Bousfield School COVID-19 Risk Assessment November 2020

Bousfield School
                                           COVID-19 Risk Assessment
                                               November 2020

Hazard                 Spread of COVID-19 Coronavirus
Who Might Be Harmed    Children, Staff, Parents, Visitors, Cleaners, Contractors, Vulnerable Groups, Family Members
Preventative Control   Key Actions                                                                                                Review
Hand-washing            • Hand sanitiser dispensers provided in entrance to school, inside each classroom, offices and halls.     Daily
                        • Hand washing facilities with soap and water in place in classrooms, staff room and toilets.
                        • Guidance for effective hand washing shared with staff and children:
                        • Stringent hand washing/hand sanitising promoted by all staff to children regularly - on entering the
                           building, before eating, before and after exercise and break time, and after going to the toilet.
                        • Paper towels provided to dry hands by children’s sinks and in all staff toilets with bins provided to
                           dispose of these safely.
                        • Soap, paper towels and bins to be renewed/emptied daily by cleaners – monitored AM and PM by
                           Site Manager.
                        • Designated toilets and sinks for each year group bubble (Y5/6 bubble) – Y2 to have toilets marked for
                           their use.
                        • Display posters in all toilets and by sinks to remind children/staff to wash hands in line with good
                           practice (e.g. at least 20 seconds).
Sneezing, Coughing      • Boxes of tissues and lidded bins with bin bags provided in all rooms.                                   Daily
                        • All staff to remind children to catch coughs and sneezes in tissues.
                        • Catch it, Bin it, Kill it posters displayed around the school.
                        • All staff to remind children to avoid touching face, eyes, nose or mouth with unclean hands.
                        • Bins to be emptied daily by cleaners and replaced with new bin bag – monitored AM and PM by Site
• Anyone wearing non-disposable face coverings/masks when arriving to school will be expected to
                               bring a plastic bag to keep these in during the school day. If they’re using disposable face
                               coverings/masks, these will be put in a covered bin.
                             • Anyone wearing any sort of face covering/mask when arriving to school will wash their hands on
                               arrival, dispose of/store the covering/mask, and wash their hands again before going to their
                             • Children will be made aware that they mustn’t touch the front of the covering/mask during use or
Cleaning                     • Daily clean of entire building by cleaners after school 4.00-6:00pm (including all surfaces cleaned with   Daily
                               bleach/detergent, toilets disinfected, floors cleaned). Deep clean Friday evenings.
                             • MMS to provide additional clean of toilets and sinks daily 12.00-1.30pm – spraying door handles,
                               flush handle and toilet seats.
                             • Cleaning caddy in each room with disinfectant spray, jay cloths (washed each evening) – all surfaces
                               sprayed and cleaned regularly by staff.
                             • Mop and spray in halls and new classroom to clean floors between bubbles exercising, music and
                             • Site Manager to assess cleanliness of school building through the day and provide responsive cleaning
                               if required.
                             • Frequently cleaning and disinfecting objects and surfaces that are touched regularly particularly in
                               areas of high use such as door handles, light switches and banisters, using appropriate cleaning
                               products and methods.
                             • Communal cups, plates and cutlery not to be used – staff to use own equipment (flasks, water
                               bottles). If staff use the fridges, they must use sanitising wipes to open and close the door.
                             • Designated phones for Admin staff, Site Manager, Headteacher and SENDCo.
                             • Sanitising wipes for shared phone in the staffroom.
                             • Staff electronics such as iPads, computers and visualisers are disinfected before and after use.
                             • Designated toilets and sinks for each bubble. Signs for handwashing displayed.
                             • Rigorous checks will be carried out by SLT to ensure that the necessary procedures are being
Ventilation                  • All indoor areas used must be ventilated adequately, with windows opened.                                  Daily
                             • Doors propped open to increase ventilation and reduce use of door handles.
                             • Children to use outdoor space as much as possible (weather permitting).
Social Distancing of Staff   • All staff deployed to work consistently with the same groups of children (bubbles) – with changes          Daily
