Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - 600 Oblate Drive San Antonio, Texas 78216 - Feliz Día de las Madres

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - 600 Oblate Drive San Antonio, Texas 78216 - Feliz Día de las Madres
Fifth Sunday of Easter          May 10, 2020         Quinto Domingo de Pascua

                           Feliz Día de las Madres


    Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
             600 Oblate Drive      San Antonio, Texas 78216
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - 600 Oblate Drive San Antonio, Texas 78216 - Feliz Día de las Madres
Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
                                                                                           PARISH OFFICE STAFF
                                                                        Robert Esparza, Business Manager
Parochial Vicar
                                                                                Lizz Ramirez, Bookkeeper
Father Inna Gundreddy
                                                            Rick Olivarez, Director of Religious Education
Dcn Frank Martinez
                                                                           Guadalupe Gutierrez, Secretary
Dcn Tom Tucker
                                                                               Norma Wilbanks, Secretary
Seminarian Jorge Verduzco
                                                                   Hector Barrios, Maintenance Manager
Monday 5:30 PM
Tuesday & Friday 8:00 AM
Wednesday & Thursday 5:30 PM
Saturday 5:30 PM
                                                                                      PARISH OFFICE HOURS:
                                                                                             Monday - Friday
Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:15 PM & 5:00 PM                       8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon; 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Spanish Mass Sunday 3:00 pm                                                                     210-824-7231

HOLY HOUR                                              ADORATION CHAPEL HOURS: (Private Adoration Only)
Wednesday 6:00 pm
Mary Ann de la Garza                                Adoration Chapel is closed when Mass is being celebrated.
Mary Jane Quintero                                             BAPTISMS: Call 210-824-7231 for information.
Roni Stach – 12:15 Choir
                                                               RECONCILIATION: 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM Saturday
 SCHOOL OFFICE –210- 824-3381                                                  10:00 AM—11:00 AM Wednesday
 Michael Fierro, Principal                                         MARRIAGE: Arrangements should be made at
 Patricia Martinez, Office Manager
                                                                                      least six months in advance.
 CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER - 210-824-1392                     RCIA: Inquiry sessions for those interested in the
 Lola Orme, Director
                                                                                  Catholic faith, call Parish Office.
 COUNSELING CENTER - 210-824-8879                         RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Pre-K - 5th, EDGE, Life Teen
 Walter Hanss

ORGANIZATION               CHAIRPERSON             PHONE             MEETING TIME                   PLACE
ACTS Core Facilitator      Charles Robles          210-614-3281      2nd Monday 6:30 PM             TBA
Altar Society              Mary Nourie             210-822-9054      2nd Wednesday 1:00 pm          Parish Center
Boy Scouts                 Brian Petri             210-414-1285      Tuesday 7:00 PM                Cafeteria
CYO                        Jorge Rodriguez         210-386-9032      2nd Monday 6:30 PM             8th Grade Room
Cub Scouts                 Danny Petri             210-601-6675      Friday TBA                     Cafeteria
Holy Name Society          Judy Martin             210-643-5616      2nd Sunday 9:00 AM             Parish Center
Knights of Columbus        Allen D Kaufmann        903-279-6544      4th Wednesday 6:30 PM          Parish Center
Knights-Ladies Auxiliary   Scereta Rodriguez       210-394-7323      To be announced                Parish Center
St. Vincent de Paul        Nhancie R Botello Help - 210-826-3312    1 & 3 Mondays 5:00 PM
                                                                     st   rd                        Parish Center
Very Special People        Pat Rayburg             210-344-4606      Wednesday 10:00 AM             Parish Center
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - 600 Oblate Drive San Antonio, Texas 78216 - Feliz Día de las Madres
Fi h Sunday of Easter                                                                                                      Quinto Domingo de Pascua
May 10, 2020                                                                                                               10 de mayo de 2020
“I am the way and the truth and the                                                                                        “Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida.
life. No one comes to the Father                                                                                           Nadie va al Padre si no es por mí”.
except through me.”
— John 14:6                                                                                                                — Juan 14:6

