Call for papers - European Federation of Biotechnology

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Call for papers - European Federation of Biotechnology
                                         for papers
                ICEEM 11


                     Environmental Engineering for a
                        Clean and Healthy Planet

               8 - 10 September 2021, Muttenz, Switzerland
Organized by

                                Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi
                                Department of Environmental Engineering and Management

                                                     European Federation of Biotechnology,
                                                     Environmental Biotechnology Division
Call for papers - European Federation of Biotechnology
    In 2021, the International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management
    (ICEEM) will have its eleventh edition. Since its previous one, people’s life styles, production
    and consumption pattern and the global economy have changed dramatically. We are now
    struggling to understand the impacts of these trends on the environment, on ecosystems, and
    how we are going to ensure a more sustainable management of resources.
    Under the tagline Environmental Engineering for a Clean and Healthy Planet, ICEEM11 will be
    a platform for scientific dissemination boosting internationalization, multi-disciplinarity and
    collaboration in research.
    ICEEM11 invites academia, industry and societal representatives to contribute to the sug-
    gested themes and topics. Submission ideally suggest innovative, multi-disciplinarity and
    cross-sectorial approaches to tackle environmental and sustainability problems.
    We hope that the global health safety
    situation will develop favourable and
    allow us to convene for plenary sessi-
    ons, poster presentations, workshops
    and side-events at ICEEM11.
    We are looking forward to meeting
    you in Muttenz!
                                              Prof. Dr. Philippe Corvini Prof. Dr. Carmen Teodosiu   Prof. Dr. Fabio Fava
                                                    FHNW & EFB           Gheorghe Asachi Technical   University of Bologna
    Your ICEEM 11 Conference Presidents                                        University of Iasi

Conference themes & topics
I. Environmental biotechnology                        IV. Sustainability assessment & eco-innovation
 • Biotechnological approaches to tackle mari-          • Life cycle assessment
   ne and terrestrial plastic pollution                 • Footprint indicators (ecological, water, carbon)
 • Bioremediation contribution to the healthy           • Eco-design and eco-innovation
   soil and food mission                              V. Novel materials for environmental and
 • Understand and manage the microbiome               energy applications
   of environmental systems (including food,
   agriculture and health)                              • Solar energy materials
                                                        • Materials, eco-processes and eco-products
II. Water and wastewater cycles in the context          • Nanotechnologies
of circular (bio)economy
                                                      VI. Monitoring and modelling of environmental
 • Water and wastewater treatment                     pollution
 • Recovery of nutrients and precious elements
 • Water and sludge reuse applications                  • Process modelling, optimization and simulation
                                                        • Investigation and prognosis tools for environ-
III. Waste management in the context of circu-            mental issues
lar (bio)economy                                        • Pollution monitoring and control
 • Waste treatment and valorization                   VII. Thematic workshops
 • Cascaded valorization of biowaste and
   biorefineries                                        • Circular economy and bio-economy
 • Urban mining                                         • European projects
                                                        • Emerging research priorities & opportunities
Call for papers - European Federation of Biotechnology
International Scientific Committee
Prof. Dr., Dr. h.c. Maria Madalena       Prof. Dr. Maria Gavrilescu                 Prof. Dr. Eberhard Morgenroth
dos Santos Alves                         “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Universi-      EAWAG, Switzerland
University of Minho, Portugal            ty of Iasi, Romania                        Prof. Dr. Mircea Nicoara
Prof. Dr. Cecilia Maria Villas Boas      Prof. Dr. Biagio Fernando Giannetti        “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iasi,
de Almeida                               Universidade Paulista, Brazil              Romania
Universidade Paulista, Brazil            Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sabino de Gisi            Prof. Dr. Cristina Orbeci
Prof. Dr. Manuela Antonelli              Politecnico di Bari, Italy                 Politehnica University of Bucharest,
Politecnico di Milano, Italy             Dr. Hermann Heipieper                      Romania
Dr. Federico Aulenta                     UFZ, Germany                               Prof. Dr. Alexandru Ozunu
CNR IRSA, Italy                          Prof. Dr. Juliane Hollender                Babeş Bolyai University, Romania
Prof. Dr., Dr. h.c. Adisa Azapagic       EAWAG, Switzerland                         Prof. Dr., Dr.h.c. Ákos Rédey
The University of Manchester, United     Prof. Dr. Almudena Hospido                 Pannonia University, Veszprem,
Kingdom                                  University of Santiago de Compostela,      Hungary
Prof. Dr. Amit Bhatnagar                 Spain                                      Prof. Dr. Maria Reis
University of Eastern Finland, Finland   Dr. David Johnson                          FCT, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa,
Prof. Dr. Hans Bressers                  EAWAG, Switzerland                         Portugal
University of Twente, The Netherlands    Prof. Dr. Nikolas Kalogerakis              Prof. Dr. Sebastien Royer
Prof. Dr. Tomas Cajthaml                 Technical University of Crete, Greece      Université de Lille, France
Charles University, Czech Republic       Prof. Dr. Mark van Loosdrecht              Prof. Dr. Maria Angeles Sanroman
Prof. Dr. Dan Cascaval                    Delft University of Technology,           University of Vigo, Spain
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Universi-    Netherlands                                Prof. Dr., Dr.h.c. Wilhelm Schabel
ty of Iasi, Romania                      Prof. Dr. Florica Manea                    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Cezar Catrinescu         Politehnica University of Timisoara,       Germany
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Universi-    Romania                                    Prof. Dr. Stefan Shilev
ty of Iasi, Romania                      Prof. Dr. Ecaterina Matei                  Agricultural University of Plovdiv,
Prof. Dr., Dr.h.c. Yusuf Chisti          Politehnica University of Bucharest,       Bulgaria
Massey University, New Zealand           Romania                                    Acad. Prof. Dr., Dr. h.c. Bogdan C.
Prof. Dr. Igor Cretescu                  Prof. Dr. Teodor Malutan                   Simionescu
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Universi-    “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Universi-      “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Uni-
ty of Iasi, Romania                      ty of Iasi, Romania                        versity of Iasi, Romanian Academy,
Dr. Maja Djolic                          Prof. Dr. Giorgio Mannina                  Romania
University of Belgrade, Serbia           University of Palermo, Italy               Assoc. Prof. Dr. Brindusa Sluser
Prof. Dr. Camelia Draghici               Prof. Dr. Antonio Marzocchella             “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Universi-
Transilvania University of Brasov,       Università degli Studi di Napoli Federi-   ty of Iasi, Romania
Romania                                  co II, Italy                               Prof. Dr. Joanna Surmacz-Górska
Prof. Dr. Francesco Fatone               Prof. Dr. Anne Menert                      Silesian University of Technology, Poland
University Politecnica delle Marche,     Tallin University of Technology,           Dr. Magdalena Urbaniak
Italy                                    Estonia                                    University of Lodz, Polish Academy of
Prof. Dr., Dr.h.c. Silvia Fiore          Prof. Dr. Rolandas Meskys                  Sciences
Politecnico di Torino, Italy             Life Sciences Center, Lithuania            Prof. Dr. Irina Volf
Prof. Dr., Dr.h.c. Anton Friedl          Dr. Marcela Mihai                          “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Universi-
Vienna University of Technology,         “P. Poni” Institute of Macromolecular      ty of Iasi, Romania
Austria                                  Chemistry, Iasi, Romania
Prof. Dr. Joan Garcia                    Prof. Dr. Monika Molnar,
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya,    Budapest University of Technology,
Spain                                    Hungary

