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FS regulatory, accounting and audit bulletin

FS Regulatory Insights
January 2020

In this month’s edition:
 Operational resilience: Regulators set out their proposals
 Climate risks: BoE proposes stress tests
 Open finance: FCA issues call for input
 Analysis: What's on the regulatory agenda for 2020?
Executive summary         What’s on the regulatory   Cross sector              Banking and capital       Asset management         Insurance                  Monthly calendar         Glossary
                           agenda for 2020?           announcements             markets

Executive summary
                                                      In an important update for firms in all sectors,    approach and timeline for delivering its             how open finance might impact consumer
                                                      the UK regulators published a series of             mandate related to ESG factors. The authority        behaviour in their sector.
                                                      consultation papers on operational resilience in    initially focuses on strategy and risk
                                                                                                                                                               Finally, preparing for the transition away from
                                                      December, building on their 2018 proposals for      management, and associated key metrics and
                                                                                                                                                               LIBOR remains a priority for regulators. The
                                                      firms to identify important business services,      disclosure. It then plans to focus on developing
                                                                                                                                                               PRA responded to the RFRWG’s recent letter
                                                      set impact tolerances, enhance governance           a dedicated climate change stress test and to
                                                                                                                                                               highlighting the implications of the LIBOR
                                                      and undertake scenario testing and lessons          look into the evidence around the prudential
                                                                                                                                                               transition for prudential regulatory
                                                      learned reviews. While the authorities’ overall     treatment of ‘green’ exposures. The EBA
                                                                                                                                                               requirements. The working group had
                                                      position on operational resilience remains          intends to publish a number of discussion
                                                                                                                                                               expressed concerns about a number of rules
                                                      largely unchanged from 2018, there is a lot         papers, technical standards and further
                                                                                                                                                               that could apply once firms amend contracts to
                                                      more content for firms to digest on the             guidance over the next five years, but it
                                                                                                                                                               move from LIBOR to RFRs, some of which
                                                      proposed meaning and application of the             expects and encourages banks to act on
                                                                                                                                                               could constitute a disincentive to transition.
                                                      concepts, and timelines for action.                 climate-related risks now rather than waiting for
Welcome to this edition of ‘Being better                                                                                                                       The PRA letter provides reassurance on some
                                                                                                          rules to be finalised.
informed’, our monthly FS regulatory,                 Meanwhile, the BoE issued an update for                                                                  of the provisions and announces follow-up
accounting and audit bulletin, which                  banks and insurers on its work to address           Elsewhere, our regulators continue to focus on       supervisory work with banks planned for
aims to keep you up to speed with                     climate-related risks, in the form of a             harnessing the benefits of digital innovation.       Q1 2020.
significant developments and their                    discussion paper on its climate scenarios for       The FCA launched a Call for Input to identify
                                                                                                                                                               All in all, the regulatory agenda for the coming
implications across all the financial                 the 2021 biennial exploratory scenario (BES)        opportunities for open finance to deliver a
                                                                                                                                                               months contains much for firms to focus on.
services sectors.                                     stress test. This will see the UK's largest banks   wider range of innovative products and
                                                                                                                                                               We hope you enjoy catching up on December’s
                                                      and insurers, as well as the financial system       services to consumers. This would extend the
The final weeks of 2019 brought a flurry of                                                                                                                    developments and reading about what’s on the
                                                      within which they sit, tested against different     principles of open banking-like data sharing to
regulatory developments, as regulators rushed                                                                                                                  horizon for the year ahead.
                                                      climate scenarios to understand their likely        other products such as savings, insurance,
to meet their end of year deadlines. In this
                                                      exposure to climate-related financial risks.        mortgages and investments. The FCA believes
month’s edition, we report on updates from the
                                                      Although the BES climate scenarios are not          open finance has the potential to make it easier
end of the year, including on operational
                                                      due to be finalised until the end of the year,      for consumers to compare and switch
resilience and climate risk. We also look ahead
                                                      firms included in the exercise will need to         products, and to drive the development of new
to what’s on the horizon for firms over the next
                                                      prepare for participation, with a key challenge     services. It also acknowledges there are some
12 months, in our feature article. Across
                                                      being identifying and preparing the data the        risks involved. The regulator seeks                  Hannah Swain
banking, insurance and asset and wealth
                                                      stress tests will require.                          stakeholders’ views to help inform its               Director, FS Regulatory Insights
management, we assess what’s on the
                                                                                                          regulatory strategy for open finance; firms          M: +44 (0) 7803 590553
regulatory agenda for 2020, and what firms            The EBA is progressing its own climate-related
                                                                                                          should engage with the process and consider          E:
should be focusing on to stay ahead of                initiatives, publishing its action plan on
the curve.                                            sustainable finance, which outlines its

1  PwC | FS regulatory, accounting and audit bulletin | January 2020
Executive summary          What’s on the regulatory   Cross sector     Banking and capital   Asset management   Insurance   Monthly calendar   Glossary
                            agenda for 2020?           announcements    markets

How to read this bulletin?                              Executive summary                                                                                  1

Review the Table of Contents and the                    What’s on the regulatory agenda for 2020?                                                          3
relevant Sector sections to identify the news
of interest. We recommend you go directly to            Cross sector announcements                                                                         8
the topic/article of interest by clicking in the
active links within the table of contents.
                                                        Banking and capital markets                                                                        15
                                                        Asset management                                                                                   18
                                                        Insurance                                                                                          20
                                                        Monthly calendar                                                                                   23
                                                        Glossary                                                                                           25
                                                        Contacts                                                                                           32

2  PwC | FS regulatory, accounting and audit bulletin | January 2020
Executive summary          What’s on the regulatory   Cross sector               Banking and capital       Asset management         Insurance                Monthly calendar         Glossary
                            agenda for 2020?           announcements              markets

