Church of the Saviour United Methodist Women October 2018

Page created by Clinton Casey
Church of the Saviour United Methodist Women October 2018
Church of the Saviour
                                                 United Methodist Women
                                                              October 2018

            FLEA MARKET: OCTOBER 12 and 13
                           Volunteers are needed all week long
                            (beginning Monday, October 8)
                                  and during the sale.

            Please join other workers on Tuesday, October 9, about noon
                       for a brown-bag lunch in the COTS Cafe.
                             Beverage and dessert provided.

                                    BOARD MEETING
                               (child care available by reservation*)
                     TUESDAY, October 2, 9:30 a.m., Room 122
               *To reserve child care please contact the church office at 216-321-8880

     We are reminded in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 that there is a time and season for
everything. As we reached the month of September, we anticipated the beginning
of school, and now, as we are heading into October, we see the fading of the
summer flowers, the fall bloomers and the changing of the leaves, which will soon
fall. For us in UMW, it signaled the beginning of our program year, the renewing of old
friendships and the making of new ones. It also means that we are busy working on new projects,
attending Bible studies, circle meetings and preparing for our Fall Flea Market.
     Proverbs 12:14 says that working with our hands gives us many benefits. It takes many
hands, donations, work hours and people willing to come and shop to make a successful Flea
Market. All the proceeds from the sales go to mission projects. The success of the past and future
flea markets depends on all of the above. We are always looking for new and returning
volunteers to make light of the work at hand. If you have worked before, you are aware of the
benefits. Please consider asking another church friend to join us this year. We always welcome
male friends to join the volunteer brigade. This is a great way to make new friends, and with the
proceeds, to help those who don’t have as much as we do, on a local, national and international
level. As the saying goes what is one man’s trash is another man’s treasure which has been
proven over and over again at our Flea Markets. On Tuesday, October 9th bring a brown bag

Church of the Saviour United Methodist Women October 2018
lunch, dessert and coffee will be provided. It is another chance to have a meal with some of your
friends like Methodists tend to do.
                                             In Christian Service and Love,

    As of August 31, 2018, the UMW operating balance with all bills current is
    For anyone who wishes to make a yearly pledge to UMW, please make your
check out to UMW, place in the UMW mail box in the church office. Any pledge
can be paid between now and May 31, 2019. Pledges help us to cover our budgeted
mission giving.
                                           Connie Crihfield for Arleen Twist, Treasurer

   The East Conference UMW Annual Celebration will be held on October 26-27 at Mt.
Pleasant UMC in Carrollton, Ohio. Keynote speaker for Friday evening will be Laura Burns,
Ohio Field Organizer for Mom’s Clean Air Force. The keynote speaker for Saturday will be Rev.
Lu Ann Youngman, Ordained Elder in the UMC and author of the book, Just a Girl.
   Attached you will find a registration form and more detailed information about the

    The NCD UMW Fall District Meeting was held Saturday, September 22, 2018 at Church of
The Saviour. There were 71 members and guests in attendance for a time of fellowship and lunch
followed by the program. Rev. Dr. Steve Bailey, NCD Superintendent, was the guest speaker. He
presented a program, with slides, of his mission trip this past summer to Cambodia. Following
his presentation was a discussion period for those interested on “A Way Forward” facilitated by
UMW Conference President Kathy Kuhn.
    A heartfelt thank you goes out to our local UMW members that participated in the program,
that set and decorated tables, that cooked and served the lunch, and that cleaned up afterward. A
job well done by Frances Fisher, Thelma Tucker, Connie Crihfield, Vera Orosz, Anne Billington,
Gwen Biggins, Kevin Schaner, Marty Bergman, Mary Holloway, Stefanie Hiles, Carolyn
Skillern and Arleen Twist.
    A thank you as well to Cris Hicks for making sure that all was in order with the kitchens and
the Great Hall, and to Leslie Myers and Robert Campbell for their efforts in the Great Hall.

