BEYOND AT AADA 2020 + - Automotive Dealer ...

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BEYOND AT AADA 2020 + - Automotive Dealer ...
                                  MARCH 2019 | ISSUE 26

                       2020 +
                      AT AADA

  THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY                                  PRINT POST 100019106
BEYOND AT AADA 2020 + - Automotive Dealer ...
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BEYOND AT AADA 2020 + - Automotive Dealer ...
WELCOME               Australian Automotive Dealer Association

                                                   CONTENTS ISSUE 26 | MARCH 2019
                                                   FEATURE: AADA 2019 NATIONAL DEALER CONVENTION & EXPO
                                                   2020 + Beyond At AADA Convention........................................................................5
Office 6, Level 4, 150 Albert Road                 NADA Legal Counsel To Headline AADA................................................................6
South Melbourne, VIC 3205
                                                   UK’s Leading Trainer Heads Convention Sales Event...........................................7
936B Glenhuntly Rd,                                Expo Open Day Event A New Bonus........................................................................8
Caulfield South, VIC 3162
Issue No. 26 | MARCH 2019                          POLICY
                                                   Blackhall To Consult As Transition Plan Takes Shape.........................................9
MANAGING EDITOR: Luke Prendergast
                                                   AADA To Work With Government On Point Of Sale Exemption......................... 10
CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Charles Bayer                   Dealers Welcome Increased Protections Outlined In Report Of Franchising Inquiry.. 11
ART DIRECTOR: Nick Murphy                          Dealers Support EV Revolution............................................................................. 12
ADVERTISING MANAGER: Geoff Vine                      Banking Royal Commission - Consequences For The Automotive Industry... 13
Mobile: 0413 854 779
                                                   AADA Gathers Franchise Code Intel At NADA.................................................... 15
Phone (03) 9576 9944 | Fax (03) 9576 7277
                                                   Unfair Contract Terms And Warranty Audits – Limitations And Opportunities.. 16
(03) 9576 9944 or                                  FEATURE: 2019 AADA NADA STUDY TOUR
                                                   Tour Delegates Get Social At NADA San Francisco........................................... 18
936B Glenhuntly Rd,
Caulfield South, VIC 3162
                                                   ATO Crackdown On Dual Cab Utes....................................................................... 23
                                                   Buffett Invests In SA Auto Insurance.................................................................... 24
No responsibility is accepted by the publisher     Sales Consultants Can Do Better: JD Power Survey.......................................... 25
for the accuracy of information contained
in advertisements in the Automotive Dealer
magazine. Publication of any advertisement does
                                                   Be A Leader In Developing Leaders..................................................................... 27
not constitute endorsement by the publisher
of any product, nor warrant its suitability.       Why Independent Dealers Need An Automotive CRM....................................... 32
Advertisements are published as submitted by
                                                   Auto Industry’s Takata Website Leads To 1 Million Airbag Replacements...... 34
No part of this magazine may be reproduced
without the publisher’s written permission.
                                                   More Than 87,000 New Vehicle Sales In February............................................. 35
The views expressed in Automotive Dealer by
                                                   Why You Must Text Your Customers.................................................................... 36
external contributors and advertisers are not
necessarily those of AADA.                         Harley Goes Electric.............................................................................................. 37

                               AUTOMOTIVE DEALER
                                                   Supercars 2019 Season Opens With Plenty Of Changes.................................... 29

We’d like to hear from you about what’s been        schools, supporting junior sporting clubs or                It’s a pity that the community work being
happening at your dealership that you think         sponsoring a charity event.                                 done by Dealers is a well-kept secret. We
could be worth passing on to our readers.                                                                       intend to change that. AADA is determined
                                                    We would like to know.                                      to generate a greater respect for new car
It can be anything from a unique sale, a fleet                                                                  franchise Dealers as compassionate business
deal or a story about a member of your staff        Whatever the story you have, it will be good                people. Part of our strategy is to remind the
who recently accomplished a notable feat.           reading. Send us the information and key                    media, politicians and opinion makers that,
                                                    contact details and we will follow it up. If you            by employing over 66,000 people, AADA
It could be a ‘feel good’ community initiative      have photographs of the endeavour so much                   members make a substantial contribution to
you have undertaken involving local                 the better.                                                 the Australian economy.
BEYOND AT AADA 2020 + - Automotive Dealer ...
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BEYOND AT AADA 2020 + - Automotive Dealer ...
FEATURE: AADA 2019 NATIONAL DEALER CONVENTION & EXPO                                     Australian Automotive Dealer Association

     he AADA National Dealer Convention             or at least keeping pace with it. There are many       The UK’s number one automotive sales
     & Expo returns to Melbourne in 2019            questions facing the retail automotive industry        trainer, Simon Bowkett, returns to feature at
     with the theme ‘2020 + Beyond’.                and the Convention will address them via a             the AADA Convention Team Sales Event,
                                                    comprehensive and meticulously-planned                 while a new initiative is a free Expo Open
To be held at the Melbourne Convention and          program.                                               Day for middle managers, to more fully share
Exhibition Centre from September 9 to 11, the                                                              the knowledge, technology and associated
2019 Convention & Expo has been designed            Questions such as: In the wake of the ASIC             products developed to drive success in the
to help car retailers adapt and prepare for the     inquiry into finance and insurance, what will          modern automotive dealership.
future by addressing changes in the dynamics        the new F&I department look like? How do
of the market.                                      we continue to strengthen our relationships            Four sessions comprising expert panels will
                                                    with the OEMs, with whom our futures are               discuss and debate issues close to the heart of
                                                    inextricably linked? What will be the result of        car retailers, including gender diversity and
                                                    the proposed franchise code? What do we do             succession planning.
                                                    about diversity? Succession planning? Used
                                                    cars? ROI?                                             No matter how far technology advances
                                                                                                           business is still about people, and how we
                                                    AADA has put together a program of panel               employ that most vital of resources is critical to
                                                    sessions, workshops and guest speakers                 our success. Training, reputation management,
                                                    designed to address these questions and more.          service departments, used cars, data – all
                                                                                                           involve people and how we deal with them –
Award-winning international journalist and          Headlining the event is NADA’s Chief Legal             and advocacy: the importance of our industry
chat show host, Anjali Rao, returns after           Counsel, Andy Koblenz. The Executive                   having a clear vision and a cohesive approach.
she was extremely well-received at the 2018         Vice President Legal and Regulatory Affairs            None of these crucial human resources are
Convention. The former Sky News and                 addressed the 2019 NADA Convention on the              going to become any less significant. In fact,
CNN reporter and anchor charmed all and             subject of Disruption in the Auto Industry,            in a world of technology the human touch is
sundry with her eloquence, affability and           and his thoughts on this challenge to our              more valuable than ever. People skills: they’re
professionalism.                                    existing paradigm of operations are sure to be         the future, in 2020 + Beyond.
                                                    enlightening. His session should be on the list
Our industry is undergoing rapid change. As         of any Dealer aiming to encounter the future           We look forward to seeing as many Dealers as
Dealers we need to be in front of that change,      with open eyes and mind.                               possible at the AADA 2019 National Dealer
                                                                                                           Convention & Expo.

