Beyond COVID-19 Reflections on the long-term impact of a new type of crisis - April 2020

Page created by Juan Coleman
Beyond COVID-19 Reflections on the long-term impact of a new type of crisis - April 2020
Reflections on
the long-term
impact of a new
type of crisis

April 2020
Beyond COVID-19 Reflections on the long-term impact of a new type of crisis - April 2020
At EY-Parthenon, we are also guided
by the adage: We tend to overestimate
changes possible in the short term and
underestimate the scale of the change
in the longer term.
Beyond COVID-19 Reflections on the long-term impact of a new type of crisis - April 2020
The global effects
of COVID-19
       COVID-19 has become a unique event in modern history
       with as yet unknown ramifications. For the first time, we are
       trying to constrain a pandemic through the broad restriction
       of economic and social activities around the world. This is
       done to prevent unnecessary loss of lives and to protect our
       most vulnerable fellow human beings.

       All of us and our businesses are currently         Accordingly, we have tried to set out some
       struggling to keep things moving while             key questions and impacts we anticipate
       protecting our past achievements. Next             over the longer term, recognizing that
       steps are crucial, but not necessarily             this is not just an economic but a social
       evident. Luckily, there are a huge number          and political crisis as well.
       of “hot takes” on this crisis, with mostly
                                                          We plan to use this in conversation with
       helpful advice and, more importantly, a
                                                          our clients, advisors and colleagues to
       lot of creativity and solidarity on how to
                                                          refine our understanding as we go. We
       help in dire times.
                                                          would be delighted if you joined us in
                                                          this conversation.

                              Beyond COVID-19 Reflections on the long-term impact of a new type of crisis |   1
Beyond COVID-19 Reflections on the long-term impact of a new type of crisis - April 2020
A new type of crisis …
COVID-19 is simultaneously a demand
and supply-side crisis that affects industry
ecosystems and consumer behaviors at
many different levels. Markets such as
the EU and the US that companies could
previously treat as “single markets” have
in many respects become patchworks
with local restrictions and regulations.
The size of rescue and stimulus packages,
equivalent to around 10% of worldwide
GDP already, as well as the immediate
                                                        … but not the last                             future catastrophic events, which will
                                                                                                       increase society’s resilience at the cost
damage to the labor market indicate its                 of its kind                                    of underlying economic efficiency, and
enormous economic impact.                                                                              therefore of reduced growth rates.
                                                        For all its uniqueness, this crisis is
In addition, this crisis not only affects                                                              Given the above, chaos is a ladder.
                                                        unfortunately not likely to remain a
people’s financial and job security like                                                               Markets are disrupted in the short
                                                        one-off. Health crises have become more
“normal” economic crises, but also their                                                               term. Here are a few hypotheses and
                                                        frequent, and the trend is continuing.
ability to interact with their nearest and                                                             key questions we need to answer to
                                                        COVID-19 is the seventh international
dearest, affecting everyone at a deeper                                                                prepare in the longer term for the world
                                                        health crisis in only 20 years. Any new
sociological and psychological level.                                                                  beyond COVID-19:
                                                        health crises may similarly affect the
Exacerbating the magnitude of these                     global community. And climate change
                                                                                                       How will consumers evolve?
challenges is the uncertainty of how long               will certainly be sending us a whole raft of
these restrictions should last. Responses               new environmental crises.                      Some old habits die easily
and reactions of governments, companies
                                                        Achieving suitable mitigation will become      The months of isolation plus the loss
and consumers are likely to haunt us for
                                                        a key societal demand. The COVID               of wealth may lead consumers to think
many years. Resulting debt levels from
                                                        reactions may serve as a blueprint for         through their priorities: the “known
fiscal stimulus packages as well as the
                                                        how to tackle other global crises — or for     unknown” is to what degree this will
loss of resources will clearly be felt for a
                                                        how to fail to solve global challenges.        lead to consumers fundamentally
long time. We will tackle new challenges
                                                                                                       re‑evaluating priorities and trade-offs,
after the crisis, albeit handicapped and                One way or another, governments
                                                                                                       e.g., in travel behavior, in a way not seen
significantly poorer than when we started               and companies will define measures
                                                                                                       in previous crises.
the new decade just a few months ago.                   and establish buffers to deal with

