CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - CFA: The debate is open in the CEMAC - Business in Cameroon

CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - CFA: The debate is open in the CEMAC - Business in Cameroon
December 2019 - January 2020 / N° 82-83

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CFA: The debate is open
in the CEMAC

Aurélie Chazai: ”We are                                      Cameroon becomes CEMAC’s
afro-optimists”                                              financial center

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CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - CFA: The debate is open in the CEMAC - Business in Cameroon
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CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - CFA: The debate is open in the CEMAC - Business in Cameroon

By Brice R. Mbodiam

Decentralization, let’s go…
                                          No sooner had they reviewed and approved the 2020 budget that the
                                          MPs were once again convened for a 15-day special session to review
                                          and vote the draft law on the code of decentralized territorial units.
                                          The session already started since December 13, 2019 and according
                                          the government explanatory statement, the focus law gathers all
                                          the legislative corpus for decentralized territorial units in a single
                                          Government says the drafting of this law is the concretization of
                                          “public authorities’ desire to speed up and deepen the decentralization
                                          process, reinforced by the recommendations resulting from the general
                                          meetings of communes, as well as those of the national dialogue”.
                                          Indeed, one of the outcomes of the national dialogue, initiated by
                                          the Head of State to find a way out of the Anglophone crisis that
                                          has been shaking the country since 2016, was to accelerate the
                                          decentralization process and grant a special status to the northwest
                                          and southwest regions. Decentralization was then chosen instead of
                                          federalism, supported by some of the participants, and the secession
                                          advocated by the separatists, who refused to participate in this great
                                          It’s now effective that the country’s two Anglophone regions have
                                          a special status, “based on linguistic specificity, which is expressed
                                          through a particular educational and judicial system, the manage-
                                          ment methods of which are laid down by specific laws”. But, despite
                                          this measure, the law “emphasizes the need to respect national unity,
                                          territorial integrity and the primacy of the State”. This means that
                                          the government is not going for a partition of the country along
                                          linguistic lines.
                                          Beyond the decentralization acceleration vision that will also enable
                                          the direct transfer of financial resources to local authorities (mean-
                                          ing they will no longer be included in the budgets of ministerial
                                          departments); the special status for Anglophone regions; or the reaf-
                                          firmation of the country’s unity; the new law also meets a multi-year
                                          request which is the suppression of government delegates’ posts in
                                          major cities. They were kind of “super mayors” appointed to keep a
                                          firm grip on the management of large cities despite the presence of
                                          elected mayors. The fulfilment of this request was long awaited by
                                          many policy entrepreneurs who advocated for it.
                                          These significant changes contained in the draft law, which also
                                          specifies the functioning of the regions to be set up in the framework
                                          of the decentralization process, are to be commended despite the
                                          controversy which seems more like identity affirmations rather than
                                          real attempts to build a harmonious national community.

N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020                                                                             BUSINESS IN CAMEROON
CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - CFA: The debate is open in the CEMAC - Business in Cameroon

    FCFA                                                       INTERVIEW
                                  08 • C EMAC: Challenges                                     ouna Kadiri : “The African
                                                                                         18 • M
                                        and directions                                       Continental Free Trade Area
                                        to accommodate                                       will bring extraordinary
                                        monetary stability                                   opportunities to this
                                        and development                                      continent and its people”
    FOCUS                                                      22 • A urélie Chazai :
                                                                    to Cameroon
                                                                    might seem very
                                                                    surprising and
                                                                    risky to many”
    12 • C ameroon and those foreign junior mining
        companies full of unfulfilled promises
                                                                        BUSINESS IN CAMEROON
    13 • G eovic Mining could lose its permit for
        Nkamouna nickel-cobalt deposit                                                Stratline Limited

    15 • C &K Mining divests shares in Mobilong diamond                          Publication Director
        project to Sino-American investor, following                             Yasmine BAHRI-DOMON

        scandalous potential overvaluation                                           Contributors
                                                                    Brice R. MBODIAM, Sylvain ANDZONGO, Idriss LINGE.
    16 • A fter it failed the Minim Martap bauxite project,
        Hydromine announces giant hydro project in                                     Médiamania Sàrl
                                                                                  Design : Jérémie FLAUX,
    17 • M
          balam iron Project: Sundance relies on                            Translation : Schadrac AKINOCHO

        AustSino, after several unsuccessful extensions of                           Advertisement
        its agreement with the government                          
                                                                                         In Cameroon

    17 • O
          nly a year after it acquired shares in the Nkout
                                                                            Albert MASSIMB,
                                                                                  Tel : 00 237 694 66 94 59
        iron ore deposit from Affero Mining, IMIC is
        already seeking                                                         Rotimpres, Aiguaviva, Espagne
        a new buyer
                                                                            Office - Distribution Cameroon
                                                                            Albert MASSIMB,
    LEADER OF THE MONTH                                                           Tel : 00 237 694 66 94 59

    66 • E DF Pulse Africa 2019: Young Cameroonian
                                                                                   Free – cannot be sold
         engineer wins the prize “Prix coup de cœur” with
         off-grid power-generation solution

    BUSINESS IN CAMEROON                                                                             N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020
CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - CFA: The debate is open in the CEMAC - Business in Cameroon


PUBLIC MANAGEMENT                                P 27-39   ITC & TELECOM                    P 48-54

FINANCE                                          P 40-43   ENERGY                           P 55-59

AGRIBUSINESS                                     P 44-46   TRANSPORTATION                      P 60

INDUSTRY                                            P 47   SERVICES                         P 61-62

                             Rumours, preconceived notions, clichés, superstitions,
                                    urban legend: What is real? What is fake?
                                                                                            P 63-65

N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020                                        BUSINESS IN CAMEROON
CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - CFA: The debate is open in the CEMAC - Business in Cameroon


    Glass factory Socaver boosts production
    capacity with 5.3 bln CFA Francs investment​

    On November 15, 2019, Cameroonian          different sizes and colors (35 cl, 100 cl,   in Cameroon and neighbouring
    minister of industry Dodo Ndocké           150 cl, etc.),” SOCAVER explains.            countries such as Equatorial Guinea,
    inaugurated the new facilities of local    “This investment, made in a difficult        Chad and the Central African
    glass-making company SOCAVER               context, is part of SOCAVER’s strategic      Republic.
    in Douala, the country’s economic          plan launched in 2018 by the general         In addition, thanks to its crate
    capital.                                   management, in order to make the             production workshop created in
    A subsidiary of SABC group, leader         company a real expert in packaging           2014, SOCAVER, the company 28%
    of the brewing market in Cameroon,         (Ed.note: glass bottles, plastic crates,     owned by the Société Nationale
    SOCAVER invested the tune of 5.3           and preforms), oriented towards a            d’investissements (SNI) and private
    billion CFA Francs for the renovation      greater diversification of its business-     Cameroonians, also has an annual
    of its oven number 2, and construc-        es,” the company adds.                       production capacity of 2 million
    tion of a PET preform production           By launching the production of PET           plastic crates (12 and 24 holes). At
    workshop.                                  preforms, SOCAVER, the only glass            the same time, with the renovation of
    “With this investment, SOCAVER now         factory in the CEMAC Zone, is thus           furnace No. 2, SOCAVER’s yearly glass
    has a workshop with two preform            completing its range of products             melting capacity has increased from
    production lines with a capacity of        (glass and PET) to satisfy the PET           32,500 to 38,500 tons.
    300 million preforms per year. This        beverage (soft drinks, mineral                                          Brice R. Mbodiam
    will enable the production of bottles of   water) segment’s packaging needs

