Berkeley Initiative for Leadership on Diversity (BILD) - Summary Report - Staff Diversity Initiatives University of California, Berkeley Spring ...

Berkeley Initiative for Leadership on Diversity (BILD) - Summary Report - Staff Diversity Initiatives University of California, Berkeley Spring ...
Berkeley Initiative for Leadership on Diversity (BILD)
                                      Summary Report

                                             Staff Diversity Initiatives
                                     University of California, Berkeley
                                                           Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 1

Letters of Appreciation

Thank you, Chancellor, for the Berkeley Initiative on
Leadership in Diversity
Dear Chancellor Birgeneau,
On behalf of the thousands of staff members who participated in the
Berkeley Initiative on Leadership in Diversity, thank you for your
steadfast commitment to advancing diversity at UC Berkeley and for
your generosity and unwavering support of UC Berkeley staff members
through BILD.
Let the words and photographs of this book serve as an enduring testament to the accomplishments
and impact of BILD from its inception in 2006 through the final BILD Closing Celebration in 2011. You
have left an indelible mark on the work lives of staff, and we hope that our gratitude for your
leadership comes alive on these pages.
In appreciation,

Sidalia G. Reel, Ed.D.
BILD Program Manager and Director, Staff Diversity Initiatives
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity & Inclusion

Thank you, Vice Chancellor Gibor Basri
Dear Vice Chancellor Basri,
Thank you for leading UC Berkeley into the powerful, yet uncharted territory of
establishing the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion. The
success of BILD, the Berkeley Initiative on Leadership in Diversity, epitomizes
the first major accomplishment of your office for UC Berkeley staff.
It is with great appreciation that we acknowledge your encouragement and
support of BILD during the creation phase of the Equity & Inclusion Division. May you fondly
remember the efforts and actions of the 20 BILD project teams, staff participants and recipients of
BILD efforts.
Warm regards,

Sidalia G. Reel, Ed.D.
BILD Program Manager and Director, Staff Diversity Initiatives
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity & Inclusion

                                                                                       Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 2

Executive Summary
The Berkeley Initiative on
Leadership in Diversity
(BILD) Summary Report
summarizes the three years
of BILD projects and serves
as the final report to inform
the Chancellor and Vice
Chancellor of Equity &
Inclusion (VCEI) about the
activities and outcomes of
the 20 BILD projects that
were funded from 2008-

BILD played an instrumental role in raising awareness and increasing involvement of staff across
the campus in launching the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion, and thereby
enhancing the visibility of equity, inclusion and diversity as a campus priority. Over the life of
BILD, from its inception in 2006 to the final project year ending in 2011, approximately $400,000
was spent on 20 projects that focused on the four BILD project goals: Partnership, Access,
Inclusion and Staff Development. BILD involved 156 current and former staff members in
governance (steering committees), project selection, and project design and implementation.
Projects encompassed a broad scope, including hosting diversity cultural fairs, mentoring and
training staff, establishing an ESL computer learning center, and writing and performing
interactive theatre on campus climate topics.

Highlights of BILD accomplishments include:
    •   Direct contact with approximately 3,500 staff members through BILD projects
    •   Leadership, mentoring and peer collaboration projects impacted the leadership and
        career development of staff
    •   Support of the Interactive Theater Program, resulting in 10 performance topics on
        emerging climate issues such as bullying, intergenerational differences and hidden
        disabilities. Staff, faculty and students participated in ITP scriptwriting, production and
    •   Interdepartmental project collaborations across administrative and academic units that
        promoted greater cultural and intercultural understanding across race, generational,
        (dis)ability, LGBTIQ, language, campus roles and job functions.
Upon the conclusion of BILD, the BILD program structure, including governance, publicity,
selection and operational processes provided the blueprint for implementing the Equity &
Inclusion Division Innovation Grants program. Funded by the Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr.
Foundation, the Innovation Grants Program now serves as the platform for projects to enhance
equity, inclusion and diversity on campus that has expanded the audience to include faculty and
students as well as staff.

                                                                                    Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 3


Letters of Appreciation .................................................................................................................... 1
  Thank you, Chancellor, for the Berkeley Initiative on Leadership in Diversity............................. 1
  Thank you, Vice Chancellor Gibor Basri........................................................................................ 1
Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... 2
BILD Project History ......................................................................................................................... 4
  BILD Project Overview .................................................................................................................. 5
  Historic Timeline of BILD .............................................................................................................. 6
  BILD Project Goals ........................................................................................................................ 7
  BILD Launch Poster ....................................................................................................................... 8
  BILD Governance .......................................................................................................................... 9
  Processes of BILD ........................................................................................................................12
  Steering Committee Members ...................................................................................................14
  Selection Committee Members..................................................................................................15
BILD Year #1 (January – December 2008) Project Summaries .....................................................16
  Connecting People & Building Community: A Two-Tier Program to Influence Diversity in the
  UC Berkeley Libraries..................................................................................................................17
  Disabled Staff Resource Network (DSRN)...................................................................................19
  Diversity Fair in Physical Plant-Campus Services ........................................................................21
  First Annual Native American/Alaska Native Conference ..........................................................23
  Interactive Theater Project (ITP) ................................................................................................25
  Lavender PAÍS .............................................................................................................................27
  Library Bindery ...........................................................................................................................29
  Staff Talent & Role Sharing Program (STARS).............................................................................32
  Special Training for Employment Program (STEP)......................................................................34
BILD Year #2 (March 2009 – May 2010) Project Summaries ........................................................38
  Interactive Theater Project (ITP): Developing Awareness on Stage ...........................................39
  Lavender PAÍS: LGBT Training .....................................................................................................41
  Learning to Lead: Recreational Sports........................................................................................42
  Staff Talent & Role Sharing Program (STARS): Meeting Colleagues & Building Alliances ..........44
  Ujima Career Development & Leadership Institute: Deconstructing Infrastructure .................46
BILD Year #3 (January – December 2011) Project Summaries .....................................................48
  Expanding Access & Inclusion for People with Disabilities ........................................................49
  Facilities Services History & Heritage Months............................................................................52
  GSI Diversity Mentorship Program .............................................................................................54
  Intercultural Literacy ..................................................................................................................56
  Reducing Intergenerational Conflict...........................................................................................58
Findings & Recommendations.......................................................................................................61
Photo Gallery .................................................................................................................................63
(Note: Refer to the online version of this report for Appendices of program process documents)