VOCATION                                                                                    VOCACIÓN
     Roman Catholics in the United States spend a good                                          Los católicos en los Estados Unidos pasan mucho
deal of me speaking of “voca on” and the manner in                                            empo hablando de “vocación” y la manera en que cada
which each of us discerns our voca on for life. In today’s                                  uno de nosotros discierne nuestra vocación en la vida. Sin
apostolic le er, however, Peter gives us the                                                embargo, en la carta apostólica de hoy, Pedro nos da la
“cornerstone” of our voca on, the descrip on of what                                        “piedra angular” de nuestra vocación, lo primero y principal
each of us is called to first and foremost by our bap sm.                                    en el llamado de cada uno de nosotros a raíz de nuestro
He describes our voca on as “a chosen race, a royal                                         Bau smo. Él describe nuestra vocación como “es rpe
priesthood, a holy na on, a people of [God’s] own, so                                       elegida, sacerdocio real, nación consagrada a Dios, pueblo
                                                                                            de su propiedad para que proclamen las obras maravillosas
that you may announce the praises” of Christ, who called
                                                                                            de aquél [Cristo] quien nos llamó de las nieblas a su luz
us out of darkness into light (1 Peter 2:9). All of us, no                                  admirable” (1 Pedro 2:9). Todos nosotros, sin importar la
ma er what path our life’s voca on may take us down,                                        senda por la cual nuestra vocación de vida nos lleve, hemos
have been chosen by God, made holy, and anointed as                                         sido elegidos por Dios, hechos santos, y ungidos como
priests in the high priesthood of Christ through bap sm.                                    sacerdotes en el alto sacerdocio de Cristo por nuestro
All of this, so that we may announce the praises of Christ.                                 Bau smo. Todo esto, para que podamos anunciar las
Voca on is given for proclama on at home, in the                                            maravillas de Cristo. Se nos da una vocación para que
workplace—wherever life takes us—in service, in word,                                       proclamemos mediante el servicio, la palabra y el
and in sacrament. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.                                              sacramento dentro del hogar, en el trabajo y dondequiera
TODAY’S READINGS                                                                            que nos lleve la vida. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
                                                                                            LECTURAS DE HOY
First Reading — To meet their growing needs, the
community chooses seven reputable men to serve the                                          Primera lectura — Eligieron a siete hombres, llenos del
new Greek believers (Acts 6:1-7).                                                           Espíritu Santo (Hechos 6:1-7).
Psalm — Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our                                      Salmo — Señor, que tu misericordia esté con nosotros
trust in you (Psalm 33).                                                                    mientras ponemos nuestra confianza en (Salmo 33).
                                                                                            Segunda lectura — Ustedes son una raza elegida,
Second Reading — We, like living stones, let ourselves be                                   un reino de sacerdotes (1 Pedro 2:4-9).
built into a spiritual house (1 Peter 2:4-9).
                                                                                            Evangelio — Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida
Gospel — “Show us the Father,” Philip asks Jesus. To                                        (Juan 14:1-12).
which Jesus replies: “Whoever sees me, sees the                                             Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical © 1970,
                                                                                            Comisión Episcopal Española. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados.
Father” (John 14:1-12).                                                                     LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA
The English transla on of the Psalm Responses from Lec onary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
Interna onal Commission on English in the Liturgy Corpora on. All rights reserved.
                                                                                            Lunes:     Hch 14:5-18; Sal 115:1-4, 15-16;
                                                                                                       Jn 14:21-26
READINGS FOR THE WEEK                                                                       Martes:    Hch 14:19-28; Sal 145:10-13ab, 21;
Monday:    Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16;                                                            Jn 14:27-31a
           Jn 14:21-26                                                                      Miércoles: Hch 15:1-6; Sal 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8
Tuesday:   Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21;                                               Jueves:    Hch 1:15-17, 20-26; Sal 113:1-8;
           Jn 14:27-31a                                                                                Jn 15:9-17
                                                                                            Viernes:   Hch 15:22-31; Sal 57:8-10, 12;
Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8
                                                                                                       Jn 15:12-17
Thursday: Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17                                       Sábado:    Hch 16:1-10; Sal 100:1b-3, 5;
Friday:    Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17                                                  Jn 15:18-21
Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21                                         Domingo: Hch 8:5-8, 14-17; Sal 66:1-7, 16, 20;
                                                                                                       1 Pe 3:15-18 o 1 Pe 4:13-16; Jn 14:15-21 o
Sunday:    Acts 8:5-8, 14-17; Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20;
                                                                                                       Jn 17:1-11a
           1 Pt 3:15-18 or 1 Pt 4:13-16; Jn 14:15-21 or
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - 600 Oblate Drive San Antonio, Texas 78216 - Feliz Día de las Madres
Mass Intentions                                     *Remember in your prayers
                                                              the following members of

