Page created by Harvey Thomas
Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences

Biotech reinvented
Where do you go from here?
Table of contents
Table of contents

Introduction                        2

How well has Biotech really done?   2

A business model that’s bust?       3

Blurring boundaries                 7

Putting up a united front           8

The size of the prize               12

Chain links                         14

Making the sums add up              14

Acknowledgements                    15

References                          16

Contacts                            19

Biotech Reinvented
Table of contents

Introduction                                arena – and reinvent itself by adopting   launched, and some of these therapies
                                            a more collaborative approach. In         have proved very effective in treating
The biotechnology industry (Biotech) is     the following pages, we’ll look at the    complex conditions.4 Five of the 10 top-
now about 30 years old – a long enough      main trends dictating the need for        selling medicines in 2009 originated in
time in which to evaluate how it’s done.    a new way of conducting research          Biotech’s labs (see Table 1).
Unfortunately, despite some notable         and development (R&D), and two
                                                                                      The bad news is that Biotech hasn’t
successes, it hasn’t completely fulfilled   organisational concepts that would help
                                                                                      made a significant difference to
its promise.                                biopharmaceutical companies become
                                                                                      Pharma’s productivity, measured in
                                            far more efficient. We’ll also touch on
The business model on which Biotech                                                   terms of the number of new treatments
                                            the implications for other parts of the
has historically relied is also breaking                                              reaching the market. Between 1950
                                            value chain.
down, as the research base moves east                                                 and 2008, the US Food and Drug
and raising funds gets harder. And the                                                Administration (FDA) approved 1,222
distinctions between Biotech and the                                                  therapies (1,103 small molecules and 119
                                            How well has Biotech                      large molecules). Given that it takes about
pharmaceutical industry (Pharma) are
disappearing, with the convergence          really done?                              10 years to develop a drug, the total
of the two sectors. But Biotech can’t                                                 number of approvals should have started
turn to Pharma for guidance because         If the birth of modern biotechnology      rising in about 1990, if Biotech had
Pharma’s business model has other           can be pinned down to any particular      succeeded in improving Pharma’s output.
flaws – as we explained in “Pharma          date, it’s probably 1980, when the US     But, as Figure 1 shows, the number
2020: Challenging business models”,         Supreme Court ruled in Diamond v.         of approvals has remained broadly
the White Paper we published in April       Chakrabarty that a genetically modified   constant.5
2009.1 So what should Biotech do?           microorganism could be patented.2         The reason’s simple: Biotech hasn’t
                                            Amgen was formed the same year, and       reduced the inherent risk in drug
We believe it should capitalise on the
                                            Genentech (now part of Roche) was         discovery and development. Average
opportunities emerging in the healthcare
                                            four years old.3 Since then, Biotech      development times for the kind of
                                            has profoundly changed the sort of        molecules on which biotech firms
What is Biotech?                            research Pharma conducts and the sort     generally focus – i.e., recombinant
                                            of products it makes (see sidebar, What   proteins and monoclonal antibodies – are
Biotech isn’t a distinct sector so
                                            is Biotech?). But how well has Biotech    slightly longer than they are for small
much as it’s a collection of disruptive
                                            really done?                              molecules (97.7 months versus 90.3
technologies for discovering and
developing new medicines, and               The good news is that it’s produced       months). Average development costs
diagnosing and treating patients            some valuable new platform                are much the same (US$1.24 billion
more effectively. We’re going to            technologies and treatments. RNA          versus US$1.32 billion). And the overall
focus here on Biotech’s business            interference has, for example, provided   success rate is still only 9.1%, compared
model – more specifically, its impact       a way of analysing gene activity to       with 6.7% for a small molecule.6 In other
on pharmaceutical productivity, and         identify novel disease targets. More      words, biotech companies don’t develop
its sustainability (or otherwise) in        than 100 different recombinant            new medicines much more quickly or
the current economic and scientific         protein-based drugs and at least 40       economically than pharma companies do.
environment.                                ‘companion’ diagnostics have also been

2                                                                                                                            PwC
Table 1: The best sellers of 2009

 Rank                                  Product                            Therapeutic Subcategory                                          Technology                                                                Worldwide Sales ($m)
 1                                     Lipitor                            Anti-hyperlipidaemics                                            Chiral chemistry                                                                                12,511
 2                                     Plavix                             Platelet aggregation inhibitors                                  Small molecule chemistry                                                                         9,492
 3                                     Seretide/Advair                    Other bronchodilators                                            Small molecule chemistry                                                                         7,791
 4                                     Enbrel                             Other anti-rheumatics                                            Recombinant product                                                                              6,295
 5                                     Diovan                             Angiotensin II antagonists                                       Small molecule chemistry                                                                         6,013
 6                                     Remicade                           Other anti-rheumatics                                            Monoclonal antibody                                                                              5,924
 7                                     Avastin                            Anti-neoplastic MAbs                                             Monoclonal antibody                                                                              5,744
 8                                     Rituxan                            Anti-neoplastic MAbs                                             Monoclonal antibody                                                                              5,620
 9                                     Humira                             Other anti-rheumatics                                            Monoclonal antibody                                                                              5,559
 10                                    Seroquel                           Anti-psychotics                                                  Small molecule chemistry                                                                         5,121
 Source: EvaluatePharma

 Figure 1: A flat performance

                                                                                                                            Impact of faster more                                                                Increase due to
                                                                                                                            productive biotech                                                                   PDUFA clearing
                 a 60                                                                                                       should have started                                                                  backlog of
                                             Small molecules (NMEs)                                                         here. An increase in                                                                 applications
                                             Biopharmaceuticals (NBEs)                                                      productivity has not
 Number of NMEs or NBEs

