Walker Crips'predecessors first bought and sold shares for clients on the London Stock Exchange in 1914. Through acquisitions, the company can now ...

Walker Crips'predecessors first bought and sold shares for clients on the London Stock Exchange in 1914. Through acquisitions, the company can now ...
Walker Crips’predecessors first bought and
    sold shares for clients on the London Stock
  Exchange in 1914. Through acquisitions, the
company can now trace its roots as far back as
 the 18th century, making it one of the City of
   London’s oldest independent companies.
                             Today Walker Crips Group plc is a fully
                              listed UK public company comprised
                                              of five business units.
Walker Crips'predecessors first bought and sold shares for clients on the London Stock Exchange in 1914. Through acquisitions, the company can now ...
We want you to feel confident that the financial decisions
you take are suitable and appropriate for you and your future,
by considering your own objectives and risk horizons when
planning and implementing your investment strategy.
Where suitable we can select from our complementary
products and services to build a customised financial
programme around you and your requirements.
STOCKBROKERS                                                                        PENSIONS
When buying and selling stocks and shares, you want to                              Enabling you to tailor your pension plan to make your
have assurance that your decisions are right to achieve your                        retirement successful without taking up your valuable time,
investment objectives. With a choice of services to suit how                        Walker Crips Pensions take on as much of the administrative
you want to manage your portfolio, you have the opportunity                         work as possible for your SIPP or SSAS, keeping you up to
to make your own decisions and equally, if you would like                           date through all processes and leaving you with ultimate
the support of an independent professional you can seek the                         control. Through our SIPP and SSAS services you have access
advice of your personal broker to make sure you are certain                         to one of the widest choices of investments and a say in how
of your selections. Over time, as your portfolio and your                           your retirement benefits are paid allowing a bespoke and
confidence grows, or your circumstances change, you can                             comprehensive investment strategy.
move to another of our services either increasing or decreasing
control over your portfolio.
                                                                                    STRUCTURED INVESTMENTS
                                                                                    Are you looking to invest in the future growth of an asset, but
INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT                                                               also require some level of protection to your capital? Structured
A wide range of services where you can choose your level of                         Investments complement your existing investment portfolio
involvement in managing your investments. You can take                              and help you plan for the future, allowing you to invest without
all the investment decisions yourself and simply give us                            needing to keep a constant eye on the markets, make the most
your instructions, you can access our advice or entrust your                        out of your personal allowances to keep your investments as
portfolio to our expert discretionary portfolio managers. As                        efficient as possible and see the rewards you receive apply to
an independent investment manager, who is not tied to any                           every pound you invest without being subject to annual fees
existing funds or products, we can offer you transparency                           and charges.
and flexibility to ensure that your objectives are met
efficiently and successfully.

A truly integrated wealth management service with life stage
planning to suit your needs, our holistic financial planning
process is complemented by our investment management
solutions enabling you to plan for your children’s education,
increase your tax efficiency, ensure you achieve the retirement
you want and even prepare for inheritance tax. We aim to help
all our clients achieve financial security but understand that
your own financial desires, investment tolerance and future
aspirations will be unique.

Finsbury Tower, 103-105 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8LZ
020 3100 8000 | client.services@wcgplc.co.uk | www.wcgplc.co.uk
Walker Crips Group plc. Registered in England. Registration Number 01432059.
Facts and information given in this document are accurate at the time of printing
but may be subject to legislative and other changes in the future.
Walker Crips has a long and rich history that
we are very proud to be part of. Through the
years we have collected records, documents
 and photographs that illustrate our history.
In these archives we have a letter received in
 1990 that depicts our early history from the
memories of one of our long serving brokers.
Images © TfL from the London Transport Museum Collection
The Royal Exchange 1914                       Bank underground station 1923                Air raid damage at Bank 1941                 Bank underground station 1967

