INSTRUCTIONAL CONTINUITY SUPPORT PLAN - For Emergency Closures of District Schools - The School District of Palm Beach ...

Page created by Leo Strickland
INSTRUCTIONAL CONTINUITY SUPPORT PLAN - For Emergency Closures of District Schools - The School District of Palm Beach ...
For Emergency Closures of District Schools
INSTRUCTIONAL CONTINUITY SUPPORT PLAN - For Emergency Closures of District Schools - The School District of Palm Beach ...
         The School District of Palm Beach County
         envisions a dynamic collaborative
         multicultural community where education           The School Board of Palm Beach County, Florida
         and lifelong learning are valued and
         supported, and all learners reach their
                                                                          Barbara McQuinn, District 1
         highest potential and succeed in the global                   Chuck Shaw, District 2 (Vice-Chair)
         economy.                                                             Karen Brill, District 3
                                                                            Erica Whitfield, District 4
                                                                   Frank A. Barbieri, Jr., Esq., District 5 (Chair)
                                                                           Marcia Andrews, District 6
                                                                        Debra Robinson, M.D., District 7
                                                                    Jaiden Manuel, Student Representative

         The School District of Palm Beach County is
         committed to providing a world-class
         education with excellence and equity to
         empower each student to reach his or her
         highest potential with the most effective staff
         to foster the knowledge, skills, and ethics                         Dr. Donald E. Fennoy II
         required for responsible citizenship and                                Superintendent
         productive careers.

School District of Palm Beach County
ICSP Updated 4/6/2020                                                                                                 PAGE 2
INSTRUCTIONAL CONTINUITY SUPPORT PLAN - For Emergency Closures of District Schools - The School District of Palm Beach ...
       Introduction                                                                                  4

       Instructional Plan Overview                                                                   5

       Supporting Continuous Instruction: Options for Content Delivery                               6

       Supporting Continuous Instruction: Digital Resources for Core Subject Areas & Electives       7

       Supporting Continuous Instruction: Broadcast Schedule                                         9

       Supporting Continuous Instruction: Roles in Supporting Continuous Instruction                10

       Providing Access For All Students: Distribution of Mobile Devices                            11

       Maintaining Connectedness to the Community: Internet Access                                  12

       ICSP: Checklist for Parents & Families                                                       13

       Appendix A: Guides to Google Tools                                                           14

       Appendix B: Instructional Continuity Home Support Survey                                     15

       Appendix C: Mobile Device Check-Out Form                                                     16

       Appendix D: Suggested Daily Schedules                                                        17

       Appendix E: Frequently Asked Questions                                                       19

School District of Palm Beach County
ICSP Updated 4/6/2020                                                                            PAGE 3
INSTRUCTIONAL CONTINUITY SUPPORT PLAN - For Emergency Closures of District Schools - The School District of Palm Beach ...
                     SUPPORT PLAN
In the rare event of an emergency school closure, the School District of
Palm Beach County will make every effort to ensure that our students’
educational opportunities continue while at home. Over the years, our
Curriculum Teams have worked to compile world-class educational
resources and comprehensive collections of digital content. Through
both digital and television broadcast formats, our goal is for ALL students
to have access to instructional content in the event that a disruption of
the school day occurs.

Our Instructional Continuity Support Plan (ICSP) leverages distance
learning to foster sustained student growth by (1) supporting
continuous instruction, (2) providing access for all students, and (3)
maintaining connectedness to the community. The District will not
only support continuous instruction using a variety of digital core and
supplemental materials, but also ensure access to instruction by
providing, upon request, a mobile device for the duration of the schools'
closure. The District has also taken steps to facilitate partnerships with
internet providers to stay connected at home in order to support our
students' home learning.

The District has developed a website with information for families and
students about this plan. The website can be found at https://

This plan contains supporting documentation that schools, teachers,
families and students should review in preparation for and in the event of
a school closure.

School District of Palm Beach County
ICSP Updated 4/6/2020
INSTRUCTIONAL CONTINUITY SUPPORT PLAN - For Emergency Closures of District Schools - The School District of Palm Beach ...
The instructional continuity support plan
                     leverages distance learning to foster sustained student growth by:

                                                     • The District will continue to support instruction through a variety of digital materials and instructional
                                           1           activities to maintain academic growth while schools are closed due to emergency.
                                                     • These resources can be accessed via the Instructional Continuity Support website or via television
                                                       broadcast using The Education Network (TEN).

                                                     • District students (non-charter) in grades K-12 will be surveyed to determine if they have a need for a
                                                       mobile device at home in order to facilitate access to digital learning resources.
                                                     • Schools that have available mobile devices will check them out to those students/families who have
                                                       indicated they need a mobile device for use at home.

                                                     • The District has facilitated partnerships with local internet service providers to secure additional
                                                       Internet access and/or increased bandwidth to students in our community while schools are closed.

School District of Palm Beach County
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INSTRUCTIONAL CONTINUITY SUPPORT PLAN - For Emergency Closures of District Schools - The School District of Palm Beach ...
                      Options for Content Delivery

OPTION 1:                                     OPTION 2:                                    OPTION 3:
Teacher-Led Instruction via Internet          District-Led Instruction via Internet        District-Led Instruction via Television
• Resources housed in Google Classroom        • Resources housed in Google Site            • Recorded lessons through TEN studios

• Recorded or live sessions through digital   • Recorded lessons through various digital   • Student communication through office hours in
  platforms such as Google Meet                 platforms                                   Google Meet

• Student communication through phone or      • Student communication through Jot-form
  other digital platforms                       ticket or office hours in Google Meet

