The Hallie Hill Howler - February, 2021 - Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary

Page created by Frank Chandler
The Hallie Hill Howler - February, 2021 - Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary
September, 2020                    We can’t change
                                                                   their past,
                                                                   But we can
                                                               rewrite their future.

                       The Hallie Hill Howler
                                                             February, 2021

                  Meet our Board of Directors:
               Dorothy and Frank Farfone
                                  Thank you for this opportunity! Frank and I met in
                              our freshman year of college and have been together ever
                              since! We have been married for more than half a century
                              and have been blessed with three wonderful children and
                              three amazing (of course) grandchildren - all of whom live
                              in our same zip code! (By the way, they followed us to
                              Charleston, we did not follow them!)
                                  My family had dogs even before I came along! Frank
                              and I honestly think that you can have a house, but not a
                              home, without a dog. I saw an article about Hallie Hill in
                              a magazine about two weeks after we lost our hound, who
                              had been a rescue. We were so impressed with the article
                              that we drove up to visit the Sanctuary in person. We
                              were looking for another Coonhound. They, unbelievably,
                              had none, but we were so lucky to meet Jennifer and Hel-
                              en on that day. They showed us a little black cocker span-
                              iel and asked if we were interested in her? No, we were
not. When we left that day we talked about volunteering, as we were so impressed with
Hallie Hill.
    The next morning, my husband left for a day trip and some-
thing made me get in the car and drive back to Hallie Hill. I
adopted “the little black cocker” and took her home, put her in
our tub and gave her a bath. She was such a sweet baby we gave
her the new name of “Baby” and fell in love with her immediate-
ly. We did follow through with volunteering at Hallie Hill and
now we are both on the Board of Directors. Baby was with us for
many years before she crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We now
have a new rescue, a Red Tick Coon Hound named Sienna, who
has again filled our hearts with love.
The Hallie Hill Howler - February, 2021 - Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary
Online Auction Live NOW!
              Auction closes 2/12!

                          Bowls, Planters,
                        Spoon Rests, Nesting
                        Bowls, 2 Piece Sets!

                        100% of
                        Benefit the
February,               of Hallie Hill!
   2021                 Thank you Leigh Wechter!
The Hallie Hill Howler - February, 2021 - Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary
Jamie Connolly
            Born and raised in Massachusetts,
            I grew up in a three-dog house-
            hold - meaning we always had
            three dogs at a time! My parents
            normally adopted older dogs be-
            cause they thought no one else
            would, which resulted in me own-
            ing 11 dogs in my lifetime. I
            adopted my current dog, Lady, in
            2012 and I constantly remind my
            husband that she is the real love
            of my life! She is a rescue mutt
            from Tennessee, and she has lived
            with me in two states and even
            moved with me to Spain for a
            year! Lady and I moved to
            Charleston in 2017 and I was
            lucky enough to meet my hus-
            band, Brian, here five months lat-
            er. We adopted a second dog from
            the ASPCA, Chauncy, and he is
            the fattest, most sensitive pittie
            mix, ever! Brian and I were mar-
            ried in October 2020 and cur-
            rently reside in West Ashley. Hal-
            lie Hill has been a blessing for me,
            I love coming there and spending
            time with the dogs - the cats are
            growing on me too! Its such a              A T T E N T I O N V O L U N T E E R S!
            peaceful atmosphere for dogs that                Hours to visit Hallie Hill:
            might not do well in a traditional
            shelter and it is wonderful to be a                12:00 PM—3:30PM
            part of an organization that pro-
            vides a second chance to dogs that                 Sunday, Monday,
            need one. My family and friends                  Wednesday and Friday
            get daily and unsolicited updates
            about the pups and their progress.         Don’t forget to schedule your visit at
February,   Thanks for letting me be part of             
            the team!
The Hallie Hill Howler - February, 2021 - Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary
Happy Valentine’s Day!

                               Click here to enjoy
                                Ray’s ‘Underdog’
                                  video from the
                               2019 ‘Make a Dog’s
                                 Day’ Campaign!
                             It will melt your heart!

The Hallie Hill Howler - February, 2021 - Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary
Hallie Hill Welcomes our new
                                                  Assistant Director and
                                                  Adoptions Coordinator:

                                                  Michele Griffin
            “I’m thrilled to be joining the HH family! Coming from a background of
            working at open-admission shelters, where my passion was working with the
            animals who needed a little (or a lot) “extra”, I’m excited for this transition.
            At HH I’ll be able to work with the animals without worry of them deterio-
            rating in a kennel or time and resources running out before they can be
            placed in the homes they deserve.

            I live in Summerville with my husband Shawn, daughter Caeley, son Hayden
            and my three rescue dogs Folly, Lydia and George! I’m from Saugerties, NY.
            Lived in Charleston while active duty Air Force ‘95-2000, returned for good
            in 2013.”