                                             Much appreciation,
                                             Debbie Jones

Church of the Saviour United Methodist Women October 2018
The EOC Delegation Offers Listening Posts Prior to the Special Session
    The Special Session of the General Conference, that has been called to address a way
forward for The United Methodist Church on the matter of human sexuality, will be held
February 23-26, 2019, in St. Louis, Missouri.
    As East Ohio delegates to this Special Session of the General Conference, we recognize the
importance of the decisions that will be before us and the impact these decisions will have on
each United Methodist church and member. Recognizing this, we invite you to attend and share
your thoughts and concerns at one of the five scheduled listening posts that will be held
throughout the East Ohio Conference.
The listening posts will be:
   Sat., Sept. 8 from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm at Wildare UMC
   Sat., Sept. 29 from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm at Cambridge Christ UMC
   Tues., Oct. 9 from 6:30 – 9:00 pm at New Philadelphia First UMC
   Sat., Oct. 20 from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm at Ashland First UMC
   Tues., Nov. 6 from 6:30 – 9:00 pm at Aldersgate UMC (North Coast)
We would appreciate participants registering in advance to help with our planning.

                                    Church Woman’s Day
                                    October 5, 2018, 10 a.m.
                                      Church of the Gesu
                                      2470 Miramar Blvd.
                                   University Heights 44118
                                      $15, includes lunch
                              Call Frances Fisher for information.
                                            Frances Fisher, CWR Representative

Kathy L. Gilbert, “Working to End Rape Survivors’ Stigma in East Congo,” July /August
Response 2018, 50(7): pp 23- 25.
    Three US Conferences are nearing their fund-raising goals to build a center for victims of
rape to heal. East Congo is considered the rape capitol. Rape is a weapon of war. Women are
considered outcasts after being raped. The goal is to help women have a new life and feel useful
in society.
    An animated film titled, “A Plea to My Father” is being used to increase the awareness of the
plight of rape survivors and to help end the stigma. The film portrays a child pleading with his
father to care for rather than abandon his mother and sister who were raped.
    Another organization entitled “Women Arise” is growing in Nigeria and Uganda. They use
the Biblical character of Esther as its symbol of hope and to embrace their “identity given by

Church of the Saviour United Methodist Women October 2018
Peter Krause, “Most Ohioans want bail reform, poll shows.” Plain Dealer: August 28, 2018.
   A poll showed that:
    54% support major reforms to the justice system.
    Of these, 75% believe wealthier persons receive better treatment in the court system.
    72% support providing some form of transportation to court for those waiting to go on
    70% believe days in jail before the trial should be limited.
    55% support releasing without bond money while awaiting trial.

Michelle Jarboe, “Housing Trends: Poorer areas are being left behind. Local study finds two
markets: One bustling, the other gasping.” Sunday Plain Dealer, September 2. 2018, PP A1,
    Recession continues to affect some areas of Cuyahoga County while others have achieved
pre -recession housing prices. Some minority areas have been left behind. An advisor for the
Western Reserve Land Conservancy, Frank Ford, stated two distinct housing market districts
exist. One has become a sellers’ market while the other is struggling. In two areas of Cuyahoga
County, the sale prices were “less than a third of what they were in 2005.”
    Remedies for areas being left behind included: quicker demolition of “decrepit houses,” as
well as facilitating bank loans for purchases and repairs. Matthew Rossom, a CWRU professor,
suggested a special tax write off at time of sale. Another solution would be to move away from
mortgage interest and property tax deductions and use the money saved to invest in lower
income housing.
    On a positive side, foreclosures have slowed. However, negative perceptions continue to
hamper the real estate revival in some neighborhoods.

United Methodist Women: Climate Justice home page
    Members who are interested in signing a petition supporting the Clean Car standards
agreement can go to the United Methodist Women’s website at
for information.
                                            Becky Roberts
                                            Social Action & Education Interpreter

                             The Fall Flea Market is coming up on October 12th and 13th.
                             Donations will be accepted starting Sunday, October 7. In addition
                             to donating items, please consider giving a couple of hours to this
                             mission event. We especially need people who can cashier on
                             Friday and Saturday, men to help buyers carry their purchases to
                             their cars, and clean up volunteers at 2 p.m. on Saturday.
                                             Mary Freer, Ways and Means

Church of the Saviour United Methodist Women October 2018
Dear Ladies of Church of the Saviour,
    Thank you for the personal hygiene supplies. I appreciate everything you give us especially
the deodorant and soap and lotion. I live with my sister and she can’t afford stuff for me all the
time. She is only 27 years old. She is taking care of me and my brothers and her children and she
can’t do it all by herself. Thanks to all of you she has one less kid to worry about.
                                                       Love, Benetta

Tuesday, October 30, 12:30 p.m., in the Parlor
   Edna Rhodes Circle will meet in the Parlor on Tuesday, October 30 at 12:30 for a
brown bag lunch. Thelma Tucker will give a talk about our church’s Haiti Ministry. Dessert and
beverages will be provided. Please RSVP to Anne Billington, 216 932-0689, Thelma Tucker,
216 544-7108 or the church office.

