
the contaminants in stormwater runoff could be                                                                   gardens, flower beds, and more.
eliminated. Just as important, solid waste can also                                                                                                                                          Protects Local Watersheds
                                                                                                                 The Benefits of Bay-Friendly
be significantly reduced.                                                                                                                                                                    and the Bay
Watersheds and Wastesheds —                                                                                      Because it works with nature, rather than against
What’s the Connection?                                                                                           it, Bay-Friendly Gardening simplifies garden
                                                                                                                 care. Using fewer resources, such as water and                              Contributes to a
The passage of AB 341 in 2011 set a statewide               What Is a Wasteshed?                                                                                                             Healthy Community
goal of reducing California’s waste stream by 75%                                                                fertilizer, can mean less maintenance. And because
                                                            A wasteshed is the area of land from which all
by the year 2020. Some Bay Area counties have               of the “streams” of refuse — from individuals
                                                                                                                 it emphasizes natural gardening techniques, Bay-
established supplemental goals. For example,                and their communities — flow into the same           Friendly Gardening offers a way to make our
Alameda County has set a goal of having less than           landfill.                                            communities healthier, safer places.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Saves Energy
10% of what is landfilled consist of “good stuff”
                                                                                                                 Research has shown that children are particularly
that could have easily been recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                 vulnerable to contaminants in the environment.
The goal is to reduce and reuse as much as
                                                          Introducing Bay-Friendly Gardening                     They are also especially open to the opportunities
possible, and when it is time to throw something                                                                                                                           In the following pages, you will find
                                                                                                                 for discovery and play that a garden can provide.
away, recycle what is recyclable, compost what is         Retaining organic materials on site is one of the                                                                guidelines for a variety of Bay-Friendly
                                                                                                                 Inviting children to go for a snail hunt on summer
compostable, and landfill only what is left.              most important practices a gardener can engage in.
                                                                                                                 nights is a safer way to eliminate the pest than          Gardening practices. They cover all the main
                                                          There are also many other ways that gardeners can
Californians discard over 4,000,000 tons of food,                                                                setting out poison.                                       activities a gardener undertakes — planning
                                                          protect and care for the environment both near
leaves, grass and other plant debris annually —                                                                                                                            the garden, choosing plants, caring for the
                                                          and far.                                               It has also been shown that looking out on a
this accounts for more than 30% of the state’s                                                                                                                             soil, planting, watering, pruning, and so on.
                                                                                                                 garden helps hospital patients recover more
residential waste stream. By recycling these              The Bay-Friendly Gardening program was                                                                           The icons shown above appear throughout
                                                                                                                 quickly. Even when glimpsed from a moving car,
materials at home — composting kitchen scraps,            developed to encourage residents to make
                                                                                                                 natural scenery soothes the viewer. Whether you           this handbook, to signal the benefits offered
converting plant trimmings into mulch, leaving            environmentally friendly gardening choices. Bay-
                                                                                                                 want an attractive yard to view from your home            by every gardening practice described. For a
grass clippings on the lawn — we keep valuable            Friendly Gardeners work with nature to reduce
                                                                                                                 or a place where you can get your hands dirty,            detailed list of the practices, see pages 10-11.
resources out of our landfills and we replenish the       waste and protect the local creeks, waterways, and
                                                                                                                 growing a Bay-Friendly Garden can help make
soil.                                                     watersheds of the San Francisco Bay.
                                                                                                                 you a healthier individual and help you make your
                                                                                                                 community a healthier place.
                                                      8                                                                                                                9
Putting Bay-Friendly Practices into Place                                                                              Create Wildlife Habitat
Incorporating Bay-Friendly practices into your                You may also find that your current gardening
                                                                                                                         n   Provide food for wildlife with a variety of plants that flower and set fruit at different times of year.
garden does not have to be difficult. In fact, many           habits are already Bay-Friendly. You do not need
                                                                                                                         n   Provide water with a small pond, bird bath, or water dish.
Bay-Friendly techniques can make gardening                    to do all of the following techniques to capture the
chores less of a chore. Using mulch for example,                                                                         n   Create year-round protective cover with a planting of evergreen trees/shrubs, logs, rocks, or brush pile.
                                                              spirit of Bay-Friendly in your garden. Including
helps to build healthy soil, reduce waste and                                                                            n   Diversify your garden structure with layers of ground covers, herbaceous vegetation (non-woody)
                                                              even one practice will reap multiple benefits.
conserve water, but it can also save time spent                                                                              and/or grasses, shrubs of various heights, and trees.
                                                              Take the case of choosing California natives —
weeding and watering in the garden.                                                                                      n   Leave some areas of the garden somewhat untidy — let flowers go to seed to provide food for
                                                              this practice conserves water by selecting plants
                                                                                                                             birds, and leave dead leaves and stalks to shelter over-wintering insects.
The following checklist can be used as a guiding              adapted to a Mediterranean climate, and creates
                                                                                                                         n   Feature native plants. (Plant more than 50% of your garden with California natives.)
tool for incorporating Bay-Friendly practices.                wildlife habitat by providing food for local wildlife.

Build Healthy Soil                                                                                                     Protect Local Watersheds and the Bay

   n   Amend soil with compost.                                                                                          n   For patios, driveways, or other hard surfaces, choose permeable materials that allow water to soak
                                                                                                                             in rather than run off.
   n   Prepare garden beds by hand rather than with a tiller.
                                                                                                                         n   Terrace steep slopes to reduce rainwater run-off and prevent erosion.
   n   Maintain garden beds with little or no tilling.
                                                                                                                         n   Cover nearly all soil with mulch or plants.
   n   Sheet mulch to establish planting areas or pathways, or to control weeds while improving soil.
                                                                                                                         n   Avoid the use of synthetic fertilizers.
   n   Create clearly defined paths and or raised beds to protect soil from compaction.
                                                                                                                         n   Avoid the use of plants considered invasive in local wildlands (see page 33).
   n   Grow cover crops to enrich the soil.