    BUSINESS IN CAMEROON                                                                                 N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020
CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - CFA: The debate is open in the CEMAC - Business in Cameroon


The Cameroonian government, via the Ministry of Water
and Energy, just launched a program to monitor, control
and optimize electricity bills in the public sector. According
to the program’s creators, it is aimed at reducing the coun-
try’s electricity expenditures, which average 41 billion CFA
Francs every year according to official reports.
A study commissioned by the government reveals that
public lightning represents more than 55% of the electrici-      Jean-Bernard Levy, CEO of Electricité de France (EDF), a
ty bills the government pays every year.                         shareholder in the Nachtigal dam construction project in
                                                                 Central Cameroon, was on the dam’s construction site on
                                                                 November 26, 2019.
                                                                 During this field trip, accompanied by Cameroon’s
                                                                 Minister of Water and Energy Gaston Eloundou Essomba,
                                                                 it was revealed that more than 1,300 employees are already
                                                                 working on this project, which was officially launched in
                                                                 February 2019.
                                                                 These employees, and many others to certainly be recruit-
                                                                 ed, are working to deliver, in 2023, a 400 MW dam repre-
                                                                 senting one-third of the country’s current power genera-
                                                                 tion capacity.

1,250 CFA Francs
In Cameroon, cocoa farmgate price has been ever increas-
ing. Indeed, according to figures published by Système
d’information de filières (SIF), a system that provides up-
dated information about the coffee and cocoa sectors, the
maximum price per kilogram rose from 1,220 CFA Francs
in early November to 1,250 CFA Francs on November 21,

                                                                 11 300 tons
2019. ​
​This 30 CFA Francs increase recorded in the country’s pro-
 duction basins at the end of the rainy season announces an
 improvement in sales towards the end of the year since it
 is a reflection of the growing demand due to the arrival of     Between July and September 2019, Cameroonian log-
 new cocoa processors in the country.                            gers exported only 11,300 tons of logs to the European
                                                                 Union market. According to the International Tropical
                                                                 Timber Organization (ITTO), these exports are down 20%
                                                                 In Central Africa, this decline in log exports to the EU is
                                                                 also observed in countries such as the Central African
                                                                 Republic (-17% to 13,200 tons), the DRC (-35% to 10,600
                                                                 tons) and Equatorial Guinea (-64% to 2 900 tons).​

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CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - CFA: The debate is open in the CEMAC - Business in Cameroon
8                                                                                                                                 FCFA

    CEMAC: Challenges and
    directions to accommodate
    monetary stability and
    development financing
    During the extraordinary meeting,        In December 2016, when CEMAC              to strengthen foreign exchange
    on November 21-22, 2019, the             presidents met in Yaoundé, these re-      reserves.
    Heads of CEMAC member coun-              serves were just over 50% of imports      During an interview with Ecofin
    tries expressed a common desire          needs, raising public concern about       Agency, Gabonese Finance Minister
    to defend the stability of their         the risk of currency devaluation.         Roger Owono Mba, acknowledged
    currency (XAF). At the same time,        According to a report published in        this problem. He finds it legitimate to
    they indicated their will to see the     November 2019, by the BEAC, the           repatriate all the currencies resulting
    current monetary cooperation             region’s foreign reserves at end July     from the exports of resources but he
    agreements with the European             2019 reached CFAF XAF4272.7 billion       also points out that discussions with
    Union and France evolve.                 (66.21% of import requirements),          mining and oil operators have raised
                                             an improvement by a little over           the concern that the Central Bank
    The CEMAC Commission and the             XAF1,000 billion compared with the        should upgrade to the standards for
    central bank BEAC were tasked with       level it was a year ago.                  fund transfers. A requirement that
    “proposing, within a reasonable time                                               has not yet been met because this
    frame, an appropriate plan leading to    EXTERNAL POSITION                         implies going through international
    the evolution of the common currency.”   STABILIZED BUT CHALLENGES                 clearing entities, whose access is
    To maintain domestic and external        REMAIN TO BE ADDRESSED                    more demanding than the traditional
    stability, the Beac has pursued a        To achieve this result, the Central       SWIFT system (normal transfer
    restrictive monetary policy over         Bank has taken many measures.             mode).
    the past three years. Its actions are    The most important, and the most          In sectors other than oil and mining,
    aimed at maintaining the parity rate     challenging to implement, is the new      the implementation of this exchange
    between the CFA franc and its refer-     foreign exchange regulation. Under        rate policy has not been easy. The
                                                                                       private sector, in Cameroon par-
                                                                                       ticularly, put strong pressure on the
       “As for our monetary policy, it has so                                          market, making the black market for
                                                                                       currency exchange seize the oppor-
       far helped ensure financial stability in                                        tunity. This change has highlighted
                                                                                       many problems. These include the
       our sub-region. However, there is the                                           alignment of commercial banks,
                                                                                       human resources within the Central
       need to remain flexible for any reform                                          Bank and its branches and even the
                                                                                       adaptation of economic operators
       proposal”                                                                       to the new procedures. However,
                                                                                       the implementation of a permanent
                                                                                       consultation and communication
    ence currency (the euro). According      this regulation, all foreign currencies   strategy has helped stabilize the
    to the monetary agreements with          generated from exports by CEMAC           situation.
    France, this monetary stability          countries, including products of the      So far, the BEAC has been unable to
    requires that the region’s foreign       oil and mining sectors, which are         overcome some problems. CEMAC
    reserves always represent at least       the leading products exported by          member countries have agreed to
    20% of CEMAC’s imports.                  the sub-region, must be repatriated       make oil and mining agreements

