Birmingham City University - Master of Laws in International Business Law - Part-time

Page created by Theodore Dawson
Birmingham City University - Master of Laws in International Business Law - Part-time

Birmingham City University
Master of Laws in International Business Law
Birmingham City University - Master of Laws in International Business Law - Part-time
                            Message from the Vice-Chancellor and Pro Vice-Chancellor   3

                            Kaplan – The Choice of Many                                4

                            Award Winning Private Education Provider In Singapore      4

                            Kaplan Helps You Get Ahead                                 5

                            Raising Your Employability with Industry Relevance         6

                            Graduate Employability                                     7

                            Birmingham City University                                 8

                            Lecturers                                                  10

                            About the Master of Laws in International Business Law     11

                            Unit Outline                                               13

                            Graduation & Recognition                                   14

                            Career Fair                                                15

2 | Master of Laws in International Business Law
Birmingham City University - Master of Laws in International Business Law - Part-time
Message from the Vice-Chancellor
and Pro Vice-Chancellor

                           Professor Philip Plowden
                           Birmingham City University

Birmingham City University offers a vibrant and diverse learning community that is supported by world-class research, cutting-edge
teaching and an enviable network of business and corporations. Our programmes allow you to build on your existing knowledge by gaining
the skills, experience and contacts you need to become a leader and drive change in your chosen field. Our academics come from and
maintain links with the industry, ensuring you will be kept up-to-date with the latest developments in your area of study. Our teaching
excellence and ground-breaking industry collaborations are renowned, with nearly 50 professional accreditations for our programmes.
Partnerships with leading firms, as well as world-leading research in some areas through our last Research Assessment Exercise, provide
depth to your programme, offering you the skills and knowledge employers value.

                           Professor Keith Horton PhD, PFHEA, FBCS
                           Pro Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean,
                           Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences,
                           Birmingham City University

Thank you for your interest in our Master of Laws programme, and congratulations on taking this exciting and important step toward
developing your career!

Our Master of Laws in International Business Law places you in strong position to face the challenges of an ever-changing global economy.
One important element in your decision is the institution you choose to study with and the support you will receive on your learning
journey; in this respect you can rest assured that you have made a very good choice. Birmingham City University and Kaplan in Singapore
have worked together as strategic partners for many years, and bring to you the benefit of their combined experience and expertise
to enhance your education. Birmingham City University has a successful history spanning over 175 years since it was first founded in
1843, and currently welcome over 25,000 from more than 100 countries to study with us in Birmingham, UK, with several thousand more
students studying with our global partners, such as Kaplan in Singapore. We are a vibrant, diverse and multicultural university, with a rich
intellectual heritage. The University has an enviable reputation for providing quality, student-focused education in a professional and
friendly environment. Our superb courses, state-of-the-art facilities, first-rate staff, and focus on practical skills and professional relevance
is producing some of the country’s most employable graduates.

The School of Law has been offering legal education for over 40 years and is home to a diverse mix of legal academics and practitioners. It
is proud of its approach to clinical legal education and offers highly innovative undergraduate and postgraduate courses that are tailored
to student and legal sector demands. At the heart of our programme is a combination of research informed teaching and practice based
learning. We have an active academic research community of academic scholars, whose research has international reach and impact. Our
students benefit directly from the considerable expertise of our staff, as well as from our close links with the legal profession, including the
Birmingham Law Society, one of the UK’s largest Law Societies, wherever they may be studying our courses.

If we can be of help as you consider your next step do please speak to one of our team here at Kaplan in Singapore, who will be pleased to
assist you. Together with my colleagues here at Kaplan I look forward to welcoming you to our programme.

                                                                                                       Master of Laws in International Business Law | 3
Birmingham City University - Master of Laws in International Business Law - Part-time
Kaplan – The Choice of Many
    Kaplan in Singapore is part of Kaplan Inc., one of the world’s most diverse                        Registered with the Committee for Private Education
    education providers and is the largest subsidiary of Graham Holdings,                              (CPE), part of SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)
    formerly The Washington Post Company. To date, Kaplan in Singapore has                             Kaplan Higher                     Kaplan Higher
    students from over 35 countries and regions, and has served more than                              Education Academy                 Education Institute
    65,000 graduates. With over 500 academic programmes and professional
    certification courses for higher learning and skills development, Kaplan
    provides opportunities for individuals to pursue lifelong learning.                                Cert No. EDU-2-2023
                                                                                                       Validity: 20/07/2019–19/07/2023
                                                                                                                                         Cert No. EDU-2-2125
                                                                                                                                         Validity: 20/07/2019–19/07/2023

