Page created by Ron Graham
                   BRENDA M. BOLTON

The Eperqueries of the Channel Islands and their Analogues. A thesis pre-
sented for the degree of master of arts in the department of history
in the University of Leeds. Typescript, November-December 1962.

‘Esperkeria Congrorum’, Société guernesiaise. Report and Transactions, 18:3
(1968), 288–296.

‘The Council of London of 1342’, in Councils and Assemblies. Papers
Read at the 8th Summer Meeting and the 9th Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical
History Society, ed. G.J. Cuming and Derek Baker, Studies in Church
History, 7 (Cambridge, 1971), 147–160.

‘Innocent III’s treatment of the Humiliati’, in Popular Belief and Practice.
Papers Read at the 9th Summer Meeting and the 10th Winter Meeting of the
Ecclesiastical History Society, ed. G.J. Cuming and Derek Baker, Studies
in Church History, 8 (Cambridge, 1972), 73–82, repr. (without foot-
notes) in: Innocent III. Vicar of Christ or Lord of the World? Edited with
an introduction by James M. Powell, second, expanded edn
(Washington, 1994), 114–120.

‘Tradition and Temerity: papal attitudes to deviants, 1159–1216’, in
Schism, Heresy and Religious Protest. Papers Read at the 10th Summer Meeting
and the 11th Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society, ed. Derek
Baker, Studies in Church History, 9 (Cambridge, 1972), 79–91.
repr. in Innocent III, no. XII.

‘Mulieres sanctae’, in Sanctity and Secularity: The Church and the World.
Papers Read at the 11th Summer Meeting and the 12th Winter Meeting of the
Ecclesiastical History Society, ed. Derek Baker, Studies in Church History,
10 (Oxford, 1973), 77–95, repr. in: Women in Medieval Society. Papers
of a Conference sponsored by Western Michigan University, at the Medieval
Institute, Kalamazoo, Michigan, in May 1974, ed. Susan Mosher Stuard
(Philadelphia, 1976, repr. 1977), 141–158. Italian translation: ‘Le donne
nella vita religiosa’, in Né Eva né Maria. Condizione femminile e immag-
ine della donna nel medioevo, ed. Michela Pereira (Bologna, 1981), 71–82.

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xxxii                          bibliography

‘Fulk of Toulouse: the escape that failed’, in Church and Politics. Papers
Read at the 13th Summer Meeting and the 14th Winter Meeting of the
Ecclesiastical History Society, ed. Derek Baker, Studies in Church History,
12 (Oxford, 1975), 83–93.
repr. in Innocent III, no. VIII.

‘The Poverty of the Humiliati’, in Poverty in the Middle Ages, ed. D. Flood,
Franziskanische Forschungen, 27 (Werl, 1975), 52–59.
repr. in Innocent III, no. XIV.

‘Sources for the Early History of the Humiliati’, in The Materials,
Sources and Methods of Ecclesiastical History. Papers Read at the 12th Summer
Meeting and the 13th Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society, ed.
Derek Baker, Studies in Church History, 11 (Oxford, 1975), 125–133.
repr. in Innocent III, no. XV.

‘A Mission to the Orthodox? The Cistercians in Romania’, in The
Orthodox Churches and the West. Papers Read at the 14th Summer Meeting
and the 15th Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society, ed. Derek
Baker, Studies in Church History, 13 (Oxford, 1976), 169–181.
repr. in Innocent III, no. IX.

‘Paupertas Christi: old wealth and new poverty in the twelfth century’,
in Renaissance and Renewal in Christian History. Papers Read at the 15th
Summer Meeting and the 16th Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History
Society, ed. Derek Baker, Studies in Church History, 14 (Oxford,
1977), 95–103.

‘Vitae Matrum: a further aspect of the Frauenfrage’, in Medieval Women.
Dedicated and Presented to Professor Rosalind M.T. Hill on the Occasion of
her Seventieth Birthday, ed. Derek Baker, Studies in Church History,
Subsidia, 1 (Oxford, 1978), 253–273.

‘Poverty as Protest: some inspirational groups at the turn of the
twelfth century’, in The Church in a Changing Society. Conflict—Reconciliation
or Adjustment? Papers presented at the CIHEC Conference in Uppsala, August
17–21, 1977, Publications of the Swedish Society of Church History,
n.s., 30 (Uppsala, 1978), 28–31.
repr. in Innocent III, no. XIII.

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bibliography                                            xxxiii

‘Some Thirteenth-Century Women in the Low Countries. A special
case?’ in Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis/Dutch Review of Church
History, 61 (1981), 7–29.

‘Via Ascetica: a Papal Quandary’, in Monks, Hermits and the Ascetic
Tradition. Papers read at the 1984 Summer Meeting and the 1985 Winter
Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society, ed. W.J. Sheils, Studies in
Church History, 22 (Oxford-London, 1985), 161–191.
repr. in Innocent III, no. VI.

