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Bitcoin revolution - iGBAFFILIATE - How tHe cryptocurrency is opening new doors for igaming - Joomag
Issue 46 AUG/SEP 2014

                                                                                     Panda 4.0
                                                                        Leveraging the visual
                                                                    Retargeting for affiliates
Issue 46 AUG/SEP 2014

                        How the cryptocurrency is
                        opening new doors for iGaming
Bitcoin revolution - iGBAFFILIATE - How tHe cryptocurrency is opening new doors for igaming - Joomag
Bitcoin revolution - iGBAFFILIATE - How tHe cryptocurrency is opening new doors for igaming - Joomag
                                                                                                                        Events Calendar 04
                                                                                                                      Webmaster News 06
                                                                                     Google’s New Panda is Off the Leash 10
                                                                           A Change is Gonna Come: Mobile SEO in 2014 14
                                                                  SEO Lessons and a Little Jedi Wisdom: World Cup 2014 20
                                                                                                          Retargeting for Affiliates 22
                                                                                              Interview: Faye Evans, bet365 26
                                                                                  Leveraging the Visual Around Big Events 29
                                                                 Bitcoin Round Table: Paul Davis, Michael Ellen, Eric Benz 32
Everyone is talking about bitcoin,                                             Q&A: Chris Evans, Bitcoin Gambling Guide 36
and whether you believe in bitcoin
                                                          Interview: IOM’s Peter Greenhill on new digital currency regime 38
long-term or you think that another
cryptocurrency will supersede it,                                                             Bitcoin Casino: The Lowdown 40
you can’t afford to ignore the most                                                       Q&A: Binary Options For Affiliates 44
disruptive technology in the online
                                                                                        Amaya-Stars: A New World Order? 46
payments space. Why is bitcoin
important to iGaming? It lowers                                              NJ’s New Affiliate Guidelines: The Legal View 48
payment costs significantly, it                                             NJ’s New Affiliate Guidelines: The Affiliate View 50
eliminates chargebacks, and the
                                                                                        iGaming and the Connected World 52
majority of bitcoins traded today
are through bitcoin gaming merchants.                                                           CIS: Opportunities and Risks 54
But whether you mine them, buy them or                                                   Data Centre: iGaming Dashboard 58
have never paid bitcoin much attention,
                                                                                                  Data Centre: EU Regulation 60
this issue will get you up to speed on
bitcoin in iGaming and how affiliates can                                                                                       Marketplace 64
benefit from the bitcoin revolution.                                                           Data Centre: US Search Data 66
Michael Caselli, Editor in Chief                                                                               Data Centre: Top 100 69

                                       Editor in Chief: Michael Caselli                    FREE SUBSCRIPTION email:
                                                                                           Printed in the UK by: Pensord Press,
                                                     Published by: iGaming Business,
                                       Editor: Stephen Carter                              St Marks House, Shepherdess Walk, London N1 7BQ
                                                                                           T: +44 (0)20 7954 3515 F: +44 (0)20 7954 3511
                                       Publisher: Alex Pratt                               © iGaming Business 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this
                                                                                           publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
                                                                                           any means, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature without
                                       Designer: Kyle Young                                prior written permission, except for permitted fair dealing under

                                       Production Manager: Craig Young                     the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. Application for
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                                       Head of Business Development: James King            publishers. Full acknowledgement of author, publisher and source
                                                                                           must be given. iGaming Business Affiliate Magazine is published
                                                                                           by iGaming Business Limited St Marks House, Shepherdess
                                       Senior Sales Executive: Ed Grundy                   Walk, London N1 7BQ. The views expressed by contributors and

                                                           correspondents are their own. Editorial opinions expressed in this    Sales Executive: James Harrison
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                                                                                           The Publisher does not accept responsibility for advertising
    @igbaffiliate                              content. Cover image: ISSN 2041-6954.

                                                                                                  iGB Affiliate Issue 46 AUG/SEP 2014                           3
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affiliate events calendar
     Due to their popularity and wealth of information, analysis and discussion, conferences have become
     an integral part of the affiliate industry and a key communications bridge between affiliates and affiliate
     managers. Whether used for networking, education or just an excuse to meet up with friends, the
     affiliate conferences listed below provide all the tools you need to improve your business.

      Affiliate Summit East                                               Russian Affiliate Congress and Expo
      Marriott Marquis, New York                                          Sokolniki, Moscow
      10th – 12th August 2014                                             3rd – 4th October 2014                    

      Barcelona Affiliate Conference                                Performance Marketing Insights London
      CCIB, BARCELONA                                               Westminster Park Plaza, London
      23rd – 26th October 2014                                      28th – 29th October 2014                

4   iGB Affiliate Issue 46 AUG/SEP 2014
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webmaster news

    Gibraltar body to challenge new UK Gambling Act
    The Gibraltar Betting and                            to research, education and treatment in             or poorly regulated operators, leaving them
    Gaming Association (GBGA) has written                relation to British problem gambling and            exposed to unnecessary risks.
    to the UK government and Gambling                    regulatory costs.                                      “This Act allows operators from 165 new
    Commission to declare its intention to                  The GBGA has argued that the new law is          jurisdictions to gain licences to operate
    challenge the new Gambling (Licensing                unnecessary and will open up the UK market          and advertise in the UK and the Gambling
    and Advertising) Act 2014.                           to operators based anywhere in the world –          Commission is supposed to regulate this
        The organisation, which represents               some of whom will not obtain a licence.             industry with no extra-territorial information
    Gibraltar-based online gambling                         The Gibraltar organisation also said that        gathering or enforcement powers.”
    operators, instructed law firm Olswang to            the new regime would effectively require the           In letters before action, Olswang said that
    contact Secretary for Culture, Media and             Gambling Commission to police the online            the new licensing regime established under
    Sport, Sajid Javid, attorney general Dominic         gambling sector on a worldwide basis.               the act breaches Article 56 of the Treaty on
    Grieve and the UK Gambling Commission in                “This is bad for UK consumers, bad for the       the Functioning of the European Union and
    order to spell out its concerns over the Act.        regulated industry, bad for Gibraltar and is in     is unlawful.
        Under the new Act, which was given               breach of European law, but fantastic news             Olswang partner Dan Tench said: “The
    Royal Assent by the British monarchy last            for operators who choose to avoid proper            measures introduced through this Act are
    month, all remote gambling operators in the          regulation,” GBGA chief executive Peter             neither reasonable nor proportionate to
    UK market are required to obtain a licence           Howitt sad.                                         achieving that goal and are likely to have
    from the Gambling Commission to allow                   “We know of no precedent where any               adverse consequences for consumers.
    them to transact with British customers and          regulator in any industry will be granted              “All this Act achieves is a wholly
    advertise in the UK.                                 the role of licensing and regulating                unjustified, disproportionate and
        Overseas operators are also required to          operators all over the world in this way,           discriminatory interference with the right to
    inform the Gambling Commission about                 threatening to criminalise companies and            free movement of services, a right enshrined
    suspicious betting patterns to help combat           people who fail to submit to its regime.            in European Law. For these reasons the
    illegal activity and corruption in sports betting.   This is plainly unworkable.                         Government must reconsider this law or we
        In addition, operators based outside of the         “The likely impact of this legislation will be   shall have no option but to ask the courts to
    UK will be required to pay and contribute            to drive UK consumers towards unregulated           review it for them.”

