BAYERN MODEL UNITED NATIONS - Conference Guide Virtual Conference 26 - 28 February 2021 - BayernMUN

Page created by Beth Henderson
BAYERN MODEL UNITED NATIONS - Conference Guide Virtual Conference 26 - 28 February 2021 - BayernMUN
Virtual Conference
                        26 - 28 February 2021

              Conference Guide
                This Guide was created by BayernMUN staff.


BAYERN MODEL UNITED NATIONS - Conference Guide Virtual Conference 26 - 28 February 2021 - BayernMUN
         Franconia‘s Largest University-Level Simulation
                 Hosted by the United Nations Society Nuremberg e.V.

Distinguished Delegates,

On behalf of the United Nations Society Nuremberg e.V. and the entire
BayernMUN staff, we are very excited to welcome you at BayernMUN 2021! Not
six month ago, when preparations for this year’s conference began, we still had
high hopes for an in-person conference. Despite these challenging times we put
every effort into the preparation of this conference and we are confident that,
even in a virtual format, it will be a valuable learning experience for all of you.

This Conference Guide serves as a reference during the conference and your final
preparations. You can find the final conference schedule, an in-detail guide on our
online tools and platforms, and an introduction of our wonderful staff.

Although we would prefer to welcome you all in Nuremberg, we are looking
forward to your inspiring speeches, intense negotiations, and innovative
solutions- and of course, finally getting to know you!If you still have any questions
regarding     the     conference,     do     not     hesitate     to    contact       us

Good luck in your final preparations! With best wishes,

Your BayernMUN Secretariat
BAYERN MODEL UNITED NATIONS - Conference Guide Virtual Conference 26 - 28 February 2021 - BayernMUN
Table of Contents
Conference Schedule ................................................................................................ 2

Committee Overview .................................................................................................. 2

Virtual BayernMUN2021 ............................................................................................. 3

Our Sponsor ............................................................................................................... 9

BayernMUN2021 Secretariat ................................................................................... 10

BayernMUN2021 Staff .............................................................................................. 11
BAYERN MODEL UNITED NATIONS - Conference Guide Virtual Conference 26 - 28 February 2021 - BayernMUN
Conference Schedule
Friday, 26th February
12:00 pm Virtual Conference Portals Open
01:00 pm Introduction to Rules of Procedure & Overview of Online Tools (optional)
02:00 pm Opening Ceremony
02:30 pm Panel Discussion
         “The Death of the European Idea? – Multilateralism in the 21st century”
04:15 pm Committee Sessions I
06:30 pm Dinner break
07:30 pm Committee Session II
09:00 pm End of Day One

Saturday, 27th February
09:30 am Committee Session III
12:00 pm Lunch Break
01:30 pm Committee Session IV
03:30 pm Break
04:00 pm Committee Session V (including breaks)
06:30 pm Dinner break
08:00 pm Social Event (optional)

Sunday, 28th February
09:30 am Committee Session VI
12:00 pm Lunch Break
01:30 pm Committee Session VII
03:00 pm Break
03:30 pm Awards and Closing Ceremony
04:30 pm End of the Conference

Information Services (Entrance Hall)
Friday (12pm to 9:15pm), Saturday (9am to 6.45pm), Sunday (9am to 4.45 pm)

Faculty Meeting (Faculty Advisor Lounge)
Sunday 11am

Committee Overview
General Assembly
TOPIC 1: Using Nuclear Technology to Achieve the SDGs
TOPIC 2: Migration and Human Rights

Security Council
TOPIC 1: Resource Scarcity and Its Relation to Conflict
TOPIC 2: The Situation in Yemen

BAYERN MODEL UNITED NATIONS - Conference Guide Virtual Conference 26 - 28 February 2021 - BayernMUN
Virtual BayernMUN2021
This is an overview of the online tools and platforms for the virtual BayernMUN2021.
You will have to register for Gatherly and MUNCommand separately. We furthermore
recommend to set up a Gmail account for the conference (e.g. since we will be using Goolge Docs for Working Paper
submission, amendment forms and right to reply forms. Although we highly
recommend a Google account, it is not mandatory for your participation.


This is our virtual conference venue. Gatherly is built on the concept of spatial video
chat. Just like in person, you can walk around and talk to whoever you'd like. By
creating virtual spaces to network and mingle, Gatherly maintains the spontaneity and
flow of natural conversations. Gatherly can only be used via a Google Chrome

Please check out their tutorial and internet speed test ahead of the conference:

For more detailed information watch this demo video or have a look at their other

Important Note: Do not share your Gatherly access link with anyone else!

When you first enter the event you will have to
name yourself according to the following
     Country_ SC_ Firstname /
     Country_ GA_ FirstName

The “name” is visible on your avatar, you can add
additional info in the “title” such as your group

By clicking on Settings in the upper right corner of
the Gatherly screen you will be able to change
your name at anytime.