• Use of teacher-provided paper packets

School District of Palm Beach County
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INSTRUCTIONAL CONTINUITY SUPPORT PLAN - For Emergency Closures of District Schools - The School District of Palm Beach ...
1                SUPPORTING CONTINUOUS INSTRUCTION                                                                                                                                                                                        KEY:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ● Standard Curriculum
                                        Digital Resources for Core Subject Areas                                                                                                                                                           ⦿ ESE Modified Curriculum

                                                                                                                                          K-5                                                          6-8                                     9 - 12

                                                                                                              ELA/                                                   Social            ELA/                          Social     ELA/                           Social
                             RESOURCE                                                                                            Math            Science                                        Math     Science4                        Math4     Science4
                                                                                                            Reading2                                                Studies          Reading2                       Studies   Reading2                        Studies

                             District Adopted Textbook1                                                                                              ●⦿                                 ●       ●⦿           ●⦿       ●          ●        ●             ●⦿      ●

                             District Adopted Consumable                                                                            ●                 ●                                          ●           ●        ●                   ●             ●       ●
                             iReady/Imagine Learning/iStation1                                                   ●⦿
                             Reading Plus/Achieve 3000/Imagine Learning1                                                                                                               ●⦿                                       ●⦿
                             CKLA (English & Spanish)/Benchmark                                                   ●
                             SuccessMaker1                                                                                          ●
                             Discovery Education                                                                 ●⦿                ●⦿                ●⦿                ●⦿                        ●           ●        ●                   ●             ●       ●
                             Khan Academy                                                                                           ●                 ●                                 ●        ●           ●                   ●        ●             ●       ●
                             Math Nation3                                                                                                                                                                                                 ●
                             BrainPop/BrainPop Jr.                                                               ●⦿                ●⦿                ●⦿                ●⦿              ●⦿       ●⦿           ●⦿      ●⦿         ●⦿        ●⦿            ●⦿     ●⦿
                             CPALMS                                                                                                 ●                 ●                                 ●        ●           ●        ●          ●        ●             ●       ●
                             Study Jams                                                                                             ●                 ●                                                      ●

                             Study Edge3                                                                                                                               ●⦿                                                                 ●

                             Newsela                                                                             ●⦿                                  ●⦿                ●⦿              ●⦿                    ●⦿      ●⦿         ●⦿                      ●⦿     ●⦿
                             CommonLit                                                                                                                                                  ●                                        ●
                             PBS Learn/PBS Kids                                                                  ●⦿                ●⦿                ●⦿                ●⦿              ●⦿       ●⦿           ●⦿      ●⦿         ●⦿        ●⦿            ●⦿     ●⦿
                             YouTube (Crash Course, Bozeman, Amoeba Sisters)                                                                                                                                 ●                                          ●
                             Gale Research/SIRS Researcher                                                       ●⦿                                  ●⦿                                ●⦿                    ●⦿                 ●⦿                      ●⦿
                             PhET Simulations                                                                                                        ●⦿                                                      ●⦿                                         ●⦿
                             TeachTown                                                                            ⦿                 ⦿

                             Unique Learning System                                                               ⦿                 ⦿                 ⦿                 ⦿               ⦿        ⦿           ⦿        ⦿          ⦿        ⦿             ⦿       ⦿

                             StoryLine Online                                                                     ●
                             Starfall                                                                            ●⦿                ●⦿
1 Digital materials designated as “Core Materials” have been selected because of their ability to track student progress, to provide graded activities, and to track time or task.
   Language  Arts/Reading
          District of Palm includes ESOL Developmental Language Arts and Intensive Reading.
                            Beach County
3 Not applicable to ALL 9-12 Mathematics courses.
 ICSP Updated 3/12/2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      PAGE 7
4 Students in Middle School Science, Biology, Chemistry, Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 Courses have a consumable text.
INSTRUCTIONAL CONTINUITY SUPPORT PLAN - For Emergency Closures of District Schools - The School District of Palm Beach ...
                      Digital Resources for Electives & Other Programs
                                                                           K-5                                                                           6-8                                                                   9 - 12






















  District Adopted
                                                                                                                                                                                      ●                                  ●                                     ●

  Open Active Home
                                                                                 ●⦿                                                                            ●⦿
  Resource Center

  Hip Hop Public
                                                                                 ●⦿                                                                            ●⦿

  Darebee Fitness
                                                                                 ●⦿                                                                            ●⦿

  Fool Proof Me
                                                                                                                                  ●⦿                                                                       ●⦿
  Financial Literacy

  Econ Lowdown                                       ●                                                                              ●                                                                        ●

  MoneySKILL                                                                                                                        ●                                                                        ●

  Finance Your
                                                                                                                                    ●                                                                        ●

  Khan Academy                                                                                  ●                                                                                     ●                                                                        ●

  BrainPop Jr.
                                       ●                          ●                             ●           ●         ●                         ●                         ●           ●         ●                                                  ●

  Reading Materials                                               ●                                                                             ●                                                                        ●

  $martPath                                          ●

                                       ●⦿                                                                            ●⦿                                                                        ●⦿

