Building the data enabled function of the future - Internal audit digital and analytics survey 2021 - Deloitte

Building the data enabled function of the future - Internal audit digital and analytics survey 2021 - Deloitte
Building the data
enabled function
of the future
Internal audit digital and analytics survey 2021
Building the data enabled function of the future - Internal audit digital and analytics survey 2021 - Deloitte
Building the data enabled function of the future | Contents

     Foreword                                                  03
     Report Structure                                          05
     Executive Summary                                         07
     Current use of analytics                                  10
     The operating model, talent and resourcing                17
     Barriers and challenges                                   23
     Future direction and strategy                             29
     The Internal Audit function of the future                 36
     Appendix A – About the survey                             42
     Appendix B – Digital and analytics maturity               44
     Appendix C – Definitions and glossary                     46
     Appendix D – External sources / references                47
     Contacts                                                  48

Building the data enabled function of the future - Internal audit digital and analytics survey 2021 - Deloitte
Building the data enabled function of the future | Foreword




Current use
 of analytics

	The operating
 model, talent
 and resourcing

Barriers and

Future direction
 and strategy

The Internal
 Audit function
 of the future

	Appendix A –
 About the survey

 ppendix B –
Digital and
analytics maturity

 ppendix C –
Definitions and

	Appendix D –
 External sources /


Building the data enabled function of the future - Internal audit digital and analytics survey 2021 - Deloitte
Building the data enabled function of the future | Foreword

                      We are pleased to welcome you to our latest
structure             digital and analytics internal audit survey.
                      The wider topic of data analytics,                 A transformation that seeks to enhance the level of          We considered the output of this survey in the
Current use                                                             impact and influence of internal audit by providing          context of previous Deloitte analytics or internal audit
 of analytics         and the principle of applying                      assurance more efficiently, advising management more         surveys, and drew findings, many of which reinforced

	The operating       data interrogation or statistical                  insightfully, and anticipating risks more proactively.       earlier messages while others offered interesting new
 model, talent
 and resourcing
                      analysis techniques to increase                    Functions are realising that to be able to mirror (if

Barriers and
                      the level of assurance Internal                    not surpass) the digital maturity of their businesses,       Prominent among these are the findings that functions
                                                                         leverage technology-enabled techniques, and continue         with strong impact and influence are embracing digital
 challenges           Audit provide is, of course, not                   adding value, they need to evolve and innovate as            innovation and new approaches to running Internal
Future direction     new. However, in recent years,                     rapidly as the threats they face. This requires a desire     Audit and that most functions are seeking to improve
 and strategy                                                            to reduce inefficiencies, embrace digital innovation,        their data analytics capabilities and have plans in place
                      it has gained growing attention                    leverage the power of data and adopt a focus                 to do so. We thought it would be intriguing to validate
The Internal
 Audit function       by Board Audit Committees and                      on to the future.                                            these hypotheses.

 of the future
                      Chief Audit Executives (CAEs) and                  We surveyed over 50 organisations that operate in            At this point we would also like to thank our clients who
	Appendix A –
 About the survey
                      has been broadened as a topic to                   the UK, across various industry sectors, size, audit         took part in this survey, either via virtual interviews, or
                                                                         maturity, seeking to get a better understanding of the       by utilising our online survey tool. Their openness and
 ppendix B –
                      align to the wider data and digital                maturity of capability, the vision and approaches to         candour, particularly when highlighting weaknesses,
Digital and           transformation of the Internal                     building (or acquiring) such capability and some of the      barriers or their ambitions to transform their
analytics maturity                                                       key lessons they have learned along the way.                 functions, was greatly appreciated.
                      Audit function.                                    Many of these organisations are going through digital
 ppendix C –
                                                                         transformation, including in their Internal Audit            We hope you find the content stimulating and helpful
Definitions and
                                                                         function. They candidly shared views on the current          in your own journey and we look forward to hearing
                                                                         state of their “maturity”, the significant challenges they   your views on the key points underlined by the survey.
	Appendix D –                                                           are facing with the pace of change, cultural adoption,
 External sources /                                                      the scarcity of skilled resources and openly shared
 references                                                              their aspirations.

Building the data enabled function of the future - Internal audit digital and analytics survey 2021 - Deloitte
Building the data enabled function of the future | Report structure




Current use
 of analytics

	The operating
 model, talent
 and resourcing

Barriers and

Future direction
 and strategy

The Internal
 Audit function
 of the future

	Appendix A –
 About the survey

 ppendix B –
Digital and
analytics maturity

 ppendix C –
Definitions and

	Appendix D –
 External sources /


Building the data enabled function of the future - Internal audit digital and analytics survey 2021 - Deloitte
Building the data enabled function of the future | Report structure



                      Current use of analytics               The operating model, talent and       Challenges and barriers               Future direction and strategy        The Internal Audit function of
                                                             resourcing                                                                                                       the future
                       xploring themes such as what is
                      E                                                                             his section explores the key
                                                                                                   T                                      his chapter explores the answers
Current use
                      the current state of play, and how     Key questions that will be explored   challenges or barriers that may       to the “why now?” questions.          e provide our perspectives on
 of analytics
                      the use of digital and analytics       in this section relate to talent,     prevent organisations from using      It focuses on strategic direction,   the effective use of digital assets,
	The operating       compares across sectors and size       reporting lines and organisational    analytics further.                    key priorities for Internal Audit    analytics and solutions as part of
 model, talent        of organisations?                      structure for digital and analytics                                         functions over the next 3-5 years.   the organisations’ journey to build
 and resourcing
                                                             teams.                                It also provides perspectives and                                         the next generation of Internal
Barriers and          hat is the more typical use of
                      W                                                                           comparatives from organisations       It discusses the investment for      Audit as a function well attuned to
 challenges           tools and techniques, across           What skillsets are organisations      across sectors and sizes, while       future maturity enhancement          the challenges of emerging risks,
                      which lifecycle stages, and how        looking for in order to respond       also discussing insights across the   and development, and how we          technologies and ‘disruption’.
Future direction
                      pervasive are advanced and             to the challenges? Which types        industry.                             see this translating into digital    
 and strategy
                      cognitive automation technologies      of operating models do we find                                              transformation initiatives and       We debate what effective digital
The Internal         in Internal Audit?                     evolving?                              ow do you “embed” analytics
                                                                                                   H                                     technology enablement projects.      and analytics means, what drives
 Audit function                                                                                   effectively, and how important is a                                        value, and how this value can be
 of the future         ow do “smaller functions” embed/
                      H                                      How do functions incentivise the      data and analytics culture.                                                measured.
	Appendix A –        apply analytics effectively to drive   adoption of analytics and digital?                                                                               
 About the survey     optimum value?                                                                                                                                          We have aligned our point of view
                                                                                                                                                                              to the Deloitte Internal Audit 3.0
 ppendix B –
                                                                                                                                                                              blueprint which is designed to
Digital and
analytics maturity    “We provide our perspectives on the effective use of digital assets, analytics and solutions as                                                        provide a structure to organisations’
                                                                                                                                                                              transformation pathways, seeking
 ppendix C –
A                      part of the organisations’ journey to build the next generation of Internal Audit as a function                                                        to bring a culture of innovation,
Definitions and
glossary               well attuned to the challenges of emerging risks, technologies and ‘disruption’.”                                                                      helping functions keep pace with
                                                                                                                                                                              technological change, and enhance
	Appendix D –                                                                                                                                                                their impact and influence across
 External sources /                                                                                                                                                           the organisation.


