Tender Conference March 26th 2020 - Statnett

Page created by Crystal Vazquez
Tender Conference March 26th 2020 - Statnett
Tender Conference March 26th 2020
Tender Conference March 26th 2020 - Statnett
Guidelines for the conference
   • To ensure the best quality for this conference, please
       follow these guidelines:
           • Mute your mic and no live cameras

           • You may ask questions via the chat functionality.
                Statnett will answer at the end of the meeting. The Q&A will be
                published afterwards

Fremtiden er elektrisk
                                               2                      Sted, dato
Tender Conference March 26th 2020 - Statnett
   • 13:00 – 13.20 Welcome, information about the process (Ellen Sande)

   • 13.20 – 13.30 Expectations for this competition (Sonja Berlijn)

   • 13.30 – 13.40 Co-operation in the energy system (Ingeborg Buchalik)

   • 13.40 – 13.50 Digital, safe and cost-effective assets (Oddgeir Kaspersen)

   • 13.50 – 14.00 Real-time control and effective markets(Jørn Egil Johnsen)

   • 14.00 – 14.30 Q&A (Sonja Berlijn and Ellen Sande)

Fremtiden er elektrisk
                                           3                           Sted, dato
Tender Conference March 26th 2020 - Statnett
Presentation of this competition

   • Invitation to Tenderer – there is a lot of important
       information in this document. Please read it carefully.

   • All documents are published on Statnett homepage. (cfr
       links below
Fremtiden er elektrisk
                                    4                   Sted, dato
Tender Conference March 26th 2020 - Statnett
Answering the tender
   • Project proposals need to be submitted via the R&D
           • Norsk: https://www.statnett.no/om-statnett/fou-og-

           • English: https://www.statnett.no/en/about-statnett/research-and-

Fremtiden er elektrisk
                                                  5                Sted, dato
Tender Conference March 26th 2020 - Statnett
   • As a minimum, Statnett shall have user rights to all
       project results where Statnett participates. Please note
       that background information is not part of user rights.

   • For projects fully financed by Statnett, Statnett shall
       have full IPR to the results if Statnett so wishes. Please
       note that background information is not part of IPR.
Fremtiden er elektrisk
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Tender Conference March 26th 2020 - Statnett
CORONA effect on this tender process
   • Due to the Corona situation, Statnett may need to adjust this
       process. But there are no adjustments for the time being.
   • RCN has adjusted their process, but this will not have an effect on
       the tender process, but might speed up the process after the final
   • If there will be adjustments, Statnett will publish this at the
       Webpage for R&D project proposals
   • Links to this webpage – see above
Fremtiden er elektrisk
                                          7                        Sted, dato
Tender Conference March 26th 2020 - Statnett
   • Tender due date:

           • 30.4.20 kl.12.00 (CET)

   • Questions and answers will be published at the webpage

   • Deadline for questions is 20.4.20

   • Please note that the recently published new regime for RCN
       applications may influence the process after the Tender due date.
Fremtiden er elektrisk
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Timeline after tender due date

                               Phase 2                Phase 3
    Phase 1
                               May/June               ASAP, may start in June
                                                      for high priority projects

                                •Further evaluation
     •Evaluation of projects                            • Contract negotiations.
     •Reduction                                         • Financial clarifications
                                •Further reduction
     •Feedback                                          • Contract signing

Fremtiden er elektrisk
                                                 9                   Sted, dato
Expectations to this competition
Prof.dr.techn.ir Sonja Berlijn MBA

SVP R&D Statnett
Åpen informasjon / Public information

                                   R&D vision 2020–2023

                                    Climate goals lead to plenty R&D

                                Stimulate and encourage innovation
                                         towards the realization of a
                                         fully electrified Norway
                           Statnett’s R&D efforts will lead to increased
                         know-how, innovation and added value in a
                           safe, secure and sustainable power system
More BAMM R&D?

   • Bold (Bad Ass)
   • Ambitious
   • Mission Driven
   • Mega Cool

The future is electric
What are we looking for?
   • R&D projects that solve our challenges
                   • Clear description of which particular challenge the R&D
                         project will solve
                   • Clear impact description (RoI)
                   • Clear deliverables
                   • Cover multiple TRLs, show us how we reach the
Fremtiden er elektrisk
                                                 13                     Sted, dato
R&D Programs 2020 - 2023
                                                                                                       The projects deliver
                                                                                                         in the following
               Co-operation in the                  Digital, safe and          Real time control
                   energy system                cost-effective assets      and effective markets
             Electrification and                  Digital asset           Monitoring and control               HSE
                collaboration                     management​                  philosophy

