Firstname Lastname's Latitude Results Summary - YouScience

Page created by Kristen Reese
by YouScience

Firstname Lastname’s Latitude Results Summary
What we assessed and why
Important and defining decisions fill the decade from age 16 to 26. During this time, people face huge choices like how to
prepare for college, where to go for college, what majors to pursue, and how to find that first career job. Understanding
aptitudes and interests provides a compass for decision-making.

Latitude assessed the 14 aptitudes most important in professional work as well as level of interest in 6 different types of
work. Together the results make up a unique finger-print that we used to create personalized career and educational
recommendations. Good education and career decisions require knowledge and information. Knowing what the world
will reward you to do lets you make choices today to open up opportunities tomorrow.

What you’ll find in this summary
Individual Aptitudes                        Personal Interests                          Potential Careers
Aptitudes indicate the potential to         Interests change over time based            This summary lists 25 of the careers
excel at and gain satisfaction from         on exposure to information,                 that most closely fit your combined
certain activities—how you think,           experiences, and the people around          aptitudes and interests. This list is
learn, and engage with the world.           us.                                         only a small sampling of what you’ll
Unlike skills, knowledge, or interests,                                                 find in Latitude’s online, interactive
which can be enhanced or changed            The survey you took asking how              Career Explorer.
through study and experience, your          much you would like or dislike
aptitudes remain stable from mid-           various tasks assessed your current         Go online to investigate these and
adolescence on.                             interests. Your answers indicated           the rest of over 500 unique career
                                            your preference for work in 6               options and how they fit you.
Don’t get hung up on scores! Scoring        different categories:
high or low on any aptitude doesn’t                                                     For each career you’ll find:
predict success or failure. That’s why      Realistic. Work that is practical and
                                            hands-on with tangible results.             • An overview of the career
we don’t include number scores or
ranges in results. Instead, for each        Investigative. Work that is                 • T
                                                                                           he strength of your match based
aptitude, we indicate types.                intellectual and theoretical in               on aptitudes and interests
                                            Artistic. Work that is creative and         • H
                                                                                           ow to prepare yourself for
Visit Latitude’s online interactive         original.                                     success—including majors/areas of
Result Explorer t read through the          Social. Work that is helping and              study; formal education, licensing,
feedback on individual aptitudes            supportive.                                   certification, and training
to understand how your type may             Enterprising. Work that is persuasive         requirements; critical success
manifest in academic, work, and             and competitive.                              factors; and required knowledge
social settings. We’ve also provided        Conventional. Work that is practical
Tips & Trick for leveraging the             and detail-oriented.                        • T
                                                                                           he economic forecast and
strengths and overcoming the                                                              geographical locations of jobs.
challenges associated with each             Remember, your interests are likely
                                            to change over time as you gain             Understanding your career options
aptitude.                                                                               will help you make more effective
                                            experience and knowledge.
                                                                                        choices about colleges, majors,
                                                                                        internships, and other training that
                                                                                        will help you achieve your goals.
Firstname Lastname’s Latitude Results Summary

Firstname’s Aptitude Summary

 What we assessed                                  Your results

 Spatial Visualization                             You see the world like a 3D VISUALIZER.
 Spatial Visualization is the ability to look at   3D Visualizers have the ability to follow in three dimensions what
 a two-dimensional item and visualize what         is represented in two. They can use 2D representations of the
 it would look like in three dimensions. The       world, like maps or blueprints,to create 3D models in their minds
 ease with which you mentally arrange objects      and are sometimes called structural thinkers. They are usually
 and space indicates how likely you are to         adept at adjusting these models as more information becomes
 interact with ideas and abstract processes in     available. They have a distinct advantage over others when projects
 your daily thinking.                              require reorganization or physical placement. Their ability to
                                                   visualize spatially allows them understand blueprints, drawings,
                                                   and maps easily and without having to rotate them physically.
                                                   They can visualize how objects would most effectively be organized
                                                   in a given space. Often they process information by drawing
                                                   diagrams to understand new concepts quickly; pictures, tables, and
                                                   figures clarify information for them better than written text does.
                                                   They like to work with and think about real things such as tools,
                                                   products, or buildings.

