Welcome to our 2019 Joburg interns - ProBono.org

Page created by Earl Carlson
Welcome to our 2019 Joburg interns - ProBono.org
                                          ON OUR WEBSITE :
                                                                Issue 64

                             IN THIS ISSUE • APRIL 2019
                             • New interns in Joburg
                             • The Family House project – new developments
                             • The importance of estate planning and having a will
                             • “Reasonable charges” in the Consumer Protection Act
                             • Human Rights Festival 2019 at Conhill

Welcome to our
2019 Joburg interns
                                          We are very pleased to be able to
                                          report that our 2018 interns were all
                                          offered articles with law firms and
                                          with Legal Aid South Africa.
                                          Here are the new intakes for 2019
                                          together with volunteer Zandi
                                          Mahlangu. We hope they have a
                                          rewarding and interesting time with
                                          us and that they will carry with them
                                          a passion for pro bono work and
                                          assisting the less fortunate.

         Muchengeti (Chengi)                    brought on as an intern in the
         Hwacha                                 Child Law department in January
                                                2019. He has had experience in
         Chengi comes from a long line of       public interest law, volunteering
         legal professionals. His grandfather   for organisations such as the
         was one of Zimbabwe’s first            International Commission of
         post-colonial black judges and         Jurists (ICJ) Africa, Zimbabwe
         his father is a founding partner of    Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR)
         one of Zimbabwe’s top law firms.       and the Constitutional Literacy and
         Following in the family’s footsteps    Service Initiative (CLASI). During
         Muchengeti completed an LLB at         his tenure at ZLHR, where he
         the University of KwaZulu-Natal        worked on electoral law reform
         (PMB). He has supplemented this        research, he developed a strong
         qualification with Certificates from   passion for activism on electoral
         the University of the Witwatersrand    issues. He developed this into
         in Intellectual Property Law and       a campaign for diaspora voting
         Banking and Financial Markets          rights in Zimbabwe. Listen to an
         Law.                                   interview he gave on the topic for
         His first experience with ProBono.     Cliff Central Radio here:
         Org was as a volunteer at the          http://cliffcentral.com/no-
         Divorce Court help desk at the         borders/no-borders-mtv-shuga-
         Johannesburg Family Court              oyc-con-courts/
         in August 2018. He was then

Welcome to our 2019 Joburg interns - ProBono.org
Phindile Cele                           statement “justice for all” is not just
                                                                                        a narrative to those who cannot
                                                Phindile Cele was born in               afford legal services. “I am looking
                                                KwaZulu-Natal and completed             forward to learning and mastering
                                                her LLB degree at the University of     the areas of law ProBono.Org
                                                South Africa in 2018.                   specialises in, but mostly I hope
                                                                                        to make an impact on the lives of
                                                She is currently doing a                those who need legal assistance”,
                                                Master’s degree in Family Law.          she says. Phindile worked at the
                                                Before completing her degree            University of South Africa as a
                                                she volunteered at Mason                post-graduate student assistant
                                                Attorneys doing vocational              for two years, assisting academics
                                                work; volunteering there was            with research and admin work.
                                                confirmation for her that she had       “Working at UNISA exposed me to
                                                chosen the right career path.           career opportunities available in
                                                She applied for an internship at        the academic environment, and
                                                ProBono.Org to gain exposure to         after I am admitted as an attorney
                                                various areas of law and help the       I would love to pursue a career as
                                                less privileged. She has a passion to   an academic, specialising in family
                                                educate, which is a way of giving       law.”
                                                back to society; to ensure that the

                                                Mukhethwa Chauke                        had an opportunity to volunteer
                                                                                        at ProBono.Org in Johannesburg
                                                Mukhethwa was born and raised           and was excited to be working in
                                                in Venda (Limpopo) and, like            a legal environment for the first
                                                many people, moved to Gauteng           time. “Working with people from
                                                to pursue tertiary education. He        marginalised and under-privileged
                                                completed his LLB degree at the         communities who have sensitive
                                                University of South Africa in 2018.     legal matters is something I have
                                                He participated in the street law       grown an intense interest in. I
                                                programme at university and was         believe pro bono work should be a
                                                exposed to community work,              mandatory requirement for all legal
                                                where he realised that he is a          practitioners. 
                                                social justice warrior. In 2018 he

ProBono.Org Joburg
participated in the second
Human Rights Festival
organised by Constitution Hill.