What’s on the regulatory agenda for 2020?
As we head into 2020, firms are facing an              Preparing for the post-Brexit environment will       Many firms are well progressed in adopting         OECD will launch the AI Policy Observatory in
intense and evolving regulatory agenda. This           of course remain high on firms’ list of priorities   these technologies, which have the potential to    early 2020 to help policymakers implement its
comprises ongoing initiatives from previous            this year. The 11-month transition period            transform the way firms operate and interact       AI principles published in May 2019.
years (such as climate risk and LIBOR                  creates an ambitious timetable to agree a            with their customers.                              Separately, IOSCO has stated that it will
transition, where regulators will be expecting to      future trade deal, and a cliff-edge exit at the                                                         examine the supervision of market
                                                                                                            In the UK, the BoE and FCA have announced
see concrete progress from firms), preparing           end of 2020 remains a possibility.                                                                      intermediaries (including asset managers) that
                                                                                                            they will launch a public-private forum to
for the implementation of upcoming legislation                                                                                                                 deploy AI and ML, with a view to publishing a
                                                       The Political Declaration, which both sides          discuss AI and ML, including what the right
such as CRD V and CRR II, and keeping                                                                                                                          consultation paper in Q1 2020. The Basel
                                                       have agreed will guide the trade talks,              regulatory and supervisory approach to these
abreast of a number of EC reviews of existing                                                                                                                  Committee will also look at the risk
                                                       suggests that future arrangements for financial      tools should be. We expect they will continue
regulations, such as MiFID II, MAR and                                                                                                                         management challenges associated with the
                                                       services will be based on equivalence                to adopt a ‘technology-neutral’ position,
Solvency II.                                                                                                                                                   use of AI and ML in financial services.
                                                       provisions, and the UK and EU will strive to         meaning firms will be obliged to treat
So what’s on the horizon for the next 12               conclude the equivalence assessments by 30           customers fairly, establish robust governance      Cryptoassets: regulatory evolution
months, and what does the upcoming agenda              June 2020. At this stage, firms should focus on      arrangements and manage risks irrespective of
mean for firms?                                        understanding what is possible under the EU’s        the mechanism through which they provide
                                                                                                                                                                            Tom Boydell
                                                       current equivalence framework, and how that          services. But equally there is likely to be an                  Manager
Preparing for the post-Brexit
                                                       may impact their desired business model. But         ongoing focus from the regulators on
                                                       until the equivalence landscape becomes more         explainability, bias, data protection,
EU legislation remains important for UK firms,         certain in mid-2020, firms can expect                accountability and governance of the use of AI.    The regulatory framework for cryptoassets is
despite the UK being due to leave the EU on            continuing pressure from EU-27 regulators to                                                            also still evolving, and we expect the focus in
31 January 2020. The UK is due to enter an                                                                  In the EU, EC President Ursula von der Leyen       2020 to be on two key questions: whether
                                                       build capability in their EU entities.
11-month transition period on that date, during                                                             has pledged to introduce EU-wide rules to          certain types of cryptoassets that are currently
which EU law will continue to apply, and while         AI: an increased regulatory focus                    govern the deployment of AI by March 2020.         unregulated should be brought within the
the future direction for financial services                                                                 The EC may draw on the principles set out by       scope of relevant regulation, and whether
                                                                    Leo Donnachie                           the High-Level Expert Group on AI, which
remains uncertain beyond that point, UK                                                                                                                        existing regulatory frameworks are appropriate
regulators are likely to adopt those pieces of                      Senior Associate                        emphasise that the use of AI should be lawful,     for cryptoassets which fall within the perimeter,
regulation that are ‘inflight’ (i.e. agreed prior to                                                        ethical and robust. It may also incorporate        whatever that eventually looks like.
the UK leaving the EU but not in force until                                                                aspects of an October 2019 report by the
after the transition period). After the transition     As the financial services sector embraces            German-based Data Ethics Commission, which         In the UK, HMT is exploring whether so-called
period, it is unclear how closely the UK will          innovation and technological change, the             proposes a stricter, rules-based framework         ‘utility tokens’ will be brought into the FCA’s
follow EU regulation, but any significant              regulators are considering their regulatory and      for AI.                                            regulatory perimeter, and the BoE has
deviation will have to be balanced with the            supervisory response to these changes. An                                                               indicated that work on prudential aspects is
                                                       example of this is the regulatory response to        We expect to see increased output from the         underway. Both ESMA and the EBA have
desire to achieve equivalence determinations.                                                               international standard setters in 2020 too. The
                                                       firms’ use of AI and machine learning (ML).                                                             already been considering whether the

3  PwC | FS regulatory, accounting and audit bulletin | January 2020
Executive summary       What’s on the regulatory   Cross sector             Banking and capital      Asset management          Insurance                  Monthly calendar         Glossary
                         agenda for 2020?           announcements            markets

regulatory framework is fit for purpose in          Beyond the UK, we await a consultation on         the 2021 biennial exploratory scenario (BES)          the IFR, and the amended EBA Regulation as
relation to securities, banking, payments and e-    operational resilience from the Basel             stress test. This will see the UK's largest banks     well as various initiatives under the EC’s
money regulation. They have been exploring          Committee. This will be the first time a global   and insurers, as well as the financial system         sustainable finance action plan. While it has
where existing EU legislation may have gaps         standard setter has made public its view on       within which they sit, tested against different       been charged with a broad remit to look at
which fail to address specific risks associated     this topic (to date such organisations have       climate scenarios to understand their likely          ESG risks within these initiatives, the EBA has
with cryptoassets. So firms should continue to      focused more narrowly on cyber), and is likely    exposure to climate-related financial risks.          said its initial focus will be on climate-related
engage with policymakers in this area, as           to trigger further action from NCAs. Meanwhile,   Although the BES climate scenarios are not            risks, given their materiality. Firms can expect
regulatory clarity continues to emerge this         the EC launched a consultation on digital         due to be finalised until the end of the year,        to see a discussion paper on a uniform
year.                                               operational resilience on 19 December 2019.       firms included in the exercise will need to           definition of climate risks (and other ESG risks)
                                                    This reflects a broadening of EU regulatory       prepare for participation, with a key challenge       and the potential inclusion of these in the
Operational resilience: digesting the
                                                    focus beyond cyber security (covered by the       being identifying and preparing the data the          SREP, in the second quarter of this year.
regulators’ proposals
                                                    NIS directive) into other components of           stress tests will require.
                                                                                                                                                            Domestically, firms can expect a particular
                                                    operational resilience.
                                                                                                      It's likely that before we get too far into 2020,     focus on climate change next year in the lead
                                                    In addition, EIOPA and ESMA will be               the PRA will provide banks and insurers with          up to the UN Climate Change Conference in
                                                    confirming guidelines on outsourcing to the       feedback on the plans they submitted in               November 2020. Five years on from the Paris
                                                    cloud (EIOPA published a consultation on 1        October 2019 setting out how they'd be                Agreement, there will be considerable pressure
Operational resilience will remain a key focus      July 2019, with ESMA yet to publish its           tackling climate-related risks. The prudential        on governments to make progress on climate
for all firms this year. After a long period of     proposals). Firms will also be focusing on        regulator will be keen to see progress on the         change commitments, which is likely to have
reflection, 5 December 2019 saw the                 implementing the finalised guidelines on ICT      items firms committed to in these plans, and is       an impact on regulation and firms.
publication of a package of consultation papers     and security risk management over the next 12     likely to focus on how the SMFs responsible for
from UK regulators, focusing on how the
                                                                                                                                                            Wholesale conduct: LIBOR and
                                                    months. The guidelines, which come into force     climate risk are discharging their obligations.
                                                                                                                                                            reporting high on the agenda
provision of important business services can        on 30 June 2020, cover topics including           There's lots for firms to do across risk
be maintained in the event of disruptions           governance and strategy, change                   management, scenario analysis and preparing                        Arthur Marquis
(including a PRA paper on outsourcing and           management, business continuity management        for appropriate climate-related disclosures, but
third party arrangements). While the overall                                                                                                                             Manager
                                                    and information security measures.                the regulator is likely to focus on ensuring firms
position on operational resilience remains                                                            have the right governance in place to support
largely unchanged from 2018, there is a lot
                                                    Climate risk: the hard work begins
                                                                                                      this activity. So making sure boards and senior
more content for firms to digest on the                                                               management are equipped to provide                                 Daniela Bunea
                                                                Luke Nelson
proposed application of the concepts. We                                                              challenge and oversight should be an area of                       Senior Associate
expect the regulators to issue their final                      Senior Manager
                                                                                                      focus for all firms.
policies by the end of the year. Firms should
establish whether or not they are in scope for                                                        In the EU, the EBA has set itself up for a busy
                                                                                                                                                            Turning to the wholesale conduct agenda, we
                                                    While last year saw climate risk land firmly on   year on climate risk as it outlined in its
these policy requirements; those in scope                                                                                                                   expect the main themes for the year ahead to
                                                    the regulatory map, 2020 looks set to be the      sustainable finance action plan in December
should evaluate their progress and ensure their                                                                                                             be the transition away from LIBOR, transaction
                                                    year the hard work really starts. At the end of   2019. It's committed to provide guidance on
planned future work fits with the proposed                                                                                                                  reporting, and the progression of certain
                                                    December, the BoE left us the Christmas gift of   ESG factors and risks under a range of new
timelines.                                                                                                                                                  regulatory reviews.
                                                    a discussion paper on its climate scenarios for   legislative acts including CRR II and CRD V,