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BEYOND AT AADA 2020 + - Automotive Dealer ...
FEATURE: AADA 2019 NATIONAL DEALER CONVENTION & EXPO                                 Australian Automotive Dealer Association

     isruption. It was the theme of                models will supersede traditional car               The potential savings from not owning a
     the AADA 2018 National Dealer                 ownership. With research showing, however,          car were estimated to be US$3,445 annually,
     Convention and it was a subject               that the average American family makes 10           which, with an average wait time of one
addressed in detail at the NADA 2019               car trips per day – and with an average wait        hour per day, equated to US$9.44 per hour.
Convention in January.                             time of six minutes per ride sharing trip – Mr      Considering 88.5 per cent of respondents
                                                   Koblenz argued that it was hard to see people       earned more than US$9.44 per hour, the
                  NADA's Executive Vice-           giving up their cars and waiting around for an      survey concluded that the financial savings
                  President of Legal and           hour per day in order to run their errands.         were not worth the time expended in waiting
                  Regulatory Affairs, Andy                                                             for ride shares.
                  Koblenz, alongside Senior        Nearly 90 per cent of Americans surveyed said
                  Vice-President of Public         they had no plans to give up their personal         The survey also examined attitudes to
                  Affairs, Jonathan Collegio,      cars. Just 11 per cent said they would get rid of   autonomous vehicles (AVs), with 56 per cent
                  presented research showing       their car in favour of ride sharing.                of respondents saying they would purchase an
that the disruptors still have a long way to go                                                        AV. Amongst millennials this figure was 71 per
before replacing the traditional model of car      The under-35s, aka the ‘Millennial generation’,     cent, while for the over-35s it was 49 per cent.
ownership.                                         were slightly more prepared to give up their
                                                   personal vehicles, with 81 per cent of those        Regarding the degree of autonomy, 80 per cent
Mr Koblenz will be a special guest at the          surveyed indicating they would. However, the        said they would prefer mostly autonomous
AADA 2019 National Dealer Convention &             over-35s showed strong resistance, with 93 per      cars with an 80 per cent safety increase, while
Expo in Melbourne from September 9 to 11.          cent stating they would keep their personal car.    20 per cent said they preferred near-complete
He will speak to the subject of Disruption,                                                            safety with fully autonomous vehicles.
sharing his belief that the traditional model of   An overwhelming 93 per cent of all respondents
automotive dealerships has a fair way to go yet    said that a car provides freedom, while just        Mr Koblenz will present the full findings of
before being replaced.                             seven per cent said car ownership was a hassle.     the survey at the AADA 2019 National Dealer
                                                   Amongst millennials this split was 85-15, while     Convention & Expo in September.
We have heard predictions over the past            for the over-35s it was a massive 98-2 split.
few years that ride sharing and subscription

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BEYOND AT AADA 2020 + - Automotive Dealer ...
FEATURE: AADA 2019 NATIONAL DEALER CONVENTION & EXPO                                Australian Automotive Dealer Association

    he UK’s number one automotive sales           product, and then supporting this with the deal.       Simon believes the key to successful
    trainer, Simon Bowkett, is the headline                                                              management is organisation and motivation
    name featuring in AADA’s Team Sales           The skills – good and bad – your new                   of yourself and others. His study of theories
Event at the AADA 2019 National Dealer            salespeople learn in the first 90 days on the job      of human behaviour on top of his own life
Convention & Expo.                                last with them for the rest of their careers. Who      experience has well equipped him to analyse
                                                  is teaching them those important skills that are       what makes successful management and,
Simon returns for his third AADA Convention,      either making or costing you sales?                    crucially, how to implement this and inspire
having previously spoken at the 2009 and 2014                                                            others.
events.                                           Who is Simon Bowkett?
                                                  Having moved from sales into sales                     This is a golden opportunity for your sales staff
In 2000, Simon founded Symco Training based                                                              to learn first-hand from one of the leading
on his belief that sales trainers were either     management, and following a period of
                                                  successful senior management, Simon moved              sales trainers in the world. The perspective and
unwilling or unable to show sales staff how to                                                           experience of someone who has risen to the
implement the solutions they proposed. Simon      into training.
                                                                                                         top in one of the world’s toughest markets can
believes in delivering not only inspiring and     He saw in the market a gap for trainers who            only benefit your people and send them home
insightful training but in demonstrating those    could bring ‘the real world’ into training, and        armed with the knowledge and confidence to
skills and techniques with real customers.        in 2000 formed Symco Training to build a               go to the next level in their careers.
In dealerships around the world the focus         team of trainers and consultants who could
                                                  bring practical experience and proven success          AADA is thrilled to have secured someone of
applied by many sales executives is to try                                                               Simon Bowkett’s calibre, and we look forward to
and sell a deal. Simon will tell you how to get   to their training methods. “There’s no place for
                                                  customer-shy trainers in Symco”, he says.              this event with keen anticipation.
your teams to focus on selling themselves, the

