Brent Council Spending - Brent - Information for council tax and business rate payers

Page created by Dan Myers

Information for council tax and business rate payers

Message from the Leader of Brent Council                                                     Contents
  Councillor Muhammed Butt
  Dear resident,
  Brent is my home and yours, but it is also the home of a melting pot of cultures that all    The council’s spending plans                                                           4-7
  make Brent what it is today and what it will be tomorrow. Ours is the most diverse           This section explains the services provided by Brent Council, the way in
  borough in the most diverse city on earth and we have so much going for us.                  which the council’s spending has changed since the last year and how
     We have talented residents, iconic venues, thriving businesses and food, music and        your council tax is calculated.
  influences from across the world – so it is little surprise that we are the London
  Borough of Culture in 2020. The vast majority of our schools are good or outstanding         Spending by the Greater London Authority (GLA)                                       8-10
  – which helps young people in Brent to get the best start in life. We are building
                                                                                               This Section explains how the GLA funds its services and the way in
  thousands of new affordable homes and protecting our environment by planting more
                                                                                               which its spending is allocated between police, fire, transport and other
  trees and improving our roads and pavements. Violent crime is falling and we are
                                                                                               GLA services.
  doing everything we can to reduce it further.
     However, we are not without our challenges. The main grant that we receive from
  central Government has fallen by 79% over the past decade. For another year, this            Further information                                                                     11
  funding squeeze has meant we have faced difficult choices that we have not shied             Council tax levels for each valuation band
  away from.                                                                                   Changes in spending from 2019/20 to 2020/21
     Our top priority is to make sure the services and facilities that residents rely on the
  most are maintained and, where possible, improved. We have prioritised younger
  people and older residents. We are modernising the council for everyone by using
  technology more effectively and setting up hubs in local communities to make our
  services more easily accessible.
     Like the vast majority of councils, we’ve had little choice but to increase council tax
  this year so we can balance the budget. I understand that finding £1.19 more a week
  is an extra cost that many of us could do without. In return, I promise to carry on
  delivering the commitments the council has made in our Borough Plan. Everyone at
  the council will work tirelessly to ensure no one is left behind and continue to build a
  better Brent.
     If you ever have any questions or concerns about what we are doing as a council
  please do get in touch using the email address below.

                               Best wishes

                               Councillor Muhammed Butt
                               Leader of Brent Council

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The council’s spending plans
                                                                                                           Changes in spending
  Services the council provides                     Paying for these services
                                                                                                           Although government funding has reduced,
  The council provides a large number of            Altogether the council plans over £1 billion           the council will still have to meet rising costs
  essential local services which are aligned        gross spending* in 2020-21 on services.                due to inflation and increased costs from:
  to the priorities set in the Borough Plan,        The majority of the money comes from                   • more people with social care needs in line
  including:                                        government grants – for example, the                     with the long term trend of an ageing
  A borough where we can all feel safe,             council is estimated to receive £215 million             population
  secure, happy and healthy                         in grant for schools and another £313
                                                                                                           • increases in the amount the council needs
    ,688 elderly and vulnerable adults             million subsidy to meet the cost of housing
                                                                                                             to pay toward the cost of households
   receiving long-term social care support          benefit for tenants in the private rented
                                                                                                             in hotels and other forms of temporary
   from the council                                 sector.
    9,656 active borrowers in                      The council also receives rents from council
                                                                                                           • increased landfill tax on the disposal of
   Brent’s libraries                                tenants and other income from charges
                                                                                                             household waste
                                                    made for services that people use. The
    .77 million visits to Brent’s sports centres                                                          The council will deliver £7.4m of savings
                                                    remainder of the spending, which is known
  Strong foundations                                as the council’s budget requirement, is paid           in 2020-21. However, the council is still
    Brent Community Hubs opened,                   for by general government grants, council              committed to protecting frontline services
   supporting 6,538 residents                       tax and business rates. This is shown in the           as much as possible by concentrating
                                                    following table:                                       on reducing our costs and overheads,
  Every opportunity to succeed
                                                                                                           eliminating waste and by prioritising
  • 96% of Brent schools are rated Good                                                            £m     spending on services and facilities that local
     or Outstanding                                                                                        people value.
                                                     Budget requirement                        289.8
  • Helped 228 residents get into work
    4 apprenticeships secured through               Business Rates from the                   -122.4
   Brent Works                                       London Pool
  A future built for everyone,                       Specific Grants                               -39.3
  an economy fit for all
                                                     Total council tax requirement             128.1
    orking towards building 1,000 new
   council homes                                    * Gross expenditure is the cost of council
  • 694 planning applications approved                services before deducting income from
                                                      government grants, fees and charges etc.
  A cleaner, more considerate brent                   Net expenditure is the cost to the council
    ecyclables collected from                        after deducting this income.
   124,331 households
    2,148 illegally dumped waste
   incidents cleared
    6,085 road repairs fixed by injection
   patching programme