                          50                 Total                                                                          been observed



































 Source: Bernard Munos, “Lessons from 60 years of pharmaceutical innovation”

Biotech Reinvented                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3
A business model that’s                        Figure 2: Biotech’s business model

bust?                                                                        Venture Capital + Enterpreneurial Source

Worse still, the business model on
which Biotech has relied for the past               x

30 years is now breaking down.
This model is based on external
investment – typically, venture capital
– in an innovative idea arising from an
                                                                       Start-up                                                    Secondary /

                                                                                                                                   IPO / Trade sale
entrepreneurial source, often a group of                                          Start-up
academics (see Figure 2). It assumes                                                            Start-up
that investors can realise value through
one of two routes: flotation on the public
markets or, more frequently, a trade sale
to an established pharma company.                                                            Small Biotech                   Pharma
And it carries a very high risk of failure.
In one recent study of 1,606 biotech
investments that were realised between
1986 and 2008, 704 investments
                                                                                              Big Biotech                  Market
resulted in a full or partial loss, while 16
                                               Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers
only covered their costs.7                                                                                                           Big Biotech
The same study shows that the gross
rate of return on these 1,606 biotech
investments was 25.7%, compared
with a pooled average return of 17%            Figure 3: Big variations in cash multiples
on all venture capital invested over                             476
the same period. But costs and the
‘overhang’ from unrealised investments
reduced the net rate of return to about
15.7%, and there were huge variations
in the cash multiples earned by the
886 investments that made a profit                                                        269
(see Figure 3).8 Ten-year returns have               228
also deteriorated dramatically since                                                                  207                                 206
2008. The average return on a 10-year
investment ending in December 2008                                                                               116
was 35%, thanks to the lingering effects                                                                                      88
of the technology bubble. In March
2010, it had plummeted to -3.7%.9                                            16

So what distinguishes the successes                  Full      Partial        1           1-2         2-3        3-4         4-5         5 or >
from the failures? Our analysis of the               loss       loss        x Cost       x Cost      x Cost     x Cost      x Cost       x Cost
companies behind some of the top-              Source: Iain Cockburn & Josh Lerner, “The Cost of Capital for Early-Stage Biotechnology Ventures” (2009)
selling biologics on the market shows          Note: Figures include all exited biotech deals as of December 31, 2008

4                                                                                                                                                  PwC

 2-3      3-4        4-5      5 or >
x Cost   x Cost     x Cost    x Cost

   they have several common features.               Figure 4: Asia’s higher degrees of change
   Most of them started up in the US in the
   late 1970s and 1980s, floated very early             United
   in their history and raised a substantial            States
   amount of funds in the process. They
   were all subsequently acquired by big                China

   pharma companies, and the products
   they make are now marketed by one or                  India
   more such firms (see Table 2).
   However, many of the external
   conditions that enabled these biotech
   companies to thrive are rapidly                 Kingdom
   vanishing. The research base is shifting
   geographically, the emerging economies               France
   are competing more aggressively and
                                                                 0              2,000            4,000        6,000         8,000       10,000       12,000
   financial investors are getting more
   cautious.                                                             2006           1998

                                                    Source: US National Science Foundation
   Eastward ho!                                     Note: Data are for 1999-2006 in the case of France and 1998-2005 in the case of India

   The research base is moving East, as
   Asia’s emerging economies invest more
   in higher education and the ‘reverse
   brain drain’ picks up pace. Between
   1998 and 2006, the number of students
   graduating with doctorates in the
   physical and biological sciences soared
   43% in India and a staggering 222%
   in China, far outstripping the rate of
   increase in the West (see Figure 4).10
   The ‘returnee’ trend has been equally

    Table 2: Winning ways

    Product        Originator Company   Product    Origins in        Initial Public   Well           Big Pharma    Marketed by Big      2009 worldwide
                   Founded              Launch     US                Offering         Financed       Acquisition   Pharma               sales ($m)
    Herceptin      1976                 1998       P                 P                P              P             Roche                4,862
    Avastin        1976                 2004       P                 P                P              P             Roche                5,744
    Remicade       1979                 1998       P                 P                P              P             Centocor/J&J         5,924
    Enbrel         1981                 1998       P                 P                P              P             Amgen/Pfizer         6,295
    Rituxan        1985                 1997       P                 P                P              P             Roche/ Biogen Idec   5,620
    Humira         1989                 2002                         P                P              P             Abbott               5,559