                                                                                                                       Contribute to a Healthy Community
Reduce Waste in the Garden
                                                                                                                         n   Use an integrated approach for controlling weeds, insect pests and diseases with least toxic controls
   n   Create and maintain an active compost or worm bin for garden and/or food waste.                                       used first for safety of children, pets and wildlife.
   n   Use your green waste cart for any plant wastes that are difficult to compost on site.                             n   Tolerate pests as much as possible.
   n   Use leaves, chipped plant debris, compost, or other organic materials as mulch.                                   n   Select disease resistant varieties of plants.
   n   Minimize plant waste by not overplanting, overwatering, or overfertilizing.                                       n   Include plants that attract beneficial insects in the landscape.
   n   Minimize pruning by choosing plants that are appropriate for the space.		                                         n   Grow vegetables organically for food and enjoyment.
   n   Avoid sheared hedges in the garden.                                                                               n   Plan outdoor lighting that is dim or directed downwards to minimize light pollution.
   n   Leave clippings on the lawn after mowing.		                                                                       n   Use hand or electric tools instead of gas-powered tools.
   n   Use recycled or salvaged products for artistic or functional purposes.		                                          n   Consider and control potential neighborhood hazards — including fire awareness, weed seed
                                                                                                                             disbursement, and rodent habitat.

Conserve Water
                                                                                                                       Save Energy

   n   Emphasize Mediterranean climate or California native plants. (Try to use these plants for at least
                                                                                                                         n   Place trees and shrubs to reduce energy requirements. For example, plant deciduous trees on the
       half of your garden area.)
                                                                                                                             west side of the house to provide shade during the summer and allow sunlight to warm the house
   n   Group plants in the landscape by water needs.                                                                         in the winter.
   n   Minimize or eliminate lawn area.							                                                                           n   Shade parking asphalt areas and air conditioners, if applicable.
   n   Install efficient irrigation (drip, timers, soaker hoses, etc.).                                                  n   Select local garden products and suppliers.
   n   Water according to plants’ needs, not just on a fixed schedule.                                                   n   Choose outdoor lights that are energy efficient or solar.
   n   Use mulch in garden beds.                                                                                         n   Select pumps for water features that are solar powered or energy efficient.
   n   Install a rainwater collection or gray water system.				                                                          n   Include space in the garden for a clothesline.

                                                         10                                                                                                                    11
Gardening Locally
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Riparian Woodland
Bay-Friendly Gardening recognizes that what we do in our yards has impacts on pesticide loads in the                                                                                                                                is structured like other

                                                                                                                                        photo: east bay regional park district
San Francisco Bay and capacity at local landfills. One way to reduce such impacts is to garden locally —                                                                                                                            woodlands, with an overstory
that is, with an awareness of local conditions and the land’s natural inhabitants.                                                                                                                                                  of tall trees and, in this case, a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    dense, lush understory of shrubs
As a part of this, Bay-Friendly Gardening uses natural plant communities as models for the garden.                                                                                                                                  and smaller plants. This creekside
Plant communities are in large part determined by the conditions that a gardener needs to consider                                                                                                                                  plant community depends on
when selec­ting plants — such as soil, light, moisture, drainage, and exposure — so plant communities                                                                                                                               year-round moisture; some
can provide inspiration for how to group plants in the garden and what plants to choose. Whether filled                                                                                                                             riparian plants are sun-loving,
with native plants or with exotics that do well in these settings, any garden can have a version of all of                                                                                                                          others are shade tolerant. In the
the following California plant communities.                                                                                                                                                                                         garden they prefer loose soils.
Bay-Friendly gardeners have individual approaches to the concept of Gardening Locally. Charlotte
Torgovitsky took inspiration from nearby open spaces to create native plant communities in her Novato
garden. Carlo Pessano relied on local resources to transform his yard in Berkeley. See garden profiles on
pages 17 and 72.

  Coastal Prairie and Valley                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Redwood Forest
  Grassland are distinguished by                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Redwoods are rightly famous,
  their proximity to the bay. Valley                                                                                                                                                                                                             and parts of the Bay Area

                                                                                                                                                                                 photo: east bay regional park district
      grassland occurs on the inland                                                                                                                                                                                                             are still graced with them. A
   side of the East Bay hills; coastal                                                                                                                                                                                                           distinctive group of understory
  prairie is close to the water. Both                                                                                                                                                                                                            species is adapted to the deep
     are a rich complex of perennial                                                                                                                                                                                                             shade of the redwood groves.

                                                                                                             photo: Richard Rollins
     bunchgrasses interspersed with
  perennial and annual wildflowers.
    Prairie and grassland species are
    adapted to full sun and summer
  drought; they will accept a variety
                             of soils.

     Valley and Foothill Woodland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Northern Coastal Scrub
 includes open oak woodlands, which have
      a grassy understory; dense oak groves                                                                                                                                                                               also lies close to the coast and along parts
 crowded with lower shrubs and herbs; and                                                                                                                                                                                 of the bay. In addition to grasses and other
   shady bay laurel woods. Oak woodlands                                                                                                                                                                                  herbaceous plants, this community also has a
  are summer-dry environments; the plants                                                                                                                                                                                 shrub layer. Plants in this comtlemunity are
     of denser woodlands will take moister                                                                                                                                                                                adapted to exposed locations and at least a bit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          of fog.
                                                                                                                  photo: Ellen Zagory

conditions and soils high in organic matter.
                                                                                                                                          photo: jane huber