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Brent’s spending plans                                                                      Brent’s income and expenditure
                                           Gross Spend   Net Spend Gross Spend   Net Spend                      Income (£m)                                                  Expenditure (£m)
                                             2020-2021   2020-2021 2019-2020     2019-2020                                                                                 Chief
                                                    £m          £m          £m          £m                                                                                 Executive’s      Other
                                                                                                                       Fees and
                                                                                                                                                                           Department       budgets
                                                                                                      Housing          charges &                           Assistant Chief £16.5
                                                                                                      Rents £54.3      other income                                                         £22.3
  Community Wellbeing                            202.2       124.5       200.3       122.7                                                                 Executive’s
                                                                                                                       £164.3                                                                  Levies
  Council Housing                                 53.2                    54.3                                                                                                                 £2.9
  Children and Young People                       59.3        45.5        59.1        45.3                                                                     Resources
  Schools                                        215.1                   217.0                                                                                 £45.1

  Regeneration and Environment                    88.9        41.2        87.4        39.7
                                                                                                                                                                                        Community and
  Housing Benefit                                313.1                   341.0                                                                                                          Well-being            Council
                                                                                                                                                                                        £200.3                housing
  Customer and Digital Services                   40.1        21.5        38.6        20.0                                                                                                                    £58.5
                                                                                                 Council Tax              Housing
  Assistant Chief Executive's Department           9.2         7.5         9.1         7.5       Payers, £122.0          Housing
                                                                                                                          Benefit, £341.0                                                                     Children
  Chief Executive's Department                    16.8        15.8        16.5        15.6      Government               benefit                                       Housing                                and Young
                                                                                              specific grants            348.8m                                        benefit                                People
  Direct Services                                997.9       256.0     1,023.3       250.8           249.3m                                                            £341.0                                 £59.1
                                                                                                    Specific Grants,
                                                                                                    £251.0                                                                                     Schools
  Other Budgets                                   29.3        29.3        22.3        22.3                                                   Business                                          £217.0
  Total local services provided by Brent       1,027.2       285.3     1,045.6       273.1
                                                                                                                                                                                 Regeneration and
                                                                                                                                                                                 Environment £87.4
  Levies                                           4.5         4.5         2.9         2.9
  Brent's budget requirements                  1,031.7       289.8     1,048.5       276.0
                                                                                                                Income (£m)                                                  Expenditure (£m)
  Retained Business Rates                                   (122.4)                 (120.0)                                                                                   Chief
                                                                                                                                                                              Executive’s   Other
  Specific Grants                                            (39.3)                  (34.0)                            Fees and                                               Department    budgets
                                                                                                                                                           Assistant Chief    £16.8
                                                                                                      Housing          charges &                                                            £29.3
  Brent's council tax requirement                            128.1                   122.0            Rents £53.2      other income                                                             Levies
                                                                                                                       £160.6                                                                   £4.5
  Greater London Authority                                    32.4                    31.0

  Council Tax requirements                                   160.5                   153.0       Council                                                                                 Community and
                                                                                              tax payers                                                                                 Well-being            Council
                                                                                                 106.9m                                                                                  £202.2                housing
                                                                                                 Council Tax                                                           Housing                                 £53.2
                                                                                                                           Housing                                     Benefit
                                                                                                 Payers, £128.1           Housing
                                                                                                                           Benefit, £313.1                             Housing                                 Children
                                                                                                                                                                       348.8m                                  and Young
                                                                                                Government                Benefit                                      benefit
                                                                                              specific grants             348.8m                                       £313.1                                  People
                                                                                                     250.4m                                                                                  Schools           £59.3
                                                                                                     Specific Grants,                                                                        £215.1

