BULLETIN - Rotary Club of Lindisfarne

Page created by Janice Reid
BULLETIN - Rotary Club of Lindisfarne
Number 2297    1 September 2021     Volume 49 Issue 13     www.rotaryclublindisfarne.org.au

                       Last Meeting
           District Governor’s Official Club Visit
                             Last meeting we welcomed the District Governor, Heather
                             Chong, to a combined meeting with the Rotary Club of

                             Heather outlined the International goals from RI President
                             Shekhar Mehta for the year, these included:
                             • Each one, bring one – a vision to increase global
                             membership to 1.3m
                             • Empowering girls – through all areas of focus, particularly
                             • Service days – challenging each Club to plan at least one
         Rotary Day of Service that will bring together volunteers from inside and
         outside Rotary and will celebrate and showcase the work of your Club in your

DG Heather challenged the Club on:
  • Membership
        o Numbers & engagement
        o Enrolling & using MyRotary
  • Supporting the monthly District Newsletter by sending info to be included
  • Attending the District Conference on 1-3 April 2022 at the Hotel Grand Chancellor
  • Supporting Rotary causes & programs like Foundation, End Polio, Aust Rotary
     Health, Interplast, ROMAC, RAWCS & Rotary Tas Community Care
  • Finding a way to support the DG project for the homeless #focusonthehomeless

In conclusion, the DG reminded all Members that 2024 will mark 100 years of Rotary in
Tasmania and work has already started on a District Almanac.

Thank you DG Heather for sharing your enthusiasm & passion for Rotary with us!
BULLETIN - Rotary Club of Lindisfarne
Update from our President
Last meeting, we welcomed District Governor Heath Chong, who gave a talk to us about
membership and the various district programs. Heather is a very busy lady, given this
was meeting three of the four club visits she had that week!

                On the fund-raising side of things, it is good to see Tommy had an outing
                over the last two Saturdays at Salamanca.

                We are also starting to get enquiries about Trash and Treasure, so once
                we have approval for Lincoln St car park, we should be able to move
                forward on this.

                  I can report as well that the Clarence Sunrise Club had a successful
Bunnings BBQ on the 22nd of August. Indications are that these BBQ’s are now grossing
similar figures to the pre-covid period. They are also looking to organize a quiz night in
November to raise funds for a Malaria Project.

Talking about fund raising, I was invited to a golf day jointly well organized by the
Claremont & Glenorchy Clubs two Sundays ago. It served two purposes, one to fund
raise (which netted $6,000) and a dry run for the AGFR (Australian Golfers Fellowship of
Rotary) National event next year in Hobart. Well done to both clubs.

Lastly, a reminder that meeting costs will increase to $25 with a meal and $5 without.
This will include the cost of two up and coffee.

President Stephen

      …and we Induct Another Two New Members!

                 Welcome to the Rotary Club of Lindisfarne Grant & Liz!
BULLETIN - Rotary Club of Lindisfarne

       This Meeting                     Next Meeting                      Last Meeting

     1 September                      15 September                         18 August
    Daniel Hulme –               Pauline Kaye – Clarence              District Governor’s
Parenting a Child on the               City Council                   Official Club Visit -
   Autism Spectrum                Environmental Health                  Partners Night
                                   Officer – Safe Food
Chair:     Margot P                     Handling
Reception: Ted K                 Chair:     Margaret C
Set Up:    Grant D, John C,      Reception: Marcus E/Dante B
          Peter O                Set Up:    TBA
Remember to advise the Club of your attendance & meal requirement before
                             every meeting

 PROGRAM - 2021                        (Meetings to be held on first and third Wednesdays)

Date      Speaker                                       Topic

Sept 1    Daniel Hulme – Club Member                   Parenting a child on the autism spectrum
Sept 8    Board Meeting
Sept 15   Pauline Kaye – Clarence City Council         Safe Food Handling (all members are
          Environmental Health Officer                 recommended to attend to ensure we follow
                                                       safe food handling practices when
                                                       conducting bbq’s and other such events)
Sept 29   Social event – fundraiser with Inner Wheel   Sally Wise giving a Chutney making demo
          TBC                                          TBC

Tommy & BBQ Bookings
Location                       Date              Time             What          Confirmed

Hobart Show                    20 - 23 Oct TBC                    Tommy
Dodges Ferry Primary           5 Nov                              Tommy         TBC
Tarrumurrah school             7 Nov       1030-1400              Tommy         Confirmed
Trash & Treasure               7 Nov                              BBQ           Confirmed
Myer Xmas Pageant              13 Nov      1030                   Tommy         TBC
Tassal Xmas Party              21 Nov                             Tommy         TBC
Margate Primary
School fair                    26 Nov            1600-1800        Tommy         Confirmed
Brierley                       1 - 3 Dec         1000-1400        BBQ           TBC
BULLETIN - Rotary Club of Lindisfarne
Site of a tree planted by Paul Harris in 1935 in St Davids Park

                          Did You Know?

When we fund raise it is relatively easy to make comparative measurements
of success - We just look at the amount of money raised by each activity.

In these COVID times, money raising ventures have become rarer, but we
have been busy.

Recently John Cole organised Rotary Clubs on the Eastern Shore to help with
the vaccination rollout. If we count John's time co-ordinating, Neville's time
designing the club roster and the amount of time members attended the
Rosny Bowls Club assisting with the vaccination program, there would be a lot
of hours.

For argument's sake let us say it comes to 100 hours. (It is probably a great
deal more than that.) - If we go on an hourly wage rate, eg $20...... our club
raised the equivalent of $2,000 - However if we used an invoiced hourly rate
of $60.......our club raised the equivalent of $6,000.

It is important we measure our volunteer time - but it can be complex -
some activities would cost more than others. What do you all think?
BULLETIN - Rotary Club of Lindisfarne
Rotary Youth Driver Awareness

The Rotary Club of Lindisfarne is once again showing strong support for the Rotary Youth
Driver Awareness Program at the showgrounds with several of our members freely giving
                their time to guide students around the various sessions
BULLETIN - Rotary Club of Lindisfarne
(with thanks to Members of the Club for sharing these via social media or email)
BULLETIN - Rotary Club of Lindisfarne BULLETIN - Rotary Club of Lindisfarne BULLETIN - Rotary Club of Lindisfarne BULLETIN - Rotary Club of Lindisfarne
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