Broadband Communities recognizes 100 outstanding providers that MDU property owners rely on to provide technology amenities to their residents.

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Broadband Communities recognizes 100 outstanding providers that MDU property owners rely on to provide technology amenities to their residents.
Broadband Communities recognizes 100 outstanding providers that MDU
property owners rely on to provide technology amenities to their residents.
A BBC Staff Report

    n this issue focusing on multiple-         designed solely to improve owners’ op-      owners, and others sell products and
    dwelling-unit (MDU) technology,            erational efficiency, such as lease man-    services to their providers, such as pri-
    Broadband Communities presents             agement systems, property management        vate cable operators. However, whether
the first Top 100 list dedicated to com-       systems and asset management systems.       property owners deal directly or indi-
panies that serve the MDU market.                  Included on the list are companies      rectly with these companies, they all
    Though this magazine devotes much          that do one or more of the following:       provide solutions that property owners
of its coverage to fiber to the home and       • Sell video, Internet, telephone and       should be aware of.
believes FTTH is the end game for both           related services to residents of multi-
multifamily and single-family broad-                                                       Criteria and Selection Process
                                                 family properties, either individually
band, FTTH is clearly not the only im-                                                     To select the Top 100 MDU technology
                                                 or in bulk, through agreements with
portant technology trend in MDUs to-                                                       providers, Broadband Communities
                                                 property owners
day. Property owners follow a variety of                                                   relied on a panel of industry experts that
                                               • Design, build or manage broadband
paths as they scramble to keep up with           networks in multifamily properties        included property owners, consultants
residents’ insatiable demands for band-          on behalf of property owners or ser-      and analysts. However, because experts
width, convenience and mobility. The             vice providers                            don’t always agree and because changes
demographics of MDU communities,               • Offer expertise to property owners        were taking place in the industry as this
their construction, their existing infra-        or service providers about the legal,     feature was researched and prepared, the
structure and many other factors influ-          financial and marketing aspects of        magazine’s editors made the final selec-
ence owners’ choices and timelines for           delivering broadband                      tions.
technology upgrades.                           • Provide equipment for wired broad-            In addition to operating in the U.S.
    Accordingly, this list is more tech-         band networks                             market, criteria included the following:
nology-neutral than the FTTH Top               • Provide equipment for video head-         • Provision of products or services that
100 list. A property owner whose most            ends and video distribution                 help property owners create technol-
urgent priority is improving indoor cel-       • Provide equipment for wireless              ogy amenities to attract and retain
lular coverage, getting satellite dishes off     broadband (either cellular or Wi-Fi)        residents.
balconies or adding more high-defini-          • Provide back-office software or ser-            The technology amenities that
tion stations to a TV channel lineup can         vices for subscriber management,            attract and retain residents vary
find resources here.                             customer care, billing and related          depending on the residents to be
    However, multifamily technology is           functions                                   attracted and retained. Some de-
so varied that, inevitably, the list could     • Offer solutions for MDU technology          mographics are looking for blazing
not address it all. We focused on tech-          amenities beyond the triple play.           Internet speeds, over-the-top video
nologies that make properties more at-            Some of these companies sell prod-         solutions and ubiquitous wireless
tractive to residents, omitting solutions      ucts and services directly to property        coverage; others are more impressed

40    | BROADBAND COMMUNITIES | | October 2012
Broadband Communities recognizes 100 outstanding providers that MDU property owners rely on to provide technology amenities to their residents.
MDU Technology Providers
                                                                                                                                   panel members based on firsthand
              MDU TOP 100 AT A GLANCE                                                                                              knowledge or may have been sub-
                                                                                                                                   jects of case studies in this magazine
Alphabetical List and Summary Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  | 42                                     or elsewhere.
                                                                                                                                 • Identification of MDUs as a target
Service Providers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  | 44
Design/Engineering/Installation/Service Management. . . . . . . . . . . . .  | 46                                                      Many technology solutions are
Other Consulting/Contract Negotiation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  | 48                               frequently used in MDUs but are
Equipment – Wired Broadband. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  | 50                       not specifically marketed to or for
                                                                                                                                   them. For example, cable set-top
Equipment – Video Headend, Video Distribution and Related. . . . . .  | 54
                                                                                                                                   boxes are found throughout MDUs
Equipment – Wireless Broadband. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  | 56                          everywhere, but they cannot be spe-
Back-Office Software and Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  | 58                         cifically classified as MDU products.
Broadband Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  | 60              Though only a minority of the com-
                                                                                                                                   panies on this list focus entirely on
Companies to Watch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  | 61
                                                                                                                                   the MDU market, for the most part
                                                                                                                                   they have sales divisions or special-
 by “green” solutions; still others want                            tions that can be tailored to the needs                        ized offerings that address this mar-
 specialized channel lineups or the op-                             of a particular community.                                     ket and understand its needs.
 tion of health-monitoring solutions.                             • A history of innovation and suc­cess­
 Of the companies on this list, some                                ful deployments.                                             To nominate your company or a tech-
 offer services targeted to a specific                                  Companies on the list may have                            nology partner for next year’s list,
 niche, and others offer flexible solu-                             been recommended by advisory                                    write to

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                                                      October 2012 | | BROADBAND COMMUNITIES |                                         41
Broadband Communities recognizes 100 outstanding providers that MDU property owners rely on to provide technology amenities to their residents.
MDU Technology Providers

                                 Top 100 MDU Technology
                                    Providers for 2012

 3M Company/Communication Markets Division           Ingersoll-Rand
 Access Media 3                                      Inspire WiFi
 ADTRAN                                              KABA
 Advanced Media Technologies                         Korcett Holdings
 Advanced Multimedia                                 Legrand
 AFL                                                 Leviton Manufacturing
 Airwave Networks                                    Mac-Gray
 Alcatel-Lucent                                      Mesh Networks
 Allied Telesis                                      Mobilitie
 Arris                                               Momentum Telecom
 AT&T, AT&T Connected Communities                    Multiband
 ATX Networks                                        Multicom
 Aurora Networks                                     Multilink
 Axell Wireless                                      National Wi-Fi
 Bandwidth Consulting                                North American Cable Equipment
 Blonder Tongue Laboratories                         NorthStar Telesolutions
 Blue Top Communications                             OFS
 Bright House Networks                               Pace International
 Broadband Planning                                  Pavlov Media
 Cablevision Systems Corporation                     PDI-SAT
 Calix                                               Pico Digital
 Campus Technologies
                                                     Power & Tel
 Campus Televideo
                                                     Quanta Services
 Carl Kandutsch Law Office
                                                     RCN Corp
 Cautela Solutions
 CenturyLink, CenturyLink MDU Solutions
                                                     RealtyCom Partners
 Charles Industries
                                                     Ruckus Wireless
 Charter Communications
 Cielo Systems
 Clearfield                                          SpeedCast Connect
 Comcast Corporation                                 Spot On Networks
 CommScope                                           Suddenlink Communications
 Control4                                            Sumitomo Electric Lightwave
 Corning, Corning Cable Systems                      Suttle
 Cox Communications                                  TDS Telecommunications
 Davis, Craig & Taylor                               TE Connectivity
 DirecPath                                           The Broadband Group
 DIRECTV                                             Time Warner Cable/TWC Community Solutions
 DISH Network                                        Toner Cable
 Display Systems International                       Ubiquiti
 EnGenius Technologies                               Verizon Communications,
 eVgo                                                   Verizon Enhanced Communities
 Foxcom                                              ViewTEQ
 Gray Robinson                                       Walker and Associates
 Graybar                                             Wi-Ex
 Great Lakes Data Systems                            Wilson Electronics
 Healthsense                                         Windstream Communications
 Hotwire Communications                              WOW!
 Hubacher & Ames                                     ZCorum
 IBBS                                                ZeeVee
 InfiniSys Electronic Architects                     Zhone Technologies