    Amaya Gaming to push for PokerStars New Jersey licence
    Canadian gaming provider Amaya                       Associated Press news agency that he is             optimistic about the chances of gaining a
    Gaming has commenced licensing talks with            “encouraged” by the recent acquisition deal         licence for PokerStars in the state.
    New Jersey casino regulators in an attempt           and the regulatory body has now entered into           Although any documents are yet to
    to gain a state online gambling licence for          talks with Amaya in an attempt to reactivate        be filed, Jones said she expects a licence
    PokerStars.                                          PokerStars in the state.                            application to be submitted next week while
       Amaya is set to acquire PokerStars as                “We've had discussions with Amaya to             Rebuck said approval could be given to
    part of a deal to purchase the online poker          reactivate the application, and we plan to          PokerStars by the autumn.
    website’s parent company, Rational Group.            begin discussions with them tomorrow                   PokerStars previously attempted to
       Amaya struck a deal in June to acquire            (Thursday),” Rebuck said. “We'll look at            purchase the Atlantic Club Casino in New
    Rational Group, as well as its PokerStars and        whatever they bring over. I think in the long       Jersey, but the deal fell through and the
    Full Tilt Poker online poker businesses, for         run it will be a good story for New Jersey.         casino shut in January this year.
    $4.9bn. (€3.6bn).                                       “I'm optimistic that they know what the             The online poker website then linked up
       Amaya is already active in New Jersey             rules are, and I fully expect them to be very       with Resorts Casino Hotel, which itself has
    through a previously-agreed deal with                aggressive because they want to be here.”           been unable to offer online gambling while
    land-based operator Caesars Interactive                 The talks come at a time when the US             PokerStars has been suspended in the state.
    Entertainment, but PokerStars had its                state is suffering from a dip in online gaming         PokerStars was operational in the US
    application for online gambling in the state         revenues, with regulated operators in New           until it was banned in 2006 and departed
    suspended for two years by regulators.               Jersey having posted declines in revenue            the national market in 2011, before paying a
       David Rebuck, director of the New Jersey          during the last two months.                         $547 million fine to the Department of Justice
    Division of Gaming Enforcement, told the                Amaya’s company lawyer Marie Jones is            despite not admitting any wrongdoing.

    New Jersey fails in sports betting bid
    The US Supreme Court has rejected                    year which said New Jersey cannot allow             to having some form of sports betting on
    an approach from New Jersey Senator                  betting on sports contests due to a federal         their statute books at the time.
    Chris Christie to revive the state’s sports          law introduced in 1992, that bans most US              New Jersey voters passed a referendum
    wagering law.                                        states from licensing such wagering.                in 2011 to allow sports betting.
       According to the Wall Street Journal                 Nevada is the only US state currently               The state’s lawmakers followed by
    newspaper, the court declined to review              offering full sports betting, being among           enacting legislation to allow casinos and
    a federal appeal court ruling from last              four states grandfathered from the law due          horseracing tracks in New Jersey to take

6   iGB Affiliate Issue 46 AUG/SEP 2014
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webmaster news

