Diagnosis and Treatment of Chlamydia trachomatis Infection

Diagnosis and Treatment of
Chlamydia trachomatis Infection
KARL E. MILLER, M.D., University of Tennessee College of Medicine, Chattanooga, Tennessee

Chlamydia trachomatis infection most commonly affects the urogenital tract. In men, the infec-
tion usually is symptomatic, with dysuria and a discharge from the penis. Untreated chlamydial
infection in men can spread to the epididymis. Most women with chlamydial infection have
minimal or no symptoms, but some develop pelvic inflammatory disease. Chlamydial infec-
tion in newborns can cause ophthalmia neonatorum. Chlamydial pneumonia can occur at one
to three months of age, manifesting as a protracted onset of staccato cough, usually without
wheezing or fever. Treatment options for uncomplicated urogenital infections include a single
1-g dose of azithromycin orally, or doxycycline at a dosage of 100 mg orally twice per day for
seven days. The recommended treatment during pregnancy is erythromycin base or amoxicil-
lin. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
recommend screening for chlamydial infection in women at increased risk of infection and in all
women younger than 25 years. (Am Fam Physician 2006;73:1411-6. Copyright © 2006 American
Academy of Family Physicians.)

                                            he incidence of chlamydial infec-                      (i.e., significant odor release on addition of
                                            tion in women increased dramati-                       potassium hydroxide to vaginal secretions)
                                            cally between 1987 and 2003, from                      can be used to help differentiate chlamydial
                                            79 to 467 per 100,000.1 In part, this                  infection from other lower genital tract infec-
                                 may be attributed to increased screening and                      tions such as urinary tract infection, bacterial
                                 improved reporting, but the burden of the                         vaginosis, and trichomoniasis.3 In addition,
                                 disease still is significant. The most common                     chlamydial infection in the lower genital
                                 site of Chlamydia trachomatis infection is the                    tract does not cause vaginitis; thus, if vaginal
                                 urogenital tract, and severity ranges from                        findings are present, they usually indicate a
                                 asymptomatic to life-threatening.                                 different diagnosis or a coinfection.
                                                                                                      Some women with C. trachomatis infec-
                         Urogenital Infection in Women                                             tion develop urethritis; symptoms may
                         In women, chlamydial infection of the lower                               consist of dysuria without frequency or
                         genital tract occurs in the endocervix. It can                            urgency. A urethral discharge can be elic-
                         cause an odorless, mucoid vaginal discharge,                              ited by compressing the urethra during the
                         typically with no external pruritus, although                             pelvic examination. Urinalysis usually will
                         many women have minimal or no symp-                                       show more than five white blood cells per
                         toms.2 An ascending infection can result in                               high-powered field, but urethral cultures
                         pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).                                        generally are negative.
                           Physical findings of urogenital chlamydial                                 Women with chlamydial infection in the
                         infection in women include cervicitis with a                              lower genital tract may develop an ascend-
                         yellow or cloudy mucoid discharge from the                                ing infection that causes acute salpingitis
                                       os. The cervix tends to bleed                               with or without endometritis, also known
                                       easily when rubbed with a poly-                             as PID. Symptoms tend to have a subacute
    The incidence of chlamydial        ester swab or scraped with a                                onset and usually develop during menses
    infection in women                 spatula. Chlamydial infection                               or in the first two weeks of the menstrual
    increased from 79 per              cannot be distinguished from                                cycle.2 Symptoms range from absent to
    100,000 in 1987 to 467 per         other urogenital infections                                 severe abdominal pain with high fever and
    100,000 in 2003.                   by symptoms alone. Clinical                                 include dyspareunia, prolonged menses, and
                                       microscopy and the amine test                               intramenstrual bleeding. Twenty percent of
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                           Clinical recommendation                                                               rating           References

