Business - Tai Poutini Polytechnic

Page created by Megan Fletcher
Business - Tai Poutini Polytechnic

           0800 TPP INFO

Business - Tai Poutini Polytechnic
03   About Tai Poutini

               Contents   04   Business Administration
                               and Technology Level 3

                          06   Business Administration
                               and Technology Level 4

                          08   Small Business Level 4

                          10   First Line Management
                               Level 4

                          12   Staff

                          13   Entry

                          15   How to

2   Business
At Tai Poutini Polytechnic we’re serious
                  about education. Our tutors are all experts
                  in their field, have excellent industry
                  connections and are passionate about
                  They want you to learn the skills you need to

       About Us
                  succeed. We offer a wide range of practical
                  programmes, with a focus on vocational
                  education and applied skills.
                  All Tai Poutini Polytechnic programmes have
                  NZQA approval and are designed to give you a
                  strong foundation in your chosen career.
                  Tai Poutini Polytechnic has campuses in
                  Auckland, Christchurch, Greymouth, Westport
                  and Wanaka, and also offers industry training
                  nationally throughout NZ.
                  Applying to enrol as a student at Tai Poutini
                  Polytechnic is simple. If you require more
                  information or wish to speak directly with a
                  tutor please email us at: or call
                  0800 TPP INFO
                                                    Business      3
New Zealand
        Certificate in
Business Administration and Technology | Level 3

    LEVEL              CREDITS                     Trying to secure an administration

 03 60
                                                   job but struggling to get your foot
                                                   in the door? Get to the front of
                                                   the queue by up-skilling with this
                                                   practical qualification.
AWARD: NZ Certificate in Business                  Study will prepare you for jobs in
(Administration and Technology)                    customer service, administration,
(Level 3)                                          reception or other business and office-
                                                   related roles. TPP has been developing
DURATION: 18 weeks, full-time
                                                   work-ready business and administration
(excluding holidays) or part-time
                                                   graduates for over 20 years. We have
options available
                                                   built up a strong team of industry
START DATE: 15 February 2021                       experienced tutors who each offer
                                                   different areas of expertise to lead,
END DATE: 2 July 2021                              motivate and inspire students to ensure
                                                   their success.
LOCATION: Greymouth and Westport
                                                   Our modern learning environment
DOMESTIC FEE: Visit                                will enable you to gain the skills and                             knowledge to be able to operate
                                                   business technologies and perform a
Conditions apply. Visit
                                                   range of administrative tasks in various
                                                   office environments. Your business
                                                   studies programme will teach you how
                                                   to use Microsoft Office effectively –
                                                   including excel, office and word – and
                                                   will develop your skills in workplace
                                                   communication, customer service and
                                                   administration systems.

  4       Business
Gaining excellent business                   Further Study Pathways
administration and technology skills         ƒ   NZ Certificate in Business
provides a starting point on a career path       (Administration & Technology)
that can take you in so many directions.         (Level 4)
Businesses want people who can use           ƒ   NZ Certificate in Business
business and digital technology, use a           (Accounting Support Services)
range of software applications, solve            (Level 4)
problems, work alone and in teams to         ƒ   NZ Certificate in Business
achieve outcomes, and communicate                (First Line Management) (Level 4)
with others.                                 ƒ   NZ Certificate in Business
                                                 (Small Business) (Level 4)
Core Elements                                ƒ   NZ Certificate in Business
ƒ   Providing administration and general         (Introduction to Small Business)
    office services                              (Level 3)
ƒ   Reception and customer service           ƒ   NZ Certificate in Business
    skills                                       (Introduction to Team Leadership)
ƒ   Use of business and digital                  (Level 3)
    technologies and software                ƒ   Pathway into industry certifications
ƒ   Financial calculations, data                 or other Level 3 or 4 qualifications
    processing and production of
    information for business purposes        Career Opportunities
ƒ   Effective written and oral               ƒ   Office administrator
    communication for business               ƒ   Secretary or personal assistant
ƒ   Working co-operatively within a team     ƒ   Office assistant
    to provide administration services       ƒ   Receptionist
ƒ   Effective problem-solving and            ƒ   Word processor/data entry operator
    decision-making for business             ƒ   Customer service support
    purposes                                 ƒ   Accounts receivable officer
ƒ   Professional and ethical behaviour       ƒ   Accounts payable officer
    and effective self-management            ƒ   Support worker
ƒ   Understanding of internal policies,      ƒ   Front line customer service role
    legislation and other external
    requirements for business

Programme Structure
and Workload
This programme combines classroom
theory and self-directed project work
with practical experience in a real-world
learning environment.
There is flexibility to enable students
to enrol part-time so you can fit your
learning around existing work or family

                                                                       Business     5
New Zealand
        Certificate in
Business Administration and Technology | Level 4

    LEVEL              CREDITS                     Are you looking for a qualification that

 04 60
                                                   will take you anywhere in the world
                                                   and on an exciting career path?
                                                   The Business Administration and
                                                   Technology Level 4 programme does
AWARD: NZ Certificate in Business                  just that. It is a sought after qualification
(Administration and Technology)                    that qualifies students for a wide range of
(Level 4)                                          administration roles.

