Page created by Lisa Munoz
                                            - 2021 -

                 ITALY & SERBIA

    H.E. CARLO           GIORGIO               IGOR
    LO CASCIO            MARCHEGIANI           MIROVIĆ
    Italian              President of the      Head of the
    Ambassador           Italian-Serbian       Vojvodinian
    to Serbia            Chamber of            Government
                              20 THE ITALIAN INVESTMENT
                                     Patrizio dei Tos
                                                        33   WE WILL CONTINUE WITH
                                                             THE SUPPORT TO THE
H.E. Carlo Lo Cascio                 President of Confindustria Serbia   Alessandro Bragonzi
Italian Ambassador to Serbia                                             Head of EIB regional representation for

                                                                         the Western Balkans
                                         ITALY REMAINS ONE
Giorgio Marchegiani
                                         OF SERBIA'S LEADING
                                     ECONOMIC PARTNERS
                                                                         44   VERY POSITIVE
                                                                              TENDENCIES IN FOSTERING
                                     Marko Čadež
President of the Italian-Serbian
Chamber of Commerce and CEO of
                                     President of the Chamber of         COOPERATION
                                                                                                                             ITALY 2021

                                     Commerce and Industry of Serbia
DDOR Osiguranje – part of UNIPOL     (CCIS)
                                                                         Mirjana Kojić
Group                                                                    The Secretary General CCIS

OPTIMISM                             Boško Vučurević
                                                                         48   ECONOMIC COOPERATION
                                                                              WITH ITALY IS EXTREMELY
                                                                         DEVELOPED AND DIVERSIFIED

Igor Mirović                         President of the Chamber of
                                     Commerce of Vojvodina (PKV)         Economic cooperation
Head of the Vojvodinian Government

             FREE WINE!
             A small town named
             Caldari di Ortona in Italy has
             a free wine fountain that flows
             24 hours a day, with locally grown
             red wine!

                                                  C OFFEE
                                                   THE DAY
                                                  It’s well known
                                                  that Italians
                                                  adore their
                                                  coffee. But did
ITALY 2021

                                                  you know that
                                                  they enjoy 14
             H IGHEST                            espressos
                                                  each year?

             The highest mountain of Italy
             can be found in the Alps. It is
             the Monte Bianco, better known as
             Mont Blanc, which is 4,807m.

                                                                       ITALY’S BABY
                                                                One of the tiniest fun facts

                                                                 about Italy is that there’s
                                                                   a whole other country
                                                                              inside it! The
                                          THE OLDEST                           Vatican City!

                                          Pasta is a crucial
                                          part of Italian
                                          culture and they
                                          have eaten it
                                          since the 4th
                                          century B.C!

                                      UNESCO KINGS
                                        Italy has the most
                                            UNESCO World
                                       Heritage sites in the
                                             world. A total
                                                      of 55!

                                                                     SPORT LOVERS
                                                               Italians love sports. Cycling,
                                                                  Skiing, Soccer and Motor
                                                               Racing are just some of the
                                                                   sports Italians have very
                                                                          strong interest in!
                                                                                                ITALY 2021


The Italians have over 2,500 types of cheese! Some of the
most popular include parmesan, mozzarella, and gorgonzola.



                                                                               Dear readers and friends,                   Diplomacy & Commerce magazine and
                                                                                                                           significantly upgraded from last year.
                                                                              This difficult year forced us to face           As a culmination of this work, we
                                                                           unprecedented complications and dif-            would like to thank every person who
                                                                           ficulties as a result of Covid-19 pandem-       supported and contributed to this pub-
                                                                           ics. These unfortunate circumstances            lication. In particular, we would like to
                                                                           forced us to drastically rethink our work,      express our gratitude to our members
                                                                           but also prompted us to innovate it and         and associates, with whom the CCIS
                                                                           enhance its quality. And so, in the hope        maintains and promotes long-term co-
                                                                           and conviction that this situation will         operation, and to the Italian Embassy
                                                                           soon fade away, I am sincerely glad to an-      in Belgrade.
                                                                           nounce the issuance of a special publica-
                                                                           tion dedicated to economic bilateral co-             MIRJANA KOJIĆ
                                                                           operation between Italy and Serbia, re-              Secretary-General
                                                                                                                                Italian-Serbian Chamber of Commerce
                                                                           dacted in partnership with our associate

                            Dear readers and contributors,                    work as ‘normally’ as possible.
                                                                                 Since everything in life has a silver
                            For the past year and a half, we                  lining, as it turns out, this pandemic
                        have all been facing an unusual situa-                forced us to come out of it even strong-
                        tion, created by the Covid-19 pandem-                 er and readier to improve our work
                        ic. New circumstances have forced us                  and generate better quality as a result.
                        to undergo many transformations and                      In this year's special edition InFocus
                        adjustments in everyday life, as well as              Italy, you will find out how Italian com-
                        in work and all other segments.                       panies coped during this period, how
                            In a situation when the health of                 they adjusted their business and what
                        humanity comes first, it was vital to                 lessons they learned, which we have
                        react quickly so that the consequenc-                 prepared with the support of the Italian
                        es would be as negligent as possible.                 Embassy, the Italian-Serbian Chamber
                            Overall, we can say that most of the              of Commerce, Confindustria Serbia, the
                        society managed well and adapted all                  Chamber of Commerce and Industry of
                        its activities to the new situation.                  Serbia, the Chamber of Commerce of
                            As the economy is the pillar of a                 Vojvodina, the Italian business people,          to be healthy, first and foremost, suc-
                        country's development, the global fo-                 as well as the Serbian business people           cessful and happy.
                        cus has been on preserving this seg-                  who cooperate or are somehow con-
                        ment. Of course, that was not easy at                 nected to Italy.                                   Enjoy!
                        all, because we had to find a modality                   This is our magazine’s jubilee year
                        that we could function in. We had to                  in which we are celebrating its 5th an-            TANJA BANKOVIĆ
                        find solutions that ensured that we can               niversary. Our wish for you this year is           Editor-in-Chief
ITALY 2021