Building the data enabled function of the future - Internal audit digital and analytics survey 2021 - Deloitte
Building the data enabled function of the future | Executive Summary




Current use
 of analytics

	The operating
 model, talent
 and resourcing

Barriers and

Future direction
 and strategy

The Internal
 Audit function
 of the future

	Appendix A –
 About the survey

 ppendix B –
Digital and
analytics maturity

 ppendix C –
Definitions and

	Appendix D –
 External sources /


Building the data enabled function of the future - Internal audit digital and analytics survey 2021 - Deloitte
Building the data enabled function of the future | Executive Summary

Foreword             With COVID-19 impacting every                      We ran a well received survey across Internal
                                                                         Audit Data Analytics functions in 2015, focusing on     “Through our work with Internal
R                     aspect of the work environment,
                      many functions are considering
                                                                         the relative maturity of the functions. We asked
                                                                         questions such as how to embed analytics effectively      Audit functions across a number
 summary              deploying digital technologies
                                                                         in an Internal Audit function, what is the most
                                                                         appropriate operating model and what is the               of sectors we have recently seen
Current use
 of analytics
                      to become more resilient, cost-                    strategy for the future.
                                                                                                                                   a notable growth in the use
                      effective and smarter about
	The operating
                      providing services that make an
                                                                         Through our work with Internal Audit functions across
                                                                         a number of sectors we have recently seen a notable       of tech-enabled and analytics
 model, talent
 and resourcing
                      impact. We thought it is a great
                                                                         growth in the use of tech-enabled and analytics
                                                                         practices, particularly – but not exclusively – for       practices”
Barriers and
                      time to explore the above across                   larger and more digitally mature functions. As one
                                                                         would expect, there are still a number of areas that
Future direction
                      the industry and provide some                      organisations struggle with, particularly in terms of   “Data analytics” could form a part of such broader
                                                                                                                                 digitisation agendas but relate to the analysis and
 and strategy         refreshed perspectives and                         setting a clear vision or embedding such practices
                                                                                                                                 interrogation of data sets to identify anomalies,
                                                                         effectively in a way that truly unlocks value.
The Internal         insights.                                                                                                  trends or potential issues for further investigation.
 Audit function                                                                                                                  The objective is to enhance the level of assurance
                                                                         For clarity, when we talk about “digital” or
 of the future                                                                                                                   provided by Internal Audit, through higher quality
                                                                         “digitisation” in the context of our report, we refer
	Appendix A –                                                           to the integration and embedding of digital assets      of evidence, increased depth of testing and
 About the survey                                                        or enablers to transform and automate existing          better indicators for controls issues –
                                                                         operational processes, and increase the value           current and predicted.
 ppendix B –
Digital and                                                              offered to stakeholders.
analytics maturity

 ppendix C –
Definitions and

	Appendix D –
 External sources /


Building the data enabled function of the future - Internal audit digital and analytics survey 2021 - Deloitte
Building the data enabled function of the future | Executive Summary

Foreword             A summary of our findings and key insights                     • The vast majority of respondents stated that they           Internal audit function of the future
                      from the survey is presented below.                              have a clear vision for the future and a strategy for the   • Compared to 5 years ago, we noticed that analytics
                                                                                       further development of the capabilities in line with the      leads are reporting increasingly more to the CAE or
                      Current state                                                    overall Audit function’s strategy and priorities.             Head of Internal Audit, or even to the Chief Operating
	Executive           • In terms of analytics use across audit lifecycle            • Some of the key strategic outcomes that functions             Officer roles, which indicates that this capability has
 summary                 stages, fieldwork continues to be the most common;            are seeking to achieve in this area are to enhance the        been elevated in the internal audit agendas as a topic
Current use             however, an area that has seen an uptake compared             effectiveness of the function by providing a higher           of strategic importance for functions.
 of analytics            to previous surveys is continuous risk assessment             level of assurance, as well as to improve auditee           • Innovation is key to an effective, evolving and resilient
                         with 30% of respondents leveraging data analytics to          engagement through richer insights and greater use            Internal Audit function. Digital innovation should be
	The operating          better anticipate risk.                                       of visualisation.                                             encouraged across all lifecycle stages or operational
 model, talent
                      • With respect to the types of tools and digital               • Larger functions and analytics teams place their              processes of the function, and not just as part
 and resourcing
                         technologies applied, all respondents are performing          future strategic development focus on the audit areas         of fieldwork.
Barriers and            descriptive analytics (describing what occurred)              around risk assessment, planning, audit committee           • While many of our lessons and suggestions from this
 challenges              closely followed by diagnostic analytics (describing          reporting, while for the majority of small or medium          survey would not apply similarly to all functions, we
Future direction        why something occurred). Cognitive analytics                  sized functions the focus is on fieldwork.                    believe that the key principles and success criteria for
 and strategy            (predicting what will occur) with the use of advanced                                                                       an effective digital and analytics function include the
                         analytics technologies, including Artificial Intelligence   People and talent                                               adoption of a coherent transformation strategy and
The Internal            (AI), appears to be the least used type among               • Internal Audit is a people-based service function, and        prioritising innovation and a data mindset.
 Audit function                                                                        its ability to get the best out of its human capital will
                         respondents at 17%.                                                                                                       • The real power in Internal Audit digital and analytics
 of the future                                                                         always be a key driver in determining its success. The
                      • Visualisation tools are some of the most popular in                                                                          involves a change in mindset; a mindset that is value-
	Appendix A –           Audit functions, with 87% of respondents reporting            trend we are seeing is business auditors being trained        driven, forward-looking, more focused on delivering
 About the survey        the use of tools such as Power BI and Tableau, due            on basic analytics to develop further the “purple”            business insights to stakeholders than the traditional
                         to the high impact visualisation adds to reporting as         person, combining sophisticated data analysis with            compliance-driven Internal Audit mindset of “what we
 ppendix B –
A                                                                                      communication skills, business acumen, and political
Digital and              well as the relative ease of use and accessibility of                                                                       have done before”.
                         visualisation tools.                                          sense. There is also a trend towards decentralised
analytics maturity
                                                                                       or hybrid models, driven by what is referred to the
 ppendix C –
A                                                                                      “democratisation” of analytics and technology.
Definitions and
                      Barriers and future direction
                      • It is interesting to find that all of the Internal Audit     • The investment in upskilling and training of auditors is    “The key barriers to overcome
                                                                                       relatively low cost, offering the opportunity for people
	Appendix D –
                        functions with no analytics capability or teams, have
                        said they are planning to establish such capability            to develop, helping them with career progression, but         include lack of access to data,
                                                                                       also allowing them to experiment and innovate within
                                                                                                                                                     and inadequate skills and
 External sources /     in the next 3-5 years. The key barriers to overcome
 references             include lack of access to data, and inadequate skills          the remit of their audit work, which is proven to lead to
                                                                                       increased satisfaction and retention of talent.
Contacts               and knowledge within the function.
                                                                                                                                                     knowledge within the function.”
Building the data enabled function of the future - Internal audit digital and analytics survey 2021 - Deloitte
Building the data enabled function of the future | Current use of analytics