Call for papers - European Federation of Biotechnology
Organizing Committee

                                                                                                 Photo credits Campus Muttenz: © FHNW / Gataric Fotografie
                                                  Dr. Petru Apopei
  Submit your abstract                            Dr. George Barjoveanu
                                                  Dr. Adela Buburuzan
  Authors are invited to submit a max. 2 page     Simona Falbo (MSc.)
  abstract related to the conference themes       Dr. Daniela Fighir
  and topics by 14 December 2020. The tem-        Dr. Diana Gabur
  plate is available on             Dr. Daniela Gavrilescu
                                                  Prof. Dr. Christoph Hugi
  Accepted submissions will be included in the    Prof. Dr. Miriam Langer
  Book of abstracts.                              Dr. Irina Morosanu
  The international Scientific Committee will     Dr. Corina Musteret
  suggest selected papers for publication in      Dr. Oana Plavan
  one of the following peer-reviewed internati-   Dr. Camelia Smaranda
  onal journals:                                  Dr. Brindusa Sluser
   • Process Safety and Environmental Policy      Prof. Dr. Michael Thomann
       (ISI ranked, Elsevier);
   • Environmental Engineering and Ma-
       nagement Journal (ISI ranked, TUIASI).
   • Sustainable Production and Consumpti-
                                                    Important dates
       on (ISI ranked , Elsevier)
   • New Biotechnology (ISI ranked, Elsevier)       Abstract submission: 14/12/2020
                                                    Notification of acceptance: 15/01/2021
  Registration Fees                                 Registration start: 07/02/2021
  Full fee: until 30/06/2021:           350 €
                                                    Conference: 08-10/09/2021
  Full fee: from 01/07/2021:            450 €
  Reduced fee for PhD Students:         250 €
  (based on application, see our website)
  Accompanying person:                  250 €     Contact
  The ICEEM11 Conference fees include the         All information on abstract submission,
   • conference materials (program, book of       registration and payments is compiled on the
      abstracts),                                 conference website
   • coffee breaks, lunches, cocktail and         Direct any specific questions to the
      conference dinner                           conference organizing committee:
Call for papers - European Federation of Biotechnology Call for papers - European Federation of Biotechnology Call for papers - European Federation of Biotechnology Call for papers - European Federation of Biotechnology
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