42   | BROADBAND COMMUNITIES | | October 2012
Broadband Communities recognizes 100 outstanding providers that MDU property owners rely on to provide technology amenities to their residents.
MDU Technology Providers
3M Company/Communication Markets Division                           Alcatel-Lucent                                        

3M specializes in fast and easy connectivity for in-building        Alcatel-Lucent is a worldwide leader in wired and wireless
fiber, copper and coax networks – everything from building          broadband access equipment, IPTV and IP video solutions,
entrance terminals to frames to pathways and connectors.            connectivity hardware and other categories of communications
Access Media 3                                                      Allied Telesis
This private cable operator offers bulk DIRECTV program-  
ming, wired and wireless Internet and voice services in the         Allied Telesis offers solutions for service provider and enter-
Midwest and Southeast. The company has grown rapidly
                                                                    prise networks that include IP/Ethernet-based core, access and
through acquisitions and organic growth based on a strategy
                                                                    customer-premises products as well as technology to support
of combining economies of scale with customization flexibility.
                                                                    IPTV and over-the-top video applications.

ADTRAN                                                      Arris
ADTRAN is a supplier of IP/Ethernet-based products that are
used throughout the global communications infrastructure,           Arris supplies broadband tools and platforms to deliver reliable
both wireline and wireless.                                         telephony, demand-driven video, next-generation advertising
                                                                    and high-speed data services.

Advanced Media Technologies                                                         AT&T, AT&T Connected Communities
AMT is a value-added reseller with a complete line of FTTH,
IPTV and CATV products. It specializes in prebuilt head-            AT&T Connected Communities is the division of AT&T that
ends that range from small DSS systems to fully digital, high-      works with builders, developers, real estate investment trusts,
definition headends.                                                 multifamily owners and managers and homeowner associa-
                                                                    tions to provide high-speed Internet, voice, video and home
Advanced Multimedia                                                 automation services.
                                                                    ATX Networks
Advanced Multimedia provides consulting services to MDU
developers, owners and managers. Services include negotiating
agreements with service providers to improve video, data and        ATX Networks is a supplier of products that enable cable TV
telephone revenue.                                                  operators to support digital TV transition, video on demand,
                                                                    digital voice, high-speed data and digital video solutions.
                                                                    Aurora Networks
AFL manufactures and distributes a wide range of network  
equipment; plans, designs, implements and maintains com-
munications networks for MDU and master-planned commu-              Aurora is an access equipment supplier that specializes in help-
nities and a variety of service providers; and serves as a master   ing operators evolve to support next-generation services. Tra-
system operator for DIRECTV.                                        ditionally focused on cable operators, Aurora broadened its
                                                                    portfolio with the recent acquisition of the Trident7 FTTH
                                                                    line from Enablence.
Airwave Networks
                                                                    Axell Wireless
Airwave is a private cable operator that specializes in student
housing. It serves more than 45,000 student housing beds in
29 states with video, wired and wireless Internet, phone and        Axell supplies distributed antenna systems (DAS) and wireless
surveillance.                                                       coverage products for cellular and public-safety applications.

                                      October 2012 | | BROADBAND COMMUNITIES |                    43
Broadband Communities recognizes 100 outstanding providers that MDU property owners rely on to provide technology amenities to their residents.
MDU Technology Providers

                                                 Service Providers
 Service providers sell voice, video and Internet services (or some combination of these) to residents of MDU properties, either
 individually or as bulk services. Service delivery may be based on cable, satellite, telephone, fiber optic or wireless networks or
 some combination. Featured products and services listed in this category are above and beyond basic residential voice, video and
 Internet offerings.

  Company                      Featured Products/Services                         Recent News
  Access Media 3               Dedicated customer relationship manager as a       Access Media 3 executes an asset purchase
                               single point of contact for property managers      agreement with MDU Communications Inc.,
                               and building owners; centralized call center for   expanding its market share in Florida, Illinois
                               residents.                                         and Georgia. It is gaining more than 3,100
                                                                                  subscribers with an anticipated transfer of an
                                                                                  additional 4,800 subscribers by the end of 2012.
  AFL                          As a DIRECTV system operator, AFL helps
                               property owners offer triple-play services as a
                               showcase amenity.
  Airwave Networks             Customizable video services, camera
                               surveillance and access control systems, on-site
  AT&T Connected               Multiroom DVR; TV Everywhere services;             AT&T will offer U-verse services over an
  Communities                  Wi-Fi in common areas; home technology             FTTP network to the residents of Sudberry
                               installation and remote support for resident       Properties’ Civita, a large master-planned,
                               devices.                                           mixed-use community in San Diego.
  Blue Top Communications
  Bright House Networks        Custom entertainment and communications
                               packages; construction project manager
                               and account manager; common-area Wi-Fi;
                               community and gate access channels.
  Cablevision Systems          TV Everywhere services; Quick View                 Cablevision subsidiary OMGFAST launches
  Corporation                  customized channel guide.                          wireless Internet and phone services in South
                                                                                  Florida using MVDDS technology.
  Campus Technologies          100 Mbps to the bed Internet access with
                               no limits, device registration or bandwidth
                               throttling (available only in some student
                               housing communities).
  Campus Televideo             Customized and flexible channel lineups; bulk
                               billing based on occupied units rather than
                               total units.
  CenturyLink, CenturyLink     Fiber Lit technology, tailored solutions,          CenturyLink launches TV Everywhere with HBO
  MDU Solutions                managed security services, Wi-Fi in units and      GO and MAX GO; introduces Internet apps on
                               common areas.                                      TV that include weather, sports and Facebook.
  Charter Communications       Cloud Drive automatic backup and storage; TV
                               Everywhere services.
  Comcast Corporation          TV Everywhere services; DVR manager; TV apps;      In the northeastern region, Comcast launches
                               whole-home DVR and whole-home video on             Extreme 305 service and the new Xfinity
                               demand; HD video calling on TV via Skype; total    Wireless Gateway to deliver 305 Mbps/65 Mbps
                               home security and home control solution.           Internet speeds and 155 Mbps Wi-Fi.
  Cox Communications           Customized solutions tailored to specific          Cox Communications offers home security
                               communities and their budgets; fast decision       services that feature intrusion monitoring,
                               making because each local market operates as       remote access via a secure online site or
                               a separate business unit.                          smartphone app, email and text alerts, safety
                                                                                  sensors, video monitoring and control of home
                                                                                  functions such as lighting and temperature.
  DirecPath                    Dedicated account managers and technicians;
                               dish removal campaigns; common-area
                               wireless; whole-property audiovisual
                               amenities; security and access control systems.

