In reach National title - OHIO STATE 2018 FOOTBALL PREVIEW - Galion Inquirer

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In reach National title - OHIO STATE 2018 FOOTBALL PREVIEW - Galion Inquirer

 National title
in reach
 August 2018
In reach National title - OHIO STATE 2018 FOOTBALL PREVIEW - Galion Inquirer
2 August 2018                                                                              OSU FOOTBALL PREVIEW                                          Galion Inquirer • Morrow County Sentinel • Bellville Star

                                                                                                                                Photos by Don Speck l The Lima News The marching band is one of the favorite parts of
K.J. Hill looks for running room after a catch against Penn State last season. Hill led Ohio State with 56 catches last year.                                      Ohio State games for many fans.
In reach National title - OHIO STATE 2018 FOOTBALL PREVIEW - Galion Inquirer
Galion Inquirer • Morrow County Sentinel • Bellville Star                        OSU FOOTBALL PREVIEW                                                                               August 2018 3

Jones waits to punch ticket to NFL
  COLUMBUS – His dad came from                      “The guy who probably had the
a sport where athletes go 15 rounds.             best spring of anybody on our team is
Dre’Mont Jones came back to Ohio State           Dre’Mont Jones,” Meyer said. “He was
hoping to play 15 games.                         outstanding. For a guy to come back
  Jones, a fourth-year defensive tackle,         when a lot of people thought he should
weighed the pros and cons of declaring           leave, a lot of times we have to deal with,
for the NFL draft in January but decided         whether it be effort issues or ‘Why am I
he needed another year of college.               doing this?’ issues — zero.
  That was a big decision for Jones, who            “If he continues his development, he
some analysts predicted could have been          can be one of the best in America at what
picked as high as the first two rounds.          he does,” Meyer said.
And it was big for Ohio State.                      Jones said he went into what will
  Getting Jones back could be a key part         almost certainly be his final year of col-
of the puzzle if Ohio State is going to          lege football determined to maintain his
get to the College Football Playoff and          intensity.
still be playing in a fifteenth game, which         “A lot of players come back and they
would be the national championship               feel like they have a certain agenda, like
game.                                            ‘I could have left for the NFL so you have
  Even with ends Sam Hubbard, Jalyn              to play me.’ But that wasn’t my mindset.
Holmes, Tyquan Lewis and tackles Tracy           I came in and worked late like I had to do
Sprinkle and Michael Hill all moving on          that for a starting job.”
after last season, Jones’ decision meant            The 6-3, 286-pound Jones played only
the Buckeyes would still have one of the         two years of high school football at Cleve-
best defensive lines in the country this         land St. Ignatius. Even though as a child
season, led by players like Nick Bosa,           he used to put on an oversized T-shirt
Chase Young, Robert Landers and Jones.           and stuff other T-shirts underneath it like
  When Jones announced he was staying            shoulder pads and run around inside his
at Ohio State, he said raising his draft         house, basketball was his first love.
stock was a big factor in his decision.             “I had hoop dreams. Every football
  “That’s a big factor for me staying,           player has hoop dreams. But I realized
just to enhance myself and enhance my            I’m 6-4 and 250 and I can’t be a point
stock,” he said.                                 guard,” he said.
  Urban Meyer was effusive in his praise            Eventually he found his way to foot-                                                                                 Don Speck l The Lima News
of Jones after spring practice for focusing      ball. While he changed from basketball to   Ohio State defensive tackle Dre’Mont Jones(86) stops Indiana’s Mike Majette (24) in his tracks during
                                                                                                 the season opener in 2017. Jones is expected to play a more prominent role on the Buckeyes’ defensive
on Ohio State, not the NFL.
                                                                                  See JONES | 4 line this season.

In reach National title - OHIO STATE 2018 FOOTBALL PREVIEW - Galion Inquirer
4 August 2018                                                                         OSU FOOTBALL PREVIEW                                        Galion Inquirer • Morrow County Sentinel • Bellville Star

Nick Bosa (97), who along with Dre’Mont Jones will
give Ohio State a strong inside-outside combination
on the defensive line, combines with Sam Hubbard                                                                                                                          Photos by Don Speck l The Lima News
to stop Iowa’s Akrum Wadley last year in a game in Dre’Mont Jones (86) at bottom, Chris Worley (35) and Jerome Baker (17) stop Wisconsin running back Jonathan Taylor (23) in the Big Ten championship game
Kinnick Stadium in Iowa City.                       last December in Indianapolis.