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BEYOND AT AADA 2020 + - Automotive Dealer ...
FEATURE: AADA 2019 NATIONAL DEALER CONVENTION & EXPO                              Australian Automotive Dealer Association

       nyone who has been to an AADA             the retail automotive industry are sure to take    The Expo is always the hub of activity at
       Convention will appreciate what a         plenty from this free opportunity to visit the     any AADA Convention, with displays,
       wealth of information they provide.       2019 Expo.                                         demonstrations and explanations of new and
You can’t help but come away more informed,                                                         innovative products, services and technology,
with a greater understanding of the issues       This is ideal for middle managers to come and      specifically designed to improve the operations
facing our industry and the many potential       see exactly how much innovation is happening       and bottom line of dealerships and their
solutions to those challenges.                   in our industry, familiarise themselves with       various departments. Be sure to register to take
                                                 new products and technology, and acquaint          advantage of this fantastic opportunity.
We know Dealers would love to send all           themselves with those people and companies
their staff because there is so much to learn;   providing new and improved services.
however, we understand that is not always                                                              HOW TO REGISTER
cost-effective.                                  It is a great way for those who might otherwise
                                                 not get the chance to attend an AADA
So now, in an exciting new initiative, AADA      Convention to gain an understanding of what           The Expo Open Day is a free event,
is introducing a free Expo Open Day to more      goes on, and absorb some of the knowledge             but attendees are required to
fully share the knowledge, technology and        that is shared so generously. They will have          register. To do so, visit the website:
products developed to drive success in the       the opportunity to rub shoulders with leaders
modern automotive dealership.                    of our industry and take home real, practical
                                                                                                       Date: Monday 9 September 2019
                                                 solutions and a greater understanding of the
Dealers, managers, staff, allied industry        bigger picture of the retail automotive game.         Time: 1.30pm – 7.30pm
professionals and anyone else associated with

8 | MARCH 2019 |
BEYOND AT AADA 2020 + - Automotive Dealer ...
POLICY        Australian Automotive Dealer Association

       ADA CEO, David Blackhall, will             “We thank David for his leadership and look         Blackhall’s CEO services contract ends 30 June
       reduce his full-time commitments at        forward to continuing close ties through to the     2019. He has indicated a desire to step down
       the end of his current contract on 30      end of the year,” Mr Keating said.                  from his CEO role at that time and generally
June 2019. AADA is delighted that David                                                               reduce his full-time commitments.
will continue in a consultancy and advisory       AADA has announced the following changes
capacity to the AADA for a further six            to the organisation of the AADA Secretariat,        At the Board’s request, David has agreed
months until 31 December 2019.                    effective immediately:                              to continue working with the Board in a
                                                                                                      consulting and advisory capacity through the
Separately, AADA is announcing leadership           • James Voortman, Executive Director              end of 2019. He will be concentrating on the
transitional arrangements in accordance with a        Communications and Policy, is being             delivery of the Automotive Code.
plan approved last year by the AADA Board.            appointed to the newly-created position
                                                      of Deputy CEO. James will continue              The Secretariat changes are in line with a
AADA Chairman, Terry Keating, said David              to report to the CEO, David Blackhall,          leadership transition plan developed and
has been an outstanding CEO for AADA.                 until 30 June 2019.                             approved by the AADA Board last year. These
                                                                                                      arrangements are aimed at allowing James
During his almost four-year tenure he has           • Brian Savage, Executive Director                and Brian to progressively assume their wider
guided the Association through a period               Operations, is being appointed to               duties during the next four months, under
of unprecedented regulatory and legislative           the newly-created position of Chief             David’s guidance and mentorship.
change. Whilst some of these regulatory               Operating Officer. Brian will also
changes are still being negotiated, David has         continue to report to the CEO for the           The AADA Board will make an
agreed with the Board to continue to assist           same period.                                    announcement on the full-time replacement
us during 2019, through to fruition on these                                                          for David Blackhall as CEO as soon as
important matters.                                All other Secretariat positions and reporting       possible. We expect to make further
                                                  relationships remain unaltered. David               announcements about our Secretariat
                                                                                                      organisation in early July 2019.

                                                                                           | MARCH 2019 | 9
BEYOND AT AADA 2020 + - Automotive Dealer ...
POLICY        Australian Automotive Dealer Association

      ADA will work with the Federal
      Government to ensure the
      Government’s decision to abolish the
point of sale exemption for retail Dealers
providing car finance does not hurt the

The decision, based on a recommendation
in the Banking Royal Commission, caught
the new car industry by surprise when it was
announced in February.

Amongst 17 recommendations in the
report was that the Government remove the
exemption of retail Dealers from the operation
of the National Consumer Credit Protection Act
(NCCP Act). The Government accepted the

Larger dealer groups already hold credit
licences, but only a few dozen Dealers are
understood to hold credit licences.

In its response to the report, the Government
                                                  “Leadership in this area is with the finance      providers of the finance and play no part in
said it recognised the impact the change would
                                                  providers and we look forward to working          approving or rejecting finance applications.
have on many businesses.
                                                  with them to ensure that financiers, Dealers
                                                  and consumers are not disadvantaged during        The Government also agreed to changes in the
It said it "will carefully consider how these
                                                  this transition.”                                 sale of add-on insurance products by Dealers,
reforms are implemented to ensure balance is
                                                                                                    including working towards a deferred sales
achieved between consumer protection and
                                                  Mr Blackhall said it was unclear why              model and the imposition of a cap on the
access to products and services."
                                                  the exemption needed to go. Obtaining             amount of commission paid to vehicle Dealers.
AADA CEO, David Blackhall, said the point of      finance from a dealership is a cost-effective,
                                                  convenient solution for many consumers and        “The concept of a deferred sales model is
sale exemption was only briefly mentioned in
                                                  the Royal Commission, by its own admission,       already under consideration by ASIC. We
the Royal Commission’s interim report, so to
                                                  repeatedly said that delinquencies in the car     will be urging Treasury to adopt a model that
find its abolition was now Government policy
                                                  finance market are very low.                      defers the sale for around three to four days
was a surprise.
                                                                                                    and allows informed consumers a waiver,” Mr
“It is unclear what this policy will mean for     One factor likely to help Dealers is that the     Blackhall said.
the provision of finance at dealerships. It is    exemption also applies to other National retail
                                                  chains and other stores that offer credit to      “Allowing ASIC to impose a cap on add-on
not certain how many new car Dealers already
                                                  assist consumers with big-ticket items such as    insurance commissions will only formalise a
have credit licences, but we do know that
                                                  white goods and furniture.                        practice already being employed by the main
many mid-to-small and regional dealerships
                                                                                                    insurance companies.”
do not,” Mr Blackhall said.
                                                  As with Dealers, shop assistants can currently
                                                  offer loans or credit cards and help customers    There will also be a review on commissions
“I appreciate the Government’s commitment
                                                  fill out the forms without holding a credit       for general insurance and consumer credit
to carefully consider how this reform is
                                                  licence.                                          insurance, to test whether the exemption to
implemented. The AADA will make ourselves
                                                                                                    the ban on conflicted remuneration remains
available to work with the Government to
                                                  Dealers operate as vendor introducers who         justified, which the AADA looks forward to
ascertain the impact this will have on Dealers
                                                  facilitate car finance and make it convenient     participating in.
and to ensure the transition is as smooth as
                                                  for customers to obtain. Dealers are not the

