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                                                          The magazine for global video

                                  TV Broadcast • Streaming • Satellite • Cable • Hybrid
                                        The leading media for video delivery technology
                                                                                                               April 2020

                                                                                                                            CSI Awards 2020
                                                                                                                            Low latency streams
                                                                                                                            AI and the TV UX
                                                                                                                            5G and satellite

                      AVoD is ready for primetime
                      June 2016
                           • OTT, VoD, Cloud TV, Cable, Satellite, IPTV, DTT, IoT • The latest news, views and features
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Contents                                                                                                                                                                                             TV Broadcast • Streaming • Satellite • Cable • Hybrid
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The leading media for video delivery technology
                                                          The magazine for global video
                                                                                                                                                       18   AI and the TV UX
                                                                                                                                                       Can Artificial Intelligence transform and

                                                                                                                                                       improve the television user experience?
                                  TV Broadcast • Streaming • Satellite • Cable • Hybrid
                                        The leading media for video delivery technology
                                                                                                               April 2020
                                                                                                                                 CSI Awards 2020

                                                                                                                                                       21   The future of TV with MediaKind
                                                                                                                                 Low latency streams
                                                                                                                                 AI and the TV UX

                                                                                                                                                       Embracing the future of TV with streaming
                                                                                                                                 5G and satellite

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Goran Nastic
                      AVoD is ready for primetime
                                                                                                                                                       22   CSI Awards 2020
1_Cover-V2.indd 1
                      June 2016
                           • OTT, VoD, Cloud TV, Cable, Satellite, IPTV, DTT, IoT • The latest news, views and features

                                                                                                                     23/03/2020 14:53:37
                                                                                                                                                       Our annual awards are now open for entry     Commercial
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Camilla Capece
06                                                     Analyst corner
                                                                                                                                                       26   Cloud security
How ‘premium’ AVoD will disrupt free-to-air                                                                                                                                                         Design and production
                                                                                                                                                       MovieLabs on the future of production
viewing                                                                                                                                                                                             Matt Mills (Manager)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Jessica Harrington
08                                                     COVER STORY: The rise of AVoD
                                                                                                                                                       29   Quibi                                   Regular contributors
Why are AVoD services suddenly all the
                                                                                                                                                       Can it crack premium short-form video?       Adrian Pennington, Philip Hunter,
rage and what will their growth mean for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    David Adams, Stephen Cousins,
industry going forward?
                                                                                                                                                       30   Q&A with Verizon Media                  Anna Tobin
                                                                                                                                                       How digital is changing sports
12 Low latency streaming with                                                                                                                                                                       Circulation
Verizon Media                                                                                                                                                                                       Joel Whitefoot
                                                                                                                                                       32   5G and satellite
How to reduce time behind live for
                                                                                                                                                       Two articles explore different elements of   Accounts
OTT streams
                                                                                                                                                       the landscape                                Marilou Tait, Mohamad Saidani
14                                                     Executive interview
                                                                                                                                                       38   Interactive live streaming              Editorial
ATSC president Madeleine Noland talks to                                                                                                                                                            tel +44(0)20 7562 2401
                                                                                                                                                       nanocosmos on a new era for interactivity
us about ATSC 3.0/NextGenTV                                                                                                                                                                         goran.nastic@csimagazine.com

                                                                                                                                                       40   Tech corner: Scaling IP video
17                                                     Insight: Discovery’s DTC pivot                                                                                                               Advertising
                                                                                                                                                       DPP looks at the pros and cons of            tel +44(0)20 7562 2438
Discovery has big plans for aggregation
                                                                                                                                                       multicasting and edge computing              camilla.capece@csimagazine.com

                                                                                                                                                                                                    tel +44 (0) 20 1635 588 861

Editor’s report:                                                                                                                                                                                    perspectivesubs@dynamail.co.uk
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Circulation manager: joel.whitefoot@
             The global success of you-know-who turned the last decade into one dominated by
             SVoD, so much so that ‘subscription-fatigue’ has now become a common phrase.                                                                                                           Subscription rates
             Right at the end, however, 2019 saw ad-funded platforms enter the discussion,                                                                                                          Per year: Europe £88; UK £68;
             showing SVoD is not the only way to offer and watch (quality) video. As the                                                                                                            Rest of World £98. Cheques payable to
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Perspective Publishing
             2020s are widely anticipated to be the streaming decade, can AVoD really match
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Limited and addressed to the
the success of SVoD services, especially as it goes premium and hybrid models evolve? In the                                                                                                        Circulation Department
wider world, the global spread of you-know-what has turned whole ways of working and living
on their heads. Entertainment and communications are not just an important part of daily                                                                                                            Printed by Buxton Press
lives but can play a critical role in these tough times and it’s great to see so many tech compa-
nies pitching to help in different ways. Goran Nastic                                                                                                                                               Managing Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                    John Woods

                                                                                                                                                                    Perspective Publishing          Publishing Director
                                                                                                                                                                    3 London Wall Buildings
                                                                                                                                                                    London                          Mark Evans
                                                                                                          2020                                                      EC2M 5PD
                                                                                                                                                                    www.perspectivepublishing.com   ISSN 1467-5935

