BLENDED LEARNING toDAy: Designing in the new learning architecture 10 tips for blend design

Page created by Ashley Ball
BLENDED LEARNING toDAy: Designing in the new learning architecture 10 tips for blend design
Elearning Company of the Year

Designing in the new learning architecture
10 tips for blend design
BLENDED LEARNING toDAy: Designing in the new learning architecture 10 tips for blend design
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                           Table of contents
                           04 Blended learning today

                           11 Tip 1: All good blends have a spine

                           13 Tip 2: Be systematic in your blended design process

                           14 Tip 3: Work out your assessment strategy right from the start

                           15 Tip 4: Use personas

                           17 Tip 5: Keep asking why

                           17 Tip 6: 70:20:10 – a blend formula?

                           24 Tip 7: Think of a blend as a learning journey

                           25 Tip 8: Test your blend

                           26 Tip 9: It doesn’t stop after you have designed your blend

                           27 Tip 10: Manage, evaluate and respond
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                                                                                                                          But what is blended learning? What are some real examples?
Blended learning today
                                                                                                                          Before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s return to first principles: What is
It’s not a new term. But blended learning does have a new life. It used to                                                blended learning?
mean just elearning plus classroom, in one order or the other.
                                                                                                                          Blended learning is the seamless        There’s no silver bullet, or       To illustrate by example, here are
But there’s an emerging set of new       roll out blends that effectively use     driving higher empathy and learner-     integration of online and offline       pre-fabricated set of blended      some blends we have worked
opportunities and channels to solve      just elearning and workshops!            centric approaches. This means          learning methods. These methods         templates that ‘just work’. Each   on. These will give you a sense
your performance challenges.                                                      getting to grips with the culture,      can be formal and informal in the       situation requires a bespoke       of how we and our clients have
                                         But, it is true that the options are     context, and audience at a deep         way they are created or accessed.       design approach.                   approached challenges with
So what’s available to the               so much greater than they have           level, pin pointing their challenges                                                                               blended approaches.
learning architect, the person           ever been. As learning moves             and needs and identifying where
who is ultimately responsible for        towards being more pervasive:            personalisation may be required.
a coherent and effective blend           continuous, collaborative and            Increasingly this means taking a
design?                                  connected and not necessarily            more campaign-style approach:
                                                                                  looking at the available channels,
                                                                                                                          Mini case studies of blends
“As learning moves towards being                                                  profiling and segmenting
                                                                                  the audience and delivering
more pervasive, there’s a growing move                                            appropriate multi-media content
                                                                                                                            City & Guilds Way
towards a ‘resources’ not ‘courses’                                               that really hits the mark. And since
                                                                                  performance improvements are for        Key challenge: Engage with a
approach to blended learning”                                                     the long term, the blend isn’t a one-   young, mixed-ability audience,
                                                                                  off event. It’s a carefully planned     who may not naturally connect
Clive Shepherd’s breakdown of the        locked away in classrooms or on          sequence of activities delivered        with ‘education’, and provide
options below is an excellent one        an LMS, there’s a growing move           over time. Think of promoting           practical, tailored catering training
to use as a checklist (See The New       towards a ‘resources’ not ‘courses’      and embedding the blend as a            that reduces (costly) mistakes in
Learning Architect – the Kindle          approach to blended learning (a          programme, that needs a marketing       the kitchen environment, and that
download is nice and cheap!):            phrase we first used in 2008 and is      and service management element          increases retention. If it’s proved
                                         becoming, reassuringly, an industry      beyond just project management.         successful in the Food and Drinks
Let’s not kid ourselves that everyone    mantra). Whilst delivering on speed,                                             sector, the approach can be rolled
now uses all of these in their blends.   scale and reach is one part of the                                               out further.
There are many organisations out         picture, it’s also about pitching
there who dream of being able to         learning at the right level and                                                  Blend approach: Centred around
                                                                                                                          a bespoke portal that houses
 Experimental                  On-demand                      Non-formal                  Formal                          over 40 short digital resources,
                                                                                                                          such as eTutorials, games,
 Benchmarking                  Performance support            Coaching / OJT              Classroom courses
 Job rotation / enrichment     materials                      Mini-workshops              Self-study elearning            scenarios, videos, and mobile-
                               Online books                                                                               friendly webapps, learners can
                                                                                                                          work through a personalised,
 Project reviews               Help desks                     Rapid elearning             Outdoor learning
 Performance appraisals        Mobile learning                White papers                Collaborative distance          tracked routemap to complete
                                                                                          learning                        the training they need. Learners
                                                                                                                          earn points or badges towards
 Action learning               Benchmarking                   Podcasts                    Computer games and
 Continuous improvement        Job rotation / enrichment      Webinars                    simulations                     vocational qualifications as they
                                                                                                                          go, with the added engagement
                                                                                                                                                                  “The absolute benefit of learners
                                                                                          Blended learning

 Personal reflection           Online search                  Open learning               Professional and post-
                                                                                                                          factor of earning extra points          being able to almost log into their own
 Reflecting with others        Using forums                   Communities of practice     graduate qualifications
                                                                                                                          by completing extra challenges.         portal and then start off on a number
                                                                                                                          There’s an active online
                                                                                          Formal adult education
                                                                                                                          community to discuss and share          of tasks which I would be able to
 Blogging                      Using wikis                    Continuing professional
 Getting a life                                               development
                                                                                                                          ideas with peers and Tutors,            influence … great for differentiation.”
                                                                                                                          who can view learners’ progress,
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                                                                                                                 BP: Safety training