Jones                                               sional fights and seven of the losses
                                                    came against world champions – Lindell
                                                                                                        year when he was subbed for on third-
                                                                                                        down pass rush situations. This year, he
                                                                                                                                                              there. It’s time for me to get more expo-
                                                                                                                                                              sure for my talents.
                                                    Holmes, Iran Barkley, Frank Tate, Nigel             expects to stay on the field and use his                “I’ve kind of flown under the radar
From page 3                                         Benn, Reggie Johnson, James Toney and               pass rushing skills.                                  here and I’ve made my way to being a
                                                    Gerald McClellan.                                     “Who doesn’t want to be on the field.               draft choice or a top draft pick. Being
football, Jones never considered follow-              “I like my face too much. I fell in love          This is my hunger, this is what I want to             under the radar has been pretty cool,”
ing his father, Sanderline Williams, into           with another contact sport,” Jones said             do,” he said. “I could have been in there             he said.
his sport.                                          about his decision not to get into the              last year but they were doing something                 If Jones has the kind of season he
  Williams was a professional boxer                 ring.                                               with the four defensive end look, which               expects, he won’t be under the radar
who had a 24-15-1 record in 40 profes-                Jones was a two-downs player last                 was fine. But I feel like I need to be out            anymore.

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In reach National title - OHIO STATE 2018 FOOTBALL PREVIEW - Galion Inquirer
Galion Inquirer • Morrow County Sentinel • Bellville Star                      OSU FOOTBALL PREVIEW                                                                   August 2018 5

Are you an optimist or pessimist about OSU?
OSU’s glass half                                 recruits but have not shone brightly so
                                                 far. If they light up stadiums this
                                                                                                 5. Nick Bosa will have a Joey Bosa
                                                                                                                                              Urban Meyer’s Ohio State recruiting
                                                                                                                                           classes have ranked No. 2 nationally three

full or half empty?
                                                 fall, Ohio State’s offense will put                    With Sam Hubbard, Tyquan           times, No. 3 another time and have been
                                                 up big numbers.                                     Lewis and Jalyn Holmes gone, he       outside the top five only once. There
                                                    3. J.K. Dobbins and Mike Weber                   will get more playing time and do     have always been talented replacements
                                                 will have huge seasons.                             even more damage.                     waiting in the wings, but some year there
  Five things that could make an opti-              Both of them have had 1,000-                        Five things that could make a      might not be.
mistic outlook about Ohio State’s football       yard rushing seasons at OSU. It’s                   pessimistic outlook about Ohio           3. What if Joe Burrow was the right
season come true:                                not far fetched to think they could                 State’s football season come true:    choice at quarterback?
  1. Dwayne Haskins will become every-           combine for around 2,500 yards        James            1. OSU could pay a price for all      Not saying that he was, but until it
thing he’s expected to be and more.              this season.                          Naveau        the coaching turmoil. Head coach      plays out, you can’t say for sure.
  If things go as hoped, Hoskins’ right             4. Redshirt, schmedshirt.          Sports        Urban Meyer was put on admin-            4. Ohio State has to play at Penn State.
arm is going to take Ohio State’s passing           Ohio State already out-recruits    reporter      istrative leave and investigated.        The Buckeyes are 6-6 there since 1994.
game places it hasn’t been since 2014            the rest of the Big Ten. Now a                      Receivers coach Zach Smith was        It might be the most dangerous road trip
when Cardale Jones was going deep or             new NCAA rule allows a player                       fired. Popular assistant coach        in the Big Ten.
maybe since Troy Smith in 2006.                  to appear in up to four games and still       Kerry Coombs left to take a job with the       5. Michigan is due, probably overdue.
  2. The receivers will finally earn their       be redshirted. That will help the Buck-       Tennessee Titans.                              Some year Michigan is going to break
stars.                                           eyes use more of their talented recruits        2. Recruiting rankings aren’t guaran-     Ohio State hearts again like it did in the
  OSU’s top six receivers were 4-star            sooner.                                       tees.                                       1990s.
In reach National title - OHIO STATE 2018 FOOTBALL PREVIEW - Galion Inquirer
6 August 2018                                                                      OSU FOOTBALL PREVIEW                                        Galion Inquirer • Morrow County Sentinel • Bellville Star