            Michele comes to us with experience as a Volunteer Coordinator, Dog Behav-
            ior/Enrichment Manager, and lifelong animal lover. She is skilled, profes-
            sional, and a great communicator with people and animals alike. She is a
            wonderful addition to our Hallie Hill team, and we are so happy to have her!
            Be sure to stop in and introduce yourself on your next visit to the Sanctuary!

The Hallie Hill Howler - February, 2021 - Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary
Warm Your Honey’s Heart!

              Did you know you can order high quality Hallie Hill
                 Animal Sanctuary swag from Lands’ End?!...
                             A Great Valentine’s Day Gift

                  ...YOU CAN!

            Go to in your browser or CLICK HERE!

The Hallie Hill Howler - February, 2021 - Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary
Click here for 10%
                              off tickets with the
                                   Hallie Hill
                                 promo code!

              Hallie Hill Welcomed Chad Singer
            from Canine Revolution Dog Training!
             One of our goals for our animals at Hallie
              Hill is to help them to be as adoptable as
            possible! Chad visited with some of the staff
             and volunteers on January 19th to provide
             some training on how to approach dogs to
            keep them calm, how to reinforce to increase
                good behavior and how to approach
                 teaching good ‘walking on a leash’
               behavior! We appreciate his time and
            expertise, and look forward to working with
             him in the future to address behaviors that
              may prohibit a dog from being a well be-
February,    haved family member! Thank you Chad!
The Hallie Hill Howler - February, 2021 - Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary
Smoky Oak Taproom

                       Lowcountry Dog's 6th Annual Eat, Drink & Rescue
                SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2021 AT 1 – 4 PM
            *$10 BBQ Plates
            *$5 Titos Drinks                                             6 local rescues,
            *$2 Canned Beer
            *Pick A Prize Raffle                                     vendors and more!
            *Live Music from Calhoun's Calling

                 Sponsored by Law Offices of David Aylor, Veterinary Specialty Care, The Wild Pet Store,
                                 Dog Tired Pet Services, and Tito's Handmade Vodka

                  AND THE LUCKY                                           Printable Bequest Form

                  WINNER WAS…                                               Digital Bequest Form

February,          Paul Ehinger!                            Learn more at

The Hallie Hill Howler - February, 2021 - Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary

February,   Happy Valentine’s Day!
The Hallie Hill Howler - February, 2021 - Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary
Hallie Hill
             sanctuary to
              animals in
            need and it is
            a mission that
             we take very
            In 2020, with
             your help,
              we were
            privileged to
            sanctuary to
              over 400

                                  Every animal
                                    deserves a
                                  loving family
                                  all their own
                                   and helping
                                   that happen
                                  gives us great
                                    joy here at
                                    Hallie Hill!
                                     In 2020,
                                  needed homes
February,                          for 121 dogs
                                     and cats!
What is Patreon? Become a
                                        Patreon is a place where we
                                       share exclusive content with
                                      our community in exchange for    Patron of
                                           a monthly donation.
                                                                       Hallie Hill
             What kind of things will be shared?                So what are you
             Behind-the-scenes photos and videos, including:     waiting for??
              Daily life at the sanctuary
                                                                 Join us on Patreon today!
              Vet visits
                                                               Click this link to get started!
              Profiles of new animals
              Interviews with staff                               Multiple Membership
              Stories of some of our animal residents                 Levels Available!

                                                         February 4th
             February                        HHAS on Channel 2 Midday News
            Happenings                                   February 10th
                                                   HHAS on Low Country Live
                                                        February 17th
            Hallie Hill!                     Hearts for Hounds Auction Closes!
                                                         February 18th
                                               HHAS on Channel 2 Midday News
                                                         February 20th
                                        Eat, Drink and Rescue at Smoky Oak Tap Room

                                                    SAVE THESE DATES:
                                         October 20th (new date) - Woofstock 2021
                                May 3rd - Putting for Paws / Stono Ferry Golf Club
Every Act of Kindness Means So Much!

             Thank you Jill Isaac and Badd Kitty for your
            continued support! Your donation of $3754.77
            and big box of needed items will go a L-O-N-G
             way to support our wonderful animals! Our
            ‘Good’ kitties (and dogs) say thank you VERY
                     much! You are appreciated!

                                                             Thank You Leslie
                                                               Tester for your
                                                              support of Hallie
                                                            Hill! Leslie donated
                                                            a percentage of her
                                                             commission on the
                                                              sale of a home to
                                                                Melanie and
                                                                Scott Lovell!
                                                            Congratulations on
                                                            your new home - we
                                                             are here when you
                                                            are ready to expand
February,                                                       your family!

It’s that time of
                                              year again! The
                                             temperature has
                                             dropped and it is
                                             COLD! Sponsor a
                                            canine cabin or cat
                                           condo in the name of
                                           that special person or
                                   will help
                                          keep our animals warm
                                                and dry, and
                                             warm your heart
                                             at the same time!