Many understory woodland plants are shade

                                                    12                                                                                                                                                                         13
Common Plants for Bay Area Plant Communities                                                                   Riparian Woodland
                                                                                                               Aristolochia californica                Dutchman’s pipe
Following are selected lists of representative species for the most common plant communities in the Bay        Athyrium filix-femina                   Lady fern
Area. Understory plants are suggested for the Redwood Forest and Woodland communities — that is, an            Carex species                           Dwarf sedge
assumption has been made that there are existing redwoods, oaks or other trees providing the inspiration and   Clematis ligusticifolia                 Clematis
environment for your chosen plant community.                                                                   Cornus species                          Creek Dogwood
                                                                                                               Equisetum species                       Horsetail
Coastal Prairie and Valley Grassland
                                                                                                               Juncus effuses bruneus                  Green rush
Achillea millefolim                              Yarrow                                                        Mimulus cardenalis, M. guttatus         Scarlet monkeyflower, Seep Monkeyflower
Calamagrostis nutkaensis                         Reed grass                                                    Oenanthe sarmentosa                     Creek parsley
Calochortus luteus                               Golden mariposa                                               Rosa californica                        California rose
Carex tumulicola                                 Dwarf sedge                                                   Salix species                           Red willow
Danthonia californica                            Wild oat grass                                                Sisyrinchium californicum               Yellow-eyed grass
Deschampsia caespitosa holciformis               Hair grass                                                    Vitis californica                       California grape
Dichelostemma capitatum                          Bluedicks
Eschscholzia californica                         California poppy                                              Redwood Forest
Festuca idahoensis                               Fescue bunchgrass
                                                                                                               Aquilegia formosa                       Western columbine
Iris douglasiana                                 Douglas iris
                                                                                                               Asarum caudatum                         Wild ginger
Nasella lepida, N. pulchra                       Needlegrass, Purple needlegrass
                                                                                                               Carpenteria californica                 Bush anemone
Pteridium aquilinum pubescens                    Bracken fern
                                                                                                               Dryopteris sp.                          Wood fern
Sidalcea malviflora                              Checkerbloom
                                                                                                               Fragaria vesca ssp. californica         Woodland strawberry
Sisyrinchium bellum                              Blue-eyed grass
                                                                                                               Heuchera maxima, H. micrantha           Coral bells
Solidago californica                             California goldenrod
                                                                                                               Myrica californica                      Pacific wax myrtle
Triteleia laxa                                   Ithuriel’s spear
                                                                                                               Polystichum munitum                     Western sword fern
Wyethia angustifolia                             Mule’s ears
                                                                                                               Rhamnus californica                     Coffeeberry
                                                                                                               Ribes sanguineum, R. viburnifolium      Pink-flowering currant, Catalina perfume
Valley and Foothill Woodland
                                                                                                               Symphoricarpos albus, S. mollis         Snowberry
Achillea millefolium                             Yarrow                                                        Vaccinium ovatum                        California huckleberry
Arctostaphylos                                   Manzanita (some species more shade tolerant than others)
Berberis                                         Oregon grape                                                  Northern Coastal Scrub
Ceanothus                                        California lilac (some species shade tolerant)
                                                                                                               Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ‘Pt. Reyes’     Manzanita
Cistus                                           Rockrose
                                                                                                               Artemisia californica                   Coast sagebrush
Correa                                           Australian fuchsia ‘Carmine Bells’
                                                                                                               Baccharis pilularis var. consanguinea   Coyote brush
Festuca californica                              California fescue
                                                                                                               Ceanothus gloriosus                     Ceanothus
Heteromeles arbutifolia                          Toyon
                                                                                                               Ceanothus cuneatus                      Buckbrush
Holodiscus discolor                              Ocean Spray
                                                                                                               Cercocarpus betuloides                  Mountain mahogany
Iris douglasiana                                 Douglas iris
                                                                                                               Chlorogolum pomeridianum                Soap plant
Keckiella cordifolia                             Heartleaf keckiella
                                                                                                               Diplacus aurantiacus                    Monkey flower
Lepechinia                                       Pitcher sage
                                                                                                               Epilobium canum                         California fuchsia
Leymus condensatus ‘Canyon Prince’               Giant wild rye
                                                                                                               Heracleum lanatum                       Cow parsnip
Mimulus aurantiacus, M. bifidus, M. puniceus     Monkeyflower
                                                                                                               Heteromeles arbutifolia                 Toyon
Muhlenbergia rigens                              Deer grass
                                                                                                               Lupinus albifrons                       Bush lupine
Rhamnus californica                              Coffeeberry
                                                                                                               Mimulus aurantiacus                     Sticky monkeyflower
Ribes sanguineum, R speciosum                    Pink-flowering currant, Gooseberry
                                                                                                               Rhamnus californica                     Coffeeberry
Ribes viburnifolium                              Catalina perfume
                                                                                                               Salvia melifera                         Black sage
Salvia spathacea                                 Hummingbird sage
                                                                                                               Scrophularia californica                Bee plant
Satureja douglasii                               Yerba Buena
                                                                                                               Wyethia angustifolia                    Mule’s ears
Symphoricarpos sp.                               Snowberry
Vitis californica                                Wild grape

                                                  14                                                                                                   15
From the Backyard to the Bay: Protecting our Local Watershed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Reusing Local Resources: Reducing Waste with Creative Solutions

I                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   T
     t’s hard to imagine a yard that more clearly         plant communities that are represented in their                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   he combination of Rochelle and Henry              hardscaping there are “many more possibilities
     evokes the spirit of gardening “From your            yard: oak woodland, redwood forest, and coastal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ford’s sculpture garden and their brightly        than just always buying something new.” He
     Backyard to the Bay” than David Gaskin’s             sage scrub. More than 80% of their plants are                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     painted house is so distinctive that it           salvaged many of the resources for his home
and Phil McPherson’s in Alameda. With 165                 native including a large number of mature, native                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         catches people’s eye from the street. The main            garden in Berkeley from his own lot. For example,

                                                                                                                  Photos: Top: David & Phil’s garden, Alameda. Bottom: Stuart’s garden, Novato. RIGHT: Douglas & Alfonso’s garden, Hayward.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    attraction is Rochelle’s metal sculptures which           he tore up a huge concrete pad in back and turned
feet of lagoon frontage, Phil and David are very          trees such as coast live oaks, blue oak, redwoods,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    come in many shapes and sizes. “Almost every              the broken pieces into a beautiful permeable patio.
aware that any garden inputs they use will drain          buckeye, and incense cedar. Douglas uses fallen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    day I find someone                                                                        When he needed
straight into the bay. When they first moved, in          limbs to build up raised beds, and adds leaves                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            taking photos                                                                             a retaining wall he
the backyard was covered in lawn, concrete and            and other plant debris to his compost pile or uses                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        of the garden or                                                                          moved and rebuilt
bunched up pine trees. They                                              them for mulch. Keeping plant                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              knocking on the                                                                           a failing stone wall
wanted to create garden space                                            debris on-site in the form of mulch