Haskins could bring deep ball back to OSU
By Jim Naveau

  COLUMBUS – As the old
saying goes, the most popular
player on a football team is the
back-up quarterback.
  But Ohio State’s Dwayne
Haskins took that one step
further on a fall afternoon in
Ann Arbor last November. He
actually gave OSU fans reasons
to believe in him and like him
beyond the usual enchantment
with the back-up QB.
  Michigan was leading 20-14
with six minutes left in the third
quarter when Haskins came
into the game after OSU start-
ing quarterback J.T. Barrett was
forced to the sideline by a knee
  The redshirt freshman com-
pleted 6 of 7 passes for 94 yards
and led three scoring drives that
produced 17 unanswered points
in a 31-20 Ohio State win after
he replaced Barrett.
  It was the second pass he
threw that day that marked him
as a special quarterback on that
day and perhaps into the future.
  Ohio State’s offensive line
had just false started on back-
to-back plays and the Buckeyes
were facing a third and 13 situ-
ation at their own 47-yard line      Dwayne Haskins (7) carries the ball with Michigan’s Rashan Gary (3) in pursuit during Ohio State’s 31-20 win over the Wolverines last season.
when Haskins dropped back and
found Austin Mack for a 27-yard      season.                                   talgia for the often underappreci-         has extreme confidence,” Camp-            him that edge of confidence and
completion.                             Barrett, the starter for the           ated contributions of Barrett will         bell said.                                you could tell that play did it,”
  If the ball had been thrown a      last four years except for a few          be determined on the field.                   He saw that confidence grow            Campbell said.
second earlier or later, or maybe    games, left with records for total           OSU wide receiver Parris                immediately after the pass to                “I don’t think people are mak-
an inch or two to the left or        offense, touchdown passes and             Campbell called Haskins “an                Mack against Michigan and says            ing too much of it (the pass to
right it might have been knocked     many more at OSU. But it was              elite passer” at the Big Ten               people are not putting too much           Mack). To perform as he did on
down by the defender. But            like Buckeyes fans had grown              media days last month.                     emphasis on that one play.                that stage against our rivals, that
Haskins knew what he wanted          tired of him. There is a sense of            “He’s blessed with some tal-               “I think in that moment right          is huge.”
to do and had the arm strength       excitement because of the antici-         ents a lot of quarterbacks don’t           there that got everything click-             Michigan defensive back Tyree
to do it.                            pation that Haskins will be much          possess. You have great quarter-           ing for him. In the huddle before         Kinnel, who hit Mack as he was
  After beating out Joe Burrow       better at throwing the deep ball          backs and then you have quarter-           he made that play you could tell          attempting to make the catch
for the starting job during spring   than Barrett.                             backs who are just different who           a little bit of nervousness had           said at the Big Ten media days
practice, Haskins will be Ohio          Whether Haskins will light up          have elite skill. He’s not a guy           overcome him. You could tell
State’s starting quarterback this    scoreboards or create some nos-           who second guesses himself. He             he needed some play to give                                  See HASKINS | 7
In reach National title - OHIO STATE 2018 FOOTBALL PREVIEW - Galion Inquirer
Galion Inquirer • Morrow County Sentinel • Bellville Star                                 OSU FOOTBALL PREVIEW                                                                         August 2018 7

Ohio State wide receiver Austin Mack (11) fights for extra yards against Army linebacker Cole Christiansen
(54) during a game last season at Ohio Stadium.

Haskins                                               OSU’s offense. “We’re still going to be a
                                                      spread offense,” Meyer said.
                                                         Haskins carried the ball 24 times for
From page 6                                           86 yards last season. He also showed he
                                                      could run in the Michigan game when his
that Haskins “stepped up like he’d been               21-yard gain set up the go-ahead touch-
playing all year.”                                    down.
   As Barrett’s back-up last season,                     Haskins, from The Bullis School in
Haskins completed 40 of 57 passes for                 Potomac, Md., originally committed to
565 yards and four touchdowns. The                    Maryland before Ohio State flipped him
seven passes he threw against Michigan                and his high school teammate, linebacker
was the third-highest total of the season             Keandre Jones, two weeks before nation-
for him after the 23 he threw in a blow-              al signing day in 2016.
out of Nevada-Las Vegas and the eight he                 He committed to Maryland in May of
threw against Illinois.                               2015 and the Terrapins viewed him as
   “His skill set is very different than              possibly being able to start immediately
J.T. Barrett’s,” Urban Meyer said. “His               as a freshman. After Randy Edsall was
release, his size and his accuracy are his            fired as Maryland’s coach during the
strengths.”                                           2015 season, Haskins began to recon-
   Meyer said the bar is set high for                 sider his decision, as did Jones, one of
Haskins as far as expectations in his first           his best friends.
year as a starter.                                       Haskins threw for 2,217 yards and 20
   “The expectation is to be the best                 touchdowns as a senior in high school
quarterback in the Big Ten, which is very             and had 1,936 yards passing and 22 TD
hard to do because we (Big Ten teams)                 throws as a junior. He had career totals
have some excellent quarterbacks,” he                 of 5,308 passing yards and 54 touch-
said.                                                 downs.
   While Haskins probably won’t carry                    He was a 4-star recruit who was ranked                                                                      Photos by Don Speck l The Lima News
the ball as often as Barrett, quarterback             the No. 7 pro style quarterback nationally Ohio State quarterback Dwayne Haskins sends a throw toward the end zone during a 54-21 blowout of
runs are not going to disappear from                                                             Nevada-Las Vegas last season. Haskins threw for 223 yards and two touchdowns in a back-up role in that
                                                      by                          game.
In reach National title - OHIO STATE 2018 FOOTBALL PREVIEW - Galion Inquirer
8 August 2018                                                                  OSU FOOTBALL PREVIEW                                    Galion Inquirer • Morrow County Sentinel • Bellville Star