                                                                                                                Key challenge: To create a
                                                                                                                world-class training solution to
                                                                                                                                                      “We’ve gone from being a company
                                                                                                                establish systematic operating        where elearning was a dirty word to
                                                                                                                procedures across an audience of      one where it’s now accepted as a
                                                                                                                12,000 + globally dispersed, shift-
                                                                                                                based employees, and ultimately       cornerstone of our capability strategy.”
                                                                                                                drive and enhance safety culture
                                                                                                                leadership in the business.           Benefits: An award-winning           South Africa. The technology-
                                                                                                                                                      blend with successful global take-   focused blend has also helped
                                                                                                                Blend approach: We engaged            up. There have been well over        change views on what makes
                                                                                                                with top experts in the business,     50,000 elearning completions         good learning, “We’ve gone from
                                                                                                                the leadership team, and target       for ‘Hazard Identification and       being a company where elearning
                                                                                                                audience user groups from a           Task Risk Assessment (HITRA)’        was a dirty word to one where it’s
                                                                                                                range of locations to define          and ‘Isolations’ and over 8,000      now accepted as a cornerstone
                                                                                                                needs and create a solution that      attendances at related workshops,    of our capability strategy. The
                                                                                                                was fit for purpose. The result       and the impact is being seen on      products were one hundred
                                                                                                                is a technology-led curriculum        the ground “Three months after       percent focused on their needs
                                                                                                                that is completed over six-           the HITRA programme we can see       and tested by them for them. In
                                                                                                                eight weeks, with a task at the       improvement in risk assessment.      partnership with [City & Guilds]
                                                                                                                heart of each week. Learners          We will get to a place of zero or    Kineo, we got that.” Urbain
                                                                                                                must successfully complete a          minimal incidents.” – S&OR Lead,     Bruyere, BP project sponsor.
                                                                                                                realistic e-simulation, which is
                                                                                                                accompanied by supporting
                                                                                                                tutorials, reflective case studies
                                                                                                                and lessons learnt. A face-to-face
input into forums and provide        Benefits: Pilot was an               differentiation.”. We provide more    workshop, run locally, around
support for learners as they work    overwhelming success with            details on this case study later      week five consolidates learning
through the blend. Tutors also       positive feedback from the           on, but the flexible, personalised,   and enhances skills through a
have the added benefit of being      learners, tutors, colleges and       community-based approach to           more complex, group task that
able to use the standalone digital   project sponsors. 87% of the         this blend has led to City & Guilds   mimics real operations. The whole
resources in webinars or in the      learners rated the community         embarking on a programme to           blend was led by a campaign
classroom. Learners use the portal   and digital resources as good or     deliver more digitally integrated     for change, featuring leadership
beyond their formal training to      very good, and tutors saw “the       assessment and learning services      endorsements, newsletters and
refresh their knowledge and          absolute benefit of learners being   moving forwards, seeing learning      audience engagement to help
participate in the community.        able to almost log into their own    technology and online content as      ensure successful take up and roll-
                                     portal and then start off on a       a “positive disrupter” to the more    out of this wide reaching global
                                     number of tasks which I would        traditional vocational delivery.      programme.
                                     be able to influence … great for

    Blend at a glance:                                                                                              Blend at a glance:

                Personalised    engagement         Digital         webinar/    community                          campaign                        etutorials &                      work           Virtual        Online
    Portal                                                                                                                          Portal                       esimultations
                   routes         device         resources         workshop     & sharing                         for change                      case studies                      shop         classroom      assessment

                                           tutor input & support
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  Global Professional Services Firm: Interview Skills                                                      UK-based retailer

Key challenge: Transform a face-                                                                          Key challenges: To train staff in        Blend approach: The blend             Benefits: New starters require less
to-face interview skills training                                                                         a wide range of key skills more          solution comprised of elearning       hands-on training when they join,
course into a technology-based                                                                            quickly and more effectively. To         for induction and key skill           and can take the elearning before
blended solution that’s scalable,                                                                         record staff levels of proficiency.      fundamentals, classroom-based         they join to give them a head
accessible anywhere, anytime, has                                                                         To reach large staff population          sessions for more in-depth,           start. It also easily fits in around
a low-lead time, and significantly                                                                        who are geographically dispersed         group-based learning, followed        their shift patterns, and since it
reduces the time and resource                                                                             and who work a variety of shift          up by hands-on practical training     delivers greater standardisation
commitment required. The                                                                                  patterns. To have the ability            and on-the-job buddy training in      of training, staff can move more
solution also needed to push the                                                                          in the medium and long term              stores to ensure competence on        easily between stores. The blend
boundaries of innovation, provide                                                                         to produce and maintain own              the ground. All training records      reduced trainer costs (time,
consistent and robust training                                                                            training elearning content.              are maintained in a Totara LMS for    travel) and training venue costs
and, as a must, incorporate                                                                                                                        audit purposes.                       associated with classroom training.
interview role-play and feedback.

Blended approach: With an
upfront diagnostic, the blend                                                                                 Blend at a glance:
filters content depending on
experience level of the audience.
                                      “Data shows the blend is meeting all of
The blend itself is made up           its objectives. Average scores rating it                                                                                                     totara
of elearning, eSimulations            at 4.4 out of 5 across various measures”                              elearning       classroom
                                                                                                                                                On the job
                                                                                                                                                                 support          training
and telephone roleplays and                                                                                                                                                       records
coaching. Multiple bite-size
elearning topics, including ‘watch    also over the phone, from a           received more focused and
and learn’ video scenarios, myth      professional coach.                   tailored feedback and tips.
busters and virtual coaching can
be taken before learners tackle       Benefits: In the first four
online interview simulations that     months, data shows the blend
replicate the popular live practice   is meeting all of its objectives.
from the classroom training.          Average scores rating it at 4.4
With realistic video and multiple     out of 5 across various measures,
routes through a challenging          matching the benchmark of the
branching simulation, learners        original and highly successful
have the chance to try their skills   face-to-face solution. In terms
at interviewing once, or several      of cost-saving, the organisation
times, with each experience           estimates it will save around 1,500
being unique. To follow-up,           professional working hours per
learners then participate in          annum and annualised savings
further telephone roleplays with      of approx. £75k in fixed costs.                                        Using these templates
professional actors and then          The added benefit of one-to-one
receive feedback and coaching,        coaching means that learners                                           Are these blended templates for re-use? No.              So let’s step back from these and look at the
                                                                                                             Each was right for its situation. Each was guided        process and best practices that will help you get it
                                                                                                             by a performance need, an understanding of               right for your situation. First though – what’s really
    Blend at a glance:                                                                                       the culture and environment, the budget and              new out there?
                                                                                                             technology considerations, and the right channels
                                                                                                             to the target audience. They share some principles
                                                   telephone        telephone                                in how they were constructed, but the approach
  Diagnostic       etutorials     esimultations                                                              was different for each.
                                                    roleplay         coaching
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                                                                                        Tip 1: All good blends have a spine
What’s new in blended learning?
The landscape of blended learning is changing all the time as more informal
and mobile elements start to get integrated into the overall blend. Here are a
few elements that we are introducing into our latest blends:

 Flip the classroom – use group events to do activities and avoid information-giving
 if you can