                                                                                                                                                                                    www.csimagazine.com                  April 2020                03

news in brief                 Europe rallies together with video
Fox to buy Tubi
Fox has agreed to acquire
                              traffic as virus exposes some
ad-supported TV streaming
service Tubi for $440
                              creaky infrastructure
million, becoming the         Most things in life can be        Thierry Breton, who
latest media company to       viewed through a positive or      is in charge of the
add an AVOD platform to       negative lens and so it is        internal market and
its main business. The        with the current Covi-19          digital policy. Breton
broadcaster hopes the         pandemic as the situation         wants streaming
takeover will help            pertains to Europe’s              platforms to
strengthen its direct-to-     broadband infrastructure.         cooperate with
consumer digital reach          On the one hand, European       telecom providers and
and engagement, especially    networks largely coped quite      temporarily
among young people, as        well with the sudden surge in     downgrade the quality
well as provide advertising   residential bandwidth             of video streaming by
partners with more            brought about by sweeping         offering standard
opportunities to reach        societal, educational and         definition rather than
audiences at scale. Fox       working practices.                high definition.                 engaged in similar practices.
also expects to build on        But at the same time, the          Netflix, which has over 42    From a 5G perspective, the
the streamer’s capabilities   European Commission is            million users in EMEA and        mobile rollouts have not quite
in digital advertising,       concerned about abnormal          contributes to a sizeable        come in time in a meaningful
DTC interfaces and            peaks in traffic distribution     chunk of video consumption,      volume to ease the burdens.
personalisation               during the virus outbreak         agreed to reduce bit rates          The UK only has 3 million
technology.                   that it has launched the          across all its streams in        out of some 26m homes that
                              hashtag #SwitchtoStandard         Europe for 30 days. “We          can get fibre broadband,
RDK progress, cameras         to encourage people to use        estimate that this will reduce   which compares to 80%
RDK Management says           SD rather than HD video in        Netflix traffic on European      availability in south Korea.
its tech platform now         order to conserve bandwidth.      networks by around 25%,          Europe in general lags behind
powers more than 60m            “Streaming platforms,           while also ensuring a good       the developed Asian
devices deployed by           telecom operators and users,      quality service for our          economies, which explains
service providers around      we all have a joint               members,” the company said       for these throttling measures,
the world, up from 50m        responsibility to take steps to   in a statement.                  although it is also worth
at this time last year.RDK    ensure the smooth                    YouTube and Facebook,         pointing out that Europe also
broadband software has        functioning of the internet       the other large hoggers of       has an ageing population,
branched to cover             during the battle against the     upstream and downstream          especially when compared to
DOCSIS, DSL, and              virus propagation,” said          bandwidth alike, have            the Asian economies.
GPON gateways, though
it remains more prevalent
in the cable sector from
                              Connecting satellites to standard phones
which it originates.           The race for launching a         devices that are currently in    announced its own
The RDK group said            commercial product that           hard to reach and poorly         breakthrough in this area
that dozens of new service    connects normal mobile            connected areas.                 by successfully sending a
providers are in various      phones with no special              Earlier this month,            text message from a LEO
stages of using it. A new     hardware to satellites is         Vodafone and Rakuten             satellite to an unmodified
open source software for      heating up.                       invested in SpaceMobile, an      Android handset.
connected cameras will          There are several initiatives   upcoming LEO satellite             Lynk has 4 satellites in
see RDK cameras join          ongoing by companies that         network from AST & Science,      space so far and aims to
the list of supported         believe cracking this market      which aims to connect            expand testing in the summer
devices, starting with        represents a multi-billion        directly to standard             of 2020 to additional
IP-connected cameras          dollar opportunity, as it         smartphones, through 4G          countries and mobile network
from Sercomm.                 opens up revenues by              now and 5G in the future.        partners, of which it currently
                              connecting billions of              Then Lynk Global               has around 30.

04   April 2020        www.csimagazine.com

Disney+ comes to Europe                                                                         news in brief

                                                                             not in France.     HTS boon with NGSOs
                                                                             Also, there are    Euroconsult projects high
                                                                             far more series    throughput satellite
                                                                             and films in       revenues reaching $15
                                                                             the UK than in     billion by 2028, thanks to
                                                                             other countries,   several non-geostationary
                                                                             according to       satellite orbit (NGSO)
                                                                             JustWatch.         HTS constellations going
                                                                               Disney+ is       into service during this
                                                                             priced at          time period. As a result,
                                                                             GBP5.99/           HTS capacity supply is on
                                                                             EUR6.99 per        the verge of entering a
                                                                             month, or          period of “unprecedented
After months of anticipation    said Kevin Mayer, chairman      GBP59.99/EUR69.99 for an        near-term expansion”,
Disney+ is finally here,        of Walt Disney direct-to-       annual subscription.            according to the analysts,
going live in the UK and        consumer and international.       The application is now        jumping from 2,100 Gbps
Ireland, as well as Germany,    “We humbly hope that            available on select Sony        at the end of 2019 to
Italy, Spain, Austria           this service can bring some     Bravia Android TVs and a        26,500 Gbps by 2024.
and Switzerland.                much-needed moments of          number of other connected       While this jump has been
  French consumers will         respite for families during     CE devices.                     anticipated, it is now
have to wait a little longer    these difficult times.”           To widen reach and usage,     imminent as high-volume
as that launch was postponed       Disney+ features 26          the service launches with       manufacturing and batch
until April 7 on the back       original series alongside       a number of distribution        launch campaigns are
of a government request to      library content from brands     and strategic agreements        underway for both SpaceX
help the country’s ISPs         such as Pixar, Marvel, Star     with European operator          and OneWeb. “The NGSO
deal with the ongoing virus     Wars, National Geographic       partners including Deutsche     constellations are poised
crisis. Even the markets        and The Simpsons.               Telekom in Germany, Sky         to fundamentally shift
where it has activated,            According to analysis        and O2 in the UK,               the HTS landscape,”
Disney said it is initially     from JustWatch - which lists    Telefonica in Spain, TIM in     said Euroconsult.
limiting its bandwidth use      all current films and series    Italy and Canal+ in France.
by at least 25% to assist       for Disney+ in the United       Some of these deals are on      DAZN going global
broadband infrastructure to     Kingdom, France, Spain,         an exclusive basis.             Sports streaming service
handle anticipated consumer     Germany, and Italy - there is     Additional Western            DAZN plans to expand to
demand for the service.         some difference between the     European markets including      more than 200 countries
  “Launching in seven           countries. For example,         Belgium, the Nordics            and territories this year,
markets simultaneously marks    Disney+ offers Black Panther    and Portugal will follow        starting with a boxing fight
a new milestone for Disney+,”   in the UK and Spain but         this summer.                    to be distributed globally
                                                                                                on 2 May. The sports
Broadcom sues Netflix                                                                           streamer is currently
                                                                                                present in nine countries,
Broadcom has decided to sue        “Netflix has built its       with minimal interruptions,     but will make its
Netflix because the SVOD        familiar video streaming        to ensure the efficient use     subscription platform
service has effectively         business, in part, on the       of Netflix server resources,    available almost
disrupted the payTV business    Broadcom Entities’ patented     and to encode Netflix           universally, initially based
and in the process taken        technology. Netflix relies on   streaming content in a          on its global boxing rights.
massive chunks of potential     this technology for crucial     format compatible with          The new service is
revenues as the set-top box     aspects of the Netflix          a large percentage of           expected to be priced at
sector shrinks with it.         streaming service. This         the client devices”             around £4.99 a month in
Broadcom claims that Netflix    includes, for example, the      alleges Broadcom, which         the UK. The company is
has built its streaming         Netflix systems used to         makes semi-conductor            also busy getting on more
business, in part, on its       ensure effective and reliable   solutions used in STBs          operator boxes.
patented technology.            delivery of streaming content   and other products.

                                                                           www.csimagazine.com              April 2020    05
Analyst corner

Ushering in the next                                                           early signs suggesting it could usher
                                                                               in a new wave of disruption as
                                                                               impactful as the subscription video-on-

wave of disruption:                                                            demand change we have all witnessed.
                                                                                 That new wave is advertising-
                                                                               supported video-on-demand (AVoD).