School District of Palm Beach County
ICSP Updated 4/6/2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PAGE 8
INSTRUCTIONAL CONTINUITY SUPPORT PLAN - For Emergency Closures of District Schools - The School District of Palm Beach ...
                      Broadcast Schedule
           Time Slot (Duration)                 Monday                        Tuesday                     Wednesday                       Thursday                       Friday              who do
             9:00 AM (5 min)             K-12 Physical Education       K-12 Physical Education       K-12 Physical Education       K-12 Physical Education       K-12 Physical Education     not have
            9:05 AM (12 min)                Kindergarten ELA              Kindergarten ELA              Kindergarten ELA              Kindergarten ELA              Kindergarten ELA         access to
            9:17 AM (12 min)                  Grade 1 ELA                   Grade 1 ELA                   Grade 1 ELA                    Grade 1 ELA                  Grade 1 ELA            the digital
            9:29 AM (12 min)                  Grade 2 ELA                   Grade 2 ELA                   Grade 2 ELA                    Grade 2 ELA                  Grade 2 ELA            resources provided can
            9:41 AM (12 min)                  Grade 3 ELA                   Grade 3 ELA                   Grade 3 ELA                    Grade 3 ELA                  Grade 3 ELA
                                                                                                                                                                                             access instructional
             9:53 AM (2 min)                  Stretch Break                 Stretch Break                 Stretch Break                 Stretch Break                 Stretch Break
                                                                                                                                                                                             continuity content via The
            9:55 AM (12 min)                  Grade 4 ELA                   Grade 4 ELA                   Grade 4 ELA                    Grade 4 ELA                  Grade 4 ELA
            10:07 AM (12 min)                 Grade 5 ELA                   Grade 5 ELA                   Grade 5 ELA                    Grade 5 ELA                  Grade 5 ELA
                                                                                                                                                                                             Education Network (TEN)
            10:19 AM (10 min)             Grade 3 Mathematics           Grade 3 Mathematics           Grade 3 Mathematics           Grade 3 Mathematics           Grade 3 Mathematics        available on cable service
            10:29 AM (10 min)             Grade 4 Mathematics           Grade 4 Mathematics           Grade 4 Mathematics           Grade 4 Mathematics           Grade 4 Mathematics        providers.
            10:39 AM (10 min)             Grade 5 Mathematics           Grade 5 Mathematics           Grade 5 Mathematics           Grade 5 Mathematics           Grade 5 Mathematics
            10:49 AM (1 min)                 K-5 SEL Minute                K-5 SEL Minute                K-5 SEL Minute                K-5 SEL Minute                K-5 SEL Minute          Subject area/grade-level
            10:50 AM (12 min)            Grade 6 ELA (Reg & Hon)       Grade 6 ELA (Reg & Hon)       Grade 6 ELA (Reg & Hon)       Grade 6 ELA (Reg & Hon)       Grade 6 ELA (Reg & Hon)     content will be available
            11:02 AM (12 min)            Grade 7 ELA (Reg & Hon)       Grade 7 ELA (Reg & Hon)       Grade 7 ELA (Reg & Hon)       Grade 7 ELA (Reg & Hon)       Grade 7 ELA (Reg & Hon)     during select broadcast
            11:14 AM (12 min)            Grade 8 ELA (Reg & Hon)       Grade 8 ELA (Reg & Hon)       Grade 8 ELA (Reg & Hon)       Grade 8 ELA (Reg & Hon)       Grade 8 ELA (Reg & Hon)     days and times so that
            11:26 AM (12 min)            Grade 9 ELA (Reg & Hon)       Grade 9 ELA (Reg & Hon)       Grade 9 ELA (Reg & Hon)       Grade 9 ELA (Reg & Hon)       Grade 8 ELA (Reg & Hon)     students can access
            11:38 AM (12 min)           Grade 10 ELA (Reg & Hon)      Grade 10 ELA (Reg & Hon)      Grade 10 ELA (Reg & Hon)      Grade 10 ELA (Reg & Hon)      Grade 10 ELA (Reg & Hon)
                                                                                                                                                                                             instructional continuity
                                       Kindergarten Dual Language    Kindergarten Dual Language    Kindergarten Dual Language    Kindergarten Dual Language    Kindergarten Dual Language
            11:50 AM (12 min)
                                                   SLA                           SLA                           SLA                           SLA                           SLA               content even without
            12:02 PM (12 min)          Grade 1 Dual Language SLA      Grade 1 Dual Language SLA     Grade 1 Dual Language SLA     Grade 1 Dual Language SLA     Grade 1 Dual Language SLA    digital access.
            12:14 PM (12 min)          Grade 2 Dual Language SLA     Grade 2 Dual Language SLA     Grade 2 Dual Language SLA     Grade 2 Dual Language SLA     Grade 2 Dual Language SLA
            12:26 PM (12 min)          Grade 3 Dual Language SLA     Grade 3 Dual Language SLA     Grade 3 Dual Language SLA     Grade 3 Dual Language SLA     Grade 3 Dual Language SLA
            12:38 PM (2 min)                  Stretch Break                 Stretch Break                 Stretch Break                 Stretch Break                 Stretch Break
            12:40 PM (12 min)          Grade 4 Dual Language SLA     Grade 4 Dual Language SLA     Grade 4 Dual Language SLA     Grade 4 Dual Language SLA     Grade 4 Dual Language SLA
            12:52 PM (12 min)          Grade 5 Dual Language SLA     Grade 5 Dual Language SLA     Grade 5 Dual Language SLA     Grade 5 Dual Language SLA     Grade 5 Dual Language SLA
            1:04 PM (12 min)                Grade 5 Science               Grade 5 Science               Grade 5 Science                Grade 5 Science              Grade 5 Science
            1:16 PM (12 min)           Grade 8 Science (Reg & Hon)   Grade 8 Science (Reg & Hon)   Grade 8 Science (Reg & Hon)   Grade 8 Science (Reg & Hon)   Grade 8 Science (Reg & Hon)
            1:28 PM (12 min)               Biology (Reg & Hon)           Biology (Reg & Hon)           Biology (Reg & Hon)           Biology (Reg & Hon)           Biology (Reg & Hon)
            1:40 PM (12 min)                 Grade 7 Civics                Grade 7 Civics                Grade 7 Civics                 Grade 7 Civics               Grade 7 Civics
            1:52 PM (12 min)               K-12 Arts Education            Financial Literacy           K-12 Arts Education            Financial Literacy           K-12 Arts Education
            2:04 PM (10 min)            Kindergarten Mathematics      Kindergarten Mathematics      Kindergarten Mathematics      Kindergarten Mathematics      Kindergarten Mathematics
            2:14 PM (10 min)              Grade 1 Mathematics           Grade 1 Mathematics           Grade 1 Mathematics           Grade 1 Mathematics           Grade 1 Mathematics
            2:24 PM (10 min)              Grade 2 Mathematics           Grade 2 Mathematics           Grade 2 Mathematics           Grade 2 Mathematics           Grade 2 Mathematics
             2:34 PM (1 min)                6-12 SEL Minute               6-12 SEL Minute               6-12 SEL Minute                6-12 SEL Minute              6-12 SEL Minute
            2:35 PM (12 min)              Algebra 1 (Reg & Hon)         Algebra 1 (Reg & Hon)         Algebra 1 (Reg & Hon)         Algebra 1 (Reg & Hon)         Algebra 1 (Reg & Hon)
            2:47 PM (12 min)                   U.S. History                  U.S. History                  U.S. History                  U.S. History                  U.S. History
            2:59 PM (12 min)            Grade 6 Math (Reg & Adv)      Grade 6 Math (Reg & Adv)      Grade 6 Math (Reg & Adv)      Grade 6 Math (Reg & Adv)      Grade 6 Math (Reg & Adv)
            3:11 PM (12 min)              Grade 7 Mathematics           Grade 7 Mathematics           Grade 7 Mathematics           Grade 7 Mathematics           Grade 7 Mathematics
            3:23 PM (12 min)               Gr 7 Advanced Math            Gr 7 Advanced Math            Gr 7 Advanced Math            Gr 7 Advanced Math            Gr 7 Advanced Math
            3:35 PM (12 min)                 Gr 8 PreAlgebra               Gr 8 PreAlgebra               Gr 8 PreAlgebra               Gr 8 PreAlgebra               Gr 8 PreAlgebra
            3:47 PM (12 min)                   Geometry                       Geometry                     Geometry                       Geometry                     Geometry
            3:59 PM (12 min)                 6-12 Holocaust            African American History          6-12 Holocaust             Latin American History           African History