                        TANJA BANKOVIĆ                JOVANA MARKOVIĆ                 RUŽA VELJOVIĆ              Translation                   Special thanks to
                        Editor-in-Chief               Advertising manager             Magazine director          SNEŽANA BJELOTOMIĆ            MIRJANA KOJIĆ
                                               ALBERTO FORNERIS
                                                                                                                                               GUGLIELMO MIGLIORI
                        ILIJA PETROVIĆ                JELENA RANDJELOVIĆ              ROBERT ČOBAN               ZLATNA KNJIGA                 Embassy of Italy
                        INDIGOCHILD                  Advertising manager             Director                   Jagodina
                        Art director              Bagrdanski put bb

                                                      DRAGANA RADOVIĆ                 Photos
                        NATAŠA NEŠIĆ                  Advertising manager             GORAN ZLATKOVIĆ
                        Advertising director        GETTY IMAGES


                         BETWEEN ITALY AND SERBIA
                         IS VIBRANT AND SINCERE
                         H.E. CARLO LO CASCIO
                         Italian Ambassador to Serbia

                         The bilateral cooperation is based on a solid and ever growing Italian entrepreneurial
                         presence. Our cooperation also develops within the framework of the EU being Italy a
                         founding member, and Serbia a candidate state

                                      e spoke with Italian Am-                              a consolidated tradition that has not

                           W          bassador to Serbia, Carlo
                                      Lo Cascio, about the rela-      THE STORY OF OUR
                                                                                            changed even during the pandemic.
                                                                                            Last year, in fact, two Ministers came
ITALY 2021

                                      tions between our two                                 from Rome to Belgrade, the Minister of
                         countries today, given that diplomat-      RELATIONSHIP IS TRULY   Foreign Affairs and International Coop-
                         ic relations date back to 1879 and Ital-    A MEETING OF CLOSE     eration, Luigi Di Maio, and the Minister
                         ian companies have been investing in                               of Defense, Lorenzo Guerini, as well as
                         Serbia for almost 20 years.                 PARTNERS WHO HELP      former Deputy Minister for Foreign Af-

                             “For two countries bound by such            EACH OTHER         fairs (and current Deputy Minister for
                         a solid friendship, the exchange of vis-                           Internal Affairs), Ivan Scalfarotto. For
                         its between our Governments remains                                Serbia, former Minister of Foreign Af-

fairs and current National Assembly         than acceptable, considering the ex-        nia and North Macedonia within the
President Ivica Dacic and the Minister      ceptional circumstances of the pan-         framework of the “Mini Schengen ini-
of European Integration Jadranka Jok-       demics. Italy confirmed to be Serbia's      tiative'”. Belgrade’s willingness to sup-
simovic paid a visit to Italy. This year,   second trade partner with 3.4 billion       ply vaccine doses to other countries
Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Se-      euros in the commercial exchange.In-        in the region was also another impor-
lakovic went very recently to Rome,         deed, there is room for improvement         tant signal.
also”, he concluded.                        not only with statistics - that by the          In this regard, we appreciate Ser-
                                            way show positive feedback already          bia's commitment to the EU-facilitat-
The relations between the two coun-         for the first quarter of this year - but    ed Dialogue with Pristina. An agree-
tries intensified during the COVID-in-      also with a wider cooperation to be         ment would represent a historic turn-
duced crisis when Serbia sent aid to        achieved with new investments.              ing point for the entire Region. We are
Italy. How important is it that our two        In our perspective, innovation and       aware of the obstacles that the negoti-
countries help each other?                  high-tech in general offer the greatest     ations are facing, but we count on the
                                            potential for collaboration between         leadership of President Vucic to reach
The relationship between Italy and Ser-     our countries. New technologies can         this important milestone which will
bia is vibrant and sincere. The support     be successfully developed in sectors        certainly lead to immense benefits, by
received from the Serbian Government        like digital infrastructure, healthcare     achieving progresses in parallel with-
with the generous donations of sani-        and medicine, agriculture, industry, re-    in the European accession process.
tary protective devices one year ago,       newable energy, industry and others.        Like Minister of Foreign Affairs Luigi Di
was a concrete sign of friendship for                                                   Maio recently said, the goal of this his-
which I would like once again to thank                                                  toric result requires the utmost com-
Serbian people.
    As I said many times, although I was
                                              SERBIA’S PROGRESS IN                      mitment on both sides.
                                                                                            In our view, without a serious and
well aware of the generosity of Ser-           ECONOMIC REFORMS                         credible revitalization of the EU en-
bian friends, I was truly moved by all
the expressions of love and solidarity
                                                 IS REMARKABLE.                         largement process, it is unlikely to
                                                                                        definitively stabilise the Region. In
towards Italy from both Serbian citi-           MACROECONOMIC                           this respect, we do not want to create
zens and authorities in the most diffi-
cult moments for our country last year.
                                               STABILITY HAS BEEN                       “shortcuts” in the process of the EU en-
                                                                                        largement to the Balkans or dilute the
    The generous donation was an ex-           LARGELY ACHIEVED                         reforms. However, in the Western Bal-
traordinary expression that was deeply                                                  kans we must avoid the vicious circle
appreciated. In my opinion, the great                                                   of disillusion and skepticism feeding
solidarity movement from the Serbian                                                    each other, where the absence of a
population has confirmed, once again,          Moreover, scientific cooperation         concrete European perspective on the
that the friendship between Italy and       between Italy and Serbia has been in-       part of the EU slows down or stops the
Serbia is long-standing and genuine.        creasingly intense in the last few years.   progress of reforms in the countries of
The story of our relationship is truly      I have personally attached special im-      the Region.
a meeting of close partners who help        portance to cooperation in the field of
each other.                                 science. In these last years, we focused    What reforms does Serbia need to
    Italy has been close to Serbia by       also on “science diplomacy” and its         implement to improve the business
sending last summer a Civil Protec-         link to industrial application and val-     environment?
tion medical team that came here with       ue-added manufacturing. Our two
great enthusiasm and willingness to         countries have both a long-standing         Serbia’s progress in economic reforms
support and assist the Serbian people,      tradition in science and research and       is remarkable. Macroeconomic stabili-
as well as Serbian doctors, by sharing      could benefit a lot from this approach.     ty has been largely achieved. This not-
the experience made during the first                                                    withstanding, structural reforms will
most difficult months of the pandem-        Italy supports Serbia on its EU acces-      be on the top of the agenda to put
ic in Italy, in spring last year.           sion path. How important do you             economy on a durable and sustaina-
                                            think Serbia's role is in the Western       ble path: better fiscal planning, fairer
According to a study published in No-       Balkans region?                             and more predictable business envi-
                                                                                                                                    ITALY 2021