                      Current use


                      of analytics

Current use
 of analytics

	The operating
 model, talent
 and resourcing

Barriers and

Future direction
 and strategy

The Internal
 Audit function
 of the future

	Appendix A –
 About the survey

 ppendix B –
Digital and
analytics maturity

 ppendix C –
Definitions and

	Appendix D –
 External sources /


Building the data enabled function of the future | Current use of analytics

                      There are two perspectives covered                             Figure 1. Driving factors for the use of digital and analytics
                                                                                     What are the key driving factors / outcomes that the function has been aiming to achieve through the use of digital and analytics to date?
                      in this section, the first being the use                                         Improve the                                          Improve the                                            Improve the
                                                                                                                                            90%                                                   100%                                                    100%

                      of digital technologies and analytics                                           effectiveness                                         effectiveness                                           effectiveness

                      across the internal audit lifecyle, and                                       Identify outliers                 70%                Identify outliers              66%                    Identify outliers                     81%
                                                                                                   Improve auditee                                      Improve auditee                                        Improve auditee
Current use          the second the type of technologies,                                            engagement
 of analytics
                      practices or sophistication of                                                Upskill function    20%                              Upskill function             53%                      Upskill function                      81%
	The operating
 model, talent        analysis adopted.                                                                     Access
                                                                                                        better data
                                                                                                                                                             better data
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   better data                54%
 and resourcing
                                                                                                    Improve speed       25%                              Improve speed            46%                           Improve speed                  63%
                      It is worth underlining that, while 18% of our participants
Barriers and
                      reported that they were not using analytics at all, they                      Automate core                                        Automate core                                          Automate core
 challenges                                                                                              process
                                                                                                                                                              process        33%                                     process                  54%
                      did have active plans to do so in the future; this contrasts
Future direction     to the 2018 CAE survey1 where 25% reported having no                            Future proof
                                                                                                                                                            Future proof
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Future proof
                                                                                                          function                                              function                                              function
 and strategy         analytics capabilities at all.
                                                                                                              Drive                                                Drive                                                  Drive
                                                                                                                        20%                                                           53%                                               36%
The Internal                                                                                         collaboration                                        collaboration                                          collaboration

 Audit function       We asked our survey participants what the key driving
                                                                                                      Reduce costs            15%                          Reduce costs         13%                              Reduce costs      27%
 of the future        factors were behind the use of analytics and digital and
                      what they hoped to achieve, “Improving the effectiveness                     Provide insights
                                                                                                                                                         Provide insights
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Provide insights
	Appendix A –                                                                                     and hypothesis                                        and hypothesis                                        and hypothesis
                      of the function through greater assurance coverage” was
 About the survey                                                                                   Automate back                                        Automate back                                          Automate back
                      top of the list with “identifying outliers and unusual items                   office process
                                                                                                                                                          office process
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 office process
 ppendix B –
A                     for focus” a close second. “Improving auditee engagement                            Focus on                                             Focus on                                               Focus on
Digital and                                                                                                        0%                                                   0%                                                              9%
                      through richer insights and greater visualisations” was                    business outcome                                     business outcome                                       business outcome
analytics maturity    also high on the list (Figure 1).                                  Make analysis capabilities/                           Make analysis capabilities/                         Make analysis capabilities/
                                                                                                                     0%                                                    0%                                                           9%
                                                                                             offerings transparent                                  offerings transparent                                offerings transparent
 ppendix C –
                                                                                       Improve internal process and                         Improve internal process and                       Improve internal process and
Definitions and                                                                      audit management information
                                                                                                                                          audit management information
                                                                                                                                                                                             audit management information

                                                                                     Number of Internal Audit FTEs              Small (20 & 100)
	Appendix D –
 External sources /


Building the data enabled function of the future | Current use of analytics

Foreword             Internal audit lifecycle                                It is revealing to see that 22% of functions are          Figure 2. Audit lifecycle
                      In terms of analytics use across audit lifecycle        using analytics as part of their continuous auditing      Activities which functions use analytics to support
                      stages, fieldwork continues to be the most common,      activities. Continuous auditing or continuous controls
                      with 96% of respondents with analytics capability       monitoring is widely recognised as a mechanism
	Executive           using analytics to deliver fieldwork activities, such   to achieve more efficient and cost-effective audits.         During audit fieldwork                                     96%
 summary              as validating or applying tests across populations      However, should these processes be owned and
Current use          rather than sample testing; this too is an increase     operated by Internal Audit? During our interviews,
                                                                                                                                           To provide assurance over operational
 of analytics         from previous survey results of 69% (Figure 2).         we heard how departments are acting as an advisor            effectiveness of internal controls
                      The responses related to the use of analytics to        to the rest of the business, developing capability that
	The operating       provide assurance over the operational effectiveness    around continuous testing that is then transitioned
 model, talent
                      of internal controls was 72%. An area that has seen a   into the First or Second Line of Defence with Internal        As part of individual audit planning   61%
 and resourcing
                      small uptake is continuous risk assessment. In 2018,    Audit functions, tapping into the output as part of
Barriers and         less than one in ten were using data as part of their   their broader monitoring activities.
 challenges           risk assessment activities. Fast forward to 2021 and                                                                 To develop audit reporting      54%
                      30% of respondents are leveraging data analytics to
Future direction
 and strategy         better anticipate risk.
                                                                                                                                            To develop audit
The Internal                                                                                                                               committee reporting
 Audit function
 of the future
                                                                                                                                                                             As part of the annual
                                                                                                                                                                  41%        planning process
	Appendix A –
 About the survey