School District of Palm Beach County
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INSTRUCTIONAL CONTINUITY SUPPORT PLAN - For Emergency Closures of District Schools - The School District of Palm Beach ...
                      Roles in Supporting Distance Learning

                   Students will prepare for flexible & E-Learning days by:             Families will prepare for flexible & E-Learning days by:

✓ Engaging in flexible and/or E-learning activities being offered             ✓ Assuring that a device and internet access are available at
  by their teachers and/or the District.                                        home (complete the school survey to indicate the need for a
✓ Ensuring that they know the usernames and passwords for                        device and/or internet access for at-home use if needed).
  instructional resources that are accessible via the district portal
       and/or website.                                                        ✓ Ensuring that they are monitoring District communication for
                                                                                up-to-date information regarding school closures &
                                                                                 instructional continuation plans.

                   Teachers will prepare for flexible & E-Learning days by:
                                                                              ✓ Encouraging their students' participation in flexible and E-
✓ Providing instructional resources and materials through digital               Learning content.
  learning means such as Google Classroom and Google Meet.

                                                                              ✓ Reviewing the appropriate grade-level information linked
✓ Participating in group professional learning and attending virtual            within the District website.
  learning sessions intended to support distance learning.

                                                                              ✓ Ensuring that they know their students' usernames and
✓ Ensuring that they are monitoring District communication for up-              passwords for instructional resources that are accessible via
  to-date information regarding school closures & instructional                  the District portal and/or this website.
       continuation plans.

School District of Palm Beach County
ICSP Updated 4/6/2020                                                                                                                   PAGE 10
                      Distribution of Mobile Devices

 Parent/Family Survey
 • All parents/families of District students will receive a survey from their
      school’s administration to determine the availability of mobile devices
      and Internet access at home (Appendix B).

 • Families requesting a mobile device will be asked to complete an                PARENT/family SURVEY
                                                                                      Conduct survey
      Acknowledgement Form for the checkout of a District device and                   to determine
      charging cord (Appendix C).                                                   technology needs.

  Distribution of Devices                                                         Redistribution of devices
                                                                                  Redistribute devices to
                                                                                   schools as needed.
 • District and school inventories will be cross-referenced with signed
      Acknowledgement Forms to determine the availability of devices.

 • Schools will use their current inventories to check out devices to families.

 • Equipment must be returned to school once school resumes.

                                                                                     Check out devices
                                                                                  Establish protocol for
                                                                                  checking out devices.

School District of Palm Beach County
ICSP Updated 4/6/2020                                                                        PAGE 11
                      Internet Access

      • The District has facilitated partnerships with local Internet service providers to secure additional access and/or increased
           bandwidth to students in our community while schools are closed. This will allow students to continue their academic
           growth outside the physical classroom.

      • Additional information on securing Internet access via telecommunications companies is available here (

School District of Palm Beach County
ICSP Updated 4/6/2020                                                                                                           PAGE 12
                     Checklist for Parents & Families

                                                        • Assure devices and Internet access are available for students at home

                                                          ◦   Complete school survey to indicate need for device and/or Internet

                                                          ◦   Review the Comcast Internet Essentials offer for 2 months free and T-
                                                              Mobile’s Ensuring Connectivity program

                                                        • Identify how to communicate with your child’s teacher

                                                        • View the Education Network Broadcast Guide and the SDPBC Instructional
                                                          Continuity Support Plan site

                                                        • Review the instructional support resources and FAQ guide to best assist
                                                          your child throughout the distance-learning process

                                                        • Acquire student’s email address and passwords and test access to District
                                                          Portal for instructional resources and communication

                                                        • Review the Digital Tools resources for parents and students

School District of Palm Beach County
ICSP Updated 4/6/2020                                                                                                         PAGE 13
A               APPENDIX
                      Guides to Google Tools

                     G Suite for Education                                                                                   March 2020       G Suite for Education                                                                            March 2020