         Smart and flexible grid               HSE and safe new         Operational challenges and ​
            development                           technology                  Market design                    Cost
               Climate and the              Primary components and         Smart data and Cyber
                environment                     retrofit solutions​              Security

                                   Continuous know-how development                                          Know-how

  Cooperation with universities              Funding professorship            Industrial Ph.D.
Fremtiden er elektrisk                                                                                    Value creation
Åpen informasjon / Public information

                   Co-operation in the energy system
                   Samhandling i energisystemet
     Electrification and collaboration
     • Increase electrification towards a low
       emissions society
     • Co-operation between energy carriers

     Smart and flexible grid development
     • Consumer flexibility and flexible resources

     Climate and the environment
     • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

                 Goal: Increase electrical and renewable energy system for the future
   Restructuring of the power and energy system - ambitious emission reductions

           • Electrification, energy efficiency and the construction of more renewable power generation.

           • The power grid – part of the climate solution.

                   • Statnett – minimise its climate and environmental footprint.

           • More intermittent renewable power generation - wind power.

           • Have more and new types of industry.

           • Consumers, often located in the distribution grid, will increasingly contribute flexibility to ensure
                balance in the power system.

Fremtiden er elektrisk
                                                              16                               Sted, dato
   Facilitate the fully electric and renewable            Within our three focus areas we are seeing
   energy system of the future and promote:               several mega trends - already many

           • a forward-looking and efficient power        initiatives and analyses underway, also at

                system                                    Statnett.

           • emission reductions and conservation             • - > looking for specific proposals that

                of biodiversity                                  will bring us further within topics
                                                                 that are currently little explored
           • smart grid development
                                                                 and that could provide added
           • integrated solutions in the power
                                                                 value for Statnett.

Fremtiden er elektrisk
                                                     17                                Sted, dato
Electrification and collaboration

           •    In which areas can Statnett facilitate the electric future, and the areas where we need to adapt.

   Proposals - examples

           •    How can energy-intensive sectors be developed in cooperation with the power system in a way that
                provides good socio-economic benefits and a low impact on the climate and environment?

           •    What kind of role can energy storage play - interact with incentive schemes?

           •    How to handle a significant expansion of offshore wind power?

           •    How can Statnett develop its social dialogue and communication

           •    How can Statnett contribute to the restructuring of the European energy system?

           •    Reliability of power supply - increase knowledge about the value of a secure power supply

Fremtiden er elektrisk
                                                                   18                                      Sted, dato
Smart and flexible grid development

           • The conversion to renewable power, more wind power, surplus areas, distributed production/
                flexibility and digitalisation place new demands and expectations on the power system.

   Proposals – examples

           • Alternatives to grid development.

           • Reducing bottlenecks in the grid - willingness of stakeholders to use their resources more
                flexibly or their willingness to invest in new consumption or new production.

           • How can we incorporate flexibility and options in our chosen solution to meet different future

Fremtiden er elektrisk
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Climate and the environment

           • The transition to a low-emission society - > set new requirements and expectations for interaction in
                the power system.

   Proposals – examples

           • Preserve landscape and natural assets, what kind of measures and policy instruments could
                reduce our own emissions and how we can adapt to climate change?

                   • Ensure transparent and inclusive processes

           • How can substations of the future be designed - ideas from “plus-houses”.

Fremtiden er elektrisk
                                                          20                                Sted, dato
Åpen informasjon / Public information

                   Digital, safe and cost-effective assets
                   Digitale, sikre og kosteffektive anlegg

              Primary components and retrofit solutions
              • Increase the life of our assets through better knowledge about
                components and by developing retrofit methods

              Digital asset management
              • Better asset management through the use of digital solutions

              HSE and safe new technology
              • Increase personnel, environment and asset safety through
                new working methods and new technology

         Goal: Reduced lifecycle cost, increased personnel and environmental safety
Digital, safe and cost effective assets
   Develop knowledge, methods, solutions and technology that contribute
   to digital, safe and cost-effective assets and asset management
            • strengthens HSE

            • increases utilization and longevity and contributes to a more digital system

            • technologies and methods for use when reinvesting in existing systems

The future is electric
Primary components and retrofit solutions:
   A large proportion of Statnett's assets are nearing the end of their planned
   lifecycle. We are therefore looking for proposals that can help us
            • monitor and assess the condition of system components in order to more accurately
                  estimate expected life expectancy,

            • reduce the lifecycle cost of both new and existing assets

            • strengthening expertise on primary components as well as their impact on the power

The future is electric
Digital asset management:
   Statnett wants to take advantage of the opportunities provided by
   digitalization of assets and asset management
            • increase automated condition monitoring of components and systems

