Bulletin No. 36 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Foro Penal

Page created by Jean Doyle
Bulletin No. 36 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Foro Penal
Bulletin No. 36
                       From 7 to 14 May, 2018
Bulletin No. 36 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Foro Penal
Bulletin No. 36
                                                                                      From 7 to 14 May, 2018

Transparencia Venezuela - www.transparencia.org.ve
The revolutionary government signed at least US$ 29.974 millions with Odebrecht
                                            Our ONG determined that the total       Apart from Brazil itself, Venezuela
                                         amount of 20- out of 40 contracts       is the most scandalous case in the
                                         certainly signed by our Nation and the  Odebrecht affair: in this country,
                                         Brazilian company- surpasses US$        bribes reached the top, both in
                                         29.974 millions; besides, payments      number and in amounts. If Odebrecht
                                         done within 18 of those contracts sum   operated among us under the same
                                         up to US$ 13.266 millions. (And they    scheme used in other latin-american
                                         are only 20 of the 40 contracts         countries, Transparencia Venezuela
                                         signed).                                esteems bribery was superior to US$
                                                                                 1.300 millions, quite a bit above the
     Transparencia Venezuela reveals        From the available information figure of US$ 98 millions, accepted
its findings about the size of business   related to some of the projects and confessed by Marcelo Odebrecht
dealings between our government          involved, Transparencia Venezuela in his statement at the Court of New
and Odebrecht; and the rare and poor     could determine that modifications York in 2015.
results they mean to the country and     were made in the contracts, which
society. This Report is issued after 5   meant raises of the costs to the
years of collecting documents and        Nation: the price originally agreed for
data processing, both based on or        a given work –scheduled 2017- was
proceeding from Official Gazettes,        increased later, supposedly because
ministerial Annual Accounts, papers of
General     Attorney’s   Office     and
                                         of a challenge in the culmination date;
                                         but neither the alteration in the
National Register of Contractors, and    estimate nor the extension of the
papers from Additional Credits and/or    foreseen time for delivery are
Judicial Inspections.                    convincingly explained or supported
                                         by trustable evidence.

                                              Espacio Público - www.espaciopublico.ong
                            Communicating in Venezuela: Challenges to Freedom of Speech
    Next Tuesday, May 15, Espacio institutionality, State of Right and        Apart from him, the forum will also
Público –jointly with Center of Human human rights in Venezuela, issued by count on Morella Alvarado, Head of
Rights and Cultural Center “Carlos CIDH in February 2018.                  the    Institute   of    Research   on
Guillermo Plaza2, both of Catholic                                         Communications,       at   Venezuela’s
University “Andrés Bello” (UCAB)- will                                     Central University (UCV); Maria
head a Forum, under the name of                                            Fernanda Flores, President of the
“Communicating        in    Venezuela:                                     Caracas Press Club; and Marcelino
Challenges to freedom of Expression”.                                      Bisbal, Director of UCAB Publications.
The event will take place at the                                           They will render their approaches to
Auditorium “Nohemi Irauquín de                                             the current challenges to freedom of
Vargas”, UCAB’s Cultural Center,                                           speech, from the points of view of a
starting 9 AM.                                                             researcher, a journalist, and an
    Interamerican    Commission    on
Human rights (CIDH) will participate
in the forum (via Skype), represented
by its Special Relator for Freedom of                                                 http://bit.ly/2wDIbjP
Speech, Edison Lanza. He is going to
talk about freedom of thought and
expression in our country, according
to the Inform on democratic
Bulletin No. 36 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Foro Penal
Bulletin No. 36
From 7 to 14 May, 2018

                                       Un Mundo Sin Mordaza - www.sinmordaza.org
        Venezuelan diaspora is organized in more than 200 cities to protest on May 20

http:/ bit.ly/2rGaIAz
                                            said that the activity will occur        And the third objective is urging at
                                            simultaneously in over 200 cities        least one of the 160 members of the
                                            around the world. In her opinion,        Rome Statute to present Venezuelan
                                            countries will not move if Venezuelans   case before the International Criminal
                                            themselves are not the first ones to do   Court, in order to begin the formal
                                            so. She also said “the serious crisis    investigation stage for establishing
                                            faced by Venezuela and the regime        responsibilities in the Crimes Against
                                            that governs it make us lose hope, but   Humanity that have occurred in
                                            will not lower our heads”.               Venezuela.