                                                                                                                          Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 4

BILD Project History
Shortly after Chancellor
Birgeneau’s arrival at
Berkeley in 2004, the Office
of the Chancellor and the
Berkeley Division of the
Academic Senate co-
sponsored efforts to elevate
and broaden the discussion
of equity and inclusion on the
Berkeley campus. Chancellor
Birgeneau noted that
“Inclusion is about leadership and excellence, principles that California and its leading public
university has long represented – and must again.” In 2006, at the Diversity in Action forum,
Chancellor Birgeneau launched the Berkeley Initiative for Leadership on Diversity (BILD) as a
program to strengthen the excellence of the workplace on campus. The Chancellor provided
funding for developing, piloting and managing innovative staff-initiated projects throughout
campus that met the following seven goals:

    •   To increase the overall diversity of the staff population on campus to reflect the state of
        California, particularly the Bay Area
    •   To improve campus and workplace climate
    •   To target current staff for career growth and increasing levels of responsibilities and
    •   To increase partnerships between staff, faculty and students in developing staff
    •   To improve access to training and development opportunities for current staff
    •   To diversify the upper levels of management
    •   To train the current and incoming senior managers, including faculty in these roles, on
        diversity and inclusion best practices.

Concurrent with the launch of BILD, the Equity & Inclusion Division developed UC Berkeley’s 10-
year Strategic Plan for Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity, which was published in 2009. The
strategic planning process led to conceptualizing BILD as part of a sweeping array of initiatives
whose efforts focused on expanding pathways for access and success. BILD’s seven goals were
merged into four overarching priorities: Partnership, Access, Inclusion, and Staff Development.
These priorities were reflected in the rich variety of projects selected for funding.

                                                                                    Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 5

BILD Project Overview
Envisioned as a catalyst to engage the campus community in innovative approaches and
partnerships that advance staff diversity and foster an inclusive workplace environment, BILD
launched in May 2006.

The Chancellor’s Office made the commitment to provide funding for three periods of BILD
projects for staff at all levels, including student employees and faculty. The charge of BILD was
to develop innovative solutions on issues of staff diversity and inclusion in the workplace across
the campus. As directed by the initial planning committee, the initiative would be advised and
guided by a Steering Committee representing a broad spectrum of BILD constituents. This
initial committee also consulted with a variety of campus staff and outside experts to gain an
understanding of the diversity of UC Berkeley’s campus staff, as well as learn about important
considerations and best practices for supporting staff diversity projects.

In the summer of 2007, the initiative began to be administered by the Office of the Vice
Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion. Under the direction of Elizabeth Gillis, Livier Benitez served
as the Interim BILD Project Sponsor. In 2008,the newly-formed Staff Diversity Initiatives unit of
E&I assumed responsibility for managing the BILD program. Under the leadership of Dr. Sidalia
Reel, the BILD program funded projects that embrace the BILD priorities of Partnership, Access,
Inclusion and Staff Development.

The BILD project format served as a model for future grant-funded projects. The Haas
Foundation-funded Innovation Grants program uses the BILD model.

The BILD Project Timeline is presented on page 6.

                                                                                    Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 6

Historical Timeline of BILD

                                MAY 2006
                                 BILD Launched

         YEAR #1                       YEAR #2                     YEAR #3
     Projects occurred            Projects occurred              Projects occured
 January - December 2008        March 2009 - May 2010        January - December 2011

      December 2006                   January 2008                 January 2010
 Year #1 Steering Committee     Year #2 Steering Committee   Year #3 Steering Committee
         Appointmed                      Appointed                    Appointed

  January - February 2007          March - May 2008           February - March 2010
     Procedures, Criteria,        Planned and Updated          Planned and Updated
      Selection Methods         Procedures and Processes     Procedures and Processes
                                   June - August 2008            April - June 2010
     March - April 2007             Call for Proposals /         Call for Proprsals /
      Call for Proposals /         Proposals Submitted          Proposals Submitted
     Proposals Submitted
                                August - November 2008        July - September 2010
     July - August 2007          Selections Announced &       Selections Announced &
   Selections Announced &                Funded                       Funded
       VCEI appointed
    BILD placed under SDI

                              January 2012
                             BILD Closing Celebration

                                                                           Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 7

BILD Project Goals
BILD served to develop, pilot, and manage projects that support the following primary goals:

                                   • Increase partnerships between staff, faculty, and
                                     students in developing and diversifying staff
     Partnership                     leadership, particularly at upper levels of

                                   • Ensure equal access to training and
          Access                     development opportunities for all current staff.

                                   • Increase the overall diversity of the staff
                                     population at all levels to reflect the state of
        Inclusion                    California, and particularly the Bay Area.
                                   • Transform the campus workplace climate to a
                                     more inclusive enviornment.

                                   • Create systems to target current staff who are
                                     excelling in their work for career growth, and
       Staff                         increase levels of responsibility and leadership.
   Development                     • Train current and incoming senior managers,
                                     including faculty in these roles, on best practices
                                     for staff diversity inclusion.

                                                                                 Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 8

BILD Launch Poster

                          Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 9

BILD Governance
The BILD Project was governed by a Steering Committee that was jointly appointed by the VCEI
and the Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate. The principles guiding the recommended
membership for this committee included:

   •   Membership reflected the broadest level of diversity and inclusion to represent the
       campus population, including race and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and
   •   Members were chosen from across campus, reflecting both the scope of work
       performed on campus as well as the variety of ranks within the staff population.
   •   Both represented and non-represented groups were included.
   •   Leadership of the committee reflected a high level of skill in developing collaborative
       partnerships, managing diversity, facilitating for inclusion, and program development
       and implementation.
   •   The Committee was led by 2 co-chairs.