vember last year, Italy is a very impor-                                                ronment, competition laws and poli-
tant external trade partner of Serbia.      The positive and fundamental role           cies, increase in public investment, re-
Is there room for the two countries         played by Serbia in the Western Bal-        structuring of public companies and
to improve trade?                           kans is demonstrated by the improve-        fight against corruption.
                                            ment in relations with neighboring              Beyond that, more progress is need-
With around 600 Italian companies           countries in recent years and in it-        ed in the wide area of rule of law, fun-

present in Serbia, the result achieved      self by the intensification of regional     damental rights and good governance:
in bilateral trade last year was more       cooperation, in particular with Alba-       approving and implementing the jus-

tice reform, delivering a comprehen-
             sive reform of the public administra-
             tion, stepping up the fight against cor-
             ruption and organized crime with a
             solid track record, creating an envi-
             ronment that fully guarantees free-
             dom of expression, including imple-
             mentation of the media strategy. The
             Serbian Government is working with
             renewed commitment on all these is-
             sues and we are confident that signif-
             icant results could be soon achieved.

             You recently met with President Vučić
             and the Serbian Minister of Defence,
             while Minister Selaković was on an
             official visit to Rome. How would you
             describe the cooperation with the
             Government of the Republic of Ser-
             bia and Serbian institutions?

             I think that we have a very good co-
             operation from every point of view.
             In Rome, Minister Selaković met with
             our Minister of Foreign Affairs to lay the
             foundations for a closer collaboration
             between our diplomacies, in view of                                                          ion, design, publishing and cinema.
             Belgrade’s accession to the EU.                                                              The Italian Cultural Institute cooper-
                 In fact, this is just one example           EXCELLENT BILATERAL                          ates with the major Serbian cultural
             among the others of how our coop-
             eration with Serbian Government and
                                                           CULTURAL RELATIONSHIPS                         institutions, public and private, and
                                                                                                          takes part in all major cultural events
             Institutions has intensified even more           COVER PRACTICALLY                           and festivals in Belgrade, but also in
             appropriately in the light of the impor-
             tant challenges that our countries are
                                                              ALL SECTORS: MUSIC,                         Novi Sad, Nis, Kragujevac.
                                                                                                              Two recent examples of initiatives
             facing with the pandemic emergency             VISUAL ARTS, THEATER,                         that I really would like to mention are
             still underway.
                                                             LITERATURE, FASHION,                         the exhibition “Dante Ipermoderno”
                                                                                                          that we presented to the Serbian pub-
             Could you tell us about cooperation           DESIGN, PUBLISHING AND                         lic in April and May. Again in May Italy
             between Italy and Serbia in educa-
             tion, art and culture?
                                                                    CINEMA                                has been the host country of the Budi
                                                                                                          Festival of Pancevo, dedicated to the
                                                                                                          world of childhood, which this year
             Cooperation in overall cultural sector                                                       has Pinocchio as its topic.
             is long-standing and very intense. In         fers Italian language courses at all the           Let’s not forget that last year the
             the education field, Italian language         CEFR levels and, I am very proud to say,       exhibition “Roma Aeterna” remained
             is studied from the third year of ele-        due to the pandemic we managed to              open to the public in Novi Sad, despite
             mentary school up to the university de-       organized online courses that actual-          the pandemic, to confirm that our
             gree and PhD level. Currently it is pos-      ly received a positive feedback.               cultural presence has been continu-
             sible to detect around 40.000 persons             Excellent bilateral cultural relation-     ously a source of connection even in
             that study Italian in Serbia. The Italian     ships cover practically all sectors: mu-       tough times. 
             Cultural Institute of Belgrade also of-       sic, visual arts, theater, literature, fash-
ITALY 2021

             What kind of connection to Belgrade and Serbia do you feel           like in “slava” tradition, is heartwarming opportunity and it
             and which Serbian customs do you particularly like?                  has been an honor for me in the past to be invited to those

             — I really admire the sense of family that still persists in this    family meetings by some friends. I admit I am delighted by
             country, as well as in Italy. This is indeed one of the main         Serbian nature but I especially like to reach Roman ruins in
             aspects that we strongly have in common and that make us             the various localities in Serbia to enjoy, even more closely, the
             very close. Love for food and the joy of gathering together,         origin and the legacy of our historical friendship.


         by Mina Vučić

                         GIORGIO MARCHEGIANI
                         President of the Italian-Serbian Chamber of Commerce and CEO of DDOR Osiguranje – part of UNIPOL Group

                         Italian and Serbian culture, economy, and history create special bilateral relations

                                     he sixth edition of InFocus   Could you give us a few numbers that     companies or companies with Italian