44   | BROADBAND COMMUNITIES | | October 2012
MDU Technology Providers

Company                   Featured Products/Services                          Recent News
DIRECTV                   Whole-home DVR; TV Everywhere services;             DIRECTV offers live programming through its
                          media share from PC to TV; bulk service             own iPad App, live streamed inside or outside
                          options.                                            customers’ homes. Smartphone apps will
                                                                              follow this fall.
DISH Network              Whole-home DVR; TV Everywhere services;             DISH Launches dishNET Broadband, bringing
                          Blockbuster @Home library; bulk service             next-generation satellite-based Internet to
                          options.                                            rural areas.
Hotwire Communications    Data speeds to 100 Mbps over fiber optic            Hotwire wins bids to become the provider for
                          networks; IP security and surveillance systems;     a large number of communities left without
                          TV solutions tailored for the community.            service providers after Connexion and its
                                                                              affiliated companies filed for bankruptcy.
Multiband                 TV Everywhere services; common-area wireless        Multiband enters into an agreement to acquire
                          solutions; bulk service offerings.                  private cable operator MDU Communications.
National Wi-Fi
Pavlov Media              Pavlov’s Tesseractiv solution hosts the Web’s       Pavlov Media announces that its new Pavlov
                          most popular content and delivers it to end         Connect 3.0 integrated provisioning and billing
                          users at transport speeds up to 1 Gbps.             platform has cut support inquiries by more
                                                                              than 45 percent on upgraded sites.
RCN Corp                  Internet speeds up to 75 Mbps; whole-home           Customers subscribing to RCN’s Internet
                          DVR; TV Everywhere services.                        service in the Philadelphia area are upgraded
                                                                              to 40 Mbps as a standard minimum.
SeniorTV                  Community channel for resident messaging;
                          accessibility hardware such as hospital-grade
                          TVs, remotes and iPad mounts; customized
                          therapy programming for memory loss.
SpeedCast Connect         Bulk service options; common-area wireless;
                          services tailored to individual communities.
Spot On Networks          UserSafe technology ensures that no user can        Spot On Networks launches WiFiPlus+, which
                          view or access another user’s Wi-Fi–enabled         combines managed, monitored Wi-Fi networks
                          device; Smart Building technology enables           with wireless energy management, building
                          energy management and building automation           automation and security monitoring, allowing
                          and control.                                        multifamily, hospitality and commercial
                                                                              building owners to implement energy
                                                                              management and controls without the
                                                                              expense of wiring.
Suddenlink                Wireless home networking; whole-home DVR;           Suddenlink offers TV Everywhere as part of
Communications            home security services; TV Everywhere services.     bulk services in student housing communities.
TDS Telecommunications    TV Everywhere services.
Time Warner Cable/TWC     Whole-home DVR; TV Everywhere services;             Time Warner Cable and Viacom partner to
Community Solutions       SignatureHome premium services.                     provide TV Everywhere, bringing live TV
                                                                              to computers, iOS and Android devices in
                                                                              customers’ homes and on-demand content
                                                                              available via the Web from anywhere.
Verizon Communications,   Fiber optic services that include Internet access   Verizon announces FiOS Quantum Internet
Verizon Enhanced          at speeds up to 300 Mbps/65 Mbps; whole-            tiers with download/upload speeds of 50/25,
Communities               home DVR; Verizon Concierge, a community            75/35, 150/65 and 300/65 Mbps and increased
                          management platform; and home monitoring            flexibility for consumers to order personalized
                          and control.                                        bundles.
Windstream                Online backup service; over-the-top, Roku-          Windstream announces Merge, a high-speed
Communications            based video service.                                Internet and streaming entertainment service
                                                                              that allows high-speed access to Internet
                                                                              programming directly to a TV.
WOW!                      Whole-home DVR; wireless access to PC-based         WOW! Internet, Cable and Phone introduces
                          content on the TV.                                  Ultra TV, a next-generation multiservices
                                                                              platform that includes a whole-home HD DVR
                                                                              and Emmy award–winning Smart Menu.

                                October 2012 | | BROADBAND COMMUNITIES |                           45
MDU Technology Providers

        Design, Engineering, Installation and Service Management
 These companies perform many of the same functions in MDUs that service providers perform (some of them are service pro-
 viders in other MDUs), but they contract with MDU property owners or with service providers rather than dealing directly with

  Company                    Featured Products or Services                         Recent News
  Advanced Media             Assistance with standardizing and refreshing
  Technologies               technologies, upgrading service offerings,
                             re-engineering facilities, and designing and
                             launching new systems for CATV, IPTV, SMATV
                             or hybrid video systems.
  AFL                        Design and installation of structured cabling;
                             design, installation and maintenance of in-
                             building distributed antenna systems; FTTH
                             cost modeling and bill-of-materials creation;
                             integration of FTTH electronics, video solutions
                             and passive infrastructure.
  Broadband Planning         Construction management; design
                             specifications for outlet placement, distribution
                             systems routing, equipment room location and
                             conduit placement.
  Campus Technologies        Low-voltage specification and design; network
                             design and implementation; technology due
                             diligence and site survey; network operations,
                             monitoring, management and troubleshooting;
                             help desk; wireless overlay; rescue and rehab of
                             problem Internet infrastructure and services at
                             student housing properties.
  Cautela Solutions          Fiber splicing; design and implementation of
                             wired and wireless networks and structured
                             cabling systems; network installation, testing,
                             and maintenance.
  Cielo Systems              Needs evaluation; site surveys; path analysis;
                             financial analysis; RF interference; network
                             design and management.
  InfiniSys Electronic       Plans for building communications rooms; scope        InfiniSys Electronic Architects introduces the
  Architects                 of work for installation of cabling infrastructure;   NetworkedCottage system, featuring a fiber-
                             layout of design for equipment, cabling and           based system for each cottage along with
                             connection panels; technology designs for             in-home networks, Wi-Fi access, access control,
                             common areas, integrated access control               security systems and more.
                             systems, Wi-Fi hotspots, propertywide wireless
                             networks, cellular network boosters and
                             distributed antenna systems.
  Inspire WiFi               Installation of wireless networks throughout          Reside Living expands its WiFi Program,
                             public spaces and common areas of multifamily         powered by Inspire WiFi, with the addition of
                             communities; assistance in marketing to and           Wi-Fi to two new Chicago properties, Reside on
                             connecting residents; technical support;              Irving Park and Reside on Irving Courts.
                             monitoring and maintenance.
  Korcett Holdings           Network design, engineering and operation;
                             bandwidth management; technical support.
  Mobilitie                  Financing, design, building, operation and       Mobilitie provides 4G wireless coverage to
                             management of in-building distributed antenna both the Republican and Democratic National
                             systems, including provision of state-of-the-art Conventions.
                             technology and vendor-agnostic solutions.
  Pace International         Design of video delivery systems for satellite
                             master antenna TV, L-Band multiswitch
                             systems, QAM, QAM/SMATV hybrid and fiber to
                             the premises, curb or home.

