Calvin Connection - Calvin Community

Page created by Chris Rojas
Calvin Connection - Calvin Community
Calvin Connection
 Fall 2020					                                       A quarterly publication for friends of Calvin Community

Have you seen Judy’s bobbleheads?
Judy Smith, Calvin’s Billing Spe-     From then on the collection grew,    Some notable favorites of Judy’s
cialist, is an avid collector and     there were giveaways at the Iowa     are Herbert Hoover, Chicago Cub
if you’ve visited her office then     Cubs, some were given as gifts for   Kris Bryant, and a signed Bobble-
you’ve seen part of the collection!   birthdays or holidays, and oth-      head from retired professional
                                      ers she has just happened upon.      baseball player Jeremy Hellick-
Since 2008 Judy estimates she has     She has athletes, characters from    son who played high school ball
collected over 65 bobbleheads.        movies and TV shows, animals,        at Hoover!
A bobblehead, also known as a         historical and political figures.
nodder or wobbler, is a type of
collectible doll. Its head is often
oversized compared to its body.
Instead of a solid connection, its
                                       A note from Pastor Lamberts
head is connected to the body by       Can you imagine a few years         I thank God for our staff and I
a spring or hook in such a way         from now the stories we will        pray for them. They are work-
that a light tap will cause the        tell about 2020? “Do you            ing hard to give good and
                                       remember when we had to             helpful care. Join me in pray-
head to bobble, hence the name.
                                       wear masks and it wasn’t even       ing for them They need our
                                       Halloween? Do you remember          prayers. I pray for all those that
                                       when Iowa had that                              live at Calvin.
                                       te rrible Derech o
                                       storm and so many                              What can we do to
                                       people were with-                              encourage one an-
                                       out power?”                                    other?

                                       Life is hard. Right?                       The Apostle Paul
                                       But think of all that                      wrote, “Love is pa-
                                       God has brought                            tient, love is kind.
                                       y o u t h ro u g h a l -                   It does not envy, it
                                       ready. All we can Pastor Lamberts          does not boast, it
For Judy it started with a moun-       do is to take it one                       is not proud. It is
tain goat that she picked up dur-      day at a time and ask God to               not rude, it is not
ing the summer of 2008 when she        help us. I am not ashamed to    self-seeking,  it is not easily
met up with friends at the Spear-      say to God, “I need help.” “The angered, it keeps no record
fish Canyon Lodge in Black Hills,      Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm of wrongs. Love does not de-
South Dakota. When they were           23:1).” That means that He is light in evil but rejoices with
checking out from the Lodge she        my helper, my provider and the truth. It always protects,
saw it and just couldn’t leave         my protector. God wants you always trusts, always hopes,
                                       to know that you are not alone. always perseveres. Love never
without it, an object that would       God is with us but so are the fails (never stops)… (I Corin-
help keep the memories of her          people all around us.           thians 13:4-8a).”
friends and the trip.
Calvin Connection - Calvin Community
Staff News
 Do you follow Calvin
   on Facebook?
    Stay connected at
                                      New medical director
                                       Dr. Eric Hockett retired as Calvin                        Community’s Medical Director on
                                       July 31st. Dr. Hockett had been as-
 CalvinCommunity                       sociated with Calvin since the 1983
                                       and officially began as Calvin Medi-
Continued from cover                   cal Director in 1995. He graduated
                                       with honors from University of Iowa
Bobbleheads                            College of Medicine in 1978 and has
                                       had more than 42 years of diverse
At Calvin, Judy’s collection has       experixences throughout his career.
created a lot of enjoyment for
                                       Dr. Scott Hanson is Calvin Com-
staff, residents, family members,      munity’s new Medical Director as
and even community volunteers!         of August 1st, 2020. Dr. Hanson is        Dr. Scott Hanson
In 2018 when Calvin was a poll-        a geriatrician with MercyOne Des
ing location there was a volunteer     Moines Geriatrics Care upon gradu-
who saw Judy’s collection, they        ating from Des Moines University
got to talking, and then Judy          College of Osteopathic Medicine in
traded one of her bobbleheads          2012 and the University of Minnesota
with one from the poll volunteer!      Family Medicine residency program
                                       in 2015. Dr. Hanson then completed
Stop by Judy’s office sometime         a fellowship in geriatric medicine
and you might just see about 50        at UNMC in Omaha before moving
heads bobbing back and forth           back to the Des Moines area in 2016.
when the file cabinet is opened
                                       Dr. Hanson works closely with Lind-
or closed. Thank you, Judy, for
                                       say Mikol, ARNP, who also special-
sharing your collection with us        izes in geriatric care. Lindsay will
and for being a great member of        also be caring for residents of Calvin.   Lindsay Mikol, ARNP
the Calvin family.

