Beginnings - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Page created by April Acosta
Beginnings - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Beginnings - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
                             Welcome to the                                                        3   Asian American Cultural Center
                             University of Illinois!                                               4   Bruce D. Nesbitt
                                                                                                       African American Cultural Center

                             We are thrilled that you have selected the University of Illinois     5   Diversity & Social Justice Education
                             Urbana-Champaign! As you begin your transition to the
                                                                                                   6   Fraternity & Sorority Affairs
                             university, we look forward to helping make the process as
                             seamless as possible.                                                 7   Illini Union
                             This resource guide is designed to help you navigate your first       8   Illinois Leadership® Center
                             year at the University of Illinois. Inside this guide you will find
                             important information and resources that are designed to help         9   International Education
                             you be successful. Make sure you review the information in this
                             guide prior to the start of classes and bring it with you when you    10 International Student &
                             return to campus. We guarantee that the guide will be helpful             Scholar Services
                             to you during your first year. We are excited to meet you at New
                                                                                                   11 La Casa Cultural Latina
                             Student Registration and look forward to seeing you again at
                             Welcome Week / Fall Orientation!                                      12 LGBT Resources Center

                                                                                                   13 Native American House
                              New Student Programs
                                                                                                   14 New Student Programs

                                                                                                   15 Office of Civic Life

                                                                                                   16 Office of the Dean of Students

                                                                                                   17 Office of Minority Student Affairs

                                                                                                   18 Student Engagement

                                                                                                   19 The Career Center

                                                                                                   20 Wellness Wheel & Resources

                                                                                                   21 Women's Resources Center

                                                                                                   22 Welcome Week

Beginnings - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Asian                                    AACC Program Highlights

 American                                 Asiantation
                                          This annual student welcome program
                                                                                         Theme meal dinners
                                                                                         The Asian American Cultural Center

 Cultural                                 introduces new students to the Asian
                                          American campus community and its
                                                                                         partners with University Housing in
                                                                                         presenting annual Diwali, Lunar New

                                          numerous resources.                            Year, and Eid al-Fitr dinners. Free
                                                                                         programming, including arts and craft
                                          Food for thought                               activity tables, are offered in celebration
                                          Part of the Office of Inclusion and            of each themed dinner.
 The Asian American Cultural              Intercultural Relation’s Lunch on Us
 Center (AACC) promotes                   series, Food for Thought is a weekly           Asian American
 cross-cultural understanding             noontime discussion about topics               Leadership Awards
                                          relevant to the Asian and Asian American       This annual ceremony highlights
 of Asian and Asian American
                                          communities.                                   outstanding student organizations,
 experiences. Resources that
                                                                                         events/programs, and alumni who
 we offer include leadership              South Asian American                           uplift and support our Asian and Asian
 trainings, art shows, lending            Leadership Conference                          American campus community.
 library, student internship,             Each year this conference strives to
 and volunteer opportunities.             foster unity, strengthen the community,
 The AACC also supports a                 provide opportunities for leadership
 wide variety of programs that            development, and offer safe spaces to
 promote global awareness.                talk about the issues and challenges
                                          South Asian American students face.

        Sign up for our newsletter at

                                                                                                                                       n ewstude nt .illin ois.e du

1210 W. Nevada St. Urbana, IL 61801                                                    (217) 333-9300
                                                                                                                                                3                                @AACCillinois                   @AACCillinois                 @AACCillinois
Beginnings - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Bruce D. Nesbitt                              We welcome students to campus                 Throughout the academic year, we offer

                                                                           annually through the Circuit- Pre-            numerous opportunities to be involved
                                                                           Orientation Program. The Circuit is a free,   with the center through committees,
                                                                           early move-in experience for incoming         outreach opportunities, educational

                             American                                      Black students (both first-year and
                                                                           transfer). This program curates a safe and
                                                                                                                         exploration programs, and community-
                                                                                                                         building events from yoga to book chats

                             Cultural                                      welcoming environment where our new
                                                                           students (you!) meet new friends, learn
                                                                                                                         to cooking classes. Every Wednesday,
                                                                                                                         we host a lunch and learn called Food

                                                                           how to succeed at Illinois, and become a      for the Soul, where we share a delicious
                                                                           part of our wonderful community.              meal together and explore topics and
                                                                                                                         histories impacting communities across
                                                                           The fun does not stop there! During           the African diaspora. Bi-weekly, on
                             Welcome to Illinois!                          Welcome Week, BNAACC’s 100 STRONG             Thursdays, you can connect with your
                                                                           program hosts Wake Up Call! This high         100 STRONG peer mentors and other
                             The Bruce D. Nesbitt African                  energy, performance and resource              mentor groups to discuss trending
                             American Cultural Center                      sharing event is designed by students         topics, check-in with one another, and
                             mission is to support the                     for students! This official welcome to        learn tips and tricks to finding success on
                                                                           all Black students is crafted by the 100      campus! Finally, you can join our Shelley
                             social, cultural, and academic
                                                                           STRONG executive board. At Wake Up            Ambassador Program to connect with
                             well-being of Black students
                                                                           Call, you will be exposed to various          prospective students and their families
                             and Black heritage at Illinois.               students and Black greek-lettered             by sharing your story in hopes that it
                                                                           organizations, learn more about the           helps them also choose Illinois as their
                                                                           history of activism, and the values of 100    collegiate home in the future!
                             “Collectivity: because                        STRONG! Students leave this program
                                                                           with a commitment to excellence               At BNAACC, we go BIG! One of our
                             everything worthwhile is                      through community connections.                signature programs includes the Black
                             done with others”                             Wondering what this infamous 100
                                                                                                                         & Latinx Summit – a conference led by
                                                                                                                         students in La Casa Cultural Latina and
                             ~ Mariame Kaba                                Strong Program is? Well, it is a program      the BNAACC to promote solidarity. You
                                                                           that will help students develop a             can be a part of this planning committee
                                                                           network of sustainable connections            right away as a new student on campus
                                                                           across the campus rooted in BNAACC’s          by contacting us! Another signature
                                                                           rich, culturally responsive support. 100      program is our Black Congratulatory
                                                                           STRONG cultivates leaders by offering         Ceremony where we celebrate our Black
                                                                           a peer mentorship program, skill              graduating students in style with various
                                                                           development and experiential learning         cultural traditions.
                                                                           opportunities for new students! The
                                                                           goal of the program is to ensure 100% of      Ensuring that you thrive at Illinois is our
                                                                           students persist and graduate!                top priority, so we partner with our friends
                                                                                                                         across campus to provide many resources
                                                                           During your first week of classes, we         right here in the BNAACC! We partner
                                                                           host the Welcome Black BBQ to begin           with the Office of Minority Student Affairs
                                                                           fostering a community of care and             (OMSA) to provide academic coaching;
                                                                           inclusivity! At the BBQ, you will meet        the Counseling Center’s Black student
                                                                           the BNAACC professional staff, student        outreach team, Sankofa, for mental
                                                                           employees and a wide array of your            health resources; the McKinley Health
                                                                           peers and Black faculty and staff all         Center for physical health resources; the
                                                                           committed to your success!                    Women’s Resources Center to provide

                                                                                                                         confidential advising for people who have
                                                                                                                         experienced sexual or domestic violence
                                                                                                                         or who are interested in learning how to
                                                                                                                         navigate relationships; the Office of the
                                                                                                                         Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and
                                                                                                                         Inclusion to provide undocumented and
                                                                                                                         DACA-mented mentors; and the Libraries
                                                                                                                         to help you learn how to use research tools!