    Human Rights Festival 2019
    By Margaret Fish

    Over four days from 21 to 24 March the festival included      law attorney and child law consultant, along with
    poetry, art exhibitions, a film festival, the social forum,   volunteer attorneys from Werksmans were on hand to
    activism row, a music evening and We the People walks         provide advice.
    on the Sunday. In addition, there was a marquee with
                                                                  Meanwhile, in Musina in Limpopo our refugee project
    food stalls and a market where creatives sold their
                                                                  manager attended a Human Rights Day annual soccer
                                                                  tournament that commemorated human rights with a
    ProBono.Org had a stand in Activism Row and on
    Saturday morning we held consultations for people             special focus on refugee and migrant rights. 
    wanting assistance with family law issues. Our family

Welcome to our 2019 Joburg interns - ProBono.org
The Family House Project
– forward we go!                                                   By Tshenolo Masha

 Our collaboration with Dr          As the position paper’s research   state functionaries that should
 Maxim Bolt (University of          and case work focused on           be explored in advocating
 Birmingham and the UK              Soweto, this community was         for policy and legislative
 Social Research Council) on        an obvious choice for public       reforms in relation to this
 the Family House concept           engagement. Through the            concept. The policy toolkit
 continues.                         Zola Advice Centre, young and      was launched officially on 26
                                    old expressed their thoughts,      March 2019 at Hogan Lovells.
 Following the launch of the
                                    feelings and experiences in        Speakers from The Deeds
 Position Paper in July 2018, a
                                    relation to this concept. After    Office Johannesburg, Master’s
 public consultation was held to
                                    going through the sections,        Office Johannesburg, the
 get feedback on the research
                                    community members gave             Gauteng Provincial Legislature
 from members of the public.
                                    feedback on the paper based on     Portfolio Committee on
 The input identified a need for
                                    their lived experiences. A few     Human Settlements, the
 formal legal recognition of the
                                    assumptions were corrected         Gauteng Department of Human
 concept. On 9 February 2019
                                    but mostly the community           Settlements, the South African
 a summarised version of the
                                    members concurred that the         Law Reform Commission and a
 position paper was presented to
                                    family house is a concept that     conveyancing practitioner gave
 180 plus community members
                                    is alive within their community    their inputs and feedback on
 from Jabulani, Zola, Zondi and
                                    but is also difficult to define.   the authors’ recommendations
 surrounding areas in Soweto.
                                    The community also called          on action to be taken to
 It was noted that in many
                                    for formal recognition of the      ensure policy and legislative
 instances when legal reform
                                    concept and families that          change. This will lead to more
 takes place there is no adequate
                                    practise this concept should be    substantive engagements
 substantive engagement with
                                    able, through legal mechanisms,    with state entities such as the
 the affected communities.
                                    to register properties as family   Law Reform Commission and
 There have been many reforms
                                    homes.                             provincial departments for
 around land ownership and
                                                                       policy and legislative reforms.
 inheritance in urban spaces,       The input from this consultation
 but it has previously not been     and the consultation in July       Both documents and updates
 adequately communicated            2018 with academics, legal         on developments on this project
 or explained how these             professionals and social           can be accessed on this link:
 changes would affect the           justice organisations saw          https://www.birmingham.
 manner in which property is        the development of a policy        ac.uk/schools/historycultures/
 owned, administered and even       toolkit. This document             departments/dasa/research/
 accessed.                          identifies key legislation and     the-family-house.aspx 
Welcome to our 2019 Joburg interns - ProBono.org
The importance of
estate planning and
having a will in place
By Naeelah Williams, Cape Town

Estate planning can be defined as planning and preparing for the transfer           4. Consider how your debts may
of a person’s assets upon death. Policies, pension funds, immovable and             affect your estate.
movable property all form part of one’s deceased estate. However, so does           The heirs to your estate are often
one’s debts and liabilities.                                                        burdened by the debt you incurred
This article aims to amplify the significance of estate planning and will elicit    during your lifetime. It is thus
important factors to be considered when doing so.                                   important to be honest with your
Planning one’s estate is crucial to ensure that your loved ones are looked after    heirs and to start paying off your
when you pass on. Having a Will drafted is therefore a vital part of getting your   debt while you are still alive or,
financial affairs in order and the foundation of every person’s estate plan.        alternatively, to consider taking out
                                                                                    some form of life or debt protection
ProBono.Org Cape Town has seen a number of clients who require assistance
with the winding up of a loved one’s estate, only to discover that the deceased
estate does not have the necessary liquidity required to settle the debts in the    It is of paramount importance to take
estate, or that people who have never cared for the deceased are to inherit. In     heed of the implications of passing
most instances this results in extremely trying times for the family members,       on without leaving a valid Will. In
heirs and dependants of the deceased.                                               South Africa, if a person passes on
                                                                                    without a valid Will, his/her estate
                                                                                    will be administered in terms of the
Here are four important factors to          appoint to be in charge of your         Intestate Succession Act, 81 of 1987.
consider when doing the necessary           financial affairs after your passing.   Intestate succession involves matters
planning:                                   The Executor’s role is an important     around ‘blood’ relationships. If one
1. Have a Will drafted by a qualified       one and it is essential that you        passes on intestate, one’s estate will
professional.                               consider whether the person you         be inherited by his/her closest blood
                                            are appointing understands the          relatives. This would entail that the
There are certain formalities in terms
                                            responsibilities of administering a     deceased’s spouse will receive R250
of the Wills Act, 7 of 1953, that have
                                            deceased estate.                        000, 00 or a child’s portion, whichever
to be complied with in order for a Will
to be accepted as valid by the Master       3. Nominate legal guardians for your    is greater. The residue of the estate
of the High Court. Many clients             minor children.                         will be inherited by his/her children
approaching ProBono.Org present             This is of utmost importance if you     in equal shares. Should the deceased
Wills that often do not comply with         have minor children. A testator         pass on without leaving behind a
all the prescribed formalities which, in    has the freedom of testation and        surviving spouse, the entire estate
essence, renders the Will invalid.          may appoint in his or her Will the      will be inherited by his/her children in
                                            person who will act as the children’s   equal shares. If the deceased passes
- Once drafted, it is of utmost
                                            guardian upon his/her death. In         away without being survived by a
  importance to review your Will on
                                            almost all instances, the surviving     spouse, or any descendants, the estate
  a continuous basis and to ensure
                                            parent becomes the guardian, and        will be inherited by his/her parents
  that it is up to date, especially after
                                            for this reason many people tend not    and thereafter by his/her closest blood
  major life events such as death or
                                            to appoint a guardian when drafting     relative/s.
  divorce, and
                                            a Will. However, we urge people         Comprehending and dealing with
- Leave clear directions with
                                            who are in the process of getting       the loss of a loved one is devastating.
  someone you trust as to where your
                                            their affairs in order to nominate      It is however advisable and strongly
  Will can be found.
                                            a guardian in the event that the        recommended that family members
2. Take care of who you appoint as          surviving parent passes away. This is   make contact with the Master of the
the Executor of your estate.                essential as every parent would want    High Court and all other relevant
Understanding the importance of             the person acting as the guardian of    financial institutions as soon as is
this becomes apparent when one              their minor child/ren to give him/her   reasonably possible, as fraud and
understands the role of the Executor.       the same love and care the parent       criminal activity are rife even during
The Executor is the person you              would have given.                       trying times such as death. 