• Staff who are not with ‘bubbles’ (e.g. office staff) to maintain social distancing.
                       • Staff can work across different groups in order to deliver the school timetable, but they will keep
                         their distance from children and other staff as much as they can (ideally 2 metres apart).
                       • Music, Dance and Indoor PE sessions will be with classes of 15 children.
                       • Music lessons will not include the playing of wind instruments.
                       • Outdoor Games will be with classes of 30. No contact sports will be played. Equipment will be
                         cleaned with a change of bubble.
                       • Whole-staff updates to be provided through email, virtual staff meetings and no face-to-face whole
                         staff meetings will be held.
                       • Small staff meetings (Admin Team or Phases) may be scheduled with staff adhering to social
                         distancing measures and spaces being well-ventilated.
                       • Staggered breaks where possible to ensure staff are able to socially distance within break areas.
                       • Breaks to be taken in staff room, dining room, extension area or amphitheatre – minimising number
                         of staff in each space. Staff to maintain 2m distance. Dining room to have cleaning caddy.
                       • Staff can leave the premises for a walk at lunchtime maintaining social distancing measures.
                       • Staff encouraged to avoid public transport, in line with government guidance, where possible walking
                         or cycling.
                       • Staff travelling on public transport will be given PPE.
                       • Staff with cars given parking exemption by RBKC.
                       • Staff sharing a car should wear face masks, make sure the car is well ventilated and clean afterwards.
                       • Staff will not congregate or linger in communal areas. They will go straight to their allocated
                         classroom or hall after washing hands.
                       • Communication with colleagues will be via instant messenger (in Nursery – school phone) or
                         conducted at a safe distance.
                       • Assemblies will be pre-recorded/prepared and accessed via the staff shared area.
                       • Staff who are extremely vulnerable or live with extremely vulnerable people to take all possible
                         precautions and regularly check government guidance.
                       • Rigorous checks will be carried out by SLT to ensure that the necessary procedures are being
Social Distancing of   • Bubbles timetabled with a staggered arrival/departure from school to minimise contact between            Daily
Children                 groups and maximise social distancing.
                       • Children to be allocated into bubbles with groups not mixing or changing.
                       • Bubbles timetabled to access outdoor areas at different times to ensure they do not mix.
                       • Children in Y2-6 sitting in rows facing the front.
• Children are encouraged to maintain social distancing wherever possible round the classroom and
• Children given allocated seats and a tray containing their own stationery. These trays will remain
  under the desks.
• Children in classrooms should remain at their desks – they should not be encouraged to come to the
  front of the class. Verbal feedback about learning will be given.
• Children will be encouraged to put up their hand if they need help, request the toilet or need a
• Any children with complex needs or who need close contact care will have the same support as
  normal as distancing isn’t possible here. Staff will be rigorous about hand washing and respiratory
• Rugs, cushions, toys and soft furnishings will be removed from the classrooms.
• Resources which are not easily washable or wipeable should be removed.
• Limited resources will be shared between home and school, e.g. books, home learning.
• Reading books will be put aside for 48 hours before being redistributed.
• Home Learning will continue to be accessed via the school website and Google Classroom.
• Equipment allocated individually and left on children’s tables throughout the day will be sterilised if
• The Computer suite is temporarily closed.
• Children should not touch the classroom IWB or computer.
• Computing will be taught using iPads. IPads will be wiped down after their use.
• The adults will keep a box of books that they will read to the children. These will be wiped down
  before and after use.
• Outdoor equipment will be limited and cleaned after use. Each bubble will have a small selection of
  equipment for their sole use at playtimes and these will be cleaned regularly.
• Movement within the building (corridors and stairwells) will be monitored to minimise contact.
• Children only allowed to go to the toilet one at a time – clear guidelines shared with children.
• Children to eat lunch within their classrooms.
• Children should wear clean clothes each day. They should wear a form of P.E. kit (t-shirt,
  shorts/leggings and trainers) and only bring a jumper/sweatshirt or coat if it is cold or raining. No
  football strip allowed.
• Children to only bring essential items to school (packed lunch, bookbag, coat and water bottle).
  Children will be reminded of this.

