TO 2020 AND BEYOND ARCHDIOCESE OF BRISBANE - Brisbane Catholic Education

Page created by Jimmie Williamson
TO 2020 AND BEYOND ARCHDIOCESE OF BRISBANE - Brisbane Catholic Education
TO 2020 AND BEYOND ARCHDIOCESE OF BRISBANE - Brisbane Catholic Education

Foreword                                     2

Planning Framework                           3

The Vision                                   4

Our Future                                   5

Five Priorities for Archdiocesan Agencies    6

Archdiocese of Brisbane Agencies            12
TO 2020 AND BEYOND ARCHDIOCESE OF BRISBANE - Brisbane Catholic Education
Last year I invited                      Spirit who leads the Apostles       who leads us to Jesus; it is the
representatives from all                 across new thresholds on their      Spirit who creates the bond of
Archdiocesan agencies to come            mission; St Paul speaks of those    communion and empowers us
together in a convocation in             who are “led by the Spirit” (Rom    for mission.
order to seek their insights and         8:14; Gal 5:18).
guidance as we plan for the                                                  We are blessed to have many
future of the Archdiocese.               We live at a time when we must      Spirit-filled professionals
                                         set out on a journey into the       working in our agencies and
The convocation produced a               future along paths that are         serving on the advisory councils
draft planning framework for             not altogether clear. In that       of the Archdiocese. Together we
Archdiocesan agencies which              sense we are like Abraham           have developed this planning
was then presented to the                who is called to leave what he      framework which bears the title
various advisory councils of             knows and to journey into a         “To 2020 and Beyond”.
the Archdiocese, including the           future which God is preparing.
Council of Priests for their review      Abraham journeys in faith,          What is found here will, I hope,
and comment.                             without knowing exactly where       help the Archdiocesan agencies
                                         he will be led but trusting the     to maintain a proper focus on
When Pope Francis spoke at               one who is leading. So too          the journey ahead and help the
the Synod in October 2015, he            the Church in Australia as we       whole Church in this part of the
stressed that the synodality of          look to the Plenary Council of      world to move more deeply into
the Church referred not to some          2020 – we journey in faith and      the experience of being led by
of the bishops some of the time          are led by the Holy Spirit. This    the Holy Spirit as we take the
but to all of the Church all of the      is why there is “something          road together. Thanks to the
time. The Pope went on to say            greater than Solomon” (Matt         many who have helped develop
that a synodal Church has to             12:42) in the life of the Church.   this planning framework. In the
be a listening Church, a people          There is much more to what          convocation we came together
journeying with ears open to             we are and do than what Pope        under the influence of the Holy
the voice of the Holy Spirit. It is      Francis has called “the merely      Spirit to speak our word and
from the Pope that I take my cue         administrative” (EG 25). Like       listen to other voices. Now we
in offering the vision statement         Jesus and the first disciples,      set out, ready to embrace the
drawn from the Gospels “On a             we are “led by the Spirit” as we    future which God offers and
Journey Led by the Spirit”. Jesus        look to the future. This vision     which we must help God shape.
is “led by the Spirit” out into          statement builds upon “Jesus,
the desert before he begins his          Communion, Mission” which has       Archbishop Mark Coleridge
public ministry (Matt 4:1; Mark          served the Archdiocese well         19 January 2017
1:12; Luke 4:1); in the Acts it is the   in recent years. It is the Spirit
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TO 2020 AND BEYOND ARCHDIOCESE OF BRISBANE - Brisbane Catholic Education
This document provides a planning framework for the Episcopal and Corporate
Offices and the Archdiocesan agencies as they look to the future.
The agencies include:

1.   Evangelisation Brisbane

2.   Centacare

3.   Brisbane Catholic Education

4.   Archdiocesan Services

5.   Archdiocesan Development Fund

The framework will help to identify priorities as Archdiocesan agencies plan for the future.