                                         Over                                    Over                             Students From Over

                                   500                              65,000                                                      35
                          Programmes & Certifications                  Diploma and Degree                          Countries / Regions
                                  Available                                 Graduates

                          Your Lifelong Integrated Learning Partner
                                                       Higher Learning | Skills Development

    Award Winning Private Education Provider In Singapore
    JobsCentral Learning Training & Education Development                                                     BERG Icons of Learning 2017
    (T.E.D.) Awards1                                                                                          • Winner of Best Private Education
                                                                                                              Institution in Singapore4
                          2018 Best Private Education Institution
                          • Accountancy3
                          • Banking & Finance3                                                                EC-Council Global Awards
                          • Business Management3                                                              ATC Circle of Excellence Award
                          • Communications & Media2                                                           (Asia Pacific)2
                          • Computer Science & IT2                                                            • 2017 • 2018 • 2019
                          • Law3
                          • Sales & Marketing2                                                                Academia Circle of Excellence Award
                          • Social Sciences3                                                                  (Asia Pacific)2
                                                                                                              • 2017
                          2017 Best Private Education Institution
                          • Accountancy3
                          • Business Management3                                                              AsiaOne People’s Choice Awards
                          • Law3                                                                              Top 3 Best Private Schools in Singapore
                          • Marketing2                                                                        • 2013 • 2014 • 2015 • 2016
                          • Psychology2

                          2016 Best Private Education Institution                                             JobsCentral Learning and Rankings Survey
                          • Business Management3                                                              Preferred Private Education Institution
                          • Communications & Media2                                                           • 2010/2011 • 2011/2012
                          • Computer Science & IT2                                                            • 2012/2013 • 2013/2014
                          • Marketing3

    Kaplan Higher Education Academy UEN 199409389H; Validity 20/05/2018–19/05/2022. Kaplan Higher Education Institute UEN 198600044N; Validity 17/08/2018–
    16/08/2022. 1Awarded to Kaplan in Singapore by JobsCentral Learning T.E.D. Awards. 2Awarded to Kaplan Higher Education Academy. 3Awarded to Kaplan Higher
    Education Institute. 4Awarded to Kaplan in Singapore by BERG Icons of Learning 2017.

4 | Master of Laws in International Business Law
Birmingham City University - Master of Laws in International Business Law - Part-time
Kaplan Helps You Get Ahead
At Kaplan, we understand your need to pursue a quality education that can help you achieve your career goals. We offer one
of the widest range of academic programmes from Diploma, to Bachelor’s Degree and Postgraduate qualifications, for you to
choose your area of interest and balance your commitment through flexible study modes and schedules.

Disciplines available:

z   Accounting, Banking & Finance                         z   Business & Management                                 z   Communication & Media
z   Engineering                                           z   Hospitality & Tourism Management                      z   Education & Social Sciences
z   Information Technology                                z   Law & Criminology                                     z   Nursing & Health Services

    CHOOSE FROM OVER                              CHOOSE FROM OVER                              KAPLAN DIPLOMA                        DIRECT ENTRY3 TO

    300 DEGREE                                    25 DIPLOMA
                                                                                                 ARTICULATES TO
                    PROGRAMMES1                                 PROGRAMMES
                                                                                                    YEAR 2                          2ND      YEAR
                                                                                                                                    FOR DIPLOMA GRADS
                                                                                             BACHELOR’S DEGREE2

       DEGREES AWARDED                             HEART OF THE CITY                            EASYAND                                 4-YEAR
        SAME AS
                                                          6    MRT                              AFFORDABLE

       ON-CAMPUS                                               STATIONS                         PAYMENTS4                                CERTIFIED

One of the largest private education institutions in Singapore, our campuses, Kaplan City Campus @ Wilkie Edge and
@ PoMo span more than 140,000 sqft. The campuses are located in the heart of the city, all within walking distances
from 6 MRT stations across major train lines. All our campuses are strategically located to provide students with
convenience and conducive study environments, including state-of-the-art classrooms and computer laboratories,
WIFI access, student lounges, well-resourced library and food & beverage outlets on campus.

