Biogas in France :current status and outlooks - October 9th, 2014 - Intervention FBE à la conférence biogaz de l'Office franco-allemand pour les ...

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Biogas in France :current status and outlooks - October 9th, 2014 - Intervention FBE à la conférence biogaz de l'Office franco-allemand pour les ...
October 9th, 2014

Biogas in France :current status and outlooks

         Intervention FBE à la conférence biogaz de l’Office                  1
          franco-allemand pour les énergies renouvelables
Biogas in France :current status and outlooks - October 9th, 2014 - Intervention FBE à la conférence biogaz de l'Office franco-allemand pour les ...

1. Presentation of the Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables and
   France Biomasse Energie

2. Biogas in France : current status

3. Biogas in France : outlooks and required evolutions

Biogas in France :current status and outlooks - October 9th, 2014 - Intervention FBE à la conférence biogaz de l'Office franco-allemand pour les ...
1. Presentation of the Syndicat des Energies
             Renouvelables (SER)

Biogas in France :current status and outlooks - October 9th, 2014 - Intervention FBE à la conférence biogaz de l'Office franco-allemand pour les ...
• A professional organization gathering 400 members, from large
  corporates to SMEs in 10 renewable energy sectors

  Windpower, bioenergy (wood-energy, biogas, biofuels), solar PV,
  thermal solar, concentrated solar power, hydro electricity,
  renewable marine energy, geothermal).

• All along the value chain : equipments manufacturers, project
  developers installers, EPC, O&M, developers, engineering firms,
  clusters, development agencies, lawyers, banks, insurance

• 20 permanent staff

• Our missions : represent the profession’s interests and promote
  RES sectors to institutional actors

Biogas in France :current status and outlooks - October 9th, 2014 - Intervention FBE à la conférence biogaz de l'Office franco-allemand pour les ...
Permanent staff
Biogas in France :current status and outlooks - October 9th, 2014 - Intervention FBE à la conférence biogaz de l'Office franco-allemand pour les ...
Internal SER Commissions organization chart
                                                                                                              + working groups
Biomass, 3 commissions                                       Management Board                                 depending on the
                                                          Chairman : Jean-Louis BAL                           course of events
                                                      Délégué général : Damien MATHON

       Commission           Commission           Commission      Commission solaire        Commission           Commission
     Chauffage au bois    Biomasse/biogaz        Valorisation      photovoltaïque           Eolienne           Hydroélectricité
       domestique              (FBE)           énergétique des        (SOLER)
                                              déchets ménagers
         Président          Président                                                      Président              Président
      Olivier GRELIER     Cyril LE PICARD        Président           Président           Jean-Baptiste          Jean-Charles
          (SUPRA)              (UCFF)           En cours de        Arnaud MINE             SÉJOURNÉ            GALLAND (EDF)
     Responsable SER     Responsable SER        désignation         (Urbasolar)           (GDF SUEZ)          Responsable SER
           Nicolas       Sabrina FUSELIEZ     Responsable SER    Responsable SER        Responsable SER       Antoine DÉCOUT
        AUDIGANE                              Sabrina FUSELIEZ   Romain POUBEAU          Marion LETTRY

       Commission        Commission Solaire      Commission                               Pôle Système             Pôle
     Energies Marines     thermodynamique       Régions Ultra-                        électrique - stockage    Communication

        Président           Président             Président                               Président              Président
     Jacques JAMART        Roger PUJOL        Jérôme BILLEREY                           Jean-Louis BAL         Jean-Louis BAL
        (ALSTOM)             (CNIM)              (Quadran)                             Responsable SER        Responsable SER
     Responsable SER     Responsable SER      Responsable SER                             Alexandre           Françoise JOUET
     Antoine DÉCOUT      Antoine DÉCOUT       Romain POUBEAU                           COURCAMBECK               et Damien
Biogas in France :current status and outlooks - October 9th, 2014 - Intervention FBE à la conférence biogaz de l'Office franco-allemand pour les ...
FBE activity fields

