Calendar of Events For the Milwaukee Public Library January-April, 2018

Page created by Teresa Kramer
Calendar of Events For the Milwaukee Public Library January-April, 2018
Calendar of Events
   For the Milwaukee Public Library • January-April,
                                            y p , 2018

• Parenting Sessions...p. 2

• Registration information...p. 2

• Family events
   Martin Luther King Day...p. 3
   Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss...p. 4
   Play and Learn...p. 6
   Saturdays at Central...p. 9
   Story Times...p. 16

• Programas en español
   Para familias...p. 7

• Children ages 6 – 12
   Teacher in the Library...p. 11
   Reading, Writing & Crafts...pp. 12-13
   S.T.E.A.M & Spring Break...p. 14-155

• ‘Tweens (children ages 8 – 12)
    Saturday Afternoons for ‘Tweens...p.
                                      p. 10

• Children ages 0 – 5
   Story Times...p. 17

• Child care teachers
   Continuing Education...pp. 18-19
      in Spanish...p. 19

• Library locations     hours...p.
            cations and hour
                          u s...p. 20
Calendar of Events For the Milwaukee Public Library January-April, 2018
A Message From the City Librarian and Mayor

                    The beginning of the year brings opportunities for starting fresh and setting resolutions for yourself
                    and your family. If you have resolved to spend more quality time with your family, visit the Milwaukee
                    Public Library to find out how the library can support that goal – free of charge - with our classes,
                    events, and collections.
                    Take the library home with you by checking out books, music and movies! Ask your librarian to
                    recommend a great family read aloud, check out CDs for a Friday night family dance party, or let
                    your kids pick out their favorite DVDs for a movie night. You can also visit the library online at www.
           to download e-books, audiobooks, and music.
                    This calendar is filled with events and classes that are great for making meaningful family memories.
                    The Martin Luther King branch will be open on Monday, January 15 in celebration of Martin Luther
                    King Day and many libraries will recognize Black History Month with special programming. Libraries
                    will celebrate Dr. Seuss, provide opportunities for parents and children to play and learn together,
                    and to learn new things. We’ll see you at the library.

                                             Program Registration Information
                   Programs that require registration will note that in the description. There are three ways to register:
    1) By phone ― call 286-3011 | 2) In person ― see any librarian, or | 3) Online at Use the Events, Programs and Classes
                Calendar under RESOURCES to search for your class or program and fill out the registration information.

                                        Photography at Milwaukee Public Library Programs
                     For program promotion purposes, from time to time photographs may be taken of participants.
                  If you do not wish to have your child’s photo taken, please notify the photographer and/or librarian.

                                                     For Parents
                                                                      Guided Discussion Groups
                                                                      Central, Herzfeld Activity Center
                                                                      Registration required.

                                                                      Topic: Disobedience
                                                                      Strategies will be discussed for developing a plan to pre-
                                                                      vent and manage disobedience, while teaching your child
                                                                      about limits.
                                                                      Friday, Jan 12, 9:30 am-11 am

Positive Parenting                                                    Topic: Bedtime Routines
Receive FREE parenting support at drop-in coaching                    The skills children need for good bedtime routines are
sessions or guided discussion groups provided by The                  discussed, and the strategies that encourage children to
Parenting Network. Learn strategies that really work!                 stay in their own bed throughout the night are shared.
                                                                      Friday, Feb 9, 9:30 am-11 am
Drop-In Parent Coaching Sessions
If you have a child/children ages 2-12 and are looking for            Topic: Fighting and Aggression
support on a specific issue or parenting challenge, attend             Discuss the skills children need to get along with others,
a Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) coaching session.             along with creating a plan to manage aggressive
You and your coach will develop an individualized                     behavior.
parenting plan that includes practical strategies to help             Friday, Mar 9, 9:30 am-11 am
you and your family succeed. To secure your time call
ahead: Parent Helpline, 414/671-0566. Walk-ins welcome.               Topic: Shopping with Children
Washington Park                                                       Develop individualized plans to manage your children’s
Wednesdays, Jan 10, 17, 24, 31, 3-6 pm                                difficult behaviors that occasionally occur in public.
                                                                      Friday, Apr 13, 9:30-11 am
Calendar of Events For the Milwaukee Public Library January-April, 2018
For Families
Martin Luther King Day 2018
The Martin Luther King Branch is open from 9 am to 5 pm on Monday, January 15 in celebration of Martin Luther King
Day. Entertainment and activities for the whole family will be featured throughout the day. Enjoy a morning of hands-on
activities and stay for an afternoon of live entertainment!

                                     9 am-12 pm      Activities for all ages including:
                                     African American Book Jacket Bingo
                                     Button Making
                                     Community Art Project with Artists Working in Education (A.W.E.)
                                     Craft Stations

                                     12:00-12:25 pm The King Drumming Group signals the start of the live
                                     performances and introduces Mayor Tom Barrett to kick off the celebration.
                                     12:25-12:55 pm     Signature Dance Company
                                     1:15-2 pm          Christopher’s Project
                                     2:15-2:30 pm       Spoken Word: Kavon Cortez Jones
                                     2:30-2:45 pm       Trivia Contest
                                     3-3:30 pm          Ina Onilu Drum and Dance Ensemble
                                     3:30-4:30 pm       Peace Cookies

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and His Dream                      Mind, Body and Soul Line Dancers
Listen to stories, explore the life of Dr. King, and create    Mind, Body and Soul Dancers provide step-by-step
your own “I Have a Dream” mobile to take home.                 instructions to Urban Line Dances like The Wobble, Cha
Zablocki                                                       Cha Slide, and Cupid Shuffle. Bring the family to get fit
Tuesday, Jan 9, 4-5 pm                                         and have fun!
                                                               Villard Square
Black History Month Book Jacket Bingo                          Monday, Feb 12, 5:30-6:30 pm
Test your knowledge of African American children’s
literature and win prizes with this fun game of Bingo.         Black History Month Read-In
Zablocki                                                       Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs invites families to listen to
Tuesday, Feb 6, 4-5 pm                                         heartfelt stories. Craft and light refreshments included.
Center Street                                                  Martin Luther King
Tuesday, Feb 20, 5-6 pm                                        Wednesday, Feb 21, 5:30-7 pm
Wednesday, Feb 21,
3:30-4:30 pm                                                   African American Inventors
East                                                           Red means stop and green means go. Learn about
Wednesday, Feb 28, 4-5 pm                                      Garrett Morgan who invented the traffi c light in 1923
                                                               and other ingenious African American inventors.
A History of Jazz in America                                   Atkinson
Celebrate Black History                                        Monday, Feb 26, 4:30-5:30 pm
Month with jazz enthusiast
Carol V. Johnson and the music                                         Black History Month Jeopardy
of jazz greats like Miles Davis,                                       Test your knowledge of African American History
Duke Ellington, Charlie Parker,                                        and win prizes!
Dizzy Gillespie, John Coltrane,                                        Capitol
Thelonious Monk, Wynton Marsalis,                                      Tuesday, Feb 27, 4-5 pm
as well as great singers such as
Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, and
Sarah Vaughn. See classic vinyl jazz                                   Pottery Poetry
albums, listen to live music, and enjoy                                Get inspired by the history of Dave the Potter, an
light refreshments.                                                    artist, poet and slave who carved poems into his
Villard Square                                                         pottery. Create your own work of art.
Wednesday, Feb 7, 5-6 pm                                               Tippecanoe
Center Street                                                          Tuesday, Feb 27, 4-5 pm
Tuesday, Feb 13, 4:30-5:30 pm
Calendar of Events For the Milwaukee Public Library January-April, 2018
For Families
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
Generations have enjoyed the delightfully silly, rhyming books of Theodore Geisel, AKA Dr. Seuss. Celebrate this
beloved author’s birthday with stories, music, birthday treats and more.
Central Library Kick-Off Celebration
Saturday, Mar 3, 10 am-1 pm