                                                                                                                                                                               Regeneration and
                                                                                                                                                                               Environment £88.9

6                                                                                                                                                                            7
Spending by the Greater London Authority                                                              • tackling the climate emergency through       • making public transport more accessible
                                                                                                          the creation of a new £50 million Green         for everyone. By 2024 nearly 40 per cent
  Introduction                                       Council Tax (£)       2019-20 Change 2020-21         New Deal for London fund;                       of tube stations are expected to be step
  The Mayor of London’s budget for the 2020-         MOPAC                 242.13    10.00     252.13                                                     free. All new Elizabeth line stations will be
                                                                                                        • providing enough resources to the London
  21 financial year is built around his vision       (Metropolitan Police)                                                                                step free; and
                                                                                                          Fire Brigade (LFB) to ensure that first and
  of a city where nobody is left behind, and         LFC                    53.00      2.28     55.28
                                                     (London Fire Brigade)                                second fire engines arrive at emergency       • funding projects to bring Londoners
  opportunities are open to all. It supports
                                                     GLA                    23.38     -0.69     22.69     incidents, on average, within six and           together, promote arts, sports and culture
  London’s future growth and economic
                                                     TfL (Transport)         2.00     -0.03      1.97     eight minutes respectively. The Mayor           including honouring London’s host city
  success, building on our city’s thriving
                                                                                                          is also providing resources to rollout a        commitments for the UEFA 2020 football
  economy, extraordinary creativity, tolerance,      Total                 320.51    11.56     332.07
                                                                                                          transformation programme so that the            championships, help tackle inequality,
  diversity and openness to the world.
                                                     Investing in frontline services                      LFB can implement the recommendations           improve the environment, and boost
  This year’s budget will provide resources to       This budget will enable the Mayor to fulfil his      of the Grenfell fire inquiry. This includes     London’s economy. The Mayor is providing
  improve the key services Londoners need.           key priorities for London. These include:            investing in the new vehicles and               funding for around 1,000 cultural and
  This includes delivering more genuinely                                                                 equipment required;                             community events across London and for
  affordable homes, keeping transport fares as       • making transport more affordable. Single                                                          the planting of thousands more street
                                                       bus fares, single pay as you go fares on         • working with London boroughs to
  low as possible and tackling toxic air pollution                                                                                                        trees over the next year.
                                                       the Tube and DLR and Santander cycle hire          maintain existing concessionary travel and
  and the climate emergency. The budget
                                                       scheme charges have been frozen again              assisted door to door transport schemes.
  also provides resources to support jobs and                                                                                                           Summary of GLA budget
                                                       in 2020. This will save travellers around          This includes free 24 hour travel for the
  growth, help rough sleepers, invest in youth                                                                                                          The following tables compare the GLA
                                                       £40 million this year. The bus and tram            over 60s, the disabled, armed forces
  services and make London a fairer and                                                                                                                 group’s spending for 2020-21 with last year
                                                       one hour Hopper fare introduced by the             personnel in uniform and eligible war
  cleaner place to live. Moreover, it provides                                                                                                          and set out why it has changed. The GLA’s
                                                       current Mayor will also continue;                  veterans and protecting the Taxicard
  extra resources from council tax and business                                                                                                         gross expenditure is higher this year. This is
                                                                                                          and Dial a Ride schemes. Discounts
  rates for the Metropolitan Police and London       • continuing to tackle London’s housing                                                           mainly due to the impact of extra investment
                                                                                                          on travelcards are also available for
  Fire Brigade to keep Londoners safe. Over            crisis, using £4.8 billion of funding to                                                         planned by the Mayor in transport, policing,
  £100 million in additional funding is being          support starts of 116,000 new affordable                                                         adult education and the fire service as well
  provided by the Mayor to the police, for             homes by 2022;                                   • increasing capacity and introducing new      as additional business rates receipts being
  violence reduction initiatives and to improve                                                           trains on the London Underground and          paid over to the Government to support local
  opportunities for young Londoners. This            • ensuring the Metropolitan Police have the         working to complete the Elizabeth line        services elsewhere in England. Overall the
  will help offset the ongoing impact of the           resources they need to tackle violent crime        (formerly Crossrail), the Northern line       council tax requirement has increased because
  reductions in government funding over the            – the Mayor has funded 1,300 additional            extension to Battersea Power station and      of the extra funding for the Metropolitan
  last decade.                                         police officer posts from locally raised           the Overground extension to Barking           Police and the London Fire Brigade. There has
                                                       council tax and business rates revenues;           Riverside as soon as possible. The Mayor      also been a 1.6 per cent increase in London’s
  Council tax for GLA Services                       • tackling the underlying causes of crime,          will also maintain the Night Tube and         residential property taxbase. Find out more
  The GLA’s share of the council tax for a             with £25 million of extra funding to               Night Overground services;                    about our budget at:
  typical Band D property has been increased           support disadvantaged young Londoners                                                            budget (tel: 020 7983 4000).
                                                                                                        • investing £2.3 billion in Healthy Streets
  by £11.56 (or 22p per week) to £332.07.              access positive opportunities and                  by 2024 to fund projects to enable more
  The additional income raised will fund the           constructive activities that allow them to         walking and cycling across London. The
  Metropolitan Police and the London Fire              make the most of their potential as well           Mayor will also expand the Ultra Low
  Brigade. Council taxpayers in the City of            as providing £34 million extra for new             Emission Zone to the North and South
  London, which has its own police force, will         violence reduction initiatives;                    Circular roads in autumn 2021 to tackle
  pay £79.94.
                                                     • protecting vulnerable children and women          local air pollution;
                                                       at risk of abuse and domestic violence;