- Sectors : Wood for energy, other solid fuels, biogas, biofuels
- Field: Heat, electricity, gas, fuel (green manure)
- Industry, collective housing, tertiary (from upstream to downstream)

 - FBE’s objectives :
o    Unite the bioenergy actors in order to implement measures aimed at
     ensuring an optimal development of the sector and of all companies along
     the value chain
o    Remove bottlenecks in order to ensure a sustainable development of the
o    Establish links between the various lines of business among forestry,
     agriculture and energy sectors in order to develop dynamic industrial sectors
     and to promote the use of biomass for energy

Biogas in France :current status and outlooks - October 9th, 2014 - Intervention FBE à la conférence biogaz de l'Office franco-allemand pour les ...
2. Biogas in France : current status

•   Targets for France : 23% share of energy from renewable sources in
            gross final consumption of energy by 2020

•   23% in 2020 with 58% of biomass wich will produce :
      11% share of renewable electricity ;
      83% share of renewable heat ;
      More than 90% share of the renewables in the transport

News targets for 2030 : « Projet de Loi de programmation relative
      à la Transition énergétique pour la croissance verte »
                          (source: press conference doc from june 18th)
         But currently, many discussions to validate the law and targets could change …

One of the main targets for the SER is to keep this one : for 2030, covering
  32% of total energy consumption in France with renewable energy
Actions in favor of biogas
 Since 2006 the French Government issued a series of actions aimed at supporting the
  development of biogas
 Definition of ambitious long term objectives for the sector development in 2020
    - Electricity : 625 MWe installed or 4 230 GWh (x 4/ 2009),
    - Heat generation : 555 Ktoe (x 7/ 2009)
    - No targets for gas but the SER asks for it in the discussion of the law

 Upgrading of feed-in tariffs for biogas-based electricity generation (2006 and 2011)
  Creation of a biomethane injection feed-in tariffs, with a gradual extension of eligible installations
  (from 2011) and setting-up of market mechanisms (guarantees of origin, offset mechanisms)

 Simplification of the project development permission procedures : from 2010, projects with
  input injection below 60t/day are subject to the “registration” ICPE procedure (no environmental
  survey requested) and not to a full authorization process

 EMAA Plan (2013) calling for the development of 1,000 « on farms » biogas plants in 2020.
 Announcements of Ségolène ROYAL in june 2014 : 1500 new biogas plants within 3 years.
Biomass  65% of current production of renewable energy in France
   (46% for wood energy,11% for biofuels and 1,8% for biogas)

    Production primaire d’énergies renouvelables en 2012 en France - Part de chaque filière (21,3 Mtep en 2012) :

Inventory of the french biogas plants (january 2014)

 Working biogas plants in France in 2014
 (Source ADEME)                                                                    243




Centralisé         OM                      Ferme        STEP          IAA         ISDND
Regionale Anlage Haushaltsabfälle Landwirtschaftliche   Kläranlagen   Industrie   Deponiegasanlagen

ADEME, Janvier 2014
                Nombre d'unités               installée totale
                                    (kWe)                        6 injection units in 2014
A la ferme            138           177              23 581
Centralisée           18            1088             19 576
Total                 156             /              43 157

3. Biogas in France : outlooks and
         required evolutions

A market dynamic is starting
242 cogeneration projects identified by ADEME between 2011 and 2013 (most of them
are from agriculture sector)

                                                                       10        18

 Nombre d'unités
  (Tous secteurs)

                                                 5            6

 31                                                                              5

                                                                                                            Cumulated installed capacity   Cumulated installation number

                                                                                             Source ADEME juillet 2013

360 injection projects identified by GrDF

                                                But be careful because the way is still long to
                                                achieve all of them and the rest of potential
A huge potential

 2020, 2030 and 2050 outlooks
 In 2020, the French market could reach according to the ADEME 12 TWh or 0.75 Mtoe out of which :

     - 5 TWh would be transformed into heat/electricity (+20%/2012)
     - 1 TWh would remain untransformed (flared gas)
     - 6 TWh would be transformed into biomethane and injected on the gas network