    BUSINESS IN CAMEROON                                                                             N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020
CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - CFA: The debate is open in the CEMAC - Business in Cameroon
FCFA                                                                                                                        9

available so that the BEAC can en-        STABILIZATION OF THE                     considered that too much liquidity
sure the revenues declared in these       INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT IN                  represents a risk on foreign exchange
sectors are in line with the signed       PROGRESS… AT THE EXPENSE OF              reserves and that this should guide
contracts. However, according to          DEVELOPMENT FINANCING                    the pace at which money is cut.
our sources at the BEAC, no con-          As far as domestic stability is          However, in a context of economic
tracts have been sent yet. The other      concerned, Beac’s main focus is on       diversification, States and investors
challenge is that many non-bank           reducing excess liquidity in the bank-   in the subregion need cash to launch
economic actors have not repatriat-       ing sector and the monetary system.      projects. Some analysts believe that
ed their foreign currencies yet.          It has reduced cash advances to          pressure on the quantity of currency
At the end of June 2019, the assets       States, added new constraints to the     in circulation is a problem for the
of CEMAC residents held in foreign        refinancing of commitments made          financing of the subregion’s develop-
banks still amounted to $5.2 billion      by banks and undertaken the gradual      ment. It would not take the econo-
(XAF3,153 billion). The central           reduction of cash injections into the    my’s actual credit need into account,
bank indicated in its discussions         sub-region banking sector. It also       but rather the willingness to solve a
with the International Monetary           announced an operation to reduce         problem that has never arisen, name-
Fund (IMF) that it had no details         excessive liquidity for early 2020.      ly the pressure on foreign reserves as
on the nature of these assets but         However, these actions, suggested        a result of monetary creation.
data collected by Ecofin Agency           by the IMF, do not consider the fact     At the Central Bank, there is also
on the Bank for International             on ground. They are based on the         discomfort in pursuing this type of
Settlements’ platform indicate that       assumption that too much liquidity       domestic currency stabilization pol-
nearly $1.5 billion of these assets       in banks could become a risk for         icy. Challenges include the fact that
are held by CEMAC households              currency hedging if large volumes of     excess liquidity concerns only a few
while nearly $2 billion are owned         transfer requests are made. Within       banks, owned by foreign groups, with
by businesses.                            the BEAC itself, experts have often      restrictive lending policies. Another

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CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - CFA: The debate is open in the CEMAC - Business in Cameroon
10                                                                                                                         FCFA

                               IN THE REGION”
       Benjamin Ngongang, Associate Director in charge
       of the Central African region at FinAfrique that
       specializes in advice and accompaniment for re-
       forms in the banking sector, was once the super-
       visor of Banque de France, CEMAC’s monetary
       partner. The native Cameroonian comments on
       CEMAC Heads of State’s decision on the evolution
       of monetary cooperation with France.

       Analysts believe that a medium-term breach of
       the guarantee provided by France could dest-
       abilize CEMAC’s financial sectors and econo-
       mies. Do you share this opinion?
       BN: The termination of the CFA franc convertibility
       guarantee provided by France to the CEMAC zone
       for about 60 years now would obviously be a sig-
       nificant change for the zone. With such important      from an accounting point of view, over this long
       reform, some may take a pessimistic view of the        period and should be able to continue to do so with
       future and fear a destabilization of the economy       the additional autonomy that this reform would
       and of the financial sector in particular. However,    grant it. As long as the reform is carried out in an
       this break can also be seen as an extraordinary op-    organized manner, by involving from the outset all
       portunity for the zone, which would then have the      the stakeholders, there is no reason to fear a col-
       opportunity to choose a new convertibility regime      lapse at the end.
       more adapted to its contemporary situation.
       Indeed, at the beginning of the 1960s, when this       What do you think would be the best scenar-
       guarantee system was put in place, the countries       io for the evolution of this monetary coopera-
       of the CEMAC zone were barely officially joining       tion?
       the community of nations after their independ-         BN: The new monetary cooperation must be built
       ence, the solution of a French guarantee for the       on the basis of solidarity between the 6 countries
       young common currency undoubtedly reassured            in the region, obviously strengthening the prin-
       the countries of the region and their trading part-    ciples of economic convergence and shared fiscal
       ners, led by France itself, at the time. Today, the    discipline, without losing sight of the structural
       context is very different. CEMAC countries have        differences between the economies. On the oth-
       acquired experience in the joint management of         er hand, as France is no longer the main trading
       their currencies and foreign exchange reserves;        partner of the region, the new currency should
       trade partnerships have evolved with the arrival,      be pegged with a basket of currencies that better
       in the early 2000s, of Chinese, Indian and Turkish     reflect the region’s international trade, with an
       players which are gradually weighing heavily in        autonomous target for the Beac, on the exchange
       the trade balance of the CEMAC zone. The French        rate and price stability objective.
       guarantee no longer seems really essential in such     Finally, we believe that this transformation should
       context. It is also worth mentioning that this guar-   be achieved by strengthening governance and
       antee has almost never been used because, in 60        transparency within institutions. This must be
       years of existence, the operating accounts have        done gradually, with clear milestones and the in-
       rarely been negative. Even during the sharp de-        volvement of the region’s economic and financial
       valuation of 1994, the level of reserves had fallen    actors so that they will be ready to implement the
       sharply without, however, becoming negative.           new rules when the time comes.
       Beac has, therefore, managed its reserves well,
                                                                                             Interview by Idriss Linge

     BUSINESS IN CAMEROON                                                                     N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020
FCFA                                                                                                                             11

problem is that if the Central Bank        A new development may lie in the          African version of the euro), a parallel
stops its liquidity injections, banks,     stated desire to review monetary          monetary mechanism called the dual
whose failure would be a major             cooperation with France and the           currency system. This would unlock
problem for the sub-region’s financial     European Union. The definition            the potential of productive sectors
system, would find themselves in           of the scope and content of this          boosted by the dual requirement for
difficulty while their balance sheets      evolution has been entrusted to the       external and internal stability of the
and governance are quite good.             CEMAC Commission and the BEAC             currency.
                                           but already, we have felt a differ-       Nigeria’s experience can also be
WHAT ARE THE PROSPECTS                     ence in approach among the Heads          inspiring. There, the Central Bank did
FOR MONETARY COOPERATION                   of State. While Teodoro Obiang            not limit itself to setting up mone-
WITH FRANCE?                               Nguema of Equatorial Guinea sees          tary policy mechanisms. It reduced
In his closing speech, Cameroonian         this as an opportunity to be free from    banks’ access to foreign currencies
President Paul Biya recalled the           the long-standing monetary partner        for the financing of basic needs. The
need for flexibility. “As for our mone-    (France), Denis Sassou Nguesso of         other foreign exchange needs are
tary policy, it has so far helped ensure   Congo believes that they must take        met by the money market (Nafex). In
financial stability in our sub-region.     more responsibility.                      addition, it prohibited commercial
However, there is the need to remain       There are plenty of avenues for reflec-   banks from investing in treasury bills
flexible for any reform proposal           tion. One of them is defended by the      and bonds. The objective is to reduce
aimed at consolidating its action and      Cameroonian statistician Dieudonné        excess liquidity in the monetary
ensuring the best conditions for an        Essomba. The latter, who was already      system while ensuring that produc-
effective contribution of monetary         predicting this crisis situation in the   tive sectors are financed, to support
policy to the development of the           CEMAC region, had suggested creat-        diversification.
sub-region,” he said.                      ing, alongside the FCFA (which is the                                  Idriss Linge