 Refers to Degree programmes at Kaplan in Singapore. 2With our university partners and other higher education institutions from Australia, Ireland and the UK (relevant
disciplines and/or subject to university requirements). 3Subject to entry requirements & university approval. 4Terms and conditions apply. Subject to bank’s approval.

                                                                                                                      Master of Laws in International Business Law | 5
Birmingham City University - Master of Laws in International Business Law - Part-time
Raising Your Employability with
    Industry Relevance
    Kaplan in Singapore is committed to offering quality education through higher learning and skills development. As a result,
    Kaplan students will experience a holistic education with emphasis on graduate outcomes that will enhance their employability.

            Higher Education
              Qualification                         +         Kaplan Employability
                                                                   Services                      =      Industry-Ready

             Over 25 Diplomas and                                Comprehensive series of                 Our graduates will be
            300 Degree programmes                           initiatives including skills-based         career and industry-ready
                   available                                  training for full-time students

    Kaplan Industry Advisory Boards (IABs)
    Our six Kaplan Industry Advisory Boards comprising industry leaders and entrepreneurs provide industry perspectives
    and insights that help us ensure our curriculum is current, relevant and robust. This, together with our enhanced
    Employability initiatives, help us prepare our students to be industry-ready, with knowledge and key skillsets that
    employers are looking for in a new graduate.

    Developing Industry-Ready Talent
    We have a comprehensive series of initiatives to complement our full-time students’ academic learning. Students
    will be guided to build their professional profile and be equipped with soft, technical and digital skills, ready for
    life after graduation. These initiatives promote skills-based learning that aim to help our graduates be career and
    industry-ready to make an impact in the real world.

                                                   Kaplan Employability Services

    01                                     02                               03                          04
    4TH INDUSTRIAL                         INDUSTRY                         WORK EXPERIENCE             INDUSTRY
    REVOLUTION (IR)                        PROJECTS                         (non-credit bearing         CLINICS
    COURSES                                Solve real-world industry        internship)                 Receive advice from
    Complimentary skills-based             problems                         Increase exposure to the    industry experts
    training courses to provide                                             workforce
    students with industry-
    ready skills

    05                                     06                               07                          08
    MASTERCLASS                            KAPLAN                           PROFESSIONAL                CAREER
    SERIES                                 iCare                            DEVELOPMENT                 ADVISORY
    Access to industry trends              Contribute to society through    WORKSHOPS                   Personalised career
    and insights                           participating in community       Build online profile and    coaching sessions
                                           activities                       attend professional
                                                                            development workshops

                                           09                               10
                                           GRADUATE                         KAPLAN CAREER
                                           EMPLOYMENT                       FAIRS
                                           Access to Kaplan’s network       Attend career fairs with
                                           of employers for graduate        employers from different
                                           opportunities                    industries offering
                                                                            employment opportunities

6 | Master of Laws in International Business Law
Birmingham City University - Master of Laws in International Business Law - Part-time
Graduate Employability

                                       Over 95%
                                    of all employed graduates                                                            1

                                  secured full-time employment

                 More than                                               Close to                                            More than

            4 in 5
       employed after
                                                                   1 in 2
                                                              Given pay raise                   3
                                                                                                                        1 in 4
                                                                                                                  Given promotion3
      successful course

            Our graduates have found employment with companies such as:
            AC Nielsen                          GlaxoSmithKline                      National Council of                 Republic of
                                                                                     Social Service                      Singapore Air Force
            Accenture                           HSBC
                                                                                     National Healthcare                 Resorts World
            Apple                               Keppel
                                                                                     Group                               Sentosa
            CapitaLand                          KPMG
                                                                                     Netflix                             Siemens
            Citibank                            Maybank
                                                                                     Nikon Singapore                     Singapore Airlines
            DBS Bank                            Mediacorp                            People’s Association                Singapore Police
            Deutsche Bank                       Ministry of Home                                                         Force
                                                                                     Pratt & Whitney
            DHL                                 Affairs                                                                  SMRT
                                                                                     Procter & Gamble
            Drew and Napier LLC                 Ministry of                                                              ST Engineering
                                                Manpower                             PSA
            ExxonMobil                                                                                                   Standard Chartered
                                                Nanyang                              PwC
            Facebook                                                                                                     Thomson Reuters
                                                Technological                        Raffles Medical
            Far East Organization               University                           Group                               UOB

