Happy Father's Day June 19, 2020 - THE ST JUDE ROMAN ...

Page created by Shawn Gray
Happy Father's Day June 19, 2020 - THE ST JUDE ROMAN ...
New Beginnings

                        Happy Father's Day
                          June 19, 2020

To all of the fathers among our St Jude Parish
family, I wish you a “Happy Father’s Day!”

In your very title of father, you share in an
attribute of the name of God. God the Father. In
the very name of God, we have the term
father. And rightly so, for God the Father would
create everything and everybody, beginning with
Adam and Eve. And God the Father would provide for them. And love
them. And care for them. And when Adam and Eve would make a mess out of
things, and later on when their eldest son Cain would make a mess out of
things, God the Father would come to the rescue with a plan of how to make
things better.

Sound familiar? Looking back on my own childhood, and my relationship with
my father, who passed away about twenty-five years ago, and the countless
times that he picked up the pieces of the messes that I had made and dealt
with the consequences and found some way to get me back on track.

God the father did this for Adam and Eve and Cain. My own father did this for

Although my dad did say in frustration numerous times, “I wish you hadn’t done
that,” he nonetheless stuck with his commitment to me, as all fathers are called
to do for their children. They created us. They provided for us. They loved
us. And then when we messed up, they continued to stick with us, trying to
figure out some way to right the wrongs that we have committed.

This weekend is the time for us to stop and honor and thank our fathers for
Happy Father's Day June 19, 2020 - THE ST JUDE ROMAN ...
doing all of that. And the entire second half of our life is an opportunity for us to
live out that thank-you, by showing them honor and gratitude.

For the first part of our life, our parents take care of us. Then for the second
half of our life, we take care of our aging parents. As I did for my own father
when he died of terminal cancer some twenty-five years ago, so I am doing
now for my mother as she ages.

This weekend, let us thank our fathers—whether or not they are still with us,
whether or not we are old enough to actually realize all that they have done for
us. And let us take that second half of our lives, if are fathers are still with us,
to allow the roles to be reversed and the tables to be turned, when after having
had them take care of us for the first part of our lives, we take care of them for
the second part of our lives.

Sincerely, Fr Henry

   St. Jude to "open wide the
   doors for Christ" - Diocese...
                                               Preparing to Return to Mass
   MONROE-On May 29, Bishop
   Frank J. Caggiano announced                 As prepare to return to Mass
   the Phase II return to public               indoors, please watch this brief
   Mass. Starting the weekend of               overview of what you can
   the Solemnity of the Most Holy              expect as you arrive and during
   Body and Blood of Christ, June              the celebration of Mass.
   13 and 14, parishes will be able            Welcome home!
   to resume public worship inside
   church ...                                  Read more
   Read more

                                               Pope Francis: Discover the
Happy Father's Day June 19, 2020 - THE ST JUDE ROMAN ...
riches hidden in Jesus'...
   Pope: Pray for your parish
                                                Ahead of the Solemnity of the
                                                Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pope
   Pope Francis is urging the
                                                Francis encouraged Catholics
   faithful to keep priests in prayer,
                                                to discover the riches of charity
   as he noted that Friday is the
                                                hidden in the heart of Christ.
   feast of the Sacred Heart, and
                                                "Friday we will celebrate the
   also the World Day of Prayer for
                                                solemnity of the Sacred Heart
   the Sanctification of Priests.
                                                of Jesus. Do not be afraid to...
   The pope noted the upcoming
   feast in his greetings to...
                                                Read more
   Read more

Recently we have experienced what has become a common scam that is
affecting companies, including churches and schools, throughout the United
States. This is the Impersonation iTunes Gift Card Scam. This scam has
targeted parishes and schools within the Diocese of Bridgeport.

                               Click here to see details

                  Mass Times have Changed!

                           Masses inside the Church are Saturday at 5:00
                           pm and Sunday at 11:30. Masses will be held in
                           the Church and simulcast to the Social Hall.
                           Communion will be available at both locations. We
                           are limited by state statute and only 90 people can
                           attend at this time. The quantity field refers to the
                           number of people attending. Pre-registration is
required at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a054ba5ae2ea20-stjude4

Outdoor Drive In Masses are Sunday at 7:30 and 9:30, weather permitting.
40 car slots are available at each Mass by registration only. Please register at
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a054ba5ae2ea20-stjude2 Just a
reminder - The quantity field refers to the number of cars which should
be 1 not the number of people in your car.

                                  Online Giving
Happy Father's Day June 19, 2020 - THE ST JUDE ROMAN ...
Religious Education News
The Sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation that were scheduled for
this past spring are now being scheduled for this fall. Registration Forms for
these Sacraments have been emailed home to our families who have children
who would have received them in the spring. Please keep in mind that the
scheduled days and times are on a first come basis and so we are asking
families to register promptly. Families will be notified of their date in early July.

If you have any questions, please contact Donna Lane, Coordinator of Faith
Formation at stjudemonroereligiouseducation@gmail.com


                              Congratulations to Hank and Kathy Banville who
                              celebrated their 59th Wedding Anniversary this
                              past week!