4  PwC | FS regulatory, accounting and audit bulletin | January 2020
Executive summary         What’s on the regulatory   Cross sector             Banking and capital      Asset management         Insurance                 Monthly calendar         Glossary
                           agenda for 2020?           announcements            markets

As preparations for the LIBOR transition              pressing with SFTR and EMIR Refit reporting       challenges, including overlap with wider            to consider how these principles will be
deadline at the end of 2021 intensify, this year      coming up.                                        initiatives such as the FRC’s Stewardship           implemented, which could result in new rules.
regulators will want to see concrete action. In                                                         Code 2020 and the revised Shareholder Rights        We expect a broader supervisory focus on
                                                      Meanwhile, the EC has an agenda to review a
particular, the FPC indicated in October 2019                                                           Directive. Firms will welcome upcoming ESMA         structural vulnerabilities in the sector, in
                                                      number of post-crisis regulations, including
that it’s considering further policy and                                                                technical ‘Level 2’ work to provide further         particular on fund leverage in light of IOSCO’s
                                                      MIFID II, the BMR third-country regime and
supervisory tools that authorities could deploy                                                         clarity around regulatory expectations.             recommendations from December 2019.
                                                      MAR. It plans to assess whether they have
to reduce the stock of legacy LIBOR contracts
                                                      achieved their intended objectives and/or have    As firms rush to meet demand in the growing         Value assessment - what’s in store
to an irreducible minimum ahead of end-2021.
                                                      given rise to unintended effects. For instance,   sustainable investments market, there may be        for ‘Day 2’?
ISDA will start the year by proposing fallbacks       the EC is considering a review of the research    greater scope for conduct risk. We expect           The FCA’s new value assessment rules require
for legacy derivatives trades, which firms will       regime, adjustments to the trading obligations,   regulators to take a closer look at this during     AFMs to conduct a root and branch review of
need to sign up to. The RFRWG will seek to            and a second look at the third country            2020, given ESMA’s technical advice to the EC       their UK funds, and then publicly report their
eliminate the latest regulatory dependencies          benchmarks regime, but we expect to see           on incorporating sustainability concepts into       findings - meaning previously unseen aspects
for a smooth transition, and focus its efforts on     formal proposed amendments in 2020. How           various existing regulatory frameworks (e.g.        of their operations will be open to public
any sectors where the transition is slower. The       the UK responds to these adjustments in light     MiFID II), and the FCA’s plans to look at how       scrutiny. This is given further weight by the
regulators are likely to become less permissive       of Brexit remains to be seen.                     firms are mitigating the risk of ‘greenwashing’.    new prescribed responsibility for value
with firms that continue to reference LIBOR in                                                          With FCA work on product governance now             assessments introduced under SM&CR. With
new contracts and those less advanced in their
                                                      Asset and wealth management                       underway, firms need to be on top of this.          the first reporting deadline fast approaching in
progress. They will also expect firms to take a                                                                                                             January 2020, firms should prepare
                                                                                                        Ongoing focus on structural
proactive stance in mitigating conduct risk,                                                                                                                themselves for close ongoing scrutiny from the
following guidance published by the FCA in                                                                                                                  regulator, before considering how to refine their
November 2019.                                                                                          Firms should anticipate an active agenda on
                                                                                                                                                            own processes when the industry has been
                                                                                                        fund liquidity. Supervisory scrutiny from the
SFTR reporting is around the corner, with a                                                                                                                 through a full reporting cycle.
                                                      Spotlight on sustainable investments              FCA will be central to this, following its ‘Dear
first deadline in April 2020 for banks and
                                                      The sustainable investments agenda is set to      AFM Chair’ letter setting out expectations on       Wealth management - more change
broker-dealers, followed by FMIs, asset                                                                 liquidity management from November 2019.            ahead?
                                                      ramp up for the asset and wealth management
managers and insurers later in the year. Firms                                                          Fund managers with NURS holding illiquid            In wealth management, the FCA’s follow-up
                                                      (AWM) sector in 2020, as EU policymakers
that have already been reporting under EMIR                                                             assets will, by 30 September 2020, also need        reviews to FAMR and RDR will assess whether
                                                      progress the sustainable finance action plan.
will find similarities with this regime, yet                                                            to implement new FCA rules aimed at                 advice markets are affordable and accessible,
                                                      The ESG Disclosure Regulation in particular is
catering for SFTs will be no small task.                                                                improving investors’ understanding of liquidity     which could have significant implications for
                                                      set to create lots of work for AWM firms, now
Meanwhile, EMIR Refit introduces from June                                                              risks and strengthening liquidity management.       firms. Ahead of the expected findings in
                                                      that it has reached political agreement and we
2020 new mandatory delegated reporting for                                                                                                                  autumn 2020, wealth managers should
                                                      move into the implementation phase. Firms will    Related to this, the BoE and FCA have
FCs trading with NFCs not subject to the                                                                                                                    consider whether their business models are
                                                      need to develop their approach to disclosing      conducted a review into systemic risks created
clearing obligation, with the legal liability that                                                                                                          conducive to evidencing value, as well as
                                                      how they integrate ESG considerations into        by open-ended funds. The FPC’s December
comes with it. As for MiFID II transaction                                                                                                                  innovating to develop services that can appeal
                                                      investment decision-making and reporting on       2019 Financial Stability Report sets out
reporting, we know the FCA hasn’t been                                                                                                                      to a broader range of clients.
                                                      the sustainability performance of certain         regulatory principles aimed at minimising risk
satisfied with the trades reported so far. Its
                                                      products. This brings complexity and              from liquidity mismatch, and work is underway
concerns are likely to become even more