   Sources: PricewaterhouseCoopers and EvaluatePharma

   Biotech Reinvented                                                                                                                                     5
pronounced. In the past two decades          Capital constraints                                venture capitalists – particularly
about 100,000 highly skilled Indian and                                                         European venture capitalists – from
                                             The recession has also made it much
Chinese expatriates have left the US for                                                        investing in the sector. In 2009, the
their native countries. Another 100,000      more difficult for biotech companies
                                                                                                amount of venture capital raised by
are expected to follow them in the next      in the developed economies to raise
                                                                                                biotech companies based in Europe
five years, as the opportunities at home     capital. In 2008, Biotech raised just
                                                                                                was just €800 million ($1.1 billion), less
improve.11                                   $16.3 billion in the US, Europe and
                                                                                                than at any time since 2003.17 And
                                             Canada – 45% less than the previous
                                                                                                money’s likely to remain very tight, as
                                             year. The situation improved in 2009,
Hotter competition                                                                              most biotech executives recognise;
                                             but the total amount raised fell well
                                                                                                84% of the participants at a recent
Some of the emerging countries are           short of historical levels, and nearly half
                                                                                                biopharmaceutical conference thought
also actively building domestic biotech      of it went to a handful of established
                                                                                                funding was the industry’s single
industries. Singapore launched its           public companies in follow-on offerings
                                                                                                biggest challenge.18
Biomedical Sciences Initiative in 2000       (see Table 3).15
and has already created a powerful                                                              They’ve got good reason to worry.
biopharmaceutical nexus. South Korea         There are plenty of other signs of the
                                                                                                According to one estimate, 207 of
set up a similar scheme in the late          toll the past two years have exacted.
                                                                                                the 266 private and public European
1990s, and has earmarked $14.3 billion       In 2009, for example, 10 biotech firms
                                                                                                biotech companies with products or
for its ‘BioVision 2016’ programme.12        (including the highly regarded deCODE
                                                                                                platform technologies in the clinic or
China has invested $9.2 billion in           genetics) filed for bankruptcy in the US,
                                                                                                already on the market urgently need
technological R&D, including biotech,        while another nine firms closed up shop
                                                                                                to raise funds – and they need a good
in the last 18 months alone.13 And India     without being officially bankrupt.16 And
                                                                                                $4.8 billion between them.19 Given that
is currently exploring plans to become       though financing conditions have now
                                                                                                the total amount of European venture
one of the world’s top five biosimilars      started easing, most industry observers
                                                                                                capital invested in the sector was just
producers by 2020.14                         believe the window for initial public
                                                                                                €501 million ($666.6 million) in the first
                                             offerings won’t open again anytime soon.
What’s more, many of the companies                                                              half of 2010, it’s very doubtful they’ll all
based in the emerging economies              This has inevitably deterred many                  succeed.20
aren’t just imitating the West; they’re
learning from its mistakes. They’re
dispensing with the costly infrastructure
that burdens companies in developed
countries to create new business              Table 3: Fundraising below pre-recession norms
models that are leaner and more                                              2009            2008           2007          2006         2005
economical, as well as pioneering             Initial Public Offerings         823            116          2,253          1,872        1,785
innovative products and processes.
                                              Follow-on Offerings            6,579          1,840          3,345          6,303        4,600
So the US is gradually losing its pre-
eminence as a centre of biomedical            Other                         10,044          8,244         16,928         14,930        8,442
research. It still leads the way and is       Venture                        5,765          6,131          7,407          5,448        5,425
likely to do so for at least another five     Total                         23,211         16,332         29,932         28,553      20,252
years. But it’s no longer the only gorilla    Source: Ernst & Young, Beyond Borders: Global Biotechnology Report, 2010
on the block.                                 Note: Numbers may appear inconsistent because of rounding

6                                                                                                                                        PwC
Blurring boundaries                                       – up from a third in 2000-2002 – and                    following suit, while Novartis has moved
                                                          the industry leaders have piled in even                 its research headquarters to Cambridge,
However, yet another change is                            more heavily over the past year.23 In                   Massachusetts, and hired a Harvard
taking place: the boundaries between                      November 2009, for example, Pfizer                      professor to run it.26
Biotech and Pharma are blurring. One                      licensed the rights to a new treatment
                                                                                                                  So Biotech and Pharma are effectively
                                                          for Gaucher disease, a condition fewer
sign of the change is the fact that                                                                               becoming one industry – the
                                                          than 6,000 Americans suffer from.24
several large pharma companies have                                                                               biopharmaceutical industry – although
                                                          In February 2010, GlaxoSmithKline
established corporate venture capital                                                                             there’s a limit to how far Pharma can go
                                                          launched a standalone business unit for
arms specifically to make strategic,                                                                              down the Biotech route. First, biotech
                                                          orphan drugs, and Pfizer did likewise a                 companies typically perform a few key
as opposed to financial, investments
                                                          few months later.25                                     trials, rather than using the belt-and-
in Biotech. Novartis has created an
option fund with the right to in-license                  Some of the oldest biotech companies                    braces strategy favoured by Pharma.
innovative products or technologies                       are simultaneously repositioning                        This is partly because most of them
from the companies it backs, for                          themselves as biopharmaceutical                         have fewer resources. It’s also because
example.21 Similarly, Merck Serono                        companies, and several pharma                           small companies are less likely than
has set up a fund ‘to support scientific                  companies are restructuring their R&D                   large companies to ask for scientific
                                                          functions to emulate Biotech’s more                     advice from the regulators and, even
excellence in [its] core fields of interest
                                                          entrepreneurial approach to discovering                 when they do ask, they’re less likely
and provide start-up companies with
                                                          new medicines. GlaxoSmithKline started                  to comply with the advice they get.27
the opportunity to interact’ with it.22
                                                          this trend in 2000, when it divided                     But biotech companies pay a price for
Many pharma companies are also                            thousands of its researchers into groups                taking the fast route, with much higher
focusing on developing biologics and                      of 400 or so and gave them their own                    failure rates in late-stage development
specialist therapies for orphan diseases,                 budgets to manage. It subsequently                      (see Table 4).28
because they offer a faster and more                      created even smaller Discovery                          Second, therapies for very small patient
focused route to market. In 2006-2008,                    Performance Units of 20 to 60 people,                   populations can’t deliver the returns
Big Pharma produced more than half                        each focusing on a different disease                    produced by mass-market medicines,
the orphan drugs approved by the FDA                      or technology. AstraZeneca is now                       unless they’re sold for very high prices.
                                                                                                                  However, patients in many countries
                                                                                                                  can’t afford such prices and, even in
                                                                                                                  more affluent markets, cash-strapped
 Table 4: Biotech companies fall more often at the final post
                                                                                                                  healthcare payers are pushing back.
                                                FDA       Percentage of         Phase III     Percentage of
                                                                                                                  The European Union recently altered
                                           approvals     FDA approvals           failures   Phase III failures
                                                                                                                  its orphan drug law, for example, to let
 Biotech                                            47              45%                68                 74%     regulators reduce the 10-year period
 Biotech-pharma alliances                           16              16%                18                 21%     of market exclusivity for orphan drugs,
 Acquisitions/licences by pharma                     4                4%                0                         where they think the profits from non-
 Pharma                                             36              35%                 5                  5%
                                                                                                                  orphan indications are ‘unseemly’.29
 Total                                            103                                  91                         In short, the external conditions that
 Source: Elizabeth A. Czerepak & Stefan Ryser, “Drug approvals and failures: implications for alliances” (2008)   helped produce a drug-discovery
 Note: All products were approved for the first time by the FDA between January 2006 and December 2007            powerhouse like Genentech have all