                            T        Italy magazine dedicated
                                     to the Italian economy in
                                     Serbia could not have
                                                                   best describe the special relationship
                                                                   Italy and Serbia have, in comparison
                                                                   to other countries?
                                                                                                            shareholdings. Our Chamber of Com-
                                                                                                            merce has made a very detailed analy-
                                                                                                            sis which shows that almost 600 busi-
                         gone to print without including the                                                nesses, out of the aforementioned
                         interview with Giorgio Marchegiani,       In terms of the numbers of business-     1,600, are very influential. This is an
                         President of the Italian-Serbian Cham-    es here, there are about 1,600 Italian   extremely relevant number as Serbia
ITALY 2021

                         ber of Commerce and CEO of DDOR                                                    is a country with 7 million people and
                         Osiguranje. Our journalist Mina Vučić                                              these companies employ over 50,000
                         has spoken with Mr Marchegiani as
                         the Chamber he chairs acts as a bridge
                                                                       WE EXPECT GREAT                      people who correspond to 2% of all
                                                                                                            Serbian employees (2.5 million peo-
                         between the Serbian and Italian busi-        DEVELOPMENT IN THE                    ple). This is quite an astonishing fact.

                         ness communities, and together they
                         have discussed current statistical data
                                                                           FUTURE                           These companies generate 5.4% of Ser-
                                                                                                            bia’s GDP. However, the numbers are
                         and plans.                                                                         relative as the companies we take into

consideration are very different; from        What are Serbia’s advantages as an        What will be further developments in
Fiat, banks, insurance companies, and         investment destination?                   bilateral economic relations?
many other large market players to
smaller companies. Serbia and Italy           Serbia, specifically in the post-Covid    I believe in small and middle-sized
have established a great connection           era, has and will have a lot of invest-   companies and the service sector. It-
that facilitates bilateral relations. It is   ment advantages. The nation’s geo-        aly also strives for excellence in fash-
also important to talk about the links        graphical position as a crossroads of     ion and design which are a big part of
between the two nations since we are          the Balkans is one of its greatest ben-   our culture, and, in my opinion, this is
all aware of the cultural and histori-        efits. Another advantage is the free      something Serbs can benefit from. In
cal connections existing amongst us           trade agreements that Serbia has with     addition, it is arguable that the envi-
and this is fundamental for our rela-         the Russian Federation and Turkey,        ronmental sector is developing, and
tionships. Another significant aspect         as well as other Asian countries. Ser-    this is very important as every nation
is the re-established interest of Italian     bia, therefore, acts as a springboard,    should pay attention to the territory
companies in Serbia in the post-Covid         making it easy to move and transfer       it owns. Serbian sustainable energy
era, and we hope Serbia will become           around the region and outside the EU.     sources, recycling, and water clean-
an even more attractive destination           The third one is the working environ-     ing systems sectors can grow quite a
for Italians.                                 ment, in fact, Serbia has great produc-   lot. This is something that has slowly
                                              tion prerequisites and, although the      started to emerge, and for this reason,
Which economic sectors are the Ital-                                                    it also needs acceptance and regula-
ian companies most active in?                                                           tion from the authorities, which could
                                                                                        also benefit from this, due to its vi-
Generally speaking, the manufactur-              SERBIA IS NOT ONLY A                   tal importance. In the EU, we have all
ing sector, which produces everything
from socks to car parts, especially the
                                                  COUNTRY WITH LOW                      learned how destructive not respect-
                                                                                        ing the environment and throwing
textile and automotive subsectors, is             PRODUCTION COSTS,                     waste without recycling can be de-
the sector in which our companies are              WHICH IS A QUITE                     structive. We do hope that Serbia will
most active. They are very active also                                                  be able to use our experiences and not
in the agricultural industry and the fi-         OUTDATED THOUGHT,                      repeat the same mistakes Italy did in
nancial sector, where two large Ital-             BUT ALSO A MARKET                     recent decades. Creativity, as well, has

                                                  THAT OFFERS MANY
ian banks operating in Serbia - Inte-                                                   great potential for development as it
sa, the largest bank, and UniCredit, the                                                can allow the interchanging of ideas;
second-largest bank- rule the game. I               OPPORTUNITIES                       this is something I think Serbia can
should also mention insurance com-                                                      learn from us and implement locally.
panies that occupy top market posi-                                                     Finally, the market space for Serbian
tions, for example DDOR Osiguranje                                                      companies in Italy is huge, given the
part of UNIPOL Group and Generali             production costs are rising, they are     fact that Serbia has been developing
Osiguranje Serbia. Lastly, we can find        still much lower than in other Europe-    a very serious business environment
the electronics and technology indus-         an countries. Serbian workers are also    with medium-sized production com-
try and service sector. Italian produc-       highly skilled and efficient in produc-   panies, such as those in the packag-
ers of refrigerator parts and market-         tion. Going back to Yugoslavia times,     ing industry. We expect great devel-
ing agencies are also important mar-          there were a lot of industry sectors      opment in the future.
ket players in Serbia. I would also like      that were highly developed and suc-
to highlight the renewable energy sec-        cessful, and their efficiency has re-     The Chamber of Commerce acts as a
tor as a very important one since we          mained stable till now in Serbia. The     bridge that unites Serbian and Italian
believe in the next decade this sector        packaging and automotive industry         businesses. It will soon celebrate its
will create a lot of opportunities for the    are the best examples of this. Lastly,    20th anniversary. Which of the Cham-
establishment and growth of Italian           the greatest benefits come with the       ber’s results are you the proudest of?
companies in Serbia. We would like to         technological development in Novi
take the Serbian know-how to a glob-          Sad, dubbed the European Silicon          The Chamber of Commerce is a repre-
al level. There is a very wide range of       Valley. This constant presence of ex-     sentative body, and I am very proud
                                                                                                                                   ITALY 2021

companies in different sectors, which         cellence in numerous sectors creates      of our way of working created with
is a positive aspect, as it proves Serbia     many advantages for future invest-        other business associations and or-
is not only a country with low produc-        ments that could be done from a great     ganizations, such as the Italian Em-
tion costs, which is a quite outdated         number of Serbian nationals who are       bassy and Confindustria. This work is
thought, but also a market that offers        coming back home from abroad dur-         very demanding, and I think we are all
many opportunities, especially in the         ing the pandemic. This is a beautiful     great team players. We also have an

fields of innovative technology and           thing to observe because it can stim-     administration team made up of ex-
green economy.                                ulate the economy even more.              cellent Italian and Serbian managers

What can Serbs learn from Italians
                                                                                                  and vice versa?