DURATION: 18 weeks, full-time                      Over the programme of study, students
(excluding holidays) or part-time                  will gain insight into every facet of the
options available                                  administration world.
                                                   Our team of knowledgeable tutors provide
START DATE: 15 February 2021
                                                   students with a range of technical and
Greymouth, 26 July 2021 Greymouth
                                                   administrative skills, which will have
and Westport
                                                   them ready to tackle performance and
END DATE: 2 July 2021 Greymouth,                   productivity levels in any organisation.
10 December 2021 Greymouth and                     Learning about the importance of team
Westport                                           dynamics and complying with internal and
                                                   external business policies and legislation,
LOCATION: Greymouth and Westport
                                                   are among the key skills that students will
DOMESTIC FEE: Visit                                gain on this course.                             Students thrive on the hands-on learning
Conditions apply. Visit   experience, which brings together like-
                                                   minded people.
                                                   A simulated office environment is created,
                                                   where students learn how to operate basic
                                                   payroll, finance and simple accounting, web
                                                   design, advanced word, excel, database
                                                   and many advanced software features.

  6       Business
With passionate tutors, who offer industry        Further Study Pathways
experience and years of knowledge, the            ƒ   NZ Diploma in Business (with strands
course provides a supportive environment              in Accounting, Administration
for tertiary success.                                 and Technology, Leadership
                                                      and Management, and Project
This programme is for prospective students
                                                      Management) (Level 5)
who have some basic office administration
                                                  ƒ   NZ Certificate in Business
skills and want to extend their skills further.
                                                      (Accounting Support Services)
Those wishing to build on material covered
                                                      (Level 4)
in our Business Administration Level 3
                                                  ƒ   NZ Certificate in Business (Small
qualification are also well-suited to the
                                                      Business) (Level 4)
                                                  ƒ   NZ Certificate in Business (First Line
                                                      Management) (Level 4)
Core Elements
                                                  ƒ   Pathway into relevant industry
Topics covered include:
                                                      certifications or other Level 4 or 5
Workplace Knowledge:
ƒ Gain the knowledge and skills needed
   to select and apply appropriate
   business technology to deliver                 Career Opportunities
   administration services that meet              Office administrators are at the heart of
   stakeholder and business entity                many organisations. They’re the ones
   requirements in a professional manner.         that hold the stitching together. They’re
                                                  the daily problem-solvers, with notable
Specialist Business Documents:                    people skills and an eye for detail.
ƒ Learn how to produce specialist
   and complex documents in a                     We send our graduates out into the
   professional manner under broad                world to make positive changes across
   guidance in a range of office (bi and          all manner of workplaces and sectors.
   multi-cultural) environments.                  Most graduates will go on to gain roles
Business Processes:                               in general office administration, which
ƒ By drawing on technical skills and              may include a sole-charge role in a small
   practical experience, apply your               business entity or senior receptionist.
   knowledge of business applications             Other roles include those in customer
   to improve administrative processes            relations or as personal assistants,
   and systems.                                   secretaries and lead administrators.
Administration Systems:                           Front line customer service roles, call or
ƒ Use and maintain administrative                 contact centre operators, office support
   processes to deliver financial                 workers top off the career options
   information, appropriate to team and           available upon graduation.
   business needs, in a professional

Programme Structure
and Workload
This is a 60 credit programme, divided
into four 15 credit courses. Each course is
compulsory and needs to be successfully
completed in order to gain the NZ
Certificate in Business (Administration and
Technology) (Level 4).

                                                                             Business     7
New Zealand
        Certificate in
Small Business | Level 4

    LEVEL              CREDITS                     also have access to face-to-face student

 04 60
                                                   support at TPP and all West Coast campus
                                                   facilities. Partnerships like this are making
                                                   it easier for West Coasters to access great
                                                   tertiary training options right here at home.