 Inductive Reasoning                               You make connections like DIAGNOSTIC PROBLEM SOLVERS.
 Inductive Reasoning refers to how quickly         Diagnostic Problem Solvers often seem to leap to conclusions
 you see common elements among seemingly           without having all the information or following a logical step-
 unrelated facts. It is a holistic, non-logical    by-step problem solving method. They have a tendency to pick
 problem-solving approach that leads to quick      up flaws instantly. Although they may seem quick with an
 solutions and decisions.                          opinion, they are surprisingly accurate in their conclusions and
                                                   observations. It’s almost as though they can intuit the answer or
                                                   are “thinking without thinking.” They seem to be in a constant
                                                   mode of problem solving, as though a magnet for problems exists
                                                   inside their heads.

 Sequential Reasoning                              You organize information like a SEQUENTIAL THINKERS.
 Sequential Reasoning is a problem solving         Sequential Thinkers quickly organize a lot of information
 ability that allows you to mentally arrange       simultaneously in their heads while listening and talking.
 ideas, information, or things in logical linear   They’re able to organize ideas quickly and readily express them to
 order. It is a step-by-step process that allows   others. Sequential Thinkers work well in any entity requiring the
 you to make accurate logical deductions.          organization of structures, systems, or schedules.

 Idea Generation                                   You come up with ideas like BRAINSTORMERS. Brainstormers
 Idea Generation measures the quantity of          always have ideas, regardless of how much they’ve thought about
 ideas that enter your mind at a time. Some        a topic or how much they care about it. They can come up with
 people think on their feet, respond quickly,      countless ways to approach a project, create themes for a party,
 and enjoy engaging in brainstorming               or invent plot twists for a story. But it’s really hard to keep them
 sessions. Others prefer to think about one        focused. They go off on tangents and even tangents of those
 subject or idea at a time and take time to        tangents. They like to sell their ideas and see them in action.
 develop new ideas.                                They’re good to have around when the entertainment, note cards,
                                                   or games don’t show up because they’ll make up something on the
Firstname Lastname’s Latitude Results Summary

What we assessed                                  Your results

Numerical Reasoning                               Your results indicate that you Recognize Number patterns like a
Numerical Reasoning refers to how easily          NUMERICAL DETECTIVE. Numerical Detectives are fascinated
and automatically you see patterns or trends      by trends in numbers and generally enjoy number games as well as
in numbers.                                       puzzles. Their unique ability allows them to translate information
                                                  into numbers in order to process information quickly. Numerical
                                                  Reasoning helps you remember all sorts of facts from different
                                                  sources to help you in day-to-day tasks.

Work Approach                                     Your results indication that you approach work as a LIASON.
Work Approach indicates to what extent            Liaisons thrive in any workplace or academic situations where they
your focus is general or specialized. Knowing     can use their expertise or specialization while contributing to a
your approach can help you identify how           group or project. They are able to relate to the viewpoints of others,
you are likely to fit into a workplace or group   but can also have their own unique vision. In a group where most
rather than a specific job, task, or field. The   of the workers are generalists, a liaison probably appears to be a
better the fit, the greater the satisfaction      specialist. But the reverse is also true: in a group where most of the
                                                  workers are specialists, a liaison probably appears to be a generalist.

Timeframe Orientation                             Your results indication that you plan like a FUTURE FOCUSER.
Timeframe Orientation is a measure of your        Future Oriented people are able to plan and work toward goals that
orientation toward planning, goal setting,        may take years to come to fruition. As such they are able to keep an
and accomplishing tasks. Some people need         eye on a long-range target. They will make efforts that might not
short-term deadlines to keep them focused         be rewarded in the near future to reach goals in the distant future.
and motivated, while others need a more           They’re good to have around when others get off track or lose
distant goal to stay focused. Your Timeframe      motivation toward a long-term goal.
Orientation determines how you consider the
impact of actions on future plans.

Hand-Eye Coordination                             Your results indication that you learn movements like a
Hand-Eye Coordination relates to kinesthetic      DELIBERATE MOVER: Deliberate Movers may need extra
learning, which is learning through actions       learning time to replicate a movement they see others performing.
and body movement. This is about the need         They may have to let their body feel the movement many times or
for physically oriented activity and movement     even break it down by analyzing the smaller physical adjustments
during the day. We looked at how you              required before it makes sense to their brain, which then translates
integrated your repetitive movements into         it to the body. Deliberate Movers tend to be most comfortable with
your kinesthetic memory.                          repeating single movements rather than complex sequences of
                                                  movements or those that respond to changing visual information.