Tuesday, October 23, 7 p.m., in the Parlor
   How many of you have left books in the collection box outside of the church library? Church
member Joy Banish will share about Greater Cleveland Volunteers and her on-going Book

             Submission Deadline for November UMW Newsletter is Monday, October 15.
                 Please send submissions to Stefanie Hiles at

           UMW FALL FLEA MARKET on October 12-13, 2018
Check where you would like to work:
SET-UP & PRICE (October 8-11, from 9 am -8 pm) _____MON_______TUES_______WED _______THURS


Friday Cashiers      _______9:30-Noon          _______11:00-1:00      _______Noon-3:00         _______2:30-5:00
Friday Greeters      _______9:30-11:00         _______11:00-1:00
Friday Monitors      _______9:30-Noon          _______Noon-3:00       _______2:30-5:00
Friday Lunch         _______10:30-1:30
Friday Bake Sale     _______9:30-Noon          _______Noon-2:30       _______2:30-5:00

Saturday Cashiers     _______9:30-Noon        _______11:00-1:00        _______Noon-2:00
Saturday Greeters     _______9:30-11:00
Saturday Monitors     _______9:30-Noon        _______Noon-2:00
Saturday Lunch        _______10:30-1:30
Saturday Bake Sale    _______9:30-Noon        _______Noon-2:00
Saturday Clean-Up     _______2:00-3:00



Please return form to church office by October 5. You can also sign up at SignUpGenius. Link is on church website
( Childcare available every day from 9:30-12:30 with reservation. Questions? Call Mary Freer at 216-
242-6144 or email her at

                                              October 26-27, 2018
                                      Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church
                                               89 Canyon Rd. SW
                                              Carrollton, OH 44615

Lodging at:          Days Inn (Behind Ponderosa Steakhouse)
                     1111 Canton Rd. (Rt. 43)
                     Carrollton, OH 44615
Mention you are with United Methodist Women. Room are reserved at $89.

Friday evening:       Registration begins at 6:15 p.m. Snacks will be provided.
                      Childcare will be provided for $4 per child. Please register.
                      Program begins at 7:00 p.m. Keynote speaker: Laura
                      Ohio Field Organizer, Mom’s Clean Air Force.
                      Program ends at 9:00 p.m.

Saturday morning:     Registration begins at 9:15 a.m. Continental breakfast and
                      lunch provided. Program begins at 10:00 a.m. in the
                      sanctuary. Keynote speaker: Rev. Lu Ann Youngman,
                      Ordained Elder in the UMC and author of the book, Just a
                      Girl. Childcare will be provided for $4 per child. Please

Saturday afternoon:   Business meeting in the sanctuary beginning at 1:00 p.m.
                      Leadership development for District Officers will be offered
                      at 2:00 p.m. Celebration ends at 3:00.

Directions:           Carrollton is south of Canton on Rt. 43. From Days Inn, take
                      Canton Rd. south (Rt. 43). Turn right at the square (S.
                      Lisbon St.) and at the top of the square take Rt. 332 S. to
                      Canyon Rd. SW (about 4 mi.). Turn left onto Canyon Rd.
                      SW. Church will be about 1 mile on the left.

                 East Ohio Conference United Methodist Women
                ANNUAL CELEBRATION OCTOBER 26-27, 2018
                            Mt. Pleasant UM Church
                              89 Canyon Rd. SW
                            Carrollton, Ohio 44615
                                (330) 627-2219

                      Please fill out one form for each person attending.
                       Send your reservations together in one mailing.
                         Voting cards will be at the registration table.

Person’s name                                                     Phone:

Address:                                                          District:

Email:                                                    Church Unit:

Any special dietary needs:

Attending: Friday                Saturday:             Both:
      No. of Adult Reservations:           @ $16 per adult

Childcare is available for children 12 years of age & under: Note that a sack lunch and
beverage is needed for each child.

Circle one for childcare:           Friday         Saturday       Both
Name(s) & Age(s):
     No. of Children ages 0-12                      @ $4 per child per day

                     Total Enclosed:

Make check payable to EOCUMW and mail completed registration form to:
     Linda Groves
     1135 Lake Shore Dr. NW
     Carrollton, Ohio 44615

Contact person:                                                   Phone:

Name of voting delegate:
                      (One delegate from each local unit.)

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