                           Azithromycin (Zithromax) or doxycycline (Vibramycin) is recommended                   A                2, 6
                            for the treatment of uncomplicated genitourinary chlamydial infection.
                           Amoxicillin is recommended for the treatment of chlamydial infection                  A                2, 7, 8
                            in women who are pregnant.
                           Patients who are pregnant should be tested for cure three weeks after                 C                2
                            treatment for chlamydial infection.
                           Women with chlamydial infection should be rescreened for infection                    C                2
                            three to four months after completion of antibiotic therapy.
                           All women who are 25 years or younger or at increased risk of                         A                2, 13, 14
                            sexually transmitted diseases should be screened for chlamydial
                            infection annually.

                           A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evi-
                           dence; C = consensus, disease-oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information
                           about the SORT evidence rating system, see page 1313 or http://www.aafp.org/afpsort.xml.

                       women who develop PID become infertile,                       20 percent of men and 42 percent of women
                       18 percent develop chronic pelvic pain, and                   with gonorrhea also were found to be
                       9 percent have a tubal pregnancy.2 The                        infected with C. trachomatis.
                       Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
                       tion (CDC) recommends that physicians                         Urogenital Infection in Men
                       maintain a low threshold for diagnosing                       In men, chlamydial infection of the lower
                       PID and that empiric treatment be initiated                   genital tract causes urethritis and, on occa-
                       in women at risk of sexually transmitted                      sion, epididymitis. Urethritis is secondary
                       disease (STD) who have uterine, adnexal,                      to C. trachomatis infection in approximately
                       or cervical motion tenderness with no other                   15 to 55 percent of men, although the preva-
                       identifiable cause.2                                          lence is lower among older men.2 Symptoms,
                          Culture techniques are the preferred                       if present, include a mild to moderate, clear
                       method for detecting C. trachomatis infec-                    to white urethral discharge. This is best
                       tion, but they have been replaced in some                     observed in the morning, before the patient
                       instances by nonculture techniques. The                       voids. To observe the discharge, the penis
                       newest nonculture technique is the nucleic                    may need to be milked by applying pressure
                       acid amplification test, of which there are                   from the base of the penis to the glans.
                                     several. These tests have good                     The diagnosis of nongonococcal urethritis
  In one study, 20 percent
                                     sensitivity (85 percent) and                    can be confirmed by the presence of a muco-
  of men and 42 percent of
                                     specificity (94 to 99.5 percent)                purulent discharge from the penis, a Gram
                                     for endocervical and urethral                   stain of the discharge with more than five
  women with gonorrhea also
                                     samples when compared with                      white blood cells per oil-immersion field, and
  had chlamydial infection.
                                     urethral cultures.4 In women                    no intracellular gram-negative diplococci.2
                                     with urogenital disease, nucleic                A positive result on a leukocyte esterase test
                       acid amplification tests can be used with an                  of first-void urine or a microscopic examina-
                       endocervical sample or a urine specimen to                    tion of first-void urine showing 10 or more
                       diagnose chlamydia.                                           white blood cells per high-powered field also
                          The CDC recommends that anyone who is                      confirms the diagnosis of urethritis.
                       tested for chlamydial infection also should                      For diagnosis of C. trachomatis infection
                       be tested for gonorrhea.2 This recommen-                      in men with suspected urethritis, the nucleic
                       dation was supported by a study5 in which                     acid amplification technique to detect

1412 American Family Physician                             www.aafp.org/afp                          Volume 73, Number 8      ◆   April 15, 2006