     Intenciones Para las Misas
                                                              our parish who are ill or
                                                              homebound. If a loved one is
                                                              in need of healing, please
Sunday, May 10—Happy Mother’s Day                             call the parish office to have
 8:00 am Holy Name Society Members, Living & Deceased         their name added. Names
          Yolanda A Leos, Leos Family                        will be on the prayer list for
          Paula Mar nez, Family                              4 weeks.
10:00 am Rudy Rodriguez, Virginia Rodriguez                    Richard Anaya, Nick Benedetto, Aida Brett,
          Louis Doehne, Diane Rath                                   Charlie Burdick, Elsie Canales,
12:15 pm Abramo Mimun, Carmen Mimun                                 Yolanda Cipriani, Daniel Cornejo,
          Alfred & Maurine Ullman, Terry Ullman                      Beatrice Cuellar, Mimi Cuellar,
 3:00 pm Mary Rachel Garcia, Francisco Garcia                      Maria De La Fuente, Vanessa Diaz,
           Madeline &  Eamonn Lester                               Melissa Donovan, Michael Galvan,
 5:00 pm Parish Family, Familias Parroquiales                        Georgie Gonzaba, Irene Gonzales,
Monday, May 11                                                        Andy Gonzales, Ester Gonzalez,
                                                                    Valerie Gonzalez, Debbie Granado,
 5:30 pm Deceased Souls of the Garcia Family & Friends
                                                                    Leonard Greco Jr, Whitney Hardin,
          William A Archer, Birth, John & Catherine Joseph            Erick Hawbecher, Bill Henley,
Tuesday, May 12                                                      Kathleen Herring, Belinda Holm,
 8:00 am Parish Family                                            Lucy Huizar, John Kunz, Sylvia Laurel,
Wednesday, May 13                                                Ernest & Gloria Lavin, Phyllis Lawrence,
 5:30 pm Phyllis Barne , Elmer & Janet Hembree                    Mary Lou Lovejoy, Guadalupe Luera,
          Dennis Garza, Birth, Sylvia G Valdez                        Sandra Malkus, David Marin,
Thursday, May 14                                                  Pauline Martinez, Paul Rene Martinez,
 5:30 pm Fr Don Burnet, Leos Family                                Rosemary Moreno, Edward Olivera,
Friday, May 15                                                 Saundra Ornelas, Margaret Pellek, Jose Perez,
 8:00 am Rick & Jennifer Gonzalez, Family                         Nancy Plaza, Ruben & Robyn Ramirez,
Saturday, May 16                                                 Ted & Esther Richine, Felicia Rodriguez,
 5:30 pm Margaret Kloza Pellek, Kloza Family
                                                               Olivia Sarro, Sylvia Scott, Eluterio Sifuentez,
          Branch S Phillips, Family
                                                                        Rosemary Tips, Cathy Tips,
                                                                     Jane Vollmer, Delight Wardashki
Sunday, May 17
 8:00 am Sylvia Dunk, Richard Dunk & Children                  May we always feel God’s Devine Mercy!
          Gene Mahlman, Birth, Maddie Lux
10:00 am Parish Family                                        Thank you for your great generosity!
12:15 pm Living & Deceased St Vincent de Paul Members         ¡Gracias por su gran generosidad!
          Maria Limon, Carmen Mimun
          Susan Guerra, Eli Guerra                           This week‘s second collection is for
 3:00 pm Julia Adame, John & Sharon Simonick                 Catholic Charities.
 5:00 pm Margaret G Anaya, Anniv, Catherine Melchor
                                                              Next week’s second collection for be
                                                              for St Vincent de Paul.
           Sanctuary Care –May 16
             Roni Stach, Nicky Mata,                             Note Upcoming Bulle n Deadlines
                                                                 May 13 for May 24—May 20 for May 31
                  Gigi Chappelle                                                By 3pm, please

                                          Blessed Sacrament’s St Vincent de Paul Society is in need
                                           of your help because our community is in great need. If
                                           you could please donate non-perishable pantry items, it
                                           would be greatly appreciated. There are baskets set up
                                          in church foyer for St Vincent de Paul or you can drop off
                                           monies at church office. Thank you for your generosity.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - 600 Oblate Drive San Antonio, Texas 78216 - Feliz Día de las Madres
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - 600 Oblate Drive San Antonio, Texas 78216 - Feliz Día de las Madres
“For a mother is the only person on earth who can divide her love among 10 children and each child
    still have all her love.” – Unknown. -     "Porque una madre es la única persona en la tierra que
      puede dividir su amor entre 10 niños y cada niño todavía tiene todo su amor". —Desconocido