 ppendix B –
A                                                                                                                                                       30%         For continuous
                                                                                                                                                                    risk assessment
Digital and
analytics maturity
                                                                                                                                                             For continuous
 ppendix C –
A                                                                                                                                                22%         auditing
Definitions and
                                                                                                                                                     During quality
	Appendix D –                                                                                                                              15%      assurance process
 External sources /


Building the data enabled function of the future | Current use of analytics

Foreword             Applications and tools                                         This supports our point of view that organisations still     Figure 3. Digital tools and technologies
                      With respect to the types of tools and digital                 have plenty of unexplored opportunities to innovate          What type of digital and analytics tools are used within the function?
                      technologies applied, all respondents are performing           via the use of smart tooling and digitise their functions.
                      descriptive analytics (describing what occurred)               By keeping an eye out for the “art of the possible”,
	Executive           closely followed by diagnostic analytics (describing           they should consider bringing more automation and               Visualisation                            87%
 summary              why something occurred) at 67%. Cognitive analytics            digitally enabled practices into everything they do.
Current use          (predicting what will occur) appears to be the least
 of analytics         used application with only 17% of functions exploring                                                                          Simple                            76%
	The operating
                      the use of more advanced techniques.
                                                                                     “Our 2015 survey showed
 model, talent
 and resourcing
                      Our 2015 survey showed that only a third of respondents
                      were using visualisation tools; we were now interested to        that only a third of                                          Intermediate
Barriers and
                      see a significant change with visualisation tools at the top
                      of the list with 87% of respondents reporting the use of         respondents were using
                                                                                       visualisation tools; we
                      tools such as Power BI and Tableau. This is likely due to                                                                      Machine
Future direction                                                                                                                                    learning
 and strategy         the high impact visualisation adds to reporting as well as

The Internal
                      the relative ease of use and accessibility of visualisation
                      tools and is consistent with some of the key drivers for         were now interested to                                        Advanced          48%
 Audit function
                      using analytics and digital noted, specifically improving
                                                                                       see a significant change
 of the future
                      auditee engagement through richer insights and
	Appendix A –
 About the survey
                      greater visualisation.
                                                                                       with visualisation tools                                      Process
 ppendix B –
Digital and
                      Unsurprisingly, the use of “simple” analytics,
                      mostly through the use of tools such as Microsoft’s              at the top of the list with
analytics maturity    Excel spreadsheet tool is still prevalent (76% of
                      respondents). Other notable references of common                 87% of respondents                                            RPA         20%
 ppendix C –
Definitions and
                      tools included SQL, Python, Tableau and R. Robotics
                      Process Automation (RPA) and process mining tools                reporting the use of tools
	Appendix D –
                      showed lower levels of adoption and use with only 18%
                      and 16% of respondents respectively applying tools               such as Power BI and
 External sources /   and techniques in these areas. See also Figure 3.


Building the data enabled function of the future | Current use of analytics

Foreword             In terms of analytics applications across audit or risk
                      areas, the top three areas are financial risk (with 85%
                                                                                 Functions we spoke to did not see budget as a barrier
                                                                                 to innovate through digital and analytics. Open source     “By keeping an eye out for
                      of participants stating they had used analytics to
                      support the assessment of financial risks), operational
                                                                                 technologies, software already used in the rest of the
                                                                                 business and even Microsoft Excel can be leveraged           the ‘art of the possible’, they
                      (80%), information/data and technology risk (63%).
                      This is somewhat expected as these are data rich,
                                                                                 in order to test hypotheses without having to spend
                                                                                 allocated budget on something that may not return            should consider bringing more
Current use
 of analytics
                      high yield areas and common focus areas for Internal
                      Audit. We observed lower levels of use in areas such as
                                                                                 a favourable result. Especially in cases where there is
                                                                                 a dedicated team aligned to analytics, any downtime          automation and digitally enabled
	The operating
                      regulatory and compliance (41%), cyber security (35%),
                      where arguably these can be seen as second line
                                                                                 between audits is spent prototyping and exploring
                                                                                 new areas of analysis limiting the cost to the function.     practices into everything they do.”
 model, talent
                      responsibilities but given the expectations on Internal
 and resourcing
                      Audit to play more of an advisory role and for better      We were also interested to hear about instances where
Barriers and         integration across the first and second lines, there are   Internal Audit was leading the digital innovation within
 challenges           opportunities to broaden risk coverage (Figure 4).         the business. New technologies implemented in the
                                                                                 function (such as Process Mining, continuous auditing or
Future direction
 and strategy                                                                    visualisation) are adopted by the first and second lines
                                                                                 of defence. Internal Audit functions are demonstrating
The Internal                                                                    to their organisations that a lot can be achieved using
 Audit function
                                                                                 simple, easily accessible inexpensive tools.
 of the future

	Appendix A –
 About the survey

 ppendix B –
Digital and
analytics maturity

 ppendix C –
Definitions and

	Appendix D –
 External sources /


Building the data enabled function of the future | Current use of analytics

Foreword             Figure 4. Analytics for key risks
                      What types of risks does the function use analytics techniques to assess?

 summary                                                              15%                                                                    28%
                                                                                                                                         Data privacy
                                                                     Programme                                                            & GDPR
Current use
 of analytics

	The operating
 model, talent
 and resourcing                                       26%                                                                                                      28%
                                                    Investigations                                                                                              Culture
Barriers and                                                                           85%
                                                                                        Financial                         54%
                                      7%                                                                                  Fraud risk
                                     Health &
Future direction
 and strategy
The Internal                                                                                                                                                             technologies
 Audit function
 of the future                                                                                                                                            35%
                                                                                                                                                        Cyber security
	Appendix A –                                       80%
 About the survey                                  Operational

 ppendix B –
A                        13%                                                                   63%                            48%                                           20%
Digital and              Strategic                                                                                         Financial crime                                 Follow up
analytics maturity

 ppendix C –
Definitions and
                                       15%                                                                                                                41%
glossary                                                                                                                                                 Regulatory
                                                                     33%                                   11%                                          & compliance
	Appendix D –                                                       Conduct                             Sustainability
 External sources /


