Black Thread Motto: Reversing the Trend E-Spired Strategic Plan, 2019 2022

Page created by Gladys Perkins
Black Thread Motto: Reversing the Trend

                        E-Spired Strategic Plan, 2019 - 2022

Who We Are
‘E-Spired captures the children that have fallen out of the system and is gives
an opportunity for everyone to achieve’ Stakeholder feedback 2019
 E-Spired is an independent, community interest school inspired by a commitment to improving
the life chances and opportunities for Key Stage 3 & 4 (age groups 14-16-year olds) and post-
16s. We work with young people who have been excluded, who are at risk of exclusion, who
have been missing in education and those on an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) including
children on the autism spectrum.

Where We Came From
E-Spired was born out of tragic circumstances; through the stabbing and death of the son of a close
family friend; what happened to him and his friend was a tragedy and a deep loss to their family and
friends. He and his friend were 17 and 16 at the time and were in the wrong place at the wrong
time. They were not part of a gang but got caught in the middle of a situation in North London; it
was a case of mistaken identity and sadly both lads lost their lives. Many people were adversely
affected by the events of that day, and sadly we continue to hear stories of lives lost through knife

Wanting to do something that would positively impact the lives of young people, Mark, the founder
of E-Spired, along with a small group of friends got together and started exploring ways to reach out
to young people; ways to draw alongside them to influence positive change.

We began as a youth group, meeting on Friday evenings to play games, we added in mentoring and
soon realised that there was a need for supplementary education. Out of that process the E-Spired
model began to take shape and in 2015 we registered as a community interest company to work
with young people and develop the model further.

What did it look like? On 6th October 2016 we opened our doors as a part-time alternative provision,
offering our bespoke Young Leaders Programme which included supplementary Maths and English.
That year we impacted the lives of 28 young people, developing relationships with the local
authority, local schools and the pupil referral unit. We also worked with a cohort of post-16s who
needed a transitional stepping-stone between school and work or further education.

With a strong conviction that disengagement and lack of purpose are just some of the components
that can lead young people to making unhealthy choices, we wanted to provide a solution and give a
sense of hope, motivation and purpose to young people and their families.
                                                                   Black Thread Motto: Reversing the Trend
                                                                          E-Spired Strategic Plan, 2019-2021
Restorative in our approach, with a firm foundation of boundaries and compassion, E-Spired offers a
safe, nurturing and motivational environment where young people can re-engage with their learning
and discover the dreams and aspirations that lay within them.

The Local and National Picture
    ‘E-Spired is about quality. They look into the detail of the individual according to their need.’
    Local Authority Feedback 2019

Fixed period exclusions in Bedford are in line with national averages however, permanent
exclusions are disproportionally high making Bedford Borough one of the highest areas for these
kind of exclusions in the UK.

The average number for exclusions for excluded pupils (state funded) in Bedford were 1.77
against a regional average of 1.86 and a national average of 2.04. 1

The most common reason for permeant exclusions were ‘Physical assault against a pupil’ and
‘Physical assault against an adult’.

Looking at the national context we see that:

‘The number of permanent exclusions across all state-funded primary, secondary and special
schools has increased from 6,685 in 2015/16 to 7,720 in 2016/17. This corresponds to around
40.6 permanent exclusions per day1 in 2016/17, up from an average of 35.2 per day in 2015/16.’

Within the borough, leaders acknowledge the concerns of parents, carers and practitioners
about insufficient provision within the borough to meet the needs of children and young people
who have autistic spectrum disorder, or those who have emerging social, emotional and mental
health needs. These children and young people account for a disproportionate number of
exclusions in the borough’s schools.
    Ryan was 14 when he was referred to E-Spired. Ryan was an angry lad; his mother was unable to care for
    him and he had suffered abuse, however Ryan had been bought up by loving grandparents. Ryan had
    special educational needs and had a history of not being able to fit into mainstream education and so had a
    few exclusions. Ryan had been to many schools and sadly people felt intimidated by him. Ryan wanted to
    be accepted and fell in with the wrong crowd.