AVOD in three charts                                                           At one level this is already a crowded
                                                                               market: social media players like
                                                                               YouTube, Facebook, Instagram
Guy Bisson of Ampere Analysis on                                               and Snapchat are all heavily involved
                                                                               in ad-supported video. Roku has
why 2020 will be the year of AVoD and                                            been aggregating free streaming
                                                                               services for some years, and online
how ‘premium’ AVoD will disrupt                                                publishers have also got in on the act.

free-to-air viewing and the ad model too                                         So what’s new and why do I think
                                                                               that 2020 will be the year of AVoD?
     s there anyone out there           as entertainment suppliers             For one thing, where there’s a gap,
     who would argue with               to the world.                          there’s an opportunity. To date,
     the statement: the TV                But disruption to date has           longer form free streaming TV
     business has been disrupted?       focused largely on a single business   programming is a little less well
     Global streaming has been          model: subscription. As the market     served: platforms like Pluto, Crackle,
     a catalyst for change across       for subscription streaming services    Vudu and Tubi are leading the
     the entire TV value chain,         gets ever more crowded, it’s also      charge, but are still relatively poorly
from viewing behaviour and              increasingly difficult to innovate     penetrated and primarily focused
patterns, to content production         and differentiate; and to completely   on the US market. Ampere’s US
and distribution, to the relationship   disrupt the market yet again? Surely   consumer survey suggests that
between channels and platforms          impossible. But there is a new wave    uptake for the major AVoD players
and the position of the US majors       of change already underway, with       averaged around 5% of online homes

06   April 2020       www.csimagazine.com
Analyst corner

Advertising-on-Demand in three charts:

in the third quarter of 2019.            studio direct platforms.                       How about the advertising model
   On some of the services, almost          If 2020’s story is AVoD, then its        itself? That’s exactly the ‘white space’
90% of content is more than five         plot twist is hybrid. Mixing pay            that NBCUniversal has seen in the
years old. That’s great news if you      and free business models is                 market and will attack with its
have catalogue content to sell, but      something the US majors have                Peacock service. Yes, Peacock is a
perhaps not so great for many of         long done through their channel             hybrid with three tier levels (only
the potential viewers and the            businesses… through control of              one of which is free), but by utilising
competitive positioning of               both US network and thematic                the content offer as the lever to drive
the services.                            and premium pay TV assets. So               consumers to the mid-tier (which
   It’s easy to forget that the great    the strategy is nothing new and on          gives full access to content for a small
disruptor that is Netflix started        its own, certainly not enough to usher      subscription fee with advertising) and
with a large volume of older content     in the next wave of true disruption.        then disrupting the US network
too, and no original content strategy.                                               advertising model by capping ad-load
Even as recently as five years ago,      Disrupting the advertising                  at just five minutes an hour or less,
50% of Netflix’s content was over        model itself                                the studio has a real opportunity to
five years old. That has dropped         But let’s start pulling the threads         usher in the next wave of TV disruption.
rapidly to around a third of             together. The nascent streaming AVoD           Disruption of the free to air sector by
content today.                           market is well established, but yet to go   changing the relationship between
   AVoD services, will, of course,       global. Penetration remains relatively      viewers and the concept of free-to-air
follow a similar strategic trajectory.   low and content based around older          viewing — and that viewing’s
As their viewer base and income          and lower value programming. Hybrid         relationship to advertising breaks —
scales, so their content strategy will   as a model is well understood by the        will be every bit as impactful as the
evolve to embrace newer content          studio groups and allows them to            shake-up seen in the subscription
and even originals. This will be         massively expand potential reach by         market thanks to Netflix and knock-on
driven by the pure-play AVoD             leveraging content assets across            cycles that set off that have changed the
services like Pluto and Tubi, but        different windows and tier levels.          content and distribution market. The
it will be boosted by the hybrid         The missing link is the content offer,      industry is just getting started with
models (models that combine              but that will surely evolve. What’s         ‘premium’ AVoD, but its disruption is
subscription and advertising) of the     left to disrupt?                            happening right now.

                                                                           www.csimagazine.com               April 2020    07
Cover story: AVoD

AVoD is ready for primetime                                                                               common – unlike in
                                                                                                          the US – which is why
                                                                                                          an ad-supported model
Ad-supported entertainment has proven                                                 with no subscription fees or registration
                                                                                      is more familiar than a SVoD one.
to be a winning model since the beginning                                             Consumers are more and more willing
                                                                                      to look into easy access AVoDs and are
of television. Add digital targeting and                                              likely to stick if they find an appealing,
accountability and you have AVoD lift-off,                                            unique offering.”

says Adrian Pennington                                                                “There is a very high
                he future of TV looks     Pluto TV across Europe on Android
                a lot like the TV of      and iOS devices. Tubi, which records 25     market potential
                old. Ad-supported,        million monthly active users, has an
                premium content           imminent UK launch, part of an              even if in Europe it
                reconfigured with the
                measurement and
                                          international push which includes a
                                          kids’ service.                              is still at an early
                targeting capacities
of the digital world.
                                            Other notable international AVoDs
                                          include Sony Crackle and Amazon’s
                                                                                      stage.” Olivier
  Many analysts predict that 2020 will
be the year of ad-supported VoD as ad
                                          IMDb-affiliated Freedive, but it is NBC
                                          Universal’s Peacock that is expected to
                                                                                      Jollet, MD Europe,
funded models start to build scale and    supercharge the AVoD market.                Pluto TV
roll-out internationally. DTV Research    Launching in April/May, the hybrid
says AVoD will grow at 17% through        SVoD/AVoD service, will prompt a
2024, from revenues of $36 billion in     surge in online video add with a hybrid       According to The Trade Desk, 59% of
2018 to $87 billion in 2024.              AVoD/freemium model.                        consumers in the UK are willing to
  “AVoD is coming, and it’s going to        To date, online ads have remained         accept ads in exchange for no
make its mark on the VoD landscape        relatively small, even in developed         subscription fees.
rapidly,” declares Ampere Analysis        markets like the US where 27.2% of            “Consumer openness to AVoD is
director Guy Bisson. “AVoD services       online ad spend is on video, states         growing exponentially as they weigh the
are following a well-trodden path with    Ampere. Now, IHS Markit predicts            cost-to-benefit ratio of either sticking
an early reliance on older content, but   AVoD opportunities will lift US             with ads or subscribing to a platform,”
as their market position grows we can     online video ad revenues to $27             says Antonio Corrado, CEO at video
expect them to begin acquiring newer      billion by 2023.                            delivery network Mainstreaming.
content and even move into original                                                     The race for premium exclusive
production activity as they battle        Why AVoD now?                               content is also exhausting SVoD
for eyeballs in an increasingly           It’s the proverbial perfect storm which     contenders. Netflix may have over 167
crowded market.”                          is giving AVoD wings. One reason is         million subs worldwide but is billions of
  Facebook and YouTube are expected       market saturation with SVoD, which is       dollars in debt. “The cost of content
to continue leading the market in the     not only pushing content prices sky         acquisition cannot be subsidised by
US, followed by Hulu, Roku and            high but maxing out consumer wallets.       subscription models,” says Ariff Sidi,
Lionsgate-backed Tubi, all which will     A recent The Trade Desk study revealed      Verizon Media Platform.
carve a greater slice of market share,    that in the UK Brits are willing to pay     “Consequently, we will see more
according to IHS Markit. Content from     around £20 a month for streaming            AVoD services and models blending
UK indie All3Media will soon be           subscriptions. This is an amount that’s     free with pay.”
offered through a new AVoD platform       easily covered when more than two             At the same time, broadcasters want
from Cinedigm.                            services are used.                          to maximise return on investment in
  In Europe, key services include ITV        “There is a very high market potential   their archives to reach as wide an
Hub (UK), Joyn (run by Discovery and      even if in Europe it is still at an early   audience as possible. In this sense,
ProSieben.Sat.1) in Germany with          stage,” says Olivier Jollet, MD Europe      removing the financial barrier to entry
territory expansion planned and Spain’s   at Pluto TV. “Part of the reason is, that   of a subscription from audiences has
Rakuten TV. ViacomCBS has landed          in Europe, free to air television is        the potential to increase viewership,

