Boynton United Methodist Church - a people of blessing

Page created by Sylvia Sanchez
Boynton United Methodist Church - a people of blessing
Boynton United Methodist Church
                                                                       - a people of blessing -
                                                                Mission: Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World

                                                               Facebook: Boynton United Methodist Church      Instagram/Twitter: @BoyntonUMC

                                                                                     PASTOR CONTACT INFORMATION
                                                                    Cell Phone: 678-644-4991             Email:

                                  February 2022__________________________________________________________________

                                  What if?

                                  It seems to me that with COVID, people have fallen into a What If? lifestyle more than ever before.

                                  What If I get Covid, what if I’m exposed, what if he gets really sick, what if I have vaccination side
                                  effects? The list goes on.
Boynton United Methodist Church
                                  And it seems to have seeped into the rest of our lives: What if I lose my job, what if I don’t pass the
4246 Boynton Drive
                                  test, what if she makes a bad decision, what if he is mad at me?
                                  And for our church: What if people don’t come back, what if people don’t give, what if church is no
                                  longer a priority in people’s lives, what if we don’t grow?
                                  Realizing that all these what ifs? are negative - the way to turn them around is by trusting God with
                                  a new set of what ifs.

                                  What if God is ready to do a new thing in our church, what if we find new ways to serve, what if
                                  people can find Jesus right here among us?
                                  As we return to having two worship services in February - one with contemporary music, more casual
                                  at 9:00 and the other with traditional hymns and liturgy at 11:00 we can ask: What if God will do
                                  something exceptional among us this year? Let us all pray and plan and seek God’s guidance.
                                  It helps when we remember that this is Jesus’ church, and we are here to be his people.
                                  Isaiah 43:19 says “See, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am
                                  making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
                                  Instead of asking ‘What if ‘ in the wilderness,’ let us work to see what God will do new in us.

                                  Blessings for all of you in this new day,
                                  Pastor Nena
Boynton United Methodist Church - a people of blessing
February                                                  Give to the Giver
Thursday 2/3      Prayers & Stitchers – Koinonia 6:00 pm.
Sunday 2/6        9:00 a.m. Contemporary worship,               "But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be
                  10:00 a.m. Sunday school                       able to offer so willingly as this? For all things come from
                  11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship                        You, and of Your own we have given You."
Sunday 2/13       Trustees in Koinonia classroom 4:00 p.m.                                                   1 Chronicles 29:14
Tuesday 2/15      UM Women in Koinonia 7:00 p.m.
Monday 2/21       Keenagers at Choo Choo BBQ 11:30 a.m.         When great resources were needed to build the temple,
Sunday 2/27       UM Men Breakfast in Heritage Hall 7:30 a.m.   King David set the example by giving of his personal
                                                                wealth, followed by all the leaders of Israel. David
                                                                explained why; "The work is great, because the temple is
                                                                not for many but for the Lord God" (1 Chronicles 29:1).             February                           Wednesday Night Suppers cost will be $7.00 for adults,
                                                                He then said to God that they could only give because He                                               $4.00 for children and max family cost will be $25.00.
      Our Holy Communion Offering                               had first given to them (verse 14).                                    1    Matthew Williams           Reservation envelopes will be available on the table at
        is for Homeless Offering                                                                                                       2    Barbara McCroskey          the portico entrance. Deadline for reservations is 12:00
                                                                That is the premise that underlies all giving and service in           3    Nathan Holdaway            noon on each Monday.
          Sunday, February 6, 2022                              God's Kingdom. We give and serve because He has first
                                                                                                                                       3    Zachary Barrett            Plan on staying for a moment for “after supper”.
                                                                given to us and served us. As the apostle John later
                                                                wrote, "We love Him because He first loved us" (1 John                 5    Amanda Johnston
The North Georgia Housing and Homeless Council                  4:19). Whatever God has given to us in terms of time,                  7    Jillian Roberts            February 2           Tacos, Fajitas, Corn, Chips and Tres
provides capital and operational grants to organizations                                                                               7    Patrick Johnston                                Leches Cake.
                                                                talent, or treasure, we owe it all to Him. From the breath
throughout the North Georgia Conference who are serving         of our life to the work of our hands, we give it to glorify            9    Amy Jo Howard              February 9           Chicken Spaghetti, Seven Layer Salad,
our brothers and sisters in need. We will collect the           the One who first gave to us.                                         13    Beckan Cruse                                    Bread and Flamingo Cake
Housing and Homeless Offering on our Communion                                                                                        14    Dennis Mullens
Sunday,            February           6,          2022.         Consider afresh today what God has given you. Offer                                                    February 16          Chicken & Dumpling Casserole, Pineapple
                                                                                                                                      14    Neva Thacker
                                                                thanks to Him and consider how you might use His gifts                                                                      Soufflé, Broccoli with Cheese Sauce, Rolls,
By contributing to the Homeless Offering, you are directly
                                                                                                                                      14    Lisa Logan                                      and Dessert.
                                                                for His glory.
supporting ministries and agencies serving those                                                                                      16    Haylie Aven
experiencing homelessness and poverty in communities            From Dr. David Jeremiah's Turning Points                              16    Travis Holt                February 23          American Goulash, Asian Slaw, Bread,
                                                                                                                                      19    Sophie Roberts                                  Millionaire Pie
across our state. These organizations might include             devotional magazine.
housing programs, food pantries and other feeding                                                                                     21    Paige Cooke Farr
programs, Habitat for Humanity houses, and many other           Ann Orr                                                               23    Ida Burwitz                Remember each cook buys the food for their meal. Please
programs in our Georgia communities both large and              Financial Secretary                                                                                    pay if you sign up so that they don’t run short.
                                                                                                                                      27    Beau Pattison
small.                                                          ____________________________________