sports bets on games, with the exception of           The Obama presidential administration
certain matches such as collegiate contests        added its support to the leagues.                  NYX and Sportech strike
played within the state or involving New              Both the sports leagues and the Obama           New Jersey iGaming deal
Jersey schools.                                    administration said in court papers that the
                                                                                                      Online gaming software firm NYX
                                                                                                      Gaming Group has announced
   Major League Baseball, the National             state’s appeal was meritless and unworthy
                                                                                                      that its SNG Interactive joint
Basketball Association, the National               of a review by the Supreme Court.                  venture with pools and sports
Football League and the National Hockey               They also stated that New Jersey could          betting operator Sportech has
League, as well as the National Collegiate         not complain about discriminatory                  entered into an agreement to
Athletic Association, sued to block New            treatment as the 1992 ruling gave the state        provide a new online gaming
Jersey’s law claiming that state-sponsored         a one-year period to begin sports betting          platform to the Resorts Casino Hotel
                                                                                                      in the US state of New Jersey.
gambling posted a threat to the integrity of       and receive an exemption, but New Jersey
                                                                                                         Under the agreement, NYX’s
their games.                                       did not take this opportunity.                     Open Platform System iGaming
                                                                                                      delivery software will deliver a range
Portuguese draft online gaming bill                                                                   of casino game including a number
                                                                                                      of titles from NYX’s NextGen
approved                                                                                              Gaming content division and various
The Portuguese Council of                          revenues, to compensate the social cost.”          other land-based manufacturers.
                                                                                                         NYX said its partnership
Ministers has approved draft legislation              The government said that the legislation
                                                                                                      with Sportech would ensure that
to enable the country to begin working on          will cover a range of both online and              SNG delivers a ‘best-of-breed’
a regulatory framework for the potential           terrestrial games in order to effectively          turnkey igaming solution to the
introduction of legalised online gambling in       combat illicit gambling.                           New Jersey casino.
the European nation.                                  Gambling formats intended to be covered            Matt Davey, chief executive
   The new legislation will allow the              by the framework include casino games,             officer of NYX Gaming Group,
                                                                                                      said: “Resorts is one of the few
Portuguese government to investigate               poker, gaming machines, bingo, sports
                                                                                                      brands with legitimate claim to New
different methods of betting and gaming            betting and horserace betting.
                                                                                                      Jersey and holds an iconic position
regulation in order to the country’s current          Portugal’s government also suggested that       in the industry.
laws to cover internet betting and gaming.         a new form of taxation be introduced to cover         “The combination of NYX’s flexible
   In a statement, the Portuguese government       the games.                                         gaming solutions and extensive
said the legislation would help to ensure that        This could include the creation of              library of high quality game content
laws are in line with the existing European        a homogenous framework and the                     will be key contributors to the
                                                                                                      unique positioning and success of
framework for best practices.                      establishment of online gaming duty in order
                                                                                                      Resorts iGaming venture.”
   The statement read: “This initiative is         to safeguard the regulated games.
crucial to combat illegal gambling, enabler           In addition, the government said that           Henderson confirmed as
of fraudulent activities and activities possibly   the new regulatory framework should also           new William Hill CEO
associated with money laundering, while            include ‘solid and effective’ sanctions to         William Hill has confirmed that
allowing the development of social policies        prevent illicit acts and ensure players face       James Henderson will assume
through a balanced distribution of gambling        ‘healthy’ competition when gambling.               the role of chief executive officer
                                                                                                      of the UK bookmaker from the
                                                                                                      start of August.
                                                                                                         Henderson, the group’s
888 chief would welcome PokerStars to                                                                 director of operations, will
US market                                                                                             replace long-standing CEO Ralph
                                                                                                      Topping. He has been with the
Brian Mattingley, chief executive                  throughout Europe. They are a formidable           company for nearly three decades
officer of online gaming operator 888              competitor. But they would make all of us          and has recently been based in
                                                   work much harder and it would expand the
                                                                                                      Australia to oversee the business
Holdings, would welcome PokerStars into
                                                                                                      William Hill acquired from
a regulated US market and that the addition        market.
                                                                                                      Sportingbet last year.
of the online poker giant would help to boost         “I would much rather have a small slice of         Topping was due to retire at the
internet poker overall in the country.             a large pie than a big piece of a small pie.”      end of 2015, but it was announced
   Despite having been absent from the                “It would be like unleashing an 800-pound       earlier this year that he would
market for a number of years, PokerStars           gorilla into the market, but having more players   depart earlier than planned.
could be set to return to the US scene after       on a regulated site would benefit everyone.”          William Hill confirmed the
                                                                                                      appointment of Henderson to the
Canadian gaming provider Amaya Gaming                 Gibraltar-based 888 currently enjoys
                                                                                                      London Stock Exchange this
agreed to acquire PokerStars and Full Tilt         a partnership with Caesars Interactive             morning and added that he will
Poker holding company Rational Group.              Entertainment for legal online gaming              receive a basic salary of £550,000
   Although PokerStars’ return to the US           websites in Nevada and New Jersey.                 (€694,000/$944,000) per year.
market would vastly increase competition              Mattingley said that the US online poker           Henderson said: “Under Ralph
amongst online poker operators, including          market is currently suffering as customers         as chief executive, the group is in
888, Mattingley said the move could in fact        still access illegal and unregulated websites,     the best competitive shape I have
                                                                                                      ever known and he has created,
boost the US internet poker industry.              but the introduction of a major player like
                                                                                                      in my view, an unrivalled team with
   Mattingley told the Las Vegas Review            PokerStars could push more players to              an outstanding track record."
Journal: “We compete with PokerStars               regulated sites.

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webmaster news

     New UK gambling act to be                Online gaming bill introduced in
     implemented in October
     The UK Gambling Commission has
     confirmed that the new Gambling          A new bill aimed at legalising a range            The first conviction of illegal internet
     (Licensing and Advertising) Act          of online gaming services in the US state      gambling is a degree misdemeanour while
     2014 will be implemented on              of Pennsylvania has been introduced in the     subsequent violations are second degree
     October 1, 2014.
                                              state senate.                                  felonies, with the minimum fine being set
        Operators that are currently able
     to provide gambling services in the         Sponsored primarily by Senator Edwin        at $75,000.
     UK and wish to continue offering         Erickson, the latest bill has been altered        The new bill would also allow for
     such services should submit an           from previous versions to potentially allow    interstate concepts with other regulated
     application for a continuation licence   for wider regulation of internet gaming.       states or territories in the US, but
     by September 16.                            The previous version, leaked to several     specifically mentioned this would not be
        If the application has not been
                                              news sources in May, stated the gaming         extended for international possibilities.
     determined by October 1, the
     applicant will be issued with a          board “only may approve poker games               In addition, a ‘bad actor’ clause forbids
     continuation licence that will allow     pursuant to this chapter”.                     “any trademark, trade name, service mark
     them to operate until the application       However, this language has now been         or similar intellectual property that is
     process has been completed.              removed and the new bill states “any           used to identify any aspect of the Internet
        Licence applications can be made      interactive game approved by the board         website or the operator offering the wagers
     via an online application service via    pursuant to this chapter”, which could         or interactive games to its customers” from
     the Gambling Commission website.
                                              potentially mean the legalisation of other     those companies that accepted Pennsylvania
        The confirmation of the
     implementation comes despite             casino games in addition to poker.             players after December 31, 2006.
     heavy criticism from the Gibraltar          The bill would introduce a tax rate of         Player databases, software or any
     Betting and Gaming Association           14%, while promotions could be deducted        hardware used in violation of the Unlawful
     (GBGA), which pledged to                 and funds seized from fraudulent players       Internet Gambling Enforcement Act will
     challenge the new Act after branding     would be counted as taxable income.            be excluded.
     it unnecessary.                             The licence fee for operators has              Other terms featured in the bill
        The organisation, which
                                              been set at $5 million (€3.7 million)          include the requirement that all
     represents Gibraltar-based online
     gambling operators, said that the        while affiliates would also require            deposits be segregated from operating
     new Act would open up the UK             licensing in Pennsylvania.                     funds, players must be over the age
     markets to operators based                  Although the bill states that unlicensed    of 21, internet cafes are banned unless
     anywhere in the world, some of           operators would also be required to pay        offered by a site operator, so-called ‘bot’
     which may not obtain a licence           taxes, this would not make them immune         play is forbidden and gaming sites are
        The GBGA also said that the new
                                              from prosecution for offering illegal          required to prominently display problem
     regime would effectively require UK
     regulators to police the gambling        gambling, only for tax evasion.                gambling information.
     industry on a global scale.