                                                                                                  In my opinion, Serbs love the Ital-
                                                                                                  ian lifestyle, therefore, they can learn
                                                                                                  from our artistic attractions, as well as
                                                                                                  our manufacturing tradition, which
                                                                                                  Italians have developed well. The
                                                                                                  70-year-timespan after the Second
                                                                                                  World War has created a very strong
                                                                                                  country out of Italy in terms of manage-
                                                                                                  ment and know-how and this is some-
                                                                                                  thing Serbs can learn from us seeing
                                                                                                  that they have a large variety of dif-
                                                                                                  ferent opinions and views on compa-
                                                                                                  ny development. The main thing Ital-
                                                                                                  ians can learn from Serbs is the joy of
                                                                                                  living, which is very much ingrained
                                                                                                  in the Italian culture already. Howev-
                                                                                                  er, Serbs have it at a higher level. Ser-
                                                                                                  bia is also a country of great struc-
                                                                                                  ture, where influences from the Yugo-
                                                                                                  slav era are still found in organization-
                                                                                                  al structures. Something else Italians
                                                                                                  can learn from Serbs is precision. As a
                                                                                                  matter of fact, there are different in-
                                                                                                  terests in bilateral relations but in my
                                                                                                  opinion, it is always important to find
                                                                                                  win-win solutions.

             which gives the organization prestige                                                As an Italian living and working in
             and facilitates operations. Our share-                                               Serbia, what do you like about our
             holders’ growing interest can lead us
             to become a more developed and dig-
                                                         IT IS GREAT TO SEE HOW                   country? What is it that makes you
                                                                                                  feel connected with Serbia, Novi Sad,
             italized Chamber that can open new             ITALY ISN’T VIEWED                    and Belgrade?
             doors and represent a new opportu-
             nity for both nations.
                                                          JUST AS AN ECONOMIC                     I love Belgrade and Novi Sad since I was
                                                           PARTNER BUT ALSO A                     born and raised in Milan, a dynamic
             Which institutions do you cooperate
             with? How can we further improve
                                                          CULTURAL ONE, WHICH                     and innovative city. As a result, being
                                                                                                  surrounded by companies, shops, and
             Italian-Serbian relations?                   MAKES OUR RELATIONS                     people is something I am very much

             In Serbia, we collaborate with the
                                                            VERY GENUINE AND                      used to and like to be a part of. I also
                                                                                                  really enjoy its nature, as I love doing
             Chamber of Commerce and Indus-               SOMETHING I AM VERY                     different types of sports and activities
             try of Serbia, but we also cooperate
             with numerous ministries in the Ser-
                                                                 PROUD OF                         such as skiing and hiking in the moun-
                                                                                                  tains. I’ve visited many of the natural
             bian government - Foreign Affairs, La-                                               treasures including Zlatibor, Kopaonik,
             bour, Environment, Culture, and Ener-                                                Tara, Šumadija, and others. I liked all of
             gy, as well as the customs and fiscal     and our doors are open. Moreover, it       them a lot because they reminded me
             authorities. We have a great relation-    is important to mention that when dif-     of some areas in Italy. In Vojvodina, on
ITALY 2021

             ship with Maja Gojković, the Deputy       ferent sectors of one nation are devel-    the other hand, I enjoy the cultural as-
             Prime Minister and Minister of Culture    oping, they don’t tend to always grow      pects. In the past seven years of living
             and Information. It is great to see how   at the same pace, but as an Italian, I     here, I learned how to appreciate this
             Italy isn’t viewed just as an econom-     am very realistic and I know very well     country which I first saw when I was
             ic partner but also as a cultural one,    that no country is perfect, specifically   quite young, in the 1970-1980s when I

             which makes our relations very gen-       in terms of bureaucracy and adminis-       travelled across entire Yugoslavia. It
             uine and something I am very proud        tration procedures, which can always       left a nice mark on my memory. I am
             of. There is always space for growth      be improved.                               happy to live here. 


                                                                                      TO FUTURE
                                                                                      WITH GREAT
                                                                                      IGOR MIROVIĆ
                                                                                      Head of the Vojvodinian Government

                                                                                      I think that Serbia has laid an extremely
                                                                                      good foundation for economic growth in
                                                                                      the coming period

                                     e talked with Igor Mirović,    ered by the agreement relate to eco-       In February, you spoke with the Pres-

                           W         the head of the Vojvodin-
                                     ian Government, about
                                     the cooperation between
                                                                    nomic cooperation, connecting the re-
                                                                    spective chambers of commerce and
                                                                    businesses and attracting direct invest-
                                                                                                               ident of the Lombardy Region, Attilo
                                                                                                               Fontana. What are the highlights of
                                                                                                               the conversation?
                         Italian businesses and Vojvodina, the      ments. In that sense, immediately after
                         cooperation agreement signed with          the Agreement was signed, we estab-        We exchanged views on the current
                         the Lombardy region three years ago,       lished several contacts, agreed upon       situation related to the fight against
                         the improvement of cooperation and                                                    the Covid-19 virus, but also under-
                         the efforts that Serbia is constantly                                                 lined the importance of cooperation.
                         making to improve conditions for do-                                                  We had an agreed appearance at one
                         ing business.                                   I WOULD LIKE TO                       of the most important Italian trade