Biotech Reinvented                                                                                                                                         7
but disappeared. Pharma can’t copy                 because each has access to only one             agencies, universities, academic
Biotech’s discovery and development                part of the biochemical puzzle. This            medical centres, research institutes and
methodology too closely and, even                  not only slows down the discovery and           patient groups. They aim to overcome
if it could, Biotech hasn’t brought a              development process, it also increases          common bottlenecks in early-stage
golden era of productivity that would              costs, as numerous organisations                biomedical research by enabling the
justify doing so. All biopharmaceutical            replicate the same studies on the same          participants to piece together the
companies – whether they’re                        targets. Conversely, collaboration              scientific data on the pathophysiology
biotechnological or pharmaceutical in              accelerates and facilitates the process,        of specific diseases and potential
origin – will ultimately, therefore, have to       and two new concepts – precompetitive           targets sitting in their separate
adopt a very different business model.             discovery federations and competitive           organisations (see Figure 5).
                                                   development consortia – lend                    A number of precompetitive discovery
                                                   themselves to just such an approach.            federations have already been
Putting up a united front                                                                          established. Most of these collaborations
                                                   Precompetitive discovery                        have been set up fairly recently and
So what might such a model look                                                                    lie towards the philanthropic end of
like? If it’s to be successful, it’s got                                                           the spectrum. They focus on areas
to be more efficient – and one way of              Precompetitive discovery federations            of unmet need in the less developed
becoming more efficient is to become               are public-private partnerships in which        world or diseases for which it’s
more collaborative. Sequestering                   biopharmaceutical companies swap                particularly difficult to develop safe,
intellectual property in different                 knowledge, data and resources with              effective medicines. Alternatively,
organisations impedes innovation,                  one another, as well as with government         they aim to make a particular region

    Figure 5: Precompetitive discovery federations facilitate and accelerate innovation

                                                                   Data Aggregator

                                     Biopharmaceutical                                           Research
                                         Companies                                              Organisations

                                                                 Alzheimer’s disease

                                                                     Lung cancer


                                                         Precompetitive Discovery Federations

    Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers

8                                                                                                                                       PwC
more competitive (see sidebar,              they do will be performed virtually,
                                                                                              Connecting the dots
Connecting the dots).30 But at least        as the world becomes increasingly
one such alliance has already proved        interconnected. And each federation               In early 2010, Eli Lilly, Merck and
an outstanding success. This is the         will be disbanded once it’s solved the            Pfizer formed the Asian Cancer
Structural Genomics Consortium –            problem it was set up to deal with,               Research Group to promote research
backed by GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and        although the insights it generates                on lung and gastric cancers, and other
Novartis, among other organisations –       will live on – just as filmmakers form            forms of cancer commonly found in
which published 450 protein structures      syndicates to produce different films             Asia. The three companies plan to
within three years of starting work, and    and the films they create outlast the             create one of the ‘most extensive
aims to publish another 660 structures      syndicates themselves.                            pharmacogenomic cancer databases
by July 2011.31                                                                               known to date’ over the next two
                                            There are many advantages to this                 years. Meanwhile, the Coalition
Translating such findings into useful       approach. It would enable each                    Against Major Diseases is focusing
new therapies is another matter –           participant to save money by investing            on the development of quantitative
and it’s much too early to assess the       less than it would have to do to support          disease progression models
impact of precompetitive discovery          its own internal research or exclusive            for complex neurodegenerative
federations in terms of reducing lead       external research programme. It would             diseases like Alzheimer’s disease
times and costs, or treating intractable    also reduce unnecessary duplication,              and Parkinson’s disease. And the
diseases. Nevertheless, the industry        help all the participants make faster,            Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) is
clearly isn’t averse to the idea of         better progress by combining their                orchestrating the European Union’s
collaborating, and we think that, by        insights and permit them to take more             efforts to address major obstacles
2020, all precompetitive research will be   informed investment decisions. To put it          in drug discovery by pooling the
conducted in this way.                      another way, precompetitive discovery             resources of biopharmaceutical
Experts from numerous organisations         federations could end the “current modus          companies, research institutions and
will assemble to solve a specific           operandi in which commercially driven             patient groups throughout Europe. It
problem, regardless of whether they         clinical trials fall like dominos in the clinic   has a €1 billion grant from Brussels
work in industry or academia, and           – to the detriment of each company, to            and is currently supporting 15
whether they live in the Americas,          the detriment of the patients and with            research alliances.
Europe or Asia. Much of the work            relatively little [shared] learning”.32