5  PwC | FS regulatory, accounting and audit bulletin | January 2020
Executive summary        What’s on the regulatory   Cross sector             Banking and capital     Asset management         Insurance                  Monthly calendar          Glossary
                          agenda for 2020?           announcements            markets

Investment firms review - timeline                   Banking                                          potential to shape the way consumers access          Other implementation challenges, which may
becomes clear                                                                                         and understand their credit information, along       be ‘under the radar’ for some, include the need
                                                     Retail conduct - a balancing act
On the prudential side, the IFR was published                                                         with the way in which data is reported,              for banks to report new FRTB alternative
in the Official Journal on 5 December 2019.                      Tom Boydell                          recorded and used. This could result in              standardised capital requirements from March
Setting a tailored and proportionate prudential                                                       changes to reporting systems for banks and           2021 alongside their existing binding market
                                                                 Manager                              retail lenders, along with requirements to better    risk requirement. This is well in advance of
framework for MiFID investment firms in the
EU, the regime introduces strategic,                                                                  inform consumers at the point of sale (an FCA        FRTB becoming a binding capital requirement
operational and regulatory challenges for firms.                                                      trend of 2019).                                      in the EU. CRR II also introduces a new
                                                     The past year has seen considerable change
The IFR will take effect from 26 June 2021 with                                                                                                            standardised counterparty credit risk capital
                                                     for retail banks and lenders. Not only have a    Finally, vulnerable consumers will continue to
a transition period of five years for capital                                                                                                              requirement methodology with ‘order of
                                                     number of product-specific rules been            drive regulatory intervention. 2020 will see the
requirements. We expect the FCA to provide                                                                                                                 magnitude’ increases in complexity and data
                                                     consulted upon and finalised (e.g. overdrafts    publication of final guidance setting out the
more clarity in the coming months on how it will                                                                                                           inputs - a step change for smaller banks
                                                     and mortgage responsible lending), but           FCA’s expectations for firms’ understanding,
implement the regime in the UK.                                                                                                                            compared to what they are used to. Other
                                                     increased competition from challenger banks,     management and monitoring of vulnerability.
                                                                                                                                                           areas covered by this regulation include pillar 3
In the meantime, UK investment firms should          FinTechs and BigTech has continued at pace.      While a number of firms are ahead of the
                                                                                                                                                           disclosures, large exposures, IRRBB, pillar 2
start familiarising themselves with the new          In 2020, things are not about to let up. Banks   game, others may find they have work to do to
                                                                                                                                                           capital and intermediate EU parent company
regime, including ensuring they have the             and lenders must balance their implementation    meet expectations.
processes and systems to capture the data            and reflection of 2019’s changes with their
                                                                                                      Capital and liquidity - a year of
which will be required for calculating the K-        embrace of technology and open finance, all                                                           Banks also face increased expectation and
Factors and for the regime’s reporting               while continuing to ride the wave of new                                                              scrutiny in relation to their existing prudential
requirements. While there is a five-year             regulatory change.                                            David Brewin                            reporting, with the PRA ratcheting up the
transitional arrangement, firms will need certain                                                                                                          intensity of its supervision. The PRA expects
                                                     The FCA’s first move of 2020 was to propose                   Senior Manager
data covering a rolling 15-month period up to                                                                                                              banks to be able to demonstrate the efficacy of
                                                     the introduction of a Single Easy Access Rate
June 2021, which means action is needed in                                                                                                                 the design and operation of their systems and
                                                     (SEAR) for cash savings accounts. By
the first quarter of this year.                                                                       2020 is set to be a year of ‘nitty-gritty’           controls over regulatory reporting - including in
                                                     introducing a SEAR, the FCA hopes to improve
                                                                                                      preparation for implementation of CRD V and          relation to key judgements and interpretations.
                                                     the value received by customers in the cash
                                                                                                      CRR II. This is wide ranging, implements parts       In addition to making direct information
                                                     savings market, facilitate better competition
                                                                                                      of the Basel III reforms, and includes a binding     requests, the PRA is increasing its use of third
                                                     and bolster consumer awareness. Banks and
                                                                                                      leverage ratio and NSFR. While these                 party skilled person reviews over these areas.
                                                     building societies must get on the front foot
                                                     early this year and devise strategies based on   regulations were finalised in June 2019 and          Further down the track, the EC is expected to
                                                     the proposals. It will be interesting to see     many of the requirements take effect from June       publish legislative proposals to implement the
                                                     whether deeply ingrained customer inertia can    2021, they are underpinned by a range of RTS,        final elements of the Basel III reforms in mid-
                                                     be fixed through these changes.                  ITS and guidelines that will emerge during           2020. These proposals will include provisions
                                                                                                      2020 and beyond, adding friction to banks’           relating to credit risk, operational risk, credit
                                                     The FCA expects to release its preliminary       preparations.                                        valuation adjustments and the output floor as
                                                     conclusions from the credit information market
                                                                                                                                                           well as binding FRTB capital requirements.
                                                     study in spring 2020. The market study has the
                                                                                                                                                           Under the Basel timetable, these changes are

6  PwC | FS regulatory, accounting and audit bulletin | January 2020
Executive summary        What’s on the regulatory   Cross sector              Banking and capital      Asset management          Insurance                  Monthly calendar           Glossary
                          agenda for 2020?           announcements             markets