Join Browser, the Library Lion, and the Cat in the Hat as they “check out”
these festivities:
Face painting
Reel in a good time at the Red Fish, Blue Fish pond
Play Seuss’s socks matching games
Hear silly stories in our story nook
Meet live turtles and tortoises in the Yertle the Turtle Pond
Create Seuss-inspired art with Artists Working in Education
Decorate a cookie and take it home to eat
Enjoy singing, dancing and acting out stories at the reading steps

Reading Step Entertainment in the children’s room:
10-10:45 am Kick up your heels with the fun and lively music of
 local group Fox and Branch!
11-11:45 am Laugh out loud as nationally known family entertainer
 Chris Fascione brings children’s stories to life with his
 high-spirited and innovative performance.
12-12:45 pm Enjoy more family fun with Fox and Branch!

11 am-1 pm Boing! Bam! Boom! Poetry Writing Workshop
Try your hand at writing poems that use words that sound just like the noises they are describing (that’s called
onomatopoeia)! We’ll read some famous onomatopoeia poems and write our own.

                                                             Princess of Magic
                                                             This “Magicienne” is not your ordinary princess! Marvel
                                                             and laugh during this interactive magic show that
                                                             celebrates Dr. Seuss’s birthday with a magical twist.
                                                             Tuesday, Mar 6, 6-6:45 pm
                                                             Saturday, Mar 10, 2-2:45 pm

Branch Library Celebrations                                  Ms. Kim’s Amazing Animals
                                                             Interact with live animals from small mammals to reptiles!
Kidsplay presents Thing Three and Thing                      Bay View
                                                             Tuesday, Mar 13, 6-6:45 pm
Four                                                         East
In “The Cat in the Hat” we meet Thing One and Thing
                                                             Wednesday, Mar 14, 6-6:45 pm
Two. In Kidsplay’s show we meet Thing Three and Thing
                                                             Mitchell Street
Four. Come along as these two misfit Things journey into
                                                             Saturday, Mar 17, 2-2:45 pm
the world of Seuss, exploring rhyme and rhythm, and
                                                             Villard Square
the general wacky absurdity that makes Dr. Seuss so
                                                             Tuesday, Mar 6, 6-6:45 pm
                                                             Washington Park
                                                             Monday, Mar 12, 4-4:45 pm
Monday, Mar 12, 5:30-6:15 pm
Wednesday, Mar 7, 5-5:45 pm                                  Magician Rick Allen
Center Street                                                Join Mr. Rick for a magical birthday celebration. You may
Tuesday, Mar 6, 4-4:45 pm                                    even be chosen to be suspended mid-air!
                                                             Martin Luther King
4                                                            Monday, Mar 5, 5:30-6:15 pm
Calendar of Events For the Milwaukee Public Library January-April, 2018
For Families
Big Box Build                                             Winter Bird Watching
What’s better than playing with a cardboard box?          Learn what birds you can see in Milwaukee all year
Building with dozens of them! This creative cardboard     round. Create different types of bird feeders to hang
challenge will unleash the imagination.                   outside your home and start birdwatching.
Tippecanoe                                                Mitchell Street
Tuesday, Jan 2, 1:30-3:30 pm                              Tuesday, Jan 9, 5:30-6:30 pm

Birthday Bash                                             Come as You Are Yoga
New year, new you! Let’s celebrate a year’s worth of      Join Kate Frkovich from Smile Yoga for a family yoga
birthdays to come with fun and games and a story time     program. All ages and abilities welcome! No equipment
and craft inspired by When’s My Birthday? by Julie        needed.
Fogliano.                                                 Villard Square
East                                                      Saturdays, Jan 13, 27, 11 am-12 pm
Monday, Jan 8, 6-7 pm

After School Valentine’s Crafternoon                      Giant Candy Land
Create a special Valentine’s Day card or another          Play a life-sized version of the popular board game and
cupid-inspired craft. Learn about St. Valentine and the   enjoy sweet treats and fun for the whole family!
history of Valentine’s Day.                               Tippecanoe
Mitchell Street                                           Saturday, Feb 10, 1-4 pm
Tuesday, Feb 6, 4-5 pm
Bay View                                                  Pinkalicious
Tuesday, Feb 13, 4-5 pm                                   Celebrate the
Capitol                                                   pinkest holiday
Tuesday, Feb 13, 4-5 pm                                   of them all!
Center Street                                             Read
Wednesday, Feb 14, 3-4 pm                                 Pinkalicious
                                                          books by
Happy Hearts Cookie Decorating                            Elizabeth and
Decorate a cookie to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Share     Victoria Kahn,
your cookie with a friend or loved one, or just eat it    play Valentine’s
yourself. Cookie decorating for children and teens; all   Day bingo and
supplies will be provided.                                create valentines.
Villard Square                                            Washington Park  k
Thursday, Feb 1, 4-5 pm                                   Tuesday, Feb 13,
                                                          4:30-5:30 pm

                                                          Kindness Rocks
             t i n e ’s Day                               Express yourself and make a difference! Decorate a

       Valen imes for
                                                          rock with a design, quote, or simple message to make
                                                          someone’s day during Random Acts of Kindness Week.
       Story ilies                                        Rocks, markers, and paints will be provided.
           Fam                                            Tippecanoe

            n  p  a ge 16                                 Wednesday, Feb 14, 3:30-5 pm

Calendar of Events For the Milwaukee Public Library January-April, 2018
For Families
 Play and Learn
 Join us for imaginative play for families with young children.
 Each program is designed as a fun family outing that incorporates
 the development of early literacy skills through play. Learn how
 important talking, singing, reading, and having fun together is to
 the growth of your child. Bring your imagination!