Biotech Reinvented                                                                                                                   9
Table of contents

Of course, determining the boundaries       The potential cost savings might also           Competitive development
between precompetitive and                  prove incentive enough to stimulate             consortia
competitive research is difficult – and     a new attitude to intellectual property
opinions will vary, depending on the        management. Pharma companies                    The discovery process isn’t the only
interests of the respective parties.        typically patent all the information they       area of scientific R&D that would
Nevertheless, it’s possible to see how      hold to block their rivals from working         benefit from closer collaboration.
some of the lines might get drawn.          in the same area. But evidence from             The development process could also
Data preceding the point of filing for a    other industries suggests that most             be improved with the introduction of
patent (e.g., data on genes, pathways       patents remain uncommercialised;                competitive development consortia
and bioactivity) could provide various      Siemens and Procter & Gamble recently           (as we’ve called them) in which rival
opportunities for precompetitive            reported, for example, that they’ve only        biopharmaceutical companies join
collaboration, for example. And some        used 10% of their patent portfolios.34          forces with each other, as well as with
companies might well be prepared to go      It would therefore be far more sensible         contract research organisations and
considerably further. GlaxoSmithKline is    for all companies to segment their              platform technology providers (see
one such instance; it recently proposed     information into three categories:              Figure 6). At present, four or five firms
an industry-wide, open-access ‘patent       information they can openly share;              often focus on the same target at the
pool’ and offered to license all its        information they can safely sell to a third     same time, and each might develop
patented knowledge for free, as long as     party; and information they plan to use         two or three compounds to hit that
the knowledge is used solely to develop     themselves.35                                   target. But if they pooled their portfolios,
treatments for neglected diseases in the                                                    they could concentrate on the best
50 poorest countries.33                                                                     drug candidates, regardless of which

 Figure 6: Competitive development consortia minimise waste and enhance productivity

                 Healthcare                                                                           Healthcare
                  Payers                                 Regulators                                    Providers

                                                       Data Aggregator

                                  Biopharmaceutical                        Contract Research &
                                     companies                        Platform Technology Providers

                                           Competitive Development Consortia

 Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers

10                                                                                                                                 PwC
company had invented them, thereby         and securely – have been extensively
eliminating a great deal of waste.         documented. Making sense of disparate        New best friends
                                           pieces of information and identifying        AstraZeneca and Merck recently
Big Pharma has traditionally shied away
                                           meaningful correlations between              embarked on a landmark partnership
from such arrangements, yet competing
                                           superficially unrelated phenomena is still   to develop a combination therapy
heavyweights in a number of other
                                           an incredibly labour-intensive task.         for cancer, with each contributing an
industries have successfully come
together to develop new products.          However, solutions to all these problems     investigational compound to the mix.
General Motors, Daimler and BMW            are slowly emerging. The Human               Combination therapies for cancer
collaborated to create the hybrid          Proteome Organisation’s Proteomics           are common, but they’re usually
petroleum-electric powertrain solution,    Standards Initiative has already             tested late in clinical development or
for example. And there’s evidence          released standards for representing and      after registration. Or a new potential
that some large pharma companies           exchanging proteomic data from mass          treatment is tested in combination
may now be willing to take a more          spectrometry, molecular interactions         with the standard therapy. However,
open stance (see sidebar, New best         and protein separation techniques,           AstraZeneca’s compound was still in
friends).36                                for example, while the Clinical Data         Phase II, and Merck’s compound had
                                           Interchange Standards Consortium             only been tested in 100 people when
                                           (CDISC) is developing standards for          the two companies decided to join
Robust data aggregators                                                                 forces.
                                           exchanging clinical research data
The success of precompetitive              and metadata, and various other data         They entered into a staged agreement,
discovery federations and competitive      standards are well underway.37               beginning with preclinical trials. When
development consortia clearly hinges                                                    the results proved promising, they
on the existence of data aggregators       Similarly, use of semantic technologies
                                           for integrating and analysing data           decided to collaborate further and
capable of collecting and synthesising                                                  jointly devised a plan for testing the
data from all the participants in a        is growing. Johnson & Johnson is
                                           conducting a pilot semantic project to       treatment in Phase I trials. Under the
particular group. No such organisations                                                 terms of the deal, the two companies
currently exist. Nor, indeed, do some      capture metadata on biological data
                                           sources and make the information             will share the decision rights and
of the tools required to manage vast                                                    costs, and any intellectual property
amounts of biological and chemical data.   easier to retrieve.38 Pfizer, Merck,
                                           Novartis and Eli Lilly are also              that arises from the collaboration. The
The challenges – including the sheer       experimenting with the semantic web.39       big question is how the regulators will
heterogeneity of the data, lack of         And technologies like cloud computing        respond if they’re successful, since
data standards, limitations of the         are evolving to create a secure, reliable    nobody has ever co-registered two
available data-mining technologies and     and flexible infrastructure for sharing      unregistered drugs before.
immaturity of the IT platforms needed      data and applications.
to let researchers share data easily