     Optimal Payments                         Bovada halts online poker service in
     becomes Crystal Palace                   Delaware and Nevada
     shirt sponsor
     Leading iGaming payments                 Online gambling and betting firm               access make new accounts or deposits.
     provider Optimal Payments has                                                              The New Jersey withdrawal came
                                              Bovada has followed up on its decision
     become the official sponsor of
                                              to stop accepting new registrations for        after the state’s Division of Gaming
     English Premier League (EPL)
     football club Crystal Palace Football    its online poker service in New Jersey by      Enforcement wrote to six US affiliates
     Club for the next two seasons.           adding fellow US states Delaware and           earlier this month to tell them to remove
        The company said it would use         Nevada to its restricted list.                 “any online gaming links that are not
     the sponsorship to elevate global           Players in the two states will no longer    authorised under federal law or under the
     awareness of its Neteller service        be able to create new accounts on the          law of any state”.
     and Net+® Card stored-value
                                              Bovada website.                                   Bovada said in a statement following the
     offering, which will be displayed on
     the front of the team’s shirts from         Those that attempt to access the service    New Jersey move that its partner brand |
     the start of the 2014/15 English         in Nevada or Delaware will be met by a had taken the decision "of their
     Premier League season.                   message that reads, “We are sorry. We do       own volition and they hope that their
        Neteller will be the first EPL        not accept registrations from your state.      existing customers continue to enjoy all
     sponsor within the online payments       For more information please contact us.”       of the products and services has
     space. Lorenzo Pellegrino,                  The restriction will not impact existing    to offer."
     Executive Vice President – Neteller,
                                              players with an account and funds.                The Equity Poker Network also
     said “This partnership gives
     Neteller the platform to promote our     Current customers are still able to play but   announced in June that its FullFlashPoker.
     services on a whole new level;           are now unable to make new deposits.           com flagship online poker room would
     putting it alongside major global           In May, Bovada announced it would no        withdraw its full suite of online real-
     brands like Barclays; Nike;              longer be accepting new registrations from     money gaming options from New Jersey,
     Emirates; Samsung and General            players in New Jersey, while punters in        as well as from the regulated states of
     Motors.”                                                                                Delaware and Nevada.
                                              New York and Maryland are also unable to

8   iGB Affiliate Issue 46 AUG/SEP 2014
Bitcoin revolution - iGBAFFILIATE - How tHe cryptocurrency is opening new doors for igaming - Joomag
Bitcoin revolution - iGBAFFILIATE - How tHe cryptocurrency is opening new doors for igaming - Joomag

     Google’s new Panda
     is off the leash
     should affiliates and operators worry?
     With version 4.0 of Google’s notorious algorithmic update now
     having worked its way through the search ecosystem, Matteo
     Monari of BizUp analyses its impacts and provides some recovery tips for

     For most people in our business,                or a set of its pages. Such actions can be            a Bite Rule stating “all matches in which
     the word Panda is no longer associated          manual or algorithmic, and result in an               a football player bites another player shall
     to cuddly Chinese bears we should fight         intentional decrease in rankings for one or           automatically be won by the team of the
     to preserve, but to merciless Californian       more keywords and pages. Such decreases               bitten player”, then Uruguay would have
     algorithmic updates we should fight to          in rakings are site-specific, and most of the         lost its match against Italy and ended its
     survive. In this article, we will look at the   time are temporary or recoverable. Using              World Cup earlier (...and Italy would have
     newborn of Google’s Panda family, Panda         a football metaphor, Google penalties                 won the World Cup - obviously ;-) ). In a
     4.0, and what it means for affiliates and       are like the four-month ban given to the              similar way, the results of any previous or
     operators worldwide.                            Uruguayan Luis Suarez for biting Giorgio              future match involving biting would be
        On the 20th of May 2014, Google’s            Chiellini during a World Cup match: due               changed forever, as the rules of the game
     spam-cop Matt Cutts announced1 to               to what he did, Suarez (and only Suarez)              would have been changed.
     the World the rollout of Panda 4.0,             will be penalised for 4 months. After this               Google data refreshes are data updates,
     Mountain View’s latest Panda algorithmic        period, as long as he stops biting other              not concerning Google’s algorithmic
     update. Keep reading to understand what         players, he can go back playing football as           structure, but the data processed by
     the difference between a Panda update           if nothing ever happened.                             a specific branch of such algorithm.
     and a Google Penalty is, why Google                Google algorithmic updates are more                Resorting to football metaphors one
     Panda 4.0 may affect your site, and how         or less permanent changes to the                      last time, it would be comparable to
     to recover in case your site’s rankings         algorithms regulating the ways in which               FIFA’s referees updating football results
     were hit by this update.                        Google finds, rates and ranks online                  by applying the “Bite Rule” to ongoing
                                                     content, involving potentially all sites              matches, by checking whether anybody
     Panda and Google penalties                      indexed by Google. The decreases in                   has been bitten since their last check.
     In order to fully understand what Panda         rankings that may result from algorithmic                Google Panda is an algorithmic
     4.0 is and what it means for affiliates and     updates are therefore not site-specific and           update adding new elements to Google’s
     operators, we should first of all clarify       potentially permanent. Getting back to our            algorithm: an additional set of rules that
     the difference between a penalty, an            football metaphors, an algorithmic update             modify the way in which Google considers
     algorithmic update and a data refresh.          is like a retroactive change in FIFA’s                and scores certain on-site parameters. The
        Google penalties are specific actions        rules: if after Suarez’s bite, FIFA had               addition of this “Panda Factor” to the mix
     taken by Google against a certain website       retroactively modified its rules by adding            has changed the rules of the game for all
10   iGB Affiliate Issue 46 AUG/SEP 2014