The commitments and responsibilities of the BILD Steering Committee included:
   • Attend bi-weekly meetings.
   • Complete occasional homework and/or sub-committee work.
   • Complete additional work during the proposal and selection process.
   • Complete additional committee work for participation in project team meetings, one-
       on-one appointments, outreach efforts, etc.
   • Develop the criteria and identify priorities for submission of project proposals based on
       the primary BILD goals.
   • Develop and oversee the project proposal and selection processes, including the
       appointment of a Selection Committee, and forward final recommendations to the VCEI
       and Academic Senate leadership for approval.
   • Assist BILD staff to develop BILD-related activities and trainings open to all staff.
   • Develop and oversee a communications plan to publicize and promote BILD and all BILD
       related activities.
   • Develop an evaluation process for all selected project proposals.
   • Recommend a charge, membership, and guidelines for ongoing Steering Committees.

The Steering Committee was split into 3 Sub-Committees
   1. Priorities and criteria
   2. Mechanics/Communications
   3. Application process

Selection Committee
Appointed by members of the Steering Committee, the Selection Committee was originally a
subgroup of the Steering Committee, but by recommendation of the Year #2 Steering
Committee, non-Steering Committee members were also assigned to the Selection Committee
in subsequent years to allow more people to support the selection process.

                                                                                  Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 10

Responsibilities included:
   1. Read and score all full proposals.
   2. Participate in a final Selection Committee meeting.
            • Identifying proposals that should be funded.
            • Identifying proposals that should be denied.
            • Identify proposals that should not be funded, but are recommended for other
            action (e.g. given to the Resource Partners for possible inclusion in their programs,
            asked to rework for the next year’s proposals, etc.).
   3. Draft a transmittal letter that records the committee's decisions.

Resource Partners
The BILD Steering Committee also worked collaboratively with many individuals and groups
across campus. In particular, they worked closely with a group of Resource Partners that
included, but were not limited to:

    •   Associate Vice Chancellor Steve Lustig, Health & Human Services
    •   Assistant Vice Chancellor Jeannine Raymond, Office of Human Resources
    •   Elizabeth Elliott, Director, Center for Organizational & Workforce Effectives (COrWE)
    •   David Scronce, Office of Human Resources
    •   Steve Garber, Business Manager, BSA Mentorship Committee Chair

BILD Staffing
One full-time FTE oversaw all levels of the initiative from project management, pilot
development and program review to assessment and consideration for campus wide
implementation. This staff person also coordinated Steering Committee meetings and finances
for projects.

    2007: Elizabeth Gillis, Campus Community Initiative

    2008: Livier Belinez, Interim BILD Program Coordinator

    2008 – 2009: Sidalia Reel, Director, Staff Diversity Initiatives

    2009 – 2011: Maty Corral-Avila, BILD Program Manager

                                                                                   Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 11

Steering Committee Membership included (varied slightly by year):

Year #1 Committee Representation (11 members planned)

                                                       Student (1)
                                                                            RSSP & Facilities
                            Senate Faculty
                                                                             Members (2)

                BSA Mentorship
                                                                                           Academic Unit
               Program Member
                                                                                            Members (2)

                     Student (1)
                                                                                       Staff (1)

                                            CSAC (1)                  Academic
                                                                     Member (1)

Year #2 & 3 Committee Representation (13 members planned)
                                                       Student (2)
                                   Academic                                  RSSP &
                                     Senate                                 Facilities
                                   Faculty (1)                             Members (1)

                  BSA Member                                                           Academic Unit
                      (1)                                                               Members (2)

                  PPCS Staff (1)                                                       Administrative
                                                                                         Staff (1)

                                   Student (2)
                                                        CSAC (1)

                                                                                                           Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 12

Processes of BILD

Request & Parameters for Proposals

   Call for Proposals
   Emails were sent to all campus staff and faculty reviewing the BILD project and requesting

   Information Sessions
   The Steering Committee offered several Information Sessions prior to the proposal
   deadlines that reviewed:
       • History and Goals of BILD
       • Proposal application process
       • Overview of the BILD proposal description.
       • If available, project leaders from a currently funded project offered an overview and
           status update on their project. They also offered their advice to potential

   Eligibility Requirements & Fund Restrictions
        1. Proposal amounts were eligible up to $50,000.
        2. Project needed a designated project leader(s), supervisor and departmental
             approval for all project team members.
        3. Funds were intended for labor, materials, and supplies to achieve the project goals.
        4. Money was not granted for personal classes or travel, or items subject to collective

Selection Process

   2 Step Application Process
   Project proposals were reviewed through a 2-step application process. Units/Individuals
   with proposals that made it through Step 1 were invited to submit Step 2 applications.
       STEP 1 – Very brief pre-proposal application (see Appendix D)
       STEP 2 – Longer and more detailed application (see Appendix E)

   Selection Criteria for proposals
   Proposals were scored and ranked by the Selection Committee based on the criteria below:
       • Alignment with 4 goals of Partnership, Access, Inclusion and Staff Development.
       • Communicated the importance of diversity and inclusion to our campus.
       • Provided clear goals or outcomes.
       • Demonstrated a willingness to work collaboratively to implement and evaluate the
           program proposed.
       • Level of innovation, action-oriented, and measurable success.

                                                                                 Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 13

    Decision Process
    Once all proposals were scored and combined, Selection Committee members met to
    determine the following actions:

        1. Identify proposals that should be funded.
        2. Identify proposals that should be denied.
        3. Identify proposals that should not be funded, but are recommended for other action
           (e.g. possible inclusion in other campus programs, asked to rework proposal for the
           following year’s proposals, etc.)

    *The Resource Partners attended the final Selection Committee meeting in order to accept
    or renegotiate Selection Committee recommendations.