                             CLASSROOM                                                                                                        GOOGLE MEET
                                                 Communicate | Save Time | Stay Organized                                                                                 Continue to Connect with Hangouts Meet

                       What are the benefits for                                                                                                                                       What are the benefits for
                       students and teachers
                       using Google Classroom?                                                                                                                                         students and teachers using
                          Easy setup                                                                                                                                                   Google Meet?
                          Saves time and paper
                          Better organization
                                                                                                                                                                                          Easy setup and join options

                          Enhanced communication and                                                                                                                                      Allows teachers to record lessons that students can view when
                                                                                                                                              What is Google Meet?                        it is convenient for them and as often as they need
                          Works with the Google apps you use
                          everyday                                                                                                            Google Meet is a messaging, voice,          Enhanced communication and collaboration via live lessons
                          Available on any device or platform                                                                                 and video chat application. It
                                                                                                                                              allows teachers to record lessons
                                                                                                                                                                                          Works with the Google apps you use everyday
                          Free and secure
                          Allows teachers and students to
                                                                 What is Classroom?                                                           and share them with students, host
                                                                                                                                                                                          Available on multiple devices and platforms
                                                                                                                                              virtual classes and much more.
                          connect inside and outside of school   Classroom is a free web service for schools, non-profits,
                                                                                                                                              Please visit: https://                      Free and secure
                                                                 and anyone with a personal Google Account. Google
                       What are the benefits for                                                                                    
                                                                 Classroom makes it easy for learners and instructors to                             Allows teachers and students to connect inside and outside of
                                                                 connect—inside and outside of schools. Classroom is a                        distance-learning/digital-tools for         school
                          Guardians can receive email            product in G Suite for Education, which also includes                        more Google Meet resources.
                          summaries showing their student’s      Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and more. Classroom
                          progress in Google Classroom.
                                                                 works with G Suite for Education so that instructors and
                          They can choose the frequency of the   students can communicate easily, create classes, distribute
                          emails, such as daily or weekly.
                                                                 work, and stay organized.
                          They can unsubscribe or remove
                          themselves from Classroom at any       Note: Guardians can’t access Classroom or their child’s assignments due to
                          time.                                  privacy laws.
                          Guardian email summaries include:

                             Missing work (work that’s late at   Please visit:
                             the time the email was sent)
                                                                 sdpbc-distance-learning/digital-tools for more Google
                             Upcoming work (work that’s due      Classroom resources.
                             today and tomorrow or work that’s
                             due in the upcoming week)

                             Class activity (announcements,
                             assignments, and questions
                             recently posted by teachers)
                                                                                                                                                  Google Meet is a great tool that allows learning to continue virtually outside of the classroom walls!

                                                          GOOGLE CLASSROOM                                                                                                            GOOGLE MEET

School District of Palm Beach County
ICSP Updated 4/6/2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       PAGE 14
B                              APPENDIX
                                           Instructional Continuity Home Support Survey

        Instructional Continuity Home Suppo Survey                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Surveys are available in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole,
        * Required

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and Portuguese online and in print.
   1.     Parent First Name *

   2.     Parent Last Name *

   3.     Student First Name *

   4.     Student Last Name *
                                                                                                               Encuesta Sobre el Apoyo a la Continuidad Instructiva en
                                                                                                               el Hogar

   5.     Student Number *                                                                                1.    Nombre de uno de los Padres

                                                                                                          2.    Apellido de uno de los Padres                                                                        Sondaj pou Sipòte Kontinuite Ansèyman Adomisil
   6.     School Name

          Mark only one oval.                                                                                                                                                                                   1.    Prenon Paran an
                                                                                                          3.    Nombre del Estudiante
                 Option 1

                                                                                                          4.    Apellido del Estudiante                                                                         2.    Siyati Paran an
   7.     Please let us know if you have access to these resources at home *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Pesquisa sobre o Apoio à Continuidadedo
          Mark only one oval per row.
                                                                                                          5.    Número de Estudiante                                                                                                                                                                                     Ensino em Casa
                                                              Yes          No                                                                                                                                   3.    Prenon Elèv la

           A device that connects to the internet/wifi
           (computer, laptop, iPad/tablet etc.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1.    Primeiro nome do pai ou mãe
                                                                                                          6.    Por favor déjennos saber si tienen acceso a estos recursos en su hogar
                                                                                                                Mark only one oval per row.                                                                     4.    Siyati Elèv la
                                                                                                                                                                     Sí       Column 2

                                                                                                                 Un dispositivo con acceso a wifi                                                                                                                                                                   2.    Último nome do pai ou mãe
                                                                                                                 (computadora, laptop, iPad/tableta, etc.)

                                                                                                                 Internet/wifi                                                                                  5.    Id Elèv la
                                                This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3.    Primeiro nome do aluno(a)

                                                                                                                                                      This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google.   6.    Tanpri fè nou konnen si w gen aksè ak resous sa yo lakay ou

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Mark only one oval per row.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    4.    Último nome do aluno(a)

                                                     ENGLISH PDF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Wi         Non

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Yon ekipman prepare pou wifi (konpitè,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       laptop, iPad/tablèt. eltr.)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    5.    Número do aluno(a)

                                                                                                                                                SPANISH PDF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    6.    Nos informe se têm acesso a esses recursos em casa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mark only one oval per row.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sim    Não

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Um aparelho equipado com wi-fi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (computador, laptop, iPad/tablet etc.)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   HAITIAN CREOLE PDF                                                                      Internet/wi-fi

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            PORTUGUESE PDF

School District of Palm Beach County
ICSP Updated 4/6/2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            PAGE 15
C                        APPENDIX
                               Mobile Device Check-Out Form

         (Please only use this form and checkout a device if the student does not                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mobile Device Check-Out Forms are available in English,
                       have access to a personal device at home)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Spanish, Haitian Creole, and Portuguese.