08   April 2020         www.csimagazine.com
Cover story: AVoD

making AVoD an attractive model.             boosts ad recall by 49%.                      Where TV sold itself on metrics such
Often associated with low quality               “When ads are relevant users seem to    as the estimated size of its audience,
or even UGC content, one key in              accept it better,” says Davies. “AVoD      AVoD is increasingly able to accurately
the success of AVoD models is                will take off when advertising becomes     quantify audiences, creating better ROI
quality content.                             relevant and focused. If you’re just       and greater accountability.
   Ampere Analysis observes that as          banging out ads in front of content it        “While TV needs to fit into the mass
SVoD services shift towards originals        won’t drive engagement. If you can be      market, AVoD models can go to special
and new content acquisitions this has        targeted, engagement goes up, the value    interest and offer a high value
created an opportunity for AVoD              of the ad goes up, you can charge more     environment for advertisers and users
providers to focus on older catalogue        for it and you can reduce the ad load.”    alike,” says Jollet at Pluto TV. “It is
titles. Tubi, for example, boasts 12,000        The Trading Desk’s survey indicates a   probably the biggest difference in the
movies and TV shows, more than               consumer willingness for streaming         business model with traditional TV.”
double in size to Netflix.                   services supported by ads particularly        Multi-tiered pricing models offer
                                             if the format and pacing of                audiences the flexibility to choose
Targeted AVoD models                         commercial breaks differ from              which package works best for their
In doing so, providers are facing a          traditional TV content.                    viewing needs and cost limitations.
perennial problem. “If you are working          “Consumers are willing to view ads if      “By providing your audience with the
across different territories reaching        it means their subscription costs go       power to decide how they want to pay
different demographics then one size         down, even more so if those ads are        for your content (and how much), you
doesn’t work,” says Adam Davies,             relevant to their interests and are just   can make your OTT service engage
product manager for Synamedia. “You          not the same ads repeated,” confirms       more viewers—and optimise your
need flexibility to fit the service to the   Brian Stempeck, chief strategy officer     revenue by leveraging more points
demographic and territory. Therefore,        of TTD. “This indicates that ads will      along the demand curve,” says
you need to make sure the ads fit.”          fund the future of streaming TV, and       Lexie Knauer, Product Marketing
  Sky AdSmart, which uses key                that broadcasters and advertisers have     Manager, Brightcove.
capabilities from Synamedia to pinpoint      an opportunity to improve the
audiences, revealed that addressable TV      advertising experience in a way that       It’s all about data
cuts channel switching by 48% and            simply is not possible with linear TV.”    Calling AVoD a ‘gold rush’ IHS senior

                                                                              www.csimagazine.com              April 2020    09
Cover story: AVoD

research analyst Sarah Henschel says           restricted cookie-less environment, a     advertising now face an extra layer of
ultimately, the winners and losers             combination of IP address and user        complexity due to the requirements for
will be determined not only by                 agents can be used to create a unique     solid ad-tech sales and data strategies,
content, but also by data strategies           identifier (UID). Depending on the        along with content and user acquisition.
and user acquisition.                          level of privacy restrictions, that          “Having a common measurement
  “What’s really important in terms of         identifier may need to be hashed. This    between the AVoD players, would help
data management is putting control in          can be accomplished client-side or        gaining trust from the advertisers and
the right hands,” says Chris Gordon,           server-side using a measurement SDK.      from the agencies,” Jollet says. “We
VP, Global Sales, OTT & Targeted               Buying third party data from entities     know that some of our competitors are
Delivery, Imagine Communications.              like Nielson, Barb or Kantar ratings is   using different calculations, which are
“That means the ability to manage              always an option as well.”                misleading for advertisers.”
which data to send to which part of the           Sidi describes Verizon Media’s ad         He adds, “The worst thing for a user
ecosystem and which to obscure – to            platform as a ‘Switzerland in the ad      is to see the ‘traditional’ black screen
protect and safeguard. We all recognise        world’ whose momentum is gaining over     between content and ads. This happens,
that data is valuable, but it can’t be a       that of Google and Facebook; “Ads will    when an ad break arrives, and the
data free-for-all. Using the data is           be contextual, based on factors like      product is calling the ad servers. Even if
important but it’s just as important to        search keywords, not cookies or           those calls are taking place in
manage who gets access to that data.”          browsing history,” he says.               milliseconds, you still see the loading
                                                  Pluto TV offers a TV-like inventory    wheel on a lot of platforms.
                                               “with a focus on brand safety and            Pluto TV has developed its own
“We all recognise                              awareness” and is additionally able       server-side ad delivery solution allowing
that data is valuable,                         to target viewers based on a
                                               combination of first, second and third
                                                                                         it to have no loading between content
                                                                                         and ad breaks (ads are stitched into the
but it can’t be a data                         party data as well as contextual and
                                               environmental targeting.
                                                                                         stream). Also notable is its current ban
                                                                                         on pre-rolls. “Being free is a massive
free-for-all.” Chris                              However, companies aiming to
                                               monetise online video content through
                                                                                         plus but starting the experience with
                                                                                         ads without having watched any content
Gordon, Imagine
   Ad-loading should be managed
dynamically. “Not every piece of
content is the same, not every user is
the same, not every daypart is the
same,” says Gordon. “You need the
tools to manage ad loads dynamically
so they are appropriate to the particular
viewing session.”
   Understanding audience demographic
information as well as viewing
preferences can drive up the demand
and CPM value of the provider’s
inventory while ensuring viewers are
seeing the most relevant ads at the
right frequency.
   “The best strategy is to facilitate
active consent to collect first-party
subscriber data to target against for the
viewer’s benefit,” says Knauer. “If that’s
not available, there are still strategies to
mitigate this challenge. In a GDPR

10   April 2020            www.csimagazine.com
Cover story: AVoD

                                                                                         “For programmatic ads, employing
                                                                                         header bidding can ensure timely
                                                                                         ad requests.”