Biotech Reinvented                                                                                                           11
Meanwhile, several big technology          ‘innovation culture’ is equally important.   industry researchers need discoveries
providers have entered the                 In view of the investment levels and         that have commercial potential. And
computational bioinformatics space.        risks associated with drug discovery         it’s all too easy for a biotech company
IBM leads the way. It’s currently          and development, all the members of a        with a single platform technology or
engaged in about 20 projects, ranging      precompetitive discovery federation or       molecule to overvalue its intellectual
from the development of sophisticated      competitive development consortium           property. It’s only by understanding
analytical tools to original research      will need to be agile, willing to explore    such differences in perspective and
on ‘junk’ genes and RNA interference       new ideas and open to insights               negotiating fairly that a precompetitive
in eukaryotes and viruses.40 Oracle,       produced outside their own walls.            discovery federation or competitive
Hewlett-Packard and Intel are also         Senior management will also need             development consortium can prosper.
actively focusing on bioinformatics.       to encourage creative brainstorming,         If the venture capital industry is to play
                                           networking, calculated risk-taking,          a major part in the future of biotech, it
Some formidable obstacles remain,
                                           experimentation and questioning of the       will have to be more pragmatic, too. The
but we believe these companies
                                           status quo.42                                most successful funds aim for returns of
will eventually play a major role in
analysing genomic and clinical data                                                     two to four times the initial investment,
to help individual consortia research      A new spirit of realism                      which is the equivalent of a compound
new medicines and the regulators                                                        annual growth rate of 7-15% over a
                                           That’s not all. If this new business
evaluate submissions more accurately.                                                   typical 10-year investment period. By
                                           model is to work, it will require greater
Some of them may even assume                                                            way of comparison, the FTSE Small-
                                           realism on the part of everyone
responsibility for developing disease                                                   Cap Index generated a total annual
                                           involved. Biotech executives and
models and predicting the interaction of                                                return of 1.1% between May 2000 and
                                           academics sometimes complain of Big
different molecules with a given target.                                                May 2010 – evidence of just how high
                                           Pharma’s ‘arrogance’, for example.43
We outlined how this might work in                                                      the bar has been set.44
                                           But size isn’t everything and the biggest
“Pharma 2020: Virtual R&D”, where we       pharma companies can’t expect to have
discussed how the largest technology       everything their own way. So they’ll
vendors could host ‘virtual patients’ on   need to become more flexible.
                                                                                        The size of the prize
behalf of the industry as a whole.41
                                           The research institutes and biotech          So there are some considerable cultural,
                                           firms they join forces with will also need   behavioural and practical hurdles,
An innovation culture
                                           to have more realistic expectations.         and some of them may be difficult to
Reliable data aggregators aren’t the       Whereas academic researchers prize           overcome. But we believe they’re well
only prerequisite for success; an          scientific knowledge for its own sake,       worth resolving, given the rewards

12                                                                                                                            PwC
collaboration can bring. It’s no accident          would cut R&D costs by about $160m,               medical centres will be responsible for
that IBM has doubled its software                  as well as accelerating market launch             generating original ideas and providing
revenues to more than $20 billion, since           by nearly five months. In fact, a 5%              disease biology and platform
embracing open-source computing.45                 improvement in phase transition rates             technologies on a fee-for-service basis.
                                                   alone would trim about $111m from
Precompetitive discovery federations                                                                 The biggest companies will thus benefit
                                                   the tab.46
and competitive development                                                                          by getting access to more innovation,
consortia could collectively enable                However, the participants would profit            cutting their costs and becoming more
the biopharmaceutical industry to use              individually, too. We envisage that the           productive – improvements that will help
precious resources more intelligently,             largest biopharmaceutical companies               them fend off criticism from healthcare
make more astute investment decisions              will be responsible for coordinating and          payers and patients angered by the
and develop better medicines more                  funding the federations and consortia in          high prices of many new medicines.
economically (see Figure 7). Even                  which they participate. They’ll also draw         Meanwhile, the smaller ones will get
incremental improvements could yield               on their huge compound libraries to               more stable, long-term financing,
significant savings. We estimate that,             develop new molecules and shepherd                better opportunities for benchmarking
given average development costs and                them through the regulatory evaluation            the value of their own contributions
lead times, a 5% increase in success               process to the marketplace. Meanwhile,            and access to critical regulatory and
rates for each phase transition and a              smaller biopharmaceutical companies,              marketing skills.
5% reduction in development times                  research institutes and academic

 Figure 7: Greater collaboration will help everyone

                                                                Feedback Loops

                                                  Competitive Development Consortium                                            Market
       Discovery Federation
  •   Systems biology                  • Molecule invention and protec-    • Clinical testing in the most ap-   •   Patient
  •   Disease analysis and modelling     tion                                propriate environment              •   Regulator
  •   Biomarkers                       • Much higher probability of suc-   • Shorter development time due       •   Payer
  •   Functional proteomics              cess as a result of the work of     to live licensing                  •   Provider
                                         the PDF                           • Lower cost as a result of higher
  •   Predictive screening
                                                                             probability of technical and
                            Blinded screening                                commercial success

                                            Fewer, more certain
             Better ideas                                                       Transparent testing             Better cheaper treatments
 Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers

Biotech Reinvented                                                                                                                          13
Table of contents