sites: following the release of                               copied, “thin” or re-hashed content.                 descriptions, information on legal
the first Panda update each and every                         Therefore, high quality affiliate sites              aspects, etc. As this content is distributed
site has been assigned a “Panda Score”,                       and operators have historically not been             to all operators using the same software
which represents the quality level of the                     significantly impacted. This is particularly         provider, it is often used by many sites
site and is used as an additional ingredient                  true in the case of bingo and casino sites,          and perceived by Google as duplicate
in Google’s secret ranking formula. After                     in which the relatively limited amount of            content.
its first release in February 20112, this                     keywords to target and a generic lack of         ●   Copied, “spun” and automatically
specific algorithmic component has had                        news always meant rather small sites, with           translated content. The worldwide
more than 20 updates and data refreshes3,                     limited amounts of content. However, a               appeal of our industry and the volatility
the latest of which - Panda 4.0 - was                         few elements typical of the sites in our             of some of its trends has led some site
particularly significant.                                     industry have led to some Panda-related              owners towards adoption of content
                                                              ranking issues for affiliates and operators          production solutions like text-spinning
Goal and elements                                             alike. These include:                                and automated translations. Content
of the “panda score”                                          ● Syndicated content. Sports betting sites           produced in this way can be identified
Defined by Google as an update                                   may think it’s a good idea to provide             as such by Google relatively easily, and
designed to decrease rankings for                                their readers with relevant sport news,           becomes a target for its Panda algorithm.
“sites which are low-value add for                               eventually by syndicating news from
users, copy content from other websites                          famous news outlets. As syndicated            What’s new in panda 4.0
or sites that are just not very useful”,                         content is essentially copied content, this   Since its launch, the Panda component of
with the Panda algorithm, Google                                 can put a site at risk.                       Google’s algorithm has had more than 20
clearly opted for quality over relevance,                     ● Pages with little to no content. Toplists,     updates and data refreshes, and Matt Cutts
for the first time. Tackling mostly the                          games, quotes, match results and stats        has recently declared that the algorithm
content-farm and news-aggregation                                are no doubt useful content to present        is now refreshing its data on a monthly
phenomena4, the new algorithm aimed                              to players. However, pages dedicated to       basis6. Because of this, when he tweeted
at increasing the rankings of content                            this kind of content tend to have very        on 20th May about the release of Panda
from high quality sources, preferring                            little text, which may lead Google to         4.0 (see Figure 1) the search industry knew
it to highly keyword-specific content                            assume they are low quality, from an          something big was coming: not a simple
from middle- and low-quality sources,                            informational point of view.                  data refresh but a change in the way the
characterised by automated or                                 ● Software-related content. Software             “Panda Score” was being calculated.
industrialised content-production.                               providers in our industry tend to
    What most webmasters rightfully                              provide their partners not only with          Following these changes, popular sites
wondered following Panda’s first release                         software solutions but also with game         like and - traditional
was how Google could really grade a
site’s quality. In order to “help” them,                      Figure 1 - Matt Cutts’s tweet announcing the release of panda 4.0
Google released a list of questions
webmasters could use as a checklist to
evaluate their content5, but of course it did
not reveal any real insight on the actual
factors taken into consideration.

Google panda and
online gaming sites
Key targets of Google’s Panda algorithm
are sites with significant amounts of
5                        iGB Affiliate Issue 46 AUG/SEP 2014      11

     examples of good quality sites - suffered      with a higher focus on syndicated content             from the l7th instead of the 20th (a good
     great losses of traffic7, approximately -50%   and on how users experience a site - also             tool to check for suspicious correlations
     for Ask and -33% for eBay, which left          considering client-side elements like JS              between your traffic and Google updates is
     webmasters all over the world scratching       and CSS.                                              Barracuda Digital’s Panguin Tool11).
     their heads (see Figure 2).                                                                             If Panda 4.0 seems to have had a
                                                    How to recover from panda 4.0                         heavy impact on your site, I recommend
     However, after close inspection, sites that    If you noticed a sudden drop in rankings              checking what areas are the most affected
     at first glance seemed to be high-quality      following the 20th of May, your rankings              in terms of organic traffic, evaluating your
     revealed some of the typical fallacies         may have been impacted by Panda’s fourth              content with an independent mindset
     addressed by Panda: duplicated content,        algorithm update. As the algorithm may                and considering the following points and
     empty pages and ad-heavy pages.                have been pre-rolling a few days earlier,             actions:
        Apart from some big names, the kind         you should consider this possibility even             1. Is your content providing users coming
     of sites which have fallen victim to this      if you saw rankings starting to decrease                 from search engines with the kind of
     Google update more than others are press
     release websites (see Figure 3) and the         Figure 2 - A list of the sites that may have lost most traffic due to
     sites syndicating their content8. Also this     Google’s panda 4.0 Update (source:
     should not come unexpected to savvy
     webmasters, both because press-release
     articles with keyword-rich links have been
     mentioned before by Google as a risky
     practice9 and because, due to their nature,
     press-release sites are mostly consist of
     duplicated content.
        Interestingly, also some technical
     aspects seem to have been tackled by
     Panda’s latest release. As noticed by Joost
     de Valk in a recent article10, when its
     robots cannot correctly access JavaScript
     and CSS resources and therefore have
     problems in rendering a page, Google
     now tends to assume more easily that
     the Webmaster is up to something fishy.
     The technique of blocking Google from
     accessing JS and CSS files to hide adverts
     and part of the site’s content is not new.
     What seems to have changed though is
     Google’s approach to these situations:
     from “innocent until proven guilty” to
     “guilty until proven innocent”.
        Considering the points above, the
     shared opinion is that the new update
     did not bring drastic changes in Google’s
     Panda algorithm, but slight tunings in
     the elements considered by it - possibly
12   iGB Affiliate Issue 46 AUG/SEP 2014

   information and services they would                            original, for instance because you have        REL CANONICAL attributes and Meta
   expect to find? If not, improve the                            been buying it from external providers,        Robots NOINDEX tags.
   content and make sure the website                              Copyscape13 is a good tool to double-
   delivers on its promises. Bounce rate,                         check its authenticity.                      As Panda updates modify Google’s scoring
   pages per session and time on site                          4. Are you syndicating your content to          and ranking algorithms in a complex
   are good metrics to check in your                              external sites? If so, make sure they are    and semi-permanent way, identifying
   analytics platform to get an idea of user                      not ranking above your site (that is a       the elements that led to an eventual
   satisfaction                                                   signal Google may be thinking they are       drop and your recovery from it can take
2. Do you have any pages with little to no                        the content originators), and consider       some time. However, as these updates
   content at all? If so, consider removing                       forcing them to use REL CANONICAL            mainly look at a site’s content and on-site
   such pages, adding a Meta Robots                               attributes on their sites pointing back to   elements, once a weak spot has been
   NOINDEX tag to them or populating                              your original content.                       identified, it can be fixed rather quickly by
   them with fresh, useful content. A good                     5. Are you intentionally or unintentionally     implementing on-site modifications. Also,
   way to check for “thin” pages is via                           preventing Google from being able to         as Google refreshes its data on a monthly
   ScreamingFrog’s word count feature12.                          fully render the content of your site?       basis you should be able to understand
3. Are you hosting any copied content                             If so, make sure Google’s spiders can        quite soon whether you are going in the
   on your site - either due to content                           access your JS and CSS files. Using          right direction or not. So, watch out for
   syndication, manual copies or external                         Google Webmaster Tools’ new “fetch           low quality, duplicated, syndicated or
   content sources such as software                               and render” feature is a good way to         re-hashed content you may be hosting on
   providers? If so, consider clearly                             verify what Google can and cannot see        your site... and good luck cleaning up after
   identifying “recycled” content by adding                       in your site.                                the new cub in Google’s zoo ;-)
   to all copied pages REL CANONICAL                           6. Are you duplicating any content within
   attributes referring to the original                           your own site? Google Webmaster Tools
   URLs. Alternatively, you may remove                            will help you identifying any internally
   such pages or - possibly better - add a                        duplicated HTML Titles and Meta
   Meta Robots NOINDEX tag to them.                               Description - possibly related to entirely
   Even better would of course be to create                       duplicated pages and sections. Once
   new, good quality content. If you are                          you identify the problem, in most cases
   not sure whether your content is truly                         you can solve it with a careful use of