due to start applying from January 2022. The         relating to reserving adequacy, governance         governance arrangements in areas such as              to focus on new trends and developments
Government has announced that it will legislate      and controls. It also plans to focus on            remuneration practices, diversity and corporate       across the industry such as
to implement the Basel reforms in the UK, as         underwriting controls, especially in the London    governance at board level. Similarly the FCA          FinTech/InsurTech, cyber risk, climate risk and
they will come into force after the transitional     market, and exposure management. Following         expects general insurers to tackle non-financial      sustainability.
period ends, assuming the transitional period is     negative reports regarding sexual harassment       misconduct and unhealthy corporate culture.
                                                                                                                                                              All in all, there’s a great deal for firms to focus
not extended beyond 31 December 2020.                and bullying within the London market, the         Senior managers will need to show they have
                                                                                                                                                              on this year, encompassing both sector-
                                                     PRA says it’s clear some firms have ‘more          taken reasonable steps to address non-
Insurance                                            work to do’ to improve aspects of corporate        financial misconduct and firms are expected to
                                                                                                                                                              specific developments and broader issues.
                                                                                                                                                              Firms must continue to evolve if they are to
                                                     culture and individual behaviour. The PRA          have strong whistleblowing processes and
             Tania Lee                                                                                                                                        meet both the regulators’ and consumers’
                                                     makes clear it will consider any instances of      appropriate incentive structures.
                                                                                                                                                              expectations in an ever-changing market.
             Senior Manager                          non-financial misconduct and personal integrity
                                                                                                        Developing regulation
                                                     when assessing the fitness and propriety of
                                                     individuals under the SM&CR.                       While it is unclear how the UK’s regulatory
Over the next year, insurers will need to focus                                                         regime might evolve after Brexit, the UK has
on a number of shortcomings identified by the        For life insurers, the PRA plans to continue its   brought Solvency II into UK law as part of
PRA and FCA, while keeping a watching brief          programme of asset reviews (with particular        Brexit preparations. In its 2020 review of
on developments at the European and global           focus on illiquid assets and internally rated      Solvency II, the EC is expected to examine the
level. From a prudential perspective, reserving,     assets), implement its updated supervisory         application of the long-term guarantee
underwriting and corporate culture are in the        statement on equity release mortgages, and         measures and capital requirements. It also
spotlight for general insurers, while asset          renew its focus on the adequacy of life            intends to consider harmonisation of rules on
reviews, equity release mortgages and life           insurance reserving.                               insurance guarantee schemes and the rules on
insurance reserving are the main issues for life                                                        early intervention and resolution. In October
                                                     Focus on fair treatment and
insurers. From a conduct perspective, the fair       governance                                         2019, EIOPA consulted on proposals for
treatment of customers is the key regulatory                                                            resolving deficiencies in the volatility
                                                     The fair treatment of both new and existing
concern, while non-financial misconduct                                                                 adjustment, group supervision, reporting and a
                                                     customers, particularly the vulnerable, remains
remains very much under scrutiny.                                                                       recovery and resolution framework. Insurers
                                                     a high priority for the FCA and PRA. In
It’s important that insurers also assess the                                                            should look out for the final opinion in
                                                     particular, in early 2020, insurers should look
implementation challenges of major regulatory                                                           June 2020.
                                                     out for the FCA’s final report on its general
developments on the horizon. These include           insurance pricing practices review and             At a global regulatory level, the IAIS is focusing
developments coming out of the EC’s 2020             consultation on proposed remedies.                 on the implementation of its newly adopted
review of Solvency II, the implementation of the                                                        Common Framework for internationally active
                                                     From December 2019, the SM&CR fully
IAIS’ regulatory frameworks and IFRS 17.                                                                insurance groups and Holistic Framework for
                                                     applies to insurance firms, and FCA-regulated
Prudential concerns                                                                                     Systemic Risk. It intends to use the capital
                                                     insurance intermediaries enter the regime’s
                                                                                                        standard in confidential reporting to group
The PRA wrote to general insurers in                 transition phase. The PRA plans to continue to
                                                                                                        supervisors and discussion in supervisory
November 2019 setting out its priorities for         evaluate the effectiveness of the SM&CR and
                                                                                                        colleges for a five-year monitoring period from
2020. It highlights a number of concerns             remuneration policies, as well as review firms’
                                                                                                        1 January 2020. The IAIS and EIOPA also plan

7  PwC | FS regulatory, accounting and audit bulletin | January 2020
Executive summary         What’s on the regulatory   Cross sector      Banking and capital   Asset management          Insurance                  Monthly calendar          Glossary
                           agenda for 2020?           announcements     markets

Cross sector announcements
In this section:                                                                              Regulation                                            To address the dependencies on counterparty
                                                                                                                                                    credit risk, market risk and IRRBB, the PRA will
Regulation                                      8
                                                                                              Benchmarks                                            take three measures. First, it plans to meet
Benchmarks                                      8                                                                                                   with major firms in Q1 2020 to discuss their
                                                                                              FSB reports on LIBOR transition progress
Finance                                         8                                                                                                   approach to managing these risks. The PRA
                                                                                              The FSB published its 2019 report on the risks
                                                                                                                                                    will expect firms to include an analysis of these
Financial stability                             9                                             of LIBOR transition to financial stability on 18
                                                                                                                                                    dependencies in their upcoming ICAAP.
Market infrastructure                           9                                             December 2019. The report notes the good
                                                                                                                                                    Second, the PRA will write to firms with
                                                                                              progress in derivatives and securities markets,
MiFID II                                        9                                                                                                   approval for Internal Model Method and
                                                                                              but also the slower pace of transition in loan
                                                                                                                                                    Internal Model Approach to ask them to identify
Operational resilience                        10                                              markets that needs to accelerate. It
                                                                                                                                                    the number and type of models that will need
Pensions                                      11                                              encourages firms not to wait for term rates. It
                                                                                                                                                    amending. Finally, the PRA will communicate
                                                                                              also alerts firms that they should expect
Technology                                    11                                                                                                    its plans for model review in Q2 2020. Please
                                                                                              increased scrutiny of their transition plans as
                                                                                                                                                    see our At a glance publication for more
Accounting                                    11                                              the December 2021 deadline approaches.
PwC publications                              11                                              The FSB is planning on conducting a survey of         Finance
Also this month                               11                                              exposures to LIBOR and supervisory
                                                                                                                                                    EU launches cryptoasset consultation
A brief roundup of other regulatory                                                           measures taken to address transition issues in
developments                                                                                  early 2020, with the goal of publishing a report      The EC published a Consultation document on
                                                                                              on the remaining challenges to the transition in      an EU framework for markets in cryptoassets
                                                                                              time for the G20 meeting in July 2020.                on 19 December 2019. The EC acknowledges
                                                                                                                                                    that cryptoassets have the potential to create
                                                                                              PRA reviews prudential impact of LIBOR
                                                                                                                                                    opportunities and benefits for markets, but the
                                                                                                                                                    new risks must be adequately managed. It is
                                                                                              The PRA published its response to the                 therefore gathering views from market
                                                                                              regulatory dependencies of the LIBOR                  participants, regulators and consumers to help
                                                                                              transition on 18 December 2019. According to          support the direction and focus of future work.
                                                                                              the PRA’s review, transitioning away from
                                                                                              LIBOR has an impact on a number of                    The first section of the consultation is aimed at
                                                                                              prudential requirements, including the eligibility    the general public to gain a better
                                                                                              of instruments for AT1 and Tier 2 capital,            understanding of the current state of the
                                                                                              resolution, and the market risk framework.            cryptoasset market. This will help to establish
                                                                                                                                                    the scale of adoption and harms caused.