             Source: Kaplan Graduate Employment Survey 2018

All statistics are based on Kaplan Graduate Employment Survey 2018 conducted by Forbes Research Pte Ltd between February to August 2019, with graduates between
June 2017 and May 2018. Respondents include all full-time graduates: 638; and all part-time graduates: 904. This survey is not the same survey as conducted by the
Committee for Private Education.
1. Based on Full-time External Degree Programme graduates (Full-time & Part-time employed + Self-employed/Freelance)
2. Based on Full-time External Degree Programme graduates who were employed (working full-time + working part-time + self-employed/freelance) and seeking
   employment; excludes those working in the same company prior to completion of course.
3. Based on Part-time Diploma + External Degree Programme graduates (Full-time employed + Self-employed/Freelance)
                                                                                                                    Master of Laws in International Business Law | 7
Birmingham City University - Master of Laws in International Business Law - Part-time
Birmingham City University

    Our Mission                                                      Birmingham City University School of Law
    “To transform the prospects of individuals, employers and        The School of Law has been at the forefront of innovative
    society through excellence in practice-based education,          teaching approaches to undergraduate, postgraduate
    research and knowledge exchange.”                                and professional legal education for more than 40 years.
                                                                     Renowned for links with the legal profession, our curriculum
    Our Vision                                                       provides the study of contemporary and critical aspects
    “To be the leading university for creative and professional      of law and legal processes. The School has gained an
    practice inspired by innovation and enquiry.”                    international reputation for the provision of legal education
                                                                     and training, and over the years it has taught a number
    We accept students of all backgrounds, from across the           of students from around the world who have gone on to
    region, the UK and the rest of the world, with significant       pursue a career related in some way to legal practice in their
    numbers from the Far East, Africa and the Indian                 home country.
                                                                     Building upon the successful establishment of the LLB
    In various guises, Birmingham City University has been
                                                                     (Hons) degree at Kaplan Singapore in 2016, Birmingham
    launching careers since 1843. We have a solid, well-
    established presence in Birmingham, with several main            City University School of Law is committed to providing a
    campuses, halls of residences and other venues across            valuable global law experience, through the Master of Laws
    the city.                                                        in International Business Law (LLM), to students choosing to
                                                                     pursue legal education from their home country. The legal
    Despite our rich heritage, we have never rested on our           qualification that you will study is fully aligned with essential
    laurels. We have constantly invested in improvements to          curriculum content to on-campus programmes, meaning that
    our facilities, ensuring that you benefit from a state-of-the-   your academic law qualification is globally recognised.
    art learning environment and the latest technologies.

    Teaching and learning remains our core focus, producing
    graduates who are ready for the modern workplace. This
    is achieved by our ‘learning by doing’ approach, which
    gives students the opportunity to get involved in real-life
    projects and encourages teaching staff to remain engaged
    with the industry by working closely with employers.

8 | Master of Laws in International Business Law
Birmingham City University - Master of Laws in International Business Law - Part-time
Why Choose Us?                                                  z   You will study a current and relevant legal curriculum
                                                                    looking at the critical legal issues in international
z Birmingham City University (BCU) programmes delivered             business taught by a knowledgeable and experienced
  by Kaplan in Singapore are accredited by the Ministry of          teaching team
  Education of the People’s Republic of China (CSCSE)
                                                                z   The course covers critical aspects of legal regulation that
z Coverage  on global and international curriculum to               are directly relevant to typical areas of legal practice in
  develop your career regionally                                    Singapore such as corporate governance, compliance and
                                                                    alternative dispute resolution
z Well-paced study schedule with ample study breaks             z   The study of international business law takes a comparative
                                                                    approach across a number of jurisdictions meaning that
z Officially recognised as a higher learning institute by the       the course is truly international in scope
  UK government
                                                                z   You do not need to hold a degree in law to be eligible
z Work-based    courses and teaching so you’re prepared             to study the programme as all students will receive an
  for work after graduating                                         introduction on international law
                                                                z   For those that have already studied the LLB with Kaplan
z Possible completion in 12 months                                  in Singapore, the LLM naturally complements that
                                                                    qualification by offering critical legal studies in a less
                                                                    broad and more focused area of law