    At E-Spired Ryan experienced firm boundaries, acceptance and patience. Through our relational approach
    Ryan learnt to trust and allow the team to get close. Such was the impact that Ryan decided to leave the
    gang. This was at a personal cost to him, but despite intimidation tactics, physical beatings and sense of
    isolation and depression, Ryan pushed through. He was home schooled by the E-Spired team and at 16 left
    with a sense of achievement and purpose gaining credible GCSE grades, 3,4 & 5, where prior he had been
    considered a lad with no grades and who would not achieve any academic success.

    *name change to respect privacy

    Permanent and fixed period exclusions in England: 2016 to 2017, Department for Education
                                                                            Black Thread Motto: Reversing the Trend
                                                                                   E-Spired Strategic Plan, 2019-2021
Our Vision
E-Spired exists to provide young people with the support, care and resources to commit to hard
work and to reach their potential. We believe that young people that present with challenging
behaviours, disengagement with school and lack of direction can be motivated with fresh goals to
achieve positive attitudes and behaviours for their future.
                                                                         Kevin was 14 when he was
Our theory of change is that a holistic, person-centred,                 referred to E-Spired, he had been
therapeutic approach to engaging young people can change                 running county line and had been
                                                                         missing for several weeks and had
self-destructive negative attitudes and behaviours. We believe
                                                                         become the subject of a criminal
an approach which does not simply address the symptoms of                investigation. Kevin was an angry
disengagement, or lack of purpose, but draws alongside young             lad, with no sense of purpose but
person to engage, equip and empower can bring about positive             over time with firm boundaries
change.                                                                  and care he began to engage with
                                                                         the team, his education and he
We call this our Black Thread Motto: “Reversing the Trend”.              started to thrive. Kevin was able
                                                                         to learn from male role models
Our Priorities                                                           from within the school, something
                                                                         he said he never had, and go on to
We have 3 core strategic priorities to help us achieve our               gain GCSE grades at the end of Y11
vision for the school.                                                   and an apprenticeship with an
                                                                         engineering company.
    1. Quality Education
                                                                         *name change to respect privacy
We will continue to develop a curriculum that promotes achievement, engagement and
independence, built on our Black Thread Motto: Reversing the Trend and our relational and holistic
approach to developing our pupils. We will continue to develop our bespoke young leaders
programme to equip young people with resilience and a sense of purpose.

    2. A Community That Cares
E-Spired is a nurturing and caring school and we are proud of the pastoral care that we give to each
pupil. Our school will maintain and develop supportive, friendly and open relationships between all
those within our school community, firmly grounded in a triangular mentality, working closely with
the child, the home and relevant agencies.

    3. Extending Our Support
We are committed to increasing our provision, to widen the support we can give to the young
people who would benefit from our provision, such as welfare and support worker involvement
and explore and pursue opportunities open to them. This will be underpinned by robust
financial planning.
 Jonathan was 15 when he was managed moved from his upper school. Jonathan was a looked after child
 with a zero-school attendance record. Jonathan had no engagement with learning, ADHD and serious anger
 management issues.

 Jonathan felt settled at E-Spired, he felt understood and accepted by the team. The relational approach
 was what he thrived on and by the time of leaving school at 16 he had achieved a 87% attendance rate,

                                                                        Black Thread Motto: Reversing the Trend
                                                                               E-Spired Strategic Plan, 2019-2021
could self-regulate his anger (with and without medication) and was focussed on working hard to attain
 academic achievement with the aspiration to become an electrician or accountant.

 However, sadly after leaving E-Spired Jonathan found it difficult to cope with his mental health needs, he
 suffered from depression and needed to take a year out to regain stability. During that time Jonathan
 would visit E-Spired where he felt safe and accepted by the school community.

 *name change to respect privacy

What Will Success Look Like?
    1.       Quality Education
 “My behaviour has changed because I've learnt that my education comes first. At my old school
 teacher’s spoke to us like kids, here we get spoken to like adults, we don't get shouted at. This
 helps us as pupils.” Stakeholders (pupil) feedback, July 2019

All children deserve quality education and opportunities. Results are important but we recognise
that for many of our pupils, they only form part of their educational journey.

Alongside continuing to deliver education and support to our pupils, it is our aim to become a centre
of excellence in the key area of change. Change in attitude, behaviour and academic attainment.
Many of our pupils have been “written-off” by others, whether that be individuals, professionals,
institutions or sadly by themselves.