 Pizza Parlor
 Grab your apron and get ready to work at the pizza parlor.
 Practice making yummy pizzas, taking orders, and delivering your
 delicious creations to eager customers.
 Martin Luther King
 Friday, Jan 26, 10-11 am

 Dinosaur Dig
 Learn about dinosaurs and paleontologists through stories and
 play. Pretend to be a paleontologist at a dig site, see how
                                                           w long
                                                          ow  lon
                                                                ng a
 real brachiosaurus was, make your own fossil, and more. ore.
 Saturday, Feb 24, 10:30-11:30 am

 Pretend to be a veterinarian by checking temperatures,, updating
 shots, and performing necessary treatment for our animal
                                                      mal friends.
 Wednesday, Feb 28, 6-7 pm

 Down on the Farm
 Let’s all work the farm together, because “many hands make light ht
 work.” We’ll pretend to plant, care for, and harvest ourr produce,
 then sell our wares to our customers.
 Saturday, Mar 24, 10-11 am

 Construction Site
 Pack up the tools and get ready to plan and build with blocks
                                                             ks att
 the construction site.
 Saturday, Mar 31, 10:30-11:30 am

 Post Office
 Create a card, letter or package and take turns setting up  p rroutes,
                                                                 ou tes,
 delivering and receiving mail. Develop literacy skills during
                                                         ur ing
                                                            ing this
 fun-filled, hands-on interactive hour of stories and play.
 Saturday, Apr 7, 10-11 am

 A Celebration of Arabic Culture                                Children’s Day/Book Day
Celebrate Children’s Day/Book Day with the Milwaukee            Enjoy a bilingual story time in Spanish and
Muslim Women’s Coalition as they explore Arabic culture         English. Read, sing and have fun together
through activities, story, music and fun.                       in the library.
Tippecanoe                                                      Zablocki
Monday, Apr 30, 6-7 pm                                          Monday, Apr 30, 6-7 pm
Calendar of Events For the Milwaukee Public Library January-April, 2018
For Families/Para Familias
Juega y aprende
Acompáñenos para disfrutar de juegos imaginarios               Por la tarde
para familias con niños pequeños. Cada programa está           La excavación de dinosaurios
diseñado para ser un escape familiar y divertido que           ¡Aprende sobre los dinosaurios y los paleontólogos a
incorpora el desarrollo de las destrezas de alfabetización     través de los libros y juega a ser un paleontólogo en un
temprana a través del juego. Aprenda la importancia de         sitio de excavación!
hablar, cantar, leer y divertirse juntos para el crecimiento   Zablocki
de su hijo. ¡Traiga la imaginación! Es un programa             miércoles 17 de enero, 6-7 pm
gratuito y no se requiere inscripción previa. Un adulto
debe acompañar a los niños al programa.                        La florería
                                                               Ayuda a los clientes, arregla las flores, opera la caja
                                                               registradora y solicita la información necesaria para los
Por la mañana                                                  pedidos de los clientes. ¡Hay mucho que hacer en
La pizzería                                                    nuestra florería concurrida!
Ponte el delantal y prepárate para trabajar en la pizzería.    Zablocki
Túrnate preparando las pizzas, tomando las órdenes de          miércoles 21 de febrero, 6-7 pm
los clientes y entregando la comida a los clientes
hambrientos.                                                   La obra de construcción
Mitchell Street                                                Recoge las herramientas y prepara los planos para la
viernes 5 de enero, 10:30-11:30 am                             construcción porque vamos a construir con bloques en
                                                               nuestra obra de construcción.
El veterinario                                                 Zablocki
Juega a ser un veterinario tomando la temperatura,             miércoles 21 de marzo, 6-7 pm
administrando las vacunas y brindando el tratamiento           El consultorio médico
médico necesario para nuestros amigos los animales.            Nuestros amigos os imaginarios están un
                                                                                                        oco enfermos.
Mitchell Street                                                ¡Es hora de visitar
                                                                               ita      médico!
                                                                                tarr al m éd
viernes 2 de febrero, 10:30-11:30 am                           Juega a ser un médico    oy
                                                               examina a los pacientes,
¡En la granja!                                                 haz un diagnóstico,
Trabajemos juntos en la granja porque el trabajo               administra las vacunas y
compartido es más divertido. Juguemos a ser                    ayúdales a sentirse
                                                                               tirse mejor.
                                                                                      mejo or.
granjeros y sembremos, cuidemos, y cosechemos                  Si deseas, lleva
                                                                              a tu
nuestros productos agrícolas. Después, vendamos las            propia muñeca  a al
frutas y verduras a nuestros clientes.                         consultorio médico.
Mitchell Street
viernes 2 de marzo, 10:30-11:30 am                             miércoles 18 de e abril,
                                                               6-7 pm
Ir a acampar
Imagínate ir de excursión a la naturaleza, cantar
canciones de campamento y “asar” malvaviscos en una
fogata. Luego, armamos las tiendas de campaña y
compartimos historias de campamento.
Mitchell Street
viernes 6 de abril, 10:30-11:30 am

 El día de los niños/El día de los libros
 Disfruten de una hora de cuentos en español e inglés. Lean, canten y se diviertan juntos en la
 lunes 30 de abril, 6-7 pm
Calendar of Events For the Milwaukee Public Library January-April, 2018
For Families
                                                                Yoga for Families

                   py Day                                       OmTown Yoga instructor Pamela Miller integrates

                                                                literacy skills like a love of reading with other life skills.
                                                                No equipment necessary. All ages welcome with an
                                                                accompanying adult.


                                                                Monday, Apr 16, 6-7 pm

                                                                Let’s Celebrate Earth Day
                                                                We’ll start with some stories and end with a beautiful,

                                                                useful craft project made from recycled materials that

                                                                you can display at home!
                                                                Washington Park

                                                                Tuesday, Apr 17, 4:30-5:30 pm

                                                                Mitchell Street

                                                                Tuesday, Apr 17, 6-7 pm

                                                                Wednesday, Apr 25, 4-5 pm
          N                                                     WALL-E’s Earth Day
                                                                Get inspired for Earth Day with a recycled robot craft,
    Celebrate Nationall P
                        Puppy D
                              Day with
                                    i h a puppy-themed          followed by a showing of Disney’s WALL-E. Sponsored
    story time! Make a craft and enjoy a puppy treat.           by a grant from the Dutton Foundation.
    Capitol                                                     Tippecanoe
    Tuesday, Mar 20 4-5 pm                                      Saturday, Apr 21, 1:30-4 pm

      Women’s History Month
      Book Jacket Bingo                                          Harriet Led the Way
      Play bingo and win prizes based on children’s books        Celebrate Harriet Tubman Day and Women’s
      about inspiring women who changed the world!               History Month with a special art project about the
      Central                                                    Underground Railroad to freedom.
      Wednesday, Mar 7, 3:30-4:30 pm                             Atkinson
      East                                                       Monday, Mar 5, 4:30-5:30 pm
      Wednesday, Mar 21, 4-5 pm

      Florentine Opera Presents “A Busy Bee”
    The opera A Busy Bee is composed by Ruben Piirainen and is based on
    the book of the same title by SHARP Literacy. It tells the story of Bella, a young,
    self-conscious honeybee who, with the encouragement of her friends, continues to
    “try, try, try” until she finds her place in the hive.