N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020                                                             BUSINESS IN CAMEROON
12                                                                                                                             FOCUS

     Cameroon and those
     foreign junior mining
     companies full of
     unfulfilled promises

     In November 2019, two major events       Codias commits to exploiting, at an       have fallen on companies with just
     occurred in the Cameroonian mining       industrial scale, the 480,000 tons        promises but no actions. On close
     sector. Indeed, within days, the gov-    Colomine gold deposit in the Eastern      observation, these operators seem
     ernment signed iron and gold mining      region. The overall investment for        more concerned about the impact
     agreements with two local mining         this project is estimated at XAF40        of speculation organized around
     companies. The first agreement was       billion, according to official sources.   Cameroonian mining licenses on
     signed with Cameroonian billionaire      This is the first time the                international stock exchanges than
     Dieudonné Bougne’s G-stones which        Cameroonian government is placing         about the effective development of
     plans to invest XAF900 billion in        such high level of confidence in local    the country’s mining potential.
     partnership with Canadian investors      investors operating in the mining         Consequently, the mining licenses
     for the exploitation of Akom II iron     sector. Therefore, many observers         the country attributed to them are
     deposit in the Southern region. The      see in those conventions signs of the     being traded but there are no bene-
     investment project includes the con-     government’s hopelessness with the        fits for Cameroon and the pompous
     struction of a steel plant in Fifinda,   numerous unfulfilled promises of for-     announcements of exploitation of
     also in the South, to process the ore    eign mining companies that signed         mining deposits, covered by those
     mined from the Akom II deposit.          such agreements with Cameroon.            licenses, are not followed by actions.
     The second mining company                Indeed, from American Hydromine,          Here is a look back at those mining
     Cameroon trusted for mining              Australian Sundance Resources,            projects that raised a lot of hope, but
     operations is Bonaventure Mvondo         Canadian-American Geovic to               have gradually led to despair.
     Assam’s Codias. Through the agree-       Korean C&K International, the                                         Brice R. Mbodiam
     ment signed on November 29, 2019,        Cameroonian government seems to

     BUSINESS IN CAMEROON                                                                             N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020
FOCUS                                                                                                                          13

Geovic Mining could lose its permit for
Nkamouna nickel-cobalt deposit

In recent days, we learn more about       authorities let him keep the mining       sell the project’s shares to the highest
the audience granted on February          permit, which its local subsidiary has    bidder,” a source said.
21, 2018, to William Alan Buckovic,       held for 16 years but has produced
founder of American-Canadian              no concrete performance so far.           PROJECT ABANDONED AFTER A
Geovic Mining Corp, by the General        What happened is, given Geovic            FAILED ASSET TRANSFER
Secretary of Cameroon’s Presidency,       Mining’s inability to develop the         According to local sources, there has
Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh. The company          Nkamouna project since 2003, the          been no activity on the Nkamouna
has held, since 2003, Cameroon’s very     Cameroonian government has been           site since 2013, equipment at the
first mining permit, granted for the      considering, since late 2017, with-       headquarters in Yaoundé have been
Nkamouna nickel-cobalt-manga-             drawing the permit and subsequently       removed and it seemed clear that
nese deposit, located in the Eastern      launching an international tender to      Geovic gave up on the project. This
district of Lomié.                        recruit a new partner who, it hopes,      happened after the junior mining
During that meeting with the              would succeed where Geovic failed.        company failed to sell its assets on
General Secretary, sources close to       “Geovic cannot develop the Nkamouna       the project to Chinese Jiangxi Rare
the matter say, Buckovic announced        mining project simply because it has      Metals Tungsten Group Holdings
his company is going to resume ac-        no resources. The proof is that they      Company Ltd (JXTC).
tivity on the project following a dead    have not done anything for 15 years       On July 23, 2013, Geovic Mining Corp
period of 6 years and pleaded that        (16 years today, ed). They just want to   had announced that it had signed

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14                                                                                                                             FOCUS

     a “definitive agreement” with the         National Investment Company (SNI),        for non-compliance with the rules);
     Chinese company. “This final agree-       which represented the local partners      This is a real disappointment for the
     ment represented a significant pro-       and controls 39.5% of the project was     populations of the Lomié district,
     gress for the operation of the project    not satisfied with the Chinese side.      who have once dreamed that the
     in Nkamouna. The development of the       This unsuccessful transaction is only     town of Nkamouna would become
     project will start as soon as funds are   one of many others either due to          home to Cameroon’s first cobalt
     available and will allow the creation     unfulfilled promises, hesitations, or a   mine. “In any case, no one listens to
     of jobs and diversify the economy of      constant revaluation of the potential     them here anymore. The populations
     Cameroon,” said Michael Mason, CEO        of the Nkamouna deposit. As a result,     no longer believe in it,” Célestin
     of Geovic Mining Corp.                    sources say, the Geovic shares con-       Assama Mbongo, former mayor of
     But what had been presented as a          tinued to rise on the Toronto Stock       Lomié, told Business in Cameroon in
     “definitive agreement” in July 2013 has   Exchange in Canada (it was finally        December 2014.
     not be respected by the parties. The      excluded from this market in 2014

     BUSINESS IN CAMEROON                                                                             N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020
FOCUS                                                                                                                      15

C&K Mining divests shares in
Mobilong diamond project to
Sino-American investor, following
scandalous potential overvaluation
C&K Mining, which has held a permit
for the Mobilong diamond deposit in
eastern Cameroon since December
2010, has transferred the majority of
its assets in this mining project to a
Mr. Yang, a Chinese billionaire resid-
ing in Hong Kong, who sources said
is also a US citizen. In this regard,
C&K Mining held a general meeting
on November 19, 2014, in Yaoundé,
after a board meeting in Seoul on
November 2, and announced that Mr.
Yang is the “new majority sharehold-
er” of this mining company.
C&K Mining was a joint venture
between Koreans and Cameroonians.
Following the transaction, the
Korean partners who were previously
majority shareholders with over 50%
stake now only control “less than
10%.” The amount invested by the           leading Korean public figures and       According to our sources, Paul Ntep
Sino-American investor has not been        the heads of C&K International, the     Gwet who has virtually worked on all
disclosed but operations took place        parent company of C&K Mining, took      mining projects in his country was
since “late 2013.”                         advantage of the opportunity, selling   invited as witness on behalf of C&K
The assets were sold after the             at the higher price before it later     Mining to reassure Korean justice on
Mobilong diamond mine scandal in           declined.                               the real existence of a world-class
South Korea in December 2010. That                                                 diamond deposit in Mobilong in East
year, C&K Mining, which explored           QUESTIONED, BUT NEVER                   Cameroon. CAPAM has a 10% stake
the deposit in 2006, was accused of        DENIED                                  in C&K Mining, a company he helped
over-evaluating its potential (initially   Legal action was taken against the      to create with Korean partners and
736 million carats, or 5 times global      Korean mining company whose             other national operators.
production, followed by a readjust-        chairman, Deuk Gyun Oh, was             Although the Mobilong diamond
ment which brought the figure down         arrested and jailed in Korea in         deposit’s potential is questionable,
to 420 million carats) in order to         February 2013, before being freed       no credible contradiction has so far
speculate on the Seoul stock market.       in September 2014. This occurred        been made against C&K Mining’s
Indeed, after receiving the mining         following a long hearing (9:00 am       420 million carats estimate. But all
permit in December 2010, and               to 7:00 pm) in the Seoul Court of       parties agree that this is a world-
following the initial projection           Justice on September 15, 2014, with     class deposit. Especially thanks to
being declared inaccurate, C&K             Cameroonian Paul Ntep Gwet,             its conglomeratic part, which is not
Mining’s stock rose on the Seoul           former Coordinator of the Small-        estimated yet but considered more
stock exchange, multiplying its            scale Mining Support Framework          important than the alluvial part,
going selling price “by 4.6 in only 16     (CAPAM), a governmental program         whose total potential is estimated at
days,” stated Frederic Ojardias, an        governing small-scale mining in         only 230,000 carats of diamonds.
RFI correspondent in Korea. Many           production zones.