We will work with pupils and parents/carers towards raising the level of attainment through a wide
variety of pathways. We will offer Entry Levels, Functional Skills, ASDAN Qualifications, Cambridge
Nationals and GCSEs, giving options to children to be able to develop and learn with a structure and
pace tailored to their individual needs.

We will see more of our young people making positive choices and going on to further education,
training or employment. All aspects of E-Spired are currently rated as ‘good’ by Ofsted April 2018.
We will maintain this and continue to build on the recommendations of Ofsted and our educational
partners to grow and learn together.

    2.       A Community That Cares

 ‘The heart of the school would be about the community.’ Stakeholder Feedback on vision for
 E-Spired, July 2019

The School’s ethos and culture are valued by pupils, parents and staff. Central to this is our good
quality pastoral care, which has rightly gained a reputation for the care and support we offer to
pupils and their parents/carers. We want to ensure that all pupils have positive experiences at E-
Spired School and feel comfortable and safe in this environment.
                                                                          Black Thread Motto: Reversing the Trend
                                                                                 E-Spired Strategic Plan, 2019-2021
“I didn't get kicked out, also I was surprised at how the teachers understood me”. Pupil
 stakeholder feedback, July 2019

We will maintain our culture of care through
continued review and investment in the area of               Rachel was 16 when she was referred by the
                                                             local authority. Rachel had missed a lot of
therapeutic interventions, which currently are the
                                                             school due to anxiety and inability to cope in a
young leaders programme, 1-2-1 counselling, 1-2-1            large learning environment. Rachel’s goal was
or small group intervention and mentoring                    to gain confidence and at first it was difficult
relationships. We will continue to effectively deploy        for her as going into the classroom was a
our learning support assistance, maintaining good            daunting experience. The small group sizes,
                                                             caring and nurturing environment help Rachel
pastoral care and support. We want all pupils to feel
                                                             to succeed in being able to work in a group and
happy, comfortable and safe in their environment             make a class presentation of her ideas. Rachel
and to build positive relationships.                         went on to do a part-time 4 week work
                                                             experience, where she did very well;
We work to promote social justice and to counter             impressing the employer she was offered a
prejudice and intolerance in whatever form it takes          two-week extension with pay and the
by encouraging mutual understanding and respect.             opportunity of future employment. Rachel
Education is the foundation of social justice and the        decided to go on to further education at
                                                             Shuttleworth College as she had a desire to
promotion of social justice is embedded in the fabric
                                                             work with animals.
and ethos of E-Spired at every level. This is
strengthened through our Young Leaders                       *name change to respect privacy
Development Programme, Citizenship, Values and
Beliefs and PHSE programmes.

We understand that by working together we will achieve better outcomes for our pupils. We will
increase our profile in the local community and further afield to build stronger partnerships and
relationships. This includes the local authority, schools, police and youth offending and other

Our parents, pupils and staff will report that they feel engaged, supported and valued. We will
measure that through continuous feedback.

 Christopher was one of our first pupils and attended the part-time alternative programme. Christopher was
 referred due to his disruptive behaviour at school. Christopher found the programme helpful, gaining a
 better understanding of himself, recognising triggers to his negative behaviours and grew in the ability to
 make better choices.

 Christopher went on to college at the end of Y11, but he found the environment too large and overwhelming
 and longed for a smaller more relational place to learn. Christopher turned up at E-Spired day after day
 asking to return. Concerned about Christopher’s welfare E-Spired decided to continue to support
 Christopher during Y12; this was with no funding. Christopher attended 1-2-1 counselling provided by
 E-Spired to help him with his mental well-being. Christopher was able to move on but remains a young
 person in need for on-going support with his mental well-being.

 *name change to respect privacy

                                                                        Black Thread Motto: Reversing the Trend
                                                                               E-Spired Strategic Plan, 2019-2021
“Greatest strength: time to delegate to pupil and everyone cares at E-Spired. E-Spired is very
 person focus and treats each pupil as individuals. The pastoral side is great because quality time
 spent with pupils. Just being able to shepherd each individual”. Stakeholders feedback, July 2019

Extending Our Support
 ‘As we grow there are new opportunities to grow and offer a wider range of educational subjects,
 activities and resources to our pupils.’ E-Spired Employee Feedback 2019

We will continue to build on our success. An Ofsted report determined there is scope for the school
to expand in pupil numbers and we know there is local and wider demand for a provision like
E-Spired. Our reputation is beginning to speak for itself, with referrals coming from authorities
beyond Bedfordshire such as Southwark, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Northampton.

