What to Look for in a Content Delivery Network - BUYER'S GUIDE

Page created by Terry Anderson
                What to Look
                for in a Content
                Delivery Network
                CDNs offer more features than ever before,
                which means researching before you buy
                is a must. Here’s what you need to consider.
                BY BOB VIOLINO

  What to Look for
in a Content Delivery
                        What to Look for in a Content Delivery Network

                        As enterprises generate,            pages and other types of content       the number of content provid-
                        share and store ever-growing        such as video to users based on        ers increased. Several providers
                        volumes of digital content, the     their geographic location; this        have launched CDN services
                        market for content delivery         minimizes latency and eases            since 2008, many serving niche
                        network technologies and ser-       the traffic load on the cus-           markets. CDN providers now use
                        vices is growing faster than ever   tomer’s network. CDN services          a variety of features and cloud
                        before. Businesses of all sizes     are designed to speed content          services including software as a
                        that need to serve content from     delivery, particularly for web-        service (SaaS) and infrastructure
                        a mix of on-premises and cloud      sites with a high volume of traf-      as a service (IaaS).
                        locations can now not only dis-     fic and a global reach. The closer        Business adoption of CDNs
                        tribute it close to the user but    the CDN server is to a user, the       in a variety of market seg-
                        also add on a mix of value-added    faster the content will be deliv-      ments will continue to acceler-
                        service options.                    ered. Content delivery networks        ate because major vendors are
                                                            can also provide protection            building cost-effective prod-
                                                            against large traffic surges.          ucts and services that can help
                        CONTENT DELIVERY                       The first CDNs were devel-          customers optimize the per-
                        NETWORKS EXPLAINED                  oped in the 1990s to address           formance of their Web pages
                        Content delivery networks, or       the pressure on bandwidth that         and other content. According
                        CDNs, are systems of distrib-       arose as the demand for audio          to a 2015 report by research
                        uted servers that deliver Web       and video streaming grew and           firm MarketsandMarkets, the

            2                          EXPLAINED               HOW IT WORKS                 FEATURES                 THE BOTTOM LINE
                        global CDN market is expected       streaming), and Web and mobile        Why do you need a content
  What to Look for
in a Content Delivery   to grow from $4.95 billion in       content acceleration. In addi-        delivery network?
                        2015 to $15.73 billion in 2020 at   tion, they offer transparent          So why are more enterprises
                        a compound annual growth rate       caching, front-end optimization,      using CDNs? These services
                        (CAGR) of 26%.                      and services to measure CDN           help organizations manage and
                          MarketsandMarkets catego-         performance, load balancing,          deliver content of all types to
                        rizes the CDN market in terms       analytics and cloud intelligence.     employees, customers, business
                        of the features that providers         CDN service providers in           partners and Internet users in
                        offer. These include Web per-       the market include traditional        general.
                        formance optimization, media        players such as Akamai, cloud-          Demand for fast, secure con-
                        delivery, cloud storage, data       based CDNs like Limelight Net-        tent delivery is on the rise for a
                        security, transparent caching,      works, telecom-owned CDNs             number of reasons, including the
                        transcoding and digital rights      like Verizon EdgeCast and Level       growing use of mobile devices,
                        management, and analytics and       3 Communications, and other           increasing online collaboration
                        monitoring.                         niche CDN companies such as           and the availability of cloud ser-
                                                            Denver-based Fastly, which spe-       vices to support content deliv-
                                                            cializes in serving fast-changing     ery. Content delivery networks
                        HOW CONTENT DELIVERY                content like online store inven-      account for a growing share
                        NETWORKS WORK                       tory in real time. Beyond getting     of Internet content delivery,
                        CDN value-added services now        content closer to users, these        including live and on-demand
                        include monitoring, encoding,       providers have introduced prod-       streaming media, text, docu-
                        caching, digital rights manage-     ucts designed to help custom-         ments, graphics, media files and
                        ment, content management            ers deliver high-quality content      applications.
                        software systems, online video      to users as well as analyze and         Business users and consumers
                        platforms (including video          monitor its performance.              expect content to be available

            3                          EXPLAINED               HOW IT WORKS                FEATURES                  THE BOTTOM LINE
                        quickly and securely, regard-        consumes much more network            location as possible, the CDN
  What to Look for
in a Content Delivery   less of the device they are          bandwidth than static Web             products and services most in
                        using, said Mark Grannan, an         pages.                                demand now include instant
                        application development and            While CDN use can be valu-          configuration using self-service
                        delivery analyst at Forrester        able to any business, verti-          tools. “Cloud platforms like
                        Research, based in Cambridge,        cal markets that lead CDN use         AWS [Amazon Web Services]
                        Mass. “Performance on mobile         include advertising, media and        have dramatically shifted devel-
                        devices and mobile networks is       entertainment, online gaming,         oper expectations,” Grannan
                        often abysmal, and when that         e-commerce, Internet service          said. With cloud-based services
                        happens, conversion rates and        providers, government, health-        from vendors like Fastly and
                        even brand reputations suf-          care, education, hospitality and      MaxCDN, companies can deploy
                        fer,” Grannan said. At the same      automotive.                           to their production environ-
                        time, he added, there’s a “vora-                                           ments and content becomes
                        cious consumer appetite for                                                global almost immediately.
                        digital content. Even traditional    CDN FEATURES                            These vendors are actively
                        CDN vendors are experiencing         AND SERVICE OPTIONS                   redefining the ability to cache
                        growth based on their ability to     Organizations can choose from         content. The tools that help
                        deliver large files [like software   a range of CDN vendors and            developers move at their own
                        updates] or streaming video.”        value-added services to meet          pace and pipe data and logic into
                          The huge growth of video and       their specific needs.                 their own systems and processes
                        over-the-top content traveling          While the main mission of          are a big area of opportunity
                        over the Internet is contribut-      CDN services is still to deliver      for mature CDN vendors like
                        ing to the evolution of CDNs.        Web pages and other types             Akamai and Limelight, Grannan
                        This content, including video on     of content like video to users        said.
                        demand and live broadcasting,        as close to their geographic            Security features that protect