10 | MARCH 2019 |
POLICY        Australian Automotive Dealer Association

       ADA has welcomed calls for increased         In a damning report released on 14 March,            The report suggests the government
       protections for Dealers contained in the     the federal parliamentary inquiry into the           create a franchising task force, made up
       report from the Parliamentary Inquiry        $170 billion franchising sector called for a total   of representatives from Treasury and the
into Franchising.                                   overhaul of Australia’s franchising system.          Department of Jobs and Small Business, to look
                                                                                                         into its recommendations.
AADA CEO David Blackhall said the                   While both the Government and Opposition
association welcomed the recommendation for         have committed to the establishment of an            The Opposition has said it will support such
changes to the Franchising Code, to embody          industry-specific Automotive Franchising             a task force and act on its recommendations.
specific industry protections within schedules to   Code, it can only help the cause of franchisees      Small Business Minister Michaelia Cash said
the current Franchising Code.                       to have this kind of spotlight shone on the many     the government would analyse the report and
                                                    issues and unfairnesses built into the current       consider what improvements needed to be
“While the Report stopped short of                  system. With pressure now to be applied to the       made.
recommending our preferred approach of a            franchisor side of the relationship, this marks
standalone Automotive Code, we are prepared         an opportunity for retail automotive Dealers to      "The government is committed to supporting
to discuss with Government the Committee’s          pursue more equitable rules and regulations to       effective and fair reforms to the franchising
proposal for a core Franchising Code with           ensure a fairer outcome.                             sector without imposing unnecessary regulation
greater powers, and schedules to the Code that                                                           on the sector," she said.
address specific industry considerations,” he       The bipartisan report calls for new laws, greater
said.                                               enforcement powers and penalties for the             The report also calls for improvements
                                                    regulator, as well as a host of changes to the       to disclosure and transparency, including
“We particularly welcome the prohibition on         franchising code.                                    provision of all financial information when
unilateral changes to the Terms and Conditions                                                           franchises are sold or transferred. This would
of Dealer Agreements, and the buyback               The report states that the current franchise code    include Business Activity Statements and
conditions for stock, parts and equipment           has "manifestly failed to deter systemic poor        increased clearness and culpability with regard
when a Dealership Agreement is terminated.          conduct and exploitative behaviour and has           to marketing funds.
The Government needs to include these               entrenched the power imbalance". Its authors
proposals in their consideration of a standalone    even went so far as to compare behaviour in          It recommends the task force consider making
Automotive Code.                                    the franchising sector with that revealed by the     illegal the provision of unfair contract terms
                                                    banking royal commission.                            in franchise agreements, and explore the
“It is now very important for the Government                                                             possibility of a public franchise register, via
to respond to the Inquiry Report quickly. This      "The extent of poor corporate governance in          which franchisors would update disclosure
will maintain momentum and address the              some areas of franchising is comparable to that      documents and template franchise agreements
power imbalance between overseas vehicle            in the financial services sector," it said. "There   on a yearly basis.
Manufacturers and local new car Dealers, which      are deeply rooted cultural problems that will
currently leaves Australian businesses and their    not be resolved by a franchisor replacing a few      The report calls for civil penalties if franchisors
many employees extremely vulnerable.”               senior executives."                                  fail to comply.

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POLICY        Australian Automotive Dealer Association

        ADA has welcomed the release of a
        report by the Senate Select Committee
        Inquiry into Electric Vehicles, but
disagrees with its suggestion that Australia’s
retail automotive Dealers were failing to
promote growth in EV sales.

The report was critical of a ‘policy vacuum’
that has so far kept the EV industry from
growing, warning that Australia would miss
out on the coming ‘transport revolution’.