 Do your lectures at home and your homework in class, to use the Kahn Academy
 analogy. And ‘lecture’ can mean portal, MOOC, resources of any kind

 Seamlessly move cohorts of learners into action learning sets

 Integrate collaborative learning in between the formal sessions

 Encourage decision-making as outputs of learning through crowd-sourcing

 Introduce Open Badges for lifelong transferable records of learning
                                                                                       Blended learning is becoming a
                                                                                       rather nebulous term nowadays.
                                                                                                                            “A perfect blend is one that matches
 Use HTML 5 to target multi-devices, from tablets to smartphones, providing just-in-   Is blended learning simply a         the learners’ needs and preferred way
 time performance support and follow-up tips for mobile learning                       collective term for everything a     of learning and, at the same time,
                                                                                       learner can find and do around
                                                                                       a particular topic, chosen from a    represents the most cost-effective way
 Bring experts into the classroom by going virtual – with professional producers
 assisting subject matter experts                                                      smorgasbord of learning objects?     to implement the learning solution.”
                                                                                       The welcome shift to learning
                                                                                       strategies based more on             every step of the way. The            We all know that learners are very
 Support coaching with online e-tutoring within the blend                              ‘resources’ and less on ‘courses’    need for that ‘spine’ is why we       different and so when designing
                                                                                       could lead you to believe that       talk about a blended learning         blends we should bear this in
                                                                                       you just have to send out an         architecture. A well designed         mind. The challenge is how far
 Turn learning programs into change campaigns using modern marketing techniques        instruction to your learners to go   building allows free movement         you can go to accommodate
                                                                                       out there and find whatever you      around the rooms but it makes it      all those different contexts,
 Consider alternative assessment and evaluation techniques that fit with sustained     want.                                easy for people to navigate and       personalities and learning styles.
 performance improvements e.g. contributions to online portals, peer and coach                                              not get lost                          One example of trying to be as
 feedback mechanisms                                                                   This may be a good approach                                                flexible as possible was a blended
                                                                                       for some learners, notably           The same is needed for designing      design for a client that allowed
                                                                                       confident, experienced or            a blend. It should feel to the        learners to either go through
 Go deeper with upfront research, needs analysis and user profiling to tap into        senior employees. But blended        learner that they have some           self-study modules before, or
 available and appropriate communication channels, the social media and sharing        learning has to be more than just    decision-making powers in the         after, a face-to-face workshop.
 culture, and audience needs and motivations.                                          ‘resources’. For many learners       process but, where it is important,   This was great for the theorists
                                                                                       there needs to be some spine         that they have a clear path           and the activists. It was however
                                                                                       and flow to the learning process     through, what could be, many          a real challenge to get the
 Consider putting professional qualifications or accreditations at the heart of
                                                                                       even if they do not want to be       learning options.                     blended design right, as the core
 your blend.
                                                                                       told what they should be doing                                             workshop could be attended by
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people who had completed a            return on investment business
                                      cases because ultimately the
                                                                            Tip 2: Be systematic in your blended design process
certain amount of theory (through
the elearning) and others who         blends must make financial sense
planned to do this after the          – often you have to tweak a blend    You don’t create a blended         Here’s an overview of steps that
workshop.                             to make sure the numbers are         design in isolation from others.   a blended learning designer or
                                      right. On that note, it is wise to   So, you should create a schedule   architect should try to follow when
Truly learner-centric blends put      be able to back-up your blend        and bring in the right people at   defining any kind of blend:
pressure on everyone to create        with a figure for how much your      the right time.
flexible interventions. There’s no    approach saves, compared with
point creating a comprehensive        the default approach (savings
online learning experience prior      against investment) or, if you
to a workshop in which the trainer    are ambitious go for a return on
feels that they have to cover the     investment calculation (more on                                             Define learning objectives and target audience
same ground again.                    this later!).                                         Needs analysis

“Truly learner-centric blends put
pressure on everyone to create flexible                                                                           Is it to reduce costs, improve performance
                                                                                                                  or reach more learners?
                                                                                              Define key
interventions.”                                                                                drivers

Getting the right balance             It’s clear that a perfect blend is
                                                                                                                  Each learning point / topic will be handled by
between all of the types of           one that matches the learners’
                                                                                           Match content to       a particular delivery method
learning approaches that              needs and preferred way of
                                                                                           delivery method
Clive Shepherd categorises            learning and, at the same time,
(Experiential, On-demand, Non-        represents the most cost-effective
formal and Formal) is a challenge.    way to implement the learning
This is especially the case in        solution. Often, there is a need                                            What do the different types of learners want?
                                                                                            Check against
the area of encouraging and           to compromise; this is where
                                                                                           target audience
integrating informal channels into    the blended learning designer’s
your overall learning solution.       people skills are most needed!

                                                                                                                  What are the most realistic delivery channels
So, at the heart of an effective
                                                                                                Assess            and what’s the budget?
blend, there needs to be an
architect. This blended learning
designer must be able to assess
all of the options available to the
organisation and create a learning                                                           Define blend         What will the learner experience be?
structure that seamlessly links                                                            architecture and
the different learning options                                                              learner paths
and provides a coherent learner
journey. They may have to think
                                                                                                                  Check ROI, adjust the blend and produce
like a marketing professional,
                                                                                             Test, amend,         a Design Document
as some blends may need a
sustained campaign-like approach
in order to drive a larger
mindset or behavioural change,
                                                                                                                  Brief and manage the design and development
or help implement a change
                                                                                             Set up work          process for each component in the blend
management scheme across an
organisation. They also have to
be a bit of a whizz at calculating
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  Tip 3: Work out your assessment strategy right from the start                                                      Tip 4: Use personas