            • access to data and better data quality

   Extensive initiatives in the area of improvement and digitalization of asset
   management through the internal initiatives LØFT and FRIDA:
            • Consequently, during the first part of the program period, most of the activity will be related
                  to the digitalization of assets, with less focus on method development in terms of asset
The future is electric
HSE and safe new technology:
   Statnett has major development and refurbishment projects happening
   across the country in addition to maintenance work. We are interested in
   technology, technical solutions and methods that
            • can help make workplaces safer and reduce the environmental impact of our assets

            • help keep our assets safe

            • can make projects cheaper, faster, better

The future is electric
Åpen informasjon / Public information

                   Real time control and effective markets
                    Sanntidsstyring og effektive markeder
              Monitoring and control philosophy​
              • Automated monitoring and control
              • Solutions for real-time communication and data exchange
              Operational challenges and market design​
              •    Technology and methods for integrating renewable
              •    Increased information exchange and common balancing
              Smart data and cyber security
              • From "big data to smart data"
              • Targeted and effective mechanisms to identify, protect,
                detect, respond and recover from cyber threats

 Goal:         Develop intelligent and automated system and market solutions of the future
 Fremtiden er elektrisk
Åpen informasjon / Public information

        Real time control and effective markets
         • Due to rapidly changing in the power system, it will be important to have good
           control of system status and respond appropriately to changes and develop
           customized market mechanisms (models / structure / system). Improved
           monitoring and control functions will be important to ensure a stable and
           reliable power system.

                 • How can we use both our own and others' data to get real-time decision support
                   within automatic system operation?

                 • How should we design markets that consider the physical characteristics of the power
                   system in order to facilitate a fully electric society?

                 • How should the organization be set up to use emerging technology effectively

                 • How to safeguard security of supply when IT-systems fail?
  Fremtiden er elektrisk
Åpen informasjon / Public information

       Real time control and effective markets
       Monitoring and control
        • It is necessary to investigate how we can develop our monitoring and
          control systems to capture events, visualize them and make operators
          aware of potential risks and how they can be addressed.
        • Examples of challenges that project proposals should address:
                •   Contribute to developing the intelligent and self-powered power system of the future
                •   Automated solutions for monitoring, control and correction
                •   Real-time communication and data exchange between companies and countries.
                •   Techniques / methods for early identification of errors and instability
                •   How fast is real time and how accurate must it be?
                •   What kind of solutions can help us to see operational challenges before they arise?

  Fremtiden er elektrisk
Åpen informasjon / Public information

        Real time control and effective markets
        Operational challenges and market solutions
        • With a sharp increase in unregulated power generation, we expect that it will be
          more demanding to forecast power generation and that it may trigger the need for
          other market designs. And the need to exchange information between different
          players in the power system will increase
        • Examples of challenges that project proposals should address:

                • Technology and methods to meet the integration of more unregulated energy sources
                • Increased automation of system operation and market solutions
                • Increased efficiency and better utilization through data-driven decision support
                • The interaction with the reserve markets and perhaps a greater number of bid areas
                • Alternative solutions within the Nordic balancing model with regards to forecasting,
                  bottleneck control, automation and error handling
                • Design of market solutions for buying and selling flexibility, and how these should interact
                  with our balancing markets

  Fremtiden er elektrisk
Åpen informasjon / Public information

       Smart Data and Cyber Security
       • Technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, use of digital twins, IoT,
         sensors and 5G will be "game-changers" in research and development for the power grid
         of the future, but will also challenge the cybersecurity of the power system.

       • What is required of us with increasing use of emerging technologies? For example,
         monitoring of the applications?

               •    What kind of competence/expertise is required to operate a more automated control room?
               •    Which technologies are best suited to solve future operational challenges?
               •    How to automate testing without connecting to the physical system?
               •    How to embed cyber security into the digitalized power grid
               •    How to build effective systems and data integrity solutions and ensure accessibility and
                    confidentiality of systems and data?
               •    Which technologies are best suited for targeted and efficient prevention, detection, response and
                    recovery of cyber threats and incidents?

  Fremtiden er elektrisk
   • Important to send your Project proposals within the
       closing time.

   • Read the Invitation to Tender carefully, there is lots of
       important and necessary information in this document.

   • Use the portal given in the homepage

   • Closing time is 30.4.2020.
Fremtiden er elektrisk
                                   31                   Sted, dato
                              • Questions?
                              • The Q&A is published in a
                               separate presentation.
                              • The presentation will be
                               updated with new
                               questions and answers
                               and any other updates
Fremtiden er elektrisk
                         32                      Sted, dato
The future is electric!

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