Visual Comparison Speed                           VISUAL SCANNER: Visual Scanners are likely to be the first
Visual Comparison Speed is the ability to         to finish a word search or find their favorite magazines at the
read and interpret written symbols quickly        newsstand. They’re good at keeping required paperwork, detail,
and accurately. This aptitude, often referred     and officeorganization to a very high level of effectiveness and
to as “paperwork,” refers to the ease with        order. They can read and interpret written symbols such as
which you visually compare items side-by-         pictorial signs, numbers, and letters on the highway quickly and
side and notice differences without engaging      accurately. You can recognize Visual Scanners because they’re the
your memory. This ability is important            ones who fill out forms in just a few minutes or notice a typo in a
for accuracy in editing, office related           sign while ordering a sandwich.
report writing, and document tracking
administrative work.
Firstname Lastname’s Latitude Results Summary

What we assessed                                  Your results

Pattern Memory                                    NOTE TAKER: Note Takers don’t trust their memories when
Pattern Memory is the ability to recall visual    it comes to maps or blueprints. They don’t particularly enjoy
patterns quickly and easily after receiving       recognizing patterns in materials, nature, or aerial photos. They
very little exposure to them. It is the ability   are comfortable comparing patterns only when they can physically
to remember and understand information            line patterns up against one another.
presented in graphic form. Retention of
charts, blueprints, diagrams, and graphs
comes easier for individuals strong in visual
pattern memory.

Associative Memory                                MEMORY MAESTRO: Memory Maestros are reasonably good at
Associative Memory is a visual learning ader      remembering names of people, places, or things. They use tricks
level of general knowledge you Acquire.           like linking information to the name; for example, Bill always
                                                  wears ball caps or Tim is very tall.

Visual Memory                                     NOTE USER: Note Users know that numbers and data are
Visual Memory refers to how quickly and           important and are tuned into numbers that are important to
easily you remember data that has no              them like special dates, deadlines, or account numbers. They have
meaningful connection to other information.       to make a concerted effort to memorize or record them in a safe
This aptitude reflects the accuracy with          place for referral, so they’re unlikely to forget important data after
which you recall new information passively        exerting such effort toward committing them to memory.
presented to you and how actively you store
information in short-term memory, while
specifically focused on memorizing it rather
than analyzing it.

Vocabulary                                        ADVANCED: Those with Advanced vocabulary seem to use fancy
Vocabulary measures how many English              words a lot. Sometimes it may seem as though they are showing
words you have at your disposal, which            off, but they might just love words the way others love music. And
indicates the breadth of your general             they seem to enjoy knowing about a variety of different things.
knowledge. It is important to note that           Sometimes it’s hard to tell what they’re talking about, but it’s OK
Vocabulary is not an innate, natural aptitude     to ask them what they mean. They are often reading or discussing
but, rather, a measure of achievement-            something they are interested in or just learning about.
acquired with time and experience. Whatever
your ability or how much you enjoy words,
you can increase your word knowledge.

Numerical Computation                             PROFICIENT COMPUTER: Proficient Computers make
Numerical Computation measures how                calculations as needed. They’re able to make calculations
easily you perform calculations in your mind.     mentally without seeing the numbers, but have to focus on
                                                  doing so and don’t keep a running tally at all times. They make
                                                  necessary calculations, but don’t translate things like schedules
                                                  into calculation opportunities when they know they can look up
Firstname Lastname’s Latitude Results Summary

   What we assessed                                Your results

  Interpersonal Style                             BLENDED ENERGIZER: Blended Energizers balance the traits of
  Interpersonal Style - The measure of            introversion and extroversion; they can do well in a group setting
  introversion and extroversion refers to the     and active interaction, but also need time for recharging their
  type and amount of interaction with other       inner battery. They tend to be flexible in how they communicate
  people that gives you energy or takes it away   with others. They can talk openly about awide range of topics, but
                                                  also like to take time to process their thoughts before expressing
                                                  them. While Balanced Energizers might hold back in a large crowd,
                                                  they’re assertive and easily assume leadership roles if necessary.
                                                  They may seem guarded in initial introductions, also known as
                                                  people watchers, but they quickly open up as others become more
                                                  familiar to them.