            4                          EXPLAINED                HOW IT WORKS                FEATURES                 THE BOTTOM LINE
                        content delivery networks from          cloud service providers deliver.      though that also makes the deci-
  What to Look for
in a Content Delivery   attacks like denial of service are         The integration of Web and         sion about how to build a CDN
                        in high demand. CDN vendors             video content for services like       deployment strategy more dif-
                        are scrambling to address this          e-commerce and digital market-        ficult. Enterprises should con-
                        market, according to Grannan.           ing are also having an impact         sider a number of factors when
                        Companies like Akamai, Cloud-           on the CDN vendor ecosystem,          selecting CDN technology and
                        Flare and Incapsula are among           using DevOps service agil-            service vendors, including basics
                        the leaders in the CDN security         ity. Increasingly, CDN services       like how much experience the
                        market, he said.                        will be embedded in all types of      vendor has, cost, the types of
                          Enterprises looking to deploy         enterprise applications, includ-      support and maintenance pro-
                        CDNs need to understand that            ing mobile apps.                      vided, and the financial stability
                        the vendor market is growing               A directory of vendors that        of the vendor.
                        and changing. The emergence             Dan Rayburn, executive vice              Companies should demand
                        of the cloud and mobile devices         president of StreamingMedia.          simplified tools, contractual
                        are key factors in the changes.         com, maintains consists of sev-       terms and pricing, Grannan
                        For example, some cloud service         eral dozen CDN technology             said. “Cloud delivery should
                        providers like AWS have become          providers whose products and          itself carry SaaS-like transpar-
                        CDN vendors, and CDN compa-             services include Web and mobile       ency and flexibility. Most ven-
                        nies like CloudFlare are provid-        content acceleration, video           dors are making big investments
                        ing some of the functions that          streaming, software downloads,        to pivot to this new model, but
                                                                transparent caching, front-end        you should ask for reference
                                                                optimization and CDN perfor-          customers and milestone dates
                          STAY CONNECTED!                       mance measurement.                    [for the completion of project
                              Follow @SearchNetworking today.      The presence of so many CDN        stages] that will enable an easier
                                                                providers offers a lot of choices,    working relationship.”

            5                            EXPLAINED                 HOW IT WORKS                FEATURES                  THE BOTTOM LINE
                        THE BOTTOM LINE                     about what they need. These            the ongoing growth of online
  What to Look for
in a Content Delivery   When looking for CDN services,      include looking at geographic          content and the potential value
                        enterprises should also ask         coverage requirements, access          this content can deliver to orga-
                        what’s on the roadmap in terms      for mobile users and security          nizations, how they execute
                        of future offerings. New ser-       services. When looking for             CDN strategy could have a huge
                        vices like HTTP/2 support, Web      a CDN provider, enterprises            impact on the success of the
                        application firewalls and image     should look at a provider’s verti-     business. n
                        optimization are CDN capabili-      cal market expertise, ask about
                        ties that businesses should be      conducting a trial with a CDN
                                                                                                   BOB VIOLINO is a technology and business
                        looking for, Grannan said. Busi-    provider, and determine whether
                                                                                                   freelance writer covering the latest trends in
                        nesses should also ask when         their business needs perfor-
                                                                                                   the market, including cloud services, mobile
                        new offerings are rolling out and   mance and security together.           technology, social media, big data/analytics
                        how they map to the company’s       It all depends on what services        and the Internet of Things. He also writes
                        broader development and deliv-      companies want to enable and           on information security, enterprise appli-
                        ery roadmap.                        how they’ll work in concert.           cations, software-defined networking, IT
                                                                                                   management and career issues, radio fre-
                           Before buying CDN products          The answers will help com-          quency identification, data storage, server
                        and services, enterprises have to   panies select the best CDN             and desktop virtualization, open source
                        ask themselves tough questions      providers and services. With           and outsourcing.

            6                          EXPLAINED               HOW IT WORKS                 FEATURES                         THE BOTTOM LINE
This Buyer’s Essentials Guide, What to Look for in a Content Delivery Network,
                                                   is a SearchNetworking.com e-publication.

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