                                                                                         No one platform to rule them all
                                                                                         Netflix CEO Reed Hastings may have
                                                                                         ruled out running ads on Netflix any
                                                                                         time soon, but there won’t be one SVoD
                                                                                         (or indeed AVoD) to rule them all.
                                                                                         Instead, the SVoD market will fragment
                                                                                         while less-impressive SVoD libraries
                                                                                         (due to popular content being spread
                                                                                         among different services) and
                                                                                         subscription fatigue contribute to the
                                                                                         point where AVoD and SVoD coexist,
                                                                                         sometimes in hybrid models, satisfying
yet is way less appealing,” Jollet says.    screen ads prove particularly profitable.    different consumer needs.
   Shoppable ads are currently                 “Viewing is fragmenting but here’s           Once smaller, specialised AVoD
   booming in social media and with         what’s staying the same: the highest         services begin to capture a decent
Walmart’s Vudu just one of a few            value inventory is on the living room        chunk of market share, Brightcove
services looking into ‘shoppable            TV,” says Gordon (see eMarketer/             expects to see more content acquisitions
content’ allowing viewers to click          Conviva chart). “It’s a different level of   and a return of the ‘skinny bundle’ as
and buy.                                    engagement which translates to a             we’re starting to see with Disney+
   Brightcove for one supports              different level of inventory value. The      packaging and bundling.
clickable ad creatives for server-side      significance of the living room TV as           “Households will potentially settle on
ad insertion (SSAI), where interactivity    the main AVoD platform is that it            two or three SVoDs and will look into
historically hasn’t been available.         increases ad value.”                         AVoDs as free add-ons more and more
“We’ve seen a great response                   Corrado focuses on the need               frequently,” Jollet predicts. “We don’t
from customers experimenting with           for services to prioritise quality of        feel pressured by whatever decision
in-content purchasing,” reports Knauer.     experience. “The AVoD business               Netflix might make in terms of
   Advertisers may also be able to          requires large amounts of users              ad-supported models and I don’t think
show different creatives to the same        viewing content for free so capacity         other AVoD services do either. We are
viewer over time. One example               is a necessity to facilitate the stream      choosing to embrace an ad-funded
could be for a car advertiser. The          request volume,” he says. “If viewers        model, choosing to explore niches,
first time you show the outside of the      experience buffering or ads not              choosing to go with channels instead of
car, the second time you show the           starting quickly enough, it has been         on-demand and that has paid off.”
inside of the car, the third time you       proven that they will leave the                 Indeed, analyst WARC’s Global Ad
show the dashboard, the fourth time         stream and eventually churn will             Spend report estimates that ad spend
you show the price and the fifth you        increase on the platform. Infrastructure     on AVoD is set to double by 2023,
provide a call to action.                   is the number one thing that needs to        reaching $47bn worldwide.
                                            be focused on when looking to                   Even as dollars shift inexorably
Other attributes of a                       implement an AVoD offering as you            online, there may always be a space
successful AVoD                             need to ensure the quality of experience     for traditional linear advertising
To ensure reach, availability of the        remains high.”                               to reach the mass market around
service on all current OTT devices,            Video playback performance can be         marquee events. A stark reminder of
as well as being present in app stores      impacted by ads as well. In a live           this occurred during Super Bowl LIV
for streaming on mobile devices,            stream, the ad server needs to handle        when Fox quickly sold out inventory for
is essential.                               requests for each viewer in a relatively     its TV broadcast with prices up to
   Nevertheless, video content is still     short amount of time.                        $5.6m for 30 secs. Buyers included
mostly streamed on Connected TVs,              “The best way to improve                  Disney, pitching the arrival of a Marvel
while users relax on the couch in their     performance is to maximize direct-           series on Disney+. Netflix paid for
living room. A March 2019 survey by         sold ads, allowing them to be filled         similar exposure in the three previous
Attest confirms this. Non-skippable full-   directly from inventory,” says Knauer.       Super Bowl telecasts.

                                                                               www.csimagazine.com              April 2020    11
Low latency streaming

Want to reduce time behind                                                                with twice as many requests.

                                                                                        More responsive,
live for OTT streams? Start                                                             faster CDNs
                                                                                        These are difficult challenges, but

with a faster CDN
                                                                                        not insurmountable. In the case of
                                                                                        the Verizon Media Platform, we’ve
                                                                                        developed an optimisation called
By Harkeerat Bedi, research scientist, Verizon Media, hot filing to deal with the “flash
                                                                                        crowd” phenomenon when many
and Scott Yeager, software engineer, Verizon Media                                      live viewers join a stream at once. A
                                         be downloaded.                                 hot file quickly replicates a popular
                                            Segment size impacts latency because segment to additional servers within a
                                         the player, per industry convention, is    point of presence (PoP) as demand
                                         required to completely download three      rapidly increases.
                                         segments before streams can start            By spreading the load to many
                                         playing. This is done so the client player servers, hot filing keeps any one server
                                         can buffer enough video for smooth         from getting overwhelmed as file

                                         video playback in the event of brief       requests suddenly spike. When a server
                                         connection disruptions. If a segment is    gets overloaded, similar to a denial of
                educing latency has      4 seconds long and the player has to       service attack, the server will be slow to
                increasingly become      buffer 3 segments before it can start      respond to file requests, potentially
                a focus for streaming playing, then the client is already 12        leading to rebuffering in the client
                service providers.       seconds behind live. Cut the segment       player. By quickly identifying and
                Live tweets from         size down to 2 seconds, and the client     replicating hot files, the risk of
                viewers and              is now only 6 seconds behind live.         overloading a single server is much
                newscasters at the                                                  lower. Sudden changes in demand are
venue can spoil exciting moments         More responsive workflows                  met without adding latency.
for fans streaming the game or           needed                                       Reducing the time behind live is an
watching on traditional TV. And          Shorter segment size may seem like a       important goal for live video streaming
with more viewers using a second         fast and easy way to reduce latency, but   service providers, and the use of shorter
screen while viewing live sports,        the impact is actually quite significant.  segment sizes is an attractive way to
it’s no wonder reducing the time         Your video workflow now has to be          achieve that goal. However, it requires
behind live is becoming a more           much more responsive to deliver a          that your workflow and video delivery
important requirement.                   buffer-free live-video streaming           infrastructure are equipped to deliver
   One of the more popular approaches    experience. This is due to two factors.    the buffer-free experience viewers
that many OTT providers are                 First, by reducing the segment size,    expect, especially as audiences grow for
considering to reduce latency is the use the player is now storing less video, so   popular sporting events.
of shorter segment durations.            it’s more likely that the congestion         Contact us to learn more about how
                                         might cause a rebuffer.                    our Media Platform simplifies the
The role of segment size in latency         Second, since shorter segment sizes     workflow and delivers superior
Adaptive bitrate (ABR) technologies      mean more files, your video workflow,      performance and always-on availability
break a stream into many individual      and the CDN, must process and deliver of content.
video segments or chunks. Each           more file requests from players over a
segment is the same duration or size     given stream duration. Compounding
but is encoded at different bit rates so the problem, live sports often see surges
the stream can adapt to the viewer’s     in viewers when the game starts, or
                                                                                                Harkeerat Bedi is a research
available bandwidth. Both of the main    when a close game nears the final                      scientist at Verizon Media
ABR protocols, Apple’s HLS and           minutes. As file requests increase,
                                                                                                Scott Yeager is a software
MPEG-DASH, provide controls for          the CDN not only needs enough                          engineer at Verizon Media
adjusting segment size – but not         capacity to handle the surge, but it
the number of segments that can          must also be able to handle a surge

12   April 2020         www.csimagazine.com

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                                                        In association with