The School needs to maintain a roll which allows it to keep the ethos of a small school, but which
also provides a healthy surplus for reinvestment.

The School aims to increase the roll gradually over the coming years up to 45 pupils at its site in
Ampthill Road, Bedford. In achieving this, we must be better at retaining pupils at various stages and
we must ensure that we have a clear strategy of recruitment which works hand-in-glove with our
brand and marketing aims.

We will target, in particular, Year groups 9 and Year 10, giving us more time to work with these
pupils to achieve positive outcomes. It has been proven by our model that the longer pupils are in
the school the better the outcome.

We will also work to advance our educational pathway for Year 11s who are referred to the school,
partnering with schools to support those pupils, at an earlier stage in their final year, to achieve
credible academic outcomes. The target group are        Donald is a current Y11 pupil, who had missed a
for those who are finding their current setting         lot of education, unable to cope, due to severe
difficult, or where their behaviours are too            anxiety bought about by school bullying. Donald
disruptive to other learners. This also includes        is an able child but has been traumatised by his
                                                        experience at school to the extent that he is
school refusers.
                                                         unable to walk into the school building and
Our Triangle Programme will help us to extend            became a school refuser. At just the thought of
                                                         being among his peers would fill him with
support further and we will continue to work
                                                         anxiety and he would retreat into his clothes and
towards increasing this much needed provision.           cry uncontrollably. E-Spired works closely with
Our Triangle Programme is different from our core        Donald and his parents to provide a tailored
offering (full-time education) in that it is working     approach to supporting him with his education.
closely in partnership with both Early Help (through     The school has a garden log cabin where we do
the early help assessment process) and the               1-2-1 therapeutic support. Donaljld has 1-2-1
                                                         lessons in the cabin and is slowly building
incumbent school, underpinned with a relational          relationships with the team. Donald will be
support approach to the family and the child. The        sitting his GCSEs in Maths and English in the
work is with a specific group of children, to reduce     summer and this will be sat in the Log Cabin.
exclusion and address the issue of school refusers
by offering a placement for a child through a            *name change to respect privacy
                                                                      Black Thread Motto: Reversing the Trend
                                                                             E-Spired Strategic Plan, 2019-2021
therapeutic and tailored programme without any detriment to the child’s academic ability, providing
the child with the resilience, skills and ability to function positively in their school setting.

Finance: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead
Our stakeholders’ fed back opportunity and aspirations which included:
   • Development of partnership working and the sharing of best practice.
   • Expansion of knowledge and expertise for next steps for young people leaving the school.
   • Specialist training to equip to address some prevalent youth issues today, i.e. knife crime.
   • Development of parenting programmes to support the work done in school with young
   • Develop a brand of heart for the community, even if you do not attend the school.
   • Holistic approach to education – don’t get consumed with grades.
   • Pupils to finish well verses their starting points.
   • Funding
   • Marketing to increase awareness of the school and its work.

A serious concern for us is the risk of jeopardising the quality of our programme if agencies try to
refer pupils who are seen as problem pupils that they wish to “get rid of or simply place”. It is crucial
that we maintain a stringent referral process. However, being selective puts a constraint on the
level of income for the school which could potentially have a negative impact on the sustainability of
the service provision.

Excellence in Leadership: Our Governance
The School is growing its Governing Body and the team is bringing a vibrancy to our leadership.
There has been a review of governing practices with a view to developing greater accountability and
engagement with pupils, parents and staff.

The Senior Leadership Team are expected to be visionary in their approach and will be held to
account by the Governing Body. Clear targets and key performance indicators will form part of the
annual appraisal system. It is expected that the team will be reflective in practice and open to
feedback. Encouraging staff professional development, including moving to new opportunities,
allows the school to regularly revitalise itself and continue to ensure our pupils receive the highest
quality provision. Governance is independent of the CIC and holds the company accountable for the
operations of the school and achieving the vision.

                                                                     Black Thread Motto: Reversing the Trend
                                                                            E-Spired Strategic Plan, 2019-2021
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