Judy Smith, Calvin’s Billing Specialist, purchased her first bobblehead (left) while on vacation in 2008. Now, she has over
65 in her collection, mostly found on the shelves in her office at Calvin.
Calvin Connection - Calvin Community
Our Promise,
Nikki Hauck is CFO                                                              Your Support
Nikki Hauck is                                           graduate degree
Calvin Commu-                                            in Healthcare Ad-      Our Good Samaritan Fund
nity’s new Chief                                         ministration. She      reflects the philosophy of
Financial Officer.                                       was most recently      our founders – that anyone
Nikki and her hus-                                       employed at Lif-       who chooses to live at
band Ryan live in                                        eCare Services as      Calvin will never be asked
Winterset. They                                          an Integration Fi-     to leave because their
are blessed with                                         nance Manager/         financial resources have
five children and                                        Financial Report-      been depleted.
two grandchil-                                           ing Manager.           The Foundation continues to
dren. In their free                                                             focus on building the Good
time Nikki and her                                        Nikki brings
                                                          many years of ex-     Sam Fund and, as the Foun-
family enjoy out-
                                         perience and knowledge in the          dation delivers approxi-
door activities like fishing, hunting,
                                         financial operations of a long-term    mately $100,000 annually
boating, hiking, and traveling.
                                         care community. Some of her pri-       to help a growing need, we
Nikki’s passion for the elderly          mary responsibilities include de-      have set a goal to double the
started at an early age with fond        veloping key performance metrics,      fund over the next 5 years.
memories of visiting her grandpar-       compliance with local, state, and
ents. Nikki graduated from William       federal reporting requirements,        We hope everyone reading
Penn with a Bachelor’s degree in         budget development, and strategic      this article will support the
Business Administration and at-          planning.                              Fund with your own private
tended University of Iowa for her                                               contribution. See details at
                                         Please help us welcome Nikki           the ‘Giving to Calvin’ page at
                                         Hauck into our Calvin family! today.
HR Director
Matt Puffer started with Calvin
Community on March 17 as the Hu-
man Resources Director. He brings
                                          We sure will miss these two!
over 20 years of human resource ex-
perience to the position. Matt grew
up on a farm in eastern Iowa and
attended Simpson College. He en-
joys hunting and fishing in his spare
time, as well as spending time with
his wife, son, and two crazy dogs.

                                          Congratulations to Ann               Congratulations to George
                                          Scallon on her retirement from a     McKeever on his retirement af-
                                          wonderful 45 year career at          ter 18 years as Calvin’s Director
                                          Calvin Community!                    of Marketing.

                                          While staff and residents celebrated with them, virtual greet-
                                          ings continue at
Calvin Connection - Calvin Community
                                                                                           U.S. POSTAGE
                                                                                          DES MOINES, IA
                                                                                          PERMIT No. 707

4210 Hickman Road
Des Moines, IA 50310-3395

 Activity Calendar

We will get through this together
Most visitation is not allowed right now, but it won’t last forever

Things are changing every day.        their family members Monday
We are keeping up and keeping         through Friday, 10 am – 4 pm.            S Q UAR E
busy!                                 Window visits and virtual visits
                                      (Zoom, FaceTime, Google Duo)
While weather permits we con-         continue to be available no mat-
tinue to offer outside visits to      ter the weather. Please contact
residents of all levels of care and   the Activity Department at 633-      Calvin Square brings new
                                      2512 to schedule your visit today!   independent living options
                                                                           to the west side of Calvin
                                      Follow our Facebook page “Cal-       Community’s campus.
  For more information about vis-
                                      vin Community” to see pictures of
                                      what is going on “on the inside”.    Townhomes and a Mercy
  itation, activities and events at                                        Family Clinic are open
  Calvin Community, please            Keep sending cards by mail, and      now. Apartments open
  call 515-633-2512 to reach the      we love to receive original art-     October 2020.
  Activities Department.              work from the little ones!
                                                                           View floorplans and more
                                      We will get through this together.   at
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