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              photos: Top & Left: Rochelle & Henry’s Garden, Palo Alto. Right & Bottom: Carlo’s Garden, Berkeley.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    door to ask if they                                                                       that was already
that protects the bay and                                                and compost helps restore the soil’s                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       can take a tour of                                                                        on-site rather
replaced a large concrete pad                                            ability to absorb water and filter                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         our yard and see                                                                          than buying new
with a dry set permeable patio                                           pollutants.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the sculptures up                                                                         materials. Carlo
that allows water to soak into                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      close.” Rochelle                                                                          built up large
the soil rather than runoff                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         makes all of                                                                              planting mounds
and pollute the bay. Chunks                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         her sculptures                                                                            and berms with soil
from the old concrete patio                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         from salvaged                                                                             excavated from a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    materials, “I                                                                            deep French drain
were used to build up planting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    enjoy taking                                                                             he installed around
berms, which also help reduce
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    something                                                                                his house. The
runoff and prevent erosion.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         people find                                                                              mounds provide
They never use synthetic                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            useless and                                                                              excellent drainage
fertilizers or pesticides that                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      turning it into                                                                         to help keep plants
could pollute the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   something                                                                               healthy, and by
bay. After only a year                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              personal and                                                                            keeping the soil
                                                                                   Views of the wetlands from
of work they could                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  meaningful for                                                                          on-site he avoided
                                                                                   Stuart Bunting’s home in
relax in their garden                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the garden,” says                                                                       sending it to the
                                                                                   Novato serve as a subtle                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ford.                                                                                  landfill.
playing dominoes while
                                                                                   reminder that the gardening
watching shorebirds
                                                                                   choices he makes ultimately                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      When the Ford’s                                                                              Carlo is a master
fish in the lagoon.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 first started working on their                                               at using the unique texture of
                                                                                   impact the bay. Stuart hired
Douglas Rooney is a                                                                Equinox Landscape to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             yard in Palo Alto was all lawn                                               salvaged materials to create
landscape architect and                                                            help create a landscape that                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and required a lot of work to                                                distinctive looking gardens. He
he describes his home                                                              evokes a sense of Northern                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       keep up. As Rochelle put it, “We                                             deconstructed a derelict fence on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    decided that with the grass, the                                             his lot and reused the good boards
garden in Hayward as,                                                              California. Contour
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    garden owned us...we didn’t own                                              in a new fence that has a beautiful
“random and chaotic;                                                               infiltration swales slow,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the garden.” They removed the                                                texture that wouldn’t be possible
not at all like a project I’d do for work.” It’s a        sink and spread rainwater and help to filter toxins                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       grass and replaced it with drought                                           with new materials. He created his
large lot in an enticing setting along San Lorenzo        and recharge the water table. California native                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           tolerant plants that are carefully                                           own garden art from scrap metal,
creek, which empties into San Francisco Bay.              plants with deep tap roots and sprawling coverage                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         placed so that they have room                                                driftwood, and salvaged clay pipes.
Douglas and his partner Alfonso Valenzeula-               combat erosion and create a sense of place.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               to grow and don’t need regular pruning. Not               Even the plants he put in are ones he recovered or
Gumucio have been slowly removing Algerian                California grapes, Dutchman’s pipe, ceanothus,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            only does their new garden require much less              were given by friends and clients who didn’t want
and English ivy, vinca, arundo donax, privet trees        coyote brush, buckwheat, penstemon ‘Margarita                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             maintenance, it is also a more meaningful self-           them anymore. Carlo’s use of reclaimed materials
and other particularly nasty invasive species that        Bop’ and Cape Mendocino reedgrass, along with                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             expression.                                               helps make his garden casually beautiful and
have spread up from the creek. This work has              the brilliant California poppy are some of his                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      relaxing, a place that tilts the scales and makes life
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Carlo Pessano, a Bay-Friendly Qualified                   just a little bit easier to enjoy.
helped make room for the three different native           favorites.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Professional, thinks that when it comes to
                                                     16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  17
Into the Garden: Look Before You Leap
                                        Many an eager gardener                                                          can tell a tale of planting first
                                        and then considering the consequences. Whether you create a garden yourself or hire someone to do it for you,
                                        the process can be made clearer — and the end result more successful — by taking the time to think things
                                        through at the outset.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        7. Try out various designs. Start laying out beds
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         in your mind and on paper. Draw on copies of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              your site plan or use tracing paper to make
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     overlays. Another good trick is to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             draw features on photographs,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    using tracing paper or a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    grease pencil. Black and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         white photos are
                                        This chapter covers how to plan a garden and provides a visual example of all the elements a Bay-Friendly                                                                                                         best because they
                                        garden might contain. For help with assessing your site and planning the garden, use the tear out Garden                                                                                                         show the site in
                                        Design Survey located at the back of this book.                                                                                                                                                              clear relief.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               8. Take stock of your
                                        How to Plan a Garden                                  4. Think about how you use the space...                                                                                                       time and your budget. Now
                                        The following is a general overview of                Every outdoor space has functions. Make                                                                                                    consider all of your lists and
                                        the factors to consider when you want to              a list of how you use the areas surrounding                                                                                             drawings in terms of what you can
                                        renovate all or some part of your garden.             your home — do your children play in the                                                                                            afford and the role you see yourself
                                        The best approach is to think first about             yard? Do you spend much time gardening?                                                                                         playing in bringing these changes about. If
                                        form and function — what the conditions               Do you like to look out on the yard from                                                                                     you’re doing the work yourself, how much do
                                        of your site are and how you use the                  different rooms in the house?                                                                                             you really have time for? What do you want to
                                                                                                                                                            5. Do a rudimentary layout. List-making
                                        garden — then consider details such as                                                                                                                                          tackle first?
                                                                                              . . . and how you’d like to use it. Very                      constitutes a simple form of planning, and from it
                                        plant choice. See page 30.                            likely you have ideas about the purposes                      you can make some very simple designs. Think of             9. Start small. Gardens are dynamic
                                        1. Get to know what you have. Spend                   you want your yard to serve. Perhaps you                      the garden in terms of rooms — connected spaces             environments. They’re always changing, over time
                                        some time puttering. Knock around out                 want an outside dining area, or a patio                       that have different characters and purposes. Using          and according to season. Your efforts to renovate
                                        there. Prune a few things, pull weeds, put            where none exists. Or you need a site for                     your base map (or just a blank piece of paper),             your yard, and to care for it, will necessarily play
                                        a few plants in the ground. The point is to           a bigger and better compost pile. Think                       draw bubbles that loosely represent these rooms.            out over time too. Now, though, you have a clear
                                        get to know the place, to build first-hand            about those things next, and make a list of                                                                               sense of where you want to go. Work on one
                                                                                              them.                                                         6. Consider your materials. Once you have a
                                        experience of your little piece of the earth.                                                                       general picture of how you want the garden to be            area at a time, gathering materials, building beds,
                                                                                                                                                            laid out, you can begin to consider the particulars:        putting in plants, watching the garden grow.
                                        2. Consider the structure of the
                                        place. This means the hard features                                                                                 the wooden fence, the paths, the plants. Make
                                                                                                          Words from the Wise:                              more lists. At this point, think as much in terms of
                                        — driveway, buildings, fences, paved
                                        paths. It also means plant materials —                               Take a Fresh Look                              plant characteristics as specific species — consider                Tip: Use Salvaged Materials
                                        what’s already growing in the yard and                                                                              height, form, color, and cultural requirements.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Use fewer virgin materials in your
                                                                                                                                                            In terms of other materials, keep Bay-Friendly