                    Please con nue to pray the                      Blessed Sacrament Parish
                    rosary with your family.
                    Prayer has been known to                                   Goal      1.3 Million
                    help in many ways.
                    At a me when all seems so
                    unreal, the Rosary will
                    always be real. God’s Love
                    has taken us through life and                                                  ___________$ 900 K
                    will con nue to do so!
                                                                                                   ___________$ 800 K
Lets Pray the Rosary with our families, what joy!
                                                                                                   ___________$ 700 K
Sunday:                 Fi h Sunday of Easter; Mother’s Day                                                     $ 600 K
Tuesday:                Ss. Nereus and Achilleus; St. Pancras
Wednesday:              Our Lady of Fa ma                                 $661,200                              $ 500 K
Thursday:               St. Ma hias
                                                                          This is the                           $ 400 K
Friday:                 St. Isidore the Farmer
Saturday:               Armed Forces Day                                 most current
                                                                                                                $ 300 K
                                                                         par cipa on.                           $ 200 K
Domingo:               Quinto Domingo de Pascua;
                       Día de las Madres
                                                                                                                $ 100 K
Martes:                San Nereo y san Aquiles; San Pancracio
Miércoles:             Nuestra Señora de Fá ma
Jueves:                San Ma as
Viernes:               San Isidro                                    If you have not received your pledge card
Sábado:                Día de las Fuerzas Armadas                   from the Archdiocese or have misplaced it,
                                                                   cards & envelopes can be found in the pews.
    What a joy to remember that Mary is our                       ABRAZOS
 Mother! Since she loves us and knows our                            El abrazo de una madre dura aún después de
 weakness, what have we to fear?                                  que ella se va. —Anónimo
 —Saint Thérèse of Lisieux


In the mid-1990s, a heavily bearded, bespectacled Robin Williams appeared on Late Night with David Le erman,
whose host was clearly taken aback. Le erman inquired as to why the wild look. Uncharacteris cally subdued, the
usually manic comic responded that he was producing and starring in a movie about a most extraordinarily
compassionate man, Damien, the Leper Priest of Moloka’i.
          Some saints transcend religious and ethnic boundaries to touch the heart that beats in each human being:
Francis of Assisi; Mother Teresa; and, though Williams’ film was never completed, his admira on speaks, as does
Damien’s statue outside the capitol in Honolulu, of this newest saint’s universal appeal. Far from his na ve Flanders’
idyllic beauty and rich culture, Damien volunteered to bear Christ’s light into Moloka’i’s bleak leper colony, building
decent homes, opening schools, establishing clinics, plan ng farms, sharing the sufferings—and the social s gma—of
those with whom he delighted to iden fy: “We lepers,” he would proudly say when finally he contracted leprosy. Saint
Damien challenges us to iden fy the lepers of our own day, to examine our compassion for and our iden fica on with
them. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - 600 Oblate Drive San Antonio, Texas 78216 - Feliz Día de las Madres
To my Mom & Nana,
 I will be forever grateful because
 having a Mom and a Nana was definitely
the best of 2 worlds. Both are unconditional
love, just 1 with more patience and wisdom.
    As a parent I have learned to appreciate
 Mom more and more. How hard she worked
   to keep us well mannered and in school.
 There were always rules and consequences
 for breaking them. However as a grandma,
I realized why there is a difference. It is not
    that there is more love, it’s a matter of
   measured time. Nana knew that I would
 grow up fast. There were more explanations
   than consequences. So as I grow older, I
  miss you both more and more and wish I
  could truly thank you for all you taught
    me. It is with time that I have come to
  realize how many ways you showered me
with love. I have tried to pass it down to my
children and have been fortunate enough to
   be a Nana myself. My children are my
 biggest treasures and their love and respect
    mean more than any material things.
     So Mom and Nana, I will never find
    another more unconditional love than
    yours. I hope I am making you proud.
That is my way of honoring both of you.

 This Week’s Valuable Sponsor
                     THE VILLAGE AT
                    INCARNATE WORD
                                                   C           D                          C
                                                  The Blessed Sacrament Child Development Center
                Providing senior living op ons    (CDC) is currently enrolling students. Under the
                   & services in a spiritual      educa onal umbrella of our parish school, the CDC
                                                  strives to educate the whole child in love and service of
                        environment               God and community. The CDC   -  is fully licensed by the
                                                  Texas Department of Family and Protec ve Services and
 Please patronize the sponsors on the back        serves children 8 weeks, up 4 years old.
 of our bulle n. It is through their support      The CDC operates year round each Mon-
        that this bulle n is possible.            day through Friday from 6:30 am to 6:00
                                                  pm. Interested families are encouraged to
       For informa on on placing ad,              contact Mrs. Lola Orme, CDC Director,
         please call 1-800-833-5941               at 210 824-1392 for informa on.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - 600 Oblate Drive San Antonio, Texas 78216 - Feliz Día de las Madres Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - 600 Oblate Drive San Antonio, Texas 78216 - Feliz Día de las Madres Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - 600 Oblate Drive San Antonio, Texas 78216 - Feliz Día de las Madres
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