     Q &A
     CSI spoke to Madeleine Noland, president of the Advanced Television
     Systems Committee, about recent developments and future evolution of
                             ATSC 3.0/NextGenTV in the US and globally.
         Advanced Television
         Systems Committe
               CEO, Noland,

                                                      as additional audio tracks, advanced         viewers. There will be a tremendous

                                                      emergency messaging, yet more 4K/            amount of collaboration needed to
                                                      HDR content, and the list goes on.           make this work. And that has been the

                                                                                                   case, so far.
Michael Crimp,

                                                      Why is ATSC 3.0 a voluntary
                                                      transition and not mandated by the           Those stations who decide to go
                                                      FCC? And was this the right                  with ATSC 3.0 will make the leap
                                                      approach in your opinion?                    straight from ATSC 1.0. What
                                                      Yes I think so. No one wants to strand       happened to ATSC 2.0?
                                                      millions of viewers. The number of           ATSC 2.0 was designed as a compatible
       What are the main selling points               viewers watching with an antenna has         technology to ATSC 1.0 and would
       that the ATSC 3.0 technology                   been growing over the past few years.        have brought three-dimensional viewing
       standard - or Next Gen TV as it                But it’s also true that the large majority   and rudimentary Internet functionality
       is known in the US - brings to                 of viewers still get their TV signals from   to digital TV. But, while it was being
       the table?                                     a network provider – cable, satellite, or    developed, streaming came into vogue.
       NEXTGEN TV powered by ATSC 3.0                 telco. We want the TV features ATSC          It became obvious that we needed to
       is truly state-of-the-art as the first         3.0 to be available to all viewers of        enter the Internet age in a big way, and
       broadcast standard built on an Internet        broadcast programming, regardless            ATSC 1.0 technology would not be able
       Protocol backbone, and it promises to          of platform.                                 to support that. We needed the most
       deliver new choices through both over-            While there would be certainty with a     advanced, modern approach that would
       the-air broadcasts and broadband               mandated transition, I think the FCC         give broadcasters and viewers the best
       connections. ATSC 3.0 is designed to           struck the appropriate balance between       of both worlds – that is, the best of
       be easily upgraded to handle future            technology and the realities of the          broadcasting and the best of Internet
       technology developments. Its deep              marketplace by insisting that the            delivery. That remarkable standard is
       feature set, flexibility, and “evolvability”   transition to ATSC 3.0 be strictly           ATSC 3.0.
       promises to create new business                voluntary. While there are similarities
       opportunities for the all stakeholders in      between the analogue-to-digital              Are you happy with the TV product
       the ecosystem and new compelling               transition and the move from ATSC            announcements that came out of
       experiences for television audiences for       1.0 to ATSC 3.0, the reality is that         CES recently or is more needed in
       years to come.                                 there are no loaned channels or              terms of consumer devices and
          The ATSC 3.0 suite of standards has         consumer subsidy programs like there         receivers (especially mobile
       the capability to easily deliver 4K Ultra      were in 2009.                                phones) to encourage take up as
       HDTV signals with sharper images and              American broadcasters are coming          services start to go live?
       crisp audio quality with additional,           off a Spectrum Repack that will be           We were delighted by the 20 TV models
       customisable audio features such as            completed later this summer. So, they        announced at CES, and it was
       “voice boost” and consistent audio             are poised to take advantage of the          serendipity that “20 models in 2020”
       levels, which we expect to see in              latest technology and the most               became our slogan during CES. That’s
       commercial NEXTGEN TV broadcasts               advanced transmission system in the          a remarkable commitment for our
       this year. As we look to the future, we        world that was specifically designed to      nascent deployment of ATSC 3.0 so far,
       anticipate additional features of              merge over-the-air with over-the-top         but the largest TV makers know that
       NEXTGEN TV in broadcasters’ service            functionality. All the while, broadcasters   broadcasters are serious about
       offerings as the rollout progresses, such      must maintain ATSC 1.0 service for           NEXTGEN TV. That’s why LG

      14                   April 2020   www.csimagazine.com

Electronics, Samsung,
and Sony are making
sizable investments to
add this functionality to
their most advanced
sets. Of course, it
will find its way
into even more
models and more
manufacturers next year
– as well as a variety of
accessory set-top
receivers, dongles and
other products. We do
expect mobile options in
the future, too. But it all
starts, naturally, with the
television set.

Is there anything you
would also like to see
more of from
the wider broadcast
vendor community?
We’re excited to see the
number of broadcast
equipment suppliers who
have stepped up so far to
offer a wide range of
options – from
traditional transmission
vendors to the extensive
network of
equipment companies
that will put the
flexibility of ATSC                     in the pipeline by US broadcasters        spectrum (unlike the 2009 digital TV
3.0 into the field. Some are even       in the next 12-24 months?                 transition in the US). That means that
experimenting with ways for ATSC        US broadcasters are focused on            broadcasters will need to collaborate to
1.0 broadcasters to launch              the Top 40 Nielsen markets, as well       share channel space for both ATSC 1.0
transmissions that test ATSC 3.0        as another 21 markets beyond that.        and ATSC 3.0 signals. Work in the
reception. I would expect to see a      Together, those 61 TV markets             Phoenix, Arizona “Model Market” has
wide variety of products and services   will reach 70% of the US population.      shown how this might be achieved, and
throughout 2020, and I have no doubt    The transition to offer ATSC 3.0          that same model is expected to be
that we’ll see a wide variety of new    service will be on a market-by-market     replicated across the country.
things at the next NAB Show.            basis, largely because ATSC 1.0 service
                                        must be maintained at the same time       Is there a role for satellite,
What kind of deployments are            and there is no loan of additional        cable and mobile operators to

                                                                         www.csimagazine.com              April 2020    15

Q &A
                                            the ITU has adopted it as a                 Bearing overall industry trends in
“We were delighted                          recommended global standard?                mind, do you think there will ever
                                            Do you expect rollouts beyond               be an ATSC 4.0 or is this likely to
by the 20 TV                                existing ATSC markets?                      be the last standard that
                                            The very first country to go “on            incorporates a terrestrial OTA
models announced                            the air” with ATSC 3.0 service              component?