    The NGO Justice for Venezuela     With these calls, organizations aim
reported that, jointly with Canadato achieving three fundamental
Venezuela        Democracy        objectives related to Human Rights,
Dialogue for Venezuela, Democraticbefore allied countries are willing to
                                  help us in this situation: “the first one is
Struggle, Recivex, Canary-Venezuelan
Union,       Veppex,      and     the global ignorance of the electoral
                                  process called by the National
organizations of Venezuelan Diaspora
                                  Constituent assembly (ANC), which
I, they are planning to make massive
                                  will be held on May 20 in Venezuela.
calls, in order to gather over 3 millions
                                  The second objective is urging the
of Venezuelans abroad for protesting
on May 20, as a form of rejection implementation          of       solidarity
before the presidential elections.mechanisms by countries that receive
                                  Venezuelan migrants, as stated by
  Soraya Benitez, president of United Nations High Commissioner for
Canada Venezuela Democracy forum, Refugees (UNHCR) in March 2018.

Civilis Derechos Humanos - http://www.civilisac.org/
“It is worth raising our voices for stopping violations against
the Right to Health of Venezuelan children”
                                 Many persons have a vein          —How Prepara Familia´s initiative arouse in J.M de
                             to help needy people, each         los Rios?
                             one of them accomplishes the
                                                                   —We got here as a group of Catholic Volunteers,
                             corresponding       action    in
                                                                because we wanted to help people who were somehow in
                             different       ways;       but
                                                                need or were going through an extreme situation. We
                             consolidating an NGO (ONG)
                                                                asked some nurses for the most critical area and they said
                             in    Venezuela      or    even
                                                                it was the fifth floor, where Neurosurgery and Urology
                             internationally is not an easy
                                                                Services are located. No way! We soon realized there were
                             task.     “Prepare      Family”
                                                                many other different needs in there, therefore our first
                             (“Prepara Familia”) is a
                                                                approach lasted just a few hours. We immediately were
non-governmental organization, dedicated to prevent
                                                                committed by reality; nowadays, we support those
violence against women and to support mothers and
                                                                mothers in their struggle to save their children´s lives
children at J.M de los Rios Hospital. PF has been working
for more than eight years, and is presently headed by
attorney Katherine Martinez.
   Martinez provides support to both kids and their
representatives, who face crude realities at that Hospital
for Children. Her commitment is constant and evident.                            http://bit.ly/2IDqpC9
Every day she finds new reasons to carry on with her
labor, summing up her deeds within a peaceful and
hopeful environment, so dear to the small patients.
Bulletin No. 36 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Foro Penal
Bulletin No. 36
                                                                                              From 7 to 14 May, 2018

Acceso a la Justicia - www.accesoalajusticia.org/wp/
Road to Dictatorship
    Venezuela is living under a                                                            Special,   named     “Road     to
Dictatorship. This assertion is                                                            Dictatorship”. Really, it is a
valid for many of us. Others still                                                         campaign, which describes in tree
have doubts about it. That                                                                 sections how the Executive
happens because this one is not a                                                          Power has left our Constitution
classical dictatorship, in which                                                           that was heartedly defended by
there is a military authority                                                              chavismo in its beginnings. Our
commanding       directly, never                                                           Special comes accompanied by a
allowing freedom of speech, not                                                            video, which shows evidences of
at all.                                                                                    contradictions in presidential
                                                                                           speech; and recalls violations to
   But we are-in fact- living
                                                                  Human Rights in our country. Furthermore, the Special
within and under an authoritarian regime. The clearest
                                                                  contains infographies, for enabling the reader to follow
evidence –among many others- is this: we, citizens, have
                                                                  along time some important decisions, issued by TSJ, that
lost our right to elect freely our mandatories. The
                                                                  contributed to build Nicolás Maduro´s regime. Viewers will
government, acting through National Electoral Council
                                                                  comprehend how some basic human rights (to Food, to
(CNE) and helped by the Supreme Court (TSJ), has
                                                                  Health) are repeatedly violated, harming deeply
gradually climinated our political rights, especially after
                                                                  Venezuelan population.
the election of the National Assembly (AN), in December
2015, meant a majority of oppositors.
   For providing a wider panorama of the situation; and                            https://goo.gl/RwW3Rp
aiming to make citizens understand how we arrived to the
present institutional crisis; Acceso a la Justicia launches a

                                                     PROVEA - www.derechos.org.ve
       Civil Society and NGOs (ONGs) call for suspension of the M20 electoral process
                                             Acceso a la Justicia, Aqui Cabemos          favorable    voting;     informative
                                             Todos, Civilis DDHH, UCV’s Center for       imbalance along the campaign; and
                                             Human Rights, and Dale Letra –a             denounces of manipulation of the
                                             citizens’ movement.                         automatized voting system.