                                                                                         Master of Laws in International Business Law | 9
Birmingham City University - Master of Laws in International Business Law - Part-time

                                      Robin Peter Lange graduated from the University of London with an honours degree in law (LL.B) in
                                      the mid-1980s. Preferring an alternative to legal practice, Robin entered the academic profession
                                      shortly thereafter. The last 33 years had seen him conduct law lectures at various institutions in
                                      Singapore at diploma, bachelor’s and master’s levels.
                                      After over two decades of lecturing, coupled with the determination to be a better-equipped
                                      professional educator, Robin went on to secure the much-coveted Cambridge International
                                      Diploma for Teachers and Trainers (CIDTT), as well as earn the sterling credential of Master of Laws
                                      (LL.M) awarded by Singapore Management University.
                                      Robin has been conducting lectures at Kaplan in Singapore for the last 11 years. He was the
                                      first Discipline Coordinator for Law, as well as the first Chairman of the Appeals Board at Kaplan
       Robin Peter Lange
                                      in Singapore. Having served in these two capacities for some years, Robin stepped down to
       Associate Lecturer             concentrate on lecturing.
                                      To date, Robin is the only lecturer at Kaplan in Singapore, to have received the two awards of “Gold
                                      Award for Teaching Excellence” and “Outstanding Lecturer of the Year”.
                                      Currently, Robin lectures on Workplace Law, Marketing and Advertising Law, Company Law,
                                      International and Transnational Crimes, Criminal Behaviour, and Crime through the Ages for the
                                      Murdoch University; Business Law for Accountants for the University of Portsmouth; Company
                                      Law for the University College Dublin; and Criminal Law, Intellectual Property Law, Commercial
                                      Law, and Criminology for Kaplan’s proprietary law programs such as the Diploma in Legal Studies.
                                      Additionally, he sets exam question papers for some degree and diploma law modules, and is also
                                      the author of several Study Guides for Kaplan’s proprietary law modules.

                                      Vijay has been a visiting lecturer in the Faculty of Law of the Birmingham City University since
                                      2010. He was instrumental in pioneering the BCU law alumni in Singapore. Vijay specialises in
                                      International Corporate and Commercial Law and has vast experience in teaching law across
                                      various law subjects over the past 13 years. He takes a keen interest in areas of corporate
                                      governance and has done extensive research in the area in his post graduate studies.

       Vijay Ganesh
       Associate Lecturer

                                      Nirmala has been lecturing law over the past 13 years in various reputable institutions of higher
                                      learning in Singapore and overseas. She has completed her Master of Laws from University of
                                      London, under the academic management of Queen Mary and University College of London,
                                      specialising in Corporate and Commercial Law. She has extensive experience lecturing on diverse
                                      areas of law for the undergraduate and postgraduate studies. She also lectures law at the Hong
                                      Kong Polytechnic University for the School of Professional Education and Executive Development.
                                      Over the years, Nirmala has coached and nurtured her law students who have embarked into
                                      becoming very successful practicing lawyers in Singapore and abroad.

       Nirmala Devi
       Associate Lecturer

10 | Master of Laws in International Business Law
About the Master of Laws in International
Business Law
    Programme Structure

Combining the academic with the practical, you will have the opportunity to work on simulated cases with simulated clients.
You will gain a wide understanding across a range of legal areas through the 7 units covered in this programme.

z    International Corporate Law
z    Transnational Commercial Law
z    Corporate Criminality and Tax Evasion
z    Advanced Legal Research Methods
z    International Intellectual Property Law
z    Conflict Resolution in Business
z    Dissertation

Students are evaluated at the same standards as those studying in Birmingham City University. This ensures that a
Birmingham City University Degree attests to the same high academic standards, irrespective of where or how a student
studies. Upon graduation, the student will join a distinguished group of lawyers, solicitors, barristers and judges around the
world who have obtained their Degree as an external student of the University.

    Learning Outcomes

Our Master of Laws in International Business Law is universally recognised for its academic rigour and innovative teaching.
This route is perfect if you wish to study for a law degree but are not sure of which area you wish to specialise in. You will be
exposed to a practical real-world application of the law, equipping you with the academic knowledge and key transferrable
skills that are in demand by employers.