Protocols for Review, Appeals, Disclosure & Recusal
    • No BILD steering committee member was allowed to submit a proposal.
    • All BILD Steering Committee members had access to all proposal applications.
    • Steering Committee members disclosed any relationship with any member(s) of a
       proposal project team.
    • Selection Committee members recused themselves if there was any organizational or
       reporting line connection between themselves and a proposal team member.

Project Reporting
    • BILD project leaders were responsible for the overall programmatic and financial goals
        of their projects.
    • Each project’s allocated BILD funds were deposited to the project leader’s home
        department. A department financial analyst or manager was designated to handle all of
        the transactional details of administering the funds.
    • The project leader was responsible for making sure that BILD leadership received verbal
        updates during regularly scheduled BILD project leader meetings.
    • The BILD project leader was also required to submit a Final Report to include a financial
        accounting of all the BILD grant monies spent, outcomes, and evaluations of the project.
    • Any remaining funds were returned to the BILD General Fund.

                                                                                 Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 14

Steering Committee Members
Year #1 Members
  Name                Title/Campus Group
  Gina Abrams         Human Resources Manager, International House; BSA Mentorship
                      Committee Member
 Harish Agarwal       Graduate Student, Department of Physics
 James Dudek          Senior Policy Analyst, L&S Undergraduate Advising Office
 Nzingha Dugas        Academic Coordinator, African American Student Development
 Elizabeth Gillis     Manager, Campus Community Initiative; Staff to Committee
 Steve Mendoza        Reference Specialist, Doe/Moffitt Reference Services
 Tracy Mills          Associate Director of Development, Major Gifts, University Library
 Daniel Ocampo        Interim Associate Director of Academic Services, RSSP
 Michael Salcido      Lead Plumber, Physical Plant-Campus Services
 Sue Schweik          Assoc. Professor, Department of English; Lead Faculty, Disability Studies
 Maria Torralba       MSO, Department of English; Co-chair of the BILD Committee
 Christine Trost      Assistant Director, Institute for the Study of Social Change
 Walter Wong          Active Registrar; Co-chair of the BILD Committee
 Vacant               Undergraduate Student Representative

Year #2 Members
  Name                Title/Campus Group
  Jill Martin         Data Administration Coordinator, Administration
  Michael Combs       CSAC Representative, Mail Processor, Mail Services
  Derek van Rheenan   Director, Athletic Study Center
  Nilima Bhatia       HR Manager, Letters & Science Deans Office
  Roberta Joyner      Director, Incentive Awards Program; Co-chair of the BILD Committee
  Nora Sandoval       Program Director, Summer Bridge
  James Mathwin       Operations Manager, Custodial Services
  Susana Berrios      Undergraduate Representative
  Kimberly Johnson    Asst Dean of Instruction & Student Affairs, College of Natural Resources
                      Dean’s Office; Co-chair of the BILD Committee
 Vacant               Academic Senate
 Vacant (2)           Graduate Student Representative
 Vacant               Undergraduate Student Representative

Year #3 Members
  Name                Title/Campus Group
  Maty Avila          Project/Policy Analyst & BILD Program Manager, Equity & Inclusion, Chair of
                      the BILD Committee
 Kathryn Ferrier      Human Resource Manager, Boalt School of Law
 Andrea Gutierrez     Undergraduate Advisor, Psychology
 Gary Lee             Director, Divisional Human Resources, Student Affairs
 Marco Lindsey        Assistant to the Dean, Haas Business School
 Alejandro Luna       Research Administrator, Research Enterprise Services
 Jill Martin          Business Systems Manager, IT Administration
 Sid Reel             Director, Staff Diversity Initiatives, Equity & Inclusion
 Vacant               Academic Senate
 Vacant (2)           Graduate Student Representative
 Vacant (2)           Undergraduate Student Representative

                                                                                  Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 15

Selection Committee Members
Year #1 Members
   Name               Title/Campus Group
   Gina Abrams        Human Resources Manager, International House; BSA Mentorship
                      Committee Member, Selection Committee Chair
   Mary De Shaw       Benefits Manager, Human Resources – Benefits
   Nzingha Dugas      Academic Coordinator, African American Student Development
   Liz Elliott        Director, Center for Organizational & Workforce Effectiveness
   Sue Schweik        Associate Professor, Department of English; Lead Faculty, Disability Studies
   Christine Trost    Assistant Director, Institute for the Study of Social Change
   Linda Williams     Associate President, University of California

Year #2 Members
   Name               Title/Campus Group
   Susana Berrios     Undergraduate Student/SLAS & EOP Peer Advisor
   Liz Elliott        Director, Center for Organizational & Workforce Effectiveness
   Joseph Griffin     Health Educator, University Health Services
   Francie Kendall    Consultant on Organizational Change
   Sidalia Reel       Director, Staff Diversity Initiatives, Selection Committee Chair
   Nora Sandoval      Director, Summer Bridge Program

Year #3 Members
   Name               Title/Campus Group
   Maty Avila         Project/Policy Analyst & BILD Program Manager, Equity & Inclusion,
                      Selection Committee Chair
   Kathryn Ferrier    Human Resource Manager, Boalt Hall School of Law
   Andrea Gutierrez   Undergraduate Advisor
   Gary Lee           Director of Divisional Human Resources, Student Affairs
   Marco Lindsey      Assistant to the Dean, Haas Business School
   Alejandro Luna     Research Administrator, Research Enterprise Services
   Jill Martin        Business Systems Manager, Administration

                                                                                  Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 16

BILD Year #1
Project Summaries

January – December 2008
Year #1 of BILD received 36
preliminary proposals from staff
across campus. After review by the
Selection Committee, 26 proposals
were selected for further review
and the project leaders were asked
to submit a full proposal. From that
number, 18 proposals made it into
                                          Project Leads for Year #1
the final review round. Finally, 10
were approved for BILD funding. Year #1 had a total of $200,000 available for staff initiated
projects. The departments and units that received grants in the pilot year included Physical
Plant-Campus Services, the schools of Optometry and Public Health, the Department of Theater,
Dance, and Performance Studies, the
Library Bindery, Information Services
and Technology, the Disabled Students
Program, Student Life Advising Services,
the Residential and Student Services
Program, the Graduate Division, the
Library, and the College of Letters and