                         In 2018, Vojvodina and Lombardy
                                                                        ADD THAT WE ARE                        fairs, in Verona, where we would pro-
                                                                                                               mote our achievements in viticulture
                         signed a cooperation agreement.             INTERESTED IN AN EVEN                     and winemaking which unfortunate-
                         How would you rate that coopera-            STRONGER PRESENCE OF                      ly fell through. That would have been
                         tion and its importance today?
                                                                      ITALIAN BUSINESSES IN                    a great occasion to meet Mr. Fontana
                                                                                                               and his associates. The crisis has de-
                         In 2018, the Autonomous Province of                VOJVODINA                          layed our plan to meet as early as May
                         Vojvodina signed an agreement with                                                    or June, but we are indeed constantly
                         Lombardy, one of the most developed                                                   in touch. Over the past week, Mr. Fon-
                         Italian and European regions. The fact                                                tana's associates and my associates
                         that Lombardy is one of the most de-       individual projects and presented Vo-      have discussed a whole range of is-
ITALY 2021

                         veloped Italian and European regions       jvodina in Lombardy.                       sues. The conclusions are very concrete
                         is a strong signal and reliable sign of       Although the Covid-induced crisis,      - to continue nurturing contacts, to
                         Vojvodina's intention to use experienc-    which has been going on for a year and     connect our respective development
                         es, knowledge, models and examples         a half and which first emerged on Eu-      agencies, to establish closer coopera-
                         from the truly efficient practice of or-   ropean soil in Lombardy, has slowed        tion between scientific institutes and

                         ganizing primarily economic activities,    down our cooperation, we are very op-      to find additional topics of common
                         but also all other areas of life in Lom-   timistic about it in the future and have   interest during our frequent contacts.
                         bardy. The most important issues cov-      new projects on our common agenda.             During my stay in Milan, Lombardy, I

got an impression that Mr. Fontana and      not alone in moments of great crisis        were a good signal for a large num-
his associates are sincere friends of our   and great challenges. Serbia showed         ber of investors to come here to in-
country and reliable partners of Vojvodi-   that it was able to act effectively and     vest and create new jobs. But that's
na and that through the concretization      to protect its own people, on the one       not enough. Our goal in Vojvodina is to
of our cooperation we will be able to       hand, which could be seen in a very effi-   bring down unemployment even more
improve some of its forms and define        cient procurement of protective equip-      in the next five or six years, from the
them in line with our common interests.     ment and the latest medical devices-        current rate of around 9% to between
                                            from across the world. The Vojvodin-        4.5% and 5%, or, expressed in absolute
I think you have already answered           ian Government also donated 25,000          numbers, from the current 100,000 to
the following question but how can          euro as a gesture of friendship, soli-      less than 50,000 unemployed people,
the two provinces improve their co-                                                     which happened last time in 1989, al-
operation further?                                                                      beit in different socio-historical cir-

I would like to add that we are inter-
                                                 WE WILL CREATE                         cumstances. To achieve that, we will
                                                                                        need the help of Italian partners and
ested in an even stronger presence                 ADDITIONAL                           new investors. We are ready, we have
of Italian businesses in Vojvodina, as
well as in technology transfer in spe-
                                                PREREQUISITES FOR                       overhauled and build new industrial
                                                                                        zones, the ones we did not have five
cialized areas, such as agriculture, sci-        SMALLER ITALIAN                        years ago, such as the zones in Šid, Kula
entific and technological activities re-
lated to biotechnology, in contacts re-
                                                COMPANIES TO COME                       and Bačka Topola, and to expand the
                                                                                        Pančevo industrial zone.
lating to the development of activi-            AND INVEST IN LESS                          With the implementation of new in-
ties that will be carried out under the
auspices of our university and the Sci-
                                                DEVELOPED PLACES                        frastructure projects, such as the Fruš-
                                                                                        ka Gora corridor, the Belgrade-Zrenja-
ence in Technology Park, after we fin-                                                  nin-Novi Sad motorway and the fast
ish equipping the Park in autumn of                                                     road from Sombor to Kikinda, which
this year. We are also interested in cul-   darity and sincere hope that the crisis     will all be completed in the next three
tural cooperation because important         in Lombardy will be overcome. These         to five years, we will create additional
European cultural institutions are lo-      days, following the reports from Lom-       prerequisites for smaller Italian com-
cated in Milan and other cities in Lom-     bardy, I saw that more than four million    panies to come and invest in less de-
bardy, while the most important and         doses of Covid vaccine were adminis-        veloped places that are located near
oldest cultural institutions in Serbia      tered in that region, which means that      these roads and possibly employ be-
are located in Novi Sad.                    Lombardy has managed to vaccinate a         tween 100 and 1000 people per project.
                                            large number of its population out of           So our common goal is to contin-
The Government of the Republic of           a total of 10 million in a short time. As   ue this process, but with much better
Serbia and the Vojvodinian Govern-          a result, the situation is much better,     promotion of our country’s potentials,
ment sent aid to Italy when the coun-       and we hope that our help has con-          in order to boost its economic growth,
try needed it most. How important           tributed to that.                           increase exports, especially of agricul-
is this type of cooperation between                                                     tural products, also in the segment of
the two countries and what does it          What can Vojvodina and Serbia do            the joint engagement in the process-
demonstrate?                                to improve their economic environ-          ing of these products. We see a great
                                            ment to attract even more investors         opportunity in that. The Italian part-
The aid sent by the Government of the       from Italy, but also increase domes-        ners have extremely powerful tech-
Republic of Serbia, which is much more      tic exports?                                nology, especially for the processing
generous than the aid we sent, demon-                                                   of agricultural products, so we will
strated the strength and ability of Ser-    First of all, the political stability and   look for such solutions in the future,
bia to help our friends but also express    significant efforts invested in the mod-    also via the influence of the regional
our solidarity and show that they are       ernization of infrastructure in Serbia      authorities of Lombardy. 