    Along the journey, audiences learn many scientific facts about
    bees while also being exposed to musical inspirations that
    span from Gilbert and Sullivan to contemporary pop/rap.
    8       Tuesday, Mar 27, 10:30-11:15 am
Calendar of Events For the Milwaukee Public Library January-April, 2018
Saturdays at Central
Family programs every Saturday at 10:30 am in the Central Library Betty Brinn Children’s Room. Designed for
families to play and learn together.
Jan 6                                                        Mar 17
Wisconsin Conservatory Music Appreciation                    Sunset Playhouse: Caps for Sale
Sing, listen and play rhythm instruments while moving to     Adapted from the classic tale by Esphyr Slobodkina, our
music.                                                       story goes behind the scenes to weave the tale of a cap
                                                             peddler’s life, some monkeys and their monkey business.
Jan 13
S.T.E.A.M. Story Time                                        Mar 24
Help your little one explore concepts in science,            Women’s History Month Story Time
technology, engineering, art and math at S.T.E.A.M.          Enjoy stories, songs, and activities celebrating
story time. We’ll read books and discover new concepts       extraordinary, history making women.
through experimentation.
                                                             Mar 31
Jan 20                                                       Construction Site
Jim Thompson: Peanut of Blind Faith Farm                     Pack up the tools and get ready to plan and build with
Hear the true story about Peanut, a lamb born with a         blocks at the construction site.
visual impairment. Written by a Wisconsin children’s
                                                             Apr 7
Jan 27                                                       Wisconsin Conservatory Music Appreciation
Milwaukee Youth Theater: Jungle Book                         See Jan. 6
Join the cast of Milwaukee Youth Theater’s Jungle Book
for a free preview performance. Meet Mowgli                  Apr 14
and all of his animal friends. Join us at Lincoln Center     First Stage: Judy Moody and Stink and the Mad, Mad,
of the Arts on Friday, February 9th for the full-length      Mad Treasure Hunt
performance!                                                 When the Moody family drops anchor on “Artichoke”
                                                             Island, they meet Cap’n Weevil with a secret treasure
Feb 3                                                        map, launching them on a mad dash across the island in
Wisconsin Conservatory Music Appreciation                    search of gold. But they’re not the only salty dogs lookin’
See Jan. 6                                                   for loot! Can Judy Moody and Stink outwit their
                                                             competition in time?
Feb 10
French Immersion Bilingual Story Time                        Apr 21
Listen to stories told in French and English and learn       Milwaukee Youth Theater: The Princess and the Pea
French words and songs.                                      Join the cast of Milwaukee Youth Theater’s The
                                                             Princess and the Pea for a free preview performance.
Feb 17                                                       This production will be set in a modern day “celebrity
Elephant and Piggie Party                                    kingdom.” Enjoy scenes from the play and a few
Join us as we read our favorite Elephant & Piggie            participatory theater games to engage audience
stories and participate in a variety of games, activities,   members of all ages. Join us at Lincoln Center of
and crafts based on our favorite animal duo!                 the Arts on April 26, 27, and May 4 for full-length
Feb 24
Dinosaur Dig                                                 Apr 28
Learn about dinosaurs and paleontologists through            S.T.E.A.M. Story Time
stories and play. Pretend to be a paleontologist at a dig    Help your little one explore concepts in science,
site, see how long a real brachiosaurus was, make your       technology, engineering, art and math at S.T.E.A.M.
own fossil, and more!                                        story time. We’ll read books and discover new concepts
                                                             through experimentation.
Mar 3
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!                                    Parking Options for Central Library. There is metered
See page 4 for details. Special time, 10 am-1 pm             parking around Central. Meters are free after 6 pm and on
                                                             Saturday and Sunday; however, time limits are enforced at all
Mar 10                                                       times. For additional parking near Central Library,
Wisconsin Conservatory Music Appreciation                    go to
See Jan. 6
Calendar of Events For the Milwaukee Public Library January-April, 2018
Saturday Afternoons at Central for ‘Tweens
Special activities designed for children age 8 – 12. Join us each Saturday afternoon for something fun.
Jan 6, 2-3 pm                                               Feb 24, 2-3 pm
LEGO Club                                                   Milwaukee Public Museum’s Mummies Mania
We’ll provide the LEGO bricks, you provide the              Explore the mysteries of mummies as we learn how
creativity! Join other LEGO brick enthusiasts and see       and why Ancient Egyptians mummified their dead.
what you can create from the bottom up.                     Participants will get a chance to help in the
                                                            mummification process of a life-sized model.
Jan 13, 2-3 pm
Storytelling and Book Creation with Milwaukee PBS           Mar 3
Discover your inner author and illustrator with             Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
Milwaukee PBS! Learn the basics of storytelling with        See page 4 for details. Special time, 10 am-1 pm
hands-on activities and continue the fun with a craft to
take home. Learn details on how to enter your original      Mar 10, 17, 24, 31, 2-3:30 pm
book in this year’s Milwaukee PBS KIDS Young Writers        Art Workshop with Artists Working in Education
Contest.                                                    (A.W.E.)
                                                            Be creative, try new art techniques, and have fun
Jan 20, 2-3 pm                                              expressing your artistic point of view! Be inspired by a
Optical Illusions                                           read aloud and then working on imaginative art activities.
Optical illusions teach us how our eyes and brain work      Participants have an opportunity to be creative, try new
together to see. Create a few of your own to test your      techniques and have fun expressing their artistic point
friends.                                                    of view. Everyone gets to take home their creations and
                                                            families are encouraged to come and make art together!
Jan 27, 2-3:30 pm
Chess Club                                                  Apr 7, 2-3:30 pm
Open play chess for all levels.                             Chess Club
                                                            Open play chess for all levels.
Feb 3, 2-3 pm
Wisconsin Conservatory Suzuki Strings Performance           Apr 14, 2-3 pm
Students from the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music           DIY Terrarium Workshop
Suzuki Strings program will perform at the library.         Put your green thumb to work and make your own
                                                            terrarium to take home! Registration required.
Feb 10, 2-3 pm
Milwaukee Public Museum’s Digging Up Discoveries            Apr 21, 2-3 pm
Enter the mind of an archaeologist! Learn what clues        Graphic Novel Book Club: Roller Girl
scientists use when analyzing artifacts and what found      Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson is the story of a 5th
objects can tell us about a culture. Participants will      grader’s summer spent at Roller Derby Camp. Talk about
examine real artifacts from MPM’s education collection      it with other fans of the book, roller derby, and comics!
and come up with their own hypotheses about who used
them and why.                                               Apr 28, May 5, 2-3 pm
                                                            Graphic Novel Workshop
Feb 17, 2-3 pm                                              If you ever wanted to write and illustrate a graphic novel,
Milwaukee Public Museum’s Dinosaur Hunt                     comic or zine, here’s your chance! Plan, write and draw
Join us on a trip back in time to the Mesozoic Era, where   a story of your own creation with help from our staff.
we’ll learn all about dinosaurs and the scientists who      Participants are encouraged to attend both workshops.
study them! Participants will have an opportunity to
handle real dinosaur fossils and explore what’s inside a    Parking Options for Central Library. There is metered
paleontologist’s toolkit.                                   parking around Central. Meters are free after 6 pm and on
                                                            Saturday and Sunday; however, time limits are enforced at all
                                                            times. For additional parking near Central Library,
                                                            go to

For Ages 6-12
 Teacher in the Library
 Teachers are available after school at selected libraries to assist students in
 grades 1 through 8 and their parents with homework help, academic support
 and encouragement. Children under 8 years old must be accompanied by a
 responsible adult. Teacher in the Library resumes Monday, January 8, 2018.