For their exemplary work in launching
the BILD Project, the team that made up
the Steering Committee Members of
Year #1 received the Chancellor’s
Outstanding Staff Award.                  Steering Committee accepts the Chancellor’s Outstanding Staff Award

 36 pre-proposals submitted

       26 asked to submit full proposals

            18 submitted full proposals

                 10 Proposals selected

                       ~ $190,000 awarded

                                                                                            Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 17

Connecting People & Building Community: A Two-Tier Program to Influence
Diversity in the UCB Libraries

Project Description
This program served to integrate inclusive mentoring and fellowship initiatives into the Library
workplace culture with the goal of improving the diversity profile of the Library workforce at all
levels. The Library, in partnership
with the Affiliated Libraries,
implemented a staff
development mentoring
program to guide our diverse
career staff in library career
paths, and designed a librarian
diversity fellowship program
intended for a staff member and
recent graduate of a library
program. The vision for
deploying these initiatives for
employees at all levels in 29 on-
campus and Affiliated Libraries
was to establish supportive partnerships among the staff of the campus libraries, attract diverse
employees to viable library career paths, and support engagement in diversity for the Library
workplace culture.

Project Lead
Susan Wong, Director, Library Human Resources

BILD Funding
Awarded: $3,500
Actual Spent: $3,499.77

   • Established a Task Force on Library Staff Mentoring.
   • Surveyed library staff about a mentorship program. 178 staff completed the survey.
   • Program events and products included:
      1. Resource List web page
      2. Staff Summer Conference Mentorship Program
      3. Job-Shadowing Program
      4. Library Career Workshop, July 23, 2008
      5. Library Staff “Meet & Greet” Brown Bag Lunch, August 13, 2008
      6. Library Staff Mentorship Program, launched August 2008
      7. Mentoring Opportunities web page
      8. Framework, components, content, etc. developed for a 2 year Library Diversity
         Fellowship Program

                                                                                   Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 18

Project Evaluation
    • Program resulted in increased collaboration, sense of community and interfacing
        between workforces of campus-wide University Library and the Affiliated Libraries.
    • Received excellent feedback from Library Career Workshop. “…Excellent workshop…
        Each speaker was substantive and dynamic with real life experiences to share.”
    • Participants in the Job-Shadowing Program were surveyed. Survey results included:
          Survey Question                                           Staff Type     % Answered
          Did the program meet your expectations and would you           Non-librarian     84.6%
          participate again?
          Would you recommend this program to your colleagues?           Non-librarian     96.2%
          Did the program meet your expectations?                        Librarian         81%
          Would you recommend this program to you colleagues?            Librarian         100%
          Would you participate again?                                   Librarian         88%
    •   No evaluation available for the second part of the project (“Diversity Fellowship
        Program”) as implementation of the program was paused due to hiring freeze.

    • The Diversity Fellowship Program (a two year temporary appointment in the academic
       Assistant Librarian level) was placed in a hiring freeze.
    • The Library Career Workshop was planned for following years as a regular offering.
    • There was a recommendation for a new sub-committee under the Librarians Association
       of the University of California – Berkeley Chapter (LAUC-B) Committee on Diversity to
       continue the mentoring activities.
    • Since the start of this project in 2007, many of the program events have continued,
       including the mentorship program and various workshops. The project is a great
       example of how aspects can be incorporated into usual staff offerings in a department.
    • The Diversity Fellowship Program is the only major component that remains unfulfilled.
       Initially due to budget constraints, the proposed recruitment and hiring for the Diversity
       Fellowship Program appointee was placed on a hiring freeze. Since then, the
       department has made attempts to secure funding through grant writing efforts and
       library development outreach to alumni and external donors. Unfortunately, as of
       March 2013, they have not been able to secure those funds.
    • The Diversity Fellowship Program materials developed as part of the BILD project are
       undated materials that remain viable for future use.

Staff Participation Totals
           Activity                                    Librarian Staff     Non-Librarian Staff
           Summer Conference Mentorship Program        5                   5
           Job-Shadowing Program                       32                  40
           Library Career Workshop                     3                   39
           “Meet & Greet” Brown Bag                    4                   12
           Staff Mentorship Program                    8                   8
           TOTAL                                       52                  104
    GRAND TOTAL: 156 Participants

                                                                                         Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 19

Disabled Staff Resource Network

Project Description
The Disabled Staff Resource Network
(DSRN) represented a cutting-edge peer-
based network for staff with all types of
disabilities. The overarching goal was to
increase the inclusion of disabled staff on
campus by forming alliances with other
campus units, departments and
organizations and collaboratively
producing and promoting events. To
achieve this goal, DSRN provided a critical
venue for disabled staff to share their
collective experience, increase the
awareness of the campus community on disability, and demonstrate the contributions of
disabled staff to the campus pursuit of excellence.

Project Lead
Tim Landingham, Assistant Coordinator, Disabled Students Residents Program and Derek
Coates, Disability Resolution Officer, Academic Compliance and Disability Standards

BILD Funding
Awarded: $20,736.66
Actual Spent: $11,668.24

   • Accommodations Workshop was offered.
   • Organized Disability Awareness Week, which included a series of events over the course
      of 5 days, including:
      1. Lecture from the World Institute on Disability (WID)
      2. Lecture – Disability in Graduate School
   • A website was created:
   • A newsletter was also launched.

Project Evaluation
    • No formal evaluation/survey disseminated.
    • Project leaders reported that there was a great deal of excitement about the projects,
        and then fear set in. Participants shared with project leaders having fear of people
        finding out about their hidden disabilities.
    • The project was connected with campus departments, including the Disability Studies
        Program, Disability Management, Employee Relations, and Academic Compliance &
        Disability Standards.