 Figure 3 -                                                                                                     MAtteo MoNArI is COO’s seo Visibility dropping after Google’s panda 4.0                                              of BizUp, a results-driven
 Update (source:                                                                             Internet marketing agency
                                                                                                                specialising in competitive
                                                                                                                segments and international
                                                                                                                link building. After heading
                                                                                                                the SEO department of Europe’s
                                                                                                                leading content-on-demand company,
                                                                                                                Matteo is now leading BizUp’s link-
                                                                                                                building team, providing links in ten
                                                                                                                languages to clients in more than 20
                                                                                                                different countries. He has worked
                                                                                                                for some of the biggest affiliates and
                                                                                                                operators in the iGaming world.
                                                                                                                You can follow Matteo on Twitter
                                                                                                                @matteo_monari or email him at

14                       iGB Affiliate Issue 46 AUG/SEP 2014     13

     MOBILE SEO IN 2014
     Natural search traffic from mobile is now a big deal. Nick Garner of 90 Digital looks at what Google currently
     expects in terms of mobile UX and what could be around the corner for those who aren’t towing the line.

     FOR YEARS, MOBILE was the next big                  Since iGaming is by definition mostly non-    ‘online casino’ searched for in the UK:
     thing and now it’s finally arrived. Something       geographic, it means the search results are   As you see, it’s an exact match, and
     like 38% of all traffic to UK sites is from         mostly the same irrespective of the device    this is typical for most iGaming phrases,
     mobile devices. And the starting point for so       you are on.                                   The only deviation is when someone
     much of this activity is, of course, Google.        Below (Figure 1) is a set of results for      searches for something like ‘uk online
         According to Google, consumers spend
     7.3 hours a week on average surfing mobile          Figure 1
     web, and when they make a purchase they
     will visit an average of six mobile websites.
         48% of users start their research using a
     search engine. Since Google is the dominant
     search engine here in the UK, that means
     46% of us searched via Google.
         What does this all mean? For iGaming
     brands, natural search traffic from mobile is
     a big deal. So it’s time to double check that
     you are working in line with what Google
     expects from you when it comes to mobile
     user experience.
         Of course, you can do what you like when
     it comes to how you treat mobile users, but
     sooner or later, if you fail to stay in line with
     what Google asks of you, they will just stop
     referring mobile search traffic to you, and
     that is not good.
         With that in mind, I want to run through
     what Google do expect from you and what
     they are now planning on doing to penalise
     those who do not tow their line.

     Google’s mobile search results are largely
     the same as desktop search results when it
     comes to non-geographic search queries.

14   iGB Affiliate Issue 46 AUG/SEP 2014

Figure 2                                                                               Desktop Result               Mobile Result
                                                                                       SERP 1:             SERP 1:

                                                                                       SERP 2                       SERP 2
                                                                                       SERP 3                       SERP 3
                                                                                       SERP 4                       SERP 4

              Internet                                                                 SERP 5                       SERP 5

                                                                                       SERP 6                       SERP 6
                                                   m                          SERP 7                       SERP 7

                                                                                       SERP 8                       SERP 8

                                                                                       SERP 9                       SERP 9

SERP = Search Engine Ranking                                                           SERP 10 :          SERP 10 :

bookmaker’, but even then the results           With phrases like ‘online casino’,              Responsive design
are normally identical.                         most sites are much the same, but               ●●Google  says: Responsive design serves
   One question that comes to                   the differentiator is going to be the             the same HTML for one URL and uses
mind is...why? Surely mobile search             number of links going to those pages.             CSS media queries to determine how
should be different because so many                The catch for Google is that,                  the content is rendered on the client
sites are not mobile friendly, therefore        in depending on links as a core                   side. This removes the possible glitches
shouldn’t you show different sites when         signal, they know that most mobile                of user-agent detection and frees
on mobile search?                               sites, i.e., will             users from redirects. This is Google’s
   The reason both are the same is down         have very few links going to them when            recommended configuration.
to how Google decides which sites to rank       compared to the desktop version of the
highest. For those not familiar with SEO        site, i.e., so in         Translation: The same web address
and Page Rank, here is a micro lesson on        order to at least have a chance of              irrespective of device. Basically the same
ranking signals.                                getting the ranking results about               page, just presented differently depending
   Google looks at the content on a site and    ‘right’, i.e. in line with user                 on your device.
knows, based on that, what search queries       expectations, they will typically just rank        For Google this is of course the best
are most relevant to the content on a given     which ever brand site has the most ‘good’       option because for them, they know users
page. And Google also looks what content        links the highest. This diagram (figure 2)      get a consistent experience with the same
is most popular based on the number of          explains it:                                    content irrespective of device.
other sites linking to it. This means sites        So, because of this, Google has to              The catch is when you have a complex
with lots of ‘good’ links will typically rank   show the same results irrespective of           transactional infrastructure, i.e. a betting
higher than an identical site with few          device, because they are relying so             site or an online casino, it’s very difficult
‘good’ links.                                   heavily link signals generated over time        to repurpose that framework to be
   Therefore, whichever site has the most       to the desktop versions of sites.               responsive. This is because an iGaming
relevant on-page content and the most              Google describe three technical              platform has to be performant and have
links going to it will get to rank highest.     options for mobile users:                       security similar to a bank.