Chain links                                 The shift from product provider to             Making the sums add up
                                            outcomes manager has yet more
We’ve focused on R&D so far, but            consequences. Information will                 The English philosopher Thomas
greater collaboration will be required      become as important a part of the              Hobbes famously described life in the
in the rest of the value chain, too –       sales proposition as the products              17th century as ‘nasty, brutish and
and any company that masters the            themselves, and much of the                    short’.48 Healthcare has come a long
art of working closely with other R&D       information that’s generated will come         way since then; life expectancy at birth
organisations will have a head start        from external sources. In effect, each         is now at least 75 years in large swathes
over its competitors because it will be     biopharmaceutical company will need to         of the world, compared with 35-40
able to apply the lessons it’s learned      create its own information supply chain        years when Hobbes was writing his
to the other parts of its business. Take    and manage it as carefully as it does          Leviathan.49 But greater longevity brings
commercialisation. Most treatments          manufacturing and distribution.                new challenges, and few people can
perform much better in clinical trials      The changes taking place in the                afford to pay many thousands of dollars
than they do in everyday life, and          traditional supply chain have similar          for the most advanced treatments.
healthcare payers almost everywhere         implications. Biologics are much more          Hard-pressed governments with a
are demanding more for their money.         difficult to make and move around              growing number of elderly citizens will
The opportunities for generating value      than small molecules because they’re           be equally unable to foot the bill. So,
from standalone products are therefore      more susceptible to impurities in the          if we’re to make the most of the years
getting smaller.                            production process and more vulnerable         we’ve gained, more effective, more
                                            to damage during shipping. And since           economical medicines will be vital –
That means biopharmaceutical
                                            most such therapies can’t be taken             and that entails collaboration between
companies will have to switch from
                                            orally, new delivery devices – e.g., micro     everyone concerned.
selling medicines to managing
outcomes. They’ll have to bundle            needles, magnetically targeted carriers,
different products together and             nano-particles and polymer capsules –
supplement their therapies with health      are being developed. But these devices
management services like compliance         are also hard to manufacture.
monitoring, dietary guidance and fitness    The industry will therefore have to
regimes. However, most companies            collaborate much more extensively, both
won’t be able to create packages of         with contract manufacturers capable of
branded medicines and generics for          making biologics and complex devices,
different conditions singlehandedly,        and with specialist carriers capable of
so they’ll have to collaborate with         transporting sensitive pharmaceutical
rival manufacturers. And few, if any,       freight in cold-chain conditions. If it’s to
companies will be able to deliver all       capitalise on the increasing prosperity of
the services patients need, so they’ll      the emerging markets, it will also have
have to collaborate with numerous           to build a much more geographically
other organisations, including hospitals,   dispersed supply chain – and it will only
clinics, technology vendors and lifestyle   be able to do this by joining forces with
service providers.47                        local manufacturers and service providers.

14                                                                                                                              PwC
We would like to thank the many people at PricewaterhouseCoopers who helped us to develop this report. We would also
like to express our appreciation to all those external experts who so generously donated their time and effort to the project
Barrie Ward, Board member, Onyvax, Cancer Research Technology, Pharming Group N.V.
Cheryl Bishop, Business Development Manager, Roche Pharmaceuticals
Clive Birch, former PwC UK Life Sciences Leader
Mr David Dally, CFO, Merlion Pharmaceuticals Pte Ltd.
Gordon Cameron, CFO, Quotient Biosciences
Ms Nandita Chandavarkar, Director, Association for Biotechnology Led Enterprises
Peter Keen, Non Executive Director, Ark Therapeutics
Ray Spencer, Founder & CFO, Saturn BioSciences Ltd; Founder & Director, MGB Biopharma Ltd
Rob Arnold, Chairman, Clasemont Limited (& former PwC Life Sciences Partner)
Sam Smart, Independent Consultant
Dr Vijay Chandru, President, Association for Biotechnology Led Enterprises.

The views expressed herein are personal and do not reflect the views of the organisations represented by the individuals

Biotech Reinvented                                                                                                              15
Table of contents

1.   PricewaterhouseCoopers, “Pharma 2020: Challenging business models” (April 2009).
2.   Diamond, Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks v. Chakrabarty, United States Supreme Court, June 16, 1980 447 U.S. 303, 206 USPQ 193.
3.   Amgen website,; and Genentech website,
4.   Medco, “2010 Drug Trend Report”, p. 46; and Jeanene Swanson, “Companion Diagnostics Take Off,” Genome Technology (October 2009), http://
5.   Bernard Munos, “Lessons from 60 years of pharmaceutical innovation”, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Vol. 8 (2009): 959-968.
6.   Joseph A. DiMasi, “Costs and Returns for New Drug Development”, FTC Roundtable on the Pharmaceutical Industry (Washington DC, United
     States: October 20, 2006),; and Joseph A. DiMasi & Henry G. Grabowski, “The Cost
     of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Is Biotech Different?” Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 28 (2007): 469-479, http://www.manhattan-institute.
     org/projectfda/wiley_interscience_cost_of_biopharm.pdf. All subsequent references are to US dollars.
7.   Iain Cockburn & Josh Lerner, “The Cost of Capital for Early-Stage Biotechnology Ventures” (2009),
8.   Ibid.
9.   National Venture Capital Association, “Venture Capital Industry Saw Short Term Performance Improvements at the End of 2009” (May 14, 2010),; and “Venture Capital Returns Continued to
     Reflect Fragile Economic Conditions in the First Quarter of 2010” (July 28, 2010),
10. US National Science Foundation, “Science and Engineering Indicators 2010”,
11. Sandip Roy, “Tracking a Reverse Brain Drain to India, China”, New America Media (March 2, 2009),
12. PricewaterhouseCoopers & Association of Biotechnology Led Enterprises, “Leadership in Affordable Therapeutic Products: A Biopharma Strategy
    for India” (July 2010). Report prepared for the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Government of India.
13. Wang Guanqun “China to invest billions on key technology development, bio industry”, Chinese Government Web Portal (May 13, 2009), http://
14. PricewaterhouseCoopers & Association of Biotechnology Led Enterprises, op. cit.
15. Ernst & Young, “Beyond Borders: Global Biotechnology Report, 2010” (2010).
16. Brady Huggett, “Optimism in public biotech rises as credit crunch recedes”, Nature Biotechnology, Vol. 28, No. 1 (January 2010): 5-6.
17. Ernst & Young, op. cit. We have converted euros into US dollars using the average interbank exchange rate for 2009. This was 1 EUR: 1.39463
18. “The Future of Biotech.” Panel discussion at The Biopharmaceutical Conference in Europe, Monte Carlo, Monaco (June 16-18, 2010).
19. Walter Yang, “Europe’s Iceberg 2010: Advancing but frugal”, BioCentury, Vol. 18. No. 24 (May 30, 2010): A15-18.
20. Dow Jones VentureSource, “Q1 2010 European Venture Financing Report April 29, 2010.”
    PM/1Q10EuropeFinancing.html; and “Growth Returns to European Venture Investment After Record Low a Year Ago.” July 28, 2010. http://www. We have converted euros into US dollars using the average interbank
    exchange rate for the first half of 2010. This was 1 EUR: 1.33054 USD.
21. Roger Longman, “Novartis: Having & Eating Its Cake,” The In Vivo Blog (August 3, 2007),