                                                                                                                                    ITALY 2021

                                                                                   The most important issues covered
                                                                                   by the agreement relate to
                                                                                   economic cooperation, connecting
                                                                                   the respective chambers of
                                                                                   commerce and businesses and

                                                                                   attracting direct investments.


                         PARTNER TO OUR CLIENTS
                                                                                                                       Once they forge a
                                                                                                                       partnership with Generali
                                                                                                                       Osiguranje, we want our
                                                                                                                       clients to say that they
                                                                                                                       would use this type of
                                                                                                                       insurance as long as they
                                                                                                                       live. This is the loftiest goal
                                                                                                                       in insurance, namely that
                                                                                                                       Generali is the first thing
                                                                                                                       that comes to client’s mind
                                                                                                                       when they decide to buy

                                                                         nine months later, it was directly impact-    it has responded to clients' demands to
                             DRAGAN FILIPOVIĆ                            ed by the virus. This year, we are moving     be fast, efficient and helpful in selling our
                         Chairman of Generali Osiguranje Srbija          in the opposite direction, as things are      products at a distance, meaning digital-
                         Executive Board                                 at the moment. There is a strong prob-        ly. But most of the insurance companies
                                                                         ability that the last three months of this    have enabled clients to report damag-

                                                                         year will be unscathed by the corona-         es themselves and have their claims liq-
                                         enerali Osiguranje is an        virus, and we cannot wait to see some-        uidated and paid remotely, which was
                                         international company           thing like that happening. The results ac-    something we could have only dreamed
                                         based in Italy, which is also   complished by the insurance sector in         of up until last year.
                                         our dominant market. This       the first quarter of this year and those
                         means that the Italian spirit prevails in       achieved in the same period last year         What results did Generali Osiguran-
                         all 50 countries that we do business in.        are uncomparable.                             je achieve?
                         Italians are direct communicators, both                                                       — We are very pleased with the results.
                         in life and business and in that, they are                                                    Last year, we were the most profitable
                         similar to people in Serbia. This year, our                                                   insurance company on the Serbian mar-
                         company celebrates its 190th anniver-                                                         ket for the tenth consecutive year. We
                         sary, and we want to show and remind            I keep saying that a satisfied                are leaders in life insurance with a mar-
                         everyone of the strength of our brand,”           employee and a satisfied                    ket share of about 30%, and for 15 years
                         Dragan Filipović, the Chairman of the           customer are the two pillars                  in a row, we have been leaders in health
                         Executive Board, says in his interview                                                        insurance with a 40% share. I am under-
                         for InFocus Italy.                                  for the success of any                    lining the timeframe of 10 and 15 years
                                                                                    company                            on purpose because it shows the con-
                         How would you rate the first half of                                                          stancy and sustainability of a certain
ITALY 2021

                         this year in terms of the insurance sec-                                                      result, which is the line in our strategy
                         tor? How much has Covid-19 changed                 What is certain is that all the process-   that promotes sustainable growth and
                         the insurance business?                         es related to digitalization and automa-      sustainable profitability.
                         — Regarding the first quarter of 2021, I        tion have been greatly expedited, that            We have recorded the consistency of
                         like to compare last year and this year         people have worked more from home             results and success thanks to all of our

                         in the following way – in the first quar-       than they ever planned to and that they       2,000 employees who have been under-
                         ter of last year, the market was devoid         can quickly adapt. The whole insurance        going training and education, are com-
                         of the coronavirus’ influence, and only         industry has been pushed forward and          pletely dedicated to their work, are pro-

ductive and make a great contribution        ranje Srbija is proud to have made it         — We are very proud of and we enjoy
to the overall results of the company.       available to its clients in the same way.     this partnership which is in its fourth year.
                                                                                           The idea is to help families who cannot
The global economic crisis has expe-         In late 2020, Generali Osiguranje Srbi-       fund the development, upbringing and
dited the need for digitalization. How       ja received prestigious awards for its        education of their children in the right
did you adjust your business to the          outstanding relationship with clients         way, through educational conversations.
current trends?                              and associates. What does this mean           Together, we organize forums with psy-
— Our industry will always depend on         for you, and what for the company?            chologists throughout our country where
human contact. Insurance requires the        — It means a lot to me personally, since      families with different personal experi-
trust and contact between two people         I am the head of the company, but I see       ences are exchanging experiences and
- a sales agent and a client. No matter      the company as a family so I like to say      have conversations. We give personal
how far digitalization goes, that ultimate   that I am the first among equals. All         contributions and exchange ideas too.
judgment gained from physical contact        those awards we receive only encour-          That shine in the eyes of the participat-
will always be important. But the back-      age us to persevere on our path and to        ing families and their gratitude for help-
ground processes can and should be           continue improving. I keep saying that a      ing them to raise their children proper-
digitized. Process digitization enables      satisfied employee and a satisfied cus-       ly regardless of their financial situation
our agent to be closer to the client, to     tomer are the two pillars for the suc-        are invaluable. We feel great satisfac-
be able to tailor the product to the cli-    cess of any company.                          tion when we see that.
ent’s needs on the spot, to issue an in-                                                       This exceptional partnership has also
surance policy quickly and to respond                                                      been recognized at the Group level. We
to the client’s request quickly. That is                     JUBILEE                       have been awarded for everything we
the essence we are working on.                                                             have done in the previous three years
    We were able to switch to remote          We will launch a big global                  and we will keep on doing what we have
work very quickly only because, three         group campaign, followed                     been doing. Worldwide, Generali wants
years, ago we allowed our employees             by a local one that will                   to help the communities in which it op-
to work from home twice a week, as we                                                      erates. We have long been recognized
were keen to create a work/life balance        usher us into the jubilee                   as a company that competes not only
for our staff. Back then, we developed a              celebration                          how much profit it will make but also
good infrastructure so when the corona-                                                    how many good socially responsible
virus hit, we did not find ourselves in a                                                  projects it will launch and implement.
big problem. In practice, instead of 100         Our employees, who have daily con-
employees, we quickly switched 1,000         tact with our clients, are our company's      In 2021 Generali celebrates its 190th
employees who worked remotely. We            ambassadors. They are the true image          anniversary. How do you plan to mark
also automated many other process-           and mirror of our company, and my task        it? How does it feel to work for a com-
es before the onset of the pandemic.         and role are to provide them with the         pany that has been in business for
However, the coronavirus accelerated         ambience and atmosphere which encour-         190 years?
their application and forced us to fur-      age them to develop, to feel passionate-      — 2021 is a jubilee year for us. Working
ther improve these processes. For exam-      ly for their work, to love the company        in a company that has existed for 190
ple, four robots processed over 14,000       in which they work and to be focused          years is not a small thing. The world went
damage claims last year. These robots        on customer satisfaction.                     through a lot in those 190 years and our
did not replace humans - they just took          Our ambition is to first have satisfied   company has managed to overcome all
over those repetitive jobs that people       employees who will transfer their ener-       that together with the rest of the world.
do day in and day out. And we trans-         gy and satisfaction to the client. A lot      We not only survived but became strong-
ferred those workers to do other, more       needs to be done to achieve that. We          er and stronger. This April, I celebrated
creative jobs.                               conduct surveys every two years with          ten years of me working for Generali, so
    We were also the first insurance com-    over 200 questions among our employ-          I have contributed 10 to those 190 years.
pany on the market to enable our clients     ees about the degree of satisfaction              We have a lot of plans on how to cel-
to report the damages by themselves.         they have with the company they work          ebrate the jubilee. We will launch a big
For instance, when a client is involved in   for. The answers we get are a roadmap         global group campaign, followed by a
a car accident, all they had to do was to    for steps to take in the next two years       local one that will usher us into the ju-
                                                                                                                                           ITALY 2021