“   The stockbroking firm of Weddle
Beck & Company was formed in June
1914, two months before the start of
                                              “    In the early days of the firm a brisk
                                              arbitrage business was conducted with
                                              Paris and there was a Banking business
                                              with the Joint Stock Banks consisting of
                                                                                           “    About 1933 a department was
                                                                                           established to deal with company
                                                                                           new issues. The shares of a number
                                                                                                                                        “    By the 1960’s Dudley Weddle (who
                                                                                                                                        was approaching the age of 90) had
                                                                                                                                        considered retiring and it was considered
World War I in August of that year.                                                        of established companies were brought        it would make sense to amalgamate with
                                              Barclays, Lloyds, Midland and National       to the Stock Exchange for quotation and      another stockbroking firm of similar size.
Dudley Weddle was the senior, and             Provincial Banks.                            the firm acted as official stockbrokers to
Gerald Beck the second senior partner.                                                                                                  Nothing could be more natural,
                                                                                           these firms.
With war breaking out, Gerald Beck,           Through a personal introduction of                                                        therefore, than a merger with Walker,
already a Territorial, had to leave for the   a member of the firm to a Japanese           Amongst them were Westland Aircraft,         Crips and Company, a firm of similar
war and served as a Major in the Royal        Prince, a large business was conducted       Weyburn Engineering – makers of Rolls        size and where the senior partners of
Artillery. Unfortunately he died during       with the Yokohama Specie Bank in             Royce aeroengine camshafts, pottery          both firms had been friends for some
the war and the running of the business       British Government stocks and Japanese       manufacturers, steel markers, timber         considerable years.
was left in the hands of a colleague,         Government bonds in particular. After        merchants, ladies’ gown makers and
                                                                                                                                        The amalgamation of the two firms
Dudley Weddle also being absent               the war was over this business was           men’s clothing makers.
                                                                                                                                        was effected on 28th November 1966
in the Army.                                  conducted through the Bank of Tokyo.         During World War II the business was         and it became Walker, Crips, Weddle,
However, as soon as the war                   In addition to the Private Clients and       carried on by Dudley Weddle as senior        Beck & Company.
ended, Dudley Weddle worked                   Banking business, there was an active        partner, assisted by his other partners,
hard on getting the business                  Country Brokers business with firms
                                              centred on Manchester, Glasgow and
                                                                                           John Roper and W.F.M. Sedgwick while
                                                                                           Norman Weddle, who had joined a
back into shape.
                                              Cardiff.                                     Territorial Battery prior to the war,
                                                                                           was in the Army for the duration
                                                                                           of it from 1939 until 1945 serving
                                                                                           in the U.K., India and Burma, latterly
                                                                                           as a Battery Commander with the
                                                                                           rank of Major.

Walker Crips is a constantly evolving presence in the financial services industry. Being one of the first stockbrokers to
expand our services online in the early 90’s and spotting the benefit for our customers to have access to our own PEPs,
now ISAs, we became a fully listed plc in 1996. We have widened our financial services offering with our Pensions and
Wealth Management divisions and continue to diversify by recruiting and supporting great talent, such as the successful
divisions of Investment Management and Structured Investments. However proud we are of our achievements and
successes, it is the achievement of your success that drives us forward and pushes us to evolve to ensure we continue to
look after you, and your investments.

  Finsbury Tower, 103-105 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8LZ
  020 3100 8000 | client.services@wcgplc.co.uk | www.wcgplc.co.uk
  Walker Crips Group plc. Registered in England. Registration Number 01432059.
  Facts and information given in this document are accurate at the time of printing
  but may be subject to legislative and other changes in the future.

              You are at the heart of
     our business and each service is
tailored to fit around you and what
     you need to achieve to succeed
       in your investment objectives.
               Your initial consultation will firstly examine your
               income and growth requirements moving on to
              define your goals, consider your approach to risk
              and establish how much involvement you would
                 like in the day to day running of your portfolio.

DISCRETIONARY                                                                       ADVISORY
Ideal for the investor who would prefer a ‘hands off’                               For when you are confident in controlling your
approach. We will manage your portfolio on your                                     own investment initiatives and would also like to
behalf, controlling the day-to-day decisions for you with                           request isolated advice on a wide range of potential
expertise and care to achieve the goals you set us. Our                             investments. You are involved in every portfolio
attention is focused on your objectives so we can respond                           development. Final decisions are yours, but we will be
to circumstances and market shifts quickly and smoothly,                            on hand for advice and counsel.
leaving you to concentrate on your other priorities.