                                                                                                                         We are so excited to welcome you to the
                                                                                                                         BNACC fam-ILL-y!

                                1212 W. Nevada St. Urbana, IL 61801                                                       (217) 333-2092
                                      @bnaacc_illinois           @bnaacc_illinois           @bnaacc                    @bnaacc
Beginnings - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Diversity &                                      Through classes, workshops and
                                                  trainings, DSJE works to improve the
                                                                                                  Social Justice Educator
                                                                                                  Paraprofessional Program
 Social Justice                                   campus climate and promote critical
                                                  thinking both within our university
                                                                                                  The SJEP Program is a peer educator
                                                                                                  program for undergraduate students

                                                  community and in the greater society.           who learn the skills necessary to
                                                  Our learning objectives seek to:                facilitate discussions with peers on topics
                                                                                                  of diversity and social justice in I-Journey
                                                  • Build capacity of students, staff, and
                                                                                                  workshops every Thursday night.
 Diversity & Social Justice                         faculty to push the boundaries of their
                                                    own perspective by understanding
 Education (DSJE) offers                                                                          Academic courses
                                                    others perspective.
 programs to create                                                                               EPSY 203 is a 1-credit hour, second
 transformational 		                              • Create transformative learning spaces,        eight-week courses that use a
 education spaces.                                  opportunities, and programs that              structured dialogue format to explore
                                                    encourage critical thinking and action.       intergroup and intragroup differences
                                                                                                  and similarities within historical and
                                                  • Develop a community of students,              contemporary contexts. Topics include:
    Sign up for our newsletter by emailing          staff, and faculty who can expand             Race and Ethnicity, Exploring Gender:
                 their knowledge beyond the learning           Cisgender/Transgender Dialogue,
                                                    environment.                                  Conservative/Liberal Dialogue, Resisting
                                                                                                  Marginalization. PSYC 496 Facilitating
                                                  Conversation Café                               Intergroup Dialogue is a 3-credit
                                                  On Fridays, the University YMCA and             hour course that gives students an
                                                  Diversity & Social Justice Education            overview of the skills and knowledge
                                                  invited the campus community to                 needed to facilitate culturally diverse
                                                  enjoy lunch and presentations from              group interactions. Students explore
                                                  community leaders, scholars, creatives,         the impact of gender, ethnicity,
                                                  and leading voices in the fight for racial      race, religion, sexual orientation,
                                                  and social justice. Conversation Café           socioeconomic class, disability and
                                                  is part of the Office of Inclusion and          physical appearance on group dynamics.
                                                  Intercultural Relations (OIIR) Lunch On
                                                  Us Series, supported by Student Cultural        I-Connect Diversity &
                                                  Programming Fee.                                Inclusion Experience
                                                                                                  An experiential training designed to
                                                                                                  help incoming students (first year and
                                                                                                  transfer students) embrace differences
                                                                                                  and recognize shared experiences
                                                                                                  to foster a welcoming and inclusive
                                                                                                  campus community. Facilitated by fellow
                                                                                                  students, I-Connect uses collaborative
                                                                                                  exercises and engaging discussion to
                                                                                                  build participants’ communication skills
                                                                                                  and their ability to collaborate, learn,
                                                                                                  and work in diverse environments.

                                                                                                  Racial Justice Allies &
                                                                                                  Advocates Training
                                                                                                  Designed to assist students, staff, and
                                                                                                  faculty at the University of Illinois
                                                                                                  in understanding race and racism in
                                                                                                  deeper ways, promote racial justice, and       n ewstude nt .illin ois.e du
                                                                                                  dismantle racism.

University YMCA, Room 228 | 1001 S. Wright St. Champaign, IL 61820                     (217) 265-5585
                                                                                                                                                          5                                                       @DSJEillinois                          @UIUC.DiversityEd
Beginnings - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Fraternity                                        Frequently asked questions                           How do I join?

                             & Sorority                                        What makes joining a fraternity                      • Informal recruitment/intake:
                                                                               or sorority different than                             The majority of fraternities and
                                                                                                                                      sororities at Illinois engage in informal
                             Affairs                                           another Registered Student
                                                                               Organization? (RSO)?
                                                                                                                                      recruitment or intake throughout
                                                                                                                                      the year. This method of recruitment
                                                                               While similar to a general student                     can occur during the fall semester,
                                                                               organization, there are two aspects                    spring semester, summer, or an
                             150 years ago, fraternities                       which make fraternal organizations
                             and sororities were founded                                                                              ongoing basis throughout the year.
                                                                               unique—they are values-based and your                  Regardless of the recruitment type,
                             at Illinois.                                      membership is for life!                                the most important thing you can do
                             These groups started as literary societies                                                               as a prospective member is to meet as
                                                                               When can I join?                                       many of the members as possible and
                             and have continued today to provide               Eligibility to join a fraternity or sorority is
                             support, housing, career development,                                                                    begin getting to know them.
                                                                               dependent on the individual organization.
                             mentorship, and coaching to over 6,100            Many organizations allow first-semester              • Primary recruitment: A select
                             students who claim membership in one              freshmen to join, while some organizations             number of our organizations
                             of the (90+) chapters on campus. Over             require students to have completed a                   collaborate and host primary
                             the long history of fraternal life at Illinois,   particular number of credit hours.                     recruitment once a year on campus.
                             one central element is key: friendship.
                                                                                                                                      These organizations, primarily know
                             Students have sought membership in                How do I find the organization                         by their national affiliation with the
                             our fraternity and sororities not only for
                                                                               that’s right for me?                                   National Panhellenic Conference or
                             the many co-curricular experiences or
                                                                               As a young adult, selecting which                      NPC, consist of women’s fraternities
                             opportunities for career planning, but for
                                                                               organization you would like to join as a               and sororities. Primary Recruitment
                             the life-long friendships that are formed
                                                                               lifelong member can seem overwhelming.                 is coordinated by the Panhellenic
                             through membership.
                                                                               However, through intentional                           Council and is held at the start of
                             “People join people."                             interactions, finding the right fit is simply
                                                                               a matter of knowing what feels right. With
                                                                                                                                      every fall semester. Women seeking
                                                                                                                                      to join one of the 19 Panhellenic
                                                                               many options to select from with different             organizations are encouraged to
                                                                               letters, colors, mascots and mottos, the               register for primary recruitment.
                                                                               best decision to join can be found in
                                                                               finding a group of people who you know               How can I meet the chapters?
                                                                               will be a great fit for you.                         Many of our chapters, both fraternities
                                                                                                                                    and sororities will be at Quad Day 2022
                                                                                                                                    on Sunday, August 21. You will have the
                                                                                                                                    opportunity to meet members of the
                                                                                                                                    community and ask questions to learn
                                                                                                                                    more about our chapters.