“Official goals and stamps of approval                                       to use it. This is less about
                                                                             ‘assessment’, and more about
                                                                                                                   The key to success in blended
                                                                                                                   design is to know your audience.
                                                                                                                                                          They talk about how you’re
                                                                                                                                                          going to stimulate demand. Who
                                                                                                                                                                                             people collaborate and on what
                                                                                                                                                                                             type of tasks?
can help add rigour to an organisation’s                                     valuing other types of activity in    This is more than knowing what         are you trying to reach? With
learning offering and also shows real                                        someone’s development journey.        job roles and experience they          what message? Where do those       The ideal blend caters for as
                                                                             Building a social profile is a good   have, as the best blends should        people hang out now (physically    many of these disparate groups
investment from them in their staff,                                         indication of learner engagement.     have multiple options and paths.       and virtually)? How do we use      as possible. We find that a really
as it is the learners that gain the                                                                                So, in determining the right           those channels? What devices do    useful exercise at this stage is
                                                                             You also need to consider how         blend, you have to acknowledge         they use? How are we going to      to define a number of typical
qualification, not the company”                                              feedback will operate in the mix.     the expected pre-existing range        get action?                        learners (representing some of
For many, it can be a great              you are going to know whether       Especially for blends working         of knowledge and experience                                               the extreme, e.g. one could be
personal motivator to work               your learners have achieved their   towards qualifications or formal      and the range of different             These won’t answer all of your     an activist, another a theorist
towards a formal accreditation           learning goals.                     assessments. Once you’ve defined      personalities and learning styles      design questions. But they’re      and another could be very
or qualification in a blended                                                your assessment strategy, turn to     plus attitudes to the learning in      very useful starting points for    experienced, another a complete
programme, and can work well for         Formal methods may include          feedback and consider who will        the first place.                       understanding your learners        beginner). These are referred
both vocational and non-job role         invigilated tests, assessed         review and feedback on formal                                                                                   to in the software industry
specific skills, such as leadership
or communication. Official goals
                                         practical exercises, observation
                                         at work, writing job-based
                                                                             tasks and assignments, and how?
                                                                             And who will review and provide
                                                                                                                   “In determining the right blend, you                                      as personas.

and stamps of approval can help          assignments or interviews by        feedback informally to support        have to acknowledge the expected                                          This is a great exercise to do
add rigour to an organisation’s          experienced assessors. Less         learners during their learning        pre-existing range of knowledge and                                       with subject matter experts or
learning offering and also shows         formal knowledge and skills         journey, and who can feedback                                                                                   stakeholders, as it gets them
real investment from them in             checks can also be done by          and support them in their             experience and the range of different                                     to see that different delivery
their staff, as it is the learners       online tests or classroom tests     performance? Explore the role         personalities and learning styles plus                                    approaches and media types
that gain the qualification, not         and observations. Not all blended   the learner’s line manager, coach                                                                               might be needed, possibly
the company. (One to consider if         designers will necessarily have     and, indeed, peers may play in
                                                                                                                   attitudes to the learning in the first                                    challenging preconceived
staff retention is a goal). So it’s a    a background in assessment so,      their performance. After all, these   place.”                                                                   ideas of how training should be
good starting point to consider          if you are going down this path,    are the people on the ground                                                                                    delivered. It certainly helps in
if the blend can be based                make sure you have someone          who are most likely to report on      Learning = Marketing                   and the channels to market you     unearthing forgotten learning
around formal accreditation or           experienced in assessment           performance on the job. Consider      In doing this – set learning           should use to reach them. It’s     requirements.
qualifications, such as the City         techniques involved right from      360 degree type review tools,         design aside for a moment              also worth exploring the culture
& Guilds Way case study we               the start.                          where others’ evidence-based          and think like a marketing             of the organisation or target      The aim is then to create a
cited above. If this is the case,                                            feedback plays a part in helping      professional. Why?                     audience, and understanding        blend that appeals to all of these
you’ll need to bring third-party         But it’s also worth considering     the learner and their manager                                                what’s valued and celebrated, as   personas. Maybe not all of the
accreditors into the mix early on        some much more informal ways        recognise their strengths, gaps       Because blended design is              well as attitudes to sharing and   time but certainly a lot of time!
to understand how to design              you may be able to gauge            and improvements. And, of             really about engagement and            collaboration. For example,
for accreditation or qualification       that learning and performance       course, don’t forget that learners’   persuasion. We’re trying to sell       what do they tend
and/or adjust existing training          improvements are taking place.      own reflections really count,         a concept to learners. Who             to celebrate and
to map to specific qualifications.       For example, how much might the     especially if you’re striving for     engages people for a living?           communicate?
You might find that your current         stakeholders value contributions    higher empathy, learner centric       Who spends their waking hours          How do they deal
learning solution is 80% of the          to a community of practice such     experiences. Diagnostics,             trying to provoke, stimulate,          with mistakes?
way to a recognised qualification.       as uploads, tip shares, and forum   reflective surveys, learning          shock and humour people into           How open
                                         posts? If they are committed        journals are some of the methods      changing behaviour? Marketing          are people
But even less formal learner paths       to getting a community up and       that you could consider, but          professionals. They’re in the          in sharing
need some kind of ongoing                running and genuinely support       again, it needs to be recognised      persuasion business. If you involve    examples
assessment and feedback so               social learning, then recognising   by managers and coaches to            them (as we do) in ‘learning           and stories?
learners know they are ‘getting          usage and contributions in          count. Feedback loops and             projects’, they are refreshingly       How do
it’ and you know they are getting        someone’s performance review        support can be underplayed in         disinterested in the efficacy of the
it as well. So, it is crucial that you   is key to creating this learning    blends, so make sure you give it      design model or the details under
define right from the start how          culture and furthering motivation   its due attention.                    the bonnet of your approach.
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Here is an example set of personas created by one of our clients for a Data
                                                                                                     Tip 5: Keep asking why
Protection learning requirement:
                      Bob “I want the whole picture”                                               There tends to be three main
                                                                                                   drivers behind a blended learning
                                                                                                                                           “Every situation is unique, so it will all
                      •   IT Analyst                                                               design. It can be aimed at:             depend on what you discover as you
                      •   Works at WHQ                                                             • Delivering better performance         go though the filtering process.”
                      •   34 years old                                                             • Reducing costs of delivery
                      •   College graduate                                                         • Reaching more people, more
                      •   Why am I doing this?                                                       quickly                               taking a campaign-like approach           classrooms
                      •   Isn’t this complex?                                                                                              to the blend could work well.           • It should focus on performance
                      •   Where are the principles?                                                Quite often it is a combination                                                   support and on-the-job
                      •   Don’t want to be exposed sharing my thoughts                             of these three but, if there is one     If it is primarily aimed at reducing      learning
                      •   No glitz please                                                          prime driver, then it could make a      cost of delivery:                       • May involve tapping into social
                      •   “I think I’m pretty good at this”– they think they are well organised    significant difference to the nature    • It may need a higher proportion         media and other channels to
                      •   Reads internal forum posts and expert’s tips, but doesn’t post to them   of the final blend.                         of online elements like elearning     connect with people in the
                      •   Attends ‘learning lunch’ talks                                                                                       and virtual classrooms                spaces they use on daily basis
                      •   Uses smartphone                                                          If it is primarily aimed at             • It should encourage ongoing
                                                                                                   delivering better performance:              coaching by line managers           Every situation is unique, of
                                                                                                   • It may need ample opportunities           and collaborative learning          course, and so it will all depend
                      Jan “Let me have a go”                                                           for coaching and skills                 (though of course this only         on what you discover as you go
                                                                                                       development through practical           addresses the above-the-line        through the next steps in the
                      •   Sports Marketing Specialist                                                  face-to-face workshops                  costs – if you take into account    filtering process. For example, if
                      •   Works at EHQ                                                             • Knowledge-based elements                  the additional time of managers     keeping delivery costs down is
                      •   28 years old                                                                 could be provided by elearning          and learners the figures might      crucial, it might depend on the
                      •   College graduate                                                             with realistic online simulations       not look so good)                   number of learners you have.
                      •   Thinks training is a lot of noise and a waste of time                    • On the job performance                                                        If there are low numbers, more
                      •   Just wants to know how fast she can get through the training                 support could be delivered on       If it is primarily aimed at reaching    traditional face-to-face delivery
                      •   Comfortable with IT and computers                                            mobiles or as pocket guides         more people, more quickly:              might in the end be less costly
                      •   Get straight to it                                                       • It should encourage best              • Again, it may need a higher           than developing an elearning
                      •   Sounds ideas out on Yammer with closed group of peers                        practice sharing and                    proportion of online elements       module from scratch on the topic.
                      •   Googles quick tips to prep before tasks if needs some guidance               collaborative learning                  like elearning and virtual
                      •   Uses mobile apps for time and task management                            • Ongoing assessment and
                      •   Uses Smartphone and own Tablet                                               perhaps formal qualifications
                                                                                                                                            Let’s look closer at the City & Guilds Way project as
                                                                                                       could be built into the blend
                                                                                                                                            an example. So, what are the key drivers?
                      Kim “Just tell me what I need to know”                                       If the performance is connected to
                                                                                                                                            Delivering better performance?                              Definitely
                                                                                                   a bigger change, and needs to get
                                                                                                                                            Reducing costs of delivery?                                 Definitely
                      •   HR Specialist                                                            the audience into a new mindset
                                                                                                                                            Reaching more people, more quickly?                         Definitely
                      •   Works in Asia                                                            or drive behavioural change,
                      •   42 years old
                      •   College graduate
                                                                                                     Tip 6: 70:20:10 – a blend formula?
                      •   Engaged in the process, just tell me what I should do…
                      •   Slight training overload
                      •   Comfortable with IT and computers                                        When you start to design your           There are a variety of ways in          Overleaf are the options you have
                      •   Has the time to do the training                                          blend you need to look carefully        which you can do this. You can          and the topics/type of learning
                      •   Wants: Make it clear                                                     at what you want to achieve and         focus on the learning objectives        that are typically best suited
                      •   Has too much work                                                        what you want to cover in your          or the key learning points or           (using the much used 70:20:10
                      •   Tends to work at home a lot – takes things home all the time!            overall program.                        messages. For each of these,            categories of Lombardo and
                      •   Looks up elearning tutorials or downloadable guides for help                                                     you need to assess what type of         Eichinger).
                      •   Uses Smartphone                                                                                                  learning delivery is most suitable.
BLENDED LEARNING toDAy: Designing in the new learning architecture 10 tips for blend design
18 Blended learning today                                                                                                                                                                                       Blended learning today 19