“(Electric vehicle) uptake in Australia lags
behind that of other comparable countries
due to a relative absence of overarching policy
direction from Australian governments,” the
report said.
                                                   and will sell whatever vehicles our customers       Other recommendations include a dedicated
AADA CEO, David Blackhall, said AADA               want,” Mr Blackhall said.                           taskforce to develop the plan, a national target
supports the Senate Committee’s report                                                                 to encourage the uptake of electric vehicles
                                                   “Unfortunately, the authors of this report have     on Australian roads, more ‘coordination’ with
on electric vehicles but is disappointed by
                                                   quoted the Tesla Owners Club and ignored the        operators to expand the existing charging
evidence suggesting Dealers are not promoting
                                                   evidence of Australia’s 1,500 franchised new        network, and a national target for government
the sale of EVs.
                                                   car Dealers and the 70,000 people they employ.      fleets.
“There are some important recommendations
                                                   “Electric vehicles are part of the future and       There are currently 12,691 vehicles in the
in this report and new car Dealers are looking
                                                   Dealers are determined to be part of a thriving     Commonwealth fleet, but only 12 are electric.
forward to playing our part in supplying EVs
                                                   industry which supplies them to the market –
to the Australian market,” he said.
                                                   the primary reason that they are not yet selling    On costings obtained by independent senator,
“We are supportive of a public education           well is related to supply, cost and range.”         Tim Storer, it would cost an extra $5m by 2022
campaign and a coordinated approach to skills                                                          to start converting half the government fleet
                                                   Talking down the efforts of the tens of             to electric by 2025, or an extra $2.7m to do the
and training. We are also supportive of a CO2
                                                   thousands of dealership employees across            same by 2030.
standard and Australia should work towards
                                                   Australia will do nothing to accelerate the
an achievable standard that does not punish
                                                   uptake of EVs.                                      Further recommendations coming out of the
local consumers and businesses.
                                                                                                       report included the need for an aspirational
                                                   The senate committee warned that, should            target for Australia’s road fleet, similar to New
“It is also encouraging that the Committee
                                                   governments fail to act, Australia will miss        Zealand’s, and a Formula E championship race
has not recommended a relaxation of used car
                                                   out on the environmental, health, social and        to encourage consumer interest.
imports as was suggested by certain groups. It
                                                   economic benefits of the growing industry
is, however, very disappointing that this report
                                                                                                       New electric showroom opens in Sydney
has mentioned evidence claiming that car           “Australia is on the cusp of the most
Dealers are not interested in promoting and        significant disruption and transformation of        As proof that Dealers are not biased against
selling electric vehicles. This assertion, which   our transport system since the advent of the        EVs, Col Crawford Hyundai’s showroom
was repeated by certain groups throughout the      internal combustion engine,” the report said.       officially opened at Brookvale in Sydney on
inquiry, is completely false.”                                                                         February 15.
                                                   “Reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, cost
Mr Blackhall said that to resist selling EVs       savings for vehicle owner-operators, increased      The 50-year-old dealership claims to have “the
would reduce profits and put Dealers in            job opportunities and economic growth,              widest selection of electric and hybrid cars
breach of their franchising agreements with        improved health outcomes and increased              that have been presented by one dealership in
vehicle manufacturers, potentially risking their   fuel security are just some of the benefits that    Australia”. These are mainly from Hyundai,
businesses.                                        Australia can realise as EV use begins to climb.”   BMW and Renault.
“In our numerous representations to this           The committee made 17 recommendations,              The dealership has three EV chargers.
committee, we consistently made the point          including calling for a national plan to manage
that new car Dealers are technology agnostic       the rollout of electric cars.

12 | MARCH 2019 |
POLICY       Australian Automotive Dealer Association

                                                 The Commissioner recommended abolition of           other retailers having to be appointed as credit
                    Evan Stents                  the point of sale (POS) exemption relied upon       representatives by credit providers and being
                    Lead Partner,                by most car Dealers to be a loan intermediary       recorded as such on an ASIC register. As credit
                    Automotive Industry          without holding an Australian Credit Licence        representatives, Dealers will need to provide
                    Group, HWL                   or being appointed as a credit representative       their own credit guides and will also need
                    Ebsworth Lawyers             of a licensee. The POS exemption has applied        to be members of the Australian Financial
                                                 since the commencement of the National              Complaints Authority (AFCA), thereby

      n 4 February 2019, the Government          Consumer Credit Protection Act and its              opening up every aspect of their business to
      released the final report of the           Regulations. The exemption was included             an external complaints process, unless AFCA
      Royal Commission on the Banking,           because, in the midst of the GFC, there were        exercises a discretion otherwise.
Superannuation and Financial Services            concerns that the burden of regulation in the
                                                 retail sector under the NCCP Act would have         In the Report, the Commissioner does
Industry. In the Report, Commissioner                                                                not acknowledge that Dealers are already
Kenneth Hayne made 76 recommendations,           a further stifling effect on an already slow
                                                 economy. From the outset the exemption was          ‘representatives’ of Australian credit licence
a number of which will have significant                                                              holders, and as a result those credit licence
consequences for participants in the             devised as an interim measure to be reviewed
                                                 within 12 months of its implementation.             holders are already accountable for Dealers,
automotive industry. This article examines                                                           with a responsibility to ensure compliance with
three recommendations in the Report that are     While some Dealers may obtain their own             credit legislation, training and management of
of particular relevance to car Dealers.          Australian credit licence to provide credit         conflicts. Instead, the Commissioner has cited
1. Removing the ‘point-of-sale’ exemption of     assistance, the abolition of the POS exemption      the following observations made in the 2013
retail dealers from the NCCP Act                 would likely result in most car Dealers and         Productivity Report into Competition in the