                                                                                                                                     active chapters on campus with over
                                                                                                                                               6,000 members


                                                                                                                                             culturally based groups

                                                                                                                                     of the undergraduate population are
                                                                                                                                        fraternity and sorority members

                                                                                                                                    of members hold a GPA of 3.5 or higher

                                 409 Student Services Building | 610 E. John St. Champaign, IL 61820                              (217) 333-7062
Beginnings - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Illini Union                                      Illini Union Board
                                                   The Illini Union Board is the campus
                                                                                                  Illini Union Rec Room
                                                                                                  The Illini Union Rec Room is a multi-
                                                   event-planning board, providing over           activity recreation area offering 14
                                                   160 entertaining events and activities         bowling lanes, 10 pool tables (1 snooker
 The Illini Union draws together                   for students. Comprised of 11 different        and 1 carom billiards tables), arcade
 all members of the University                     planning committees, the IU Board plans        games, photo booth, and a lounge area
 of Illinois community. Come                       hundreds of annual events, ranging             with big screen TV. The Rec Room is
 and experience everything that                    from comedy shows, movie nights,               a popular place to meet friends and
                                                   art exhibits, special appearances, to          relax, while also offering planned
 the Illini Union has to offer!
                                                   weekly trivia, craft nights, to special        events in addition to open walk-in play.
                                                   events like the monthly Illinites, and         Tournaments, leagues, classes, and
                                                   the annual outdoor concert on the              special events are held throughout the
                                                   Quad – Spring Jam. The Board provides          semester and serve as a way for students

     2.5 million                                   a fun opportunity to gain real-world
                                                   experience for students interested in
                                                   improving their organizational skills and
                                                                                                  to connect with others who share the
                                                                                                  same interests.

                visitors per year                  professional training.                         Courtyard Café
                                                                                                  The Courtyard Café in the Illini Union is

                                                   IU Board members are also the                  an entertaining, cultural, and social hub
                                                   student ambassadors for anything and           with something to offer everyone. There
                                                   everything at the Illini Union. Since          are over 100 events per year in the Café.
     of students say the Illini Union has a        1942, the IU Board has served as the           Check out these weekly events:
               positive impact                     voice of the students and advises the
                                                   administration on building policies and        Music Mondays
                                                   procedures. If it’s happening at the Illini    Every Monday at 7pm enjoy a musical

    of students say the Illini Union offers a
                                                   Union, the IU Board is typically helping
                                                   it happen. Board members also get to
                                                   make lasting connections with peers,
                                                                                                  night featuring campus/local artists or
                                                                                                  national touring acts.

                                                   faculty, staff, and alumni. Because the IU     Karaoke Wednesday
           place for entertainment                 Board is involved in the daily operations      Every Wednesday at 7pm join us for a
                                                   of a vibrant Union, the experience is both     night of karaoke. This is your chance to
                                                   rich and diverse.                              choose your song and sign it loud!

                                                   Join by emailing         Friday Funnies
                                                                                                  Every Friday at 7pm join us for a night
                                                   Follow us on                                   of laughter. These nights will feature
                                                   • Instagram: @IlliniUnionBoard                 campus comedy/improv groups, local
                                                   • Facebook: @IUBoard                           funny people, or national comedians
                                                   • Twitter: @IUBoardPresents                    and improv groups.

                                                                                                  Noontime Performances
                                                                                                  Every weekday at noon Illinois students
                                                                                                  entertain the crowd with music. If you
                                                                                                  are interested in performing, check out

                                                                                                                                              n ewstude nt .illin ois.e du

1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801                                                         (217) 333-0691
                                                                                                                                                        7                       @IlliniUnion                @IlliniUnion                @IlliniUnion                @IlliniUnion
Beginnings - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Illinois                                          All of our programs are FREE to Illinois
                                                                               students to develop effective leadership
                                                                                                                               Time commitment of our
                                                                                                                               programs & services
                             Leadership®                                       skills now while they are in college
                                                                               … because the world needs                       Less than 60 minutes:

                                                                                                                               • Illinois Leadership Inventory
                                                                               better leaders.                                   (ILI): a tool designed to help better
                                                                                                                                 understand oneself and their
                                                                               Learn more at            leadership competencies
                             The Illinois Leadership®                                                                          • Made to Lead Podcast: an auditory
                             Center (ILC) is a resource                        Why should you make time to                       approach to deliver leadership education
                             hub on campus designed                            visit the ILC?                                    in a fun and easily digestible way
                                                                               Leadership education enhances the self-         • The #IlliniLeader’s Digest: an online
                             to provide comprehensive
                                                                               efficacy, academic performance, civic             space for ILC stakeholders to learn and
                             leadership education to all                       engagement, interpersonal intelligence            voice their perspectives about leadership
                             students at the University of                     and professional development of our
                             Illinois Urbana-Champaign.                        students. Students who participate in           1-2 hours:
                                                                               our programs and services gain greater          • Workshops: a variety of sessions
                             Our work is to study about                        sense of self-awareness, as well as a             for enhancing leadership skills and
                             leadership and teach our                          deeper understanding of the knowledge,            knowledge
                             students the relevant skills                      skills, and attitudes necessary for             • Online Training: a series of training
                             to be effective leaders so                        effective leadership practice.                    modules available for self-
                             that they can make positive                                                                         enrollment anytime
                             impacts for society! In
                             addition, the Center supports                                                                     2-6 hours:
                             faculty and staff who are                                                                         • i-Programs: a series of seminars
                             pursuing leadership-related                                                                         focused on a particular aspect of
                                                                                                                                 leadership practice
                             teaching, research, and
                             student engagement activities.                                                                    Ongoing or overnight:
                                                                                                                               • Leadership Certificate Program:
                                                                                                                                 a customization, multi-semester
                                                                                                                                 program for developing leadership
                                                                                                                               • LeaderShape© InstituteTM:
                                                                                                                                 a nationally recognized five-day, four-
                                                                                                                                 night, leadership development retreat
                                                                                                                                 that takes place over winter-break
                                                                                                                               • Donaldson Leadership Retreat:
                                                                                                                                 a weekend gathering of RSO student
                                                                                                                                 leaders to develop skills and discuss
                                                                                                                                 issues affect their organizations and
                                                                                                                                 campus as a whole
                                                                                                                               • Leadership Studies Minor:
                                                                                                                                 an undergraduate minor focused on the
                                                                                                                                 theory of leadership and its application
                                                                                                                               • Cavenaugh Leadership Resource
                                                                                                                                 Library: a collection of leadership