46   | BROADBAND COMMUNITIES | | October 2012
MDU Technology Providers

    Company                     Featured Products or Services                      Recent News
    PDI-SAT                     Implemention of DIRECTV satellite service,
                                including design and construction of the
                                headend and distribution system, installation
                                of unit wiring, assistance in developing the
                                channel lineup, and technical support.
    Quanta Services             Design of FTTH networks in MDUs;
                                construction; evaluation and selection of
                                components; engineering, furnish and install
                                services; riser installation and pathway
                                construction; wiring; customer-premises
    RealPage                    Evaluation of existing residential technologies;
                                planning, design and project management of
                                new MDU technology builds.
    The Broadband Group         Operational and financial strategies for           TBG will lead technology planning for
                                network design; development of low-voltage         MeadWestvaco’s 72,000-acre new communities
                                structured wiring guidelines; content access       in Charleston, S.C. At the Brambleton master-
                                agreements; community intranet planning.           planned community in northern Virginia,
                                                                                   TBG is advancing the broadband agenda by
                                                                                   introducing home control, security, distance
                                                                                   learning and telemedicine services.
    ZCorum                      Engineering; hardware selection; network
                                monitoring, broadband diagnostics.

Bandwidth Consulting                                                  million customers in Alabama, California, Florida, Indiana                                        and Michigan with video, high-speed data and voice services.

Founded by a former private cable operator, this consulting
firm offers strategic marketing and operational advice to both        Broadband Consulting (dba Broadband Planning)
multifamily owners and technology providers in the multifam-
ily broadband space.
                                                                      Broadband Planning is a consulting firm that helps multifam-
                                                                      ily owners and service providers deploy the right broadband
Blonder Tongue Laboratories                                           services for each community.

Serving the cable, broadcast, satellite, IPTV, institutional and      Cablevision Systems Corporation
professional video markets with solutions for content contri-
bution, distribution and video delivery, this company supplies
digital video solutions, core analog video and high-speed data        Cablevision offers advanced digital television, voice and high-
solutions for distribution over coax, fiber and IP networks.          speed Internet services to millions of households and business-
                                                                      es in the New York metropolitan area and, through a recent
                                                                      acquisition, in four western states.
Blue Top Communications
Blue Top provides video, Internet access and structured wir-
ing solutions in the multifamily, hospitality and professional
office space markets. It specializes in serving property owners       Calix supplies fiber and copper access solutions to 18 of the
that want a high degree of ownership and control over their           top 20 U.S. ILECs, many top MSOs and about 1,000 smaller
networks and services.                                                providers. Its software solutions help providers analyze, man-
                                                                      age and plan network usage and capacity.
Bright House Networks                                                   Campus Technologies
The sixth-largest owner and operator of cable systems in the
United States, Bright House Networks serves more than 2.4             With more than 10 years of dedicated student housing technol-

                                     October 2012 | | BROADBAND COMMUNITIES |                         47
MDU Technology Providers

              Other Consulting AND Contract Negotiation SERVICES
  These companies, which overlap with those in the design and engineering category, offer consultation to property owners or
  service providers on the legal, financial and marketing aspects of offering technology services in MDUs.

   Company                     Featured Products or Services
   Advanced Multimedia
   Bandwidth Consulting        Assistance to new market entrants in planning strategy and delivery; assistance in negotiating
                               right-of-entry agreements; selection of advanced broadband products and services for specific
   Broadband Planning          Negotiation of right-of-entry agreements and service agreements; assistance in designing
                               competitive service packages; assistance in launching marketing campaigns.
   Campus Technologies         Technology due diligence; supplier management and contract negotiation and consultancy.
   Carl Kandutsch Law Office   Assistance to property owners in soliciting and evaluating service provider bids, negotiating
                               agreements and auditing revenue-share payments; advice and counsel to service providers with
                               a focus on bringing competition to MDU markets for video programming providers.
   Davis, Craig & Taylor       Negotiation of service agreements with major service providers; representation of owners in a
                               wide variety of technology transactions.
   Gray Robinson               Negotiating contracts for video, broadband, and communications services and infrastructure
                               with developers, homeowner/condominium associations, and owners of MDU and commercial
                               properties; analyzing issues of compliance and termination for these contracts; applying state
                               and federal law to such contracts.
   Hubacher & Ames             Drafting and negotiating service contracts, marketing agreements, rooftop leases, site license
                               agreements, easements and other access agreements; negotiating access fees and other
                               compensation; analyzing portfolios of telecom contracts; providing advice about broadband
                               laws and regulations; resolving disputes.
   InfiniSys Electronic        Service provider contract negotiations.
   Quanta Services             FTTP marketing and sales, including making contact with property owners on behalf of service
                               providers and helping negotiate contracts to deliver triple-play services in their properties.
   RealPage                    Acquisition due diligence; negotiation of service agreements on behalf of property owners
                               to maximize the value of residential technology assets and services for owners and residents;
                               ongoing monitoring of service levels and appropriateness of services.
   RealtyCom Partners          Portfolio asset and contract analysis; proposal development and review; negotiation for property
                               rights compensation; contract execution and consolidation; database management of portfolio
                               contracts; oversight and verification of revenue collection.

ogy experience, Campus Technologies works with diverse stu-        vides comprehensive legal services to owners and managers of
dent housing owners and operators to implement and operate         apartment, condominium, and other common interest com-
technology amenities for their residents.                          munities nationwide, as well as to broadband service providers.

Campus Televideo                                                   Cautela Solutions                                  

Campus Televideo works with colleges and universities to pro-      Cautela Solutions works with developers, owners, providers and
vide turnkey solutions for design, installation, programming       general contractors to evaluate, design and install low-voltage
and maintenance of video and data networks, allowing these         structured wiring and wireless solutions. The firm has experience
institutions to control and customize telecommunications.          in both new construction and retrofitting existing buildings.

Carl Kandutsch Law Office                                          CenturyLink, CenturyLink MDU Solutions                                        ,

This small law firm, headed by a former FCC attorney, pro-         With the acquisition of Embarq and Qwest, CenturyTel be-

48   | BROADBAND COMMUNITIES | | October 2012
MDU Technology Providers
came CenturyLink, a Tier-1 telecommunications provider.             music, video, security and energy. The company was a leader
Century­Link MDU Solutions offers advanced voice, video, In-        in making home automation affordable and convenient, and its
ternet and security solutions to multifamily owners in 22 states.   solutions are widely used in MDU units and common areas.