                                                                                         | MARCH 2019 | 13
POLICY        Australian Automotive Dealer Association

Australian Financial System, that under the          customers add-on insurance products (such as       contracts regulated by the Insurance Contracts
POS exemption:                                       guaranteed asset protection (GAP) insurance        Act.
                                                     and tyre and rim insurance).
 • Retail Dealers are not subject to entry                                                              3. Caps on commissions
   or conduct standards and ASIC has no              The Commissioner is essentially adopting
   power to exclude from the market any              ASIC’s proposal in ASIC Consultation               Commissioner Hayne also recommended that
   who engage in conduct that is dishonest           Paper 294: The Sale of Add-on Insurance and        caps on commissions should be introduced for
   or incompetent                                    Warranties through Caryard Intermediaries.         add-on insurance products sold in connection
                                                     The Report states that one likely consequence      with the sale of a motor vehicle, with the level
 • Retail Dealers have no responsible                of a change to a deferred sales model is that      of the cap being determined from time to
   lending obligations, and                          the premiums payable for policies subject          time by an ASIC legislative instrument. This
                                                     to the model could not be financed by the          recommendation was based on evidence
 • Consumers may be unable to obtain                                                                    given in the Commission’s sixth round of
                                                     loan made to purchase the vehicle without
   remedies for their conduct.                                                                          hearings, which showed that the levels of
                                                     specific adjustment of the loan arrangement.
                                                     In Commissioner Hayne’s view, however,             commissions paid to motor vehicle Dealers in
In relation to the second and third points,
                                                     the potential inconvenience caused by this         connection with the sale of add-on insurance
it is important to be aware that the relevant
                                                     outcome is justified in light of the benefits to   products contributed to the misselling of those
lender has responsible lending obligations
                                                     the consumer of moving to a deferred sales         products. ASIC stated, in its September 2016
in relation to each loan originated through
                                                     model. The inconvenience referred to may           report on the sale of add-on insurance through
the retail Dealer and a multitude of remedies
                                                     include the need for a further unsuitability       Dealers, that in the 2015 financial year the
may be available to consumers against the
                                                     assessment and physical amendments to              commissions paid to Dealers for the sale of
financier (by virtue of the retail Dealer being
                                                     contract documents.                                add-on insurance products were as high as
its ‘representative’) and directly against the
                                                                                                        79% of the premium. ASIC also observed that
retail Dealer under the Australian Consumer
                                                     Another factor not mentioned in the Report         the amounts paid in commissions on these
Law and laws of general application.
                                                     is that some extended warranty products            products exceeded the amounts paid out to
Nevertheless, Commissioner Hayne concluded           in the market are not regulated as financial       customers who made claims.
in the Report that he is strongly in favour of       products, because they are sold by the Dealer
                                                     incidentally to the sale of the vehicle under      In 2017, in response to the perceived problems
removing the POS exemption.
                                                     the ‘incidental product’ exemption in the          created by the high commissions paid to
2. A deferred sales model for the sale of add-       Corporations Act. These are currently outside      Dealers, the ICA prepared a submission to
on insurance                                         ASIC’s jurisdiction and it is unclear how a        the Australian Competition and Consumer
                                                     deferred sales model would apply to them. If       Commission proposing that insurers cap
Commissioner Hayne recommended that a                they became subject to a deferred sales model,     commissions at 20 per cent of the premium. It
Treasury-led working group should develop            the deferral of their sale would likely prevent    is possible that ASIC will follow the lead of the
and implement, as soon as reasonably                 them from benefiting from the incidental           ICA and cap commissions at an amount of 20
practicable, an industry-wide deferred sales         product exemption.                                 per cent.
model for the sale of any add-on insurance
products (with the exception of policies of          In addition to this recommendation, the            This article was written by Evan Stents - Lead
comprehensive motor insurance). Under                Report also recommends that hawking of             Partner, and Christian Teese - Senior Associate,
such a model, insurers or their representatives      insurance products should be prohibited and        Automotive Industry Group | HWL Ebsworth
would be required to wait for a specified            that unfair contract terms provisions now set      Lawyers
period of time before attempting to sell to their    out in the ASIC Act should apply to insurance

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POLICY        Australian Automotive Dealer Association

       s we move towards adoption of the           The consultations gave AADA important               charge’ to retail warranty rates. Other states
       Automotive Code of Conduct, AADA            insights into how such codes work in other          have added a recoupment ban clause to their
       took the opportunity, during our Study      markets, while UK and European Dealers were         automotive franchise laws to prevent this.
Tour of the National Automobile Dealers            interested in Australia’s potential code.
Association (NADA) Convention in January,                                                              California Dealers are confident the bill will
to pick the brains of our colleagues from the      AADA CEO, David Blackhall, and officials            pass again and be approved by new Governor,
US, the UK and Europe.                             held a series of highly productive meetings         Gavin Newsom.
                                                   with NADA CEO, Peter Welsh, and his legal
Over the next few months AADA will consult         director, Andy Koblenz.                             Other information AADA learned included
with both sides of politics to develop a Dealer-                                                       the knowledge that some US states have
specific Franchise Code, so we felt it pertinent   They also met with senior leaders of the            enacted 10-year moratoria preventing repeat
and responsible to arm ourselves with the          California New Car Dealers Association              demands for capital expenditure on dealership
best information from our friends overseas         (CNCDA), Alisa Reinhardt and Anthony                facilities.
who already have such systems in place or are      Bento, who are in the process of negotiating
                                                   legislation eradicating some of the more            Other valuable clauses of franchise codes
exploring the possibility of introducing their
                                                   problematic practices some OEM importers in         included a ban on OEMs installing another
own versions.
                                                   Australia undertake.                                dealership within 10 miles (16.1km) of an
At the September 2018 AADA National                                                                    existing store, and an appeals process that
Dealer Convention and Expo, the Labor              Having unanimously passed the Californian           allows Dealers to appeal to a government-
Party committed to a Code of Conduct – a           legislature, the bill was vetoed by then-           appointed, low-cost tribunal should OEMs try
commitment the Coalition matched prior to          Governor Jerry Brown because he was                 to dismiss or not renew a Dealer’s franchise
Christmas.                                         concerned that the requirement for                  agreement.
                                                   manufacturers to pay Dealers retail rates for
During NADA 2019, AADA held a series of            warranty work would raise the price of repairs      AADA also spent time with dealer association
meetings with our international friends in         for car owners.                                     leaders from other US states, plus those from
San Francisco, picking up vital background                                                             India, Canada, Italy and Brazil. We have
information that will assist us in negotiating     That should not be the case, because the cost of    learned a lot from these meetings and we
the formation of the code.                         warranty is a cost to the OEM rather than the       will be incorporating this into our thinking
                                                   retail customer; however OEMs in some states        as we move forward to the Automotive Code
                                                   have added ‘a warranty retail rate recoupment       discussions this year.