The 10%: formal learning plus reading                                                                                      The 20%: feedback

Diagnostic tools                   • Structured reflection                                                                Coaching – virtual and/or face         • Skills development and application of knowledge
                                   • Self-assessment: capability/confidence/experience based                              to face                                • Building an individual learner’s commitment to change
                                   • Diagnosing learner path/related resources                                                                                   • Focusing on specific development areas for the individual learner (rather than
                                                                                                                                                                     the general needs a learner group may have)
Classroom                          • Experiential learning
                                                                                                                                                                  • Informal feedback and support during tasks, as well as formal feedback at end
                                   • Activities which can engage learners at different levels e.g. logical (the head),
                                                                                                                                                                  • Target and measure business improvements within the learner’s remit
                                      practical (hand) or emotional (heart)
                                   • Sharing experiences                                                                  Mentoring – virtual and/or face        • Providing positive role-modelling
                                   • Applying knowledge                                                                   to face                                • Support and advice for long-term personal development
                                   • Skill building                                                                                                              • Informal feedback and support during tasks
                                   • Awareness raising
                                                                                                                           Peers                                  • Informal or formal feedback from peers based on evidence from group
Standalone elearning resources     • Knowledge development (good for processes and procedures, core job                                                             learning activities, assignments, and on the job
such as scenarios, games, case        knowledge and principles)
studies, tutorials                 • Attitude changing
                                                                                                                           The 70%: informal on-the-job experiences, tasks, and problem solving
Standalone elearning resources     • Knowledge development (good for processes and procedures, core job
such as scenarios, games, case        knowledge and principles)                                                            Performance support                    • Just-in-time knowledge (which applied immediately helps build skills and
studies, tutorials                 • Attitude changing                                                                                                              competence)

Video: tips and stories            • Knowledge sharing                                                                    Online collaboration and               • Knowledge sharing
                                   • Sharing experiences                                                                  communities of practice
                                   • Attitude changing                                                                    (information sharing and wikis)

Online group simulations           • Decision-making skills and working in groups                                         Assignments                            •E
                                                                                                                                                                    xperiential learning
                                   • Emulating the reality of the workplace                                                                                      •A
                                                                                                                                                                    ctivities which can engage learners at different levels e.g. logical (the head),
                                                                                                                                                                   practical (hand) or emotional (heart)
Face-to-face pair or group tasks   • Decision-making skills and working in groups                                                                                •S
                                                                                                                                                                    haring experiences
                                   • Sharing experiences                                                                                                         •A
                                                                                                                                                                    pplying knowledge
Webinars                           • Knowledge sharing                                                                                                           •S
                                                                                                                                                                    kill building
                                                                                                                                                                    wareness raising
Virtual classrooms                 • Knowledge sharing (from experts and fellow learners) Practical activities and
                                      exercises – applying knowledge, problem solving                                      Job rotation                           • Knowledge development (good for processes and procedures,
                                                                                                                                                                     core job knowledge and principles)
Synchronised forum discussions     • Knowledge sharing (from experts and fellow learners) Practical activities and                                               • Attitude changing
and debates                           exercises – applying knowledge, problem solving
                                                                                                                           Action learning                        • Knowledge development (good for processes and procedures,
Mobile tips and apps               • Knowledge development                                                                                                          core job knowledge and principles)
                                   • Practical exercises                                                                                                         • Attitude changing
Newsletters                        • Awareness raising                                                                    Performance reviews                    • Knowledge sharing
                                   • Attitude changing                                                                                                           • Sharing experiences
                                   • Knowledge development                                                                                                       • Attitude changing
                                   • Knowledge sharing