                                                                                                                                 resources—books, scholarly articles,
                                                                                                                                 and teambuilding activities—available
                                                                                                                                 for the campus community

                               Illini Union Suite 290 | 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801                          (217) 333-0604
                                                     @illinoisleadershipcenter           @il_leadership             @IllinoisLeadershipCenter
Beginnings - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
International                            Interested in learning about world
                                          cultures? Planning to study abroad
                                                                                          With the weekly iCU (Now I See What
                                                                                          You Mean) Intercultural Dialogue Series

 Education                                during your college life? Coming back
                                          from your journey abroad and wanting
                                                                                          and GEL (Global Engagement Lounge)
                                                                                          sessions, as well as Home Away from
                                                                                          Home Break programs, International
                                          to give back? Wanting to be part of the
                                          community to enhance the inclusive              Education (IE) offers events throughout
                                          and welcoming campus climate?                   the year to enhance the transformative
 The University of Illinois has                                                           learning experience for all students at
 the largest international                The mission of International Education          the University of Illinois. Global Leaders
 student community of any                 (IE) is to embrace world cultures               Orange and Blue Engagement (GLOBE)
 US public university, with               and global perspectives, engage                 offers immersive experiences while
 over 10,000 international                international and domestic students,            connecting international and domestic
 students. International                  and empower all students with global            students with meaningful interactions.
 Education enhances learning              learning opportunities through co-
                                          curricular activities and programs.             There are many opportunities to be
 opportunities for students to
                                                                                          involved in International Education.
 engage with cultures from                                                                Students can contribute to the Name
                                          The vision of IE is to provide
 around the world.                                                                        Project, present/participate at IE weekly
                                          transformative learning experience
                                          to nurture world citizens and future            event, volunteer/apply for Graduate
 International Education                  leaders in local and global contexts.           Assistantships, graduate hourly, and
                                                                                          undergraduate internships.
 is for all!

                                                                                                                                       n ewstude nt .illin ois.e du

1210 W. Nevada St. Urbana, IL 61801                                                  (217) 300-0463
Beginnings - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
International                                   Immigration advising
                                                                             ISSS offers advising to about 10,000
                                                                                                                          Illinois International offers diverse

                             Student                                         international students on campus, with
                                                                             options of express and appointment
                                                                                                                          programming throughout the year, in
                                                                                                                          order to bring intercultural awareness

                             & Scholar
                                                                             advising services. Appointments are          on campus through implementing
                                                                             available for international students and     educational, cultural and social
                                                                             in some cases, their dependents. Advising    programs with the hopes of gaining
                             Services                                        sessions and services provided include:      broader perspectives. ISSS partners with
                                                                                                                          units and departments across campus,
                                                                             • Travel-related questions                   in order to increase global awareness
                                                                             • Updating and processing                    among students, scholars, faculty and
                             International Student and                         immigration documents                      staff. ISSS hosts workshops, panels, and
                                                                             • Maintaining immigration status             events to instill global competence and
                             Scholar Services (ISSS) is
                                                                             • Work authorization within the              intercultural self-management skills
                             committed to providing                            United States                              across international populations and
                             culturally sensitive services of                • Express Advising Queue                     diverse teams.
                             the highest quality. We strive                  • Response Team advisor for
                             to create an environment that                     emergency situations                       • Intercultural training: Training
                             is conducive to a successful                                                                   workshops, Intercultural Spotlight,
                             educational, personal, and                                                                     and global competence training
                             professional experience.
                                                                                                                          • ISSS35: Uniquely Global; Uniquely
                             We serve our international
                                                                                                                            USA; Uniquely Illinois; NISE
                             population and campus units
                             through advising, immigration                                                                • International Week
                             services, programming,
                             advocacy, and outreach.

                               432 Student Services Building | 610 E. John St. Champaign, IL 61820                         (217) 333-1303
                                                                                              @ISSSillinois                @ISSSillinois
La Casa                              Conéctate
                                      To kick-start your UIUC Journey, join us
                                                                                   Above all, La Casa is here for you.

 Cultural                             at Conéctate! Conéctate is a free early-
                                      move-in program designed with you
                                                                                   Resources at La Casa include Undocu/
                                                                                   DACA Support Services, Counseling

                                      in mind. Throughout the program, you         Center Drop-In Hours, Advising through
                                      will be connected with Latinx students,      the Office of Minority Student Affairs, and
                                      faculty, and staff to build your community   the Womens Resource Center. Through
                                      on campus. Conéctate will also be your       our A.C.E Mentorship program, get
 Welcome to UIUC, Familia!            welcome to campus and you will be given      matched up with a Latinx Upperclassman
                                      invaluable resources and workshops to        who will serve as your friend and mentor
                                      thrive during your first year. Conéctate     throughout the year to further build your
 La Casa Cultural Latina              will take place from August 16-18, we        community. La Casa Staff is more than
 welcomes you to campus and           can’t wait to see you there!                 happy to connect you with resources
 invites you to spend time in                                                      across campus and our community!
 your home away from home             There’s always something to do at La         Connect
 right on Nevada Street.              Casa! On Mondays, stop by La Casa for        Stay in touch with all things La Casa by
                                      M.E.T.A (Mentoring, Educating, Teaching,     following us on Instagram, Twitter, and
 La Casa is UIUC’s Latinx             and Achieving) or our Latinx Resilience      Facebook @LaCasaIllinois.
 Cultural Center on campus            Network programs to build skills to
 that is committed to                 support your well-being and reach            Questions?
 supporting the well-                 your goals. Has someone ever told you        Feel free to reach out to us via social
 being, advancement, and              “hay comida en La Casa”? Well, that’s        media or email us at
 empowerment of the Latinx            definitely true with us! Stop by for our     We can’t wait to see you on campus!
 community on campus                  Lunch on Us Series every Thursday at
 and beyond. At La Casa,
 we provide programs
                                      Noon for great food and even better
                                      presentations. Throughout the year,          Felicidades!
                                      catch La Casa at some of our signature
 and resources to guide
                                      programs including Paleta Social, Dia
 you through your time at             de Los Muertos, Latine Family Visit
 UIUC and celebrate your              Day, and the Black and Latinx Summit
 accomplishments as you               (co-sponsored with the Bruce D. Nesbitt
 thrive throughout your               African American Center). La Casa also
 campus career!                       is home to several student organizations
                                      you can join, meet them all at Paleta
                                      Social on the first day of classes! When
                                      there isn’t a program going on, stop
                                      by La Casa to grab a snack, study with
                                      friends, or just hang out!