                                   You can also always access the “Event Info”.

                                  On the right you see a map of the room (floor) where
                                  you are in. You also see the avatars of everyone else
                                  on this floor. When you go to “Elevator” you can move
                                  to other floors. Only use “Exit” to leave the event

BAYERN MODEL UNITED NATIONS - Conference Guide Virtual Conference 26 - 28 February 2021 - BayernMUN
Gatherly Glossary


         Everyone             Everyone       Dais only       Dais only       Dais only
     Participants List         Group          Floor           Event        Announce-
                                Chat          Chat            Chat            ment
   You can use the chat       Message       Message         Message          Pop-up
   function to message         to your     everyone on     everyone in     message to
    your co-delegates,        “Huddle”      your Floor      the event      everyone in
  faculty advisor or staff.                                                 the event


A 2D virtual space to interact with others. You can
think of this as different floors of a hotel (welcome
lobby, ballroom, conference hall, etc.).


A group video chat conversation, represented by a circle on
the map. You can form “huddles” with up to 14 other
participants (either fellow delegates or staff).


Announcements from the Chair and speeches will be streamed to everyone on the
floor via the “Broadcast” function. In order to deliver your speech, you will have to wait
until the Chair adds you to the broadcast. After your speech you will be removed again
by the Chair.

Elevators & Exit

Sticking to the hotel analogy, these take you to
different floors of an event. Each floor has
elevators accessible in the bottom left.
The exit is a door that will take you out of the Gatherly event
completely. Each floor has an exit accessible in the bottom right.

Raise Hand
The “raise hand” function is your virtual placard. Whenever the Chair asks for motions
you will use this function as you would use a real placard. This also applies for bringing
in a Point of Order. Point of Personal Privilege or Point of Information should be
submitted via direct chat to the Dais.

BAYERN MODEL UNITED NATIONS - Conference Guide Virtual Conference 26 - 28 February 2021 - BayernMUN
BayernMUN2021 Room Overview:

                   Floor                                      Description

         General Assembly                       General Assembly Committee Room

         Security Council                        Security Council Committee Room

         Entrance Hall                Landing room for all participants with information desk*

         Feedback Room 1-3                   Working paper feedback for larger groups

         Faculty Advisor Lounge               Meeting room for faculty advisors only**

         BayernMUN Pub                     Meeting room for networking and social event

* Information Services available Friday (12pm to 9:15pm), Saturday (9am to 6.45pm), Sunday (9am to 4.45 pm)
** Faculty Meeting: Sunday 11am

MUN Command

The MUN Command Conference App is an all-in-
one solution for chairs, delegates, and organizers,
combining chairing software, live polling, chat,
and conference- and document-management.

Whereas Gatherly simulates the conference
venue, MUN Command facilitates the committee
procedures, such as roll call and voting. You will
be able to see the speakers list, the speakers time
and all draft resolutions on your device, and put
yourself or take yourself of the speakers list.

After receiving your MUNCommand invitation, you will have to register on their website
and enter the provided conference key.

BAYERN MODEL UNITED NATIONS - Conference Guide Virtual Conference 26 - 28 February 2021 - BayernMUN
The screenshot below shows your starting page when entering MUN Command.

In the “Home” tab you see the status of the committee session. During formal session
the speakers list (GSL) and timer will be displayed. The three circles in the top right
corner show the current majorities in your committee.

Roll Call

The first feature you may need to use in
MUNCommand is the Roll Call function. During the
Roll Call, the Dais will either ask you to enter your
status via MUNCommand or state it orally via

Please select/ state whether you are “Present” (P) or
“Present and Voting” (PV).

Speakers List & Speakers Time

Following the opening of the GSL the Chair will ask you will need to use the “raise
hand” function to be added to the GSL. If you are recognized by the Chair, the Dais
will add you to the speakers list. If at a later time point you wish to set yourself on or
remove yourself from the speakers list you will be able to do so via MUNCommand.

BAYERN MODEL UNITED NATIONS - Conference Guide Virtual Conference 26 - 28 February 2021 - BayernMUN
Submitting and Voting Upon Motions
After opening the floor for motions, the Dais will recognize delegations raising their
virtual hand and add them to the broadcast. The motions will be then be voted upon in
the order of precedence and from most to least disruptive. You can cast your vote via
the “Motions” tab on MUNCommand. Abstentions are not in order for procedural votes.
Delegations represented by two delegates can only cast one vote.

Documents in MUNCommand
In the “Document” tab you will find all committee documents such as Positions Papers,
draft resolutions and amendments. All documents will be managed by BayernMUN
staff. Please do not upload any documents on your own.

Voting Procedure
During Voting Procedure, you will be able to access all draft resolutions and
amendments and cast your substantive votes via the “Home” tab.