Playoff talk always starts with Alabama
By Jim Naveau

   It would be foolish to start the list of
possible College Football Playoff partici-
pants anywhere else but with Alabama.
   Alabama is the only team to have
played in all four years of the College
Football Playoff. It is the defending
national champion and its coach Nick
Saban is going for his seventh national
title this season.
   The Crimson Tide has a bit of a quar-
terback controversy between Jalen Hurts,
27-2 as a starter, and Tua Tagovailoa,
who took over in the second half of the
national championship game and played a
key role in Alabama’s win.
   But if having too much talent at maybe
the most important position on the field
is your biggest problem, you don’t have
many problems.
   Clemson might be the second most
likely College Football Playoff contender.
Most people think getting through the
Atlantic Coast Conference is easier than
                                                                                                                                                                                          AP Photo
going through the SEC or Big Ten. And         Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney, center, congratulates his players during the second half of the Atlantic Coast Conference championship NCAA college
the Tigers are loaded on defense, led by      football game against Miami. The Tigers are pursuing their fourth straight Atlantic Coast Conference championship.
a defensive line with four possible first-
round NFL draft choices.                      or Michigan State all could put together a        has to be better than the East on one day           Georgia, who was last year’s national
   Quarterback Kelly Bryant and running       playoff worthy record if they avoid disas-        in the Big Ten championship game, not             runner-up, lost its top two running backs,
backs Travis Etienne and Tavien Feasler       ters like OSU’s game at Iowa last year            all season.                                       Nick Chubb and Sony Michel, but it has
all rushed for more than 600 yards when       and get a few breaks.                                The Badgers have one of the best               quarterback Jake Fromme and some deep
Clemson went 12-2 last season.                  OSU, Michigan, Michigan State and               offensive lines in the country and running        threat receivers back this year.
   An undefeated or one-loss Big Ten          Penn State are all in the Big Ten East            back Jonathan Taylor, who ran for 1,977             Some other teams to watch as possible
team should be a playoff contender. Ohio      Division. If Wisconsin doesn’t stumble in         yards and had 10 games where he gained            playoff contenders: Washington, Auburn,
State, Wisconsin, Penn State, Michigan        the West or in a non-league game, it just         100 yards or more as a freshman last fall.        Oklahoma and Miami.

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In reach National title - OHIO STATE 2018 FOOTBALL PREVIEW - Galion Inquirer
Galion Inquirer • Morrow County Sentinel • Bellville Star                         OSU FOOTBALL PREVIEW                                                                           August 2018 9

Prince puts his critics on mute
By Jim Naveau                                                                                                                                        I was like, ‘Geesh.’”                                                                                                                                    Now if criticism comes his way from
                                                                                                                                                     outside OSU’s football program, he prob-
   COLUMBUS – Just when Isaiah Prince                                                                                                                ably doesn’t see it or hear about it.
might think he has gotten out, they drag                                                                                                                “I don’t read any of it. I don’t know
him back into the past. But he says he                                                                                                               what anybody says. I don’t think about
doesn’t mind.                                                                                                                                        it, I don’t look at it. I don’t search for
   Prince is a three-year starter on Ohio                                                                                                            myself,” Prince said. “As I’ve gotten older
State’s offensive line, most recently at                                                                                                             I’ve realized the opinions of the fans
right tackle, but possibly at left tackle                                                                                                            shouldn’t bother me. The only opinions
when it’s all sorted out this season.                                                                                                                that matter to me are my peers and my
   But in his first year as a starter in                                                                                                             coaches.
2016, he struggled mightily and often                                                                                                                   “You can’t care too much about mis-
did that in the spotlight of big games or                                                                                                            takes. If you make a mistake, you just
important moments.                                                                                                                                   have to keep on playing,” he said.
   Those struggles are behind him now.                                                                                                                  Ohio State has to replace two key mem-
But fans and the media have long memo-                                                                                                               bers of its offensive line this season –
ries, so he is still reminded of them. Prob-                                                                                                         center Billy Price, the Cincinnati Bengals’
ably close to 1/3 of his one hour with the                                                                                                           first-round draft choice, and left tackle
media at the Big Ten media days in July                                                                                                              Jamarco Jones, a fifth-round pick of the
was spent discussing what went wrong                                                                                                                 Seattle Seahawks.
and how he dealt with it.                                                                                                                               OSU hasn’t settled on an offensive
   Prince says he’s over the criticism now                                                                                                           line plan yet, but one of the ideas being
and even portrays it as something he                                                                                                                 looked at would move Prince from right
used to his advantage.                                                                                                                               tackle to left tackle.
   “I don’t think I’d be having the success                                                                                                             The adjustment to that move of a few
I’m having today if I hadn’t had those                                                                                                               feet to the other side of the line is bigger
downfalls back then,” he said. “Those                                                                                                                than most people might think, he said.
downfalls set me up for my success today                                                                                                                “It’s completely different. It’s like writ-
and showed me who I am as a person.”                                                                                       Don Speck l The Lima News ing with your right hand your whole life
                                             Ohio State offensive lineman Isaiah Prince walks off the field with Ohio State coach Urban Meyer after
   He hasn’t completely erased the mem-      OSU’s 31-20 win over Michigan in Ann Arbor, Mich., last season.                                         and then switching to your left hand,”
ory of the reactions to those mis-steps,                                                                                                             Prince said. “Your muscle memory is com-
though.                                      That was really a low point for me – all             it,” he said.                                      pletely different. It’s backward from the
   “In the Penn State and Michigan games the criticism and everybody talking bad                      “They (his critics) actually had a fake        way you think about it, the defense looks
I gave up two sacks at two crucial times. about me. I didn’t know how to handle                   fan page about me, ‘Isaiah Prince Sucks.’ different from the other side of the field.”

