Best 50 Days for the S&P 500 Index, Ever - Jentner Wealth Management

Page created by Eugene Obrien
Best 50 Days for the S&P 500 Index, Ever - Jentner Wealth Management


            Wealth Management Strategies from Jentner Wealth Management

                                                              Best 50 Days for the
                                                              S&P 500 Index, Ever
                                                              No one can reliably predict the market.
                                                              Just look at the market over the last three months.

                                                              On March 23, 2020, the S&P 500            look through many sorts of
                                                              hit a year-to-date low as the world       tumultuous events and have done so
                                                              faced new fears from COVID-19             for decades,” according to Nicholas
                                                              and unemployment numbers were             Colas, co-founder of DataTrek
                                                              approaching those of the Great            Research. Average investors, looking
                                                              Depression. Then, on May 25, the          at current events and news, sell
                                                              death of George Floyd in Minneapolis      when they should be buying. If you
INSIDE THIS ISSUE                                             during an arrest led to national
                                                              protests. Despite these events, in the
                                                                                                        wait until “things improve” to start,
                                                                                                        it’s often too late. Timing the market
                                                              trading days from March 23 to June        can be hazardous to your long-term
                                                              3, the S&P had its best 50-day rally in   investment success.
Best 50 Days for the                                          history, up 37.7%.
S&P 500 Index, Ever  .  . 1                                                                             Ignore the media-induced panic and
                                                              How can this happen? According to         stay committed to your investment
                                                              Bloomberg, “The stock market is           plan and Investment Policy
President’s Word  .  .  .  .  .  . 2                          primarily focused on a single thing,      Statement. Use risk-appropriate
Robo-Advisor or Personal                                      which is the restart of U.S. and global   diversified portfolios and rebalance
Advisor?                                                      economic activities.” During these        to take advantage of market drops.
                                                              50 days, states started to gradually      Understand that successful investors
                                                              reopen, with improving economic           look at much longer time horizons,
The Balance of Risk and                                       activity. Investors are becoming          often 10 years or more. To paraphrase
Return  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3   more optimistic as the number of          Abraham Lincoln regarding these
                                                              coronavirus cases are decreasing and      present times, “This too shall pass.” It
                                                              second-wave predictions appear less       appears equity markets are agreeing.
Finding Professionals                                         severe because of precautions and
                                                              potential new treatments and vaccines.
the Super-Rich Way  .  .  . 3
                                                              It’s important to note that markets
                                                              and world events are not always
Our Commitment to                                             connected. “History shows markets
What Matters  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4

 The Jentner Report is published periodically by Jentner Wealth Management.
 3677 Embassy Parkway, Akron, Ohio 44333 | 330-668-1000 | 1-866-JENTNER
Best 50 Days for the S&P 500 Index, Ever - Jentner Wealth Management