                                                                                                    Buying or Selling a Dealership.
                                                                                                 Citywide Dealership Consultants can
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                                                                                           | MARCH 2019 | 15
POLICY       Australian Automotive Dealer Association

                                                 The inclusion of warranty policy terms with              requirements of a small business contract
                     Vinesh George               the onerous requirements mentioned above                 means that Dealers are not protected from
                     Company Secretary           would likely be deemed unfair. The warranty              UCTs in the ACL.
                     and Legal Counsel,          policy terms place an unbalanced burden
                     AADA | Principal,           on Dealers to conform to the stringent                   There are, however, two possible solutions
                     VS George Lawyers           requirements of the distributors and also                that could assist Dealers. The first is the
                                                 place all the risk of an express manufacturer            existence of the Motor Dealers and Repairers

                                                 warranty on Dealers when product issues                  Act NSW and, more specifically, s142 of this
       rotections for consumers against
                                                 are the responsibility of the distributor and            Act, which contains the UCTs legislation
       unfair contract terms (UCTs) in
                                                 manufacturer. The warranty policy terms are              from the ACL. This protects Dealers in NSW;
       standard form contracts were first
                                                 unreasonable and unnecessary for protecting              however, Dealers outside NSW do not benefit
introduced into the ACL in July 2010. The
                                                 the distributor’s legitimate interests, as               from the protection. A second solution is
extension of these protections to standard
                                                 Dealers can have proof of the validity of                for Dealers to restructure their businesses
form small businesses contracts came more
                                                 their warranty claim and yet can still have              so that they are able to meet the legislative
than six years later, in November 2016,
                                                 their warranty payments clawed back.                     requirement in the ACL of having fewer than
along with a Government commitment
                                                 Furthermore, the warranty policy terms cause             20 employees.
to review this extension within two years
of the extension. In accordance with its         financial detriment to Dealers, as they are
                                                                                                          The purpose of UCT legislation is to
commitment, a discussion paper was               forced to cover the expense of the warranty
                                                                                                          protect from entering into standard form
released in November 2018 with the purpose       repairs themselves.
                                                                                                          contracts vulnerable parties who lack
of seeking feedback from stakeholders on                                                                  the skills, resources, time and bargaining
                                                 Under current legislation, most Dealer
the impact of extending protections and                                                                   power to negotiate for their contractual
                                                 agreements are effectively excluded for not
whether the objective set for original reform                                                             interests. Extending these protections to
                                                 meeting the definition of ‘small business
has been met. The Australian Automotive                                                                   small businesses came out of the recognition
                                                 contract’ and this leaves Dealers unprotected
Dealer Association (AADA) responded to                                                                    that small businesses can often be just as
                                                 and vulnerable to exploitation by distributors.
the discussion paper supporting the review,                                                               vulnerable as consumers when entering
but noted some of the key limitations of         A contract is a small business contract if:              into contractual relationships with large
UCTs for Dealers. The extension of UCT                                                                    organisations. Dealers, just like small
legislation to small business contracts has             (a) the contract is for a supply of goods or      businesses and consumers, have the same, if
been a positive change for many; however,                   services, or a sale or grant of an interest   not more, vulnerabilities when entering into
its limited scope has sidelined Dealers from                in land; and                                  contractual relations with distributors.
making any use of this protection.
                                                        (b) at the time the contract is entered into,     An improved and more inclusive legislation
Several distributors include UCTs in their                  at least one party to the contract is a       should focus on including all franchise
warranty policy documents which require                     business that employs fewer than 20           agreements. This would be more aligned
Dealers to conform to strict process                        persons; and                                  with the stated aims of UCT legislation to
requirements. Failure to comply with                                                                      protect vulnerable parties in large standard
these strict requirements is often enough               (c) either of the following applies:
                                                                                                          form contracts. The advantage of legislating
justification to claw back warranty payments                                                              to include all franchisees is that it recognises
due to Dealers. For example, some warranty                 (i) the upfront price payable under the
                                                               contract does not exceed $300,000;         the true source of the problem which
policy documents require strict adherence to                                                              is inequality in size and power between
the following:                                                                                            contracting parties. Current legislation
                                                           (ii) the contract has a duration of more
                                                                than 12 months and the upfront            is attempting to deal with this issue in a
1. Dealers must take a digital photo of a
                                                                price payable under the contract          piecemeal way by slowly and inefficiently
   vehicle part replaced under warranty.
                                                                does not exceed $1,000,000.               expanding the coverage of UCT laws.
2. Dealers must have a warranty repair order
                                                 A dealer agreement between a Dealer and                  For further information,
   signed by the service manager.
                                                 distributor usually fails to meet parts (b)              contact Vinesh George on 0404 077 078
3. Dealers must have entered clocking on         of the legislation. Most dealers employ far              or email
   and off times when conducting warranty        more than 20 employees. Failure to meet the

16 | MARCH 2019 |

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2019 AADA NADA SHOW STUDY TOUR FEATURE                        Australian Automotive Dealer Association

     oday everything starts with Google, and                                                        Then there are the brightly coloured bicycles
     this year’s AADA NADA Study Tour                                                               and e-bikes Googlers use to get around
     to San Francisco in California was no                                                          Googleplex. “We just jump on the closest one
exception.                                                                                          and pedal to where we need to go, then leave it
                                                                                                    for the next person.” said our guide.
Our hosts at Googleplex (a sprawling
16,700m2 campus designed by Clive
Wilkinson Architects in 2005) welcomed us
with yummy lattes, cappuccinos, muffins and
more before we started our tour.

While most of us were impressed by this
facility, we were completely stunned hearing
what the company provides for its employees.

Our guide told us that she and her colleagues
never go hungry; the company serves free
pizza, salads, tacos, vegetarian dishes, pastas
and deserts at one of the many cafeterias and
                                                                                                    The next stop was the conference room, where
delis spread across the entire complex.
                                                                                                    our guide walked us through an informative
Flower power                                                                                        presentation of how partnering with Google
                                                                                                    would help Dealers better understand their
On our way to the conference room we were         Our guide also mentioned the recreational         individual markets and help them sell more
invited to smell the whimsical Alfa Flowers       facilities available to employees, including      cars.
and were blown away when they magically           bowling alleys, swimming pools, dance
changed colours to match the fun moods and        studios, gyms, tennis and basketball courts,      Note for those who are tempted to apply for a
emotions we expressed.                            massage rooms and nap pods.                       job with Google: the company receives more

18 | MARCH 2019 |
than one million applications a year and only        Then the 35-strong AADA group and                  Commenting on the size and scope of the
0.5 per cent are actually employed.                  the 20,000-plus US Dealers and industry            NADA Expo, Motorweb’s Paul Hardiman said,
                                                     executives were invited to the official J.         “Very informative, wide range of products with
Then it was back on the bus for lunch and            D. Power “Escape from Alcatraz” NADA               multiple providers to choose from.”
another enlightening presentation from the           Welcome Reception at the plush San Francisco
Gumtree team at eBay in San Jose.                    Marriot Marquis.