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10 August 2018                                                          OSU FOOTBALL PREVIEW                              Galion Inquirer • Morrow County Sentinel • Bellville Star

Big Ten East Division preview
BIG TEN EAST DIVISION                                     Michigan                                                   Playoff? Will a combination of strong-armed quarter-
                                                            Last year: 8-5, 5-4 Big Ten, fourth in East              back and a group of veteran wide receivers bring the
                                                            Returning starters: 14 (6 offense, 8 defense)            deep ball back to Ohio State’s offense? Will J.K. Dob-
By Jim Naveau                                               Players to watch: QB Shea Patterson, RB Karan            bins and Mike Weber both rush for more than 1,000                                      Higdon, WR Tarik Black, WR Donovan Peoples-                yards? Could inexperience at linebacker, defensive
                                                          Jones; DE Rashan Gary, DE Chase Winovich, LB               back and on the offensive line create problems?
                                                          Devin Bush                                                    Coach’s quote: “The common denominator of
Indiana                                                     The big questions: Will Mississippi transfer Shea        every great player I’ve coached is competitive spir-
  Last year: 5-7, 2-7 Big Ten, tied for sixth in East     Patterson be a difference maker at quarterback, a          it.”— Urban Meyer
  Returning starters: 9 (6 offense, 3 defense)            position where Michigan has struggled in the Jim
  Players to watch: QB Peyton Ramsey, QB Bran-            Harbaugh era? Can Michigan improve on its 1-5              Penn State
don Dawkins, RB Morgan Ellison, WR Nick West-             record against its rivals Ohio State and Michigan            Last year: 11-2, 7-2 Big Ten, tied for second in
brook, WR Luke Timian, DB Jonathan Crawford               State? Could Michigan have the best front seven on         East.
  The big questions: Will Peyton Ramsey, who              defense in the Big Ten?                                      Returning starters: 10 (8 offense, 2 defense)
started several games last year, or graduate transfer       Coach’s quote: “He’s really getting the grasp of           Players to watch: QB Trace McSorley, RB Miles
Brandon Dawkins be the starting quarterback? Will         the offense, that’s the biggest thing.” — Jim Har-         Sanders, WR Juwan Johnson, WR DeAndre Thomp-
wide receiver Nick Westbrook, who suffered a sea-         baugh on his starting quarterback Shea Patterson           kins, DE Shareef Miller
son-ending injury on the opening kickoff against Ohio                                                                  The big questions: Can the Nittany Lions chal-
State in the season opener last season, be the player     Michigan State                                             lenge for a Big Ten title and a spot in the College
he was when he caught 54 passes in 2016? Can the            Last year: 10-3, 7-2 Big Ten, tied for second in         Football Playoff without running back Saquon Bark-
Hoosiers replace eight starters on defense from last      East                                                       ley and with only two returning starters on defense?
year’s team?                                                Returning starters: 19 (10 offense, 9 defense)           Does quarterback Trace McSorley have a third con-
  Coach’s quote: “We went out and signed one of             Players to watch: QB Brian Lewerke, RB L.J.              secutive huge season in him? Will the schedule help
the top recruiting class in the history of our program.   Scott, WR Felton Davis, DE Kenny Willekes, LB Joe          the Nittany Lions, with Ohio State, Michigan State
Many of those men joined us in the mid-year.” —           Bachie                                                     and Wisconsin all having to go to State College?
Tom Allen                                                   The big questions: No one plays the role of the            Coach’s quote: “For the first time we have an
                                                          underappreciated underdog better than MSU coach            offensive line that we think has a chance to be a
Maryland                                                  Mark Dantonio. Can he do it again this year with           strength in our program. I’m so excited about that
  Last year: 4-8, 2-7, tied for sixth in East             19 starters back from a team that won 10 games? Of         group.” — James Franklin
  Returning starters: 11 (7 offense, 4 defense)           course he can. Should the Spartans be encouraged or
  Players to watch: QB Kasim Hill, QB Tyrell              worried that three of last year’s wins came by four        Rutgers
Pigrome, RB Ty Johnson, RB Lorenzo Harrison, WR           points or fewer? Is running back L.J. Scott ready to         Last year: 4-8, 3-6 Big Ten, fifth in East
Taivon Jacobs, DE Jesse Aniebonam                         move from good to great, which would make Michi-             Returning starters: 14 (6 offense, 8 defense)
  The big questions: Can the Terrapins keep their         gan State a threat to win the Big Ten?                       Players to watch: QB Giovanni Rescigno, RB
quarterbacks healthy after losing their top two QBs,        Coach’s quote: “I think Brian Lewerke has a great        Jonathan Hillman, TE Jerome Washington, LB Trev-
Kasim Hill and Tyrell Pigrome, to injuries in the first   future ahead of him. I think that he’s a rising star.” –   or Morris, CB Isaiah Wharton
four games last season? Can they put some pressure        Mark Dantonio                                                The big questions: How did Rutgers win four
on opposing quarterbacks after having only 16 sacks                                                                  games last season with an offense that ranked
in 12 games last season? Will having five returning     Ohio State                                                   No. 121 nationally in scoring and No. 129 in total
starters on the offensive line mean Maryland can be       Last year: 12-1, 8-1 Big Ten, won East and Big Ten         offense? Can the defense, which made some major
more competitive against the top programs in the Big      Returning starters: 12 (7 offense, 5 defense)              steps forward last season, get even better this sea-
Ten?                                                      Players to watch: QB Dwayne Haskins, RB J.K.               son? Has any other school except Rutgers had nine
  Coach’s quote: “I think we’re going to be playing     Dobbins, RB Mike Weber, WR Parris Campbell, DE               offensive coordinators in the last nine seasons?
meaningful games in November. That’s our plan.” —       Nick Bosa, DT Dre’Mont Jones, CB Damon Arnette                 Coach’s quote: “We’ve got to score points. It’s an
D.J. Durkin                                               The big questions: Can OSU get through the rug-            area we haven’t been very good at. Defensively we’ve
                                                        ged Big Ten East Division and return to the Big Ten          got to stop the run and we’ve got to create more
                                                        championship game and possibly the College Football          takeaways.” – Chris Ash
Galion Inquirer • Morrow County Sentinel • Bellville Star                             OSU FOOTBALL PREVIEW                                                                                August 2018 11