The Medieval Reformation, Foundations of Medieval History, 3 (London,
1983). Portugese translation: A reforma na idade média século XII. Traduçao
de Maria de Luz Veloso, Lugar de História, 26 (Lisbon, 1985).
Italian translation: Lo spirito di riforma nel Medioevo. Traduzione ital-
iana di Alessandro Masturzo, Nuovo Medioevo, 34 (Naples, 1988).
Korean translation in 1999.

‘Seminari di storia medievale su Innocenzo III al Westfield College
dell’Università di Londra’, Rivista di storia della Chiesa in Italia, 43
(1989), 281.

‘For the See of Simon Peter: the Cistercians at Innocent III’s Nearest
Frontier’, in Monastic Studies I: The continuity of tradition, ed. J. Loades
(Bangor, 1990), 1–20.
repr. in Innocent III, no. II.

‘Daughters of Rome: All One in Christ Jesus!’, in Women in the Church.
Papers Read at the 1989 Summer Meeting and the 1990 Winter Meeting of
the Ecclesiastical History Society, ed. W.J. Sheils and Diana Wood, Studies
in Church History, 27 (Oxford, 1990), 101–115.
repr. in Innocent III, no. XVI.

‘Philip Augustus and John: two sons in Innocent III’s vineyard?’, in
The Church and Sovereignty, c. 590–1918. Essays in honour of Michael Wilks,
ed. Diana Wood, Studies in Church History, Subsidia, 9 (Oxford,
1991), 113–134.
repr. in Innocent III, no. V.

‘Too important to neglect: The Gesta Innocentii PP III’, in Church and
Chronicle in the Middle Ages: Essays presented to John Taylor, ed. G.A.
Loud and I.N. Wood (London, 1991), 87–99.
repr. in Innocent III, no. IV.

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xxxiv                          bibliography

‘A Show with a Meaning: Innocent III’s approach to the Fourth
Lateran Council, 1215’, Medieval History, 1 (1991), 53–67.
repr. in Innocent III, no. XI.

‘Advertise the Message: images in Rome at the turn of the twelfth
century’, in The Church and the Arts. Papers read at the 1990 summer meet-
ing and the 1991 winter meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society, ed.
Diana Wood, Studies in Church History, 28 (Oxford, 1992), 117–130.
repr. in Innocent III, no. XVII.

‘Except the Lord keep the city: towns in the papal states at the turn
of the twelfth century’, in Church and City 1000–1500. Essays in hon-
our of Christopher Brooke, ed. D. Abulafia, M.J. Franklin and M. Rubin
(Cambridge, 1992), 199–218.
repr. in Innocent III, no. III.

‘The Cistercians and leadership in the Second Crusade: St Bernard’s
chose pour rire’, Original text of a paper presented to the Society for
the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East at Kalamazoo, Michigan,
1990, in Innocent III, no. X, 1–14. Revised reprint: ‘The Cistercians
and the Aftermath of the Second Crusade’, in The Second Crusade and
the Cistercians, ed. Michael Gervers (New York, 1992), 131–140.

‘Spiegels van vroomheid: Relieken van Maria van Oignies’, in De
Dynamiek van religie en cultuur. Geschiedenis van het Nederlands katholicisme,
ed. Marit Monteiro, Gerard Rooijakkers and Joost Rosendaal (Kampen,
1993), 124–137.

‘Non Ordo sed Horror: Innocent III’s Burgundian dilemma’, in Papauté,
monachisme et théories politiques: études d’histoire médiévales offerts à Marcel
Pacaut, ed. M.-Th. Lorcin, P. Guichard, J.-M. Poisson et M. Rubellin
(Lyon, 1994), 645–652.
repr. in Innocent III, no. VII.

‘Hearts not purses: Innocent III’s attitude to social welfare’, in Through
the Eye of a Needle: Judeo-Christian Roots of Social Welfare, ed. Emily Albu
Hanawalt and Carter Lindberg (Kirksville, MO., 1994), 123–145.
repr. in Innocent III, no. XVIII.

‘ “Received in His name”: Rome’s busy baby box’, in The Church and

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bibliography                                             xxxv

Childhood. Papers Read at the 1993 Summer Meeting and the 1994 Winter
Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society, ed. Diana Wood, Studies in
Church History, 31 (Oxford, 1994), 153–167.
repr. in Innocent III, no. XIX.

(with P. Gerrard), ‘Claire et son temps’, Communio. Revue catholique
internationale, 20 (1995), 121–132. English: ‘Claire in Her Time’, The
Way, 80 (1994) [!], Supplement.

‘Rome as a setting for God’s grace’, in Innocent III, no. I, 1–17.

Innocent III: Studies on Papal Authority and Pastoral Care, Collected Studies
Series, 490 (Aldershot, 1995).