at CES, and it was                          was South Korea, which launched
                                            Ultra HDTV programs in conjunction
                                                                                        We designed ATSC 3.0 to be extensible
                                                                                        and adaptable. And we’ve already done
serendipity that ‘20                        with the winter 2018 Olympic
                                            games. And unlike previous standards
                                                                                        some preliminary work to consider
                                                                                        what future encoding options might
models in 2020’                             or technologies, ATSC 3.0 is
                                            designed to be adaptable and flexible
                                                                                        need to be accommodated in the future.
                                                                                        Planning Team 4 on Future Broadcast
became our slogan                           and work for both over-the-air and over-
                                            the-top applications. As such, yes –
                                                                                        Technologies (www.atsc.org/
during CES. We                              we believe ATSC 3.0 is an ideal
                                            transmission technology for
                                                                                        video-technologies) was formed to
                                                                                        explore new topics as they arise and
do expect mobile                            virtually any country or location.          determine when and how the standard
                                            It’s the most advanced system               should be expanded as the future
options in the                              now available.                              unfolds. I can’t say whether ATSC 3.0
                                                                                        will be the “final” terrestrial standard,
future, too. But                            What is your main bit of advice             but I can say that we are committed to
                                            to anyone who wants to get                  reviewing and adapting and changing it
it all starts,                              involved with ATSC 3.0, whether             as technology evolves.
                                            manufacturer, regulator or
naturally, with the                         service provider?                           Finally, what can we look
                                                                                        forward to seeing with Next
television set.”                            Obviously, the first step would be to
                                            join ATSC to keep abreast of the latest     Gen TV at NAB?
                                            activities. There are dozens of             We’re very excited about the NAB
play with Next Gen TV in                    companies involved in the first markets     Show in Las Vegas, particularly after
North America?                              to go on-the-air with                       the interest expressed in ATSC 3.0 at
While NEXTGEN TV powered                    ATSC 3.0 in Phoenix, Arizona and            last fall’s NAB Show New York and at
by ATSC 3.0 is standardised first           Dallas, Texas and other locations. The      the recent CES. ATSC will have a
as a broadcasting technology, it’s          Phoenix Model Market group has even         large exhibition space in the “Future
IP-based backbone will make it              developed a Host Station Manual to          of Delivery” area of North Hall at the
easier for carriage via other content       give stations guidance about what is        Las Vegas Convention Center. Our
distribution methods – including            required to successfully begin              booth number is N1612. We’ll be
cable, satellite, and through mobile        transmissions and collaborate with          highlighting the deployment plans by
networks. Over-the-air, over MVPD           other stations in the market. I would       US broadcasters and showcasing the
and over-the-top are all essential for      also advise staying attuned to activities   many members who have chosen to
success. NEXTGEN TV is not exclusive        at upcoming events such as the NAB          exhibit with us. There are many
to over-the-air broadcasting. In fact, it   Show in Las Vegas, which is expected        different facets to the transition to
was developed to anticipate consumer        to be a hotbed of NEXTGEN TV                NEXTGEN TV, including the
needs regardless of device                  powered by ATSC 3.0. Another                introduction of the first consumer
of platform.                                suggestion would be to join the             receivers for the new technology. So we
                                            subscription list for our free monthly      think NAB will be the perfect venue for
What are your expectations                  newsletter –THE STANDARD – which            the advancement of ATSC 3.0 in the
for ATSC 3.0 globally, now that             is available from ATSC.org                  US and beyond.

16   April 2020         www.csimagazine.com

                                Discovery’s DTC pivot                                                                    in Europe and Latin America. Disney
                                                                                                                         and Netflix are great brands but will
                                Goran Nastic dissects Discovery’s plans for US                                           always be 90/10 or 80/20 [in content

                                                                                                                         split] and so this idea of local feels
                                channel aggregation via OTT and Dplay in Europe                                          quite good for us,” said Discovery CEO
                                                he Olympics being             the end of 2021), which the company        David Zaslav during the latest investor
                                                postponed until 2021          will use as the basis for its expansion    analyst call.
                                                may have temporarily          plans for its Dplay streaming service.        “This is a time of unprecedented
                                                scuppered                       Dplay is currently available in 10       change,” Zaslav added. “We continue to
                                                Eurosport’s first             countries (Denmark, Spain, Finland,        fight an uphill battle with cord cutting
                                                Summer Games, but             Italy, Netherlands, Ireland, Norway,       and cord shaving.”
                                                owner Discovery still         UK, Sweden and Japan) with further            Partly as a result of these changes,
                                has some big ambitions for this               rollouts under way in the Middle           Discovery is pivoting to a hybrid mode
                                year as far as all its properties are         East with Stazplay, and Discovery          that blends B2B with DTC.
                                concerned.                                    promises a “super-expansion” this year        One idea that had analysts especially
                                  Discovery’s, the world’s largest factual    to double its presence to at least 20      interested was the opportunity for
                                programmer and one of the few                 markets in EMEA.                           aggregating every channel it owns in the
                                companies that owns all of its content          Its strategy for growth is exclusive     US into one OTT product.
                                globally, has been busy consolidating         local content, entertainment and sports,      “Curation is a big issue with these
                                everything onto a single unified              based on a robust technology.              SVOD platforms. Algorithms are good
                                technology stack (the Eurosport Player          “I’m very excited about Local            but people are still confused about what
                                has already transitioned to it and the        language and local sports and              to watch next. The biggest challenge
                                portfolio-wide migration is expected by       partnering with other local broadcasters   over next decade with people
                                                                                                                         consuming more content than ever is
                                 Network                                     Genre                                       curation, ” Zaslav explained.
                                 Animal Planet                               Arts/Education                                 “Do we aggregate or go into super
                                                                                                                         fan silos? We’ll make that decision
                                 Cooking Channel                             Niche
                                                                                                                         soon. Super-aggregation won’t be for
                                 Discovery Channel                           Arts/Education                              everyone. How compelling would
                                 Discovery en Espanol                        International/Ethnica/Foreign               such a product be and what churn
                                                                                                                         would it see?”
                                 Discovery Familia                           International/Ethnic/Foreign
                                                                                                                            The issue would not just be churn,
                                 Discovery Life Channel                      Arts/Education                              something that affects OTT services as
                                 DIY Network                                 Arts/Education                              much as traditional payTV platforms,
                                                                                                                         but, as Zaslav acknowledged, the sheer
                                 Food Network                                Niche                                       breadth in variety of Discovery’s brands
                                 Great American Country                      Music                                       by genre type (as the table illustrates).
                                 HGTV                                        Niche                                          Moreover, there is the balancing act
                                                                                                                         of moving the money that comes from
                                 Investigation Discovery                     General/Variety                             its distribution deals with operators and
                                 American Heroes Channel OWN:                Arts/Education                              onto DTC/OTT.
                                 The Oprah Winfrey                                                                          Discovery makes substantial revenues
                                 Network                                     Arts/Education                              from distribution partnerships in the
Source: Courtesy of SNL Kagan

                                                                                                                         US and analysts will be carefully
                                 Destination America                         Arts/Education                              watching the financial impact of
                                 Science                                     Arts/Education                              shifting income from the linear pay
                                                                                                                         TV business to create dual revenue
                                 Discovery Family Channel                    Family/Kids
                                                                                                                         stream direct-to-consumer platforms.
                                 TLC                                         Arts/Education                              Discovery posted revenues of $2.87
                                 Travel Channel                              Niche                                       bn for Q4, and $700 million came
                                                                                                                         from OTT and ‘next-gen’ revenues
                                 Motor Trend                                 Sports
                                                                                                                         last year.