                                        what shape does it give your garden? For                            ay-Friendly Qualified                                                                                                landscape. Reuse existing materials or
                                        help inventorying your site, see the Garden                                                                         principles in mind — plan to reuse materials on                        salvaged materials, when possible, or
                                                                                                            Professional Sherri Osaka                       site and buy used or recycled products.
                                        Design Survey on page 81.                                                                                                                                                                   select recycled products. A number of
                                                                                                            recommends that you try to                                                                                               new recycled landscape products are
                                        3. Make a simple plan of the property.                   walk through your garden as if you                                                                                                  available in a variety of textures and
                                        A property survey was completed for your                 are seeing it for the first time. “Tune                                                                                           colors. Many combine recycled plastics
                                        home at the time it was built, and if you                in to how it feels in different areas.                                                                                          with wood by-products. These materials
                                        obtain a copy (available from your county                Too dark? Too bright? Too open? Too                                                                                             require almost no maintenance and last
                                        assessor’s office), it can serve as a base                                                                                                                                             longer than wood.
                                                                                                 closed in? Take photographs to get a
                                        plan. If you don’t have the survey or don’t              different point of view. Finally, make a                                                                                      The California Materials Exchange program
                                        want to track it down, you can make one                                                                                                                                                offers statewide listings for reused
                                                                                                 list of all your goals, impressions, and
                                        yourself. See “How to Draw a Site Plan,”                                                                                                                                               materials —visit
                                                                                                 desires on one piece of paper so you
                                        page 20.                                                 can check them off as you design. And
                                                                                                 have fun, this is the time to play!”
                                                                                                                                                            Broken concrete is used to create a retaining wall.

                                                                                  18                                                                                                                               19
Tip: How to Draw a Site Plan
                                                                                   Picturing the Bay-Friendly Garden
   You’ll need graph paper — the best scale is eight squares to the inch.
   To make sure your yard will fit on a single page at that scale, measure         The landscape pictured below illustrates how Bay-Friendly Gardening benefits the gardeners, neighbors,
    the width and depth of your lot. Translate that to the graph paper by          local wildlife and the greater environment. You can reap the rewards of Bay-Friendly with these
     counting one square of graph paper for every foot of your property.           practices and others discussed throughout this guide.
      Most yards of 80 feet by 60 feet or less will fit onto a regular sheet
      of graph paper at eight squares to an inch. (The advantage of using
    this scale is that every 1/8-inch mark on the ruler equals a foot, so
   you can use the ruler to measure distances, instead of having to count                                                 Creates                Contributes to a
   squares.)                                                                                                              Wildlife Habitat       Healthy Community
  Once you’ve got the right graph paper, it’s as simple as making all the                                                 Bird-bath              Organic vegetable          Protects Local
measurements and transferring them onto paper. Measure the perimeter                                                      provides water         garden provides            Watersheds
of the property.                                                                                                          for wildlife.          healthy, tasty produce     and the Bay
Measure from the                                                                                                                                 throughout the year.
perimeter to the house.
                                                                                                                                                                            Permeable paving
Mark the perimeter and                                                                                                                                                      on the driveway
location of the house                                                                                                                                                       and front
on the graph paper.                                                                                                                                                         walkway prevents
Complete the outline                                                                                                                                                        runoff.
of the house. Measure
and draw in sidewalks,
driveways, and other
hard structures. This
can take a while, but
the process is fun
and the result — the
site plan — will be
very useful.
When it’s
completed, mark
north on the plan.
Keep the original                                                              Reduces Waste
clean. Make plenty                                                             in the Garden
of photocopies                                                                 Raised beds
and use them for                                                               are created
experimental plans                                                                                  Saves Energy                                                             Conserves Water
                                                                               from broken
and drawings.                                                                                       Deciduous                                                                Lawn in front
Adapted from                                                                   and fence is         trees on the                                                             replaced with
Rosalind Creasy,                                                                                    west shade                                                               low water
The Complete                                                                                        the house in                                                             use native
Book of Edible
                                                                               from reclaimed
                                                                               lumber.              summer and             Builds Healthy Soil                               groundcovers.
                                                                                                    allow sunlight         Repository for
                                                                                                    in the winter.         leaves to collect
                                                                                                                           under trees as

                                                20                                                                                    21
Tackle Climate Change with Bay-Friendly Gardening