                                                     This fun evening was a great way to kick off       Of special interest to the writer were the
                                                     the Convention, catch up with colleagues and       SpinCar and Snap21 booths. Both were
While eBay’s HQ may not have the same wow            make new friends while enjoying cocktails,         Dealer magnets generating exceptional
factor as Google’s, it was still pretty impressive   delicious finger food and immersing ourselves      sales and success, with SpinCar winning the
– as was our lunch.                                  in the history of Alcatraz, a former maximum       2019 NADA Automotive Website Award
                                                     security prison known as ‘The Rock’.               for Website Merchandising for the third
Their pitch to us covered how to best utilise
                                                                                                        consecutive year.
the assets available to Dealers using the            The greatest show on earth
combined resources of eBay motors, Gumtree                                                              With so much activity in the Expo it was hard
and Marketplaats.                                                                                       finding time to attend some of the workshop
                                                                                                        sessions, which included Fixed Operations,
Oh what a Sunnyvale feeling!
                                                                                                        Human Resources, Dealer/Executive, Legal &
From eBay we travelled to one of San                                                                    Regulatory and, of special interest to me, two
Francisco’s most successful dealerships,                                                                Marketing sessions.
Sunnyvale Toyota in Sunnyvale.
                                                                                                        ‘Five Digital Marketing Myths That Can
                                                                                                        Hurt Your Bottom Line’ was presented by
                                                                                                        True Car’s Kerri Wise, who firstly tackled a
                                                                                                        number of Dealer marketing myths that create
                                                                                                        inefficiencies in their marketing spend, and
                                                     Over 500-plus companies showcased                  then identified alternate strategies aligned with
                                                     thousands of products in the three main halls      actual consumer behaviour.
                                                     spread across three blocks and 35 hectares in
                                                     SOMA (South of Market).                            The second workshop, ‘Cutting Through
                                                                                                        The Clutter’, was presented by Paul Caldwell,
                                                     Exhibitors included OEMs Toyota, Fiat              Partner at CK Advertising, a TraDigital
                                                     Chrysler and Ford. Other product categories        Agency based in Florida. Paul discussed
                                                     represented covered Service and Parts, Crash       how digital and traditional advertising can
                                                     Repair Equipment, New and Used Car Sales,          work hand-in-hand to deliver the results
                                                     Finance, IT, Accessories and Marketing.            Dealers demand in today’s ultra-competitive
Sunnyvale Toyota is part of the Price
Simms Auto Group, which sells 21 different                                                              WES LUTZ special guest at International
automotive brands in seven locations in the                                                             Relations Dinner
San Francisco Bay Area.
                                                                                                        In the evening we attended the AADA
General Manager, Mike Shum, explained                                                                   Gumtree International Relations Dinner at
to the group how they sell around 600 new                                                               up-market Morton’s The Steakhouse on Union
and used vehicles per month, using their                                                                Square, considered by many respected food
sophisticated online process as well as                                                                 writers to be California’s premier steakhouse.
traditional on-the-floor-sales methods.

                                                                                            | MARCH 2019 | 19
2019 AADA NADA SHOW STUDY TOUR FEATURE                        Australian Automotive Dealer Association

                                                  New NADA Chairman calls on Dealers to
                                                  get behind the association

                                                  In the afternoon everyone moved to the
                                                  NADA General Session in the Moscone
                                                  South Ballroom where Wes Lutz, the 2018
                                                  NADA Chairman, passed over the Gavel of
                                                  Leadership to Charles Gilchrist, the new 2019
                                                  NADA Chairman.

Our special guest was Wes Lutz, a 40-year                                                           The room features pool tables, shuffle ball
retail automotive veteran and 2018 NADA                                                             and two walls of giant TV screens showing
Chairman. Wes highlighted the challenges                                                            snowboarding, basketball, NFL, baseball and
facing the auto industry, such as self-driving                                                      more.
cars, ride hailing and EVs. Other distinguished
guests included seven former NADA                                                                   This final event of the AADA NADA Study
Chairmen as well as numerous international                                                          Tour, hosted by Corporate Blue, was a great
visitors.                                                                                           way to relax and exchange ideas, catch up with
                                                                                                    friends, have a beer and enjoy some delicious
Saturday morning was the last opportunity to      In his first address to delegates Gilchrist, a    food.
visit the NADA Expo, check out the booths         Dealer from Texas, urged every Franchised
missed on the previous day and participate in     Dealer to get involved in NADA, saying that       John Fountain of Saleslogs summed up
more workshop sessions.                           the auto retail sector needs engaged and active   the evening and tour brilliantly when he
                                                  association members “now more than ever.”         commented: “Had a fantastic time networking
                                                                                                    with people from the industry.”
                                                  While Gilchrist’s address was all business,
                                                  Emmy award-winning actor and comedian
                                                  Dana Carvey’s was all fun, as he kept us
                                                  entertained with impersonations of US
                                                                                                           AADA NADA Show 2020
                                                  politicians and Presidents, hilarious jokes and          Study Tour - Las Vegas
                                                  entertaining stories from his acting career.
                                                                                                         For information about the AADA
                                                  As someone on the way out of the Ballroom              NADA Show 2020 Study Tour to
                                                  was heard to say “Carvey is one funny dude.”
                                                                                                         Las Vegas, 13-16 February, 2020
                                                  Australia Day celebrations                             contact:
One that particularly interested me was ‘Seven                                                           Patrick Tessier
                                                  Then it was time to celebrate Australia Day at
Futurist Social Media Trends for Success                                                                 P: (03) 9576 8900
                                                  the Golden Gate Tap Room.
in 2019’ by Joey Little from AutoAlert. He                                                               E:
examined the seven social media marketing         The party, which was sponsored by Carsales
and content trends that will be prevalent         and Pentana Solutions, was held on the top
in 2019, how they will directly impact on
                                                                                                           Or Click Here to Register
                                                  floor of the three-storey Tap Room – a massive
Dealerships and ultimately increase sales         adult playground and boutique brewery                     Your Interest Online!
through communication and branding.               located on Union Square.

20 | MARCH 2019 |
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