2   | Beyond COVID-19 Reflections on the long-term impact of a new type of crisis
Consumer habits may well see a lasting   What will “new work”                                While the way this will play out is still
change where a quality “in-home”                                                             undetermined, we will see another step
alternative is available, permanently
                                         look like?                                          change in the way businesses leverage
boosting the share of in-home spend.     The next Digital Wave                               technology going forward.
How many categories will follow
online video and music? And what
                                         The “lockdown” has thrust a new                     Will transformation needs
                                         generation of interactivity tools into
will happen to the “high street”: does
                                         the spotlight. Email traffic has been
                                                                                             be different?
it become “shopping as theater” or
simply a destination full of cafes and
                                         superseded by new collaboration tools;              A catalyst for change
                                         video calling has become normal. Within
entertainment? What happens to the                                                           COVID-19 will almost certainly accelerate
                                         days, the digitalization of services from
value of commercial real estate?                                                             adoption of some previously existing
                                         entertainment to shopping to accounting
For strongly suppressed categories                                                           cost measures (e.g., automatization and
                                         to conferences to trade fairs to higher
without comparable alternatives,                                                             modularization) and transformations
                                         education has significantly increased.
consumer habits may mostly bounce                                                            (e.g., D2C sales and diversification).
                                         After two weeks in “lockdown,” roughly
back. Especially in leisure, consumer    a quarter of the German workforce was               However, some other traditional measures
memory has traditionally been short:     already working from home.                          may very much go out of fashion as
restaurant visits, box-office figures                                                        e.g., ecosystems and supply chains
                                         What will be the permanent impact on
and ticket sales can be expected to                                                          become more risk aware. Low-cost
                                         other sectors from medicine to commercial
largely shift back once health risks                                                         country sourcing and stringent inventory
                                         delivery to retail to office buildings to B2B
are addressed.                                                                               reduction may have seen their heydays.
                                         sales? Where will personal interaction be
                                                                                             Customers and OEMs will demand
                                         even more high-tech, and where will we
                                                                                             redundancy and will avoid putting all
                                         roll back to our good old “human touch?”
                                                                                             their eggs in one basket.

                                                                 Beyond COVID-19 Reflections on the long-term impact of a new type of crisis |   3
While the intentional redundancy                        Global supply chain                           What is the road
partially reduces efficiency, it must
increase resilience and agility. New
                                                        or islandization?                             to “better”?
industry 4.0 technologies such as 3D                    A new world connectivity                      Efficiency will take a backseat
printing and other novel manufacturing
                                                        In the current crisis, global supply chains   to long-term value
technologies will certainly become more
                                                        are primarily being discussed from a risk     It is clear that no simple set of
important to enable such changes.
                                                        standpoint. However, global supply chains     prescriptions will suffice to address
The importance of embracing the
                                                        are also a driver of social progress and      the post-COVID-19 world. But we have
opportunities provided by collaborative
                                                        the buildup of wealth both in developing      a reasonable degree of confidence
ecosystems will grow in parallel.
                                                        and developed countries.                      that — beyond the immediate fight for
Will trust in governments                               To what extent will global supply chains      liquidity — through the crisis, long-term
go up or down?                                          survive the crisis, and what are the          value is going to become a much brighter
                                                        implications if they don’t?                   “North Star” by which to navigate.
The social contract rewritten
                                                        While the 20s and 30s of the last             Numerous companies have learned that
So far, strong government interventions                                                               the combination of minimal inventory
                                                        century have taught us that not even the
in citizens’ private lives on behalf of                                                               buffers and distant suppliers can lead
                                                        strongest country can flourish on its own,
the greater good have been received                                                                   to major shocks during a disruptive
                                                        it remains unclear whether we need to
surprisingly well. Longer term, this could                                                            crisis. Ecosystems, supply chains (!) and
                                                        relearn this lesson in the 21st century.
partially rewrite the social contract                                                                 business systems will be fundamentally
                                                        At the same time, we must hope we have
between citizens and governments.                                                                     rethought, rebalancing efficiency and
                                                        learned our lessons from past instances
Looking at businesses, government                       when a strong expansion of liquidity met      resilience in the light of new government
intervention will likely take two forms:                supply chain disruption.                      regulations, sustainability goals and
regulation (e.g., protecting critical                                                                 shifting cooperation among nations.
infrastructure and setting standards for                How do we manage                              This will likely lead to mid-to longer-term
                                                                                                      flattening of economic growth vs. pre-
sustainability and employee protection)                 international crises
and active participation in the private                                                               crisis levels in traditional business fields.
                                                        in the future?
sector through financing/ownership                                                                    Business plans and investment horizons
of firms or creating demand through                     Rules and power                               may have to lengthen, with potential
targeted government spending.                                                                         implications for public and private
                                                        It is not only within individual countries
Telecommunications providers, for                       and industries that COVID-19 is shaking       capital, and scenario planning becoming
example, now expect governments                         up the current order — things may             significantly more complex.
to realize the system-criticality                       also change between countries. Will           Therefore, companies will likely need
of broadband networks. This can                         superpowers be able to provide more           to reorient toward creating long-term
lead to stronger subsidies or public                    leadership to the world? Or will we find      value for customers, their people and
investments into fiber expansions, but                  it more effective to look at some smaller     their investors, while more explicitly
also to stronger interference, e.g.,                    countries that emerge as role models in       demonstrating they are meeting
concerning net neutrality.                              dealing with the crisis, such as Singapore    societal needs. The economy, pensions
                                                        or South Korea? Post-COVID-19, they           and future generations need risk-
If things go well, the current experience
                                                        may gain further international weight due     taking entrepreneurs and investors
may lead to society continuing to
                                                        to their wisdom, and despite their size.      as much as they ever have. But they
allow governments to intervene more
“forcefully” to safeguard the greater                                                                 also need assurance that these risks
good in areas with a broadly accepted                                                                 are better managed than before, and
need for action. However, if governments                                                              not externalized for governments and
fail to meet expectations and interfere                                                               taxpayers to pick up the tab.
with individual freedom in an unbalanced
manner, trust will erode.