Charles Industries                                                  Corning, Corning Cable Systems                                 ,

Charles Industries supplies a comprehensive line of active and      Corning Cable Systems’ fiber optic and copper product solu-
passive, metallic and nonmetallic environmental enclosure solu-     tions include cables, connectors and related hardware; network
tions for communications and power distribution applications.       design; and project management, installation and mainte-
                                                                    nance. It also offers a portfolio of in-building wireless infra-
                                                                    structure solutions.
Charter Communications
                                                                    Cox Communications
The fourth-largest U.S. cable operator, Charter provides ad-
vanced video, high-speed Internet and telephone services to 5.2
million residential and business customers in 25 states.            The third-largest cable provider in the United States, Cox
                                                                    Communications pioneered the triple-play bundle of televi-
Cielo Systems                                                       sion, Internet and telephone. More than 1.9 million multifam-                                                ily community residents live in Cox Digital Communities.

Cielo Systems International is a systems integrator for wireless    Davis, Craig & Taylor
network infrastructure. Its services include installations, sales
of network equipment, engineering and project management.
                                                                    The attorneys at this law firm have national reputations as ex-
Clearfield                                                          perts on telephone, video, Internet, rooftop antenna and wire-                                        less services transactions. They advise owners and managers of
                                                                    multifamily projects, mixed-use and master planned commu-
Clearfield’s craft-friendly line of fiber management products       nities, and commercial properties.
uses the same basic building blocks from the central office to
the home. This modular approach makes it easy to configure          DirecPath
fiber distribution systems for buildings of any size and shape.

Comcast Corporation                                                 DirecPath, a partnership between DIRECTV Group and,                            Hicks Holdings, provides DIRECTV programming, along
                                                                    with Internet and voice services, to residents of gated commu-
Comcast is the largest U.S. cable provider. XFINITY services,       nities, apartment complexes, condominiums and town homes.
delivered over Comcast’s digital network, include TV, Internet,
phone and home management, providing residents with enter-
tainment and connection – anywhere, anytime, on any screen.

CommScope                                                           DIRECTV delivers satellite TV service to residential and busi-                                                   ness customers with an increasing focus on multifamily solu-
                                                                    tions. The D2 Advantage solution for the MDU market uses
CommScope supplies a wide variety of network equipment,             single-wire, multiswitch technology.
connectivity equipment and cabling for fiber, copper, cable and
wireless networks.
                                                                    DISH Network
Control4                                                    DISH Network offers triple-play services to multifamily and
                                                                    multitenant buildings, single-family neighborhoods, hospitals,
Control4 personalized automation and control solutions can          assisted-living properties, hotels and universities, using distri-
control virtually any device in a home or business – lighting,      bution technology based on fiber optics, L-band and QAM.

                                      October 2012 | | BROADBAND COMMUNITIES |                      49
MDU Technology Providers

                                  Equipment – Wired Broadband
 These companies offer electronics, cabling and connectivity equipment used to deliver wired broadband services in MDUs over
 fiber optic, cable and telephone networks.

  Company                   Featured Products or Services                        Recent News
  3M Company/           3M One Pass Fiber Pathway, One Pass Mini Fiber           One Pass Fiber Pathway adds option of MPO
  Communication Markets Pathway and No Polish Connector – a total                connector – new multifiber preterminated
  Division              package for installing fiber in brownfield MDUs          option allows six or 12 fibers to be connected in
                        quickly and efficiently.                                 one step and eliminates the need for large FDTs
                                                                                 on every floor.
  ADTRAN                    Total Access 300 Series Multi-Dwelling-Unit          ADTRAN announces ActivReach, a new Ethernet
                            ONTs designed to house from one to four ONT          technology that supports all wiring grades,
                            modules; Ultra Broadband Ethernet architecture       triples service reach, and delivers voice, data
                            for distributing FTTH services to individual units   and Power over Ethernet from a single device,
                            over existing wiring.                                enabling building owners to provide Ethernet
                                                                                 services over Cat 3 in-building wiring.
  Advanced Media            Motorola passive optical LAN (POL) fiber-to-the-     In conjunction with Healthsense and AMT’s
  Technologies              desk solution.                                       partner QYPSYS, Williamsburg Landing, a
                                                                                 continuing care retirement community in
                                                                                 Williamsburg, Va., installs the Motorola Passive
                                                                                 Optical LAN (POL) to improve quality of life for
  AFL                       Panels, connectors, assemblies, enclosures, test     AFL launches the LightLink 320 optical splicing
                            and inspection equipment and fusion splicers         and distribution enclosure. With routing
                            to support active and passive fiber-to-the-unit      rings for fiber management, the enclosure
                            networks in MDUs.                                    is designed for broadband, distribution and
                                                                                 building entrance applications.
  Alcatel-Lucent            7342 ISAM I-24xW-S compact indoor ONTs
                            for fiber-to-the-unit deployments; 7352 ISAM
                            FTTB ONT family for fiber-to-the-building
                            deployments; 7353 ISAM FTTB compact,
                            modular remote unit capable of operating as an
                            ONT or a stand-alone device.
  Allied Telesis            iMAP 9000: integrated multiservice access
                            platform that supports IP triple-play services
                            simultaneously over copper and fiber
  Arris                     FTTMax RFoG ONU and related equipment,
                            including MDU enclosures.
  Aurora Networks           MDU ONTs that support up to 24 POTS and              Aurora equipment is used in the DISH Network
                            1000BASE-T ports from a single device; six           deployment of fiber to the home in the
                            models of RFoG ONUs whose compact size               Coronado Shores high-rise condominium
                            and powering options facilitate placement in         towers in San Diego.
                            existing apartment enclosures.
  Calix                     MDU ONTs that terminate FTTH networks                Case Western Reserve University uses Calix
                            at MDU buildings of various sizes and with           equipment to deploy FTTH in and around
                            different types of inside wiring; desktop and        the university and test advanced broadband
                            wall-mounted indoor ONTs; compact Ethernet           services, beginning with the retirement
                            service access nodes that deliver ADSL2/VDSL2        community of Judson at University Circle.
                            services to MDUs.
  Charles Industries        Fiber building terminals that are compact            Charles Industries acquires the molded, high-
                            indoor enclosures for fiber aggregation or           density polyethylene, below-grade enclosure
                            demarcation of up to 96 fiber connectors or          product line from NewBasis. The line features six
                            432 fiber splices; FBT hubs that provide fiber       rectangular, below-grade, vault-style enclosures
                            distribution to as many as 96 subscribers from a     and two round, handhole-style enclosures.
                            compact indoor terminal.