INVESTMENT MANAGED                                                                  EXECUTION ONLY
For a more active role in the investment process. Your                              From investors wishing to buy or sell small numbers
portfolio manager follows an agreed brief and you are                               of shares to active and daily traders, our telephone
consulted for any changes that our advisers consider and                            and internet services provide quick and easy
your approval is final. You retain ultimate control, but                            dealing for those comfortable making their
know that your investments are being expertly watched.                              own investment decisions.

                                                                                    If you are an active trader and looking for leveraged
                                                                                    opportunities within your portfolio, you can also take
                                                                                    advantage of our Contracts for Difference and Traded
                                                                                    Options services.

                                                                                    To discuss a service that interests you or schedule
                                                                                    your initial consultation please contact your
                                                                                    Walker Crips account executive or call the
                                                                                    private client team on 020 3100 8100

Finsbury Tower, 103-105 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8LZ
020 3100 8000 | client.services@wcgplc.co.uk | www.wcgplc.co.uk
Walker Crips Stockbrokers Limited is a member of the London Stock Exchange and is authorised
and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Member of the Walker Crips Group plc.
Registered in England. Registration Number 4774117.
Facts and information given in this document are accurate at the time of printing
but may be subject to legislative and other changes in the future.

  Our wealth management team provide
   you with specialist, independent advice
on all aspects of financial planning to help
           you choose the right strategy to
       maximise the potential benefits of
         your wealth throughout your life.

Our team of specialists take time to consider the future                            Businesses and business owners also benefit from sound
for you and your family. Guiding you to choose the most                             financial planning to encompass pension and employee
effective options to support you to:                                                benefit schemes, corporate investments, financial
                                                                                    protection and insurance policies that can develop a
                                                                                    strategy to help ensure future stability and success.
 save for school fees and cope with the mounting
   costs of higher education
 	discover the most tax-efficient savings options for                             Our initial consultations will assess your appetite for
  your situation such as ISAs or Unit and Investment                                risk, investment horizons, performance targets and tax
  Trusts, Insurance Bonds and other savings, growth                                 requirements so we can establish the correct portfolio
  or income products                                                                for your needs. With regular assessments and pro-active
                                                                                    management our impartial advice will maintain the
 	efficiently plan for your retirement to be
                                                                                    momentum of your savings and investments to help you
  comfortable and active
                                                                                    achieve your life ambitions.
 	dramatically increase the amount of money left
  to your family through inheritance tax planning

                                                                                    To start building confidence in your future,
                                                                                    please call and speak to one of our wealth
                                                                                    management consultants on 01904 544300

Foss Islands House, Foss Islands Road, York YO31 7UJ
01904 544300 | advice@wcgplc.co.uk
Walker Crips Wealth Management is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
Member of the Walker Crips Group plc. Registered in England. Registration Number 3790291.
Facts and information given in this document are accurate at the time of printing
but may be subject to legislative and other changes in the future.

Our aim at Walker Crips Pensions is to help
      you achieve your retirement goals,
       by working with you and offering a
   personal and efficient administration
        service, we help you find the most
    advantageous waysYourfor             you towillcontrol
                                 initial consultation     firstly examine
    how you use and        grow
                              moving onyour          pension.
                         your income or growth requirements and tax
                    position,              to define your goals, consider
                                     your approach to risk and establish how much
                                   A SIPP or SSAS gives you the freedom to choose
                                      involvement you would like in the day to day
                                            where your pension funds are invested,
                                                          running of your portfolio.
                                            keeping you in control of your benefits.