                2020 Palm Beach County School District Student Chromebook Checkout
                           **Please note Chromebooks require internet access**

       School Name: _____________________________________________________________
       Teacher Name: _____________________________________________________________
       Classroom #: _______________________________________________________________
       Student Name​: ___________________________________ ​Date​: ____________________
       Print Parent/Guardian Name​: ________________________________________________

       Request to check out the following equipment:
       Equipment Description (must be completed)
                                                                                                              (Por favor solo utilicen esta solicitud y pidan a préstamo un dispositivo si es
       Dell Chromebook including charging cord (Schools - Please record this information in Destiny)            que el estudiante no tiene acceso a un dispositivo propio en su hogar)
       Model Number:__________________________________
       Serial #: ________________________________________                                                Préstamo de un ​Chromebook​ de Estudiante del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Palm Beach 2020
                                                                                                                   **Por favor tengan en cuenta que los ​Chromebooks​ requieren acceso a internet**

                                                                                                              Nombre de la Escuela: _______________________________________________________
       I will assume full responsibility for replacing the equipment if it is lost, stolen, or damaged                                                                                                            (Tanpri itilize fòm sa a epi prete yon aparèy si elèv la pa genyen aksè ak
                                                                                                              Nombre del Profesor/a: ______________________________________________________
       beyond repair. I will assume full responsibility for repairing the equipment if it is not                                                                                                                                          yon aparèy pèsonèl lakay li)
                                                                                                              Aula #: ___________________________________________________________________

       returned in working order. I understand that this computer is to be used by my son or                  Nombre del Estudiante​: ___________________________________ ​Fecha​: ___________
                                                                                                              Nombre del Padre/Tutor en Letra Imprenta​: _______________________________________
       daughter only and only for their assigned courses for this school year. I take responsibility                                                                                                                                                                                                     Transfè Pwopriyete
       for the internet content my son or daughter accesses with this device and understand the               Solicitud para pedir prestado el siguiente equipo:                                                                                             Distri Lekòl Rejyon Palm Beach
                                                                                                              Descripción del Equipo (debe completarse)                                                                                           Fòm pou Elèv Prete “Chromebook”, pou Ane 2020 an
       device should be returned the first day that classes resume.                                                                                                                                                                          **Tanpri, konnen ​Chromebook​ mande pou genyen aksè ak entènèt**
                                                                                                              Dell Chromebook​ incluyendo el cable para cargar (Escuelas – Por favor registren esta
                                                                                                              información en ​Destiny​)                                                                       Non Lekòl la: __________________________________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                       Transfer of Property – Portuguese version

       Parent Signature​: _____________________________________​Date​:____________________                    Número de Modelo: __________________________________                                            Non Pwofesè a: _________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Nimewo Salklas la: ______________________________________________________
                                                                                                              # de Serie: _________________________________________
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Non Elèv la​: ___________________________________ ​Dat​: ____________________                                                                                                           (Please only use this form and checkout a device if the student does not have
       I understand and agree to the above conditions regarding my responsibility for this device and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     access to a personal device at home)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ekri Non Paran/Responsab la an lèt detache​: __________________________________
       the internet content.                                                                                  Asumiré toda la responsabilidad de reemplazar el dispositivo en caso de pérdida, robo o                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          DISTRITO ESCOLAR DO
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Demand pou prete ekipman sa yo:                                                                                                                                                                                                  CONDADO DE PALM BEACH
                                                                                                              daño irreparable. Asumiré toda la responsabilidad de reparar el dispositivo si no se            Deskripsyon Ekipman an (sa dwe ranpli)                                                                                                                                                                                           Transferência de Propriedade
                                                                                                              devuelve en condiciones operativas. Entiendo que esta computadora debe ser usada por mi         Dell Chromebook​ ak tout kòd pou chaje l (​Schools - Please record this information in Destiny)
       Student Signature​:_____________________________________​Date​:____________________                    hijo o hija exclusivamente y solamente para los cursos asignados para este año escolar.         Nimewo Modèl (​Model Number​):__________________________________
                                                                                                                                                                                                              # Seri (​Serial #​): ________________________________________                                                                                                                          Empréstimo do Chromebook para o Aluno do Distrito Escolar do Condado de Palm Beach em
                                                                                                              Asumo la responsabilidad por el contenido de internet al cual mi hijo o hija acceda con este                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      **Observe que os Chromebooks exigem acesso à Internet**
                                                                                                              dispositivo y entiendo que el dispositivo se debe devolver el primer día que se reanuden las    Mwen pran tout responsablite pou m ranplase ekipman an si li pèdi, yo vòlè l, oswa li
       Principal/Designee Signature​: ____________________________​Date​:___________________                                                                                                                  andomaje yon fason li pa kapab repare. M ap pran tout responsablite pou m repare                                                                                                       Nome da escola: _____________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ekipman sa a si m pa retounen l an bon eta fonksyònman. Mwen konprann konpitè sa a se                                                                                                  Nome do professor(a): ________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                                                                                              pou pitit gason oswa pitit fi mwen itilize sèlman epi sèlman pou yo fè devwa lekòl yo pou                                                                                              Nº da sala de aula: ___________________________________________________________
                                                                                                              Firma de uno de los Padres​: ____________________________​Fecha​: __________________            ane lekòl sa a. Mwen pran responsablite pou kontni entènèt pitit gason oswa pitit fi mwen                                                                                              Nome do aluno(a)​: ___________________________________ ​Data​: ____________________
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ap vizite avèk aparèy sa a epi mwen konprann mwen ta dwe retounen ekipman an nan                                                                                                       Nome do pai/mãe ou responsável em letra de fôrma​: ___________________________________
                                                                                                              Entiendo y acepto las condiciones anteriormente mencionadas con relación a mi responsabilidad
                                                                                                                                                                                                              premye jou lekòl la rekòmanse.
                                                                                                              por este dispositivo y el contenido de internet.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Solicitação para pegar emprestado o seguinte aparelho:
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Siyati Paran​: _____________________________________​Dat​:____________________                                                                                                         Descrição do aparelho (deve ser preenchido)
                                                                                                              Firma del Estudiante​: _______________________________​Fecha​: ___________________                                                                                                                                                                                                     Chromebook Dell, incluindo cabo de carregador (Escolas – Registre essas informações em ​Destiny​)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mwen konprann epi mwen dakò avèk kondisyon ki konsène responsablite mwen pou aparèy sa a                                                                                               Número do modelo:__________________________________
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ak kontni entènèt la.