50   | BROADBAND COMMUNITIES | | October 2012
MDU Technology Providers

Company                 Featured Products or Services                         Recent News
Clearfield              Microduct solution with pushable fiber; rack-         Clearfield improves density and ease of fiber
                        mounted patch panels with the flexibility to          access with two new fiber management
                        support any type of termination; preterminated        products: the Clearview Blue cassette and
                        fiber drops that can be pushed or pulled              the FieldSmart FxHD, its high-density fiber
                        through microduct.                                    distribution system.
CommScope               Uniprise Mixed-Use Network Solutions that             CommScope announces a new passive optical
                        include enclosures, switches and multiple types       network solution that supports both EPON and
                        of cabling; the Brightpath Optical Solution,          GPON technologies.
                        which can be configured to deliver RFoG or
                        PON services to MDUs.
Corning Cable Systems   ClearCurve bend-insensitive fiber cable; 12-          Corning Cable Systems introduces the RPDpass
                        port fiber distribution terminal; FlexNAP MDU         Indoor MDU Solution, designed for quick
                        terminal distribution system; OptiSheath MDU          connection of riser segments and drop cables
                        terminal; RPDpass Preconnectorized Indoor             in medium and large MDUs. The solution
                        MDU Solution; FlexNAP Façade MDU Solution.            allows maximum configurability and increases
                                                                              deployment velocity.
Graybar                 Graybar’s 164-page MDU Solutions catalog
                        includes a vast array of products for voice, data
                        and video delivery and administration; cabling;
                        security and notification systems; and pathway
Legrand                 FTTH enclosures for MDUs designed to support
                        multiple conduits and shared cable runs;
                        preconfigured wall plates and connectors.
Leviton Manufacturing   Structured media center enclosures; structured
                        cabling panels; MDU broadband switches and
Multicom                Structured wiring enclosures; high-power CATV         One of North America’s largest upscale luxury
                        mininode for CATV/MDU applications; open              hospitality brands signs a major agreement to
                        GPON solution.                                        purchase Multicom’s GPON solution. The hotel
                                                                              chain will install fiber to each guest room to
                                                                              deliver video, voice and data services.
Multilink               MDU enclosures with various accessories and
                        locking options; wide variety of interior and
                        exterior raceway molding options; demarcation
                        enclosures; fiber distribution panels.
OFS                     EZ-Bend InvisiLight solution for adhesive             OFS announces the HomeRun Indoor MDU
                        application of fiber optic cable in hallways and      Cabling Solution designed to reduce installation
                        apartments; V-Linx spool-and-play solution to         steps and connections, enabling faster, easier,
                        minimize multiple long-run riser installations        lower-loss and less expensive fiber deployment
                        and eliminate splice time; SlimBox indoor fiber       in MDU buildings.
                        distribution points.
Power & Tel             Cable and wiring of all kinds; enclosures for fiber
                        distribution and structured wiring; switches for
                        delivering fiber bandwidth onto in-building
                        coaxial wiring.
Sumitomo Electric       PureAccess-R5 bend-insensitive single-mode            Sumitomo Electric Lightwave unveils the
Lightwave               optical fiber; PureFit 36-fiber drop cable;           industry’s first MPO connector for fusion
                        FutureFLEX Air-Blown Fiber; Lynx2 CustomFit           splice-on.
                        splice-on connectors.
Suttle                  Access enclosures, modules, panels, faceplates        Suttle joins the HomeGrid Forum, lending its
                        and connectors for structured wiring; HomePNA         support to the development of technology
                        Coax Ethernet managed bridge master and               for next-generation home networking.
                        endpoints that support triple-play services in
                        an MDU over existing coax infrastructure; fiber
                        distribution terminal; VDSL filters.

                               October 2012 | | BROADBAND COMMUNITIES |                             51
MDU Technology Providers

    Company                   Featured Products or Services                       Recent News
    TE Connectivity           Rapid fiber plug-and-play solution with             TE Connectivity wins a four-year contract
                              RapidReel fiber spooling system for vertical        to supply connectivity products to Chorus
                              fiber distribution; Mini Rapid Fiber Distribution   New Zealand for Chorus’ existing network
                              Terminal for horizontal distribution; RealFlex      infrastructure and for its part in delivering
                              universal service drop cable for garden-style or    the New Zealand government’s Ultra-Fast
                              horizontal MDU applications that eliminates the     Broadband initiative.
                              need to connect or splice outside-plant cable to
                              MDU cable; multifunctional enclosures designed
                              for MDUs; Mini-Breakout fiber cables with PICO-
                              Breakout fibers and YPSO enclosure for easy
                              connection of vertical to horizontal fibers.
    Walker and Associates     Distribution of MDU solutions from ADTRAN, TE
                              Connectivity, 3M, AFL and other manufacturers;
                              warehousing, logistics, asset management,
                              custom cabling and creation of custom network
                              deployment kits.
    Zhone Technologies        GPON and active Ethernet desktop ONTs; 24-          MDU service provider Access Media 3 selects
                              port ONTs for fiber-to-the-building applications;   the Zhone MXK platform to provide VDSL
                              compact DSLAMs and multiservice access              services in multifamily buildings in the Midwest
                              nodes for MDUs; optical LAN solutions.              and Southeast.

Display Systems International                                        solutions include equipment for distribution of satellite TV                                           and data and for in-building wireless coverage.

North America’s third-largest provider of scrolling TV listings,
DSI provides video messaging systems and TV listings to com-         Gray Robinson
panies in the cable, private cable, education, health care and
hospitality industries.
                                                                     The communications practice of this Florida law firm repre-
                                                                     sents private cable and communications providers and property
EnGenius Technologies
                                                                     owners in contract drafting and negotiation, transactions, land
                                                                     use and permitting, state and federal regulatory issues, com-
EnGenius is a supplier of enhanced-sensitivity wireless com-         petitive issues, and state and federal litigation.
munications technology for voice and data. Its products are
widely used in multifamily and hospitality applications be-
cause of their high transmission power and flexible point-to-
point and point-to-multipoint capabilities.
                                                                     A specialist in supply-chain management, Graybar is a leading
eVgo                                                                 North American distributor of components, equipment and ma-                                                  terials for telecommunications and other industries. It stocks and
                                                                     sells nearly 1 million items from thousands of manufacturers.
A subsidiary of NRG Energy, eVgo has made a $150 mil-
                                                                     Value-added services include kitting and integrated solutions.
lion commitment to build hundreds of public electric vehicle
charging sites and thousands of individual charging stations
at homes, offices and multifamily communities in California,         Great Lakes Data Systems
Texas and the Washington, D.C., metro area.                

                                                                     GLDS provides small to medium-sized broadband providers
                                                                     with in-house and cloud-based solutions for billing, subscriber
                                                                     management and provisioning. The company specializes in
Foxcom provides RF over fiber solutions to the multifamily,          making small operators look big with tools such as automated
commercial, government and military markets. Multifamily             outage detection and Web-based customer self-care.