EYFS           • As above                                                                                                 Daily
               • Classroom provision for EYFS classes will be adapted to reduce the amount of contact with other
                 children and to reduce the amount of resources they use.
               • Outdoor area adapted to allow for exercise, however resources such as bicycles, mud kitchen, sand
                 and water tray will not be available.
               • Resources for child-initiated learning should be carefully considered, e.g. play dough should not be
               • Resources for activities such as painting, sticking, cutting and construction should be washed before
                 and after use.
               • As with all other year groups, no parents will be allowed on site, except to collect their child for a
                 medical/behaviour emergency.

Behaviour      • Our school behaviour policy remains in place, however there have had to be additions to ensure the       Daily
                 health and safety of all, including:
                 o adhering to the new arrivals and departures routines;
                 o following the hygiene and sanitation rules;
                 o following instructions about moving around school;
                 o following the set guidelines on socialising;
                 o following the guidelines around the use of equipment;
                 o children are only allowed to bring in a packed lunch, named water bottle and book bag;
                 o children are not to bring any additional non-educational items into school.
               • Children will be actively reminded of the behaviour expectations.
               • Staff will consistently reinforce well-executed rules through praise and encouragement.
               • Posters and signs will be displayed around the school.
               • Children will be given warnings.
               • After 3 warnings, time out will be managed in the classroom or year group bubble (Y3-6).
               • If children do not adhere to the rules, parents will be informed.
Registration   • Attendance is mandatory.                                                                                 Daily
               • Children need to arrive on time.
               • Children need to be collected on time.
               • We are unable to accommodate late arrivals and early pick-ups.
               • Medical appointments should be scheduled for after school.

Lunch                          • All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be given a school lunch, in line with entitlement to     Daily
                                 Universal Free School Meals.
                               • Children in Nursery will have a school lunch.
                               • Children in Years 3-6 can either have a school lunch or bring their own packed lunch – as per the
                                 usual instructions.
                               • Lunches delivered to classrooms by kitchen staff.
                               • Lunches supervised by midday meal staff.
                               • Children to eat lunches in classrooms.
                               • Containers and cutlery to be collected by midday meal staff.
                               • Waste left in bag outside classroom – collected by kitchen staff.
                               • A designated adult will refill children’s water bottles.
                               • The water fountains will be disabled and covered (the site manager will run them weekly).
Out of school hours            • There will be no breakfast club.                                                                           Half term
provision                      • After-school clubs will be limited to sport and dance. These will be timetabled to once a week and
                                 mirror the bubbles.
                               • Parents/carers need to be prompt when collecting children.
First Aid                      • First aid equipment (including inhalers and epi-pens) distributed to classes to ensure that children can   Daily
                                 receive basic first aid without needing to leave the class.
                               • Accident forms in each classroom to be completed in event of any first aid.
                               • In case of emergency, staff member in class to use instant messenger or mobile phone (school phone
                                 in Nursery) to call the school office number and await advice. TA to inform Office.
Social Distancing of Parents   • Bubbles timetabled with a staggered arrival/departure from school to enable maximum social                 Daily
                               • Parents to adhere to the allocated drop-off and pick-off time, and to leave the school gate
                                 immediately to reduce congregation.
                               • Parents, unless exempt, are asked to wear a mask at drop off and pick up.
                               • Only one parent/carer can be at the gate at pick up/drop off times.
                               • Parents are not to gather at the gates.
                               • Parents are to let the school know if another adult is collecting children.
                               • Where possible parents are encouraged to travel to school by foot, scooter or bicycle, and avoid
                                 using cars or public transport.
                               • Traffic wardens to monitor and control traffic congestion around school.
                               • Parents will not be allowed on site unless invited.

• There will be no face-to-face meetings with staff. Parent/Teacher meetings will be conducted via
                         Google Meet or over the phone.
                       • The Admin Staff will receive phone calls and emails.
                       • Parents will be updated by email on any changes to guidelines.
Personal Protective    • SLT to use Government and RBKC PPE (personal protective equipment) guidance to determine when         Daily
Equipment (PPE)          masks/aprons/face protection/gloves are required.
                       • Staff involved in intimate care to work in pairs and use PPE as directed by RBKC guidance.
                       • Staff to wear PPE if dealing with a sick child or when clearing up vomit or other bodily fluids.
                       • Where guidance requires staff to use PPE, an adequate supply will be provided, with instructions on
                         how to use and dispose of this safely.
                       • For further information, refer to Government and RBKC School Guidance on use of PPE.
Symptoms of Covid-19   • Anyone with any symptoms of Covid-19 at home must not enter the building, see:                        Daily
                       • Anyone with any symptoms of Covid-19 at home must inform the school immediately by telephone
                         so that interim actions can be taken.
                       • Anyone with any symptoms of Covid-19 at home must go for testing and inform the school of the
                       • If anyone develops symptoms of Covid-19 during the day they must go immediately to the reception
                         area (maintain social distancing). This area will be ventilated. PPE must be worn by the member of
                         staff looking after the child.
                       • The area then has to be thoroughly cleaned and the PPE disposed of safely. The member of staff must
                         wash their hands thoroughly but they do not need to go home unless they develop symptoms or they
                         have been requested to do so by NHS Test and Trace.
                       • If a child has developed symptoms during the day, they must be collected immediately by parents
                         and taken for testing.
                       • If an adult has developed symptoms during the day, they must leave the site immediately and go for
                       • If a child or member of staff tests positive, the school will contact the DfE helpline for advice.
                       • The team will carry out a rapid risk assessment to confirm who’s been in close contact with the
                         person, and these people will be asked to self-isolate.
                       • If further advice is required the advisor will escalate the school’s call to the PHE local health
                         protection team.
                       • School will complete the ‘local coronavirus reporting tool’ for confirmed cases.