Online magazines                   • Attitude changing                                                                   This is not an exhaustive list, of        how much can you stimulate and              • LMS
                                   • Knowledge development                                                               course, but it demonstrates that          support informal learning on the            • In-house messengers such
                                   • Knowledge sharing
                                                                                                                          you can build a comprehensive             job.                                          as Yammer
Expert blogs and online articles   • Attitude changing                                                                   learning experience only if you                                                       • Forums
(pushed on portals, through        • Knowledge development                                                               apply an appropriate spread of            What are the possible                       • Portals
Yammer etc).                       • Knowledge sharing
                                                                                                                          them within your blend.                   performance support channels                • Community sites
Workbooks                          • Structured reflection and work practice observation                                                                           or resources or communities of              • Video sites such as Vimeo
Podcasts                           • Knowledge sharing                                                                   Check out how much of your                interest that you could add into              or Vine
                                                                                                                          blend is in that more traditional         your blend?                                 • Web or video conferencing
Guided reading and research        • Knowledge gathering and sharing
                                                                                                                          10% formal learning camp.                                                             • Newsletters
Assessment and accreditation       • Confirmation that learners achieve their learning goals and identification of       Obviously a lot will be in there as,      List out the available and popular          • Learning Lunch talks / Google
                                      remaining learning gaps
                                                                                                                          by definition, you are designing          communication channels and                    hangouts
                                   • Formal acknowledgement of knowledge and capability which helps build
                                      confidence and motivation and successful career paths                               it. But, if you are a little light in     social hang-outs (virtual and face-         • Action learning group
                                                                                                                          the 70% area (the informal / on           to-face) such as:                             meet-ups
                                                                                                                          the job area) you should think
20 Blended learning today                                                                                                                                                                Blended learning today 21

                                                                                                                Handwashing game                    soap dispenser. But they need        Did the engagement work?
A worked example:                                                                                               In this short game learners watch
                                                                                                                the day in the life of a kitchen
                                                                                                                                                    to watch out as they only have a
                                                                                                                                                    limited amount of soap so they
                                                                                                                                                                                         “They loved the idea of points.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Oh my goodness, they became so
City & Guilds Way – the blend in detail                                                                         porter – as he conducts various
                                                                                                                tasks the learner needs to decide
                                                                                                                                                    need to spot the key moments.        competitive”
                                                                                                                                                                                         Learners were drawn to their
                                                                                                                when the crucial handwashing                                             learning – 24% logged on outside
  Delivery channel                                                                                              moments are by pressing the                                              of college

Bespoke portal                                                                                                    Online
and community
We created a portal to deliver the
experience and whilst it houses                                                                                 Standalone elearning
formal learning resources, it’s                                                                                 resources
also a hub for more informal and                                                                                A range of over 40 short,
community interventions. It’s a                                                                                 engaging digital resources
rich source of inspirational, peer                                                                              targeted at our typical learner.
rated, sector specific content                                                                                  For the learning content strategy
focusing on news, careers and                                                                                   we developed clear ideas about
employability.                                                                                                  how to create resources that        Did it work?
                                                                                                                would capture their interest        “The variety of different learning
Current and popular content is                                                                                  and imagination. They range         styles…I thought it was very
pushed to the surface to grab                                                                                   from standalone videos and          impressive.”. 67% of learners        what it’s like from the horse’s
learners’ attention and draw                                                                                    animations through to interactive   agree they learnt more than          mouth. On this portal we made
them into discussions on forums,                                                                                tutorials, scenarios and case       expected (over a target of 60%)      good use of existing content on
games, competition, and further                                                                                 studies. Resources can be used                                           the web – linking to YouTube
learning.                                                                                                       independently or as directed        Interactive PDFs                     and other sites to deliver great
                                                                                                                by tutors as part of a classroom    Here’s an example of how, in         content.
From the portal, learners can                                                                                   or webinar setting. Here’s some     contrast to some of the richer
check their learning progress                                                                                   examples:                           more animated resources, we
via their personalised learning        support in this design so it also   100% of tutors think it’s is a                                           produced some cost-effective
routemap. Here they can see            provides a handy tutor view,        credible source of careers advice                                        interactivity in the form of
their progress quickly and visually,   enabling them to see how their      for learners.                                                            interactive PDFs:
as well as any areas where they        learners are getting on and early
might be falling behind. Tutors        warning of those who might be
were a key group for us to             falling behind.

  Engagement layer
                                                                                                                Dr Spotless
                                                                           Gamification                         An animated ‘graphic novel’                                              Mobile app
                                                                           To draw the audience in              style story which brings to life                                         This easy to use web app enables
                                                                           we designed a competitive            the impact and importance of                                             learners to check their knowledge
                                                                           engagement layer. Learners           hygiene in food safety.                                                  and rate their confidence in key
                                                                           earn points and badges as                                                                                     areas.
                                                                           they complete key tasks and          When Dough Goes Wrong
                                                                           milestones. As part of this we       An entertaining ‘Crimewatch’                                             Virtual Classrooms
                                                                           gave tutors an extra ‘carrot’        style video that investigates the                                        Tutor-led virtual classroom
                                                                           to dangle to more reluctant          common culprits behind unrisen      Curated videos                       sessions can be run with cohorts
                                                                           learners – they can set learners a   or undercooked bread.               Learners who are exploring their     of learners and make use of
                                                                           challenge to earn bonus points                                           future career options can browse     standalone digital resources as
                                                                           for completion of a key activity.                                        an interactive video wall to hear    required.
22 Blended learning today                                                                                                                               Blended learning today 23

  Assessment and qualifications                                                                                    Performance support

                                                                           who were set ‘challenges’ said        Online community
                                                                           they put in more effort.              We implemented community
                                                                                                                 functionality into the portal,
                                                                           We also awarded learners with         empowering learners to create
                                                                           badges for key tasks which            groups to share ideas and
                                                                           helped them develop their             inspiration. It’s also a channel for
                                                                           functional skills in maths, English   tutors and / or City & Guilds to
                                                                           and IT. In these areas learners are   broadcast messages and respond
                                                                           challenged to go from Beginner        to queries.
                                                                           to Guru level. They can also
                                                                           unlock the ‘Leader’ badge which       On each piece of content,
                                                                           gives them a level of status and      learners add a rating and leave
                                                                           authority within the community:       comments. We also tagged all the
                                                                                                                 content, allowing learners to see a
                                                                                                                 handy ‘related content’ box (a bit
                                                                                                                 like ‘Amazon recommends’).