                                                                  AP Photos
Penn State quarterback Trace McSorley is being mentioned as a Heisman Michigan State quarterback Brian Lewerke, being chased here by Michigan’s
Trophy candidate but the three-year starter could miss having Saquon Barkley Maurice Hurst (73) in a game last season, helped the Spartans to a 10-win Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh lobbies the
in the backfield with him this season.                                       season in 2017.                                                           officials for a holding call during the Outback Bowl
                                                                                                                                                       game against South Carolina on New Year’s Day.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Don Speck l The Lima News
                                                                                                                                                            Michigan State running back L.J. Scott is stopped
                                                                              Rutgers head coach Chris Ash, center, talks to his running backs as they by Ohio State linebacker Chris Worley in the
Michigan defensive lineman Rashan Gary (3), expected to be a high first-round stretch during training camp. The former Ohio State assistant coach is in his Buckeyes’ game against the Spartans last season
NFL draft pick, rushes the quarterback in a game against Rutgers last season. third season as Rutgers’ head coach.                                          in Ohio Stadium.

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12 August 2018                                                                OSU FOOTBALL PREVIEW                                 Galion Inquirer • Morrow County Sentinel • Bellville Star

Big Ten West Division preview
BIG TEN WEST DIVISION                                          experience at running back. We like our players there.         Coach’s quote: “We’ve got to get Xs and Os installed.
                                                               They just haven’t played very much.” – Kirk Ferentz          We’ve got to change the way guys think. We’ve got to
                                                                                                                            make sure we’re getting to work in the weight room,
Illinois                                                       Minnesota                                                    that we’re in better shape, that we recruit better.” –
    Last year: 2-10, 0-9 Big Ten, seventh in West                Last year: 5-7, 2-7, sixth in the West                     Scott Frost
    Returning starters: 14 (7 offense, 7 defense)                Returning starters: 13 (6 offense, 7 defense)
    Players to watch: RB Mike Epstein, WR Mike                   Players to watch: RB Rodney Smith, WR Tyler                Northwestern
Dudek, WR Ricky Smalling, LB Del’Shawn Phillips, DB            Johnson, DE Carter Coughlin, LB Thomas Barber, DB              Last year: 10-3, 7-2 Big Ten, second in the West
Bennnett Williams                                              Antoine Winfield Jr.                                           Returning starters: 13 (7 offense, 6 defense)
    The big questions: Will a year of experience help a          The big questions: Can Minnesota find a quarter-             Players to watch: QB Clayton Thorson, RB Jeremy
team that started 10 non-redshirt freshmen last season,        back to fix a passing game that had more interceptions       Larkin, WR Flynn Nagel, WR Bennett Skowronek, DE
including four on the offensive line? Who will play quar-      (11) than touchdown passes last season? Can it find          Joe Gaziano, CB Montre Hartage
terback? Cam Thomas, the only returning scholarship            some playmakers to go with running back Rodney                 The big questions: The health of quarterback
quarterback, had five interceptions and no touchdown           Smith (977 yards) and wide receiver Tyler Johnson (7         Clayton Thorson (2,844 yards and 15 touchdowns last
passes last season. Can Dudek, who caught 76 passes as         TD catches) to jump start an offense that was twelfth        season) is by far the biggest question for Northwestern
a freshman in 2014 become a go-to receiver again after         in the Big Ten in scoring? Will coach P.J. Fleck’s rah-rah   after he suffered a torn ACL in the Music City Bowl.
two ACL surgeries? He says he is “150 percent” healthy.        approach begin to wear thin if the Gophers continue to       Will the Wildcats’ running game drop off without Justin
    Coach’s quote: “In an ideal world, we wanted to            struggle?                                                    Jackson, who rushed for more than 1,000 yards four
have more wins right now. But I like where we are. Now           Coach’s quote: “Last year we were not a player-led         years in a row? Who made out this schedule with games
that’s behind us.” – Lovie Smith                               football team. Bad teams, nobody leads. Average teams,       against Michigan and Michigan State back to back and
                                                               coaches lead. Elite teams, players lead.” – P.J. Fleck       games against Wisconsin and Notre Dame back to back?