Building the data enabled function of the future | Current use of analytics


                      What we have learned
                      The adoption of analytics by Internal Audit is increasing
                      in the areas that matter and are set to have the biggest
                                                                                    While effective analytics are not driven by the
                                                                                    technology itself, a minimum investment to grab the    “There are inexpensive ways and
Current use
                      impact. However, there is still room for improvement
                      when it comes to adopting digital technologies and
                                                                                    opportunity of advanced technologies or analytics
                                                                                    should be encouraged. Our survey shows that the          technologies to experiment with
 of analytics

	The operating
                      continuous auditing approaches. Digital innovation
                      should be applied across all lifecycle stages or
                                                                                    opportunity hasn’t been fully tapped regarding
                                                                                    advanced analytics. It has huge potential to             and significant benefits to be
 model, talent
 and resourcing
                      operational processes of the function, and not just
                      in “doing the testing”. It should cover approaches to
                                                                                    revolutionise organisational processes more broadly,
                                                                                    power predictive analysis, risk identification and       gained, regardless of the amount
Barriers and
                      Internal Audit planning, execution, and reporting,
                      in stakeholder relationships, and even in the
                                                                                    insight generation. Many of our respondents
                                                                                    have proven that there are inexpensive ways and          of the investment, size or maturity
Future direction
                      mission and remit of the function, which is not only
                      to provide assurance, but also to advise management
                                                                                    technologies to experiment with and significant
                                                                                    benefits to be gained, regardless of the amount          of the function itself.”
 and strategy
                      and anticipate risks.                                         of the investment, size or maturity of the
The Internal                                                                       function itself.
 Audit function       Most of the tools used are common, easily accessible
 of the future        and budget friendly that are not necessarily designed
                      with Internal Audit in mind but can be applied to a
	Appendix A –
 About the survey     variety of problems or data scenarios. Functions that
                      innovate can achieve a great deal by using what is
 ppendix B –
A                     available to them without spending large amounts of
Digital and           budget on the latest and most expensive tools. There
analytics maturity
                      is still a great opportunity for functions that are not yet
 ppendix C –
A                     doing much by way of analytics to start small, use the
Definitions and       tools available, innovate and add value incrementally.

	Appendix D –
 External sources /


Building the data enabled function of the future | The operating model, talent and resourcing

                      The operating model,


                      talent and resourcing

Current use
 of analytics

	The operating
 model, talent
 and resourcing

Barriers and

Future direction
 and strategy

The Internal
 Audit function
 of the future

	Appendix A –
 About the survey

 ppendix B –
Digital and
analytics maturity

 ppendix C –
Definitions and

	Appendix D –
 External sources /


Building the data enabled function of the future | The operating model, talent and resourcing

Foreword             Reporting lines                                            Figure 5. Internal Audit Analytics Reporting Lines
                      Our previous survey of internal audit analytics2           Where does the Head of Audit Analytics (or equivalent) report to?
                      showed that for the vast majority of our respondents,
                      the audit analytics capability or team was led by                                      7%
	Executive           the Head of Data Analytics, or equivalent, which                                       Head of Innovation/
 summary                                                                                                     Transformation/
                      in turn reported to the Head of Technology Audit.                                      Governance
Current use          This survey identifies that there has been a notable
                      shift in where responsibility sits. While for 43% of
 of analytics
                      respondents, analytics still sit under the broader remit
                                                                                   Chief Operating
	The operating       of the Head of IT Audit, we are now are seeing 40% of        Officer
 model, talent
                      organisations’ analytics leads reporting directly to the
 and resourcing
                      CAE or Head of Internal Audit, and a further 10% to
Barriers and         the Chief Operating Officer (Figure 5 and 6).

Future direction
 and strategy

The Internal
 Audit function
 of the future                                                                                                                                       43%
                                                                                                                                                     Head of IT Audit
	Appendix A –
 About the survey

 ppendix B –
Digital and
analytics maturity

 ppendix C –
Definitions and

	Appendix D –
 External sources /
 references                                                                           40%
                                                                                      Chief Internal
Contacts                                                                             Audit

Building the data enabled function of the future | The operating model, talent and resourcing

Foreword             We believe that the reporting lines to CAE or              Figure 6. Innovation / transformation roles and size of function
                      Innovation roles reflect a significant trend that aligns   Where does the head of audit analytics (or equivalent) report to?
                      to the broader messages from our recent Chief Audit
                      Executive survey. Firstly, the increased number of

                                                                                 Number of Internal Audit FTEs
	Executive           organisations with Analytics teams directly under the                                       Large (>100)                 18%              9%   9%            9%                                                    55%
 summary              CIA indicates how this capability has been elevated
Current use          in the internal audit agendas as a topic of strategic                                            Medium
                      importance for functions.                                                                                                                                                55%                 18%                   27%
 of analytics                                                                                                    (>20 &
Building the data enabled function of the future | The operating model, talent and resourcing

Foreword             Operating model                                                  Most of our survey respondents do not use resources                       Figure 8. Functions that supplement their digital
                      A centralised approach remains the most popular                  or skills outside their Internal Audit team (54%).                        and analytics capabilities with external support
                      operating model across Internal Audit functions, with            However, from the organisations that do supplement
                      over half of respondents organising themselves with              their capability with external resources or skills, 62%
	Executive           a central specialist analytics team that perform the             (or 33% of total respondents) procure co-source
 summary              majority, if not all, of analytics activities (Figure 7). This   internal audit services, while 21% (11% of total) are                                                                               33% External /
                                                                                                                                                                                          54% None
Current use          model is followed, in popularity, by a hybrid model              supported by professionals from other lines of                                                                                    Co-source Support
                                                                                                                                                                                                           33% External /
                      (43%) whereby business auditors run most of analytics            defence in their organisation (Figure 8).                                          54% None
 of analytics                                                                                                                                                                                            Co-source Support
                      (largely basic tasks) with support from centralised
	The operating       Centre of Excellence teams, as required, and primarily           Figure 7. Operating model
 model, talent
                      on advanced and more technical areas.                            What is the current operating model for
 and resourcing
                                                                                       digital and analytics?
Barriers and         Talent
 challenges           The majority of the survey respondents (55%) have
                      a dedicated analytics team within the Internal Audit
Future direction                                                                                        Decentralised
 and strategy         function with specialised skills. This increases to 69%            7%                                                                                               9% Other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           7% Second Line
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             of Defence
                                                                                         Decentralised                                                                                                    7% Second Line
                      across Financial Services (FS) organisations. Those                                                                                                 9% Other
                                                                                                                                                                                                            of Defence
The Internal         that do not have dedicated team members generally
 Audit function
                      use resources from within the broader Internal Audit
 of the future
                      team or external resources. All Internal Audit functions
	Appendix A –        that have no analytics capability, have said they are
 About the survey     planning to establish such capability in the next
                      3-5 years. More than half of these, also consider
 ppendix B –
Digital and           using external service providers or providing analytics
                                                                                                                                                                                         4% First Line
analytics maturity    training to current team members to strengthen                                                                                                                      of Defence
                      their analytics capabilities.                                                                                                                      4% First Line
 ppendix C –
A                                                                                                                                                                         of Defence
Definitions and