8  PwC | FS regulatory, accounting and audit bulletin | January 2020
Executive summary        What’s on the regulatory   Cross sector                Banking and capital       Asset management          Insurance                Monthly calendar         Glossary
                             agenda for 2020?           announcements               markets

Subsequent sections target the views of                     needed for a quick sale of a representative       recommendation for NCAs to not take any             The temporary exemption from margin
regulators, public bodies and market                        sample (or vertical slice) of those assets or     enforcement actions in this regard.                 requirements for intragroup transactions with
participants. The EC asks for views on                      the time period needed for a sale to avoid a                                                          third country entities should be extended from
                                                                                                              In parallel, a legislative amendment is also
cryptoasset classifications, particularly on how            material price discount. The US SEC has                                                               4 January 2020 until 21 December 2020, the
                                                                                                              being negotiated at EU level to set that relief
unregulated tokens may be subdivided further.               recently adopted measures of this nature.                                                             ESAs argue. The proposal would align this
                                                                                                              into law. This proposal addresses one of the
Thirdly, it seeks views on whether a regulatory                                                                                                                   exemption with the similar exemption from the
                                                           Redeeming investors should receive a              key regulatory dependencies flagged by the
framework is needed for unregulated tokens                                                                                                                        clearing obligation.
                                                            price for their units in the fund that reflects   market in relation to LIBOR transition.
and new market participants (e.g. wallet
                                                            the discount needed to sell the required          ESAs amend EMIR bilateral margining rules           They add that the temporary derogation for
providers) and what this may look like. Finally,
                                                            portion of a fund’s assets in the specified                                                           single-stock equity options and index options
the EC asks whether the current framework is                                                                  The ESAs published a final report on EMIR
                                                            redemption notice period.                                                                             should be extended from 4 January 2020 until
fit for purpose - if it is hindering innovation, or                                                           RTS on various amendments to the bilateral
                                                                                                                                                                  4 January 2021.
gaps exist, what can be changed?                           Redemption notice periods should reflect          margin requirements in view of the
                                                            the time needed to sell the required portion      international framework on 5 December 2019.         The ESAs acknowledge that the entry into
The consultation is open until 19 March 2020.
                                                            of a fund’s assets without discounts beyond       They propose to amend the existing RTS on           effect of the revised RTS may not take effect
Financial stability                                         those captured in the price received by           bilateral margining to facilitate further           before some effective dates applying under the
FCA and BoE review open-ended funds                         redeeming investors.                              international consistency, as detailed below.       current RTS. Hence, they recommend NCAs to
The FPC published its Financial Stability                                                                                                                         not enforce the application of the relevant
                                                        During 2020, the review will consider how             The ESAs state that phase V of the initial
Report on 16 December 2019, which sets out                                                                                                                        requirements in the existing RTS.
                                                        these principles could be implemented. The            margin requirements should apply from 1
initial findings of a joint review conducted by         FCA will use the conclusions of the review to         September 2020 to firms with an aggregate           Next, the EC needs to adopt the amendments
the BoE and FCA of risks posed by open-                 inform the development of the FCA’s rules for         average notional amount (AANA) of between           and then send them for the scrutiny of the EP
ended funds.                                            open-ended funds.                                     €50bn and €750bn, while phase VI would apply        and the Council.
The BoE and FCA consider there to be a                                                                        from 1 September 2021 to firms with an AANA
                                                        Market infrastructure                                                                                     MiFID II
mismatch between redemption terms and the                                                                     between €8bn and €50bn. This proposal is
                                                        ESAs propose EMIR exemption for LIBOR                                                                     ESMA publishes first review report for MiFID II
liquidity of the assets held by some funds,             fallbacks                                             aligned with the international timeline that the
                                                                                                              Basel Committee and IOSCO recommended in            ESMA published its first review report for MiFID
which has the potential to become a systemic            The ESAs issued a public statement about the
                                                                                                              July 2019.                                          II on 5 December 2019, covering the
risk through forcing asset sales, testing the           introduction of fallbacks in OTC derivative                                                               development of prices for market data and on
ability of markets to absorb them, amplifying           contracts and the requirement to exchange             For physically settled FX forward and swap          the consolidated tape for equity. This follows a
price movements and transmitting stress to              collateral on 5 December 2019. They                   contracts, the ESAs state that counterparties       consultation paper from July 2019, and
other parts of the financial system. The initial        recommend that amending legacy contracts to           shouldn’t be mandated to post or collect            represents the first in a series of reports that
conclusions of the review suggest there should          introduce benchmark fallbacks shouldn’t result        variation margin when one of the                    will inform the EC’s review of MiFID II.
be greater consistency between the liquidity of         in margin or clearing obligations on these            counterparties is not a credit institution or an
a fund’s assets and its redemption terms. The           contracts. This decision is aligned with the          investment firm. This proposal restricts the        MiFID II/MiFIR aims to ensure fair access to
regulators have put forward the following               international recommendation that the Basel           mandatory exchange of variation margin on           market data and established a legal framework
principles to achieve this:                             Committee and IOSCO issued in March 2019.             these contracts to transactions between the         for the provision of a consolidated tape (CT).
                                                        Hence, the ESAs issued a ‘no action’                  most systemic counterparties.                       ESMA notes that, so far, no CT has emerged
     Liquidity of funds’ assets should be
                                                                                                                                                                  and that MiFID II is not delivering on its
      assessed either as the price discount

9  PwC | FS regulatory, accounting and audit bulletin | January 2020
Executive summary        What’s on the regulatory   Cross sector             Banking and capital       Asset management          Insurance                 Monthly calendar          Glossary
                             agenda for 2020?           announcements            markets