1. Analyse and critically evaluate the principal features of International Business Law, including the major concepts, values,
   principles and rules, and the main institutions and procedures
2. Critically analyse and synthesise complex legal issues, doctrines, legal rules, policies, arguments and discourses and
   apply theoretical knowledge to legal problems within a practice-led learning environment; recognising and making
   evaluative judgements about the appropriateness of different methods of problem solving, in order to make a reasoned
   choice from relevant alternatives.
3. Demonstrate a knowledge-applied approach, showing an ability to engage in in-depth research, evaluate sources of
   information and make proficient use of information and materials from a variety of relevant sources, including knowledge
   of the legal conventions relevant to International Business Law.
4. Communicate complex and abstract ideas in an articulate, confident and accurate manner in relation to legal issues,
   in order to make effective oral and written presentations, which are coherent and comprehensible to others and meet
   expectations in the workplace.
5. Employ strategic transferable skills to underpin continuing professional development and practice.
6. Develop a range of other pervasive skills, including:
   - Making relevant use of numerical and statistical information relevant to international business law that is derived from
     primary and secondary sources when constructing an argument.
   - Conducting electronic research and appropriate use of the internet to locate information relevant to international
     business law.
   - Producing work that is presented and formatted using standard software packages, working professionally and co-
     operatively with others as well as independently.

                                                                                           Master of Laws in International Business Law | 11
About the Master of Laws in International
     Business Law
        Learning Cycle

     This programme consists of 7 modules and may completed in a minimum of 12 months.

     Each module is supported with 24 contact hours except for the Dissertation module, which is 3 contact hours. Classes
     are generally conducted on weekday evenings.

     Each term consists of a 13-week period and students need to attend lessons for 4 weeks only.

     The actual cycle may vary depending on the nature of the programme and lecturers’ availability. The University and
     Kaplan reserve the rights to alter the learning cycle, days and timing of the seminar if necessary.

                                                                      Module 1
                   Week 1                                Week 2                        Week 3                   Week 4 - 6

                                                                                                          Revision and assignment
           3 weekdays classes                         Self-study                3 weekdays classes

                                                                      Module 2
               Week 7                        Week 8                    Week 9              Week 10 - 12             Week 13

                                                                                           Revision and
        3 weekdays classes                  Self-study            3 weekdays classes       assignment                Break

        Learning, Teaching and Assessment Methods

     The programme is 100% coursework-based and may include assignments, presentations (oral and written), journal
     and diary keeping, drafting, role-play and project work. Assessment methods may vary according to individual unit
     requirements. Theoretical case studies and problem-based learning are used to develop students’ abilities in analysis
     and critical evaluation. These skills can then be further developed through the clinical legal education aspects of the
     programme. Students’ understanding of the contexts underpinning the law and the relationship between theory and
     practice are developed through this process.

        Possible Career Opportunities

     By having a critical awareness of legal principles on the international regulation of business graduates can explore fields that
     deal with matters of international business such as commerce, contract regulation, and compliance. Successful completion
     of the Master of Laws in International Business Law, LLM will also be beneficial in professions that require enhanced
     appreciation of legal principles governing international commercial arbitration and intellectual property.

12 | Master of Laws in International Business Law
Unit Outline

Master of Laws in International
Business Law

International Corporate Law                                  advanced legal research. It serves a double purpose.
The principal legal vehicle for business in all developed    As a foundation to other Level 7 modules in law, it
economies is the limited liability company. Therefore        supports you in acquiring the knowledge of research
any study of international business law must include a       methods and skills in applying those methods required
coherent and rigorous examination and analysis of:           to succeed in postgraduate legal research – both in
                                                             scholarship and for practitioners.
• The legal framework of corporate law adopted in a
  range of relevant jurisdictions                            International Intellectual Property Law
• The problems and issues faced by the law in this field     The aim of this module is to introduce you to a number of
                                                             important themes in the area of international intellectual
• The similarities and differences of the choices made
                                                             property law. More specifically, it is intended to provide
  and solutions instituted
                                                             you with an intellectually stimulating and academically
• The aims, experiences and outcomes of the operation
                                                             rigorous education on the operation of intellectual
  of company law in those jurisdictions
                                                             property law at international level, and the challenges
Transnational Commercial Law                                 faced by the operation of that law.
In contemporary times there has been a large growth
of international commerce which has resulted in an           Conflict Resolution in Business
expanding use of cross border commercial transactions.       This module aims to inspire a new generation to rethink
This module aims to consider commercial law in the           traditional approaches to conflict and conflict resolution.
globalised world.                                            ADR is a fast-growing area and offers a challenging
                                                             and satisfying career through an array of emerging
Corporate Criminality and Tax Evasion                        professional roles. As a consequence, this module
This module considers the role of corporate structures and   significantly enhances student employability.
their global operations, and how these may lead to fraud,
corruption and tax evasion. The role of intermediaries       Dissertation
(such as banks, insurance companies, and law firms), tax
havens, and tax evasion methods are considered in terms      The aim of this module is to provide a framework for you
of how they may facilitate corporate criminality.            to undertake a substantial piece of disciplinary-relevant
                                                             research the output of which may be either a placement,
Advanced Legal Research Methods                              integrated project or dissertation. This is founded upon
This module enables you to gain enhanced knowledge           Birmingham City University’s teaching and learning
and understanding of the techniques needed for               philosophy which integrates theory into practice.