                                                                                                                        SUMMER 2020


Robo-Advisor or Personal Advisor?
Robo-advisor is a term used for automated        their investments on a regular basis. Also,
investment services, including investment        investors with simple asset allocations and
management using software and computer           strategies may not need ongoing rebalancing
algorithms. Some financial advisors even         or guidance from an advisor.
lease robo-advisor platforms and combine
them with advisory services.                     Disadvantages
                                                 Robo-advisors offer less flexibility in
Advances in technology have helped robo-
                                                 investment options. While some robo-
advisors become more popular, mostly
                                                 advisors have customer service agents at
because of their low cost. But they do not
                                                 a call center or financial advisors available
provide investors interaction with a human                                                                   Bruce Jentner, CFP®, Chairman
                                                 to call, many cannot make investment
financial advisor who knows them and
                                                 recommendations or change assets in
who can make specific recommendations                                                            We start our advisory process by getting to
                                                 portfolios that are adjusted through
appropriate for their current and future                                                         know you, your goals, and your risk tolerance.
needs.                                                                                           Then we develop a customized plan and tailor
                                                 Lack of personal human interaction is the       it over time as your needs change. We work
Here are some of the pros and cons                                                               with investors with relatively complicated
                                                 greatest disadvantage of robo-advisors
to using robo-advisors to manage your                                                            personal and business issues and provide
                                                 for many investors. Global market and
investments.                                                                                     advice based on our years of experience
                                                 investment information is available in real
                                                 time 24 hours per day. But information          working with others with similar issues.
Advantages                                       is not the same as personal investment
We sometimes refer younger people with           recommendations. Think about websites           This holistic approach gives our clients
less money and relatively simple financial       like WebMD, which provide useful medical        the benefits of lower-cost investment
situations to robo-advisors. These platforms     information. However, few people would          management along with the advantages of
are a good way for investors to get started      substitute a website for a personal physician   personal relationships and trusted advice.
accessing the markets because there are          who knows them and can make specific            That’s the difference a financial advisor makes.
generally low minimum account balance            recommendations. Even if robo-advisors
requirements, fees are lower, and they are       permit you to input and edit your goals in      The Vanguard Group, a leader in low-cost
easy to use.                                     their software, you will likely benefit more    index funds with a robo-advisor platform
                                                 from talking with an advisor about your         and a strategic partner of Jentner Wealth
Robo-advisors typically apply optimized          issues and concerns.                            Management, conducted research that found
indexed strategies and target allocations                                                        comprehensive wealth managers can, on
that are appropriate for many investors.         Our Solution                                    average, add 3% annual return over the long
They use algorithms to automate                                                                  term. Quoting directly from the Vanguard
                                                 The internet has moved us beyond
investment strategies based on risk                                                              research, “This return is not added over a
                                                 the information age. We now live in
preferences. In general, the algorithms rely                                                     specific time frame but varies each year and
                                                 the recommendation age. Investment
on evidence-based models and recognized                                                          according to client circumstances. It can be
                                                 management and financial planning are both
investment theory and research. Using                                                            added quickly and dramatically, especially
                                                 important and are not the same thing.
algorithms to make investment decisions                                                          during periods of market decline or euphoria.
is designed to take emotions out of the                                                          It may be provided slowly. It will not appear
                                                 Robo-advisors and financial advisors do not
process as markets rise and fall. Also, the                                                      on a client’s quarterly statement, but is real
                                                 need to be mutually exclusive. As fiduciary
software automatically monitors and                                                              nonetheless. Remember, providing services
                                                 advisors, we use robo-like technology on
rebalances multiple portfolios in real time as                                                   such as estate and succession planning, or
                                                 efficient, low-cost custodial platforms to
markets move.                                                                                    offering advice on long-term care insurance
                                                 manage investments. We use technology to
                                                                                                 and charitable giving, have value as well, even if
                                                 reduce expenses in our client portfolios.
The advantages of robo-advisors can be                                                           they are not quantifiable.”
                                                 We also spend the time to understand each
attractive to some. For those who do not
                                                 client’s needs and circumstances in order to
want to think about their investments or
                                                 provide meaningful fiduciary advice that is
talk to financial advisors, letting algorithms
                                                 right for them.
do the work enables them not to monitor
Best 50 Days for the S&P 500 Index, Ever - Jentner Wealth Management

                                                                                                                       SUMMER 2020

The Balance of Risk and                                                                            Finding Professionals the
                                                                                                   Super-Rich Way
Return                                                                                             The super-rich, those with a net worth
                                                                                                   of $500 million or more, seek the very
Investment uncertainty is normal, so finding your personal comfort level                           best professionals to help them achieve
between risk and expected return is an essential element to a successful                           their many and often-complex goals. The
investment experience.                                                                             super-rich want to work with the best
                                                                                                   of the best, and they take smart steps
Uncertainty is an inherent and ev-           to invest. Only with the benefit of hind-             to identify those professionals.You can
                                                                                                   take a page from their playbook to locate
er-present part of investing. Any in-        sight do we feel as if we know whether                professionals who are the best fit for you
vestment that has an expected return         any time period was a good one to be                  based on your goals, needs, and level of
above the prevailing “risk-free rate”        invested. Unfortunately, while the past               complexity.
(think T-Bills for U.S investors) involves   may provide insights, the future will
trading off certainty for a potentially      forever remain uncertain.                             Some people with truly serious wealth
                                                                                                   turn to family offices, which are entities
increased return. For example, stocks                                                              designed to address the financial and per-
have higher expected returns than            Part of being able to stay unemotional                sonal needs of extremely affluent families.
bonds largely because there is more          during periods when it feels like uncer-              They may provide in-house expertise
uncertainty about the future for equity      tainty has increased is having an ap-                 and work with outside professionals too.
investors than bond investors. Bonds,        propriate asset allocation that is in line            Even if you don’t have the level of wealth
                                                                                                   needed to utilize a family office, you can
for the most part, have fixed coupon         with an investor’s willingness and ability            still benefit by adopting an approach to
payments and a maturity date at which        to bear risk. It also helps to remember               sourcing professionals that is similar to
principal is expected to be repaid.          that, during what feels like good times               what the super-rich take.
Stocks have neither. Bonds also sit          and bad, one wouldn’t expect to earn a
higher in a company’s capital structure.     higher return without taking on some                  Perhaps the biggest takeaway is that you
                                                                                                   might seek a referral from professionals
In the event a firm goes bust, bondhold-     form of risk. While a decline in markets              you’re currently working with when you
ers get paid before stockholders. So, do     may not feel good, having a portfolio                 need help from additional experts. This
investors avoid stocks in favor of bonds     you are comfortable with, understand-                 approach tends to be effective in helping
as a result of this increased uncertain-     ing that uncertainty is part of investing,            people find top-quality professionals and
ty? Quite the contrary, many investors       and sticking to a plan that is agreed                 ensuring that those professionals give
                                                                                                   them the expertise, time, and energy they
end up allocating capital to stocks due      upon in advance and reviewed on a reg-                need to accomplish their goals.
to their higher expected return. In the      ular basis can help keep investors from
end, many investors are willing to make      reacting emotionally. This may ultimately             Of course, you can also do your own
the tradeoff of bearing some increased       lead to a better investment experience.               research. That said, those efforts are likely
uncertainty for potentially higher re-                                                             to be most effective if you are connect-
                                                                                                   ed in some way to the people you need,
turns.                                                                                             through mastermind groups or the like.
                                                                                                   By putting yourself in the line of exper-
The statement, “The market hates                                                                   tise, you may boost your chances of iden-
uncertainty,” attempts to personify                                                                tifying professionals who are right for you.
the market by ascribing the very real
                                                                                                   Finally, be cautious about getting referrals
nervousness and fear felt by some                                                                  from peers, just as the executives at fam-
investors when volatility increases.                                                               ily offices are.Your peers may understand
When markets go up and down, many                                                                  your situation only in the big-picture
investors struggle to separate their                                                               sense and may make broad recommenda-
emotions from their investments. For                                                               tions that may not be a great fit. Depend-
                                                                                                   ing on the complexity of your needs, you
many investors, regardless of wheth-                                                               might be better off using a professional
er markets are reaching new highs or                                                               you already trust to look for additional
declining, changes in market prices can                                                            professionals. Talk to your financial, legal,
be a source of anxiety. During these                                                               and accounting professionals to discuss
periods, it may not feel like a good time                                                          your needs and if they can connect you
                                                                                                   with a high-quality professional to address
                                                                         Daniel J. Bloom, CFP®,    your needs.
                                                 Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer
Best 50 Days for the S&P 500 Index, Ever - Jentner Wealth Management
Jentner Wealth Management
3677 Embassy Parkway, Akron, Ohio 44333
330-668-1000 1-866-JENTNER