         he news of global warming is                      We can expect a warmer and dryer environment           Reduce Your Direct Output of                                 Also Reduce Your Indirect Output
         incontrovertible. Signs of climate                locally, and the plants and animals that inhabit       Greenhouse Gases
         change are most evident in the polar              our gardens will respond accordingly. The                                                                           The single largest source of greenhouse gas
                                                                                                                  If the problem of global warming is the result
regions — photos of stranded polar bears and               development of plants is temperature dependent,                                                                     emissions is the generation of electricity. So
                                                                                                                  of an increase in greenhouse gases, then part of
glacial melt convey in no uncertain terms that             so many will leaf out and bloom earlier. Insect life                                                                keep in mind that when you use electricity,
the cooler regions of our planet are warming               cycles are also temperature dependent, so their        the solution clearly lies in reducing our output of
                                                                                                                                                                               you are burning fossil fuels indirectly, and thus
quickly. But even in temperate climes such as              seasonal patterns will be altered as well. One study   these gases. Take steps to reduce the amount of
                                                                                                                                                                               contributing to global warming. Here are some
our own, scientists are seeing changes. Animals            estimates that global warming will be a boon for       emissions released from related activities.
in mountainous areas of the United States are              aphids in California — warmer temperatures could                                                                    ways to reduce your electricity use.
migrating to higher elevations, seeking the cooler         enable them to reproduce in numbers three times        Use hand-
                                                                                                                  powered tools                                                Reconsider your need for outdoor lighting.
conditions they’re accustomed to. In the Sierra            greater than they do now.
                                                                                                                  whenever                                                     Most outdoor lighting is for decorative or security
Nevada, as snow pack decreases, wetlands fed by
snow-melt groundwater are drying up.                       Change is upon us, but all is not lost. Even as we     possible. All                                                purposes. Evaluate where you actually need
                                                           begin to see the effects of global warming in our      hand tools are                                               lighting. In many cases you may find that you can
These trends will soon be playing out in                   own backyards, there are also steps we can take to     zero-emission and                                            do without — particularly in those areas where
our gardens as well. Before long, our Sunset               arrest climate change.                                 therefore should                                             lighting is used for decoration. Consider motion
gardening zones may no longer apply. The Arbor                                                                    be preferred in the                                          sensors where lighting is used for security.
Day Foundation, an organization dedicated to                                                                      garden.
encouraging people to grow trees, recently revised                                                                                                                             Where outdoor light is necessary, use compact
the national USDA hardiness zones. According to                                                                   Choose electric
                                                                                                                                                                               fluorescent bulbs. Compact fluorescent lights
the new map, parts of coastal California, including                                                               tools when more
                                                                                                                                                                               use 75% less energy and last up to 10 times longer
areas both north and south of the San Francisco                                                                   power is needed.
Bay Area, have been moved into a planting zone                                                                    Electricity has                                              than traditional bulbs. And they are especially
about 10 degrees warmer than in 1990.                                                                             its own climate-                                             good for outdoor use because they maximize
                                                                                                                  change impacts, but it is the lesser of two evils.           efficiency when in operation for long duration,
                                                                                                                  Quieter and less energy-intensive, electric tools are        such as overnight. For each compact fluorescent
   Greenhouse Gases and Bay-Friendly Gardening                                                                    lower impact than gas-powered.                               bulb that replaces an incandescent, almost 700
   Global warming is caused by the accumulation of several gases—carbon                                                                                                        pounds of carbon dioxide are kept out of the
                                                                                                                  Use gas-powered tools as a last resort. When
   dioxide (CO2) is the best-known among them — that persist in the upper                                                                                                      atmosphere. Since all compact fluorescents contain
                                                                                                                  you do use gas-powered tools, choose the smallest,
   atmosphere, trapping the heat of the sun like the glass panes of a greenhouse. These gases are                                                                              mercury, be sure to dispose of them with other
                                                                                                                  most efficient, lowest-emission equipment — and
   primarily the result of burning fossil fuels, so this is the ultimate cause of the climate change we           keep it well tuned. You can improve overall fuel             household hazardous waste.
   are now experiencing. Methane, which is a byproduct of some microbial decomposition processes,                 efficiency in a car by as much as 30% just through           Use solar-powered path lighting and water
   also helps contribute to global warming.                                                                       basic maintenance, and it stands to reason that
                                                                                                                                                                               features. Reduce your impacts even more by
   Burning fossil fuels in vehicles and for energy use in buildings and facilities is a major contributor         the results would be similar for power tools. A
                                                                                                                                                                               stepping off the grid entirely and using the power
   to the county’s greenhouse gas emissions. According to the U.S. EPA, electricity production and                machine that runs well runs cleanly, emitting fewer
                                                                                                                  pollutants.                                                  of the sun to power your outdoor lights and
   transportation produce over 60% of total emissions.
   Bay-Friendly Gardening helps reduce greenhouse gases by:                                                       Avoid excessive fertilizer applications.
      • Reducing transport of materials to the landfill = less CO2                                                Nitrogen based fertilizers are a source of nitrous
                                                                                                                  oxide — the third largest greenhouse gas
      • Reducing organic debris in the landfill = less CH4 (methane)
                                                                                                                  contributor to global warming. Be careful to use
      • Reducing fertilizers = less N2O (nitrous oxide, another greenhouse gas)
                                                                                                                  the appropriate amount of fertilizer, whether
      • Reducing water consumption = less electricity use = less CO2                                              organic or synthetic, and time your applications
      • Increasing soil organic matter = greater absorption of CO2                                                when plants most need the additional nutrients
                                                                                                                  and will absorb the nitrogen.

                                                      22                                                                                                                  23
Design and maintain your garden for low                      carbon dioxide; so can the soil. Take advantage
water use. According to the California Energy                of these natural processes to decrease the planet’s
Commission, nearly one-fifth of all the power                greenhouse-gas load.
generated in California goes into water-related
                                                             Plant a tree. Over its lifetime, a single tree can
uses. So by reducing your water use, you reduce
                                                             remove more than a ton of carbon dioxide from
your greenhouse-gas output.
                                                             the atmosphere. If sited appropriately around your
The current water usage for landscaping in                   house, trees can also help reduce your energy use.
California Coastal Zones (such as San Francisco
                                                             Grow your own food. The benefits of growing
Bay Area) is about 55,000 gallons per year
                                                             and eating your own food are many. In terms of
per garden. In Alameda County alone, a 50%
                                                             global warming, you reduce transportation and
reduction in water demand — which is possible
                                                             related emissions and you increase carbon uptake.
through Bay-Friendly Gardening — would result
                                                             Organic methods such as minimal- and no-till
in a cut in energy use equivalent to a reduction of
                                                             gardening, improve the soil’s ability to capture and
9,450 tons of CO2 per year overall, or 54 pounds
                                                             stabilize carbon.                                      Build a Green Roof
of CO2 per year per garden. For tips on how

to reduce water use — including using efficient                                                                             uilding a green roof — one that has plants on it — can conserve energy by keeping
                                                             Last But Not Least
                                                                                                                            the house insulated. Oakland gardener Greg Powell says his green roof reduces heat
irrigation — see pages 57-59.                                Bay-Friendly gardening is environmentally-friendly             retention, reduces glare, and increases rainwater infiltration.
                                                             gardening. All its practices can help reduce
                                                             your contribution to global warming. Especially        The idea for a green roof came when Powell and his wife were remodeling their home. Their
                                                             important are these two simple practices.              parcel is sloped and they had sited a detached garage below the house. Rather than look out on a
                                                                                                                    bare rooftop, they began to think about planting it. They dug into the slope to recess the garage
                                                             Don’t forget to compost. In addition to reducing       into the hillside and converted the roof, Powell says, into “a planter box.”
                                                             the gas required to haul your garbage to the
                                                             landfill, when you compost at home, you reduce         Building and having a green roof is not as scary as it sounds, says Powell. “We build floors
                                                             methane gas emissions. At the landfill, organic        strong enough to support grand pianos, so we can build roofs strong enough to support dirt,”
                                                             materials decompose anaerobically — without            he says. To figure out how to do it, Powell first went online; he found descriptions of large-scale
                                                             oxygen — which results in the release of methane,      projects such as the living roof on the new Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, and adapted
                                                             a potent greenhouse gas. Compost those leaves,         this information to his needs. He used housing foundation materials to provide waterproofing
Hang your clothes out to dry. After the                      grass, plant trimmings and kitchen scraps at home      and drainage, added a layer of horticultural pumice on top of that for extra drainage and as a
refrigerator, the dryer is one of the biggest                and they’ll break down in the presence of oxygen.      root barrier, and then layered about four inches of dirt on top.
consumers of energy in your house. So make                   No methane added. Soil quality and quantity is
space in the garden for a clothesline, and reap the                                                                 Powell says plant choice is important — he avoided large, woody plants, choosing instead to put
                                                             expected to decline as a result of global warming
benefits: lower energy use, lower utility bills, more                                                               in shallow-rooted succulents and grasses. (The Academy of Sciences building in Golden Gate
                                                             — making and using compost will help to alleviate
time spent outside, and good-smelling clothes.                                                                      Park features low-growing coastal natives such as beach strawberry and sea pink, as well as a
                                                                                                                    local succulent and herbaceous wildflowers.)
Increase Your Intake                                         Use leaves and trimmings for mulch. In
                                                                                                                    For anyone considering a green roof, Powell recommends looking at one that’s been done and
In addition to reducing outputs, you can also                addition to offering the same benefits as
                                                                                                                    talking to anyone with an interest in the topic. To plan and install his roof, Powell got advice
employ a variety of strategies for increasing                composting, using mulch helps keep soil moist,
                                                                                                                    from architect friends; he also paid an engineer to calculate loads and thus ensure that the
the intake of greenhouse gases, resulting in a               thus reducing water needs. It also builds the soil     structure would be sound.
net reduction to the atmosphere. Plants take in              and increases its ability to store carbon.