100% of the Homeless Offering goes to ministries serving                  Financial Report December, 2021                                                              Servants for February
persons experiencing poverty. Please prayerfully consider
supporting this important work.                                           Income:                     $24,173.96                                                       Combined Worship 10:30 a.m.
                                                                          Expenses:                   $19,374.50

                                                                _______________________________________________                                                         6         Howard & Glenda Thomas
                                                                                                                                                                       13         Fay Peters / Kay Harper
Lift provides a free drop-in afterschool Youth                  Did you know that the rising costs of utilities affect our                                             20         Jarrett & Sheri Eschenfelder
Center for 6th – 12th grade students. As the kids come          church budget? The cost of utilities for 2021 was                                                      27         Jim Cosper / Saundra Smith
into the Center, they are served after school snacks, i.e.      $3,352.65 more than 2020? Your faithful giving has
lemonade, cookies, chips, peanuts, crackers, granola bars       allowed us to absorb these higher invoices without
and fresh fruit. Boynton UMC is helping LIFT with snacks.       affecting the mission of Boynton United Methodist Church!               7   Ed & Lisa Huskey           Host/Hostess
There is a basket by the office hallway.                                                                                               12   Jack & Marlene Bloomer              Gigi Pattison                    724-747-7812

                                                                                                                                                                       Head Usher
                                                                                                                                  ______________________________               Steve Abercrombie                 423-505-6070

                                                                The Upper Room devotionals for January / February are
                                                                here at the church to pick up on Sunday located on the             Starting on Sunday, February 6 we
                                                                table in the back hallway and portico entrance or you can                   will begin having
                                                                download them free of charge from the Upper Room at
                                                            Just follow the                  two worship services:
                                                                prompts and you can download the January / February
                                                                copy of the Upper Room so you can read your devotional
                                                                each day.                                                         9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship
                                                                                                                                  10:00 a.m. Sunday school
                                                                                                                                  11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship
Boynton United Methodist Church - a people of blessing
Dear Heavenly Father,