                                                                                    Master of Laws in International Business Law | 13
Graduation & Recognition
                                                    Students who successfully complete the programme will be awarded
                                                    the prestigious Master of Laws in International Business Law Degree
                                                    from Birmingham City University. The Degree will be the same as
                                                    that awarded to on-campus students of the University.

                                                    Graduates will be allowed to use the title LLM after their names.
                                                    Graduates are able to attend their graduation in the UK or attend a
                                                    local graduation ceremony in Singapore.

14 | Master of Laws in International Business Law
Career Fair
The annual Kaplan Career Fair is the biggest employment event held on campus. The Fair offers an opportunity for students
to meet potential employers face-to-face, and learn about career paths and job opportunities available to them throughout
their programme and in future. Students can enhance their employability and hone their resume writing and interview skills,
through career coaching workshops.

                                                                                       Master of Laws in International Business Law | 15
Application & Fees Schedule
Fees Schedule                                                               Who to Contact

Please refer to the insert for the information on:                          Telephone: 8613 8989
• Tuition Fee             • Refund Policy                                   Facsimile: 6225 3605
• Non-tuition Fee         • EduTrust Certification                          Email Address:
                                                                            Kaplan Website:
For more information, please contact our programme consultant               BCU Website:
or email to

Entry Requirements & Application
                                                                                The full application package should be sent to:
                                                                                Director, Master of Laws (Honours)
Minimum Entry Requirements:
                                                                                Kaplan Higher Education Institute
• A Bachelor’s Degree
                                                                                Kaplan City Campus @ Wilkie Edge
• Other qualifications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis
                                                                                8 Wilkie Road, #02-01, Singapore 228095
English requirements:
• IELTS 6.5 overall with a minimum of 6.0 in all bands (applicable
  to international students only)
                                                                            Birmingham City University and Kaplan Higher Education Institute reserve the right to alter,
• Applicants are required to meet the University’s English                  amend or delete any programme fee, course, admission requirement, mode of delivery or
  language requirement                                                      other arrangements without prior notice.

                                                                            The information contained in this brochure is correct at time of printing (May 2020).
In all cases, the final decision for admission to the programme rests       Registered with Committee for Private Education (CPE), part of SkillsFuture Singapore
with the University.                                                        (SSG).

Study Loans

Study loans are available with most banks and financial
institutions. Interested candidates may contact:

Maybank: 1800 629 2265
OCBC Bank: 1800 363 3333

Only applicable for local students.

Closing Dates

Deadlines for applications can be confirmed with the programme
consultant. Potential students are advised to apply at least 2
weeks before the commencement of each intake. Finalised start
dates and timetables are dependent on approval by the University.
This approval is based on a minimum class size.

                                                                                                                                                Kaplan Higher
                                                                                                                                                Education Institute
Kaplan City Campus @ Wilkie Edge 8 Wilkie Road, Level 2, Singapore 228095
Kaplan City Campus @ GR.ID 1 Selegie Road, Level 6, Singapore 188306

     6733 1877                                                                                                      Cert No. EDU-2-2125
                                                                                                                                                Validity: 20/07/2019–19/07/2023

                 KaplanSingapore                                                                                           UEN:      198600044N
                                                                                                                                                Validity: 17/08/2018–16/08/2022
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