                                                        24                                                                                                         25
Rainwater Harvesting & Greywater:
Storing and Reusing Water On-Site

            ne of the first things Patricia and Dale         rainwater, and a “smart” irrigation controller with
            Parker did when they purchased their             an onsite weather sensor helps keep water use low.
            home in Napa was to replace the water-
thirsty front lawn with native and Mediterranean             Using greywater for irrigation is another way
plants that thrive in the Bay Area’s summer dry              that Bay-Friendly gardeners can conserve water.
climate. The Parker’s also installed rainwater               Greywater systems reuse water from bathroom
cisterns, including some wine barrels, which can             sinks, showers, tubs, and washing machines for
store about 700 gallons of runoff from their roof.           irrigation. According to Greywater Action, a
This amount of water goes a                                  grassroots group that empowers people to “build
long way in their water-wise                                                     sustainable water culture and
landscape.                                                                       infrastructure,” greywater may
                                                                                 contain traces of dirt, food,

                                                                                                                    PhoTos: Top: Eric & Jill’s garden, Mill Valley. Bottom: Patricia & Dale’s garden, Napa.
Patricia and Dale have joined                                                    grease, hair, and household
other Bay-Friendly gardeners                                                     cleaning products, and while
who have taken water                                                             it may look dirty, it is a safe
conservation to a whole new                                                      and even beneficial source of
level by installing rainwater                                                    irrigation water for a garden.
catchment systems. These                                                         If released into rivers, lakes,
systems can help alleviate the                                                   or estuaries, the nutrients in
challenge presented by our                                                       greywater become pollutants,
Mediterranean climate that                                                       but when released in a garden
typically has too much rain in                                                   they become valuable fertilizer.
the winter, and not enough
in the summer. Although                                                          When you visit Laura Allen’s
it is hard to store enough                                                       Oakland garden it’s hard to
water to make it through the                                                     believe that when she moved
summer, every drop helps                                                         there in 2003 the yard was
stretch out the wet season,                                                      all concrete and weeds. She
especially with lucky early fall                                                 transformed the neglected
or late spring rains. Catchment                                                  space into a bountiful garden
systems vary in capacity from                                                    that produces bumper crops
a single 60-gallon barrel to                                                     of fruits, nuts, and vegetables
large systems with thousands                                                     without using a lot of potable
of gallons of storage. There                                                     water. Allen is one of the
is a wide range of technology                                                    founders of Greywater Action
available; everything from low-tech gravity fed              and uses her home garden to experiment with
systems to high-tech automated systems with                  different greywater technologies. She recommends
controllers, pumps and valves.                               “simple, low-tech systems that use gravity
                                                             whenever possible, instead of pumps, and prefers
Eric Woodhouse and Jill Thomas installed a                   irrigation systems that are designed to avoid
rainwater system, however, their approach is a               clogging, rather than relying on filters and drip
little more high-tech. Working with a landscape              irrigation.” Her greywater system drains directly
architect at their home in Mill Valley they installed        outside and waters fruit trees and ornamental
two 1500 gallon underground rain catchment                   plants. She only uses all-natural, biodegradable
tanks below a patio. Pumps irrigate the “no mow”             soaps that do not contain ingredients harmful to
turf meadow and native plants with the collected             plants.

Gardening is                                about plants, but it’s also about what plants grow
in — dirt. Without soil, very few plants can survive; without the organic material that plants provide,
most soils become lifeless. Bay-Friendly Gardening starts here, on the ground floor, with a look at what
soil is and how to care for it. Plant selection and plant placement are also considered in this chapter,

                                                                                                           Gardening from the Ground Up
which concludes with a brief description how to plant.

The Nitty Gritty on Soil                                 Structure
Every gardener’s ideal is a soil called loam.            While constituent particles determine the
Dark and wonderfully crumbly, a good                     texture of a soil, the arrangement of those
quality loam has high organic content, is                particles determines its structure. Just
teeming with life, contains all the nutrients            as water clings to particles’ surfaces, the
that plants need, holds moisture well,                   particles themselves cling to one another,
and drains well. It has excellent structure              forming aggregates. These define a soil’s
and texture, and provides the optimum                    structure. Like texture, structure influences
combination of soil’s main components:                   how much water the soil can hold, how
minerals, air, water, organic matter, and                easily the soil releases nutrients, and how
soil-dwelling organisms.                                 much air the soil contains. Unlike texture,
                                                         however, which is more or less immutable,
Minerals                                                                             gardeners can
Gardeners categorize soils based upon the                                            change their
size of their mineral particles. Coarse sand                           Sandy Soil    soil’s structure,
(which has the largest particles) is at one                                          either for good
end of the continuum and fine clay (the                                              or for bad.
smallest of the small) is at the other. In the
middle is silt. The physical character of any                                       When a gardener
garden soil is determined by how much                                   Clay Soil   digs in the soil,
sand, silt, and clay it contains.                                                   he or she creates
                                                                                    openings and
You can feel this character — a soil’s                                              introduces air
texture — between your fingers. Clay soil                                           into the soil. This
is smooth to the touch, and if you squeeze                             Silty Soil   is good.
it when it’s wet, it holds together. Sand,                                          But too much
on the other hand, is loose and grainy                                              digging, or
regardless of whether it’s wet or dry, and                                          digging in the
the grains are visible to the naked eye.                                            wrong circum­
                                                                       Loam         stances, can
Soil texture greatly influences a soil’s
                                                                                    degrade soil
water-holding capacity, because water
molecules are attracted to the surfaces of
                                                                                    Shoveling or
the mineral particles. Clay soils, because
                                                         hoeing dry soils diminishes aggregation —
the particle sizes are small, have greater
                                                         instead of hanging together, soil particles
surface area and can become quite sodden.
                                                         are torn apart. Aggregation is also lost by
The larger, fewer grains of sand give
                                                         handling very wet soils. Instead of being
water less to cling to. Texture also plays a
                                                         torn apart, though, soils become too
large role in determining a soil’s nutrient-
                                                         packed and clumpy.
holding capacity and how quickly or slowly
a soil warms in the spring.
Tilling should be done initially to install a planting                                                                   Building & Protecting Healthy Soil                               and retain its integrity as you move it around. If