AWARD: NZ Certificate in Business                  Core Elements
(Small Business) (Level 4)                         When you achieve this qualification, you
                                                   will know how to:
DURATION: 20 weeks                                 ƒ develop a business plan, and monitor
                                                        your performance against plan
LOCATION: Delivered online with local
support                                            ƒ   manage staff
                                                   ƒ   manage your business's finances
                                                   ƒ   manage your marketing activities
                                                   ƒ   customer service
Conditions apply. Visit
                                                   ƒ   build effective relationships with your
                                                       customers and other stakeholders
This qualification will give you the               ƒ   operate within the legal and regulatory
skills and knowledge to establish,                     environment
operate and grow your small                        ƒ   grow your business.
business. You will have the skills to
do this in a bi- and multi-cultural                Programme Structure
environment.                                       and Workload
Tai Poutini Polytechnic (TPP) is working           This programme comprises 3 compulsory
with the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand           courses:
Limited (OPNZ) to offer new training               ƒ CSB401 Starting your Business
programmes to West Coast students. TPP             ƒ   CSB402 Operating your Business
can now help you enrol for online learning         ƒ   CSB403 Sustaining your Business
through OPNZ. As well as the fantastic
                                                   Allow 10 hours of study per credit.
support you’ll receive from OPNZ, you’ll

  8       Business
Your workload may be higher around         OPNZ delivering programmes online,
assessment due dates.                      with students also having access to
All courses are delivered online, so       face-to-face support services and
you will need to have regular access       facilities at TPP’s West Coast campuses.
to a computer or device, a reliable        As part of the partnership arrangement,
broadband internet connection, and         OPNZ need to share student information
a data plan to be able to support your     and details with TPP to assist with
online learning. You will need to stream   providing students local support.
videos, download content and submit        This will include personal information
assessments online.                        provided at the time of enrolment and
                                           any ongoing or updated information.
Career Opportunities
This qualification will enable you to      Enrol
improve the performance of your own        The New Zealand Certificate in Business
small business.                            (First Line Management) (Level 4) is
                                           delivered by OPNZ. Students will enrol
Sharing of student information             with the Open Polytechnic and the
TPP is working with OPNZ to deliver        programme is delivered through online
more training options to people on the     learning.
West Coast. The partnership involves

                                           ‘The training has made
                                           a big difference for me. I
                                           learnt so much more about
                                           office procedures and
                                           operating systems, but the
                                           best aspect was the doors
                                           it opened for me.’
                                           Donna Martin - Business Graduate

                                                                    Business    9
New Zealand
        Certificate in
First Line Management | Level 4

    LEVEL              CREDITS                     Tai Poutini Polytechnic (TPP) is working with

 04 60
                                                   the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand Ltd
                                                   (OPNZ) to offer new training programmes
                                                   to West Coast students. TPP can now
                                                   help you enrol for online learning through
                                                   OPNZ. As well as the fantastic support
AWARD: NZ Certificate in Business                  you’ll receive from OPNZ, you’ll also have
(First Line Management) (Level 4)                  access to face-to-face student support at
                                                   TPP and all West Coast campus facilities.
DURATION: 20 weeks                                 Partnerships like this are making it easier
LOCATION: Delivered online with local              for West Coasters to access great tertiary
support                                            training options right here at home.

                                                   Core Elements
                                                   When you achieve this qualification, you
                                                   will be able to:
Conditions apply. Visit   ƒ manage work flows in an operational
                                                        context to achieve team objectives
                                                   ƒ   assess against agreed criteria, and
This programme will give you the                       respond appropriately to achieve
skills and knowledge to effectively                    operational objectives
manage teams to achieve
                                                   ƒ   motivate your team to achieve the
organisational objectives in a bi-                     team objectives, and contribute to the
and multi-cultural environment.                        organisation's objectives
You’ll study internal and external                 ƒ   develop and manage relationships with
environments, leadership styles, how                   team members and stakeholders
communication assists in developing
                                                   ƒ   promote an inclusive environment to
relationships, management and                          value diversity for positive performance
performance of a team as well as
                                                   ƒ   show professional and ethical
contributing to the achievement of
                                                       behaviour, in a socially and culturally
organisational goals.                                  appropriate manner in leading a team

 10       Business
ƒ   adapt your leadership style to be         Enrol
    effective in different environments       The New Zealand Certificate in Business
ƒ   follow internal policies, legislation     (First Line Management) (Level 4) is
    and external requirements for the         delivered by OPNZ. Students will enrol
    organisation.                             with the Open Polytechnic and the
                                              programme is delivered through online
Programme Structure                           learning.
and Workload
This programme comprises 3 compulsory
ƒ FLM401 The Business Environment
ƒ FLM402 Motivating and Managing
ƒ FLM403 Setting and Meeting
Allow 10 hours of study per credit.
Your workload may be higher around
assessment due dates.
All courses are delivered online, so
you will need to have regular access
to a computer or device, a reliable
broadband internet connection, and
a data plan to be able to support your
online learning. You will need to stream
videos, download content and submit
assessments online.