 In 2030 the sector could provide as much as 15% of the French gas consumption (ADEME) or 17%
 IN 2050, the sector could provide as much as 56% of the French gas consumption (ADEME) or 73%

 France has many reasons to support the take-off of biogas production and transformation.
  Biogas :
    - provides a baseload power generation which helps mitigating intermittent renewable effect on
       networks and strengthening security of supply
    - contributes to the country’s energy autonomy and to stabilizing the balance of trade
    - brings outlets and new sources of income to agriculture and to industrial sectors : valuation of
       waste (ADEME forecasts 132 million tons of eligible inputs in 2030, mainly from the agricultural
       sector), generation of fertilizers
    - develops local non transferable employment
    - contributes to the renewable energy generation targets

Gas grid become an important renewable
                                               energy vector

           2010                     2020                  2030                  2040..         Technical potential
                                                                  Progressive                    technique

                                                                            Hydrogène &
                                                                            HYDROGENE              20-35
                                                                                                  19-33 TWh
                                                                            M éthanation           TWh
                                                                                                   1030-25           Long term perspectives
                                                      MICRO-ALGAE FERMENTATION
                                                                   M icro-algues                        TWh
                                                                                                   TWh               100 % decarbonized gas
                                                                                                                       ( source GDF SUEZ)
                                                      BIOMASS GASIFICATION
                                                      Gazéification de biomasse                     150 TWh
                                                      MWASTE FERMENTATION
                                                        éthanisation de déchets                     210 TWh

                                                                                                   440 TWh
Méthanisation : étude AFNGV/ADEME             Hydrogène : scénario ADEME / scénario Negawatt
Gazéification/ micro-algues : étude GrDF/MEDDE/MAAF/MEF                                            TWh

The way is still long…
Comparison between targeted (2020) and actual
  biogas-based electricty generation (GWh)

               Actual electric generation
               Target 2020

                                                       The 6 TWh target for biomethane injection
                                                       in 2020 assumes that in average 30 to 35
                                                       projects with an average production
                                                       capacity of 20 GWh/y are completed every

Source : Observ’ER 2013 (from SOeS data)
…and several improvements are requested by

 The question of inputs (« intrants ») is key : existing thresholds on several types of waste create a
 competition bias with some neighbouring countries and reduce the scope of possible projects

 Need for widening the authorized inputs list and raising thresholds

 Digestates do not currently benefit from a legal normalisation and certification allowing their sale on the

 Need to tackle that question in order to improve projects revenues and sustainability assuming that the
  impact of spreading on soils is carefully taken into account

 The increase of the average size of the projects linked to the emergence of injection projects, evidences the
  complexity of the development process : complexity of the ICPE process, lengthy permitting procedures (> 2
  to 3 years) whereas the project developers face an increasing need to gather local actors (farmers, industries,

 Need for simplification measures and delays reduction
 SER supports the ongoing “unique authorization” project studied by the Government

…and several improvements are requested by

 Access to financing is difficult as raw material procurement needs to be secured over the projects lifetime
 SER works with BPI France in order to improve the financial models of biogas projects

 Feed-in tariffs are hardly sufficient to ensure project viability and bankability whereas those projects are also
 supported by ADEME direct support (« Fonds déchet » )
 Should the ADEME contribution be reduced over the next few years, an increase of feed-in tariffs should be

 Biomass call for tender (feed in premium as guidelines of the european commission ??)
 Ministry of ecology could issue a call for tender in 2015 for biomass
(units of biogaz > 1MWe and combined heat/electricity production )

 French industrial development plan for biogaz energy
 SER work for wind energy (Windustry France 2.0) and could use his competences for biogaz
 Discussions on industrial plans in the Ministry of economy and finances

 Carbon tax will affect biogas and biofuels (voted in financial bill for 2014 / Question for 2015 ?)
 SER thinks it’s a real aberration and mobilize in order to cancel that decision in the future

Thank you for your attention

SER-FBE contact : Sabrina FUSELIEZ, Head of bioenergy department
       tel : / e-mail :

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