Firstname’s Interest Profile

Your top 3 areas of interests are:                realistic   investigative    artistic       social      enterprising   conventional

• Realistic. Work that is practical and
hands-on with tangible results.
• Investigative. Work that is intellectual
and theoretical in nature.
• Artistic. Work that is creative and
original.                                                            Visit to see all your interests.
Firstname Lastname’s Latitude Results Summary

Firstname Lastname’s top 25 of more than 500 career matches
Sports Medicine Physician                Sports Medicine Physician                            Sports Medicine Physician
Salary Avg: $190,060                     Salary Avg: $190,060                                 Salary Avg: $190,060
Approximate time investment: 10+ Years   Approximate time investment: 10+ Years               Approximate time investment: 10+ Years
Projected openings by 2020: 305,100      Projected openings by 2020: 305,100                  Projected openings by 2020: 305,100

Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention   Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention               Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention
Supervisor                               Salary Avg: $190,060                                 Supervisor
Salary Avg: $190,060                     Approximate time investment: 10+ Years               Salary Avg: $190,060
Approximate time investment: 10+ Years   Projected openings by 2020: 305,100                  Approximate time investment: 10+ Years
Projected openings by 2020: 305,100                                                           Projected openings by 2020: 305,100

Sports Medicine Physician                Sports Medicine Physician                            Sports Medicine Physician Prevention
Salary Avg: $190,060                     Salary Avg: $190,060                                 Physician
Approximate time investment: 10+ Years   Approximate time investment: 10+ Years               Salary Avg: $190,060
Projected openings by 2020: 305,100      Projected openings by 2020: 305,100                  Approximate time investment: 10+ Years
                                                                                              Projected openings by 2020: 305,100

Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention   Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention               Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention
Supervisor                               Supervisor                                           Supervisor
Salary Avg: $190,060                     Salary Avg: $190,060                                 Salary Avg: $190,060
Approximate time investment: 10+ Years   Approximate time investment: 10+ Years               Approximate time investment: 10+ Years
Projected openings by 2020: 305,100      Projected openings by 2020: 305,100                  Projected openings by 2020: 305,100

Sports Medicine Physician                Sports Medicine Physician                            Sports Medicine Physician
Salary Avg: $190,060                     Salary Avg: $190,060                                 Salary Avg: $190,060
Approximate time investment: 10+ Years   Approximate time investment: 10+ Years               Approximate time investment: 10+ Years
Projected openings by 2020: 305,100      Projected openings by 2020: 305,100                  Projected openings by 2020: 305,100

Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention   Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention               Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention
Supervisor                               Salary Avg: $190,060                                 Supervisor
Salary Avg: $190,060                     Approximate time investment: 10+ Years               Salary Avg: $190,060
Approximate time investment: 10+ Years   Projected openings by 2020: 305,100                  Approximate time investment: 10+ Years
Projected openings by 2020: 305,100                                                           Projected openings by 2020: 305,100
                                         Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention
Sports Medicine Physician                Salary Avg: $190,060                                 Sports Medicine Physician
Salary Avg: $190,060                     Approximate time investment: 10+ Years               Salary Avg: $190,060
Approximate time investment: 10+ Years   Projected openings by 2020: 305,100                  Approximate time investment: 10+ Years
Projected openings by 2020: 305,100                                                           Projected openings by 2020: 305,100
                                         Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention
Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention   Supervisor
Supervisor                               Salary Avg: $190,060
Salary Avg: $190,060                     Approximate time investment: 10+ Years
Approximate time investment: 10+ Years   Projected openings by 2020: 305,100
Projected openings by 2020: 305,100
                                         Sports Medicine Physician
Sports Medicine Physician                Salary Avg: $190,060
Salary Avg: $190,060                     Approximate time investment: 10+ Years
Approximate time investment: 10+ Years   Projected openings by 2020: 305,100
Projected openings by 2020: 305,100
                                         Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention

                                                                                  Visit to see all 500 careers.
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