chlamydial and gonococcal infections is            dose in the office. If patients vomit the dose
best (see Urogenital Infection in Women).4         of azithromycin within one to two hours of
Empiric treatment should be considered for         taking the medication, an alternative treat-
patients who are at high risk of being lost to     ment should be considered (Table 1).2
follow-up.                                            Follow-up of patients with urethritis is
   Untreated chlamydial infection can spread       necessary only if symptoms persist or recur
to the epididymis. Patients usually have uni-      after completion of the antibiotic course. If
lateral testicular pain with scrotal erythema,     symptoms suggest recurrent or persistent
tenderness, or swelling over the epididymis.       urethritis, the CDC recommends treatment
Men 35 years or younger who have epididy-          with 2 g metronidazole (Flagyl) orally in
mitis are more likely to have C. trachomatis       a single dose plus 500 mg erythromycin
as the etiologic agent than are older men.         base orally twice per day for seven days, or
                                                   800 mg erythromycin ethylsuccinate orally
Reiter Syndrome                                    four times per day for seven days.2 This
A rare complication of untreated chlamydial        recommendation is to provide treatment for
infection is the development of Reiter syn-        other bacterial causes of urethritis.
drome, a reactive arthritis that includes             Patients should be advised to abstain
the triad of urethritis (sometimes cervici-        from sexual intercourse for seven days after
tis in women), conjunctivitis, and painless        treatment initiation. In addition, physicians
mucocutaneous lesions. Reactive arthritis          should obtain exposure information for the
develops in a small percentage of individu-        preceding 60 days and consider screening
als with chlamydial infection. Women can           for other STDs such as human immunodefi-
develop reactive arthritis, but the male-to-       ciency virus (HIV).2
female ratio is 5:1. The arthritis begins one         The CDC does not recommend repeat
to three weeks after the onset of chlamydial       testing for chlamydia after completion of the
infection. The joint involvement is asym-          antibiotic course unless the patient has per-
metric, with multiple affected joints and a        sistent symptoms or is pregnant.2 Because
predilection for the lower extremities. The        reinfection is a common problem, the CDC
mucocutaneous lesions are papulosquamous           recommends that women with chlamydial
eruptions that tend to occur on the palms          infection should be rescreened three to four
of the hands and the soles of the feet. The        months after antibiotic completion. Women
initial episode usually lasts for three to four    who present within 12 months after the
months, but in rare cases the synovitis may
last about one year.
                                                     Table 1
Treatment of Urogenital Infection                    CDC-Recommended Regimens for Uncomplicated
The treatment of C. trachomatis infection            Urogenital Chlamydial Infection in Adults
depends on the site of the infection, the age
of the patient, and whether the infection is         Recommended
complicated or uncomplicated. Treatment              Azithromycin (Zithromax) 1 g orally in a single dose
also differs during pregnancy.                       Doxycycline (Vibramycin) 100 mg orally twice per day
uncomplicated infection
                                                     Erythromycin base 500 mg orally four times per day
For uncomplicated genitourinary chlamydial           Erythromycin ethylsuccinate 800 mg orally four times per day
infection, the CDC recommends 1 g azithro-           Ofloxacin (Floxin) 300 mg twice per day
mycin (Zithromax) orally in a single dose,           Levofloxacin (Levaquin) 500 mg once per day
or 100 mg doxycycline (Vibramycin) orally
twice per day for seven days (Table 1).2 These       note:   All regimens except azithromycin are for a total of seven days.

regimens have similar cure rates and adverse         CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
effect profiles,6 although a benefit of azithro-     Information from reference 2.
mycin is that physicians can administer the