SELF INVESTED PERSONAL PENSION (SIPP)                                               The key benefit of using a SIPP or SSAS, beyond the
Designed for individuals looking to control their pension                           tax advantages of retirement drawdown facilities, is
fund investment. SIPPS offer significant benefits in                                the greater scope of investments available to you that
pension and tax planning by allowing considerable                                   also have the potential to grow tax-free. We offer one
flexibility for pension fund investments, in addition to                            of the widest ranges of investment options for you to
when and how benefits are taken.                                                    choose from. We research all our eligible investments
                                                                                    to ensure that you get the best out of them and, most
With flexible charging structures available (from entry-
                                                                                    importantly, avoid any possible tax penalties.
level for cash and unit trusts through to a bespoke
service that can hold the full range of permitted                                   When faced with a choice of investments and possible
investments including commercial property), you                                     routes your dedicated pensions consultant can advise
have the ability to switch between these as your                                    you as to what would be the best decision, so you
circumstances change.                                                               do not lose any tax advantages that may be relevant
                                                                                    to your situation.
                                                                                    If you need to consolidate existing pension plans that
SMALL SELF ADMINISTERED SCHEME (SSAS)                                               perhaps have more restricted choices and growth
Primarily designed for company directors or owners to                               potential, we can help you with the transfer process to
both build a pension fund for their retirement and also                             Walker Crips Pensions. Our pension schemes can also
to help with the running of their business, a SSAS allows                           be used to complement the stockbroking and fund
flexibility, tax-efficiency and control.                                            management services that you may already receive
Acting as Scheme Administrator for your SSAS we will                                from Walker Crips.
maintain your investment records, keep you and your
investments up to date and in line with any tax changes,                            For more information and our most recent literature
file your quarterly and annual reports with HMRC                                    visit www.wcgplc.co.uk/pensions or if you would like
and we endeavour to protect you from any potential                                  to discuss the opportunities that our pension services
unauthorised payment issues. Unlike many other                                      can provide, please call us on 01904 544310
providers, we feel that this is an integral part of our role
to ensure your SSAS is running smoothly.

Foss Islands House, Foss Islands Road, York YO31 7UJ
01904 544300 | pensions@wcgplc.co.uk | www.wcgplc.co.uk/pensions
Walker Crips Pensions is a trading name of Ebor Trustees Limited which is authorised
and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Member of the Walker Crips Group plc.
Registered in England. Registration Number 3514268.
Facts and information given in this document are accurate at the time of printing
but may be subject to legislative and other changes in the future.

      Walker Crips have been creating and
using structured investments for a number
    of years, but they were previously only
 available through our stockbroker division.
                            Your initial consultation will firstly examine
                   Due toyour
                                 popularity  and success
                                        or growth          we haveand
                                                     requirements    builttax
                    specialist team  to  offer them   to the wider  market,
                    position, moving on to define your goals, consider
                       yourwith    professional
                              approach            intermediaries
                                         to risk and              to create
                                                       establish how  much
                       carefully  considered    investment   opportunities.
                         involvement you would like in the day to day
                                                 running of your portfolio.

Structured Investments provide a low cost way of                                 We offer a range of plans that offer different types
accessing the growth potential of equity markets while                           of assets and levels of exposure, risk, return and
managing risk levels. Offering a pre-defined return                              protection. Investments are available from £5,000
linked to asset performance, whilst maintaining a level                          and for investments over £1,000,000 we can construct
of capital protection should the asset not perform, your                         a bespoke investment based on the asset, exposure,
return is based on the total amount of your initial capital                      risk and return that you would like.
invested, with no annual charges or fees to effectively
reduce your return.
                                                                                 As an independent provider, we are well placed to take
                                                                                 advantage of the possibilities presented by changing
Our plans can be used to access a variety of markets                             market conditions. We continue to work with the world’s
and underlyings, to make the most out of modest                                  leading investment banks with strong credit ratings to
market movement, to enhance returns from volatile                                deliver the best returns and what we believe to be the
conditions, to balance your risk profile in your portfolio                       best product that we can create for you at any time.
of investments, to use your Stocks and Shares ISA
effectively or through your pension scheme to create
longer term growth.                                                              Call us to discuss your potential investments
                                                                                 on 020 3100 8880. You can also visit
                                                                                 www.wcgplc.co.uk/wcsi to find out
                                                                                 about our current investment plans.

Finsbury Tower, 103-105 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8LZ
020 3100 8880 | wcsi@wcgplc.co.uk | www.wcgplc.co.uk/wcsi
Walker Crips Structured Investments is a trading name of Walker Crips Stockbrokers Limited which is
a member of the London Stock Exchange and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services
Authority. Member of the Walker Crips Group plc. Registered in England. Registration Number 4774117.
Facts and information given in this document are accurate at the time of printing but may be subject to
legislative and other changes in the future.
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