                                                                                                               www.csimagazine.com               April 2020    17
AI in TV

                    I may touch just
                    about every aspect
                    of the television
                                            Service providers seek
                    user experience
                    but content
                    providers are
                                            proof that AI works
demanding evidence that it really
does deliver on all those promises
                                            across the TV UX
from vendors of the technology.             Philip Hunter assesses what new
The problem is such evidence
relating specifically to the
                                            applications the use of AI opens around the
contribution of AI is elusive. There        television user experience and how it can
is abundant evidence that
recommendation in general works             enrich video
with or without AI, down from the           foundation for recommending content          of graphics.
big players with huge amounts of            by linking deeper knowledge of the             “Processing the video/audio streams
user data such as Netflix and               asset with the affinity of subscribers.      themselves can be done to extract
YouTube, to smaller individual pay          “But there is no evidence of that            certain types of metadata to improve
TV operators. There is also plenty          happening yet as most operators are          content understanding,” Docherty
of promising research along                 still trying to establish basic metadata.”   adds. “These techniques may be
numerous avenues, but also a                   Content metadata, however, is only        appropriate more for certain types of
feeling that it may be jumping              applicable to on-demand video where          content and use cases than others such
the gun to rush in too soon                 there is time to generate it before          as live events.”
with AI before establishing                 distribution. Advance recommendation
sound foundations.                          on the basis of prior knowledge of the       Deeper metadata: moods
   This view is espoused by Jacques-        content is irrelevant in any case for live   and themes
Edouard Guillemot, SVP Executive            sports where viewing decisions are           Nevertheless the area of closed
Affairs at Nagra, who contends that AI      based on user expectations rather than       captioning, related to metadata but
applied to poor data merely amplified       information. Partly for this reason, but     usually derived directly from the audio,
the flaws and would be totally              also because metadata alone is               is an area of growing application of AI/
counterproductive. “Not a lot of people     insufficient to generate effective           ML with some promise. Closed
are doing it yet. You have to have to       recommendations even for VoD                 captioning is expensive and leads to
have data of good quality, people who       content, operators need additional tools     frequent errors given the speed at which
understand data and processes to            in their armoury and this is where AI/       it is done, spawning development of
exploit it. That is 90% of the job, and     ML can come in.                              ML algorithms to improve the accuracy,
AI or Machine Learning is just the icing       “Much of the raw TV and video             cut costs and reduce delay to under a
on the cake.” Guillemot reckons there is    metadata available today is not rich         second. This is work in progress with
still a lot of money to be earned by just   enough to power rich user experiences        human assistance still required, but
applying the basics of data preparation     without adding additional insight,” says     significant investment is being made
and analytics without that icing.           Peter Docherty, CTO at Think                 because of proven benefits of closed
   That said, he acknowledges the           Analytics. “There is also the challenge      captions beyond catering for viewers
potential of AI in various departments.     of metadata constantly changing and          who are hard of hearing or who speak
One of those lies in the area he            evolving as new content is added.            a different language from that of
emphasised; preparation and                 For providers offering services in           the dialogue.
normalisation of the data itself.           multiple languages, this task is                For example, a study by PLYMedia
   “When you have harmonised clean          made even harder.”                           has reported a 40% increase in views for
data between CRM, consumption and              Then there is that of live content,       videos with captions and were 80%
content metadata, then you have more        where there is some scope for                more likely to watch until the end, while
detail about location, revenue and other    generating metadata in advance,              Facebook has found that adding
key measures,” says Guillemot. The next     but only for enhancing the viewer            captions boosts view time by 12%.
step might then be to enrich the            experience as it unfolds by perhaps             IBM’s Watson Captioning Live
metadata to provide a stronger              injecting some additional information        system already deployed by some

18   April 2020          www.csimagazine.com
AI in TV

enterprises for video, as well as by
Sinclair for local broadcasting.
   “Today, closed-captioning requires
that businesses dole out a lot of money
and additional resources to achieve a
result,” notes David Kulczar of IBM
Watson Media. “With AI and machine
learning automated, fast closed-
captioning can be achieved with
minimal hardware and set-up time. As
the machine learns industry-specific
terms and local dialects, captioning will
become that much more expedited and
accurate for viewers everywhere, all the
while saving businesses resources.”
  Kulczar also insists that accurate
closed-captioning can enhance search
and discovery for on-demand content,
by providing a convenient and reliable
source for extraction of metadata.          distributors of such assets.              argues that traditional
  However, there is some valuable              “Most content that exists and is       recommendations engines based on the
information about movies that cannot        consumed sits in the long tail of the     collaborative filtering approach
be extracted from text alone, especially    popularity curve, being obscure to the    perfected by Amazon for ecommerce
relating to emotion, according to           vast majority,” says Wassén. “AI/ML       fails badly for video in general and
Anders Wassén, Head of Online Video         provides a way to guide users to          niche content in particular, unless
Development at Red Bee Media.               these assets, which they might not        reshaped around AI and ML.
“Videos are notoriously hard to             stumble upon through mainstream              “Typical collaborative filtering
categorise based on metadata alone. AI      advertising methods.”                     algorithms provide the same
can help by for example assigning a            Swedish content discovery platform     recommendations, irrespective of time,”
mood to a particular video.”                vendor Vionlabs has also had some         says Srivastava. “For instance, do
  The company’s Head of Product and         success liberating the long tail for      viewers typically want to watch a sci-fi
Architecture, Content Discovery,            some of its customers, according          action series first thing in the morning,
Valdimar Wik, adds: “By combining this      to CEO Marcus Bergström. “The             or are they more likely in the mood for
with scene level data extracted from the    problem with many recommendation          more morning-friendly content such as
content itself using AI/ML, our goal is     engines being used is that they try and   a news summary?”
to improve the recommendation and           suggest films and TV shows that are          Aided by AI/ML, deeper metadata
search experience in ways we never          similar to what the viewer has already    such as moods and themes can be
could before.” The algorithms help align    watched,” says Bergström. “However,       incorporated. “The even better way to
the discovery process with the attributes   while every person has individual         address this is to use classification
of interest to users in determining what    interests and preferences, that doesn’t   algorithms to segment the audience into
they watch, related to mood and genre.      mean that they want to watch the same     taste groups and target them based on
  In the context of recommendation AI       thing over and over again. AI             their tastes,” Srivastava adds. “For many
has twin goals, to understand in greater    understands this and can lead viewers     services the key to success is to widen
detail the viewing personality and          down different pathways and provide       viewers’ horizons and introduce them to
behaviour of individual users on the one    them with recommendations to the          new and varied content.”
hand and to analyse content more            type of content they enjoy as well as        Srivastava suggests that closed
deeply on the other so that these two       content that takes them outside of        captions can help generate such
sides can be moulded more intricately.      their ‘bubble’.”                          segmentations. “The future of metadata
  One benefit is that the great                The long tail has also been targeted   is going to rely a lot on scene by
preponderance of content, the long tail,    by Conviva, which has expanded from       scene and frame by frame tagging with
can be liberated much more effectively      its foundations in QoE monitoring into    object, emotion, and mood recognition
than in the past, generating new            video analytics. The firm’s Senior        to identify more complex theme
revenues for both producers and             Product Director, Sanjay Srivastava,      metadata dimensions.”

                                                                             www.csimagazine.com              April 2020    19
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