	Appendix D –
 External sources /

Contacts                                                                                43%                                                 50%
                                                                                         Hybrid                                              Fully centralised
                                                                            43%                                          50%
                                                                            Hybrid                                       Fully centralised
Building the data enabled function of the future | The operating model, talent and resourcing

Foreword             In terms of skills, the percentage of auditors with basic   Over half of the decentralised or hybrid functions have    Figure 9. Training and operating model for analytics
                      analytics skills is relatively low with three quarters      trained more than 40% of their business auditors,          Percentage of the Internal Audit function that has received training, and the
                      of organisations reporting this figure as below 40%.        while only 20% of the centralised have reached that        analytics operating model of the respondent organisations.
                      However, in functions that operate a hybrid or              level. See also Figure 9.
	Executive           decentralised model this figure rises to 80%.
 summary                                                                          What has also been particularly intriguing, especially     No training                               20%

Current use          We believe this is explained primarily                      if we compare the results to our 2015 survey, is the
 of analytics         through three key reasons:                                  increased use of incentives encouraging the uptake of
                      • one, the increased exposure to analytics                  analytics. Indeed, 58% of respondents have embedded            1-20%                    13%    3%
	The operating         work through their day to day audit work                  targets within the performance objectives or the
 model, talent
                      • two, the more frequent and structured training that       evaluation approach for their audit leads or Heads of
 and resourcing
                        such functions provide to their business auditors         Audit – 37% of which are formally established. For 7%         20-60%     3%                   13%                                  20%
Barriers and           (refer to Figure 9)                                       of organisations, there are plans to implement such
 challenges           • the third reason is increased use of analytics self-      measures in the near future. It needs to be highlighted
Future direction       serve techniques and tools used by functions with         that this also applies to many smaller Internal Audit           >60%     3%                           17%               7%
 and strategy           hybrid models, including pre-configured testing           functions (
Building the data enabled function of the future | The operating model, talent and resourcing


                      What we have learned
	Executive           For all the debate around digital enablement, advanced       Second, the trend we are seeing is business auditors          What will be important is to ensure technical teams
 summary              technologies and the impact of these on the internal         being trained on basic analytics to develop further           develop their audit and business understanding as
                      audit function, Internal Audit is a people based service     the “purple” people / auditors, combining sophisticated       well as soft skills, around influencing, coordinating,
Current use          function, and its ability to get the best out of its human   data analysis skills or “red skills,” with communication      collaborating and communicating with others in
 of analytics
                      capital will always be a key driver in determining its       skills, business acumen, and political sense or “blue         the organisation, often outside the function itself.
	The operating       success. Individuals are at the heart of internal audit      skills”. There is also a trend towards decentralised          The strength and the value in the function will come
 model, talent        analytics functions and whilst having the right tools        or hybrid models, driven by what is referred to the           from the power of collaboration, the intersection
 and resourcing       and maturity of approaches will be important, having         “democratisation” of analytics and technology.                between diverse skills, experiences and thinking that
Barriers and         the right people and skills in the right role will be        Analytics shouldn’t be the privilege of the few anymore.      fosters innovation and leads to new insights and value.
 challenges           crucial. But what are the skills and traits that define a    An approach that focuses on the combination of training
                      successful digital and analytics strategy? The continued     and clear targets or incentives that drive additional         Any internal audit recruitment seeking to support
Future direction     technological advancement and the ever increasing            use of analytics is proven to help to that end.               innovation capability and culture should also cast a
 and strategy
                      pace of change, would mean that the need for a core                                                                        wide recruitment net by actively targeting experience
The Internal         specialist team of digital and analytics experts will        Third, by encouraging teams to experiment, identify           that could disrupt and innovate within the function
 Audit function       remain. For larger or more advanced functions, this          and explore the “art” of technology enablement; as            (refer also to our recent paper “Optimising internal
 of the future        translates into a recruitment challenge given the            people become more comfortable with automation and            audit; Developing top flight teams”). For example,
                      scarcity of these skills in the market.                      artificial intelligence, as they collaborate closely and on   product designers may help the function revitalise
	Appendix A –
 About the survey                                                                  a day-to-day basis with “purple” people, they get more        the stakeholder experience or rethink how it
                      The approach to overcome this challenge includes             opportunities to experiment and fail, learn, develop          communicates through audit reports. The “purple”
 ppendix B –
A                     the following three strands:                                 themselves and help deliver tools or approaches that          person, as we mentioned earlier, would be key in
Digital and           First, procuring skills outside of the internal audit        improve productivity and audit quality3.                      innovation roles given their intellectual curiosity in
analytics maturity
                      profession, bringing in data scientists, digital                                                                           both enabling technologies and internal audit and
 ppendix C –
A                     transformation experts, developers, to establish a core      The investment in upskilling and training of people           we expect they will be critical to moving the dial on
Definitions and       ‘development’ factory and technical skillset and then        is relatively low cost and easier options for functions       the function’s ability to anticipate risk. For example,
glossary              upskilling them in audit practices. This is encountered      (particularly smaller or cost-conscious ones), offering       “purple” people will help functions embrace practices
	Appendix D –        mainly in functions with Innovation capability and           the opportunity for people to develop, helping them           such as real-time risk assessment, continuous
 External sources /   larger R&D budgets. Most commonly however, we see            with career progression, but also allowing them to            controls testing, and tools such as automation
 references           upskilling programmes and training initiatives for core      experiment and innovate within the remit of their audit       and artificial intelligence3.
                      data analytics staff covering areas such as advanced         work, which is proven to lead to increased satisfaction
                      analytics, programming languages (Python, R etc), new        and retention of talent.
                      approaches etc.
Building the data enabled function of the future | Barriers and challenges