Iowa                                                                                                                          Coach’s quote: “It’s one thing to be consistently a
   Last year: 8-5, 4-5 Big Ten, tied for third in West         Nebraska                                                     bowl team and consistently successful on the field. It’s
   Returning starters: 11 (7 offense, 4 defense)                  Last year: 4-8, 3-6 Big Ten, fifth in the West            another thing to consistently compete for champion-
   Players to watch: QB Nate Stanley, TE Noah Fant,               Returning starters: 11 (5 offense, 7 defense)             ships. And we’re not there yet.” – Pat Fitzgerald
WR Nick Easley, C Keegan Render, DE A.J. Epenesa,                 Players to watch: WR Stanley Morgan Jr., WR J.D.
DE Parker Hesse, CB Matt Hankins                               Spielman, DL Nick Stoltenberg                                Purdue
   The big questions: Can the combination of quarter-             The big questions: Has Nebraska, which hasn’t won           Last year: 7-6, 4-5 Big Ten, tied for third in the West
back Nate Stanley, who had 26 touchdown passes and             a league title since 1999, finally found a coach in former     Returning starters: 12 (8 offense,         4)• 30-day price guarantee
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only 6 interceptions in his first year as a starter last       Cornhuskers quarterback Scott Frost who can bring              Players to watch: QB David Blough,            QB
                                                                                                                                                                     All makes andElijah
fall, and his top two receivers, Nick Easley (51 catches)      its program back to national prominence? Except for          Sindelar, RB Markell Jones, WR Jackson Anthrop, LB
and tight end Noah Fant (11 TD catches) compensate             standout receivers Stanley Morgan Jr. (61 catches) and       Markus Bailey, DB Jacob Thieneman
for the lack of a proven running back? Will a dominant         J.D. Spielman (55 catches) almost everything is a ques-        The big questions: Were the Boilermakers a one-
defensive line allow three first-year starters at linebacker   tion mark. Who will play quarterback and how to fix a        year wonder last year or is the turnaround here to stay
to grow into their roles?                                      defense that gave up 36 points a game are two of the         in coach Jeff Brohm’s second year? Will Elijah Sindelar
   Coach’s quote: “The obvious thing we’re lacking is          biggest questions.                                           or David Blough emerge as the No. 1 quarterback or

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Galion Inquirer • Morrow County Sentinel • Bellville Star                            OSU FOOTBALL PREVIEW                                                                                   August 2018 13

will they share time? How
much will the departure of
four of the top five defen-
sive linemen, two of the top
three linebackers and the
best defensive back on last
year’s team affect this year’s
  Coach’s quote: “I know
the expectations are higher
this year. But our players are
looking forward to it and
they’ve worked hard.” —Jeff

   Last year: 13-1, 9-0 Big
Ten, first in West
                                                                                                                                                                                                      AP Photos
   Returning starters: 13          Illinois is 5-19 overall in Lovie Smith’s two seasons as its head coach and did not win a Big Ten game last Wisconsin’s Jonathan Taylor, shown here in a game against Florida
(10 offense, 3 defense)            season. But it would cost $12 million to buy out his contract, so his job is probably safe for now.         Atlantic, ran for nearly 2,000 yards as a freshman last season.
   Players to watch: QB
Alex Hornibrook, RB Jona-
than Taylor, WR Quintez
Cephus, WR A.J. Taylor,
OL Michael Deiter, LB T.J.
   The big questions: Could
Wisconsin have the best
offensive line in the coun-
try? Can quarterback Alex
Hornibrook fix his intercep-
tion problem (34 touchdown
passess and 22 interceptions
the last two seasons)? Can
Jonathan Taylor (1,977
yards last season as a fresh-
man) rush for more than
2,000 yards? Will Quintez
Cephus, who missed several
games because of an injury,
give Wisconsin a deep threat
                                                                                                                  Don Speck l The Lima News
at receiver?                                                                           Iowa quarterback Nate Stanley, who threw five          Nebraska offensive lineman Brenden Jaimes (76) talks to a coach
   Coach’s quote: “This            Minnesota coach P.J. Fleck is in the second year of touchdown passes in a 55-24 win over Ohio State        during a Cornhuskers practice earlier this month. Jaimes, who
year could be fun.” — Paul         trying to build the Gophers’ program into something last season, looks for room to throw over OSU’s        started nine games at right tackle last season, is moving to left
Chryst                             as lofty and soaring as his words.                  Chris Worley in last year’s game in Iowa City.         tackle.
14 August 2018                                                    OSU FOOTBALL PREVIEW                                 Galion Inquirer • Morrow County Sentinel • Bellville Star