N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020                                                          BUSINESS IN CAMEROON
16                                                                                                                               FOCUS

     After it failed the Minim Martap
     bauxite project, Hydromine announces
     giant hydro project in Cameroon

     US-based energy company                    of “any activity launched by businesses   the joint venture created for this
     Hydromine said it has plans to build,      in accordance to Cameroon’s legisla-      purpose, developed the project until
     over a period of 5 years, a 2 billion m3   tion.” An objective which perfectly       2016.
     dam and a 1,800 MW power genera-           fits the reputation of this firm in the   For “failure by CAL to provide all the
     tion unit (higher than the 1,500 MW        country.                                  final preliminary studies on all the
     currently produced by the country,         It should be recalled that Hydromine      components of the project (baux-
     ed) in Cameroon. Projects will be de-      somehow bluffed on a significant          ite-alumina), with an integrated
     veloped in the Littoral region, and are    project involving bauxite exploita-       financial model, on the one hand,
     part of a bigger project called Grand      tion in Minim Martap and Ngaoundal        and Dubal Alumina’s feverish desire
     Eweng, initiated by the company.           in the Northern part of Cameroon. In      to continue to invest in the project, on
     Hydromine had already gotten the           fact, Hydromine, which appeared, at       the other hand,” the Cameroonian
     green light from authorities and           the time, to be just a minor American     government was unable to conclude
     an agreement was signed in that            start-up with no offices, financial       a mining agreement with CAL.
     regard on April 6, 2015, a month after     resources or even mining expertise,       Cameroon also withdrew the
     Peter Lionel Briger, the promoter of       said it would invest around 5,000         licenses for the project from this
     Hydromine, established Hydromine           billion FCFA in the bauxite project.      company and sold them to Canyon
     Cameroon Ltd in Douala, with an                                                      Resources in 2017. Through its local
     initial capital of 1 million CFA Francs.   WITHDRAWAL OF LICENSES                    unit Camalco, Canyon Resources
     The company claims, without any            Unable to manage the Minim Martap         committed, according to a source
     proof so far, that it has increased this   and Ngaoundal bauxite project,            close to the project, to mobilize more
     capital to 600 million CFA Francs and      Hydromine eventually entered into         than 6 billion CFA Francs to meet
     is considering bringing it to 1 billion    a joint venture with Emirates Dubal       specifications that extend over a
     CFA Francs.                                Alumina and India’s Hindalco, to          3-year non-renewable period.
     This firm is socially dedicated to the     retain only residual shares in the
     establishment of energy projects and       project. Cameroon Alumina (CAL),

     BUSINESS IN CAMEROON                                                                               N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020
FOCUS                                                                                                                         17

Mbalam iron Project: Sundance relies
on AustSino, after several unsuccessful
extensions of its agreement with the
Australian junior mining company
Sundance Resources and AustSino
decided on 22 October 2019 to ex-
tend the deadline for finalizing their
equity investment agreement for the
Mbalam iron ore project in eastern
Cameroon to 30 June 2020.
The two companies expect that be-
fore that date, Cameroon will reach
a new agreement for this project          rights on this iron project to June        on track. Indeed, the agreement
since the old agreement between the       2019 but its wish was not granted.         between the two companies provides
country and Sundance Resources’           Maybe, Cameroon was scalded by the         for the transfer of majority shares
subsidiary Cam Iron expired in            Australian company’s inability to find     in Sundance to AutSino, which will
March 2019.                               financial partners for the project.        then develop the Mbalam mining
Sundance Resources, which was             Anyway, Sundance Ressources sees           project, which includes the construc-
looking for investors, was hoping         AustSino as the investor that will         tion of a mine and a railway of more
that Cameroon would extend its            put the Mbalam iron project back           than 500 km.

Only a year after it acquired shares in
the Nkout iron ore deposit from Affero
Mining, IMIC is already seeking
a new buyer
British company International             CFA Francs each represent 49.5% of         important in Cameroon, ahead of
Mining & Infrastructure Corporation       Caminex’s assets, IMIC specified in        the Mbalam-Nabeba iron deposit (in
(IMIC), which bought the shares           its statement. This call for funds, the    the east of the country), 2/3 of which
of Affero Mining in the Nkout iron        final results of which are still not yet   is located in Congo. In December
project, in Southern Cameroon, an-        revealed 4 years later, reveals IMIC’s     2014, IMIC announced a revaluation
nounced it has decided to sell 4,903      difficulties in developing the Nkout       of the potential of the Nkout deposit
shares of its Cameroonian subsidiary,     iron project, in an international          to 2.7 billion tons of iron resources,
Caminex. The decision was taken           context marked by the continuous           with a 68% growth on DSO (directly
during a general meeting held on 15       decline in the price of this metal.        exportable ore).
December 2015.                            As a reminder, the Nkout iron
These shares with a value of 10,000       deposit is presented as the most

N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020                                                            BUSINESS IN CAMEROON
18                                                                                                                  INTERVIEW

     Mouna Kadiri
     “The African Continental
     Free Trade Area will
     bring extraordinary
     opportunities to this
     continent and its people”
     Mouna Kadiri is the director of the Africa
     Development Club, which belongs to the Moroccan
     Attijariwafa bank’s group. She recently co-chaired
     with Cameroon’s minister of trade the third edition
     of the Africa Development Club’s conference, in
     Douala. In this interview, she talks about the Club’s
     actions to benefit African entrepreneurs; this is
     as the Continental Free Trade Zone is about to be