February,                              Zeus
February’s Adorable Adoptables!
            Go to and fill out an application to come out to HHAS to meet these wonderful animals!

                                          Magic is 3 years, 6 months old and is a sweet
                                          boy who can be shy when first meeting new
                                          people. Once he gets to know you, he is very
                                          friendly and loves attention! Look at that gor-
                                          geous black/white coat! Let Magic work his
                                          ‘magic’ on you!!

                                           Beans is just 6 years old, a feist mix and a
                                           sweet guy. He loves people and gets along
                                           with other dogs! He is so handsome - look at
                                           those ears! Beans is currently being treated
                                           for heartworm and is doing just great. He is
                                           ready to be your Valentine!

                                           Meet Romeo, a 3 year old Lab mix - how per-
                                           fect for Valentines Day! This boy is friendly
                                           and full of fun! He thinks meeting Scleroderma
                                                                              new people
                                           is pretty great - and other dogs are great too!
                                           If you are looking for a sweet-natured and
                                           fun companion - Romeo is your guy!

                                           Elvis is a very sweet natured, handsome 7
                                           year old boy. He has some scarring from ear
                                           issues in the past, but it doesn’t bother him
                                           one bit! He may be a bit older, but he loves
                                           attention and is super friendly! He would
February,                                  love to meet you and give you a Valentine
We Found Our Fur-ever Homes!!

            Clark (Maverick) thanks      Cola (Paddy McGee)        Flounder (Sam) thanks
              the Bayless Family!     thanks the Nicolai Family!      the Miller Family

              Flower thanks the          Google thanks               Kato thanks the
             Sedelmeier Family!         Sandra Sanders!              Nelson Family!

               Precious thanks            Si thanks the              Yahoo thanks
February,       Sandra Ward!             Howser Family!            Autumn Reynolds!
We Found Our Fur-ever Homes!!

            Smokey thanks          Sprite thanks    Gidget thanks the
             Lee Ziegler!        Autumn Reynolds!    Allen Family!

               Lenox thanks the Vick-
               ers and Stasko Family!

THIS is Hallie Hill!....

            Many thanks to Katy Roberts,
              of Katy Roberts Media, for
             shooting and producing this
                    wonderful video!
             It is guaranteed to make you
            want to visit this amazing place!
            Click here to view the

                                                 CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED
               video and enjoy!

Welcome to Hallie Hill!

            Asiago        Bullet            Cheddar


             Clark        Colby              Marie

            Honey         Lois   Flea        Mila
Welcome to Hallie Hill!

            Muenster              Swiss              Juliet

                        2/16 is Do A Grouch
                           A Favor Day!

February,         2/14 is Pet Theft Awareness Day!
How Can You Help?
                    Our February Wish List!
                 -Bid on some BEAUTIFUL pottery at the
                    HEARTS FOR HOUNDS Auction!
             -PLEASE Donate to the MAGIC Fund (Medical
            and Geriatric Intensive Care), sponsor a Cat Condo
              or Canine Cabin, become a Hallie Hill Patron!
             -Go to this direct link:
            ch/76-0731341 and click ‘start shopping’ for all of
            your Amazon purchases to support Hallie Hill !
            -Check out our Hallie Hill Wishlist on

              Consumables we need all of the time!
               Trash Bags                          Laundry Detergent
               Scoopable Cat Litter                Granulated Ant Poison
               Friskies wet cat food
               Dry cat food
               Dog treats and biscuits
               Paper Plates and Paper Towels
               Swiffer Wet Jet cleaning pads
               Bottled water for volunteers
               Ink for our Epson Workforce 3720 Printer
February,        Epson 702—Color and Black

Hallie Hill      George Aaron  
                                                 Marsha Alterman
                     Animal Sanctuary
                                                 Pat Barber    
                    Board of Directors
                                                 Natalie Bluestein
                                                 J. Elizabeth Bradham
                                                 Helen Bradham 
                                                 Dennis Coleman
                                                 Dorothy Farfone
                                                 Frank Farfone 
                                                 Michelle Fifield
                                                 John Gratiot  
                                                 Harvey J. Loew
                                                 LaDon Wallis  

                            Hallie Hill Staff                    Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary
            Jennifer Middleton Executive Director                           5604 New Road
            Michele Griffin      Assistant Director and                  Hollywood, SC 29449
                                 Adoptions Coordinator                       843-889-3713
            Caroline Ruiz        Marketing and
            Josh Taber           Maintenance
                                                                    Feedback and contributions to the
            Daisy McKenzie       Animal Care Provider               Hallie Hill Howler are welcomed!
                                                                            Please submit to:
            Daniela Schneider    Animal Care Provider
            Lynn Rosato          Howler Editor (Volunteer)    

                                         Mission Statement
              Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary is a 501c3 organization
                that provides a compassionate safe-haven with
               quality food and medical care for dogs and cats;
               a temporary home for those able to be adopted,
                     and a forever home for those in need.
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