                                                       OHIO STATE SCHEDULE
 2017 OHIO STATE            TACKLES
                            Jerome Baker         72
 STATISTICS                 Jordan Fuller        70    Sept. 1                           Oregon State                                                   noon
                            Damon Webb
                            Tuf Borland
                                                       Sept. 8                           Rutgers -x                                                     3:30 p.m.
 PASSING YARDS              Chris Worley         56    Sept. 15                          TCU at Arlington, Tex.                                         8 p.m.
 J.T. Barrett       3,053   Damon Arnette        44
 Dwayne Haskins       565   Sam Hubbard          42    Sept. 22                          Tulane                                                         TBA
 Joe Burrow            61
                            TACKLES FOR LOSS           Sept. 29                          at Penn State-x                                                TBA
 RUSHING YARDS              Nick Bosa           16.0
 J.K. Dobbins       1,403   Sam Hubbard         13.5   Oct. 6                            Indiana-x                                                      3:30 or 4 p.m.
 J.T. Barrett         798   Tyquan Lewis         9.5   Oct. 13                           Minnesota-x                                                    TBA
 Mike Weber           626   Jerome Baker         8.0
 Antonio Williams     290   Chase Young          6.0   Oct. 20                           at Purdue-x                                                    TBA
 Parris Campbell      132   SACKS
                            Nick Bosa            8.5   Nov. 3                            Nebraska-x                                                     TBA
 RECEIVING YARDS            Sam Hubbard          7.0
 K.J. Hill           549    Tyquan Lewis         7.0   Nov. 10                           at Michigan State-x                                            TBA
 Parris Campbell     584    Chase Young          3.5
 Johnny Dixon        422    Jerome Baker         3.5   Nov. 17                           at Maryland-x                                                  TBA
 Binjimen Victor     349
                                                       Nov. 24                           Michigan-x                                                     noon
 Austin Mack         343
 Marcus Baugh        304    Damon Webb            5    x-Big Ten games
                            Denzel Ward           2
 PASS RECEPTIONS            Jordan Fuller         2
 K.J. Hill            56    Damon Arnette         2
 Parris Campbell      40
 Terry McLaurin       29    FIELD GOALS                AP PRESEASON TOP 25                                            13. Stanford
 Marcus Baugh         28    Sean Nuernberger   17/21
                                                         The Top 25 teams in The Associated Press preseason           14. Michigan          8-5            773          NR
 Austin Mack          24
 Binjimen Victor      23    PUNTS                      college football poll, with first-place votes in parenthe-     15. Southern Cal      11-3           543          12
                            Drue Chrisman      44.2    ses, records, total points based on 25 points for a first-     16. TCU               11-3           533          9
                                                       place vote through one point for a 25th-place vote, and        17. West Virginia     7-6            511          NR
                                                       2017 final ranking:                                            18. Mississippi St.   9-4            450          19
                                                                                                                      19. Florida St.       7-6            384          NR
                                                                              Record          Pts          Pv         20. Virginia Tech     9-4            351          24
                                                         1. Alabama (42)      13-1            1505         1          21. UCF               13-0           312          6
                                                         2. Clemson (18)      12-2            1476         4          22. Boise St.         11-3           292          22
                                                         3. Georgia           13-2            1350         2          23. Texas             7-6            216          NR
                                                         4. Wisconsin (1)     13-1            1271         7          24. Oregon            7-6            148          NR
                                                         5. Ohio St.          12-2            1256         5          25. LSU               9-4            106          18
                                                         6. Washington        10-3            1215         16
                                                         7. Oklahoma          12-2            1173         3          Others receiving votes: South Carolina 96, Florida 68,
                                                         8. Miami             10-3            1027         13
                                                                                                                    Utah 60, Oklahoma St. 51, FAU 38, Arizona 28, NC State
                                                         9. Auburn            10-4            1013         10
                                                         10. Penn St.         11-2            1012         8        22, Texas A&M 21, Boston College 18, Northwestern 13,
                                                         11. Michigan St.     10-3            877          15       Kansas St. 10, Iowa St. 8, Houston 6, Memphis 3, Troy 2,
                                                         12. Notre Dame       10-3            804          11       Iowa 2, Kentucky 1, Arkansas St. 1, Fresno St. 1.

Galion Inquirer • Morrow County Sentinel • Bellville Star                            OSU FOOTBALL PREVIEW                                                                                                                     August 2018 15

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Don Speck l The Lima News
Ohio State’s band performs during a timeout during a game against UNLV last season at Ohio Stadium.

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Galion Inquirer • Morrow County Sentinel • Bellville Star                                     OSU FOOTBALL PREVIEW                                                                                     August 2018 16

                                                                                                     Cornerback Damon Arnette (3) will be one of the leaders of Ohio State’s defense this year and could join the long list
                                                                                                     of recent OSU defensive backs who have gone to the NFL.

                                                              Photos by Don Speck l The Lima News
Brutus Buckeye tries to fire up the crowd during a break in the action during a game last            Ohio State receiver Terry McLaurin (83) stretches to try to make a catch in a game against Army last season in Ohio
season.                                                                                              Stadium.

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