 Mondays-Tuesdays-Wednesdays, 3:30-6:30 pm; Thursdays, 3:30-5:30 pm
 Mill Road    Mitchell Street (bilingual/Spanish)
 Mondays-Tuesdays-Wednesdays, 4-6:30 pm; Thursdays, 4-5:30 pm
 Atkinson     Capitol              M.L. King          Washington Park
 Bay View     Center Street        Villard Square

 Teachers will help students:                                                                                   Bay View
    • focus                                                                                                       Capitol
    • use appropriate learning strategies                                                                  Center Street
    • find the best resources for completing their homework assignments                         Mitchell Street (bilingual
    • find books appropriate for their reading level                                          Spanish teacher available)
 Teachers will help parents:                                                                         Martin Luther King
    • learn ways to help their children at home with school assignments                                        Mill Road
    • by answering questions they have regarding their child’s homework                                   Villard Square
                                                                                                       Washington Park

                                     u n                        Movie Matinees
                                                                Enjoy popcorn and drinks while enjoying family movie
                                                                favorites at the Tippecanoe Branch. Sponsored by a

                                                                grant from the Dutton Foundation.

                                                                Saturdays, Jan 27, Feb 24, Mar 24, 2-4 pm

                                                                National Sticker Day
                                                                Celebrate National Sticker Day by making your own

                                                                sticker book and stickers.
                                                                Tuesday, Jan 9, 4-5 pm

                                                                Winter Cookie Making
                                                                Warm up by baking! Learn how to make a simple
                                                                cookie recipe in the Makerspace Community Kitchen.
                                                                Mitchell Street
                                                                Tuesday, Jan 16, 4-5 pm

                                                                Make Your Own Bracelet
                                                                Create a cool bead bracelet for yourself and a friend.
                                                                Bay View
                                                                Thursday, Jan 18, 4-5 pm
For Ages 6-12
         Reading, Writing

                                                                                                                    & Poetry!
Paws to Read                                               Dream Keepers Writing Circle
Read out loud to a cuddly canine! Say hello, give a        Calling all young writers (ages 9-13)! Use this
pet, or read a selection of good books to furry friends    opportunity to work on your writing project and share
provided by The Alliance of Therapy Dogs. Great for        it with other young writers. Students will spend the
reluctant readers.                                         first part of the session writing, with writing prompts
Atkinson                                                   and encouragement from author and writing coach
Held on the last Monday of the month from January          Rochelle Melander. During the second half of the
through April from 5-6 pm.                                 session, students will share these stories with each
Monday, Jan 29, 5-6 pm                                     other, learning how to listen for key story elements and
Monday, Feb 26, *Time Change: 5:30-6:30 pm*                give helpful feedback.
Monday, Mar 26, 5-6 pm                                     Capitol
Monday, Apr 30, 5-6 pm                                     Mondays, Jan. 29, Feb 5, 19, Mar 5, 19, Apr 2, 16
Tippecanoe                                                 4-5:30 pm
Saturdays, Jan 6, Feb 3, Mar 3, Apr 7, 1-2 pm              Mitchell Street
                                                           Mondays, Jan 8, 22, Feb 12, 26, Mar 12, 26, Apr 9, 23,
                                                           4:30-6 pm
Kids’ Comic Book Club
Do you like reading or drawing comics? Whether             Magnetic Poetry
you’re a fan of superheroes or Smile, join us once a       Create your own portable, magnetic words to arrange
month for snacks, reading recommendations, and             into playful poems.
fun comics-based projects. Bring a favorite comic or       Atkinson
graphic novel to share.                                    Monday, Apr 16, 4:30-5:30 pm
Tuesdays, Jan 16, Feb 6, Mar 13,                           Poem in My Pocket
Apr 10, 6:30-7:30 pm                                       April is National Poetry Month and April 27 is Poem in
                                                           Your Pocket Day. Help spread the joy of poetry. Read
                                                           about various styles of poems with the book A Kick
Storytelling and Book Creation with                        in the Head. Write your own three-line poem called a
Milwaukee PBS                                              Haiku. Snacks will be provided.
Discover your inner author and illustrator with            Zablocki
Milwaukee PBS! Learn the basics of storytelling with       Tuesday, Apr 17, 4-5 pm
hands-on activities and continue the fun with a craft to
take home. Learn details on how to enter your original     Write a Poem and Create a Display
book in this year’s Milwaukee PBS KIDS Young Writers       Piece
Contest.                                                   Celebrate National Poetry Month by writing a poem
Central                                                    and matting your masterpiece.
Saturday, Jan 13, 2-3 pm                                   Bay View
Martin Luther King                                         Wednesday, Apr 18, 3:30-4:30 pm
Wednesday, Jan 24, 5:30-6:30 pm
Mitchell Street                                            Author, Author!
Tuesday, Jan 30, 4-5 pm                                    Make your own book or journal from scratch on World
Zablocki                                                   Book Day.
Saturday, Jan 27, 1-2 pm                                   Atkinson
                                                           Monday, Apr 23, 4:30-5:30 pm

For Ages 6-12

Art Workshops Presented by Artists Working in Education, Inc. (A.W.E.)
A drop-in program designed for children in grades K5-5th grade, although older siblings are welcome. Each visit
begins with an A.W.E. artist reading aloud a story or two and then discussing the book or illustrator. Participants will
then work on imaginative art activities relevant to the book or artist theme for the day. This is a great opportunity
to be creative, try new techniques and have fun expressing your artistic point of view. Everyone gets to take home
their creations. Families are encouraged to attend and make art together. This program is collaboration between the
Milwaukee Public Library and Artists Working in Education, Inc.
Atkinson                                  Central                                  Tippecanoe
Mondays, May 7, 14, 21, Jun 4,            Saturdays, Mar 10, 17, 24, 31,           Tuesdays, May 1, 8, 15, 22,
4-5:30 pm                                 2-3:30 pm                                6-7:30 pm
Bay View                                  East                                     Villard Square
Thursdays, Feb 22, Mar 1, 8, 22,          Fridays, Mar 16, 23, Apr 6, 13,          Mondays, Mar 5, 12, 19, 26,
4-5:30 pm                                 3:30-5 pm                                5-6:30 pm
Capitol                                   Martin Luther King                       Washington Park
Tuesdays, Apr 3, 10, 17, 24,              Mondays, Apr 2, 9, 16, 23,               Tuesdays, Feb 20, 27, Mar 6, 20,
5-6:30 pm                                 4:30-6 pm                                4:30-6 pm
Center Street                             Mitchell Street                          Zablocki
Wednesdays, Apr 4, 11, 18, 25,            Wednesdays, Mar 7, 14, 21, 28,           Saturdays, Feb 10, 17, 24, Mar 3,
4-5:30 pm                                 4-5:30 pm                                2:30-4 pm