objective in relation to access to market data.         tolerances for important business services on 5    proposals on operational resilience; facilitating    objective of the guidelines is to provide
The regulator suggests this can be explained            December 2019.                                     greater resilience and adoption of the cloud         clarification on the minimum expected
by the lack of commercial incentive to operate                                                             and other new technologies; implementing the         information and cyber security capabilities.
                                                        The CPs continue the themes introduced in the
a CT, an overly restrictive regulatory                                                                     EBA Outsourcing Guidelines; and taking into
                                                        regulators' 2018 discussion paper, focusing on                                                          EIOPA sees an increasing reliance on ICT in
framework, and competition from non-                                                                       account the draft EIOPA Guidelines on
                                                        how the provision of important business                                                                 the provision of insurance services and in the
regulated entities.                                                                                        Outsourcing to Cloud Service Providers and
                                                        services can be maintained in the event of                                                              undertakings' normal operating functioning, as
                                                                                                           EBA Guidelines on ICT and security risk
The EU regulator suggests that the emergence            disruptions. While the overall position on                                                              well as interconnectedness through
of a CT would provide clear benefits, including         operational resilience remains largely                                                                  telecommunications channels. It therefore
through centrally providing post-trade                  unchanged, there is a lot more content for firms   We have summarised the key points from the           wants to ensure that undertakings are
information on the trading activity for equity          to digest on the proposed meaning and              consultation paper in this Hot Topic. The            adequately prepared to manage ICT and
instruments in a single format. ESMA puts               application of the concepts (such as business      consultation period runs until 3 April 2020, with    security risks. The consultation ends on 13
forward some initial ideas for establishing a           services and impact tolerances) and proposed       final policy expected to be published by the         March 2020.
CT, drawing on experiences in the US and                timelines for action. The papers were              end of 2020.
Canada. The report sets out the following               accompanied by a speech by FCA Executive           EC consults on digital operational resilience        BoE consults on climate change stress tests
principles for establishing a real time CT:             Director Megan Butler, where she introduced
                                                                                                           The EC launched a consultation on digital            The BoE published a Discussion Paper on the
                                                        the key themes to members of The Investing
     high data quality, mandatory financial                                                               operational resilience in financial services on      2021 Biennial Exploratory Scenario (BES) for
                                                        and Savings Alliance.
      contribution by trading venues                                                                       19 December 2019. This reflects a broadening         large insurers and banks participating in the
                                                        We have summarised the key points from the         of EU regulatory focus beyond cyber security         2021 annual cyclical scenario on 18 December
     Approved Publication Arrangements to the
                                                        CPs in this Hot Topic. The consultation period     (covered by the NIS directive) into other            2019. The BoE is consulting on the design of
                                                        runs until 3 April 2020, with final policy         components of operational resilience.                the proposed stress test of climate change
     mandatory consumption of the CT by                expected to be published by the end of 2020.                                                            risks. The stress test will assess the resilience
                                                                                                           Rather than putting forward a proposal for
      market data users                                 The new policy will not apply to all firms, as                                                          of large banks and insurers' business models,
                                                                                                           consideration, the paper sets out 62 questions
                                                        previously suggested, so it is incumbent on                                                             and of the financial system as a whole, to
     a strong governance framework.                                                                       on topics such as: ICT risk management
                                                        firms to establish whether or not they are in                                                           financial risks from climate change.
                                                                                                           frameworks; ICT and security incident reporting
ESMA also proposes legislative changes and              scope.
                                                                                                           requirements; resilience testing frameworks;         The BoE intends to use the 2021 BES to help
supervisory guidance to frame the prices for            PRA consults on outsourcing and third party        oversight of third party providers; information      firms address any data gaps and to develop
pre- and post-trade transparency data, aimed            arrangements
                                                                                                           sharing; and risk transfer. The deadline for         cutting-edge risk management approaches,
at ensuring that market data is provided on a
                                                        As part of the suite of consultation papers        responses to the consultation is 12 March
reasonable commercial basis.                                                                                                                                    rather than testing their capital adequacy or
                                                        relating to operational resilience, the PRA        2020. A summary of the paper can be found in         setting their capital requirements. It proposes
Operational resilience                                  published CP30/19 on outsourcing and third         this PwC At a glance publication.                    to base its stress testing exercise on three
Regulators set out how to build operational             party risk management on 5 December 2019.
                                                                                                           EIOPA proposes guidelines for ICT security           scenarios, including those that embody the
resilience                                              The consultation seeks to strengthen and           and governance                                       risks of earlier and later policy action to reach
The BoE, PRA and FCA published a suite of               modernise the micro-prudential framework on
                                                                                                           EIOPA published a consultation paper on the          the Paris Agreement target, as well as a ‘no
consultation papers (CPs) under the cover               all forms of outsourcing and third party risk
                                                                                                           proposal for guidelines on ICT security and          additional policy action’ scenario under which
paper Building operational resilience: impact           management by: complementing the policy
                                                                                                           governance on 12 December 2019. A key

10  PwC | FS regulatory, accounting and audit bulletin | January 2020
Executive summary       What’s on the regulatory   Cross sector              Banking and capital      Asset management         Insurance                Monthly calendar          Glossary
                            agenda for 2020?           announcements             markets

global temperatures increase by 4C from pre-               costs and charges relative to the quality of   The FCA has requested responses to the Call        Andrew Bailey, the current Chief Executive of
industrial levels.                                         the pathway solution and associated            for Input by 17 March 2020.                        the FCA, is to become the next Governor of the
                                                           services                                                                                          BoE, the Chancellor announced on 20
The BoE plans to publish the final 2021 BES                                                               Accounting                                         December 2019. Bailey will take over from
scenarios in the second half of 2020 and to               ensure a pathway solution that is
                                                                                                                                                             current Governor Mark Carney on 16 March
give firms three to four months to run the                 appropriate for the pathway objective and      PwC publications                                   2020. It’s not yet been announced who will
exercise, avoiding overlapping with the annual             the characteristics of the consumers likely
                                                                                                             Our IFRS and UK GAAP year end                  replace Bailey at the FCA.
cyclical scenario. It also plans to publish the            to be using it.
                                                                                                              accounting reminders -December 2019
results of the exercise in 2021 and to consult                                                                                                               Council
                                                       The final rules follow an earlier consultation,        outlines the IFRS and UK GAAP reporting
separately on any additional scenarios for the
                                                       launched in April 2019, and will come into force       requirements as at 31 December 2019. It           The Council finalised its position on the
2021 Insurance Stress Test.                                                                                                                                      CCP recovery and resolution proposal on 4
                                                       on 6 April 2020.                                       includes the standards, interpretations and
Pensions                                                                                                      other guidance that apply at this date; and        December 2019. The negotiations with the
                                                       Technology                                                                                                EP (which agreed its position in March
FCA to increase IGCs' pensions duties                                                                         the standards that are published but
                                                       FCA seeks views on open finance                                                                           2019) will take place next. Following the
The FCA published PS19/30: Independent                                                                        effective at later dates and hence required
                                                       The FCA launched its Call for Input: Open              to be disclosed, plus a summary of the             finalisation of its position on the CCP
Governance Committees on 17 December
                                                       Finance on 17 December 2019, exploring the             latest topical issues.                             recovery and resolution proposal on 27
2019, which sets out final rules to extend the
                                                       potential opportunities and risks associated                                                              November 2019, the Council published
remit of independent governance committees                                                                   Our In brief - IFRS IC decision on IFRS 16
                                                       with open finance. The FCA believes that open                                                             Addendum 1 and Addendum 2 on 19
(IGCs) responsible for overseeing workplace                                                                   lease term looks at the implications of the
                                                       finance can build upon the foundation set by                                                              December 2019. The addendums compare
pension schemes.                                                                                              IFRS Interpretations Committee’s
                                                       open banking in recent years and offer                                                                    the positions of the three institutions - the
Under current rules, IGCs provide independent          consumers and small businesses greater                 conclusion that the enforceable period of a        EC, the EP and the Council - to facilitate
oversight of the value for money of workplace          control over their financial data, as well as          lease under IFRS 16 Leases reflects                the forthcoming trilogue negotiations.
personal pensions in accumulation. IGCs now            access to new and innovative products from             broader economics, not just legal rights
                                                                                                              and termination cash payments.                    The Council published its Conclusions on
have a new duty to consider and report on their        third party providers.
                                                                                                                                                                 strategic priorities on AML and CTF on 5
firm’s policies on ESG issues, member                                                                        Our In brief - FRC amends FRS 102 for
                                                       The FCA has requested views from across the                                                               December 2019. It recommends the EC to
concerns and stewardship, for the products                                                                    IBOR reform considers the FRC’s
                                                       financial services sector to understand the                                                               review current barriers to information
they oversee. They will also have to oversee                                                                  amendments to FRS 102 to provide certain
                                                       steps that need to be taken for the sector to                                                             sharing between relevant authorities, to
the value for money of investment pathway                                                                     reliefs in connection with interest rate
                                                       support the expansion of open finance, in                                                                 consider whether regulation could better
solutions for pension drawdown.                                                                               benchmark reform. The reliefs relate to
                                                       areas such as mortgages, pensions, insurance                                                              address issues and to assess the feasibility
Ultimately, the changes are intended to:               and investment management. This call for               hedge accounting and have the effect that          of conferring AML/CTF supervisory powers
                                                       input offers interested firms an opportunity to        IBOR reform should not generally cause             to an EU body.
     protect consumers from investments that                                                                 hedge accounting to terminate.
                                                       have their views heard on the development of                                                          EBA and ESMA
      may be unsuitable because of ESG risks,
                                                       rules, as well as highlighting both the            Also this month
      and encourage good stewardship of                                                                                                                      The EBA and ESMA published their respective
                                                       opportunities and possible risks stemming from
      investments                                                                                                                                            reports regarding undue short-term pressures
                                                       open finance.
                                                                                                          BoE                                                in the financial sector as part of the EC's Action
     ensure pathway solutions deliver value for
                                                                                                                                                             Plan on ‘Financing Sustainable Growth’ on 18
      money for consumers, including in terms of