                                                                                                          SUMMER 2020


     Wealth Management Strategies from Jentner Wealth Management

Our Commitment to
What Matters
Jentner Wealth Management oper-           prices—frees us to spend time
ates with a clear mission: We are         where we believe we have an
dedicated to advancing our clients’       advantage: how we design and
values, goals, and dreams by pro-         manage client investment portfolios
tecting and enhancing their resourc-      and how we serve our clients with
es. That means providing a success-       comprehensive financial planning.       THE JENTNER REPORT
ful investment experience for each        Employing an evidence-based ap-
client. That means more than just         proach to planning and investing, an    The Jentner Report is published quarterly by
returns. It means offering peace of       approach we systematically imple-       Jentner Wealth Management, 3677 Embassy
mind and confidence by protecting         ment, enables clients to understand     Parkway, Akron, Ohio 44333, 330-668-1000.
and growing portfolios throughout         and stick with their financial and      © 2020 Jentner Wealth Management. All rights
the daily fluctuations of the world       investment plans even in challenging    reserved. Information has been obtained from
                                                                                  sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy
investment markets.                       market environments.                    and completeness and the opinions based there-
                                                                                  on are not guaranteed, and no responsibility is
The global stock and bond markets         We focus on developing financial        assumed for errors and omissions. Nothing in
have rewarded long-term investors.        plans that address the opportuni-       this publication should be deemed as individual
Unfortunately, the track record of        ties and risks of life. We structure    investment advice. Call Jentner Wealth Manage-
                                                                                  ment for consultation before making an invest-
professional investment managers          risk-appropriate, broadly diversified   ment decision. Any performance data published
who attempt to predict the best           portfolios that address the tradeoffs   herein are not predictive of future performance.
investments is poor. Recognizing          that arise when making financial de-    Investors should always be aware that past
this, more than 20 years ago, Jentner     cisions. Jentner’s clients know that    performance has not been shown to predict
Wealth Management began using             a transparent planning approach         the future. Jentner Wealth Management is not a
                                                                                  certified public accounting, tax, or legal firm. We
a factor-based approach built on          backed by decades of investment         do not engage in the preparation of tax returns
historical evidence. Rather than          research is powering our decisions.     or provide legal advice. If in doubt about the tax
attempting to predict the future, we      Here at Jentner Wealth Manage-          or legal consequences of an investment decision,
draw information about expected           ment, we strive to help people          it is best to consult a qualified expert.
long-term returns from the market         understand their choices and be
                                                                                  The Jentner Report is printed for our clients
itself.                                   prepared so they can stick with         and select investors. If you have received this by
                                          their plan and achieve their goals      mistake, please contact us to have your name
Trusting markets to do what they          and dreams.                             removed from our mailing.
do best—drive information into
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