                                                 Electoral irregularities refer to           “Voting in Venezuela has lost
                                             obstacles for practicing the Right to       legitimacy because the electoral
                                             Political Association, such as: the         system      is     considered     hardly
                                             illegalization of political parties         transparent     today,     since   it    is
                                             Primero Justicia (PJ) and Voluntad          administered        by      non-impartial
   A group of least 30 NGOs and              Popular      (VP);    impeding     Marea    institutions. If this process is finally
other civil society’s initiatives issued a   Socialista –a political organization that   realized, the worst consequence will
communication, in which they call for        comes from the so-called “dissident         be an erosion at the institutional
the suspension of the electoral              chavismo”- to postulate a presidential      character of voting, namely a
process scheduled May 20. They also          candidate; the arbitrary selection of       democratic mechanism for solving
require elections to be re-scheduled         the electoral date, in order to favor the   differences and for reflecting the
by the end of the year; and the              Executive      Power;     violations   of   majority´s opinion about which should
publication of a complete and                different legal rules and norms, say the    be the country’s directions”, the
definitive electoral chronography,            presentation of candidates on their         communication        says,    and     then
which must be announced at least 6           own initiative; the minimal 20-days         summarizes       “Electoral    conditions
months before the voting day. Among          lapse allowed for enrolling in National     society claims for are all displayed in
those who signed the document are:           electoral Register; the use of public       the National Constitution and in the
Venezuelan Electoral Observatory             resources to promote Maduro; the use        current Electoral Legislation”.
(OEV), Provea, Laboratorio de Paz,           of Carnet the la Patria to assure a
Bulletin No. 36 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Foro Penal
Bulletin No. 36
From 7 to 14 May, 2018

                                                   Foro Penal Venezolano - www.foropenal.com/
                                               91 persons in prison within operation “Paper Hands”
    Between January 1, 2014 and May                                              Foro Penal. Besides the former, 7.227
11, 2018, Foro Penal de Venezuela has                                            persons are kept unfairly submitted to
registered 12.336 arbitrary arrest.                                              judicial procedures under cautional
   Among them, there are 746
civilians, who have been taken before                                              Since our last report, repression has
military courts. From those, 121 are still                                     imprisoned –formally, by juridical
in custody, 9 women included. Since                                            decisions- other 91 persons, as a result
January 2014, we have accumulated                                              of the so-called “Paper Hands”
1.439 political prisoners. Liberty was                                         operation. This is an obvious attempt
obtained –under diverse legal modalities- in 1.103 cases.    of the Venezuelan government to blame others for its
                                                             mistaken economical and exchange policies. By doing so,
  By April 2014, we had recorded 117 political prisoners.    the government warrants impunity to people who
Today, Venezuela’s number for this category reaches 336,     –holding power- are directly and really responsible for the
which was certified by OEA based on data provided by          grave economical crisis that Venezuela suffers.

CEPAZ - www.cepaz.org.ve
Civil Society’s Organizations articulate their efforts
to obtain justice for victims
                                         current situation; an exchange of          Center of justice and Peace
                                         successful experiences; a review of     (CEPAZ), Civilis, and PROVEA were
                                         their challenges; and a generation of   the organizations who called to this
                                         joint strategies for an optimum         encounter. They make a great effort
                                         performance in the international        to offer preparation and to integrate
                                         systems.                                and articulate actions; as well as to
                                                                                 assure the provision of adequate
                                             Within the context of impunity we tools, which are to be used by
                                         have in our country, victims are nearly organizations at their work pro
     Juridical defense teams of civil    deprived from access to justice; obtaining justice.
society’s organizations, -which are      that´s why international organisms
permanently active at organism of        offer a way to implement strategies
protection to human rights- held an      for      defending        organizations        http://bit.ly/2KkhFy2
encounter, aiming an analysis of the     efficiently.
Bulletin No. 36 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Foro Penal Bulletin No. 36 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Foro Penal Bulletin No. 36 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Foro Penal Bulletin No. 36 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Foro Penal Bulletin No. 36 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Foro Penal
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