Ongoing assessment                   Interacting through challenge
                                                                                                                   Coaching and mentoring
and feedback                         and reward: Our engagement
Progress and assignments could       layer allows learners to collect XP
be reviewed by tutors, and they      points along the way – marking                                              Tutor feedback
had ability to provide tailored      their progression and growing                                               and coaching
feedback and set further tasks.      levels of expertise.                                                        As you can see below tutors
                                                                                                                 are able to keep track of their
Online assessment                    Badges                                                                      students’ progress, set tasks and
and reward:                          Tutors could set extra challenges                                           even keep certain learners on
Points for achievements              for key learners: 75% of learners                                           their ‘watch list’.

                                                                                                                 Tutors can provide one-to-one
  Informal online                                                                                                feedback and coaching, and
                                                                                                                 participate in the community as
News articles,                       industry news updates into the        the experience beyond the formal      an expert contributor.
podcasts and links                   blend as well as links through        learning, and mimic social media
Taking a marketing campaign-         to related articles or videos on      sites.
like approach, we built in current   YouTube to engage and enhance

  Formal offline

Classroom – practicals               references within these sessions.     lessons and demonstrations in the
Learners get stuck in to putting                                           classroom and can make use of
their cookery knowledge into         Classroom – tutor-led                 the standalone digital resources
action in the training kitchen –     sessions                              to do so if required.
using online learning resources as   Tutors provide further in-depth
24 Blended learning today                                                                                                                                                                       Blended learning today 25

  Tip 7: Think of a blend as a learning journey                                                                     Tip 8: Test your blend

If you have a rich mix of options in    deliver deeper knowledge or a                                              You should always calculate          Here are some possible areas            So, although it is understandable
your blend you will find that you       diagnostic game?                                                           the total learner time; a key        in which you could see financial        that you don’t try to estimate
should have enough variety for                                                                                     component in making your             benefits:                               ROI on your blend, there’s no
everyone in terms of the learning       It’s handy to create a quick                                               business case for the new                                                    excuse for you to skip doing a
opportunities available to them.        reference matrix (that becomes                                             blend. If one of your drivers was    •   Increased productivity              quick SOI. All the data is at your
                                        a key part of your final blend                                             to reduce costs, it is essential     •   Increased sales                     disposal (number of learners,
The key to success though, will be      design document):                                                          to compare your new blend to         •   Improvements in attendance          cost of development, average
how you lay out that learning                                                                                      the status quo to show it is less    •   Reduction of errors                 salaries of learners, travel and
path. Too much of one learning           Blend component        Delivery method           Learner    Typical       expensive to deliver. The learner    •   Reduction in staff turnover         accommodation costs etc),
approach at the beginning may            (if applicable)                                  time       timeframe     time will be a significant part of                                           you just need to feed in your
de-motivate a particular learner,        Attention grabber      Animation                 2 mins     Week 1        that cost. If you can show that      Return on investment is                 proposed blend in a spreadsheet
e.g. a series of workshops to start                                                                                your blend takes less time to do     often presented as a ratio or           and see what it tells you.
                                         Our customers          Self-study elearning      15 mins    Week 3
a blend might not be appealing                                                                                     or reduces wasteful travel time,     percentage. So, it could be 100%
to a strong theorist. They would                                                                                   you will have a key part of your     or 2:1, if your benefits are twice as   We regularly use this approach
want some background and detail          Handling customers     Virtual classroom         1 hour     Week 3        business case already worked out.    large as the overall costs.             to assess likely savings on
early on to get the whole picture,       Coaching debrief etc   Meeting with line         30 mins    Week 4                                                                                     investment for a blend.
an ideal scenario for some                                      manager                                            Remember these key drivers:          For some areas, potential ROI
elearning before and between                                                                                                                            is easier to assess than others;        If you have a target cost
the workshops.                          Mapping each component to a           other resources, or perhaps share                                         notably in the area of sales            reduction for your blend, then
                                                                                                                    • Delivering better
                                        typical average learner time (this    items with one another. If you’re                                         training. But there is a reason why     you may start to tweak the blend,
We will look at how you create          could be down to a much more          taking a campaign-like approach                                           most training programmes are            perhaps adding more elearning
                                                                                                                    • Reducing costs of delivery
these learning paths and overall        detailed level than the categories    to your blend, as part of your                                            launched without an ROI analysis;       if the numbers of learners are
                                                                                                                    • Reaching more people,
structure your to blend at a later      above) will allow you to plan         learner journey it may be useful                                          it involves a lot of assumptions        significant. Remember: it’s all a
                                                                                                                       more quickly
stage in the process. First, we         how much you can expect your          to list out not only the ‘planned’                                        and a lot of number crunching.          numbers game. In some cases,
have to take into account all the       learners to do each week.             components, but also how you                                                                                      you may find the numbers of
constraints such as technology                                                might monitor and be responsive      Ask yourself: “Does this blend       It is much easier though to work        learners don’t justify either
infrastructure, budget, time to         Even if the idea is to provide a      to user-generated events. We talk    meet the requirements identified     out a savings on investment             elearning or face-to-face delivery
roll-out, etc that will significantly   wide spread of resources with         about this more in our final tip     right at the beginning of the        (SOI) i.e. show that a new blend        – so maybe more use of virtual
modify our blend. It’s time to          a pre-ordained specific route         below.                               process?”                            is less expensive to design             classrooms could be the answer?
get ‘real’!                             through them, it is important that                                                                              and deliver. Obviously this is
                                        you visualise how typical learners                                         If it is about delivering better     straightforward to do for an            Your key driver for the blend
This is where thinking like a           might take their own paths and                                             performance, you need to             existing program (such as 1 or 2        might be simply reaching more
campaign specialist can help            ensure the way you present                                                 show there is a clear return on      day workshop) but, if it is a fresh     people, more quickly. If the blend
You will now have a high-level          these paths will be intuitive and                                          investment (ROI). The investment     learning requirement, you could         you have come up with relies too
breakdown of all the elements           useful. Obviously not all blends                                           will be a combination of design      work out a baseline figure for          much on fixed delivery points,
that will be in your blend, but         are linear in nature – it can be a                                         and development costs, the           what it would cost to design and        such as workshops, or makes it
there is one thing missing: a           genuine smorgasbord of options                                             delivery of the learning and         deliver it in a standard format         hard for all the target audience to
vision of the learner journey.          – with structure but no set linear                                         finally the learner costs (travel,   such as a face-to-face workshop.        get what they need, you will need
Where do you want them to               curriculum.                                                                accommodation and of course                                                  to look for more flexible or more
begin, and what’s the best                                                                                         the actual productive time lost      If the key driver is to reduce          standalone elements.
communication channels to kick          As you’d hope with a strategic                                             while the learners are learning).    costs then this is an important
off with? Some well-designed            online campaign, there’s likely                                            Put against this you need to         calculation. The assumption in
posters to plant seeds about            to be an element of planned                                                estimate what financial benefits     these instances is that you aren’t
the subject, an attention               events and ideal routes through,                                           you can expect from this             necessarily looking to make
grabber that tells some                 and then an element of the                                                 investment.                          the learning significantly more
stories and drives intrigue             organic and user-driven events,                                                                                 effective; you will be judged on
could follow, moving into               as people create spontaneous                                                                                    the fact that it is as effective but
the first elearning module to           forum discussions, link through to                                                                              less expensive.
26 Blended learning today                                                                                                                                                             Blended learning today 27