Bubblewrap Art                           Peeps Diorama Contest
Get creative with recycled material.     Build a book-inspired scene using marshmallow Peeps! Materials will be
Paint with bubblewrap or make            provided during the workshop sessions and finished creations are due at
three-dimensional art.                   Mitchell Street or Tippecanoe Branch Libraries by March 30. Vote for the
Mitchell Street                          PEEPles’ Choice Award at the library or online at through April 6.
Tuesday, Apr 3, 4-5 pm                   Mitchell Street
                                                                                    Vote f
                                         Tuesday, Mar 20, 5:30-7 pm                        or Pee
National Scrabble Day                    Tippecanoe
                                                                                     at mpl       ps
Challenge your friend to a game          Tuesday, Mar 27, 1:30-3:30 pm                      .org!
of Scrabble to celebrate National
Scrabble Day. Play Words With
Friends in real life!
Wednesday, Apr 11, 4-5 pm

For Ages 6-12
S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math)
 After School Tech Time                                   Snap Circuits for the Whole Family
Make it, break it, tinker with it, and take it! Explore   Learn about electronics and play with snap circuits.
S.T.E.A.M. concepts with fun, hands-on projects.          Create circuitry to power a fan or a speaker!
East                                                      Mitchell Street
Thursdays, Jan 4, Feb 1, Mar 1, Apr 5, 3:30-4:30 pm       Tuesday, Feb 20, 6-7 pm
                                                          Use building blocks with snaps and littleBits to build
Wii U Wednesdays                                          different electrical and electronic circuits. For children
Have fun after school with the Wii U, board games, and    ages 7 and up. Parents encouraged to attend.
snacks.                                                   Zablocki
Tippecanoe                                                Wednesday, Mar 28, 6-7 pm
Wednesdays, Jan 24, Feb 21 and Apr 4, 3:30-5 pm
                                                          Easter Egg Coloring and Drop
                                                          Color Easter eggs, then construct an egg holder for
Urban Ecology Center Young Scientists                     your masterpieces and drop them over the balcony to
Club                                                                                     see how they fare!
Join the Young Scientists Club as we explore topics                                      Mitchell Street
related to science and make a craft!
                                   t!                                                    Tuesday, Mar 6, 4-5 pm
Washington Park
Tuesdays, Jan 9, 23, Feb 6, 20,                                                            Kids Code: Video
Mar 6, 20, Apr 3, 17, 4:30-5:30 pm                                                         Games
                                                                                           Level up with video-
After School Science Fun                                                                   game style coding!
Make homemade Bath Fizzies in our new makerspace,                                          Learn the basics of
Studio M! Create fragrant and moisturizing Fizzies to                                      game design and make
make your bath extra fun and relaxing, or give them to                                     your own game.
someone special as a gift.                                                                 Tippecanoe
Mitchell Street                                                                            Tuesday, Mar 20,
Tuesday, Feb 13, 5-6 pm                                                                    4:30-5:30 pm

 LEGO Bricks

                                                          Build with LEGO Bricks
LEGO Ninjago                                              Get the creativity flowing using LEGO bricks. Join
Design your own Ninjago hero and high-tech “mech”.        others and see what you can create together. This
Atkinson                                                  activity helps to develop 21st century skills such as
Monday, Jan 8, 4:30-5:30 pm                               problem-solving and collaboration.
                                                          Bay View
LEGOFest                                                  Mondays, Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 9, 4-5 pm
Calling all LEGO brick enthusiasts! There’s lots of fun   Capitol
happening at the LEGOFest celebration, including face     Tuesday, Jan 23, 4-5 pm
painting, a LEGO derby, and time to play and build with   Center Street
LEGO bricks. Special guests from the Kenosha LEGO         Thursday, Mar 29, 2-3 pm
Users Group (KLUG) will join us.                          Central
East                                                      Wednesdays, Jan 10, Feb 14, Mar 14, Apr 11,
Friday, Mar 9, 1-5 pm                                     3:30-4:30 pm
Saturday, Mar 10, 11 am-3 pm                              Martin Luther King
                                                          Friday, Mar 9, 1-2 pm
LEGOFest fun also at Shorewood Public Library,            Tippecanoe
3920 N. Murray Ave.                                       Saturdays, Jan 13, Mar 10, Apr 14, 10-11:30 am
Friday, Mar 9, 1-5 pm                                     Villard Square
Saturday, Mar 10, 11 am-3 pm                              Thursdays, Jan 18, Feb 15, Mar 15, Apr 19, 4-5 pm
14                                                        Tuesdays, Jan 30, Feb 27, Mar 27, Apr 24, 4-5 pm
For Ages 6-12
 Spring Break

 S.T.E.A.M. at the Library                                 Snap Circuits for the Whole Family
Stop by Center Street Branch to explore different          Use building blocks with snaps and littleBits to build
activities inspired by S.T.E.A.M. – Science, Technology,   different electrical and electronic circuits. For children
Engineering, Art, and Math!                                ages 7 and up. Parents encouraged to attend.
Center Street                                              Zablocki
Monday, Mar 26, 2-3 pm                                     Wednesday, Mar 28, 6-7 pm
Wednesday, Mar 28, 2-3 pm
                                                           Build with LEGO Bricks
Hour of Code                                               Get the creativity flowing using LEGO bricks. Join
Ever wonder what makes that computer game run?             others and see what you can create together. This
Take a fun look at computer science and learn prob-        activity helps to develop 21st century skills such as
lem-solving skills and creativity through the “Hour of     problem-solving and collaboration.
Code” website. For children ages 8 and up. Parents         Center Street
encouraged to attend.                                      Thursday, Mar 29, 2-3 pm
Zablocki                                                   Zablocki
Monday, Mar 26, 4-5 pm                                     Tuesday, Mar 27, 4-5 pm

Kids Can Cook
Interested in cooking?                                          Rube Goldberg Mania
Find out first-hand what                                         Explore the domino effect and make a
cooking is all about.
Discover kid-Friendly
                                                                complicated machine do a simple task.
recipes, learn about                                            Get inspired by the new book Rube
nutrition and try out a                                         Goldberg’s Simple Normal Humdrum
bunch of new foods.                                             School Day written by Jennifer George,
Center Street                                                   Rube’s granddaughter, and illustrated
Tuesday, Mar 27, 2-3 pm
                                                                by Wisconsin native Ed Steckley.