bed and then only infrequently or not at all after                          Tip: Testing Your Soil                                     hether or not you are one of the                   possible, loosen soil with a fork instead of a shovel
that. The preferred method for improving soil                                                                                          lucky gardeners who already have                   or rototiller. Once its structure has improved,
structure over time is mulching or top dressing                             Soil tests typically tell you the nutrient                                                                    minimize tillage.
                                                                                                                                       loam, there are plenty of things you
with organic materials.                                                      levels in your soil, what its pH is,
                                                                               and whether or not it contains any
                                                                                                                         can do to protect and improve your soil.                         Add compost and mulch. Mulching is an easy way
Compost                                                                        contaminants, such as lead. Consider                                                                       to begin. Grasscycling — leaving clippings on
                                                                                                                         Guard against erosion. Plant bare soil or keep
Organic material is different forms of living                                 doing a soil test when:
                                                                                                                         it covered with mulch. Organic mulches are                       the lawn — is another simple way to restore soil
or dead plant and animal material. Fallen                                                                                preferable to inorganic ones, as they will slowly                health. Compost, the foremost form of organic
                                                                            • You begin gardening in a new house
leaves. Grass clippings. Wood chips. Sawdust.                                                                            decompose, adding nutrients to the soil and                      recycling, can be dug into the soil or laid on as
                                                                            and want to identify nutrient deficiencies
Manure. Kitchen scraps. It is compost, which                                                                                                                                              topdressing.
                                                                           or any contaminants left by previous          improving its structure over time.
is the cornerstone of organic gardening and a
universally recognized soil amendment. Above all,                         owners.                                                                                                         Encourage earthworms in the garden.
                                                                                                                         Prevent compaction. Keep most areas in the garden
compost is food for the living organisms in the                                                                          relatively untrodden. Use consistent pathways to                 Earth­worms are the true tillers of the soil, digging
                                                                        • You are designing or redesigning and
soil. And keeping soil critters well fed ensures that                                                                    navigate your yard. (A thick layer of wood chips                 tunnels, carrying leaves down into their burrows,
                                                                          installing a new garden.
all the other qualities a gardener seeks in soil will                                                                    on your paths can also help prevent compaction.)                 and mixing and sifting the earth. To encourage
grad­ually increase. Adding compost ensures that                        • Plants are having consistent and serious       Avoid walking on wet soils and areas where you                   earthworms in the home garden, keep a layer of
soil will have:                                                           problems.                                      have recently loosened the soil. In general, don’t               mulch on the soil year-round, and use
                                                                                                                                                                                          gardening methods that are environmentally-
  •   Good structure                                                    • You live in an older home with lead-based      tread on areas under cultivation.
                                                                                                                                                                                          (and earthworm-) friendly. In particular, avoid
  •   Sufficient water retention                                          paint on exterior walls.
                                                                                                                         Cultivate with care. Till the soil when it is moist, but         quick-release synthetic fertilizers and over-tilling,
  •   Proper drainage                                                   • You live within half a mile of a major         not wet. Experiment a little to get a feel for the               which can kill or harm earthworms.
  •   Nutrient supply and cycling                                         roadway, freeway, or industrial area,          desired moisture level — the soil will handle easily
  •   Disease resistance                                                  and want to produce food in your home
                                                                                                                                  Tip: Checking Soil Texture by Feel
                                                                        Test your soil at home by purchasing
                                                                                                                                  Take a one- or two-tablespoon sample of soil in your hand.
                                                                        a basic soil testing kit from your local                  Slowly add water and knead the sample until moist. Try to
                                                                        nursery or garden center.                                 form the sample into a ball. Squeeze it to see if you can make
                                                                                                                                  a cast (an impression of your fingers). Gently stretch the soil
                                                                                                                                  out between thumb and forefinger and try to make a ribbon.
                                                                        For a more in-depth nutrient and                          Note the feel of the soil as you are working it and use the
                                                                        contaminant analysis of your                              table below to determine its texture.
                                                                        soil, contact:                                       Characteristics of Soil Sample                                    Soil
                                                                            A and L Western Laboratories
                                                                                                                             Soil will not stay in a ball. Loose and single grained with a     Sand
                                                                            1311 Woodland Avenue #1
                                                                                                                             gritty feeling when moistened
                                                                            Modesto, CA 95251
                                                                            (209) 529-4080                                   A cast will form but it can’t be handled without breaking         Loamy
                                                                                    and will not form a ribbon. Soil feels slightly gritty.           sand
                                                                                                                             A short ribbon can be formed but breaks when about 1/2            Loam
                                                                        Lead Prevention                                      inch long.
                                                                        Lead poisoning prevention programs can
                                                                                                                             A ribbon can be formed. It is moderately strong until it          Clay loam
  Compost helps loosen clay soil, allowing air and water to             provide more information about lead testing
                                                                                                                             breaks at about 3/4 inch length. Soil feels slightly sticky.
  penetrate. Compost unites fine particles in sandy soil, allow-        and prevention in the home and garden.
  ing greater water-holding capacity.                                   Check online or in the phone book for your           The soil can easily be formed into a ribbon that is an inch       Clay
                                                                        local program.                                       or longer. Soil feels very sticky.

                                                                                                                            Adapted from S. J. Thein, “A Flow Diagram for Teaching Texture by Feel
                                                                                                                            Analysis,” Journal of Agronomy Education

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