     Business in Cameroon : Recently,       nies.” The theme was picked by SCB       recent years. They are mostly due to
     the Africa Development Club            Cameroon (subsidiary of Attijariwafa     exchange regulations, key reforms
     held a meeting focused on trade,       Bank) and the African Development        introduced by the government, and
     a meeting which you co-chaired.        Club in Cameroon. These two firms        a will (of the government and the
     Why did you pick this topic            are the most fit to identify the most    private sector) to make them more
     particularly?                          relevant topics to foster investment     visible. It was based on these changes
     Mouna Kadiri : This was a multi-       and value creation, for both local and   that the committee that worked
     sectoral mission around the theme      international firms. Cameroon has        on the meeting decided that trade
     “Trade as growth leverage for compa-   recorded various transformations in      would be a great theme, given its

     BUSINESS IN CAMEROON                                                                          N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020
INTERVIEW                                                                                                                                                           19

“Regardless of its origin or identity, any business that can contribute to the development of a community, create jobs, pay taxes, improve the lives of people or
infrastructure, in Africa, is welcomed by the Africa Development Club.”

huge potential for value creation                         to your club to better profit from                        initiative to create economic val-
through deals, joint ventures, etc.                       the African continental free trade                        ue, ---. Truth is, this zone marks the
The main component of the meeting                         agreement (AfCFTA)?                                       beginning of something big and with
were the business meetings organ-                         MK : Long before the AfCFTA project                       it, we can achieve historical records.
ized after discussions between key                        came up, we had been operating for                        We can affirm that this free-trade
speakers. The latter included some                        10 years, with no free trade zone. We                     zone is not only the materialization
top officials such as the minister of                     had, as you may guess, to deal with                       of a strong political will but also a
trade, who sponsored the mission,                         multiple challenges, related to infra-                    project aimed at bolstering econom-
the deputy national director of the                       structure, administrative procedures,                     ic value since we already cooperate
Bank of Central African States, and                       transport, and logistics. Over the pe-                    among ourselves, even without it.
the chairperson of Telcar Cacoa,                          riod, we brought together more than                       Our role since the last edition of
Mrs. Fotso. During these business                         10,000 operators. This took us six                        the Africa Development Forum
meetings, participants were able to                       editions of the Africa Development                        themed “When East meets West,”
exchange on investment opportuni-                         International Forum, which generat-                       is to primarily inform, connect,
ties, deals, and joint ventures.                          ed more than 22 business meetings.                        and get operators to engage in the
They also visited the autonomous                          The latter yielded concrete deals,                        daily activity of businesses; raise
port of Kribi, which is a major project                   investments, factories, among others                      awareness of economic operators
considered as a hub in Central Africa.                    - transactions worth millions of                          about the African Continental Free
They were able to appreciate the                          dollars.                                                  Trade Area, which is key to boosting
enormous infrastructure, as well as                       The first challenge to tackle is to                       business opportunities, in line with
its modern aspect. This helped build                      help businesses build a relationship                      the continent’s 2020-2025 strategic
trust with economic operators and                         of trust with their partners. This                        plan for trade.
that is mainly why we picked trade as                     way they will have an axis for value                      We also wanted to break from the
our main theme.                                           creation and that is exactly the                          old habit that African countries got
                                                          purpose of the free-trade area. Our                       into since independence. Indeed,
BC : So, the Club is not only an                          role is to be the flag-bearer of Africa’s                 we are used to North-South, South-
organization but a real tool that                         private sector, tell the world: “Yes!                     South cooperation, as well as to
is building tomorrow’s African                            It is possible, we create jobs.” Some                     France and UK centered trade. Well,
trade industry. Concretely, how                           affirm that this free-trade zone is not                   we wanted to end this and connect
do you help businesses affiliated                         only a political act, but also a strong                   major regions, large cultures, and

N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020                                                                                                 BUSINESS IN CAMEROON
20                                                                                                                                                          INTERVIEW

     “It is time we become real actors and take our responsibilities. It is not really obvious nowadays where given shareholders of a company are each located, so instead
     of focusing on origins of economic operators, we’ve decided to concentrate on creating added value across businesses in Africa.”

     major cultural groups. To this end,                      We must preserve this dynamic. We                        Club, there is a great bank group
     we invited representatives from                          must protect it, and though this will                    like Attijariwafa. But you also said
     Kenya, Rwanda and Sierra Leone to                        be a long journey, we are convinced                      there were other banks such as
     be guests of honor of our forum.                         that the African Continental Free                        Spain-based Banco Santander, or
     We also had some from Nigeria, and                       Trade Area will bring extraordinary                      the Al Mada Pan-African Fund. Tell
     even China; all to break old habits,                     opportunities to this continent and                      us, how do all these institutions
     mix things up in the way we work.                        its people.                                              plan to finance intra-African trade
     This sharing of experience must yield                                                                             which you support?
     impressive insight on optimal coop-                      BC : Nowadays, trade and finance                         MK : First, let me tell you how our
     eration methods. It must help foster                     almost go in pairs in Africa and                         Club operates and the model we
     an intra-Africa collective mindset.                      behind the Africa Development                            have adopted. We have decided
                                                                                                                       to connect and regroup all banks
                                                                                                                       of the Attijariwafa Group, as well
                                                                                                                       as communities it works with,
          “This helped build trust with                                                                                both private and public. Next, we
                                                                                                                       had support from a Pan-African
          economic operators”                                                                                          investment fund, which is Al Mada,
                                                                                                                       Attijariwafa’s reference stakeholder.
                                                                                                                       We were also among the founders
                                                                                                                       of the Trade Club Alliance, which

     BUSINESS IN CAMEROON                                                                                                                  N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020
INTERVIEW                                                                                                                                                        21

                                          “Our role is to be the flag-bearer of Africa’s private sector, tell the world: “Yes! It is possible, we create jobs”

regroups 14 partner banks. The            BC : While this idea is original, the                        This is a new path. We, Africans, don’t
Attijariwafa Bank Group is the only       Africa Development Club comes                                know one another enough and this
African lender, besides a South           behind others like China, Japan,                             brews clichés and in the worst-case
African bank (Ed.note: Standard           India, or Russia. These economies                            real social disasters. Based on this
bank), to be part of this alliance        are entering the African continent                           assessment, we focused on suppress-
which currently covers 65% of             leveraging similar initiatives. Do                           ing barriers, providing reliable data,
global trade corridors.                   you consider them as potential                               connecting, supporting, encouraging,
The alliance was created at the           partners, rivals or maybe both?                              and nurturing the interest sparked by
beginning of October 2019. It is a        MK : Our vision is to contribute to                          African businesses.
digital platform that helps entities      Africa’s development, but this vision                        You may be aware that Africa does
such as the Africa Development            is not Afro-centered. Regardless of its                      not only consume what foreign part-
Club operate better. It provides          origin or identity, any business that                        ners decide they should. Recently,
support, networking opportunities,        can contribute to the development                            there have been some eloquent
access to reliable market data, and       of a community, create jobs, pay                             speeches in this regard. It is time we
financial support to its members.         taxes, improve the lives of people or                        become real actors and take our re-
A key contributor to the alliance is      infrastructure, in Africa, is welcomed                       sponsibilities. It is not really obvious
Banco Santander. To date, the alli-       by the Africa Development Club.                              nowadays where given shareholders
ance gathers more than 16,000 busi-       However, we are pragmatic and we                             of a company are each located, so
nesses. It is our pride to have major     know that out there, on the field,                           instead of focusing on origins of eco-
international banks praising the          African businesses come first. What                          nomic operators, we’ve decided to
Africa Development Club, referring        we do is tear down all invisible, psy-                       concentrate on creating added value
to us as being extraordinary. They        chological walls that exist between                          across businesses in Africa.
not only praise us but all African        Africans with different backgrounds
businesses which we represent.            and cultures, all over the continent.                                               Interview with Idriss Linge