Spring Break 2018 is Engineering Week at the Central Library
Engineering Challenge                                           Thursday, Mar 29, 1-2 pm
See what you can build using only clothes pins, binder          Atkinson
clips, craft sticks and rubber bands.                           Monday, Apr 30, 4-5 pm
Monday, Mar 26, 1-2 pm

LEGO WeDo Robotics
Program your own robot! Use LEGO bricks and LEGO
WeDo software to improve your coding and tech skills.
Tuesday, Mar 27, 1-2 pm

Marble Run
Help create tracks out of various household items for
marbles to wind and twist through!                         Rube Goldberg Mania
Central                                                    Explore the domino effect and make a complicated
Wednesday, Mar 28, 1-2 pm                                  machine do a simple task.
                                                           Thursday, Mar 29, 1-2 pm
Family Story Times
       Jim Thompson: Peanut of Blind Faith Farm
       Hear the true story about Peanut, a lamb born with a visual impairment.
       Saturday, Jan 20, 10:30-11:15 am
       Bay View
       Saturday, Feb 3, 10:30-11:15 am

       Winter Story Time
       Celebrate the season with winter-themed books and art.
       Bay View
       Tuesday, Jan 23, 6-7 pm

       Valentine’s Day Story Time
       Hear stories, sing songs, and learn new fingerplays related to Valentine’s
       Day. Bring your favorite stuffed animal. For the evening story times,
       children are invited to wear their pajamas so they are ready to be tucked
       into bed when they get home.
       Martin Luther King
       Friday, Feb 9, 11-11:30 am
       Bay View
       Saturday, Feb 10, 10:30-11:30 am
       Monday, Feb 12, 6-7 pm
       Tuesday, Feb 13, 6-7 pm

       Fun with Library Friends Story Time
       Enjoy listening to the hijinks of Amelia Bedelia, Elephant and Piggie, and
       other library favorites! Then create artwork celebrating friendship.
       Bay View
       Saturday, Apr 7, 10:30-11:30 am

       Firefighter Story Time
       Join us for story time with the Milwaukee Fire Department. Meet MFD
       firefighters and learn about their uniforms and equipment.
       Bay View
       Saturday, Apr 14, 10:30 am-12:30 pm

       Play Dough Palooza
       Join the play dough party! Explore and create together as a family.
       Bring your creativity and we will provide play dough in a variety of
       scents, sparkles, and colors. Toys and tools will also be available. All
       ages welcome with an accompanying adult.
       Villard Square
       Saturday, Apr 21, 10-11 am
Story Times for Ages 0-5
Playgroup with Stories                                        Pajama Story Time
                                                              Families with young children are invited to come dressed
A 20-minute story time for children and their parents or
                                                              in your coziest PJs and bring a stuffed animal friend for
guardian is followed by open play time with a variety of
                                                              stories, songs, and rhymes designed to develop early
age-appropriate, educational toys. Story time includes
                                                              literacy skills and encourage a love of reading.
plenty of fingerplays, songs, or other participatory activi-
ties that help children learn important literacy skills.
                                                              Mondays, 6:30-7 pm
                                                              No story time Jan. 15.
10:30-11:30 am
Every Thursday for children ages 2 and under with a
parent or guardian.
9:30-11 am
Every Wednesday for children ages 2 and under with a
parent or guardian.
                                                              Week of the
10-11:30 am
Every Thursday for children ages 2 and under with a
                                                              Young Child
parent or guardian.
Mitchell Street
10:30-11:30 am
Every Thursday for children ages 1 to 4 with a parent or
10:30-11:30 am
Every Thursday for children ages 1 to 4 with a parent or
Villard Square
10:30-11:30 am
Every Thursday for children ages 1 to 4 with a parent or
                                                              Corduroy’s Stuffed Animal Sleepover
Zablocki                                                      Corduroy is celebrating his 50th birthday! Bring your
10:30-11:30 am                                                favorite stuffed animal along for stories and a treat. Your
Every Thursday for children ages 1 to 4 with a parent or      toy will get to stay overnight in the library for a sleepover,
guardian.                                                     and when you pick them up the next day you’ll get to see
                                                              all the fun they had!
Preschool Story Time                                          Tippecanoe
Preschoolers are invited for fun stories, songs, and          Tuesday, Apr 17, 6-7 pm
fingerplays all designed to help them develop important
literacy skills needed prior to learning how to read. Child   Messy Toddler Time
care centers are welcome.                                     Explore your senses with a variety of fun and messy
Atkinson                                                      sensory-stimulating activities. For children ages 2-3 and
Thursdays, 10:30-11:15 am                                     their grown-ups.
Bay View                                                      East
Thursdays, 10:30-11:15 am                                     Friday, Apr 20, 10-11:30 am
Thursdays, 10-10:30 am
Center Street                                                 Play Dough Palooza
Mondays, 4-4:45 pm; No story time Jan. 15.                    Join the play dough party! Explore and create together
Central                                                       as a family. Bring your creativity and we will provide play
Tuesdays, 10:30-11:15 am                                      dough in a variety of scents, sparkles, and colors. Toys
Martin Luther King                                            and tools will also be available. All ages welcome with
Thursdays, 10-10:30 am                                        an accompanying adult.
Washington Park                                               Villard Square
Thursdays, 10:30-11:15 am                                     Saturday, Apr 21, 10-11 am
For Child Care Providers
            MPL offers free continuing education Tier 2 child care provider workshops as approved by the Wisconsin
            Registry. More information is available in person from the workshop presenters. Please have your
     Tier   Registry ID number handy for submission.
            Registration required; call 286-3011 or register online at

      Registration opens about one month prior to the workshop, see below for exact dates. Adults only; no children,
      no exceptions. Check in begins 10 minutes prior to class start time so workshop can begin as scheduled. To
      receive credit, attendees must arrive on time. Please bring your Registry card or have your Registry ID number
      for submission at the workshop.

            The Six Skills for Early Literacy
 Tier 2 Learn the six skills that all children need in order to be prepared to learn how to read when they enter
             school. Leave with fun ways to expand lessons with books to include the skills. This workshop is the
             foundation for other provider workshops, and we recommend you attend this first.
      Continuing Education: 3.0 hours
      Capitol (Registration begins Jan 2)
      Saturday, Jan 20, 10:30 am-1:30 pm
      Villard Square (Registration begins Mar 5)
      Saturday, Mar 24, 10:30 am-1:30 pm

            Start Right, Finish Bright: Building Foundations in Your Infant & Toddler
 Tier 2     Classroom
             Learn how to create an optimal environment for healthy brain development in babies and toddlers. Find
             out how important healthy attachment is, what social-emotional development is, and how these are the
      foundation for all future learning. Leave with a list of great books and activities that promote early literacy skills.
      Continuing Education: 3.0 hours
      *This workshop is specifically geared to those who teach children from birth-36 months old.
      Center Street (Registration begins Jan 22)
      Saturday, Feb 10, 10:30 am-1:30 pm
      Washington Park (Registration begins Mar 26)
      Saturday, Apr 14, 10:30 am-1:30 pm

            Dialogic Reading: What it is and How to Use it Effectively with Young Children
Tier 1 Dialogic reading is an effective way to read with young children that will build their early literacy skills.
            Learn what it is and effective strategies to use during your read alouds.
            Continuing Education: 2.0 hours
      East (Registration begins Feb 5)
      Saturday, Feb 24, 10:30 am-12:30 pm