                      Barriers and



Current use
 of analytics

	The operating
 model, talent
 and resourcing

Barriers and

Future direction
 and strategy

The Internal
 Audit function
 of the future

	Appendix A –
 About the survey

 ppendix B –
Digital and
analytics maturity

 ppendix C –
Definitions and

	Appendix D –
 External sources /


Building the data enabled function of the future | Barriers and challenges

Foreword             Whilst the increase in the use                            Figure 10. Key barriers
                                                                                What are the key reasons / barriers currently preventing the function using digital and analytics?
                      and application of analytics is                                 Access to                                       Access to                                Access to
                                                                                                                   63%                                        65%                                      82%

                      notable in our survey, there                              appropriate data                                appropriate data                         appropriate data

                      are still a number of areas that
                                                                                        Skills &                                           Skills &                              Skills &
 summary                                                                                                   52%                                                 71%                                     82%
                                                                                     knowledge                                          knowledge                             knowledge

Current use          organisations struggle with as                                    Capacity             59%                          Capacity            65%                Capacity        45%
 of analytics
                      part of the journey in developing                                  Access
	The operating                                                                         to tools                                           to tools                              to tools
 model, talent        their digital and analytics strategy                         Not knowing                                      Not knowing                             Not knowing
                                                                                                       15%                                        0%                                      0%
 and resourcing
                      or delivering on their priorities in                        where to start                                   where to start                          where to start

                                                                                     Insufficient                                         Insufficient                            Insufficient
Barriers and
                      a way that truly unlocks value.                                    budget

                                                                                         Role &                                             Role &                                Role &
                                                                                                     11%                                                12%                                     9%
Future direction     The top three barriers described as preventing                      remit                                              remit                                 remit
 and strategy         the use of analytics and digital across all respondents            Lack of                                           Lack of                                Lack of 0%
                                                                                                    4%                                                  12%
                      are (Figure 10):                                                  support                                           support                                support
The Internal
 Audit function                                                                       Access to     4%                                 Access to      6%                       Access to        9%
                      01. Access to appropriate data                               outside skills                                   outside skills                          outside skills
 of the future
                      02. Skills and knowledge within the function                        Not a                                             Not a                                  Not a
                                                                                                    4%                                                6%                                   0%
	Appendix A –        03. Capacity within the function
                                                                                         priority                                          priority                               priority
 About the survey                                                                          Data                                              Data                                   Data
                                                                                                  0%                                                  6%                                   0%
                                                                                        loss risk                                         loss risk                              loss risk
 ppendix B –
                                                                                   Reputational                                     Reputational                             Reputational
Digital and                                                                                 risk
analytics maturity
                                                                                           Data                                              Data                                   Data
                                                                                                 0%                                                0%                                           9%
 ppendix C –
A                                                                                        culture                                           culture                                culture
Definitions and
glossary                                                                        Number of Internal Audit FTEs            Small (20 & 100)

	Appendix D –
 External sources /


Building the data enabled function of the future | Barriers and challenges

Foreword             To add more perspective, smaller functions or the            Figure 11. Data Sources and Data Access Model
                      ones that have not started integrating analytics into        What sort of data sources do functions perform analytics over?
                      their audits, cite capacity and lack of resource/skills as
                      their key barrier. The larger or more mature functions       Structured                                    Unstructured              Third party data
	Executive           list access to appropriate data as their biggest barrier.
 summary                                                                                          100%

Current use          The challenges around the skills, capacity and
 of analytics         resourcing have been discussed also in the previous
                      chapter alongside with some perspectives on the
	The operating       future direction, as well as key actions on skills
 model, talent
                      development, training and recruitment.
 and resourcing
Barriers and         Interestingly, only one function reported “data
 challenges           culture” or the lack thereof, as a barrier. This is yet
                      another revealing result as it could point to a shift in                                                                                                17%
Future direction
 and strategy         mindset within functions to confidently apply the use
                      of data and analytics. The key obstacles seem to be
The Internal         operational in nature, and therefore possibly easier to
 Audit function
                      overcome. We didn’t notice any significant volume of
 of the future                                                                     Social media                                  Other data sources
                      responses or notable references to culture, leadership
	Appendix A –        and top-down approach that may inhibit further
 About the survey     development of analytics capabilities.
 ppendix B –
Digital and
analytics maturity

 ppendix C –
Definitions and

	Appendix D –
 External sources /                                                                                9%                                                 9%


Building the data enabled function of the future | Barriers and challenges

Foreword             Figure 12.
                      What is the data access model in use?

 summary                 Data extracts                               Team size                      Medium
                                                  70%                                    55%                         80%   Large (> 100)   82%
                        from business                                Small ( 20 &  20 &  100)
                        Dedicated IA                                 Small ( 20 &
Building the data enabled function of the future | Barriers and challenges

Foreword             Access to data is the most prevalent barrier with       61% acknowledge the need to evaluate the quality           Figure 13.
                      many respondents appearing to be heavily reliant on     of data before use, which compares to 50% noted            Do you independently evaluate the quality of the data before
                      business or IT to provide the data they need. Indeed,   in 2015. Given the importance in data quality,             running analytics?
                      70% of respondents list this as their main source of    this is something that most functions still need to
	Executive           data. Direct access and feeds from business systems     assess before the audit, and depending on the
 summary              were still prevalent, with 52% and 61% respectively,    need for cleansing this is still reported as a challenge     39%
Current use          but very few functions reported having their own        for functions.                                               No
 of analytics         dedicated data servers or data warehouse for internal
                      audit (17%). Having a dedicated data warehouse may      We would encourage functions to explore more
	The operating       not be necessary for most functions but access to       opportunities to use data external to the organisation,
 model, talent
                      the right data and within the right timeframe is        for example, scraping data from news sites, social
 and resourcing
                      paramount to the effective and sustainable              media that can be used to identify emerging
Barriers and         embedding of analytics. We did also note that           reputational risks.
 challenges           identifying the right data owners, especially in
Future direction     larger organisations, was a key challenge.              There are numerous use cases that support the
 and strategy                                                                 innovative use of non-traditional data sources to