Google Docs
All templates for BayernMUN2021 can be retrieved via a Google Docs link. You will
get access to working paper and amendment forms to modify on your own. Please
make sure to create a copy of the original document and rename it according to this

GA_WP_TopicX or SC_ WP_TopicX

To submit it to the Dais, make a copy of this document (select “do not share with
previous collaborators / make sure to remove everyone else from the submission copy)
and share it with (as owner, see screenshots overleaf).
Remember to remove yourself as owner!

After corrections, the Dais will follow the same procedure to return the working paper
to your email address.

You will also receive feedback from the Dais which will be given in one of the Feedback
rooms either via broadcast or as a huddle.

BAYERN MODEL UNITED NATIONS - Conference Guide Virtual Conference 26 - 28 February 2021 - BayernMUN
Create a copy of the template and share it with your working group:

Submit the document to the Dais:

Our Sponsor

Diakoneo KdöR gehört mit über 10.000 Mitarbeitenden und einem Umsatz von ca. 650 Mio.
€ zu den größten diakonischen Unternehmen in Deutschland. Als international vernetztes
gemeinnütziges Unternehmen mit Sitz im fränkischen Neuendettelsau begleitet Diakoneo
Menschen, die in ihren Lebenssituationen verlässliche Unterstützung suchen. In über 200
Einrichtungen in Bayern, Baden-Württemberg und Polen bietet Diakoneo umfassende
Leistungen in den Bereichen Bildung, Gesundheit, Pflege, Wohnen, Assistenz, Arbeit und

Unsere Vision
Wir arbeiten mit Überzeugung an einer friedlichen und inklusiven Zukunft, in der
Menschlichkeit und Respekt unsere Gesellschaft prägen, und machen unsere Welt zu einem
Ort, an dem Menschen gerne leben.

Unsere Mission
Wir arbeiten für Menschen

Unsere größte Aufgabe ist der Dienst an unseren Mitmenschen. Sie in wichtigen
Lebensphasen und –situationen wirksam zu begleiten, ist der Kern unseres Handelns. Unser
Zusammenhalt gibt uns dabei die Stärke, die wir für unsere Arbeit brauchen.

Wir pflegen eine moderne Arbeitskultur

Respekt und eine offene Kommunikation bilden den Grundstein unserer Arbeit. Wir handeln
eigenverantwortlich, nachhaltig, dynamisch und immer an den Bedürfnissen der Menschen
orientiert, für die wir arbeiten. Kritik äußern wir konstruktiv, Lösungen stehen im Vordergrund.

Wir leben unsere christlichen Werte

Liebe zu den Menschen und der Glaube an die unantastbare Würde jedes Einzelnen treiben
uns an. Wir setzen uns für unsere Kunden und Klienten, Patienten und Bewohner ein. So
tragen wir zu einer friedlichen und inklusiven Welt bei und geben diese Grundsätze an andere

Wir strahlen nach außen

Wir leisten einen unverzichtbaren Dienst für die Gesellschaft und geben Impulse für ihre
Weiterentwicklung. Dabei verkörpern wir unsere Werte und die Prinzipien eines modernen
sozialen Unternehmens. Unser Motor ist die leidenschaftliche Tatkraft unserer Mitarbeitenden.

Unsere Strategie
Diakonie 4.0:                        Diversität       und   ökologische   Nachhaltigkeit     als

Nachhaltiges Wachstum: Diakonisch-unternehmerisches Handeln als Erfolgsfaktor

Perspektive Personal:        Mitarbeiterorientierung im Fokus

e c r et ar                 iat
               N 2 02 1 S
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B ay e
                                             Anne Hahn
Anne studied Biology in Würzburg and Erlangen. She recently
received her PhD in Molecular Immunology and is now pursuing
a MSc in Control of Infectious Diseases in London. She was a
delegate in the FAUMUN project 2018/2019. In 2019/2020 she
hold a teaching assignment for FAUMUN and was member of
the staff team of BayernMUN2020.

                             Elias Ruf
                              Elias currently studies English, chemistry and social studies
                              for teaching in secondary education in Erlangen. He was part
                              of FAUMUN as a delegate (2017/18) and as project
                              management (2018/19), and is serving as Assistant Director at
                              NMUN-NY 2021.

Andy Gracklauer graduated with a MSc in Strategic Studies and Management from the
University of Aberdeen in 2017 and has been working in strategy consulting since then. His
main field of work is digital strategy, where he is consulting the Federal Ministry of Defense
in Germany on various strategic topics concerning innovation and technology. Andy has
been a member of the Wuerzburg University Model UN delegation for New York in 2016 and
a member of the Aberdeen Model United Nations Society.

                              Andy Gracklauer
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                                           Artemi Moewes

                       Ilse Boskamp
Dorothee karbe

                                                Burak Sahin

                                 Marco Lange

                Tobias Dietrich

Andreas Schlichting

                                                Jonas Brief
                              Priya George

              Tamara Titz

Emre Ozan
                  Katheesan Lingeswaran
                          Julian Werner
© 2021 BayernMUN
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