                                                                                                                                 n ewstude nt .illin ois.e du

1203 W. Nevada St. Urbana, IL 61801                                            (217) 333-4950
                                                                                                                                      11                          @LaCasaIllinois               @LaCasaIllinois               @LaCasaIllinois
LGBT                                             Our work is dedicated to building an
                                                                              environment where all students, staff,
                                                                                                                              Opportunities to learn
                                                                                                                              and socialize
                             Resource                                         and faculty; and LGBTQ students,
                                                                              staff, and faculty at the University of         • Annual LGBTRC Welcome Back Event

                                                                              Illinois in particular, are valued. The           (August−September)
                                                                              Center also maintains a collection of           • Quench Lunch Discussions
                                                                              resource materials available for use by           (first and third Mondays)
                                                                              the university community and collects           • National Coming Out Day (October)
                             The LGBT Resource                                data on harassment, and discrimination          • Transgender Day of Remembrance
                             Center is a resource for                         based on gender identity, gender                  (November)
                             the entire University of                         expression, and sexual orientation.             • Queer-it Week (April)
                             Illinois community. The                                                                          • LGBT Ally Trainings (Year-round)
                                                                              For more information on programs and
                             LGBTRC works to create an                        events, please visit    Affiliated Registered
                             environment that is open,                        resource-center/programs-and-events.            Student Organizations
                             affirming, and equitable for
                             people of all sexualities and                    Hours of operation                              •   CUTES
                             gender identities.                                                                               •   FUSE
                                                                              • Monday–Friday, 9:00 am–5:00 pm
                                                                                                                              •   oSTEM
                             The LGBTRC assists in                            • Other hours by appointment.
                                                                                                                              •   Women of Pride
                             the efforts to address
                             homophobia, biphobia,                                                                            For more information regarding affiliated
                                                                                                                              student organizations, visit oiir.illinois.
                             transphobia, and
                             heterosexism. The center is                                                                      student-organizations.
                             also committed to working
                             with broader social justice
                             movements, in particular
                             challenging racism with an
                             emphasis on intersectionality.

                               Illini Union, Room 323 | 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801                                     (217) 244-8863
                                                                @IllinoisLGBTRC                @IllinoisLGBTRC                @IllinoisLGBTRC
Native                               Commitments & Purpose
                                      NAH works to cultivate a more nuanced
                                                                                 Affiliated RSOs

 American                             understanding of Indigenous cultures and
                                      communities as they exist today through
                                                                                 • Native American & Indigenous
                                                                                   Student Organization

                                      our annual events and programming:
                                                                                 • American Indian Graduate
                                      •   Native November                          Student Association
                                      •   Native Women in Art
 The Native American House            •   NAH Congratulatory Ceremony            Questions?
                                      •   Indigenous Peoples Day                 For more information about Native
 is committed to supporting                                                      American House, our programs,
                                      •   Miniature Therapy Horse Visits
 and empowering Indigenous                                                       culturally responsive workshops and
                                      •   Fall Welcome Back
 students and communities                                                        educational opportunities, please
 through facilitating                                                            contact us directly.
 opportunities for cultural
 and academic support,
 engagement, and advocacy.

 Our center is dedicated
 to providing a space for
 sovereignty to be expressed,
 practiced, and understood.
 The Native American
 House welcomes all,
 while centering the voices
 and lived experiences of
 Indigenous peoples.

                                                                                                                       n ewstude nt .illin ois.e du

1206 W. Nevada St. Urbana, IL 61801                                (217) 265-0632
                                                                                                                           13                                     @NAHillinois                         @TheNativeAmericanHouse
New                                              Welcome Week /
                                                                              Fall Orientation
                                                                                                                               Year round programming
                                                                                                                               and support
                             Student                                          You will not want to miss any Welcome
                                                                              Week events this year! With events
                                                                                                                               During the first year at the University of
                                                                                                                               Illinois, you will find there are numerous

                                                                              ranging from New Student Convocation,            people and resources available to help
                                                                              Illinois Sights & Sounds, Quad Day, and          you. Successful students are those who
                                                                              all of the college specific events, the first    take advantage of the services available
                                                                              few days on campus will be exciting!             to them. Our hope is to help you make
                             Our office is designed to help                   Our hope is you’ll feel more comfortable         the most of your first year by helping
                             facilitate the success of all                    about the people, places, and                    you get connected to those key services
                             new students throughout                          opportunities available to you at Illinois.      and resources. Make sure to check out
                             their first year. The programs                                                           throughout the
                             and services we provide                          Transfer orientation and                         year to learn more!
                             are designed to help you                         transfer specific programs
                                                                              Transferring from another institution
                             get familiar with campus
                                                                              to the University of Illinois is unique for
                             resources, connect you with
                                                                              each transfer student. Therefore, our
                             other students, faculty, and                     office has created special orientation
                             staff, and introduce you                         sessions and other programs just for
                             to educational and social                        our new transfer students. Make sure
                             opportunities at the University                  you check your Illinois email account in
                             of Illinois.                                     August to sign up for these programs!

                               Suite 213 | 616 E. Green St. Champaign, IL 61820                                            (217) 333-4057
                                                              @illinoisNSP                   @illinoisNSP                  @illinoisNSP
Office of                                         Service Based Organizations
                                                   OCL supports and advise service-based
                                                                                                     Holiday Toy Drive
                                                                                                     Civic Life partners with students, student