                                                                                Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 20

    • Project leads shared that DSRN in its initial form was not sustainable because there was
       no unit within which it could be housed. Since the end of this project in 2008, there
       were no continuing lectures or workshops offered in connection with the project. This
       was due to a lack of capacity in staffing (administrative support), funding, and campus
    • Project Lead Tim Landingham left campus mid-2008.
    • There was a recommendation for the then developing Disabled Staff Organization to
       incorporate the DSRN principles and goals, but the Disabled Staff Organization was not
    • Plans are underway to revive the DSRN in Fall 2013 as a staff organization sponsored by
       Staff Diversity Initiatives.

Staff Participation Totals
    • Approximately 40 staff participated in the project’s events.

                                                                                Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 21

Diversity Fair in Physical Plant-Campus Services

Project Description
Physical Plant-Campus Services hosted a diversity/career
fair to promote staff development, foster cross-cultural
understanding and awareness, provide information on
career mobility and educational opportunities, and
celebrate our diverse workforce. In partnership with the
campus Center for Organizational & Workforce
Effectiveness (COrWe), the Diversity Fair provided
resources and opportunities for staff, many of whom
faced language and cultural barriers on the job. The
major theme of the event was to connect staff with
resources for career advancement, English language
acquisition, and other continuing education
opportunities. The fair featured culturally themed
booths organized by staff members who represent diverse countries and cultures from around
the globe. There were also cultural games and activities, prizes, live music and catered
international foods.

Project Lead
Trevor Bryant, Communication Specialist (Kristen
Burgett of PPCS was interviewed in April 2013 to
offer additional information)

BILD Funding
Awarded: $8,200
Actual Spent: $7,700

   • The project team successfully executed “PPCS Cultural Festival 2008” on October 9,
      2008. The festival was held all afternoon at the Clark Kerr Campus Great Hall and
      offered international cuisine, live music, t-shirts, and prizes. In addition, the festival
      featured a variety of resource booths that showcased departments and organizations
          o Berkeley City College
          o Berkeley Staff Assembly
          o The Center for Organizational & Workforce Effectiveness (COrWE)
          o The Chancellor’s Staff Advisory Committee
          o Counseling & Psychological Services
          o LavenderCal
          o Office of Equity & Inclusion, CalPACT
          o Laney College
          o University Health Services

                                                                                    Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 22

Project Evaluation
    • There was no formal evaluation for the event, but anecdotal feedback from current staff
        interviewed in April 2013 stated that the event was a great success. It brought the
        entire team together as a community, which is rare for a department with staff
        members spread across campus. Staff who attended mentioned that it was well
        organized and that the venue, food, music, and booths were all well received.

    • Unfortunately, the festival project leader and some project team members were laid off.
       Although there was a lot of positive energy around the festival, it has not occurred again
       since 2008.

Staff Participation Totals
    • Based on comments from PPCS staff member, Kristen Burgett, who was interviewed in
        April 2013, there were about 400 staff members in the department at the time of the
        event. The majority of PPCS staff members attended. Kristen estimated that 300
        people were in attendance.

                                                                                  Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 23

First Annual Native American/Alaska Native Conference

Project Description
This project partnered the Native American staff community with campus staff organizations
and departments to hold a conference to increase awareness and understanding about diversity
and the key role it plays in the workplace. The highlight of this conference/job fair was the staff
development opportunities it showcased. The conference’s timing was spot on for providing
staff with information about the new Career Compass Initiative rollout which occurred in the
spring of 2008. The
conference served as a
catalyst for partnerships
with campus units, and
provided onsite mini-
workshops for staff which
promoted unity and
strength of purpose,
civility, respect, dignity
and community, in
keeping with the holistic
Native American “Bear
Clan” model.

Project Lead
Alex Alday, Associate
Director, SLAS/EOP and
Jackie Blossom-Garcia, Exec Admin Analyst, RSSP

BILD Funding
Awarded: $19,500
Actual Spent: $16,965.27

   • A one day Diversity Conference and Career Resource Fair was organized and successfully
      launched on November 12, 2008. Conference components included:
          o Data shared on lack of representation of Native Americans in managerial and
             executive level position, as well as academic positions.
          o Through poster displays, the registration packets/handouts, workshops, and
             keynote speakers, the event showcased many of the contributions of Native
          o Native American staff met with colleagues on campus to discuss how they can
             establish collaborations and networks to better support Native students.

Project Evaluation
    • An online survey was disseminated to attendees.
    • Comments shared included:

                                                                                    Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 24

           o   “Served as an educational forum to inform the campus community about who
               we are and what role we serve in supporting our Native students, faculty and
               other staff.”
           o   “Even though we are few in number and often seen as ‘invisible’-- that we do
               exist--and want to be able to access opportunities and learn how to maneuver
               up the career ladder to leadership positions and faculty appointments.”
           o   “Totally empowering feeling - speakers were excellent, highly knowledgeable,
               inspiring and seemed to touch many of the attendees (great role models).”
           o   “Professionalism of the organizing of the conference from the start of setting-
               up, the handouts/packets, posters, workshops, registration on to speakers -

    • Project leads shared uncertainty over whether this project and the recommendations
       that came out of it could be sustained.
    • The conference is not sustainable as a full-day conference. The project leads mentioned
       the need to promote to managers/supervisors the relevance or importance of equity,
       inclusion, diversity and social justice.
    • Prospects for future conferences may focus on career advancement for
       underrepresented minorities.

Staff Participation Totals
    • Approximately 96 staff were in attendance at any one time for some or all of the
        conference events.