Prayer List – January we cleared off prayer requests on                                                       I understand that we will all experience those
our prayer list. Remember when you add someone to the                                                         times in life that leaves us devastated. Thank
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Adult Sunday school class
prayer list to let us know if things change so we can make                                                    you for teaching us through your son Jesus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in Koinonia classroom on Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
adjustments to our prayer list. If you have someone to                                                        how to help others going through tough
add or put back on our prayer list, please let the Church                                                     times.    Give me a heart to serve and a
Office know – 706-866-2626 or                                                                                                                                                                                Children’s Sunday school in the children’s area.
                                                                                                              willingness to obey. Show me Your ways,
                                                                                                              Lord.                                                                                                            _______________________________________________
Church community
Family of Bobby Castleberry, son of Ann Orr                                                                   Sometimes I get overwhelmed looking at the                        BIENESTAR NICARAGUA                                          Prayers & Stitchers
Family of Lois Dunn                                                                                           needs around me. I want to help but don’t
Family of Iris Eaves
                                                                                                              know where to start. I pray for wisdom and                       Continue to be in prayer for
Lisa Huskey – recovering from shoulder surgery
                                                                                                              discernment as I reach out to others. Whether
                                                                                                              poor in provision or poor in spirit, You have                    Bienestar Nicaragua Inc. and
David Humble – lung, starting treatments again                                                                provided ways I can help. Lead me as I use                          all of the work they do.
                                                                                                              what you’ve given me to be the hands and
Our Mission Field
For Boynton UMC to reach people for Jesus Christ                                                              feet of Jesus in my community.
BUMC Worship Service                                                                                                                                                                                                           Prayers & Stitchers will be meeting Thursday, February 3,
Sunday School                                                                                                 With all the tragedies in the world, it’s easy to                                                                2022 at 6:00 p.m.
Student Ministry / BKidz Children’s Program
                                                                                                              overlook the needs right around me. Direct
BKidz Day Out Program                                                                                                                                                                                                          A shawl can be requested by calling the church office or
Stephen Ministry                                                                                              me to those people in my own family, church,                      Children Ministry                              talking with any member of our group, Prayers and
Prayers & Stitchers                                                                                           and neighborhood who need the love of Jesus                                                                      Stitchers: Patty Bishop, Saundra Smith, Lisa Huskey, Ann
Recovery at Ringgold                                                                                          right now. Show me how to be a friend to            February is the month of love! We are focusing on 1          Orr, Deborah Craft, Pastor Nena Jones or by contacting
Christ’s Chapel Share & Care Mission
                                                                                                              someone who needs that today. And when I’m          Corinthians 13 this month. We will have a Valentines Party   Glenda Thomas at or 423-902-
                                                                                                              in need, thank you for sending someone into                                                                      4321.
Homebound/Senior Facilities
                                                                                                                                                                  on February 9 at 6:00 p.m.! More announcements to
                                                                                                              my life to offer support and care.
Charlie Ball, Tom Billington, Margaret Bowman, Stacy Mashburn                                                                                                     follow. We invite the church to send Valentines to our
Our Church                                                                                                    In Jesus’ name, Amen.                               children for our party. They can be simple and don’t need
Pastor Nena & Dennis Jones
                                                                                                                                                                  to include a child’s name. You can give them to Tracy
Our BUMC staff and their families: Linda, Carl,
   Joe, Diane, Ellen, Tracy and Jessica                                                                                                                           Cruse on Sunday.
Our church, our community, our nation, our world                                                                                                                                                                                         Medical Equipment Available
The United Methodist Church                                                                                         -Submitted by Mike Harris, Prayer Chair
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               There is some medical equipment availabe, i.e.
Other Requests                                                                                                                                                                                                                 wheelchair, shower chair, etc. from Iris Eaves home.
Family of Willard Wright Johnston, father of Patrick Johnston
Davis Kilgo – surgery, grandson of Howard & Glenda Thomas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Please call church office 706-866-2626 if interested.
Lewis family – during devastating time of illness and loss,
requested by Lisa Huskey
Family of Christy Meadows – teacher at West Side Elementary,
requested by Lois Nix
Family of Marilyn Williams, sister of Sadie White

Boynton United Methodist Church - a people of blessing
Christ’s Chapel Share &
                                   Care Mission is in need of
                                 Soups, Chili, Stews, canned
                                    or mixes, and crackers
                                 during the month of February.
                                  Please leave the items under
                                  the mailboxes in the hallway
                                    across from the women’s
                                 restroom or place on the altar
                                    on Sunday, February 27.
                                                                                  Next Men’s Breakfast
                                                                               Sunday, February 27, 2022
                                                                                7:30 a.m. in Heritage Hall

                                                                                                                             Scroll down for Calendar February 2022
BLESS Sacks is a self-funded program that provides a weekend
supplement to local students who receive free or reduced lunches
in the Catoosa County School System. Last school year we packed
over 3,000 sacks for Boynton Elementary, Heritage Middle, and
Performance Learning Center. Come help us pack during an After
Supper event at 6:45 p.m. each month.