16                                                                                                                                               PwC
22. “Merck Serono sets up strategic venture capital fund to invest in biotech start-ups”, The Medical News (March 23, 2009),
23. Walter Armstrong, “Pharma’s Orphans”, Pharmaceutical Executive (May 1, 2010),
24. Andrew Pollack, “Pfizer Deal Signals a Move Into Treating Rare Diseases”, The New York Times (December 1, 2009), http://www.nytimes.
25. John Carroll, “Pfizer creates a new R&D unit for rare diseases”, FierceBiotech (June 15, 2010),
26. Jeanne Whalen, “Glaxo Tries Biotech Model to Spur Drug Innovations”, The Wall Street Journal (July 1, 2010)
27. Jan Regnstrom, Franz Koenig et al., “Factors associated with success of market authorisation applications for pharmaceutical drugs submitted to
    the European Medicines Agency,” European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2010) 66:39–48.
28. Elizabeth A. Czerepak & Stefan Ryser, “Drug approvals and failures: implications for alliances”, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery Vol. 7 (March
    2008): 197-198.
29. Walter Armstrong, op. cit.
30. John Carroll, “Pharma giants join forces behind Asian cancer research group,” FierceBiotech Research (February 23, 2010), http://www.; “Coalition Against Major Diseases,”
    Critical Path Institute,; and Michel Goldman, “New Challenges for Drug Innovation: The European Perspective”.
    Presentation at Forum CQDM, Montréal, Canada (June 8, 2010).
31. The Structural Genomics Consortium (April 2010),
32. Aled M. Edwards, Chas Bountra et al., “Open access chemical and clinical probes to support drug discovery”, Nature Chemical Biology Vol. 5
    (2009): 436-440.
33. Michael R. Barnes, Lee Harland et al., “Lowering industry firewalls: pre-competitive informatics initiatives in drug discovery”, Nature Reviews Drug
    Discovery, Vol. 8 (2009): 701-708.
34. Oliver Alexy, Paola Criscuolo et al., “Does IP strategy have to cripple open innovation?” MIT Sloane Management Review, Vol. 51 (2009): 73-77.
35. Salima Lin, Teri Melese et al., “Cultivating innovation beyond corporate walls”. IBM Institute for Business Value (December 2008).
36. Pearl Huang, “Presentation at Extending the Spectrum of Precompetitive Collaboration in Oncology Research Workshop” (February 2010), http://
37. Sandra Orchard & Henning Hermjakob, “The HUPO proteomics standards initiative—easing communication and minimizing data loss in a
    changing world,” Briefings in Bioinformatics, Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2008): 166-173,; Clinical Data
    Interchange Standards Consortium,
38. Laurent Alquier, Tim Schultz & Susie Stephens, “Exploration of a Data Landscape using a Collaborative Linked Data Framework,” Proceedings of
    the HCLS/WWW2010/Workshop (Raleigh, North Carolina, April 26, 2010),
39. Vivien Marx, “Pharmas Nudge Semantic Web Technology Toward Practical Drug Discovery Applications,” BioInform (March 6, 2009), http://www.
40. IBM Computational Biology Center,
41. PricewaterhouseCoopers, “Pharma 2020: Virtual R&D” (June 2008), pp. 4-5.
42. Jeffrey H. Dyer, Hal B. Gregersen et al., “The Innovator’s DNA”, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 87, No. 12 (December 2009): 61-67.
43. Heather Fraser & Stuart Henderson, “A marriage of minds: Making biopharmaceutical collaborations work.” IBM Institute for Business Value
    (September 2007).

Biotech Reinvented                                                                                                                                     17
44. Details of the performance of the FTSE Small-Cap Index are available at
45. Genevieve Khongwir, “Open Source a successful business model”, (September 10, 2008),
46. We have based these estimates on average development costs of $1.24 billion and average development times of 97.7 months, using the figures
    cited earlier in this paper.
47. For a comprehensive discussion of how we believe pharmaceutical commercialisation is likely to evolve over the next decade, please see
    “Pharma 2020: Marketing the future” (February 2009).
48. Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1651).
49. “Life expectancy at birth,” The CIA World Factbook (2010); and Eileen M. Crimmins & Caleb E. Finch, “Infection, inflammation, height, and
    longevity”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 103, No. 2 (January 10, 2006): 498-503.

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