On page 4, the Archbishop presents a new vision statement which provides the direction for the
Archdiocese in coming years as we move towards the Plenary Council of 2020.

The ‘Our Future’ on page 5 expands on this vision and names nine elements of the local Church
responding to the vision.

Finally pages 7 to 11 name the five particular priorities for Archdiocesan agencies as
they respond to the vision.

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TO 2020 AND BEYOND ARCHDIOCESE OF BRISBANE - Brisbane Catholic Education

A synodal Church is a Church which listens, which realises that listening “is more
than simply hearing”. It is a mutual listening in which everyone has something to
learn. The faithful people, the college of bishops, the Bishop of Rome: all listening
to each other, and all listening to the Holy Spirit, the “Spirit of truth” (Jn 14:17), in
order to know what he “says to the Churches” (Rev 2:7).

There are four dimensions to this vision:

    We are on a journey of faith into the future

    We do not see the way ahead clearly

    The Holy Spirit leads us on the way

    Together we discern what paths the Spirit is opening before us

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TO 2020 AND BEYOND ARCHDIOCESE OF BRISBANE - Brisbane Catholic Education
A listening Church                     A serving Church                   A well-led Church
A people of faith, listening to        Supporting those in need by        Developing and forming current
the voice of the Holy Spirit and       Archdiocesan agencies seeking      and future leaders who are able
discerning what action this            to work with parishes to give      to discern the ways of the Spirit
requires.                              impetus to the Church’s mission    and help others to do the same.
                                       as the Spirit prompts.
A worshipping Church                                                      An innovative Church
                                       A healing Church
Celebrating the sacred                                                    Enhancing governance
mysteries in a way that                Protecting and advocating for      structures and systems so
nourishes and strengthens the          those who are vulnerable and       that they are responsive and
life in the Spirit of all who gather   bringing the healing power of      innovative, open to the surprises
with us.                               the Spirit to those who have       of the Spirit.
                                       been subjected to Church
                                       related sexual abuse.
A communicating Church                                                    A responsible Church
Delivering a simple effective                                             Ensuring sustainable and
                                       An inclusive Church
message with consistent                                                   effective use of resources in
communication of the Good              Being attentive to all members     a way that respects creation,
News which we have heard in            of the community, believing that   builds community and looks to
listening to the Spirit.               the Spirit speaks and moves        the sovereignty of God.
                                       through all.

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TO 2020 AND BEYOND ARCHDIOCESE OF BRISBANE - Brisbane Catholic Education

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TO 2020 AND BEYOND ARCHDIOCESE OF BRISBANE - Brisbane Catholic Education

The Church which “goes forth”        Provide welcoming places for those seeking mercy
is a community of missionary         and justice.
disciples who take the first step,
who are involved and supportive      Some ways to implement this could include:
who bear fruit and rejoice.
                                     	Develop capabilities of our people to support and assist
Such a community has an                the most vulnerable
endless desire to show mercy,
the fruit of its own experience of   	Develop and implement the Archdiocese Reconciliation
                                       Action Plan
the power of the Father’s infinite
mercy.                               	Continue to develop and implement a long term response
                                       to support those harmed by sexual, mental, physical or
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium        spiritual abuse
                                     	Continue to develop and implement a long term response
                                       to the Royal Commission recommendations

                                        Expand our support for migrants and refugees

                                        Develop other public displays of mercy

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TO 2020 AND BEYOND ARCHDIOCESE OF BRISBANE - Brisbane Catholic Education

The parish is not an outdated      Support parishes and other faith communities by
institution; precisely because     collaborating in the delivery of pastoral, social,
it possesses great flexibility,    education and care services.
it can assume quite different
contours depending on the          Some ways to implement this could include:
openness and missionary
creativity of the pastor and the   	Communicate to parishes and other faith communities
community. While certainly           the availability of support services
not the only institution which
evangelises, if the parish         	Develop a coordinated approach to the delivery of services
proves capable of self-renewal       such as education, childcare, social and care services to
                                     support evangelisation
and constant adaptivity, it
continues to be “the Church        	Encourage engagement and communication between
living in the midst of the homes     Archdiocesan agencies, parishes and other faith
of her sons and daughters”.          communities

Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium    	Archdiocesan agencies to be sensitive to the needs
#28                                  of parishes and other faith communities and respond

                                   	Providing increased support for parish and other faith
                                     communities youth groups

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TO 2020 AND BEYOND ARCHDIOCESE OF BRISBANE - Brisbane Catholic Education

When leaders in various              Develop current and future leaders to build teams
fields ask me for advice, my         that are representative and inclusive of the face
response is always the same:         of today’s Church in south-east Queensland.
dialogue, dialogue, dialogue.
The only way for individuals,        Some ways to implement this could include:
families and societies to grow
is through the culture of            	Review governance and organisational structures across
encounter, a culture in which all      all Archdiocesan curial ministries
have something good to give
and all can receive something        	Enhance Archdiocesan spiritual formation programs
good in return. Others always        	Implement succession strategies
have something to give me,
if we know how to approach           	Ensure systems and structures are supportive of inclusive
them in a spirit of openness           and representative leadership opportunities
and without prejudice. This
                                     	Deliver professional development programs in leadership
open spirit I would describe as
                                       for current and identified future leaders
“social humility”, which is what
favours dialogue.                    	Develop partnerships with other institutions to deliver
                                       leadership training for current and future leaders
Pope Francis, Address to Brazilian
Leaders, 27 July 2013.

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We need to practice the art of      Listen to the voices of those who walk with us and
listening, which is more than       those who are more distant from the Church.
simply hearing. Listening, in
communication, is an openness       Some ways to implement this could include:
of heart which makes possible
that closeness without which           Implement an effective internal communication strategy
genuine spiritual encounter
                                    	Establish active listening opportunities and effective
cannot occur. Listening helps
us to find the right gesture and
word which shows that we are        	Deliver a simple effective message in external
more than simply bystanders.          communications
Only through such respectful
and compassionate listening            Provide resourcing and support to parishes and clergy to
can we enter on the paths of           assist with communications
true growth and awaken a               Spread the Good News in a variety of media
yearning for the Christian ideal:
the desire to respond fully         	Establish campaigns and lobby governments
to God’s love and to bring to         on important social community issues
fruition what he has sown in
                                    	Use new communication platforms, especially for listening
our lives.
                                      to young people and the broader community
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium

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Given the scale of change,         Commit to effective stewardship of resources to
it is no longer possible           support the mission of God in the world.
to find a specific, discrete
answer for each part of the        Some ways to implement this could include:
problem. It is essential to seek
comprehensive solutions which      	Develop an environmental strategy for sustainable
consider the interactions within     use of Archdiocesan and parish resources
natural systems themselves
                                   	Completing a mapping exercise of all parish assets
and with social systems. We are
faced not with two separate        	Develop and implement a Capital Development Strategy
crises, one environmental
and the other social, but          	Support the development of financial sustainability plans/
rather with one complex              strategies for parishes that improves revenue streams for
crisis which is both social and      parish services
environmental. Strategies for a    	Encourage equitable optimisation of parish properties
solution demand an integrated        and assets and their sustainable use
approach to combating
poverty, restoring dignity to      	Research options to develop efficient and effective data
the excluded, and at the same        collection across the Archdiocese
time protecting nature.
                                   	Ensure that Archdiocesan investment strategies align with
                                     a commitment to sustainability where appropriate
Pope Francis, Laudato Si

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 Archdiocesan         Centacare        Archdiocesan
   Services            Brisbane      Development Fund

Brisbane Catholic   Evangelisation
    Education          Brisbane

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Archdiocese of Brisbane
Level 2
Francis Rush Centre
277 Elizabeth Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
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