                              May God bless you!!!!

We congratulate the following high school seniors who recently graduated and
will moving on from their altar server ministry at St. Jude. They are exceptional
young men and women and have faithfully served over the years as Altar
Servers at St. Jude Church. We thank them for their service to the community
and wish them well in the future. Godspeed!

                  Molly Dauk recently graduated from Masuk High School
                  and The Bridgeport Regional Aquaculture Science and
                  Technology Education Center. Molly was a member of
                  the National Honor Society and National Science Honor
                  Society. She was Co-president of MRA student
                  counsel for all four years, junior and senior representative for
                  the Monroe Board of Education, and Captain of Masuk Girls
lacrosse. Molly will be attending Vassar College In the fall, majoring
in neuroscience on the Pre-Med track. She will also be playing lacrosse for the
Vassar Woman’s lacrosse team.

                    Peter Spinelli is a Shelton resident and recent graduate of
                    St. Joseph High School in Trumbull where he served as the
                    2020 Senior Class President and three-season Captain of
                    the Cross Country and Track teams. In the fall, Peter will be
                    continuing his education at the University of Connecticut
                    where he will be studying Business Management within the
                    Honors Program. Peter has enjoyed serving the St. Jude
Happy Father's Day June 19, 2020 - THE ST JUDE ROMAN ...
community and hopes to remain involved in celebrating the faith at UCONN.

                   Peter Dutkowsky graduated from Masuk High School. In
                   the Fall he will be attending Franklin Pierce University in
                   Rindge, NH. Pete will follow his passion for history and
                   social studies with a major in Secondary Education and a
                   minor in history. He hopes to become a high school history
                   teacher. His family is very proud of him.

                  Kiersten Maslar graduated from Masuk High School. She
                  has been altar serving at St. Jude for 9 years. She will be
                  attending Mount Saint Mary College in the fall and has been
                  admitted to their Nursing program.

                  Evan Smith graduated from Masuk High School and will be
                  attending Providence College, but has not yet decided on his
                  major. Evan very much enjoyed his years of service to St
                  Jude's parish as an altar server and lector, and looks forward
                  to continuing that involvement at Providence College. Two of
                  his favorite extracurricular activities during his time at Masuk
                  were music as a Jazz saxophonist and varsity swimming.

            St Jude Italian Festival and Raffle

Saint Jude Parishioners and friends. The 30th Festival anniversary raffle tickets
have been distributed to Parishioners of record. If you didn’t get your tickets or
would like additional tickets, don’t despair. Although the parish office remains
closed, owing to Coronavirus restrictions, the raffle committee has three ways
for you to obtain tickets. We recommend that you provide your name address
and phone number on a sheet of paper and give it to either Fr. Jim or Fr Henry
at Mass. Or you can put it in the collection basket marked raffle ticket request
and we will contact you promptly. You can also call the parish office and leave
a message for Fr. Henry with your information and you will be contacted.
Thank You.

ITALIAN FESTIVAL UPDATE: By now you may have received your raffle
tickets in the mail. While we are moving forward with our raffle and
excited about this fundraiser, we are currently in the process of
assessing our ability to safely hold our annual Italian Festival, due to our
current state mandated restrictions regarding Covid-19. Keep an eye on
this newsletter for updates.

Church Hours for private prayer
Church is open Monday to Friday 8am - 10am for private prayer. (We will no
Happy Father's Day June 19, 2020 - THE ST JUDE ROMAN ...
longer have church open on Sunday afternoons.)

Live-streamed Mass Schedule
Daily masses are being live-streamed Monday through Friday and are
available on the website links by 9:30am, usually earlier. (Daily masses will
NOT be live-streamed June 19-26.) Saturday 5pm and Sunday 7:30am will
be live-streamed June 20/21 as well as all other weekends.

5pm Saturday and 11:30am Sundays will be live-streamed every weekend.

Confession Hours
Confessions are required to be outside at 3:00 pm on Saturdays until the
bishop gives us permission to go back inside the church, which he has not, and
probably will not for some time. Confessions are 3:00 pm outside, behind the
church, and also by appointment, calling 203-261-6404, to set up and
appointment or emailing.

Office Hours
The office is currently closed under direction of the Bishop. We are regularly
checking emails and voicemails and responding. We are not allowed to
reopen the office until the Bishop gives directions on when and how to do
so. Parishioners are encouraged if they have questions, concerns or pastoral
needs to contact the office by phone: (203)-261-6404
or e-mail: parish.office@stjuderc.com

                                 St Jude Parish
                                707 Monroe Tpke
      Email Us
                                Monroe, CT 06468                        ​
Happy Father's Day June 19, 2020 - THE ST JUDE ROMAN ... Happy Father's Day June 19, 2020 - THE ST JUDE ROMAN ... Happy Father's Day June 19, 2020 - THE ST JUDE ROMAN ... Happy Father's Day June 19, 2020 - THE ST JUDE ROMAN ...
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