                                       ENGLISH PDF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Número de série: ________________________________________
                                                                                                              Firma del Director/Persona Designada​: _________________​Fecha​: __________________
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Siyati Elèv la​:_____________________________________​Dat​:____________________                                                                                                        Assumirei total responsabilidade por repor o equipamento caso seja perdido, roubado ou
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     danificado a ponto de não poder ser consertado. Assumirei total responsabilidade pelo conserto
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Siyati Direktè/Responsab​: ____________________                                                                                           ​Dat​:____________________                   do equipamento caso não esteja funcionando ao ser devolvido. Entendo que este computador
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     deve ser usado apenas pelo meu filho(a) e somente nas matérias designadas para ele nesse ano
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     letivo. Assumo responsabilidade pelo conteúdo da Internet que meu filho acessar por meio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     desse aparelho e compreendo que este computador deve ser devolvido no primeiro dia em que

                                                                                                                                      SPANISH PDF                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    as aulas forem retomadas.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Assinatura do pai/mãe​: ______________________________​Data​:____________________
                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Dept. of Multicultural Education, the Translation Team certifies that this is a true and faithful translation of the original document. ​(561) 434-8620​ – March 2020 – SY191101
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Compreendo e concordo com as condições acima referentes à minha responsabilidade por este
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     aparelho e ao conteúdo da Internet.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Assin. do aluno(a)​:_____________________________________​Data​:____________________

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Assin. do diretor(a)/representante​: ___________________________​ Data​:___________________

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          HAITIAN CREOLE PDF

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               PORTUGUESE PDF

School District of Palm Beach County
ICSP Updated 4/6/2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PAGE 16
D                APPENDIX
                       Suggested Daily Schedules: Elementary

                                              SUGGESTED DAILY SCHEDULE
                                                                                                                                                       SUGGESTED DAILY SCHEDULE
                                                     GRADES K-2
                                                                                                                                                              GRADES 3-5
                                                                                                                            SUBJECT            RECOMMENDED LENGTH OF TIME           TIME/DAY CONTENT AIRS ON TEN
                Read Aloud/                                                Monday - Friday
               Writing Lesson                                              • Kindergarten 9:05am - 9:17am                 Read Aloud/                                               Monday - Friday
                                                                           • 1st Grade 9:17am - 9:29am                   Writing Lesson                                             • 3rd Grade: 9:41am 9:53am
                                                                           • 2nd Grade 9:29am - 9:41am                                                                              • 4th Grade: 9:55am - 10:07am
                                                15-20 minutes                                                                                                                       • 5th Grade: 10:07am - 10:19am
             Dual Language SLA                                             Monday - Friday                                                               20-30 minutes
                                                                           • Kindergarten 11:50am - 12:02pm            Dual Language SLA                                            Monday - Friday
                                                                           • 1st Grade 12:02pm - 12:14pm                                                                            • 3rd Grade: 12:26pm - 12:38pm
                                                                           • 2nd Grade 12:14pm - 12:26pm                                                                            • 4th Grade: 12:40pm - 12:52pm
                                                                                                                                                                                    • 5th Grade: 12:52pm - 1:04pm

            Independent Reading                  15 minutes                                                           Independent Reading                 30 minutes

                                                                                                                                                   15 minutes/30 minutes for
                                                                                                                         iReady Reading
                                          15 minutes/30 minutes for                                                                             students receiving interventions
               iReady Reading
                                       students receiving interventions

                                                                                                                         Lesson Practice                  30 minutes

               Lesson Practice                  20-30 minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                    Monday - Friday
                                                                                                                       Physical Education                 30 minutes                • 9:00am - 9:05am

                                                                           Monday - Friday
                                                                                                                                                                                    Monday - Friday
                                                                           • 9:00am - 9:05am
             Physical Education                  30 minutes                                                                                                                         • 3rd Grade: 10:19am - 10:29am
                                                                                                                          Mathematics                     30 minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                    • 4th Grade: 10:29am - 10:39am
                                                                                                                                                                                    • 5th Grade: 10:39am - 10:49am
                                                                           Monday - Friday
                                                                           • Kindergarten 2:04pm - 2:14pm
                Mathematics                      30 minutes                                                               Successmaker                    15 minutes
                                                                           • 1st Grade 2:14pm - 2:24pm
                                                                           • 2nd Grade 2:24pm - 2:34pm
                                                                                                                                                                                    Monday - Friday
                                                                                                                                                                                    • 5th Grade Science 1:04pm - 1:16pm
                Successmaker                     15 minutes                                                                                                35 minutes
                                                                                                                      Science/Social Studies     (15 minutes for Social Studies &   Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday
                                                                                                                                                20 minutes for Science each day)    • Social Studies 3:59pm - 4:11pm
                                                                                                                                                                                    • Content is also embedded into ELA Read
                                                                           Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday
                                                  35 minutes                                                                                                                           Aloud Lessons when possible
                                                                           • 3:59pm - 4:11pm
            Science/Social Studies      (15 minutes for Social Studies &
                                                                           • Content is also embedded into ELA Read                                                                 Monday, Wednesday, & Friday
                                       20 minutes for Science each day)
                                                                              Aloud Lessons when possible                   Art/Music                     20 minutes                • 1:52pm - 2:04 pm
                                                                           Monday, Wednesday, & Friday
                                                                           • 1:52pm - 2:04 pm
                  Art/Music                      20 minutes