 Civic Life                                        organizations, including Volunteer Illini
                                                   Project (VIP). VIP is a student-run, student-
                                                                                                     orgs, and campus departments to collect
                                                                                                     toys for the Cunningham Children’s
                                                   staffed volunteer organization committed          Home. The drive starts mid-November
                                                   to peace, unity, and change. By working           and runs through first week of December.
 The Office of Civic Life                          with and within the community, VIP
 guides students into active                       makes a positive impact through service,          Make plans to participate by viewing
 citizenship and celebrate                         thereby enriching students’ educational           our events calendar, and sign up for OCL
 the pathways they choose                          experiences and committing students to a          NEWS to receive the latest details on
 in making a positive impact                       lifetime of volunteerism.                         these engagement opportunities.
 towards social change.
                                                   OCL hosts several programs throughout             Student Democratic
 We define what it means                           the year that supports active citizenship.        Engagement
 to be an Illini by integrating                                                                      An engaged Illini is one who participates
                                                   Change Maker-Expo                                 in a comprehensive experience that
 students into the fabric of
                                                   Civic life invites Champaign-Urbana               challenges them to participate and
 the Champaign-Urbana                              community partners to showcase the                through that participation provide a
 community and challenging                         many opportunities that Illini can volunteer      service or benefit that meets the needs
 them to address complex                           during their time at the university.              of our community. Civic education is a
 societal issues and sustained                                                                       combination of promoting the education
 community activism.                               Legacy of Service and                             of students for engaged participation
                                                   Learning Scholarship                              through democratic participation in
                                                   Initiated by the Illinois student body,           their communities, respect and
                                                   scholars are eligible for an annual award         appreciation of diversity, applied
                                                   as part of their participation in a service-      learning, and social responsibility.
                                                   learning program. Cohorts focus on
                                                   various aspects of community engagement           At Illinois we are committed to working
                                                   that leads to sustained volunteerism in the       to reduce apathy, increase engagement,
                                                   Champaign-Urbana community.                       and graduate civic-minded students
                                                                                                     prepared to solve the country, and the
                                                   Service Saturdays                                 world’s, most pressing challenges. With
                                                   Coordinated throughout the academic               this in mind, we offer students many
                                                   year, students have the opportunity               opportunities to become engaged citizens
                                                   to learn about the various community              through our student voter initiatives.
                                                   partners through direct hands-on
                                                                                                     At Illinois, our goal is to normalize voting
                                                   engagement for the day.
                                                                                                     behavior through initial opportunities
                                                   Community Engagement Day                          that allow all students to register, learn
                                                   Brings together different facets of               about issues and candidate, and vote.
                                                   “community” that aid volunteers in the            Democracy relies on each of you to help
                                                   exploration of community needs and                shape our Illini community and your
                                                   issues in C-U , create pathways to and            communities at home. Voting is just one
                                                   interest in sustainable and responsible           way that each of you can participate
                                                   volunteerism, and encourage                       in civic engagement that is part of our
                                                   community involvement year-round.                 collective responsibility as citizens.
                                                                                                     As you get to learn more about Illinois,
                                                   Thanksgiving Meal Drive                           we encourage you to learn more about
                                                   Civic Life partners with campus                   democratic engagement at
                                                   departments at Illinois to support the Big or on
                                                                                                                                                    n ewstude nt .illin ois.e du
                                                   Give at Stone Creek Church. This drive            Instagram @illinivote.
                                                   begins in October and runs through mid-
                                                                                                     Student who are US citizens can register
                                                   November. Campus typically collects
                                                                                                     to vote at
                                                   more than $5,000 in monetary gifts and
                                                   1,700 pounds of food.

University YMCA Building | 1001 S. Wright St. Champaign, IL 61820                              (217) 265-5085
                                                                                                                                                        15                                                                                                         @ocl_uiuc
Office of                                        Student Assistance Center
                                                                                                                            Although appointments are
                                                                                                                            recommended, the Student Assistance

                             the Dean                                         Email:
                                                                              Phone: (217) 333-0050
                                                                                                                            Center offers drop-in hours from 10:00
                                                                                                                            am-3:00 pm, Monday-Friday. During this

                             of Students
                                                                                                                            time, students can meet with a Dean to
                                                                              The Student Assistance Center in the          begin a conversation about a presenting
                                                                              Office of the Dean of Students is a           issue/concern. Drop-in appointments are
                                                                              collaborative resource that promotes          usually relatively short and are intended
                             The Office of the Dean of                        the holistic growth and development of        for addressing specific questions.
                             Students (ODOS) strives                          Illinois students. To that end, we partner    Following this initial meeting, the Dean
                                                                              with students, faculty, staff, and family     may suggest a follow-up appointment for
                             to help students in their
                                                                              members to address disruptions to             further discussion/assistance.
                             journey to reaching their full
                                                                              students’ academic and social stability
                             potential inside and outside                     or behaviors that cause distress in           Off-Campus Community Living
                             the classroom. We support                        our community. We strive to foster a          Web:
                             students through advocacy                        community of care in which all members        Email: off-campuscommunityliving
                             in the Student Assistance                        have a personal responsibility to          
                             Center (SAC), promotion                          themselves and others.                        Phone: (217) 333-0112
                             of accountability and
                                                                              Our team is ready to provide support          Many students will transition to living
                             responsibility in the Office for
                                                                              or assistance! Whether you are                off-campus after their first year at
                             Student Conflict Resolution                      experiencing academic difficulty due to       the University of Illinois. Off-Campus
                             (OSCR), legal assistance in                      health issues, extenuating circumstances      Community Living (OCCL) helps students
                             Student Legal Services, and                      that are impacting your ability to be         make this transition successfully. OCCL
                             enhancement of landlord-                         successful, need help finding or getting      teaches students how to conduct an
                             tenant relationships and                         connected to campus resources, or are         apartment search, review leasing
                             success with Off-Campus                          seeking information about university          contracts, resolve disputes with
                             Community Living (OCCL).                         policies and procedures, we are here          roommates and landlords, and provides
                                                                              to help. Other ways our team assists          tips to prevent issues while renting
                             We also facilitate the Behavioral                students include:                             an apartment. We offer helpful and
                             Intervention Team, which receives                • Medical withdrawals                         educational workshops in real-time
                             reports of concerning or threatening             • Absence-related documentation for class     and available online to enhance your
                             student behavior that have the potential         • Absences due to religious observance        experience living experience off-campus
                             to lead to targeted violence.                    • Food and housing insecurity and             and assist in navigating through any
                                                                                related issues                              challenges that may arise.

                                                                              We strongly encourage students                We encourage you to reach out and make
                                                                              to call and make an appointment.              an appointment to learn more about our
                                                                              Appointments are available Monday-            services and avoid the pressure to sign
                                                                              Friday from 9:00 am-4:30 pm and               a lease earlier than necessary.
                                                                              are typically 30 minutes.

                                300 Student Services Building | 610 E. John St. Champaign, IL 61820                       (217) 333-0050
Office of                                         Advising and Mentoring
                                                   Promotes students' retention, academic
                                                                                               Student Support
                                                                                               Services (SSS)
 Minority                                          success, and provides a strong
                                                   foundation for persistence to graduation
                                                                                               Helping students with the transition
                                                                                               from high school to college and

                                                   and contributions to success.               eventually graduation.