                                                                                 Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 25

Interactive Theater Project

Project Description
The Interactive Theater Project (ITP) addressed diversity and campus climate issues by
combining live performance and audience participation. Based on the successful pilot program
developed for the College of Engineering faculty in 2000, the ITP engaged staff, managers,
students and faculty in a workshop style setting to provide them with concrete behaviors and
strategies useful to improve
climate in the workplace. In
these workshops, trained
campus community actors
performed scenes that
illustrated problematic
encounters in the workplace. At
the close of each scene, the
audience asked the actors, who
remained in character, about
their behavior, feelings, and
motivations. Facilitators assisted
the audience members as they
discussed causes, consequences
and solutions to the problematic
attitudes and behaviors
represented in each scene. The goal was to provide all participants with concrete behaviors and
strategies to improve their work environment. The ITP project was a collaborative effort
between the Department of Theater, Dance and Performance Studies, the Graduate Diversity
Program, Staff Equity & Diversity Services (SEADS) (formerly a unit of
Human Resources), and the Campus Climate & Compliance Office.

Project Lead
Carla Trujillo, Director, Graduate Diversity Program

BILD Funding
Awarded: $24,000
Actual Spent: $24,000

   • 7 scripts were written for workshops in the Fall 2008 semester.
   • During the Spring 2008 semester, there was a course offered
      (Theater 166) to project organizers and student and staff volunteers to learn factors
      affecting staff in the workplace.
   • Project organizers created a Facilitator Guide for workshop facilitators.
   • 7 ITP Workshops were offered to staff and students beginning the Fall 2008 semester.
      Participants received skills on conflict resolution, as well as gained an increased

                                                                                 Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 26

       awareness of issues affecting staff climate and equity. The workshops also offered an
       avenue for staff to learn more about diversity issues in a safe, non-threatening manner.
   •   The project was a great collaboration between team leaders, the Department of
       Theater, Dance & Performance Studies, the Graduate Division, Campus Climate Offices,
       and EEO/AA (formerly known as Staff Equity & Diversity).

Project Evaluation
    • Workshops and Spring 2008 class participants gave positive feedback about the
    • Evaluations were collected from all 7 workshops. On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being “strongly
        agree,” highlights from those surveys included:
            Survey Question                                                Average Score
                                                                           (out of 5)*
            The ITP workshops were an effective learning tool.             4.55
            Participant would recommend this workshop to a colleague.      4.57
           *5 being “Strongly Agree,” and 1 being “Strongly Disagree”
   •   Participants in the Spring 2008 Theater 166 course were surveyed. Here are summaries
       from that course:
           Survey Question                                                Average Score
                                                                          (out of 7)*
           The instructor communicated well.                              6.69
           The instructor was accessible and supportive as needed.        6.47
           The instructor cultivated a productive learning environment.   6.77
           The instructor was an effective teacher of the subject matter  6.68
           and the course.
           The course was valuable.                                       6.68
           The course was well organized.                                 6.28
           The course exercises, readings, and assignments were           6.6
           appropriate and valuable to the subject.
           I would recommend this course.                                 6.81
           * 7 being “Extremely Successful” and 1 being “Not at all Successful”

    • Project volunteers were lined up to continue the project during the Spring 2009 and Fall
       2009 semesters. The ITP course offering (Theater 166) continued to be offered until
    • A group of staff and student volunteers still offer workshops on request
    • After this project, the program was moved into the VCEI under the oversight of Sidalia
       Reel, Staff Diversity Initiatives Director.

Staff Participation Totals
    • Approximately 500 staff and students participated in the 7 workshops offered during
        the Fall 2008 semester.
    • The Theater 166 course had 30 participants comprised of 17 students and 13 staff.

                                                                                       Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 27

Lavender PAÍS

Project Description
The Lavender PAÍS project
received its name from
Lavender (symbolic of
lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgendered, and queer-
identified people) + PAÍS
(Spanish for country/land
and acronym for BILD’s
themes of Partnership,
Access, Inclusion, Staff
development). Staff and
faculty affiliated with
LavenderCal, a registered
representative of the thousands of LGBTQ employees throughout Cal, partnered with other staff
groups, campus units, and BILD projects with the goal of increasing access to existing and
emerging resources and initiatives that raise the visibility and promote the inclusion of LGBTQ
employees. The project’s multi-faceted proposal for Year #1 BILD funds included the upgrade of
the LavenderCal website, twice monthly training/mentoring sessions, and outreach. As part of
this project, Lavender PAÍS became a resource partner to the Chancellor's Advisory Committee
on the LGBT Community at Cal (CAC-LGBT). In its role, Lavender PAÍS gathered information
about community needs and interests.

Project Lead
Sharon Page-Medrich, Assistant to the Dean, Graduate Division and Jon Bain-Chekal, Finance
Project Manager, Campus Budget Office

BILD Funding
Awarded: $25,802
Actual Spent: $24,080

   • Revamped LavenderCal website, including publishing an up-to-date Out List and Allies
      List (
   • Launched monthly activities including:
           o Networking lunch every first Friday of the month.
           o Various workshops and presentations every second Tuesday of the month,
                    1. New Joint Tax Filing Requirements for Cal Domestic Partners
                    2. LGBT Financial & Estate Planning
                    3. LGBT Parents

                                                                                Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 28

                    4. Equal Marriage Rights in California: From Court Victory to Ballot Threat
                    5. Transgender Experiences on Campus
            o Networking Happy Hours every third Thursday of the month.
   •   Initiated coalition-building with other staff groups and diversity initiatives.
   •   Planned and pursued strategies for increasing equity of personnel policies vis-à-vis LGBT
       staff with partners/spouses and/or children.
   •   Project increased overall attention focused on LGBT staff and faculty contributions and

Project Evaluation
    • Feedback comments included experiencing better morale among LGBT staff and faculty,
        and more integrated understandings of diversity and inclusion throughout campus
    • Evaluations were collected for every workshop/presentation offered on the second
        Tuesday of each month. Highlights from the survey included:
            Survey Question                                 Average Score (out of 5)*
            Was this event informative and useful to you? 4.78
            Did the occasion meet your expectations?        4.74
           *5 being “very much”

    • A healthy number of volunteers were recruited for managing the administrative aspects
       of the project, but more were still needed.
    • The confidential membership list may pose challenges for involving additional members
       in more visible ways.
    • The Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on LGBT Community at Cal provides a venue for
       surfacing issues of concern on behalf of LGABT staff and faculty.