‘Faithful to Whom? Jacques de Vitry and the French Bishops’, Revue
Mabillon, n.s., 9 = 70 (1998), 53–72.

‘Qui fidelis est in minimo: The Importance of Innocent III’s Gift List’,
in Pope Innocent III and his World, ed. John C. Moore (Aldershot,
1999), 113–140.

‘Thirteenth-Century Religious Women: Further Reflections on the
Low Countries’ “Special Case”’, in New Trends in Feminine Spirituality.
The Holy Women of Liège and Their Impact, ed. Juliette Dor, Lesley
Johnson and Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, Medieval Women. Texts and
Contexts, 2 (Turnhout, 1999), 129–157.

‘Message, celebration, offering: the place of twelfth- and early thir-
teenth-century liturgical drama as “missionary theatre”’, in Continuity
and Change in Christian Worship. Papers Read at the 1997 Summer Meeting
and the 1998 Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society, ed. R.N.
Swanson, Studies in Church History, 35 (Woodbridge, 1999), 89–103.

‘Gerald of Casamari between Joachim of Fiore and Innocent III’,
Florensia, 13–14 (1999–2000), 31–43.

‘Perhaps you do not know? Innocent III’s Approach to the Release
of Captives’, in La liberazione dei “captivi” tra Christianità e Islam. Oltre
la crociata e il gihad: tolleranza e servizio umanitario. Atti del Congresso
Interdisciplinare di Studi Storici (Roma, 16–19 settembre 1998), organizzato
per l’VIII centenario dell’approvazione della regola dei Trinitari da parte del

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xxxvi                           bibliography

Papa Innocenzo III il 17 dicembre 1198/15 safar, 595 H., ed. Giulio
Cipollone, Collectanea Archivi Vaticani, 46 (Vatican City, 2000),

‘ “Serpent in the Dust: Sparrow on the Housetop”: Attitudes to
Jerusalem and the Holy Land in the Circle of Pope Innocent III’,
in The Holy Land, Holy Lands, and Christian History. Papers read at the
1998 summer meeting and the 1999 winter meeting of the Ecclesiastical History
Society, ed. R.N. Swanson, Studies in Church History, 36 (Woodbridge,
2000), 154–180.

‘101 Uses for a Dead Archbishop’, in Not Angels, but Anglicans. A
History of Christianity in the British Isles, ed. Henry Chadwick and
A. Ward (Norwich, 2000), 68–75.

‘The Jubilee of Canterbury’, in I giubilei nella Storia della Chiesa. Atti
del Convegno Internazionale in collaborazione con l’École française de Rome
sotto il patrocinio del Comitato Centrale per il Giubileo del 2000. Roma, Istituto
Patristico Augustinianum 23–26 giugno 1999, Pontificio Comitato di Scienze
Storiche. Atti e documenti, 10 (Vatican City, 2001), 148–163.

‘Palmerius of Picciati: Innocent III meets his Martin Guerre’, in
Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Syracuse
(New York), 13–18 August 1996, ed. Kenneth Pennington, Stanley
Chodorow and Keith Kendall, Monumenta Iuris Canonici, Series
C: Subsidia, 11 (Vatican City, 2001), 361–385.

(ed., with Anne J. Duggan), Adrian IV, the English Pope (1154–1159).
Studies and Texts, Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West
(Aldershot, 2003).

‘St Alban’s Loyal Son’, in Adrian IV, the English Pope, 75–103.

‘Nova familia beati Petri. Adrian IV and the Patrimony’, in Adrian IV,
the English Pope, 157–178.

‘Signposts from the Past: Reflections on Innocent III’s Providential
Path’, in Innocenzo III. Urbs et Orbis. Atti del Congresso Internazionale, Roma,
9–15 settembre 1998, ed. Andrea Sommerlechner, 2 vols, Nuovi Studi

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bibliography                                           xxxvii

Storici, 55 = Miscellanea della Società Romana di Storia Patria, 44
(Rome, 2003) i, 21–55.

‘Carthusians at San Bartolomeo di Trisulti: Innocent III’s trouble-
some gift’, in L’Ordine Certosino e il Papato dalla fondazione allo scisma
d’Occidente, ed. Pietro de Leo, Primo Convegno Internazionale, Roma
16–18 maggio 2002 (Catanzaro, 2003), 71–94.

‘Boniface VIII and the Kingdom of England’, in Bonifacio VIII, Atti
del XXXIX Convegno storico internazionale, Todi 13–16 ottobre
2002 (Spoleto, 2003), 71–94.

‘Papal Italy’, in Italy in the Central Middle Ages, ed. David Abulafia
(Oxford, 2004), 82–103.

‘The Caravan Rests: Innocent III’s Use of Itineration’, in Omnia Disce:
medieval studies in memory of Leonard Boyle, O.P., ed. Anne J. Duggan,
Joan Greatrex and Brenda Bolton (Aldershot, 2004), 31–50.

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