School District of Palm Beach County
ICSP Updated 4/6/2020                                                                                                                                                                                                          PAGE 17
D               APPENDIX
                      Suggested Daily Schedules: Secondary

                                          SUGGESTED DAILY SCHEDULE                                                                        SUGGESTED DAILY SCHEDULE
                                                 GRADES 6-8                                                                                     GRADES 9-12

                                       RECOMMENDED                                                                                     RECOMMENDED
                 SUBJECT                                TIME/DAY CONTENT AIRS ON TEN                                 SUBJECT                            TIME/DAY CONTENT AIRS ON TEN
                                       LENGTH OF TIME                                                                                  LENGTH OF TIME
                                                        Monday - Friday                                                                                 Monday - Friday
                                                        • 6th Grade: 10:50am - 11:02am                                                                  • 9th Grade: 11:26am - 11:38am
           English Language Arts         45 minutes     • 7th Grade: 11:02am - 11:14am                         English Language Arts     45 minutes     • 10th Grade: 11:38am - 11:50am
                                                        • 8th Grade: 11:14am - 11:26am

                                                        Monday - Friday                                                                                 Monday - Friday
                                                        • 8th Grade: 1:16pm - 1:28pm                                                                    • Biology: 1:28pm - 1:40pm
                  Science                45 minutes                                                                   Science            45 minutes

                                                        Monday - Friday                                                                                 Monday - Friday
                                                        • 6th Grade: 2:59pm - 3:11pm                                                                    • Algebra 1: 2:35pm - 2:59pm
                                                        • 7th Grade: 3:11pm - 3:23pm                                                                    • Geometry: 3:47pm - 3:59pm
                Mathematics              45 minutes     • 7th Grade Advanced: 3:23pm - 3:35pm                       Mathematics          45 minutes
                                                        • 8th Grade (Pre-Algebra): 3:35pm - 3:47pm
                                                        • Algebra 1: 2:35pm - 2:59pm
                                                        • Geometry: 3:47pm - 3:59pm

                                                        Monday - Friday                                                                                 Monday - Friday
                                                        • 7th Grade (Civics): 1:40pm - 1:52pm                                                           • 7th Grade (Civics): 1:40pm - 1:52pm

                                                                                                                                                        Monday & Wednesday
                                                        Monday & Wednesday
                                                                                                                   Social Studies        45 minutes     • 6-12 Holocaust Studies: 3:59pm - 4:11pm
               Social Studies            45 minutes     • 6-12 Holocaust Studies: 3:59pm - 4:11pm

                                                                                                                                                        Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday
                                                        Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday
                                                                                                                                                        • African, African American, Latin American History:
                                                        • African, African American, Latin American History:
                                                                                                                                                           3:59pm - 4:11pm
                                                           3:59pm - 4:11pm
                                                                                                                                                        Monday - Friday
                                                        Monday - Friday
                                                                                                                                                        • 9:00am - 9:05am
                                                        • 9:00am - 9:05am
                                                                                                                 Physical Education      45 minutes
             Physical Education          45 minutes

                                                                                                                                                        Monday, Wednesday, & Friday
                                                        Monday, Wednesday, & Friday                                                                     • 1:52pm - 2:04pm
                                                        • 1:52pm - 2:04pm
                                                                                                               Art/Music/Drama/Dance     45 minutes
           Art/Music/Drama/Dance         45 minutes

School District of Palm Beach County
ICSP Updated 4/6/2020                                                                                                                                                                                          PAGE 18
E               APPENDIX
                      Frequently Asked Questions

                                                                                             I still have more questions, where can I go to get
                  How will my child’s attendance and participation in
                                                                                             answers to my distance learning questions?
                  distance learning be tracked?
                                                                               ✓ For technology-related issues on District devices, contact the
For attendance purposes, the expectation is that all students will be
                                                                                 IT service desk at (561) 242-4100.
participating in class everyday. Attendance can be considered via
various forms of participation to count a student as present. This
                                                                               ✓ For questions related to distance learning, either call
may include but not be limited to:
                                                                                 (561) 684-5100 or submit your question using this Google
     ✓ Participating in a live class virtual discussion                           Form (
     ✓ Submitting written assignment
     ✓ Posting or commenting on a discussion board
                                                                               ✓ For students needing help with schoolwork, either contact the
     ✓ Logging time in a District-sponsored individual practice (e.g.            school and/or teacher directly or submit your schoolwork-
          iReady, IXL, Reading Plus, Test Yourself [Algebra Nation], or
                                                                                  related question here.
          any other trackable, online resource).

                                                                               ✓ General Helpline Information:
                      How will ESE, 504, and other related services/supports     ‣ School-related Coronavirus Information: (561) 969-5840
                      be provided during this time?                                 Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM.

The Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Department and the                        ‣ Student Mental Health Helpline: (561) 432-6389
                                                                                    Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Behavioral and Mental Health Services teams are collaborating with
our general education colleagues to provide support to students
through both option 1 and option 2 of the District’s Instructional             ✓ For information on District Feeding Sites open during school
                                                                                 closure, go to PBC Feeding Sites or call (561) 969-5840.
Continuity Support Plan.

For more assistance, additional resources and information can be
                                                                               ✓ For additional information and resources, go to Distance
found at Distance Learning - Information & Resources.                            Learning - Information & Resources.
School District of Palm Beach County
ICSP Updated 4/6/2020                                                                                                                  PAGE 19
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