                                                                      Tina Pinkston was guest speaker at the January
                                                                      meeting. She told us all about the LIFT project
                                                                      .What an interesting story about the beginning of
                                                                      LIFT. This is a community project which our church
                                                                      supports. For more information about LIFT, you can
                                                                      contact the church office or Theo Pinkston.

                                                                      We continue to collect money for our World Thank
                                                                      Offering. For January we had to put in .50 cents for
What About the Grief Book Series that is a part of our
Stephen Ministries?
                                                                      each bathroom in our house or .50 cents for each
                                                                      couch we have. For February we are to put in .10
Journeying through Grief is a set of 4 short books to send to
people at 4 crucial times during the first year after the loss of a
                                                                      cents for each bottle in our fridge or .25 cents for
loved one.                                                            each bottle of soap/shampoo in your house.
Author Kenneth C. Haugk writes in a warm, caring style, with
short, easy-to-read chapters. He walks alongside the reader           We are making plans for our annual Women's
through the grief journey, sharing helpful insights about grief,      Luncheon. Look for updates in future newsletters.
biblical truths, and stories that provide comfort and reassurance.
Each book focuses on what the person is likely to be experiencing     Our next meeting is February 15th. We continue to
at that point in grief – offering understanding, empathy,             meet in the Sunday school classroom.
compassion, and hope.
Many different types of people use these to care for a wide range     Ann Orr
of grieving individuals. Here are just a few examples: Pastors,
parish nurses and congregations sent the book to grieving people
                                                                      President UMW
– members and nonmembers in the congregation and
community. Individuals share them with family, neighbors,
coworkers, and others they know after a loss.
If you are aware of a person who has experienced loss of a love
one thru death and would like them to receive these books,
please contact the church office with the following information:

Boynton United Methodist Church - a people of blessing
February Calendar Boynton UMC
              Sunday                      Monday              Tuesday                      Wednesday                  Thursday                Friday       Saturday
                                                                             1                                 2                          3            4              5
                                                                                 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Night
                                                                                           Supper in HH                6:00 p.m.
                                                                                 6:45 p.m. After Supper            Prayers & Stitchers
                                                                                 6:30 p.m. Youth / Children        Koinonia Classroom
                                                                                 6:45 p.m. Choir Practice

                                 6                        7                  8                                 9                         10        11             12
 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship
10:00 a.m. Sunday School                                                         6:00 p.m. Wednesday Night
11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship                                                             Supper in HH
                                                                                 6:45 p.m. After Supper
                                                                                 6:00 p.m. Valentine Party
                                                                                 6:30 p.m. Youth / Children
                                                                                 6:45 p.m. Choir Practice

                               13     Valentine’s Day   14                  15                                16                         17        18             19
  9:00 a.m.   Contemporary Worship                                               6:00 p.m. Wednesday Night
10:00 a.m.    Sunday School                                                                Supper in HH
11:00 a.m.    Traditional Worship                              7:00 p.m.         6:45 p.m. After Supper
 4:00 p.m.     Trustees in Koinonia                           UM Women           6:30 p.m. Youth / Children
               classroom                                      in Koinonia        6:45 p.m. Choir Practice

                               20                       21                  22                                23                         24        25             26
                                          11:30 a.m.
 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship           Keenagers
10:00 a.m. Sunday School                                                         6:00 p.m. Wednesday Night
                                       at Choo Choo BBQ                                    Supper in HH
11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship          in Chickamauga                           6:45 p.m. After Supper
                                                                                 6:30 p.m. Youth / Children
                                                                                 6:45 p.m. Choir Practice

                               27                       28
 7:30 a.m.     UM Men Breakfast
 9:00 a.m.    Contemporary Worship
10:00 a.m.    Sunday School
11:00 a.m.    Traditional Worship
Boynton United Methodist Church - a people of blessing Boynton United Methodist Church - a people of blessing
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