  Tip 9: It doesn’t stop after you have designed your blend                                                 Tip 10: Manage, evaluate and respond

Your role as a blended designer                                                                           Blends are rarely perfect right out      mentors and line managers
– or let’s promote you to a new                                                                           of the gate. You need to keep            involved?                          You need to plan in the ongoing
Learning Architect, shall we?! –                                                                          watching and listening and be         • Who will moderate and be           programme and editorial
must involve ensuring the vision                                                                          prepared to adjust.                      the voice in any feedback          management, along with regular
is delivered.                                                                                                                                      channels or forums?                reviews against your success
                                                                                                          You should always think about         • What data will tell you what’s     criteria. Ultimately all blended
So, you need to document it                                                                               the ongoing management after             working? MI from your LMS,         learning solutions are judged
all first. This specification or                                                                          launch, especially if your blend is      Google Analytics from your         on the results we achieve against
blueprint tends to include the                                                                            to provide sustained performance         Portal? Surveys with learner       the metrics that our organisations
following sections:                                                                                       support. Don’t forget to factor          feedback?                          care about. Innovation is one
                                                                                                          management time into your ROI         • What’s the hard data telling       thing – hard measurable results
 Your blend design documentation                                                                          too. You want your campaign              you? You must target a             is quite another.
                                                                                                          to be responsive, and adjust to          change in agreed business
 • Business aims and key drivers for the learning
                                                                                                          learner needs – that takes human         metrics (e.g. reduction in         So align with the business
 • Breakdown of learning outcomes and profiles for the target audience (Available and viable
                                                                                                          effort.                                  accident levels, increase in       from the outset, be open to
    communication channels)
                                                                                                                                                   reporting of potential security    all available methods, test and
 • Blend breakdown (description of each blend component, its delivery method, the average learner
                                                                                                          We recommend you think about:            breaches, improved customer        refine, and never stop measuring
    time to complete each component and typical timeframe in which this component is started and
                                                                                                          • Who is going to programme             feedback)?                         against your goals.
                                                                                                             manage and respond to the          • How will you stay responsive?
 • Assumptions behind the blend (a chance to state what pre-requisites are necessary e.g. line manager
                                                                                                             changes, and adjust course as         Who will design and produce        OK, so it doesn’t fit on a t-shirt.
    support if on-the-job coaching is a key part of your solution)
                                                                                                             needed?                               any quick interventions            But that should be the mantra
 • The business case for the blend (ROI, SOI or the total reduction in time to reach all learners)
                                                                                                          • Who will be the editorial voice       needed (e.g. a webinar to          of the new learning architect
 • Risk analysis (what are the risks and how will they be mitigated?)
                                                                                                             to maintain consistency of            respond to an emerging             responsible for the next
 • Personnel and budget requirements for the blend
                                                                                                             tone?                                 theme, a quick guide for           generation of blends.
 • Responsibilities for overseeing and delivering each component in the blend
                                                                                                          • How and when will you keep            managers on how to deal with
 • Initial project plan for designing and delivering the blend
                                                                                                             experts, tutors, coaches,             a business challenge?)

This document will set out each      Ideally, you will have project
of the components in the blend.      managers and learning
The design and development of        consultants / interactive designers
each component represents a          for each of the work streams.
work stream that may progress        The job of the blended learning
in parallel with others or may be    designer is to ensure they stick to
linked directly to the completion    the initial blend blueprint and the
of another.                          final solution delivers the business

The role of the blended designer
                                     case set out in the design
                                                                                                          Considering a campaign for change?
is to brief each group involved so                                                                        We’ve worked with several             Marketing aims to attract,            to changing needs, and provides
they understand how their part of                                                                         organisations on what we’d            persuade, engage and convert          performance support for the long
the blend interacts with others.                                                                          describe as a campaign-based          people into believers – and so        term. Whether it’s a campaign-
                                                                                                          approach to behaviour change.         does great learning. Plus if you’re   like blend, driving traffic to
                                                                                                          This has a foot in two camps:         looking at sustained performance      your learning, or designing an
                                                                                                          learning of course, but just as       improvements, you probably            elearning course for real impact,
                                                                                                          importantly, marketing. They’re       want to move beyond one-off           why not get in touch to explore
                                                                                                          more tightly connected than           training interventions, and look      ideas. You can also take a look at
                                                                                                          sometimes we realise.                 to sustained learning campaigns:      our thoughts on campaigns on
                                                                                                                                                successfully implemented,             our website.
                                                                                                                                                genuinely engaging, responds
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