The Internal         “61% acknowledge the                                   provide insight and perspective that would not have
                                                                              been achieved in the past. We have seen some
 Audit function
 of the future          need to evaluate the                                  analytics teams making effective use of such external
                                                                              data, seeking to utilise all available data sets – third
	Appendix A –
 About the survey       quality of data before                                party sold or publicly available - to evaluate the
                                                                              external or market environment, make predictions or
 ppendix B –
Digital and
                        use which compares to                                 assess inherent risk without restricting themselves
                                                                              simply to the use of organisation-derived data.
analytics maturity
                        50% noted in 2015.”                                                                                                                                                             Yes

 ppendix C –
Definitions and

	Appendix D –
 External sources /


Building the data enabled function of the future | Barriers and challenges


                      What we have learned
                      Without a doubt, access to data                      • It is important that Internal Audit is aligned with
                                                                             the data governance practices that exist within             “Data quality is a key
                      is a sensitive and tricky process,
Current use
                      requiring internal auditors to
                                                                             the organisation, establishing the relationships
                                                                             with the data owners and making sure the needs                consideration here as this is
 of analytics

	The operating       know what exactly they need
                                                                             of Internal Audit functions are considered when
                                                                             defining and cataloguing data for use. Data                   where quality requirements
 model, talent
 and resourcing
                      to access, for which periods                           quality is a key consideration here as this is where
                                                                             quality requirements are likely to be defined at an           are likely to be defined at an
                      and where data is hosted,
Barriers and
 challenges           while making sure security and
                                                                             organisation level.
                                                                           • For larger or more data-mature organisations, once            organisation level.”
                                                                             data is identified, it is worth considering automating
Future direction     confidentiality is maintained and                      collection of data through data feeds, obtaining access
 and strategy
                      that data is only used for its                         to organisations data lakes or establishing servers
The Internal                                                                dedicated to Internal Audit, where this is feasible. We
 Audit function       intended process. This can be                          acknowledge that this is no simple task but, if done
 of the future
                      a challenging task. So, what can                       right, has proven to save hours of time and effort later,
                                                                             safeguard quality and ultimately speed up the time to
	Appendix A –
 About the survey
                      functions do to make this easier?                      deliver quality output.
                                                                           • For smaller organisations or functions, we believe
 ppendix B –
A                                                                            they should start small and scale slowly, especially if
Digital and                                                                  this is new area to the function, starting with one data
analytics maturity
                                                                             source at a time. They need to ensure that access to
 ppendix C –
A                                                                            data is repeatable and automated, where possible,
Definitions and                                                              and keep building over time to make the process more
glossary                                                                     manageable and less overwhelming.
	Appendix D –
 External sources /


Building the data enabled function of the future | Future direction and strategy

                      Future direction


                      and strategy

Current use
 of analytics

	The operating
 model, talent
 and resourcing

Barriers and

Future direction
 and strategy

The Internal
 Audit function
 of the future

	Appendix A –
 About the survey

 ppendix B –
Digital and
analytics maturity

 ppendix C –
Definitions and

	Appendix D –
 External sources /


Building the data enabled function of the future | Future direction and strategy

Foreword             It was encouraging to see that,                      Figure 14. Vision and Strategy for the future and size of the Internal Audit function
                                                                           Do you have a clear vision for the future use of digital and analytics within the function?
                      from the surveyed organisations
                      with dedicated teams, the vast
                                                                           Vision for the future – Number internal audit of FTEs     Strategy for the future – Number internal audit of FTEs

 summary              majority have a clear vision for
Current use          the future (79%) and a strategy                                                           15% No
 of analytics
                      for the further development of
	The operating                                                                         Small ( 100)
	Appendix D –
 External sources /

Contacts                                                                  23% Yes                                                   21% Yes

Building the data enabled function of the future | Future direction and strategy

Foreword             Figure 15.
                      Is the strategy aligned to the broader function priorities?

                      Strategy alignment for the future – Number of internal audit FTEs                           2%
                                                                                                                  They have a plan but
 summary              21% Yes                                                                                     no alignment to the
                                                                                                                  function’s strategy
Current use                                                                              24%
 of analytics                                                                             They have no plan and
                                                                                          no alignment to the
	The operating                      Small ( 20 &  100)                                                                                       74%
 External sources /                                                                                                                      They have a plan which is aligned
                                                                                                                                         to the function’s strategy

                      21% Yes

Building the data enabled function of the future | Future direction and strategy

Foreword             In terms of outcomes that the functions are aiming to      Figure 16. Outcomes that the function is aiming to achieve through
                      achieve through delivering on their strategic priorities   future use of digital and analytics (next 3-5 years)
                      in this area and the future drive on digital and
                      analytics, these were (Figure 16):
                                                                                  Improve the effectiveness of the function
	Executive                                                                                                                                                         89%
                                                                                  through greater assurance coverage
 summary              01. Firstly, (Figure 16) the overall effectiveness
                          of the function through enhanced level of
Current use              assurance and better identification of true             Improve the speed of the function                                           67%
 of analytics             issues and outliers (84% of FS organisations
	The operating           quoted this objective, and 89% overall)
 model, talent        02. The second factor was to improve the speed              To automate, for example, core process enable the function
                                                                                  to spend more time on greater value adding activities                      65%
 and resourcing           of the function (67% quoted this objective)
Barriers and         03. Third, the need to increase automate core
 challenges               processes (65%)                                         Upskill the function                                                 59%
Future direction     04. Upskill the function (59%)
 and strategy
                                                                                  Improve auditee engagement through richer
                      Improve access to data as well as to improve                insights and greater use visualisations                             57%
The Internal
 Audit function       auditee engagement through richer insights
 of the future        and greater use of visualisation were additional
                                                                                  Identify outliers and unusual items
                      focus areas. FS organisations quoted in particular the      to focus on highest risk areas                                 54%
	Appendix A –        need to “future proof” the function (48%). In fact,
 About the survey     Internal Audit functions that had invested in analytics
 ppendix B –
A                     prior to the recent crisis seem to have been able to        To reduce costs within the function                           52%
Digital and           better withstand the effects of the pandemic and
analytics maturity    continued to provide assurance services effectively.
                                                                                  Gain access to better data from the
 ppendix C –
A                                                                                 business to inform planning process                     48%
Definitions and       Interestingly, reduction in costs did not feature
glossary              significantly in the responses, with functions
                      appreciating that some investment would be                  Future proof the function                               48%
	Appendix D –        necessary and that the key objective is enhancing
 External sources /
                      impact and influence and not necessarily squeezing
                      costs – at least in the short term.                         Drive collaboration with
Contacts                                                                         first and second line

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