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How the GLA’s budget is funded
   (£ million)
                                      2020-21    Further information
   Gross expenditure                  13,365.9   Valuation bands                                  Levies
   Government grants and retained     -5,486.6   How much you pay will depend upon which          Some of the money the council receives
   business rates
                                                 council tax band your property is in.            each year is paid out to other public bodies
   Fares, charges and other income    -6,787.3
                                                 There are eight bands, these reflect the         as levies. These amounts are shown in the
   Use of reserves                       -81.1
                                                 market value of your property as at              table below:
   Amount met by council               1,010.9
   taxpayers (£m)                                1 April 1991. The bands and charges for            2020-21
                                                 2020-21 are shown below:                         		£m
   Changes in spending                2020-21
   (£ million)                                   Property   Value of                              Lee Valley Regional Park                   0.2
                                                 Band       property(£)
   2019-20 council tax requirement       960.6                                                    London Pensions Fund Authority             0.3
                                                 A          Up to £40,000
   Inflation                             244.8
                                                 B          £40,001 to 52,000                     Environment Agency                         0.2
   Efficiencies and other savings       -150.8
                                                 C          £52,001 to 68,000                     West London Waste Authority                3.7
   New initiatives                       512.1
                                                 D          £68,001 to 88,000
   Other changes (for example fares     -555.8
   revenue and government grants)                E          £88,001 to 120,000                    TOTAL                                      4.4
   Amount met by                       1,010.9   F          £120,001 to 160,000
   council taxpayers (£m)                        G          £160,001 to 320,000                   Changes in spending
                                                 H          £320,001 and over                     Changes in spending are summarised
                                                                                                  in the table below:
                                                 How we work out the amount of                    Changes in Spending                        £m
                                                 Council Tax you pay                              2019-20 Council tax requirement         122.0
                                                 Brent Council set its Council Tax for            add cost pressures                       13.0
                                                 2020/21 as in the table below:                   less increase in Government Grants       -7.7
                                                                                                  less service area savings                -7.4
                                                                                                  other central adjustments                 8.2
                                                 Property   Brent element    Total including
                                                 Band       of Council Tax   the GLA’s share of
                                                                             Council Tax          2020-21 Council tax requirement         128.1
                                                 A          £875.16          £1,096.54
                                                 B          £1021.02         £1,279.30            You can contact the Valuation Office Agency
                                                 C          £1,166.88        £1,462.05            (VOA) if you have any enquiries about your
                                                 D          £1,312.74        £1,644.81            Council Tax band or business rates valuation:
                                                 E          £1,604.46        £2,010.32
                                                 F          £1,896.18        £2,375.84
                                                 G          £2,187.90        £2,741.35            03000 501501
                                                 H          £2,625.48        £3,289.62
                                                                                                  For queries about your Council Tax or
                                                 The charges for Brent are added to those         business rates bills, please visit
                                                 for GLA to provide a total.            

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