52   | BROADBAND COMMUNITIES | | October 2012
MDU Technology Providers
Healthsense                                                       IBBS                                     
Healthsense provides technology-enabled care solutions for the    IBBS supports voice and data services for more than 250 cable
senior care continuum, including remote monitoring, emer-         and broadband providers with its DOCSIS-based cable provi-
gency response and wellness management solutions, all built       sioning and diagnostics technology, wholesale voice services,
on a Wi-Fi platform. The company’s flexible technology helps      service assurance tools, technical support and other applications.
communities deliver the best possible quality of care.

                                                                  InfiniSys Electronic Architects
Hotwire Communications                                  
                                                                  As an independent technology advisor, InfiniSys creates ameni-
Hotwire provides advanced fiber optic services to communi-
                                                                  ty solutions for new and existing apartments, condominiums,
ties in Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylva-
                                                                  student housing, hotels, mixed-use developments, and master-
nia and South Carolina. It focuses on multifamily housing,
including gated and active adult communities, single-family       planned communities and represents developers and property
home developments, condominiums and student dormitories.          owners in negotiations with service providers and contractors.

Hubacher & Ames                                                   Ingersoll-Rand                                    ,
The law firm of Hubacher & Ames concentrates on telecom-
munications and technology issues. It works with some of the      Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies manufactures security
largest multifamily real estate owners and developers in the      and safety products and provides security consulting and sys-
nation on transactions, contract negotiations, regulatory pro-    tems integration to create more secure and safe environments
ceedings and dispute resolutions.                                 for residents and building staff.

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                                    October 2012 | | BROADBAND COMMUNITIES |                      53
MDU Technology Providers

       Equipment – Video Headend, Video Distribution and Related
 These companies offer equipment specifically related to distributing video services within MDUs.

  Company                  Featured Products or Services                          Recent News
  Advanced Media           Racked, wired, balanced and tested headends
  Technologies             built with Blonder Tongue products using a
                           space-saving design.
  Arris                    HEMi Head End Micro solution – digital-video
                           solution for local and edge channel insertion
                           in MDUs and closed-community markets;
                           ConvergeMedia XMS Mini – VOD and stand-
                           alone linear ad insertion for MDUs.
  ATX Networks             HD encoding card that enables the existing line        ATX introduces Active Digital Access Control
                           of products to perform HD encoding in MPEG-2           products that deliver customized content to
                           and H.264 formats; Mini Digital Video Insertion        hospitality or MDU customers. The units accept
                           System for MDUs that provides a means to insert        a full content lineup from the headend and
                           locally generated MDU content into an MDU              allow operators to pass only selected content
                           network.                                               from the lineup (no filters required). The units
                                                                                  also accommodate local content insertion
  Blonder Tongue           The new HDE-2H/2S-QAM, the company’s fourth-           Blonder Tongue Laboratories acquires R.L. Drake,
  Laboratories             generation MPEG-2 HD encoder, accepts up               another leader in the supply of CATV and satellite
                           to four high-definition programs and provides          signal processing and distribution equipment.
                           simultaneous outputs in QAM, IP and ASI formats.
  DIRECTV                  The D2 Advantage video distribution system,
                           adaptable to any size property, delivers satellite
                           signals from one or two dishes over a single wire
                           to a compact lockbox housing the 32-channel
                           Single Wire Multi-Switch units that transmit
                           signals over existing coaxial cable to customers’
  DISH Network             DISH Optical Network: an antenna transmits
                           a signal to a centralized distribution system
                           that streams programming through fiber optic
                           cable. QAM Digital: signal is transmitted from
                           a centralized distribution system directly to
                           residents’ individual receivers. SMATV: a single
                           DISH antenna delivers a signal to a centralized
                           distribution system.
  Display Systems          LineUp, a scrolling TV listings guide that can be
  International            integrated with a video messaging system to
                           display advertisements or community information
                           and generate revenue; VIP, a remote media
                           player that powers local cable channels and
                           signage displays; data services for interactive
                           programming guides.
  Foxcom                   Foxcom Compact series, in a small-footprint,
                           wall-mountable housing, that distributes up to 5
                           L-band signals, along with SMATV/CATV signals,
                           on a single fiber; conventional chassis solutions
                           that offer design flexibility in point-to-multipoint
  Multicom                 Wide range of digital headend products from
                           Blonder Tongue, Drake, Pico Digital, ZeeVee and
                           others; headend assembly, including racking,
                           balancing, custom crating and shipping.

54   | BROADBAND COMMUNITIES | | October 2012
MDU Technology Providers

    Company                  Featured Products or Services                      Recent News
    North American Cable     Prepack headend systems, including complete
    Equipment                design, assembly, racking, balancing and
                             testing; DIRECTV D2 Advantage system; satellite
    Pace International       SMATV and QAM headends built, balanced,
                             burned and shipped ready to install; L-band
                             distribution system for DISH Network in a box;
                             DISH Optical Network for MDUs with fiber to the
    PDI-SAT                  DIRECTV D2 Advantage system; custom-built
                             headends burned, tested and custom crated.
    Pico Digital             Equipment for headend accessories, video           Pico Digital announces the IPQ-DMS platform,
                             processing (analog, digital and HD), video         a GbE-to-QAM transcrypting modulator that
                             distribution and connectivity.                     accepts previously encrypted HD content over IP,
                                                                                removes the delivery encryption and replaces it
                                                                                with DVB-compliant digital rights management.
    Toner Cable              Custom-built headends burned, tested and           Toner Cable presents the latest additions to
                             prewired; cabling and connectivity; storm-proof    Blonder Tongue’s ever-growing and improving
                             apartment house cabinets.                          QAM encoder product line.
    ViewTEQ                  Integrated headend systems; custom headends
                             racked, balanced and pretested.
    ZeeVee                   The HDbridge line of HD Clear-QAM encoder/
                             modulators, designed to help operators deploy
                             medium- to high-channel-count HD headends
                             at a cost that makes it affordable to upgrade
                             consumers of bulk programming.

Inspire WiFi                                                        Legrand                                       

Inspire WiFi installs wireless solutions in public spaces and       Legrand is a world specialist in products and systems for electri-
common areas of multifamily communities, hotels and hos-            cal installations and information networks, offering solutions
pitals so owners can provide communitywide wireless Internet        for use in residential, commercial and industrial buildings.
service as a free amenity for basic Internet browsing.

                                                                    Leviton Manufacturing
                                                                    Leviton provides copper, fiber and power network connectiv-
KABA provides access control systems for multifamily, edu-
                                                                    ity for enterprise, data center, service provider and residential
cational and military applications. Systems include electronic
                                                                    applications. Multifamily solutions include structured media
locks, keycards, perimeter control and access management
                                                                    enclosures, panels, brackets, patch cords, routers, switches,
                                                                    splitters and more.