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                                                                                           initial infection and have not been screened
  Table 2                                                                                  should be reassessed for infection regardless
  CDC-Recommended Regimens for Treatment of PID                                            of whether the patient believes her sex part-
                                                                                           ner was treated or not.2
  Ofloxacin (Floxin) 400 mg orally twice daily for 14 days or levofloxacin                 pelvic inflammatory disease
   (Levaquin) 500 mg orally once daily for 14 days; with or without                        PID usually can be treated on an outpatient
   metronidazole (Flagyl) 500 mg orally twice daily for 14 days
                                                                                           basis. Hospitalization is required if a patient
                                                                                           is pregnant; has severe illness, nausea and
    Ceftriaxone (Rocephin) 250 mg IM in a single dose or cefoxitin
                                                                                           vomiting, or high fever; has tubo-ovar-
     (Mefoxin) 2 g IM in a single dose with concurrent probenecid
     (Benemid) 1 g orally in single dose or other parenteral                               ian abscess; is unable to follow or tolerate
     third-generation cephalosporin; plus doxycycline (Vibramycin)                         the outpatient oral regimen; or has disease
     100 mg orally twice daily for 14 days with or without metronidazole                   that has been unresponsive to oral therapy.
     500 mg orally twice daily for 14 days                                                 Hospitalization also is indicated if surgical
  Parenteral                                                                               emergencies cannot be excluded.2 The CDC-
  Cefotetan (Cefotan) 2 g IV every 12 hours or cefoxitin 2 g IV every six                  recommended options for the treatment of
   hours; plus doxycycline 100 mg orally or IV every 12 hours                              PID are listed in Table 2.2
    Clindamycin (Cleocin) 900 mg IV every eight hours; plus gentamicin                     treatment during pregnancy
     loading dose IV or IM (2 mg per kg) followed by a maintenance                         Doxycycline and ofloxacin (Floxin) are con-
     dose (1.5 mg per kg) every eight hours (single daily dosing may be
                                                                                           traindicated during pregnancy; therefore,
                                                                                           the CDC recommends erythromycin base or
    Ofloxacin 400 mg IV every 12 hours or levofloxacin 500 mg IV once
     daily; with or without metronidazole 500 mg IV every eight hours                      amoxicillin for the treatment of chlamydial
    Ampicillin/sulbactam (Unasyn) 3 g IV every six hours; plus doxycycline
                                                                                           infection in pregnant women (Table 3).2
     100 mg orally or IV every 12 hours                                                    Amoxicillin is more effective and tends to
                                                                                           have fewer side effects than erythromycin in
  note: Doxycycline should be given orally whenever possible because it causes sclerosis   the treatment of antenatal chlamydial infec-
  and obliteration of venous access when given IV.
                                                                                           tion, and thus is better tolerated.7,8 Prelimi-
  CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; PID = pelvic inflammatory disease;     nary data suggest that azithromycin is a safe
  IM = intramuscular; IV = intravenous.
                                                                                           and effective alternative.2
  Information from reference 2.
                                                                                              Testing for cure is indicated in patients
                                                                                           who are pregnant and should be performed
                                                                                           three weeks after completion of treatment.2
                                                                                           Culture is the preferred technique.2 If risk
  Table 3                                                                                  of reexposure is high, screening should be
  CDC-Recommended Regimens for Treatment                                                   repeated throughout the pregnancy.
  of Chlamydial Infection in Pregnant Women
                                                                                           Chlamydial Infection in Children
  Recommended                                                                              Exposure to C. trachomatis during delivery
  Erythromycin base 500 mg orally four times per day for seven days                        can cause ophthalmia neonatorum (con-
  Amoxicillin 500 mg orally three times per day for seven days                             junctivitis) in neonates or chlamydial pneu-
  Alternatives                                                                             monia at one to three months of age.
  Erythromycin base 250 mg orally four times per day for 14 days
                                                                                           ophthalmia neonatorum
  Erythromycin ethylsuccinate 800 mg orally four times per day for
    seven days                                                                             Ophthalmia neonatorum usually occurs
  Erythromycin ethylsuccinate 400 mg four times per day for 14 days                        within five to 12 days of birth but can
  Azithromycin (Zithromax) 1 g orally in a single dose                                     develop at any time up to one month of age.2
                                                                                           It may cause swelling in one or both eyes
  CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.                                        with mucopurulent drainage. Prophylaxis
  Information from reference 2.                                                            with silver nitrate or antimicrobial oint-
                                                                                           ment, which reduces the risk of gonococcal