                                                                                                        iGB Affiliate Issue 46 AUG/SEP 2014     15

     Having done a survey of several igaming         Figure 3
     brands, very few actually render their
     desktop site. One exception is williamhill.
     com who take mobile users to their desktop
     site and then ask users if they prefer a
     mobile version. If you want a mobile version
     of the site, you get redirected to mobet.

     Dynamic serving
     ●●This  is Google’s second most preferred
       choice for managing mobile users.
       Google says: Dynamic serving serves
       different HTML for one URL depending
       on the user-agent. Use the Vary HTTP
       header to indicate you’re doing this.

     Translation: A user goes to http://www., and if they are on a mobile
     device they get a version specifically geared
     to mobile. Betfair do this on http://www.       Figure 4

     Separate mobile site
     ●●And  finally Google’s least favourite
       Google says: Separate mobile site redirects
       users to a different URL depending on the

     Translation: A user gets automatically sent
     to another web site depending on the device
     they are using.
        This redirection solution is the
     overwhelming choice for iGaming brands.

     Good housekeeping
     Reiterating an important point, one of
     Google’s greatest issues with mobile search
     are sites which send users to a separate
     mobile site. The issue with iGaming is          Figure 5
     operators are serial offenders when it comes
     to poor user experience from mobile search.

     Figure 3 shows a mobile search result for
     ‘Online Casino’. Paddy Power ranks No1
     both on desktop and mobile. This is a huge
     thing and well done to their SEO team for
     achieving that.
     Figure 4 is an example for ‘online roulette’:
     And finally ‘blackjack’ (Figure 5):
     Do you notice something odd? Every
     mobile page is the same, except for ‘online
     casino’. In fact to make sure, i tried

16   iGB Affiliate Issue 46 AUG/SEP 2014

     searching another 20 pages on the Paddy
                                                   Figure 6
     power casino site from my mobile device
     and they all took me to the same page.
        Search engines want to know where
     you are redirecting users, so they ask for
     something called a ‘rel alternate’ link to
     tell them where they are sending a mobile
     user. The tag looks like this

     Conversely, they want mobile sites to         Figure 7
     have tags saying what the original desktop
     page should be, so they suggest you use a
     tag like this one:

     You may wonder why Google cares about
     sites using this tag. It’s because it helps
     them work out what information to show
     users from mobile search.
        Sky Bet do use this tag:

     And this is the upshot on mobile search
     results (Figure 6):
     Sky Bet can now keep their really good        “We’d like to spare users the frustration        marked. It’s not ‘if’ iGaming is
     rankings for search phrase ‘online            of landing on irrelevant pages and help          impacted, its ‘when’.
     betting’, and more importantly, can           webmasters fix the faulty redirects. Starting
     change how their listing looks for mobile     today in our English search results in the
     users, therefore improving their click        US, whenever we detect that smartphone            NICK GARNER is
     through rates. Nice.                          users are redirected to a homepage instead of     Founder and CEO of 90
                                                                                                     Digital, the full service
       Of course, you guessed it. Paddy Power      the the page they asked for, we may note it
                                                                                                     SEO agency. He is an
     don’t use this, so Google has no idea what    below the result. If you still wish to proceed    iGaming specialist and
     pages are connected to what.                  to the page, you can click ‘Try anyway’”.         along with his team they work
                                                                                                     with several iGaming brands.
                                                                                                     90 Digital has a team of 72, located
     Google rings the changes                      Conclusion
                                                                                                     across four offices.Nick is a huge fan
     On June 4th 2014, Google quietly              An iGaming brand may think ‘so what?!’.           of Paddy Power, but to make this article
     announced things are about to change          Well if you’re an iGaming operator and            more interesting he chose them as the
     with mobile search.                           you do what Paddy Power do to their               specimen brand rather than someone
                                                                                                     no one cares about ;-).
     From Google:                                  mobile search users, then Google has you

18   iGB Affiliate Issue 46 AUG/SEP 2014
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     WORLD CUP 2014
     iGaming SEO specialist Paul Reilly of Media Skunk Works highlights several key lessons for affiliates
     emerging from the recent World Cup in Brazil.

     THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE looks at                      Having of course nailed the World Cup 2014,    those who left the tournament during the
     some lessons in evolution since the last            you will no doubt be planning your attack      group stages, many of these with active
     World Cup in 2010, and will help set the            on the next major international football       local betting markets or ex-pat or non-
     scene for your future digital marketing             championship and betting event, Euro 2016.     domicile residential communities, all
     efforts, particularly around big events.                                                           located outside of their own natural native
        Since moving into iGaming as a specialist        Internationalising your                        geographic search market.
     niche within SEO, I have seen significant           way to stability
     changes, not only in terms of the evolution         The biggest lesson from this years World       Figure 2
     of the Internet in the four years since the last    Cup will have been experienced by those         Nation                    Date of elimination
     World Cup, but also of how we interact with         who failed to internationalise. This applies    Cameroon                     18/06/2014
     information and each other in the digital space.    especially to the Spanish and English-facing    Spain                        18/06/2014
        Some of the key differences to the               affiliates whose dreams ended early, along      Australia                    18/06/2014

     landscape since the last World Cup in 2010          with most of their player acquisition.          Japan                        19/06/2014
                                                                                                         Honduras                     20/06/2014
     include:                                               However, let this be a lesson to all
                                                                                                         Croatia                      23/06/2014
     ● Google’s real-time analytics                      affiliates on why you need to target those
                                                                                                         Ivory Coast                  24/06/2014
     ● Google’s custom reporting and                     emotional punters in international markets.
                                                                                                         England                      24/06/2014
        segmentation                                     It’s crucial to simultaneously consider both    Italy                        24/06/2014
     ● Google query data becoming partially then         geography and language when looking to          Ecuador                      25/06/2014

        100% “Not Provided”                              diversify revenue opportunities around a        Iran                         25/06/2014