11  PwC | FS regulatory, accounting and audit bulletin | January 2020
Executive summary       What’s on the regulatory   Cross sector              Banking and capital       Asset management         Insurance                  Monthly calendar         Glossary
                            agenda for 2020?           announcements             markets

December 2019. Based on their respective                  The EC decided on 19 December 2019 to               (STOR) and suggests that NCAs could do               2021) or until and unless their application
findings, both the EBA’s report and ESMA’s                 extend the temporary equivalence for the            more to ensure all market participants play          for approval in the EU is denied. It adds a
report call on firms to consider long-term                 three UK CCPs under a no-deal Brexit                an active role in tackling market abuse.             new Q&A to clarify that an annual review of
horizons in their strategies, business activities          scenario until the end of March 2021.               ESMA stresses that STORs help to                     IOSCO principles for Oil Price Reporting
and risk management.                                       Following that, ESMA decided to extend              preserve market integrity and enhance                Agencies by an independent external
                                                           the recognition of the UK CCPs on 23                investor protection by allowing NCAs to              auditor is sufficient to ensure compliance
                                                           December 2019. These decisions aim to               analyse and investigate possible cases of            with Annex II paragraph 18.
     The EC adopted a Delegated Regulation                bring legal certainty to global derivatives         insider dealing or market manipulation.
      under EMIR on 16 December 2019 with                                                                                                                          ESMA issued a briefing on the recognition
                                                           markets during the Brexit transition period.
      regard to RTS specifying criteria for                                                                   ESMA updated its public register with the            regime under BMR on 11 December 2019
      arrangements to mitigate CCP counterparty           The EU reached political agreement on the           latest double volume cap (DVC) data under            addressed to non-EU benchmark
      credit risk associated with covered bonds            sustainable finance ‘taxonomy’ regulation           MiFID II on 6 December 2019. This                    administrators that intend to apply for BMR
      and securitisation. The regulation sets the          on 18 December 2019, aimed at providing             included DVC data for the period of 1                recognition. To help their recognition
      conditions for the clearing exemption for            companies and investors with an EU-wide             November 2018 to 31 October 2019,                    applications, ESMA clarifies the means to
      OTC derivative contracts concluded by                classification system to identify what              together with updates to historic data which         determine the Member State of reference
      covered bond entities or securitisation              economic activities can be considered               had already been published. The data                 and the instances where cooperation
      special purpose entities. Next the                   environmentally sustainable. In an                  shows that there have been 56 breaches in            arrangements between EU and non-EU
      regulation needs to be ratified by the EP            accompanying press release, the EC states           equities at the 8% cap, applicable to all            NCAs are needed.
      and the Council before entering into force.          that the next steps are for the taxonomy            trading venues, and 14 breaches in
                                                                                                                                                                   ESMA released a public statement listing
                                                           regulation to be formally adopted by the            equities at the 4% cap that applies to
     The EC adopted a Commission Delegated                Council and EP following the legal and              individual trading venues.
                                                                                                                                                                    the pending BMR applications by EU
      Regulation amending Delegated                                                                                                                                 benchmark administrators on 13 December
                                                           linguistic revision of the text. The taxonomy
      Regulation (EU) 2016/2251 as regards the                                                                ESMA updated its BMR Q&As on 3                       2019. It states that EU supervised entities
                                                           for climate change mitigation and
      specification of the treatment of OTC                                                                    December 2019. A new Q&A clarifies                   can continue to use existing benchmarks
                                                           adaptation should be established by end-
      derivatives in connection with certain STS                                                               ESMA’s expectation that an annual review             provided by the administrators included in
                                                           2020 to ensure its full application by end-
      securitisations for hedging purposes, on 17                                                              of IOSCO principles for Oil Price Reporting          the list unless and until such authorisation
                                                           2021, while the taxonomy for water and
      December 2019. The regulation provides                                                                   Agencies by an independent external                  or registration is refused.
                                                           marine resources, transition to a circular
      that SPVs be exempted from posting and                                                                   auditor is sufficient to ensure compliance
                                                           economy, pollution, and biodiversity should                                                             ESMA published revised Q&As related to
      collecting initial margin and from posting                                                               with Annex II paragraph 18. The other Q&A
                                                           be established by end-2021 for an                                                                        the investor protection measures under
      variation margin for uncleared OTC                                                                       sets out the role and responsibilities of the
                                                           application by end-2022.                                                                                 MiFID II on 4 December 2019. The EU
      derivatives in connection with an STS                                                                    legal representative under article 32(3).
                                                                                                                                                                    regulator clarifies expectations on
      securitisation. The EC justifies the             ESMA
                                                                                                              ESMA updated its BMR Q&As on 3 and 11                information to disclose when providing
      exemption due to SPVs having less assets            ESMA published Final Report: Peer                   December 2019. It confirms that all third-           portfolio management services, and the
      that they can use for the exchange of                Review on the collection and use of STORs           country benchmarks referenced in EU                  application of product intervention
      collateral because they are usually                  under the MAR as a source of information            contracts on or before 31 December 2021              measures when services are provided on a
      structured to generate little excess of              in market abuse investigations on 12                can be used during the extended                      cross-border basis.
      liquidity.                                           December 2019. This shows an increase in            transitional period (until 31 December
                                                           suspicious transaction and order reporting

12  PwC | FS regulatory, accounting and audit bulletin | January 2020
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