1414 American Family Physician                                      www.aafp.org/afp                    Volume 73, Number 8   ◆   April 15, 2006

infection in neonates, does not reduce the
risk of chlamydial infection.                      Table 4
   Testing for chlamydial infection in neo-        Concepts for Prevention of STDs
nates can be by culture or nonculture tech-
niques. The eyelid should be everted and           Education and counseling on safer sexual
                                                     behavior in persons at risk
the sample obtained from the inner aspect
                                                   Identification of asymptomatic infected
of the eyelid. Sampling the exudates is not
                                                     persons and of symptomatic persons unlikely
adequate because this technique increases            to seek diagnostic and treatment services
the risk of a false-negative test.                 Effective diagnosis and treatment of infected
   Ophthalmia neonatorum can be treated              persons
with erythromycin base or ethylsuccinate           Evaluation, treatment, and counseling of sex
at a dosage of 50 mg per kg per day orally,          partners of persons infected with an STD
divided into four doses per day for 14 days.2      Pre-exposure immunizations for vaccine-
The cure rate for both options is only 80            preventable STDs
percent, so a second course of therapy may
                                                   STD = sexually transmitted disease.
be necessary. Topical treatment is ineffective
                                                   Information from reference 2.
for ophthalmia neonatorum and should not
be used even in conjunction with systemic
                                                 prevention consists of standardized detection
chlamydial pneumonia                             and treatment of STDs.9,10
Symptoms of chlamydial pneumonia typi-              STD prevention messages should be indi-
cally have a protracted onset and include a      vidually tailored and based on stages of
staccato cough, usually without wheezing or      patient development and understanding of
temperature elevation.2 Findings on chest        sexual issues; these messages should be deliv-
radiograph include hyperinflation and dif-       ered nonjudgmentally.11 Physicians should
fuse bilateral infiltrates; peripheral eosino-   address misconceptions about STDs among
philia may be present.                           adolescents and young adults (e.g., that vir-
   Testing can be performed on a sample          gins cannot become infected). Performing
obtained from the nasopharynx. Noncul-           counseling and discussing behavioral inter-
ture techniques may be used, but they are        ventions have been shown to reduce the
less sensitive and specific for nasopharyn-      likelihood of STDs and reduce risky sexual
geal specimens than for ocular specimens. If     behavior.12
tracheal aspirates or lung biopsies are being       The CDC recommends annual screen-
collected for pneumonia in infants one to        ing for chlamydial infection in all sexually
three months of age, the samples should be       active women 24 years and younger and in
tested for C. trachomatis.2                      women older than 24 years who
   Like ophthalmia neonatorium, pneumo-          are at risk of STDs (e.g., have       Ophthalmia neonatorum
nia secondary to C. trachomatis is treated       a new sex partner, have a his-        usually occurs within five
with erythromycin base or ethylsuccinate         tory of multiple sex partners).2
                                                                                       to 12 days of birth but can
at a dosage of 50 mg per kg per day orally,      The U.S. Preventive Services
                                                                                       develop at any time up to
divided into four doses per day for 14 days.2    Task Force (USPSTF) strongly
                                                                                       one month of age.
As with ophthalmic infection, a second           recommends that all women
course of therapy may be necessary.              25 years and younger receive
                                                 routine screening for chlamydia.13 Screen-
Prevention                                       ing for chlamydial infection is not recom-
The CDC guidelines for the prevention and        mended for men, including those who have
control of STDs are based on five major con-     sex with other men.14,15 The USPSTF has
cepts (Table 4).2 Primary prevention starts      found insufficient evidence to recommend
with changing sexual behaviors that increase     for or against routine screening of asymp-
the risk of contracting STDs.2 Secondary         tomatic men.13

April 15, 2006   ◆   Volume 73, Number 8             www.aafp.org/afp                     American Family Physician 1415

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1416 American Family Physician                               www.aafp.org/afp                          Volume 73, Number 8       ◆   April 15, 2006
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