•   The school will work with the DfE and the local health protection team to decide if additional action is
                                needed. Any advice given by the team will be followed.
                            •   If an individual has tested positive for Covid-19 they, and their household, must self-isolate for 14
                                days, and inform the school.
                            •   If an individual has tested negative for Covid-19 they can return to school.
                            •   The PHE local health protection team will also contact schools directly if they become aware that
                                someone who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) attended the school - as identified by
                                NHS Test and Trace.
                            •   For further guidance, please refer to Government guidance: guidance for households with possible or
                                confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection
Visitors                    •   All non-essential visits will be cancelled.                                                                Weekly
                            •   Signs displayed outside gates, doors and around the premises.
                            •   Any unexpected visitors attending the building will be kept in the contained reception area until the
                                school has confirmed their visit is essential.
                            •   All visitors advised of health and safety procedures and made aware of flow chart (hand-washing,
                                symptoms, social distancing measures, etc).
                            •   Any visitors will be signed-in manually on by office staff.
                            •   Visitors will not interact with any bubbles.
                            •   Contractors will be asked to share their risk assessment with the school before accessing the site.
                            •   Parents not permitted to drop off items during the day.
Catering Staff & Cleaners   •   Catering & Cleaners have been provided with the risk assessments from the school before accessing          Weekly
                                the site and appropriate social distancing measures are in place.
                            •   Catering & Cleaners have provided their risk assessments to the school before accessing the site and
                                appropriate social distancing measures are in place.
                            •   Deliveries need to be arranged before or after the arrival and departure of children at the back gate.
                            •   Any goods delivered need to be left for 72 hours before they can be processed.
Safeguarding                •   Updated safeguarding policy incorporates impact of Covid-19 pandemic.                                      Daily
                            •   Staff made aware of updated safeguarding protocols for children and staff both in school and outside
                            •   Record of Concerns completed in the usual way by all staff.
                            •   Emergency mobile number shared with staff in case of urgent safeguarding concerns.
                            •   Allocated Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) on site each day – HS. If DSL is not on site a member of
                                the SLT will be. They will communicate with the DSL.

• If a disclosure warrants the need for the DSL to meet with a child, this will be done maintaining social
                                 • If a concern warrants a referral, the usual policy applies.
 Fire Evacuation                 • In event of a fire alarm, school follows normal evacuation procedure (using the nearest door to exit).     Half termly
                                 • School to assemble at assembly point in pods, avoiding any mixing if at all possible.
                                 • Drills will be practised each half term.
 Mental Health                   • Staff will be given resources and signposted to local services which are available to support mental       Daily
                                 • Staff should immediately speak to their line manager if they have any concerns.
                                 • Planning of sessions for children incorporates PSHE sessions which will address the potential impact
                                   of Covid-19 pandemic.
                                 • A Transition Back to School Programme will include new expectations (bubbles, timetables, rules and
                                   boundaries), building relationships, feelings and zones of regulation, ways to wellbeing, thinking
                                   positively, kindness, gratitude, extraordinary stories, change, resilience, celebrations and

This will be reviewed daily and updated accordingly and in relation to the national picture and government guidance.

This document has been shared with staff, parents and governors and published on the school website.

Headteacher: Helen Swain

Chair of Governors: Allan Richards

November 2020

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