Welcome to our 2019 Joburg interns - ProBono.org
Section 17 of the
Consumer Protection Act,
the lacuna                                   By Sanele Zondi, Durban Intern

The Consumer Protection Act,       services often impose exorbitant            the imposition of a reasonable
68 of 2008 (“the Act”), is one     cancellation charges to prevent             cancellation charge as
of the most important pieces       consumers from cancelling their             restitution. This however, is
of legislation for the indigent.   reservations, booking or orders,            not the approach that the Act
The purpose of the Act as          or to make a substantial profit             envisages. The Act envisages
per section 3(1) is to promote     despite the cancellation.                   the promotion of social and
and advance the economic                                                       economic welfare of consumers
                                   Looking at case law for an
and social welfare of the                                                      and it is submitted that
                                   interpretation of a reasonable
consumer by providing the                                                      regulation of the reasonable
                                   charge, we have found the
legal framework for achieving                                                  charge is necessary. 
                                   case of Lombard V Pongola
a consumer market that is fair,
                                   Sugar Milling where the court
accessible and responsible.
                                   held that a reasonable charge/
The Act provides for a variety
                                   remuneration would be the
of consumer rights, but the
                                   usual charge for the goods. We
most notable is section 17,
                                   need to consider the purpose
which provides that consumers
                                   of the Consumer Protection
can now cancel reservations,
                                   Act, that is to promote the
bookings and orders, except
                                   economic and social welfare of
for special ordered goods,
                                   consumers. Imposing exorbitant
and the supplier of the goods
                                   cancellation charges goes
and services may impose
                                   against the purpose of the
a reasonable charge for
                                   Act as it creates an unfair and
                                   inaccessible market, especially
The drafters of the Act however    to the indigent who were
left a lacuna that the suppliers   intended to be the beneficiaries
of goods and services have         of this legislation.
been able to exploit and use
                                   One respectfully submits that
to their advantage. The term
                                   most suppliers of goods and
“reasonable charge” is not
                                   services still follow and view
defined in the Act and as a
                                   cancellation of a reservation
result suppliers of goods and
                                   or order as repudiation and

                                   JOHANNESBURG: 1st Floor West Wing,                         VISIT OUR WEBSITE AND
                                   Women’s Gaol, 1 Kotze Street, Braamfontein 2017            FACEBOOK PAGE WHERE YOU
                                   telephone: 011 339 6080 fax: 086 512 2222
                                                                                              CAN READ MORE ABOUT OUR
                                   DURBAN: 303 Anton Lembede Street (Entrance on Durban       WORK.
                                   Club Place), Suite 701, 7th Floor, Durban Club Chambers,
                                   (Formerly Nedbank Building), Durban 4001
                                   telephone: 031 301 6178 fax: 031 301 6941

                                   CAPE TOWN: Suite 200, 57 on Strand, Strand Street
                                   Cape Town, 8001                                            www.probono.org.za
                                   telephone: 087 806 6070
Welcome to our 2019 Joburg interns - ProBono.org Welcome to our 2019 Joburg interns - ProBono.org Welcome to our 2019 Joburg interns - ProBono.org
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