4   | Beyond COVID-19 Reflections on the long-term impact of a new type of crisis
Authors                                                                  EY | Assurance | Tax | Strategy and Transactions | Consulting

                 Andreas von Buchwaldt                                   About EY
                 EMEIA Leader                                            EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, strategy, transaction and consulting
                 EY-Parthenon Strategy                                   services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and
                 EY-Parthenon GmbH                                       confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We
                 EMEIA                                                   develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all
                                                                         of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better
                                                                         working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.
                 Glenn Engler
                 Managing Director/Partner                               EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the
                 EY-Parthenon Strategy                                   member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate
                 Ernst & Young LLP United States                         legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by
                 US                                                      guarantee, does not provide services to clients. Information about how EY
                                                                         collects and uses personal data and a description of the rights individuals
                                                                         have under data protection legislation are available via For
                 Nobuko Kobayashi                                        more information about our organization, please visit
                 Managing Director/Partner
                 EY-Parthenon Strategy                                   About EY-Parthenon
                 Ernst & Young Transaction Advisory Services Co., Ltd.   EY-Parthenon teams work with clients to navigate complexity by helping
                 Japan                                                   them to reimagine their eco-systems, reshape their portfolios and reinvent
                                                                         themselves for a better future. With global connectivity and scale,
                                                                         EY-Parthenon teams focus on Strategy Realized — helping CEOs design
                 Matthew Robb
                                                                         and deliver strategies to better manage challenges while maximizing
                 Managing Director/Partner
                                                                         opportunities as they look to transform their businesses. From idea to
                 EY-Parthenon Strategy
                                                                         implementation, EY-Parthenon teams help organizations to build a better
                 Ernst & Young — United Kingdom
                                                                         working world by fostering long-term value. EY-Parthenon is a brand under
                                                                         which a number of EY member firms across the globe provide strategy
                                                                         consulting services. For more information, please visit
                 Dr. Otto Schulz
                                                                         © 2020 EYGM Limited.
                                                                         All Rights Reserved.
                 EY-Parthenon Strategy
                 EY-Parthenon GmbH
                                                                         EYG No. 001985-20Gbl
                                                                         CSG No. 2005-3491326
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                 Andrew Hearn
                                                                         This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to
                 Associate Director                                      be relied upon as accounting, tax or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for
                 EY-Parthenon Strategy                                   specific advice.
                 EY-Parthenon GmbH

Special thanks to:
• Betti Packman
• Felix Rüster
• Friederike Boltersdorf
• Kristin Ringland
• Thomas Bradtke
• Thomas Holm Møller

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