                                                   Tutoring and                                McNair Scholars
 Affairs                                           Academic Services
                                                   Undergraduate and graduate tutors
                                                                                               Preparing underrepresented first
                                                                                               generation and low-income juniors and
                                                   provide support in a wide range of          seniors for graduate school research.
 The Office of Minority Student                    subject areas and workshops.
 Affairs (OMSA) mission is to
                                                                                               Have a question and not sure
                                                   OMSA Academic Services Center (ASC)         who to ask?
 provide exceptional support                       1103 W. Oregon St. Urbana, IL 61801         The OMSA is here for you!
 services that enhance the               
 academic achievement,                             (217) 333-7547
 personal development, and
 graduation rates of first
 generation, low-income, and
 historically underrepresented
 students at Illinois.

    of all incoming freshmen are eligible
               for OMSA services

   of SSS students remain in good standing
       with a 84% 6-year graduation rate

        student participated in OMSA
     tutoring last year, while 1500+ were
            invited to mentoring

      scholarships totaling over $14,000
      that OMSA awarded in 2021-2022
                                                                                                                                        n ewstude nt .illin ois.e du

130 Student Services Building | 610 E. John St. Champaign, IL 61820                         (217) 333-0054
                                                                                                                                             17                                             @OMSAillinois               @OMSAillinois                @OMSAillinois
Student                                           Student Organizations
                                                                              New students are encouraged to explore
                                                                                                                             Quad Day
                                                                                                                             Quad Day, a tradition at Illinois, is the

                            Engagement                                        ways to get involved, including joining
                                                                              a student organization. Students who
                                                                                                                             ultimate way to explore our student
                                                                                                                             orgs. Hosted on Sunday before the fall
                                                                              were members of a student org reported         semester, join us at the Main and South
                                                                              having a higher sense of belonging             Quads as we kick off the semester.
                            Student Engagement is your                        and being more connected to campus.
                            gateway to an incredible Illini                   Student Organization Development &             Student Sustainability
                            experience where you can                          Administration (SODA), a unit of Student       Another great way to get involved is
                            immerse yourself through                          Engagement, has a dedicated team that          with Student Sustainability. Student
                            infinite possibilities.                           provides student organizations support         Sustainability works throughout campus
                                                                              through education and leadership               to develop and support green initiatives.
                                                                              development. In addition, serving              In addition, this unit plays host to the
                                                                              as a member of a student org offers            Student Sustainability Committee,
                                                                              opportunities for personal growth and          which allocates funds received via the
                                                                              the development of critical skills outside     Cleaner Energy Technologies Fee and the
                                                                              of the classroom, which prepares               Sustainable Campus Environment Fee to
                                                                              students for success after college.            campus programs and projects that aim
                                                                                                                             to improve sustainability at Illinois.

                                                                                                                                        student organizations


                                                                                                                               $15+ million
                                                                                                                               allocated to projects by SSC since 2008

                              Illini Union, Suite 264 | 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801                            (217) 300-8757
                                                     @involvedillini                @involvedillini                   @involvedillini
The Career                                      How we help
                                                 We can help you plan your next step.
                                                                                               What we offer

 Center                                          Visit us for:

                                                 •    Career and major exploration
                                                                                               Career coaching and assessment
                                                                                               We brainstorm with you to clarify your
                                                                                               career goals and identify your next step.
                                                 •    Job and internship preparation
 Empowerment and action                          •    Health professions advising              Pre-health advising
                                                 •    Graduate and professional                We provide specialized services and
 begins here                                          school assistance                        pre-professional advising that assist
                                                                                               with your planning, preparation,
 From the moment you
                                                                                               and application to health-related
 arrive on campus, we equip                                                                    professional programs.
 you with the vital tools and
 resources to empower and                                                                      Drop-in advising
 prepare you for the next step                                                                 We assist you with your career-related
 in your career path. We guide                                                                 concerns by connecting you to relevant
 you through a journey of                        ▲ Learn more                                  resources and accurate information.
 self-discovery and the career                   To learn more, please visit us at             Resume, cover letter, and personal
 development process to help            and follow us       statement reviews: We provide feedback
                                                 on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, 		           on your resume, cover letter, or personal
 you successfully transition
                                                 and LinkedIn.                                 statement so it grabs the attention of
 from the University to a                                                                      employers and recruiters.
 thriving life and career.
                                                                                               LinkedIn profile assistance
                                                                                               We help you build a LinkedIn profile
                                                                                               that strengthens your connections with
                                                                                               professionals and employers.

                                                                                               Specialized workshops and events
                                                 ▲ Handshake                                   We host a wide range of free in-person
                                                 Login to to find       and virtual workshops and events
                                                 jobs and internships and to register for      throughout the year that fit your career-
                                                 career-related campus events.                 related needs.

                                                                                               Appointments and drop-in services
                                                                                               are available.

                                                                                                                                             n ewstude nt .illin ois.e du

715 S. Wright St. Champaign, IL 61820                                                    (217) 333-0820
                                                                                                                                                 19          @thecareercenter            @UofICareerCenter            @IllinoisCareerCenter           LinkedIn
Wellness                                        Campus Recreation
                                                                             Campus Recreation provides a
                                                                                                                            Counseling Center
                                                                                                                            The Counseling Center provides

                             Wheel &                                         welcoming environment with sustainable
                                                                             facilities and programs that inspire the
                                                                                                                            mental health counseling and
                                                                                                                            wellbeing education for students. Our

                                                                             University community to engage in              center is staffed by a group of diverse
                                                                             recreation and wellness opportunities.         professionals who understand the range
                                                                                                                            of concerns facing students.
                                                                             Food Assistance &
                             McKinley Health Center                          Wellbeing Program                              Kognito
                             McKinley Health Center provides student-        FAWP is located inside the Activities          The Kognito At-Risk online training
                             friendly healthcare services at the             and Recreation Center (ARC), provides          simulation will help motivate distressed
                             University of Illinois. The Health Center       nutritious food in a welcoming space for       students to seek help, help faculty/staff
                             is open Monday-Saturday and provides            our Illinois Community. It’s a shopping        identify students who are at risk for
                             24/7 Dial-A-Nurse service. Located on the       style pantry where food is set up on           suicide and put students in touch with
                             Southeast corner of campus at 1109 S.           shelves by food groups.                        support services.
                             Lincoln Avenue, Urbana.
                                                                             Instructional Kitchen                          Well Track
                             Health Resource Centers                         The Instructional Kitchen provides a           Well Track is an app that allows you to
                             Provide over-the-counter self-care              variety of educational and nutrition           track your moods and learn about how
                             supplies at no additional cost: cold            focused programming for students               you can better control conditions like
                             medications; wound care supplies, over-         to cultivate healthy habits. Check out         anxiety and depression. It is available to all
                             the-counter contraception, pregnancy                             Illinois students—you do not need to be a
                             test kits, sleep kits, allergy kits and yeast                                                  client of the Counseling Center to access it.
                             infection treatment kits. Visit McKinley’s      ARC Reflection Room
                             website for the various locations.              Take time to rest, relax and reboot in         Self-Health Brochures
                                                                             our Reflection Room located at the ARC.        A variety of brochures are available on
                             McKinley Mental Health                          It is a great space for structured and         health and wellness topics for your perusal.
                             The Mental Health Unit at McKinley              unstructured meditation along with
                             Health Center provides assessment and           other activities.                              More Wellness Resources
                             recommendations for treatment for a                                                            •   Mental Health Resources
                             variety of emotional and behavioral             Campus Well                                    •   Food Resources
                             difficulties. Short-term individual             Campus Rec has partnered with                  •   Campus Safety
                             psychotherapy is provided by our mental         CampusWell, an interdepartmental               •   Bike at Illinois
                             health professionals.                           platform of resources that provides articles
                                                                             and videos about topics ranging from
                             McKinley Wellness App                           body image, nutrition, and mindfulness,
                             Download McKinley’s Wellness App to             to time management, substance abuse,
                             stay connected with McKinley and other          finances, and much more.
                             campus resources to help keep you well
                             to excel.                                       Wellness Reflection Tool
                                                                             Use the Wellness Reflection Tool to see
                             Relaxation Exercises                            how well you are in each of the different
                             Relaxation techniques are an important          dimensions of wellness.
                             tool in reducing daily stress. Download a
                             variety of exercises to refresh your mind
                             and body. Choose from deep breathing,
                             guided imagery, progressive muscle