N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020                                                                                      BUSINESS IN CAMEROON
22                                                                                                            INTERVIEW

     Aurélie Chazai
     to Cameroon
     might seem very
     surprising and
     risky to many”
     After working for many major law firms in France,
     this Cameroonian lawyer and legal advisor decided
     to return and serve her country in 2017. Chazai
     & Partners, is the firm she founded and a dream
     come true for a woman who dared to believe in
     her country. In this interview, she shares her very
     unusual story.

     Business in Cameroon: Could you     market shares in an environment        a difficult business environment?
     tell us about your beginnings in    where we were unknown. The main        AC : As afro-optimists, we tend to
     Cameroon? When did you start        challenge at first was to convince     see the glass half full rather than
     your activity and under which       prospects and clients to reach out     half empty. However, operating in
     conditions?                         to us.                                 Cameroon’s legal industry is quite
     Aurélie Chazai : We started in                                             complex as many see this sector as
     November 2017 with a team of only   BC : What pushed you to decide to      corrupt. What we have therefore
     two people. No one knew about us    return to set a business law firm in   decided to do is provide a different
     in Cameroon so we had to secure     a country which is known to have       service, one based on good ethics,

     BUSINESS IN CAMEROON                                                                    N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020
24                                                                                                                                               INTERVIEW

                                                                                                                  a structure that gives them access to
                                                                                                                  the international market.

                                                                                                                  BC : Being at the centre of legal
                                                                                                                  talks between investors and even-
                                                                                                                  tually public authorities, what do
                                                                                                                  you make of Cameroon’s business
                                                                                                                  law? Do you think it enhances
                                                                                                                  businesses’ competitiveness in its
                                                                                                                  actual state?
                                                                                                                  AC : Let’s not play ostrich here.
                                                                                                                  Things can be improved in this area.
                                                                                                                  Cameroon’s ranking in the latest
                                                                                                                  edition of the Doing Business index
                                                                                                                  is not really the best. We can make
                                                                                                                  some improvements, in the govern-
                                                                                                                  ance area, for example, to be more
                                                                                                                  attractive to investors interested in
                                                                                                                  Cameroon. We try to reassure foreign
     “Our goal was to provide a different economic offer: we wanted to make sure that economic operators          investors by telling them that not all
     have access to local experts for their major transactions, instead of necessarily resorting to firms based   is bad in Cameroon, that there are
     in London or Paris.”
                                                                                                                  some people, both public authorities
                                                                                                                  and civil servants who do their job
                                                                                                                  very well. So, they can discuss with
     diligent work, and a reliable report to                   AC : It is true, looking at corruption             serious and competent people, who
     our clients. That was what drove us,                      in the Cameroonian legal system,                   can support their investments in
     with a little naivety, to come back to                    that some things must be im-                       Cameroon.
     offer our services in Cameroon.                           proved in regard to management.                    We have success stories here in
                                                               Regardless, there are real opportu-                Cameroon, companies that came to
     BC : There were other lawyers                             nities in our daily activity, especially           invest and were happy about their in-
     already established in the country.                       as more and more companies need                    vestments. Some of them have been
     What added-value did you bring                            structuring. Cameroon is not                       in Cameroon for more than twenty
     and what was, in your opinion, the                        isolated from the rest of the world.               years. And though we tend to often
     factor that would be decisive to                          We are the driving force of Central                talk about what is wrong, we should
     your success?                                             Africa. We have business relations                 also talk about what goes well.
     AC : Our added-value compared to
     already established firms was that
     our associates already had some
     experience at the international                                “Returning to Cameroon might
     level. We had been trained and had
     worked at major firms in Paris, and
                                                                    seem very surprising and risky
     other places in Europe. Also, we had                           to many.”
     a different look on things. Our goal
     was to provide a different economic
     offer: we wanted to make sure that                        with other countries so, economic
     economic operators have access to                         operators in Cameroon need to have                 BC : What challenges did you face
     local experts for their major transac-                    a specific structure and that is where             as you launched your firm?
     tions, instead of necessarily resorting                   legal advising comes in.                           AC : Our biggest challenge was to in-
     to firms based in London or Paris.                        There could be legal frictions if some             vest in a sector which was not really
                                                               decisions fail to be executed or are               known. There were many obstacles
     BC : Tell us a bit about legal advis-                     executed poorly. Fortunately, there                on this path. Talks with the adminis-
     ing in Cameroon. Do you believe                           are ways to avoid these, through                   tration, the fact that we had to find
     there are opportunities or things                         advising. We intervene before                      reliable partners are some of the
     to improve in this sector?                                conflicts by helping businesses adopt              obstacles we had to overcome. Then,

     BUSINESS IN CAMEROON                                                                                                       N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020
INTERVIEW                                                                                                                                                25

“We had no issues regarding human resources.There are a lot of very well trained lawyers and jurists in Cameroon”

there was the issue of trust. Being                    tend to go to much older lawyers,                       team. Another challenge was how
a team of young people, securing a                     with more experience. We had to put                     other lawyers in the country treated
spot on the market is not the easiest                  a lot of efforts into convincing our                    us at first, as they were not really
in Cameroon. We, therefore, had to                     prospects and clients to trust us. On                   used to the innovative communica-
convince clients and prospects to                      the other hand, we had no issues re-                    tion methods we practiced. All these
trust their cases with us, even the                    garding human resources. There are                      actually forced us to build ourselves a
most sensible involving millions of                    a lot of very well trained lawyers and                  spot in Cameroon.
CFA francs.                                            jurists in Cameroon. It was fairly easy
In effect, in such conditions, people                  to put in place a reliable and strong                   BC : As a woman, what challenges
                                                                                                               do you face while running your
                                                                                                               business daily?
      “As afro-optimists, we tend to                                                                           AC :The only true issue here is trust.
                                                                                                               Often, when a case is handed to a
      see the glass half full rather                                                                           man, he is not asked for a cascade
                                                                                                               of references beforehand. However,
      than half empty.”                                                                                        when it comes to a woman, a young
                                                                                                               one, in addition, most people ask for
                                                                                                               more assurance than they would if