Staff Participation Totals
    • 7 workshops were offered during the second Tuesday of the month between January
        and October of 2008. Of those who participated, approximately 141 staff who attended
        those workshops completed an evaluation. The below table shows partition stats based
        on the numbers who completed the workshop evaluations:
           Workshop Date – Title                                         Participants who
                                                                         completed Evaluation
           Jan 2008 – New Joint Tax Filing Requirements for Cal          27
           Domestic Partners
           Feb 2008 – LGBT Financial & Estate Planning                   23
           Mar 2008 – Transgender Issues in Higher Education             26
           Apr 2008 – A Panel Discussion w/LGBTQ Staff, Faculty, &       14
           Alumni Moms & Dads at Cal
           May 2008 – Being the B in LGBTQ: Making the Invisible Visible 9
           Jun 2008 – Equal Marriage Rights in California                28
           Oct 2008 – Impacts of Proposition 8 on UC & California        14
           TOTAL                                                         141

                                                                                 Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 29

Library Bindery

Project Description
Library Binding Services (LBS)
partnered with the Center for
Organizational and Workforce
Effectives (COrWE) to launch
its BILD project. The Associate
Chancellor for Business
Administrative Services also
contributed funding to
enhance the facility
requirements for the project.
This project provided formal,
on-site instruction and tools to
increase learning opportunities
and facilitate English language
proficiency among non-native
speakers within the Library
Bindery Services unit. In addition, the project offered instruction in effective teaching skills to
experienced staff that provide “on the job” training for critical job functions. These learning
opportunities and experiences served as the foundation for equitable access by Library Bindery
staff to campus resources and communications. The program included:
     • On-site English language instruction for non-native English speakers.
     • Train-the-trainer sessions for experienced staff who perform on-the-job-training.
     • Process analysis and mapping to produce an operations manual.
     • Four dedicated computer stations and basic computer training so employees could:
         manage their benefits online; acquire information concerning online training or career
         opportunities; and access online campus announcements, programs and other venues.

Project Lead
Michael Foley, Supervisor, Library Bindery

BILD Funding
Awarded: $27,990
Actual Spent: $27,990

   • Four staff-dedicated computers were installed and
      all staff received training on basic computer skills,
      CalNet authentication, creating an email address, and enrolling in the Health Plan online
   • English as a Second Language (ESL) courses were offered to staff during the Spring 2008
      and Fall 2008 semesters.

                                                                                     Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 30

   •   A six week Train-the-Trainer program met two hours each week:
           o Train-the-trainer component of the program was geared for experienced
                production staff that currently provide on the job training. This included
                reviewing variables of self-awareness and differing communication styles
                (organizational acumen, leadership in the Bindery, interpersonal skills, training
                and coaching, etc.).
           o In addition, these experienced staff received training on process analysis and
                process mapping to produce a departmental manual for the Library Bindery
                Services to facilitate future training efforts and promote continuity.
   •   The room previously used as a lunch room was turned into a development and learning
       center. Equipped with flip charts, computers, a white board, and video phone, this
       space is now used for ESL classes, team meetings, and computer-based tasks.
   •   Overall, staff experienced more engagement in the department business needs.
   •   Staff also had an opportunity to meet new campus staff and understand the larger
       campus community.
   •   Project leaders noticed that staff who had very limited English speaking skills prior to
       the class were more easily engaged and used those skills daily.

Project Evaluation
    • Feedback was collected concerning computer access and training. Some statistics
            Questions asked (Polled by raise of hand)                        % of Participants
                                                                             in Agreement
            Do you use computers for general use?                            21%
            Have you checked email from the computer lab?                    15%
            Have you made changes to benefits online?                        6%
            Did you use computers for your ESL project?                      30%
            Do you feel you have not had enough computer training?           30%
            Would you like follow up training?                               36%
    • Staff who participated in the ESL course were surveyed after the initial class. Some
        statistics and comments included:
            Questions asked (Polled by raise of hand)                        % of Participants
                                                                             in Agreement
            Was the ESL course beneficial?                                   65%
            Would you attend if another session is offered?                  55%
            Would you attend if a class was offered after work and on-site?  5%
            Would you attend if a class offered after work and off-site?     5%
            Is 1 hour an appropriate time period for conducting one class?   80%
            o “Appreciative of the opportunity to learn.”
            o “Glad to get to know co-workers because work often does not allow for this
                 type of personal exchange.”
            o “The instructor was very nice.”
            o “Wanted more emphasis on vocabulary, not job skills.”
            o Some felt pressured to perform – “stressful experience”

                                                                                   Spring 2013
BILD Summary Report 31

    •   The Library Bindery Staff Development Kick-Off workshop participants were surveyed.
        Highlights from the survey included:
            Survey Question                                            Average Score
                                                                       (out of 5)*
            Did the facilitator demonstrate knowledge of subject?      4.23
            Did the facilitator clearly communicate subject matter?    4.23
            Did the facilitator pace the presentation of ideas well?   4.23
            The culture encounter exercise made me more aware of 4.14
            how others may respond to me
            Handouts helped explain the concepts of cultural           4.23
            differences and active listening and responding skills
            Overall, I would rate this session                         4.26
            *5 being “Strongly Agree,” and 1 being “Strongly Disagree”

    • The Center for Organizational and Workforce Effectiveness (COrWE) continues to
       provide ESL courses for staff.
    • Process Analysis will be an ongoing effort by the Library Bindery, and skills gained allow
       for future projects to be conducted by experienced staff.

Staff Participation Totals
    • Kick-Off Event participation:
                 Date         Staff Participants
                 Jan 2008     35
    • ESL Course participation (some staff took both courses):
                 Date         Staff Participants Course Duration
                 Spring 2008 21                   15 weeks
                 Fall 2008    19                  8 weeks
    • Train-the-Trainer and Process Analysis participation:
                 Date         Staff Participants Training Duration
                 Jun-Jul 2008 11                  6 weeks

                                                                                  Spring 2013
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