                             relaxation and instrumental music.

                             Health Education
                             McKinley’s Heath Education Unit has
                             health educator’s who specialize in
                             fitness, nutrition, sexual health and
                             stress management. They are available
                             for one on one appointments and to
                             help you keep a balanced and healthful
                             lifestyle. Call today to schedule an
                             appointment, (217) 333-2700.

                             Healthy Illini Podcasts
                             The Healthy Illini Podcast is available
                             where ever you listen to podcasts.
                             Weekly episodes feature a variety of
                             health and wellness topics. Tune in to
                             hear from healthcare professionals,
   20                        experts and students.
Women’s                                           How to get involved
                                                   with the WRC
                                                                                                To make an appointment with a
                                                                                                confidential advisor, please email

 Resources                                         The WRC offers several opportunities
                                                   for students to get involved in ending
                                                                                       or call the
                                                                                                office at (217) 333-3137. Virtual and in-

                                                   sexual misconduct, advancing gender          person appointments are available. You
                                                   equity, and advocating for social change,    can learn more about our confidential
                                                   including:                                   advising services by visiting oiir.illinois.
                                                   • Volunteers                                 edu/support-services.
 The Women’s Resources                             • Interns
                                                                                                To learn more about available sexual
 Center (WRC) is an on-campus                      • Peer educators
                                                                                                misconduct services on campus,
 office that specializes in                        • Graduate assistants
                                                                                                including reporting options and
 gender equity, sexual violence                    • Program committees
                                                                                                confidential resources, please visit
 prevention and response.                          • Public events
 Our mission is to improve the                     • Workshops by request
 campus climate for womxn                          Advocacy and support services                First Year Campus Acquaintance
 students, which we do by                          The Women’s Resources Center                 Rape Education (FYCARE)
 developing and implementing                       provides free confidential advising          Web:
 programs that address                             services, offering advocacy and support                students/fycare/
 social issues through an                          to students, faculty, and staff of all       Email:
 intersectional lens.                              identities who have experienced sexual       The First Year Campus Acquaintance
                                                   misconduct (sexual assault, sexual           Rape Education (FYCARE) workshop
 People of all genders and                         harassment, sexual exploitation, stalking    is a required program for all incoming
 identities are welcome at the                     and/or dating/domestic violence).            students, including first-year students,
 Women’s Resources Center!                                                                      transfers, and international students.
                                                   What is a confidential advisor?              FYCARE is a peer-led, interactive
                                                   Confidential advisors (commonly
                                                                                                discussion on sexual misconduct
                                                   referred to as advocates) are trained
        Sign up for our newsletter at                                                           that strives to build awareness and
                                                   to provide campus-specific crisis and                                                         improve our capacity to create healthier
                                                   management, share referral services,
      never miss out on an opportunity.                                                         relationships. Workshops are led by
                                                   explore and navigate reporting
                                                                                                trained peer facilitators and designed
                                                   options, and provide support. Our
                                                                                                to encourage engaging discussion in a
                                                   confidentiality means we are NOT
                                                                                                relaxed atmosphere. Peer facilitators
                                                   required to report information related
                                                                                                draw upon their own experiences as
                                                   to sexual misconduct to the University.
                                                                                                students at Illinois to keep the workshop
                                                   That means when we talk with students,
                                                                                                informative and relatable.
                                                   staff, and faculty who have experienced
                                                   harm, we make sure you get what you          FYCARE discusses the dynamics of sexual
                                                   need on your terms! There are several        violence and relationship violence,
                                                   confidential advisors at the WRC who         consent, bystander intervention, ways
                                                   can provide you―or someone you care          to support survivors, and campus and
                                                   about―with support and advocacy              community resources.
                                                   services, including:
                                                   • Advocacy for academic needs                In an effort to create and maintain a safe
                                                   • Advocacy for housing needs 		              campus community, the University of
                                                     (on- and off-campus)                       Illinois has mandated that all students
                                                   • Advocacy within the student                attend a FYCARE workshop during their
                                                     disciplinary system and/or criminal        first semester on campus.  Evaluations
                                                     justice system (includes OSCR, OAE,        show that the vast majority of past
                                                     and local courts)                          attendees found the workshops beneficial       n ewstude nt .illin ois.e du
                                                   • Advocacy for employment needs              to their overall transition to the campus.
                                                   • Information and advocacy for
                                                     medical needs                              You will receive an email from New
                                                   • Advocacy with and support for              Student Programs with the link to
                                                     partners, friends, and parents             register or reschedule if needed. There
                                                   • Referrals for mental and physical health   will be a limited number of FYCARE
                                                     needs on campus and in the community       workshops offered virtually over the
                                                                                                summer, with the majority of workshops
                                                                                                taking place in the fall semester.

616 E. Green St. Suite 202, Champaign, IL 61820 | MC-302                               (217) 337-3137
                                                                                                                                                   21                                          @IllinoisWRC                  @IllinoisWRC                   @IllinoisWRC
                                             AU G U S T 1 8

                        S AT UR D AY
                   AU G U S T 2 0

CAMPUS TOURS                                   COLLEGE MEETINGS

                                                     S UND AY
                                             AU G U S T 2 1

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                                                                         F R ID AY
                                                                 AU G U S T 1 9

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