Career Opportunities
This qualification will give you the skills
needed to work as a first line manager.
You will be able to be responsible for the
performance of others working in the

Sharing of student information
TPP is working with the OPNZ to deliver
more training options to people on the
West Coast. The partnership involves
OPNZ delivering programmes online,
with students also having access to face-
to-face support services and facilities
at TPP’s West Coast campuses. As part
of the partnership arrangement, OPNZ
need to share student information and
details with TPP to assist with providing
students local support. This will include
personal information provided at the
time of enrolment and any ongoing or
updated information.

                                                                       Business    11
                                         Paula Williams
                                         Paula is a powerhouse of energy and passion for
                                         Business Administration programmes.

                                         She brings significant experience and expertise in text
                                         processing, administration and communication.

                                         Paula has taught at Tai Poutini Polytechnic since 2005.

We do not set a closing date for applications. The Polytechnic reserves the right to not accept late applications, i.e.,
after the programme has started.
You will be offered a place subject to meeting the entry and selection requirements and the availability of places on the
The Polytechnic reserves the right to cancel, prior to commencement, any programme which does not attract a
minimum number of students.

 12      Business
Business Administration and                Business Administration and
Technology Level 3                         Technology Level 4
Applicants must meet the following         Applicants must meet the following
criteria:                                  criteria:
ƒ 10 credits NCEA Level 1 Literacy         Applicants will be interviewed prior
   and 10 Credits Level 1 Numeracy 		      to enrolling on this programme. This
   or evidence of equivalent study/		      enables staff to counsel students on
   work experience                         intended workload, and familiarise
ƒ Applicant will be interviewed prior      them with the programme content and
   to enrolling on this programme. This    facilities.
   enables staff to counsel students on    ƒ If the number of applicants is greater
   intended workload and familiarise          than the number of places on the
   them with the programme content            programme, then applicants who
   and facilities                             meet the entry requirements are
ƒ If the number of applicants is greater      accepted in the order of submission
   than the number of places on the        ƒ Students who have completed New
   programme, then applicants who             Zealand Certificate in Business
   meet the entry requirements are            (Administration and Technology)
   accepted in the order of submission        (Level 3) or evidence of relevant
ƒ Applicants for whom English is a            study/work experience
   second language must meet General       ƒ Applicants for whom English is a
   or Academic IELTS 5 with no band           second language must meet General
   score lower than 5 or NZQA approved        or Academic IELTS 5 with no band
   equivalent                                 score lower than 5 or NZQA approved
Special Notes:                                equivalent
ƒ Special Entry may be granted where
  evidence exists that the applicant
  can successfully complete the

                                                                    Business    13
Small Business Level 4                     First Line Management Level 4
Applicants must meet the following         Applicants must meet the following
criteria:                                  criteria:
ƒ To enrol in this programme you need      ƒ To enrol in this programme you need
   to have NCEA Level 2, or equivalent.       to have NCEA Level 2, or equivalent.
ƒ If you are 20 years of age or over       ƒ If you are 20 years of age or over
   and do not hold the minimum entry          and do not hold the minimum entry
   requirements you will be eligible          requirements you will be eligible
   to be enrolled where your previous         to be enrolled where your previous
   educational, work or life experience       educational, work or life experience
   indicates you have a reasonable            indicates you have a reasonable
   likelihood of success.                     likelihood of success.
ƒ International students must also have    ƒ International students must also have
   an IELTS (Academic or General) score       an IELTS (Academic or General) score
   of 5.5 with no band score lower than       of 5.5 with no band score lower than
   5.0, or equivalent.                        5.0, or equivalent.
ƒ Domestic students for whom English       ƒ Domestic students for whom English
   or Māori is not their first language       or Māori is not their first language
   must also have an IELTS (Academic          must also have an IELTS (Academic
   or General) score of 5.5 with no band      or General) score of 5.5 with no band
   score lower than 5.0, or equivalent.       score lower than 5.0, or equivalent.

14    Business
How to
Check out our website or contact us if you have
further questions about entry requirements for
your chosen programme.
We look forward to hearing from you.

 01                                  Decide on your programme

                                     Either free phone 0800 TPP INFO (within
                                     NZ only) and ask for an application
                                     pack or click the ‘Enrol Now’ link on our

                                     Complete and return your enrolment form
                                     (please get in touch if you need help).
                                     We’ll assess your application and get back
                                     to you as soon as we can

Full entry criteria and selection criteria available at
For further info on awards and scholarships please refer to our Student Information Brochure

                                                                                    Business   15
The Tai

                                                      Version 05.11.2020
Tai Poutini is nestled between the wild
Tasman Sea and the grand Southern Alps.
People who live on the West Coast know
what it takes to live on the edge. Confidence,
skills and a “can do, will do” attitude set them

TPP graduates are out there on the edge
doing it!

He aha te mea nui o te ao?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata!
What is the most important thing in the

It is people, it is people, it is people!

                                                   0800 TPP INFO

 16      Business
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