Korcett Holdings                                                     Mac-Gray
Korcett Holdings works with property owners and ISPs to
design, monitor, manage and support broadband networks              Mac-Gray serves 88,000 multihousing laundry facilities in 43
in multifamily housing. Using standardized infrastructure, it       states, delivering savings on water, sewer, gas and electricity costs.
provides stable, reliable Internet service to technologically ad-   Its Intelligent Laundry Systems make use of broadband connec-
vanced residents.                                                   tivity to increase resident satisfaction with laundry facilities.

                                      October 2012 | | BROADBAND COMMUNITIES |                          55
MDU Technology Providers

                                Equipment – Wireless Broadband
 These companies offer equipment that delivers in-building or communitywide coverage for cellular phone service, cellular data
 service, Wi-Fi or other wireless service.

  Company                Featured Products or Services                        Recent News
  ADTRAN                 ADTRAN Bluesocket vWLAN, a wireless LAN              Transbeam uses ADTRAN’s Total Access 5000
                         solution that uses access points in common areas     platform for Ethernet over Copper service and
                         and a cloud-based 802.11n controller running in a    its Bluesocket virtual wireless LAN solution to
                         secure data center location.                         provide managed Wi-Fi at an iconic luxury hotel
                                                                              in Manhattan.
  Alcatel-Lucent         In-building distributed antenna systems and          Telefónica enhances mobile voice and
                         femto/small cell solutions.                          broadband Internet services in homes and
                                                                              workplaces in Europe and South America, using
                                                                              Alcatel-Lucent’s femtocells.
  Allied Telesis         Enterprise-class WLAN access points and switches.
  Arris                  Arris resells Ruckus Wireless ZoneDirector
                         wireless LAN controllers and ZoneFlex access
                         points for an enterprise-class WLAN solution.
  Axell Wireless         Cellular off-air repeaters; in-building DAS          Axell Wireless launches next-generation, LTE-
                         systems that cover both public safety and            ready DAS system with very low noise figure, low
                         cellular frequencies; system racks and passive       price point and low-power remote.
  CommScope              Under the Andrew brand, CommScope offers             CommScope introduces an “all-in-one,”
                         a comprehensive line of antennas, cables, and        intelligent point of interface to bridge the
                         peripherals: off-air repeaters, including the new    connection between base transceiver stations
                         Node A universal, software-based repeater            and the distributed antenna systems that enable
                         platform and MRx18 miniRepeaters; ION optical        wireless connectivity in buildings.
                         repeaters and antenna systems; and a family of
                         passive devices.
  Corning Cable          In-building distributed antenna systems;             Corning acquires MobileAccess, and the new
  Systems                MobileAccessVE (cellular signal distribution over    Corning MobileAccess division is ranked the top
                         existing LAN cabling); consolidated wireless and     in-building distributed antenna systems vendor
                         PON solution.                                        by ABI Research.
  EnGenius               Long-range, indoor, Wireless N multifunctional
  Technologies           access point/repeater/WDS device whose smoke
                         detector appearance is designed to blend into
                         common areas delivers up to six times the
                         speed and seven times the coverage of 802.11g,
                         encrypts all wireless transmissions, and allows
                         users to set up, select or deny stations with
                         access to the network.
  Foxcom                 Wideband 4G/LTE-ready distributed antenna
                         system for in-building wireless coverage that
                         delivers services and frequencies required by
                         smartphone users and supports traditional cellular
  Graybar                Systems integration and financing of carrier-        Graybar signs an agreement to distribute the full
                         neutral, in-building wireless solutions.             line of Corning MobileAccess distributed antenna
                                                                              system solutions.
  Ruckus Wireless        ZoneFlex 7762 smart mesh outdoor access              Ruckus Wireless enterprise access points are
                         point; MediaFlex 7211 indoor wireless gateway;       used to support common-area wireless access in
                         integration of Wi-Fi and small cells.                the new Rio Vista apartment community in Los

56   | BROADBAND COMMUNITIES | | October 2012
MDU Technology Providers

    Company                  Featured Products or Services                     Recent News
    TE Connectivity          InterReach indoor distributed antenna system      TE Connectivity announces a family of higher-
                             that operates as a extension of the wireless      power remote antenna units for its InterReach
                             network, expanding the reach of signals           distributed antenna systems. The higher-power
                             throughout facilities of any size.                units will reduce the cost of DAS deployments
                                                                               by requiring less equipment per installation and
                                                                               support higher-capacity needs for 4G services.
    Ubiquiti                 UniFi Wi-Fi system that includes a virtual        Ubiquiti introduces EdgeRouter Lite, a sub-$100,
                             management controller and 802.11n access          1 million packet-per-second router.
    Walker and Associates Enterprise-class wireless controllers, access
                          points and gateways.
    Wi-Ex                    zBoost enterprise-level in-building coverage       Wi-Ex announces its zBoost SOHO DataBlast 4G
                             kits that include active amplifiers and antennas   line of cell phone signal boosters, which can
                             configured to provide signal strength for multiple increase data speeds by up to 20 times.
                             cellular providers.
    Wilson Electronics       iDEN 800 MHz In-Building wireless smart           Wilson Electronics introduces a suite of tools
                             technology II signal booster; dual-band           to support contractors, integrators and custom
                             channelized 800/1900 MHz signal booster; 65dB     installers, including signal boosters, auxiliary
                             building 1900 MHz single-band wireless cell       boosters and signal detectors.
                             phone booster.

Mesh Networks                                                        ed billing services to MDUs. Other lines of business include                                              renewable energy, wireless infrastructure, electrical power sys-
                                                                     tems, digital signage, commercial audio/video solutions, hospi-
The Mesh Networks offers broadband management solutions              tality IPTV and VoD.
that enable multifamily property owners, service providers, ho-
tels and commercial properties to improve Internet quality of
service for end users.                                               Multicom
Mobilitie                                                            Multicom is a manufacturer and full-line stocking distributor                                                    for end-to-end integration of communications solutions over
                                                                     fiber optic, copper and coax cable. It also designs headend and
Mobilitie designs, builds and operates indoor and outdoor
                                                                     distribution systems and provides a wholesale voice product for
distributed antenna systems that enhance wireless coverage in
                                                                     residential and business use.
difficult-to-reach areas. The company leases dark fiber and pro-
vides services required to get fiber networks up and running.
Momentum Telecom                                           
                                                                     Multilink manufactures telecommunications network com-
Momentum offers cloud-based wholesale voice services for resi-       ponents for traditional cable MSOs, telcos, regulated utilities,
dences and businesses. Its private-label residential digital voice   and LAN providers and end users. It supplies products to the
products are used by independent cable operators and munici-         50 largest MSOs.
palities throughout the United States.
                                                                     National Wi-Fi
                                                                     National Wi-Fi is a provider of high-speed wireless Internet
Multiband is the largest nationwide DIRECTV master system            access, primarily focused on high-rise residential buildings. Its
operator in the MDU market, one of the largest full-service          wireless networks allow residents to connect to the Internet
home service providers and a provider of software and integrat-      from anywhere in their community.

                                       October 2012 | | BROADBAND COMMUNITIES |                      57
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