For Child Care Providers
             Letter Knowledge College: Teaching the Alphabet
  Tier 2 Learn different ways to help children recognize the differences between how letters look,, their
                                                                                                    th names,
                                                                                                          na me
            and their sounds ˗ all while having fun! Includes materials for you to make an activity  ffor
                                                                                               vitty fo   use
                                                                                                       or us
                                                                                                          u       your
                                                                                                             e in your
Continuing Education: 2.0 hours
Central, Community Room 1 (Registration begins Feb 19)
Saturday, Mar 10, 10:30 am-12:30 pm

             Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About: Developing Narrative Ski
                                                                             illss iin
  Tier 2     Children
            Narrative Skills refers to a child’s ability to tell
                                                            te stories and describe things. Learn the importance of nar-
            rative skills and we’ll have fun exploring  g bo
                                                             okks th
                                                                  that help develop this skill.
            Continuing Education: 2.0 hours
Capitol (Registration begins Apr 2)
Saturday, Apr 21, 10:30 am-12:30 pm

 Talleres gratuitos para los proveedores de cuidado infantil en español
Se requiere una inscripción previa; llame al (414) 286-3011 (inglés) o al (414) 286-8423 (español), o inscríbase en línea
en La inscripción comienza un mes antes de la fecha del taller. No se
permite asistir con niños. Se pasa lista 10 minutos antes de que comience el taller para que se pueda empezar
a tiempo. El crédito se da a los participantes que sean puntuales. Por favor, traiga su número o tarjeta de identifi-
cación de “The Registry.”

El colegio del abecedario: enseñando el alfabeto
           Durante este taller, usted tendrá la oportunidad de explorar maneras divertidas para presentar el con-
           ocimiento de letras a los niños de 0-5 años. Aprenda maneras en que puede ayudar a los niños   sa
   Nivel 2 reconocer las diferencias entre la apariencia de las letras, sus nombres y sonidos mientras se
           Recibirá materiales para preparar una actividad que puede utilizar en el aula.
           Educación continua: 2.0 horas
           Mitchell Street (El 16 de enero comienza inscripción)
           sábado 3 de febrero, 10:30 am-12:30 pm

La alfabetización y el juego
           El trabajo de los niños se basa en el juego el cual se convierte en un momento agradable
                                                                                            gradaable p
                                                                                                        ara pa
           con ellos. Descubra métodos en que usted pueda ayudar a guiarles en el aprendizajezaje con
                                                                                                    n actividades
   Nivel 2 divertidas que están diseñadas para fomentar el desarrollo de la alfabetización temprana a través del
           Educación continua: 2.0 horas
           Zablocki (El 3 de abril comienza la inscripción)
           sába 21 de abril, 10:30 am-12:30 pm

Visit Your Milwaukee Public Library Today!
Central                                       East                                          Washington Park
814 W. Wisconsin Ave. 53233                   2320 N. Cramer St. 53211                      2121 N. Sherman Blvd. 53208
Monday                 12-8 pm                Monday               10 am-8 pm               Monday                10 am-8 pm
Tuesday                9 am-8 pm              Tuesday & Wednesday 12-8 pm                   Tuesday & Wednesday 12-8 pm
Wednesday-Friday       9 am-6 pm              Thursday & Friday    10 am-6 pm               Thursday & Friday     10 am-6 pm
Saturday               9 am-5 pm              Saturday             10 am-5 pm               Saturday              10 am-5 pm
Sundays (Oct.-April)   1-5 pm
 (Closed May-Sept.)                           Mitchell Street                               Zablocki
                                              906 W. Historic Mitchell St. 53204            3501 W. Oklahoma Ave. 53215
Atkinson                                                                                    Monday               10 am-8 pm
                                              Mon., Tues., Wed.        12-8 pm
1960 W. Atkinson Ave. 53209                                                                 Tuesday & Wednesday 12-8 pm
                                              Thursday & Friday        10 am-6 pm
Mon., Tues., Wed.      12-8 pm                                                              Thursday & Friday    10 am-6 pm
                                              Saturday                 10 am-5 pm
Thursday & Friday      10 am-6 pm                                                           Saturday             10 am-5 pm
Saturday               10 am-5 pm                                                           Sundays (Oct.-April) 1-5 pm
                                              Martin Luther King
                                              310 W. Locust St. 53212                        (Closed May-Sept.)
Bay View
                                              Mon., Tues., Wed.      12-8 pm
2566 S. Kinnickinnic Ave. 53207                                                             MPL Express at Silver Spring
                                              Thursday & Friday      10 am-6 pm
Monday                  10 am-8 pm                                                          5550 N. 64th St. 53218
                                              Saturday               10 am-5 pm
Tuesday & Wednesday 12-8 pm                                                                 Open 24/7
Thursday & Friday       10 am-6 pm                                                          Check out print materials • Request
                                              Mill Road
Saturday                10 am-5 pm                                                          CDs and DVDs for pick up • Return
                                              6431 N. 76th St. 53223
                                              Mon., Tues., Wed.      12-8 pm                your library materials. Library card and
Capitol                                                                                     PIN required.
3969 N. 74th St. 53216                        Thursday & Friday      10 am-6 pm
Mon., Tues., Wed.         12-8 pm             Saturday               10 am-5 pm             Wisconsin Talking Book and Braille
Thursday & Friday         10 am-6 pm                                                        Library 813 W. Wells St. 53233
Saturday                  10 am-5 pm          Tippecanoe                                    Phone: 414.286.3045 or
Sundays (Oct.-April)      1-5 pm              3912 S. Howell Ave. 53207                     1.800.242.8822 (within Wisconsin)
 (Closed May-Sept.)                           Mon., Tues., Wed.      12-8 pm                E-mail:
                                              Thursday & Friday      10 am-6 pm             Open Monday-Friday, 9 am to 5 pm
Center Street                                 Saturday               10 am-5 pm             Closed Saturday and Sunday.
2727 W. Fond du Lac Ave. 53210
Monday                9 am-8 pm               Villard Square
Tuesday & Wednesday 12-8 pm                   5190 N. 35th St. 53209
Thursday & Friday     10 am-6 pm              Monday                    10 am-8 pm
Saturday              10 am-5 pm              Tuesday & Wednesday       12-8 pm
                                              Thursday & Friday         10 am-6 pm
                                              Saturday                  10 am-5 pm

For programs and events for adults, including computer and job classes, genealogy, small business and author and
book club events, please go to the library’s events calendar at

Library hours may vary and are subject to change; call to confirm. Classes and activities are subject to change or
cancellation; visit the library’s webpage at for up-to-date information.

All libraries will be closed on the following days:                  Friday, March 30: Good Friday
Monday, January 1, 2018: New Year Holiday                            Sunday, April 1: Easter Sunday
Monday, January 15: Martin Luther King Day
Please note: M.L. King Branch will be open 9 am-5 pm

Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities. For additional information or
to request services contact the Library Director’s Office at (414) 286-3021, 286-2794 (FAX), or mail to Central Library, 814 W. Wisconsin
Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53233 Attn: Accommodation Request.

Read~Learn~Connect | | 414.286.3000
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