N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020                                                                                      BUSINESS IN CAMEROON
26                                                                                                                                                         INTERVIEW

     “What actually pushed me to take action was realizing that most Africans flying abroad were flying third-class whereas foreigners coming to Africa would fly business
     class.This means that foreigners come here to make money while we go to Europe to survive.”

     they were working with a man. This                       BC : You decided to leave France                         was realizing that most Africans
     is not specific to our profession, it                    to return to Cameroon in 2017                            flying abroad were flying third-class
     happens in all economic sectors.                         while many Africans move to the                          whereas foreigners coming to Africa
     Regardless, instead of complaining                       Western part of the world seeking                        would fly business class. This means
     about it, I see this as an opportunity                   greener pastures. You have taken                         that foreigners come here to make
     for us, women, to do better than the                     the opposite path. Why did you                           money while we go to Europe to
     rest. Once you show how competent                        pick this path which may seem                            survive. I just thought there is really
     you are, everyone forgets that you                       surprising to many?                                      something to do in Africa and also I
     are a woman. Women working in                            AC: It is true that my choice of                         believed that Africans must under-
     this field must be highly resilient and                  returning to Cameroon might seem                         stand that our continent is full of
     perseverant.                                             very surprising and risky to many,                       opportunities.
                                                              especially given that 2017 was a year
     BC : With such a demanding work,                         when things started getting difficult                                        Interview by Idriss Linge
     how do you reconcile your job as                         in Cameroon. Regardless, I thought                                  and Jean Christian Bernard Nselel
     legal advisor with your family life?                     that was the right move and what
     AC : Being a woman and having to                         actually pushed me to take action
     run a legal advising firm while also
     managing my family, it is crucial to
     have a support system. It is crucial to                       “What we have therefore decided
     have a caring, understanding, and at-
     tentive family. In my case, I am lucky                        to do is provide a different service,
                                                                   one based on good ethics, diligent
     enough to have a very understanding
     husband who is also a very good
     father. This allows me to be fulfilled
     professionally, without feeling guilty                        work, and a reliable report to our
     personally. That’s something I’m
     lucky to have.

     BUSINESS IN CAMEROON                                                                                                                 N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020

Government submits penal code
amendment, punishing tribalism, before
During the November 2019 budget            from XAF5,000 to XAF500,000. This           3 million. If mitigating circumstances
session, the Cameroonian parliament        fine is increased to XAF20 million          are admitted, the prison sentence
will review a draft amendment to           if the offence is committed via “the        may be less than 3 months and the
the Penal Code. The purpose of this        press, radio, television, social networks   fine XAF200,000. These penalties are
amendment is to introduce provi-           or any other means likely to reach the      doubled when the offence is com-
sions punishing racial, religious and      public.” These penalties are doubled if     mitted by a public official, a political
tribal vilifications.                      the offence is committed to incite ha-      party official, a media official, an
According to the draft text submitted      tred and contempt between citizens,         NGO or a religious institution.
to parliamentarians for consid-            the draft indicates.                        This draft text appears as a response
eration and adoption, racial and           As far as tribal vilification is con-       to the hateful and tribal speeches
religious vilifications will now be        cerned, the offence is punishable by        in Cameroon, mainly on social
punishable by prison terms ranging         imprisonment of one to two years,           networks, since the October 2018
from 6 days to 6 months, with fines        with a fine between XAF300,000 and          presidential election.

Refugee assistance: Cameroon obtains over
XAF77 billion from World Bank
On November 19, 2019, in Yaoundé,
four projects funded by the “the
IDA18 regional sub-window for
refugees and host communities” were
officially launched.
According to Abdoulaye Seck,
Country Director of World Bank
operations in Cameroon, the total
financing amounts to $130 million
(a little over XAF77 billion), includ-
ing $86 million (Over XAF51 billion).
“It is important to recall here that
Cameroon was the first African coun-
try to benefit from the IDA 18 special
refugee window. This is in recognition
of the country’s generosity and its long
tradition of solidarity and hospitality    income-generating activities for poor       level, where the same organizations
towards displaced people,” Abdoulaye       and vulnerable households will enable       and community relays can facilitate
Seck said.                                 them to bear the direct and indirect        different activities. The objective is
Specifically, in the framework             costs associated with these services,”      that the sum of the efforts should be
of the projects launched, “basic           the country director explained.             greater than the fragmented efforts,
services such as education, health         “To this end, the four projects will        and this, for a maximum impact on
and nutrition will be provided to          have to be implemented together at          the communes and host populations,”
populations, while cash transfers and      all levels, especially at the communal      he indicated.

N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020                                                               BUSINESS IN CAMEROON
28                                                                                                PUBLIC MANAGEMENT

     National dialogue: The AU, la Francophonie,
     and the Commonwealth inquire about the
     implementation of recommendations

     Paul Biya, President of Cameroon,      can count on the constant support          It has been almost three years since
     received on November 27, in            and accompaniment of the African           a socio-political crisis broke out in
     Yaoundé, a joint mission of three      Union, the Francophonie, and the           northwestern and southwestern
     international organizations, led       Commonwealth in its efforts to resolve     Cameroon. The said crisis began with
     respectively by the President of the   the crisis in the North-West and South-    corporate demands from lawyers
     African Union Commission Moussa        West,” the Presidency reports.             and teachers but turned into violent
     Faki Mahamat, the Secretary-General    “We believe that we have an obliga-        separatist claims with armed groups
     of International Organisation of       tion to contribute modestly through        spreading death and desolation.
     La Francophonie (OIF) Louise           advice, interventions in mediation         According to the United Nations
     Mushikiwabo and the Secretary-         activities or on technical subjects such   High Commissioner for Refugees,
     General of the Commonwealth            as bilingualism and multiculturalism,”     21,291 Cameroonians fled violence
     Patricia Scotland.                     said Louise Mushikiwabo. Patricia          and fights between secessionists
     According to the Presidency, this      Scotland, for her part, said that the      and the army, towards Nigeria. The
     mission came to inquire about          Commonwealth is committed to               NGO International Crisis estimates
     developments of the situation in the   doing everything possible to support       that about 2000 people died after
     English-speaking regions (North-       the ongoing peace process initiated        20 months of fighting. The UNICEF,
     West and South-West) and on the        through National Dialogue. “The            on its part, indicates that the
     implementation of the recommen-        President of the Republic has once         widespread insecurity has forced
     dations of the National Dialogue       again expressed his willingness to         more than 4,400 schools to close in
     held from September 30 to October      engage in dialogue and appeasement,”       the English-speaking regions of the
     4, 2019. “Overall, it appears from     the president of the African Union         country.
     their interventions that Cameroon      Commission added.

     BUSINESS IN CAMEROON                                                                           N° 82-83 / December 2019 - January 2020
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