     ● 100% “Not Provided” was replaced by               World Cup, or any international event for       Bosnia                       25/06/2014
                                                                                                         Portugal                     26/06/2014
        detailed Webmaster Tools Reporting               that matter (see Figure 1).
                                                                                                         Ghana                        26/06/2014
     ● Social networks now connect us all in
                                                                                                         Russia                       26/06/2014
        some way shape or form and with varying          This consideration is made particularly         South Korea                  26/06/2014
        degrees of engagement                            important by the scale of the Spanish-
     ● The rise of the second device                     speaking, global betting population (without   So, what did you do to mitigate that risk
        (mobile and tablet)                              forgetting those English-speaking affluent     of an early knock-out?
     ● The continued progressive enhancement             Australians who were also eliminated on
        of Google’s spam filters                         the very same day). As for the England team    And more importantly…
     ● Link / penalty removal has become a               themselves, don’t even get me started!         Do you have a strategy for Euro 2016? I
        booming industry                                 Figure 2 shows the elimination dates for       guess you do now. The question however
     ● Fully integrated campaigns are becoming
        the norm for more and more affiliates.           Figure 1

     At this point, I’d like to reiterate a point I’ve
     consistently maintained throughout my 15
     years in SEO. When it comes to event-driven
     digital marketing, especially SEO with its
     delayed response times to various actions
     based on an infinite number of variables and

     By the time preparations for World Cup
     2014“should” have been underway, none
     of the above (with the exception of 100%
     “Not Provided” being replaced by a
     beautiful reporting suite within Google
     Webmaster Tools), should have presented
     you with any surprises.

20   iGB Affiliate Issue 46 AUG/SEP 2014

remains: will you take action now or wait        next, because you’re going to need them.        costs increase, based both on asking price
till that bus has passed?                        Now here’s the bad news… They’re more           and on another cost dimension - human
                                                 expensive than ever before.                     resource overheads.
Thematic re-orientation with on-                                                                    This is increasing largely due to
site content and news feeds                      The super-inflation of link costs               webmasters (having agreed to sell a link)
Those affiliates who saw masses of               Google’s campaign of Fear Uncertainty           dropping out mid-deal (usually during the
traffic but didn’t convert many players will     and Doubt in the webmaster world                a client approval stage) having stumbled
no doubt be feeling this right now. Get          is working its magic within the link            across a copy of the aforementioned gospel
into your Webmaster Tools account and            economy. Outside of risky networks and          according to Matt Cutts.
take a look at the content/keyword data for      old school, spammy link farms, quality             This is forcing link traders and off-site
your site(s).                                    sites and the formerly questionable             SEO specialists to both increase the cost
   Figure 3 below shows a couple of              editorial integrity of link sellers, over the   per link, as well as strictly enforce their
examples of two sites which performed            last 6-8 months we’ve seen a dramatic           service terms and conditions.
differently in terms of the type of traffic      increase in link cost as webmasters                With this in mind, should your link
they generated. Both performed incredibly        hanker to the gospel according to [head of      provider be continuing to operate at the
well during the World Cup, but for               Google’s webspam team] Matt Cutts.              same cost level, you should really be
different reasons.                                  Previously, we’d seen these costs            questioning the mechanics and process
   The objective is to bring the transactional   already go sky high in certain territories,     behind how this might be economically
keyword tokens to the top of the list, while     where gambling has traditionally                workable.
delivering excellence in both quality and        been taboo, combined with restrictive              That said, links are king and content is
timeliness of your onsite content, and           legislation. In some cases, I’ve seen this      certainly still queen. The playing field still
supporting this with appropriate levels of       result in severe penalties for webmasters       remains level, and the road to success is
link and social activity.                        who take the link money (and I’m not            strewn with demolished dreams for those
   Before you start thinking I’ve                referring to Google penalties, but rather       who cut corners on this all important,
converted to the Cult of “Content is             heavy fines and even imprisonment).             business critical requirement.
King”, I haven’t – I’m getting to links          Both the UK and US have seen average link          And with SEO still unregulated as
                                                                                                 an industry, you could do worse than to
Figure 3                                                                                         remember the words of the Jedi masters:
                                                                                                 ● “In time you will learn to trust your
1. Keyword Weighting Slightly Skewed             2. Keyword Weighting Perfectly Skewed
                                                                                                    feelings, then you will be invincible.”
To Sports Informational Phrases                  To Multi-Product Transactional Phrases
                                                                                                 ● “Mind what you have learned, save you
                                                                                                    it can.”
                                                                                                 ● “May the Force be with you.”

                                                                                                  PAUL REILLY is the
                                                                                                  founder and Chief
                                                                                                  Visionary Officer at
                                                                                                  Media Skunk Works, a
                                                                                                  Karma Neutral Innovation
                                                                                                  Laboratory based at the
                                                                                                  University of York. He specialises
                                                                                                  in large-scale, business-critical link
                                                                                                  building for the iGaming industry and
                                                                                                  uses big data to provide near infinite
                                                                                                  scalability to link building, content
                                                                                                  marketing and outreach, as well as
                                                                                                  to algorithmically identify and avoid
                                                                                                  the many traps set by Google. More
                                                                                                  recently, since their technology has
                                                                                                  reached maturity, they also help
                                                                                                  companies quickly and easily form
                                                                                                  scalable world class in-house SEO
                                                                                                  departments, which inherit competitive
                                                                                                  advantage over using an agency for
                                                                                                  their proprietary back-end technology.

                                                                                                         iGB Affiliate Issue 46 AUG/SEP 2014      21

     Ahmed Chopdat of specialist PPC agency Circusmedia provides iGB Affiliate with an easy-to-follow
     guide to retargeting traffic for webmasters.

     BETTER KNOWN AS remarketing in                 There are plenty of different variations    different software for, as
     recent years, due to Google’s introduction     of these ads which are discussed later      highlighted in red in Figure 2.
     of this term, a basic explanation of how       in the article.                        is obviously just one of
     retargeting works can be found in Figure 1.       Google explains its version of           many companies that use many different
        The user lands on your website whilst a     remarketing a bit more at the following     avenues of retargeting to ensure they get
     cookie is dropped. If the user leaves your     link:          the best possible results from their traffic.
     website they will then see your ads on other   innovations/remarketing.html.                  You would also find most casinos do
     websites which will lead them back to your        Google however is only one of the many   the exact same thing, with sports betting
     website. These ads are sometimes known as      avenues to be able to do this, and in the   companies also taking huge advantage of
     AdSense by Google.                             image below you can see an ad run by        the Facebook opportunity. This however is

     Figure 1
                                                                               User comes to Your Website

                                                                   Your                                            Cookies are dropped
                                                                  Website                                          on users computer

               User returns to
               Your Website
                                                                                                        User leaves Your Website for
                                                                                                        Other Websites on the network
                                                              Other websites
                                                              on the network

                                                       Your ad

22   iGB Affiliate Issue 46 AUG/SEP 2014
You can also read