follow our 5-6-step-instructions via mo-     to improve everything our employees           bilee celebration. This will be a brand
bile phone to record the damage which        have given us.                                campaign that will demonstrate the
was then sent via the application to our                                                   strength of our brand and remind peo-
centre. Once that is done, we enter the      How does Generali Osiguranje man-             ple of the strength of our company be-
record of the damage into our system,        age to take care of all this? You also        cause partnering with Generali, a finan-
assess it and pay the client out. These      have successful cooperation with No-          cial institution that has existed for 190

are the things that exist in modern coun-    vak Djoković. Tell us more about that         years, is no small thing. It shows stability
tries of the world, and Generali Osigu-      cooperation.                                  and promotes trust with our clients. 


         by Mina Vučić

                                                                                         PATRIZIO DEI TOS
                                                                                         President of Confindustria Serbia

                                                                                         Italian and Serbian companies have
                                                                                         been working together to overcome the
                                                                                         pandemic’s consequences and form a
                                                                                         stronger entrepreneurial environment

                                      he President of Confindus-       es overcome this crisis as quickly as      the market and generating those in-

                            T         tria Serbia, Patrizio Dei Tos,
                                      is looking forward to eco-
                                      nomic growth in the near

                                                                       This is a very interesting question for
                                                                                                                  vestments which is the main way our
                                                                                                                  companies will grow and develop and
                                                                                                                  be better prepared to face everything
                         future, in the post-pandemic period.          us entrepreneurs because today, more       that comes their way. I also want to
                         Italian companies in Serbia have been         than ever, we need support to main-        add that my instinct tells me that af-
                         developing with numerous new sec-             tain the workforce. I believe the main     ter the Covid-19-induced crisis, econ-
                         tors opening, thus enhancing further          focus should be on financial aid as we     omies will start booming and grow-
                         expansion. Our journalist Mina Vučić          have a lot of companies in the develop-    ing, so being prepared to face what is
                         had the great opportunity to interview        ment phase seeking new investment          coming next is very important for the
                         the President of Confindustria Serbia         opportunities. Unfortunately, the cur-     companies. If we help and support
                         for the sixth edition of Italy InFocus        rent financial aid from the government     companies now to invest and be pre-
                         magazine dedicated to the Italian             might not be sufficient enough to give     pared to take off once again after the
                         economy in Serbia and discuss the cur-        that courage to companies to invest.       pandemic, this will guarantee success
                         rent Serbian-Italian relations and plans.     If companies start investing, they are     in the near future. Lastly, financial aid
                                                                       surely going to have a spot in the mar-    is something that Serbian institutions
                         How do you evaluate the economic              ket but most importantly, they will cre-   should emphasize to help generate
                         cooperation between Italy and Ser-            ate new jobs. Therefore, in my opinion,    investments and help companies be
                         bia, especially during the pandemic?          the focus today should be on boosting      better prepared for what’s to come.

                         Firstly, the cooperation between our                                                     Many Italian companies came to the
                         two countries has always been very                                                       Serbian market and created a large
                         good and professional. I have to thank         I AM GLAD TO SEE THAT                     number of new jobs. What is Confin-
                         Serbia for vaccinating nearly every-
                         one in our executive office and in our
                                                                           SERBIA HAS MADE                        dustria’s role in all of this? Also, could
                                                                                                                  you tell us what were the main prob-
                         board, making our relations even more         GREAT STRIDES WITH ITS                     lems that companies faced in 2020?
                         valuable. Obviously, people’s mobility         VACCINATION SCHEMES
ITALY 2021

                         is the biggest problem at the moment.                                                    Our job is to accompany businesses,
                         However, I must admit that Serbian in-         AND THIS PROVIDES US                      not only during their market entry
                         stitutions have always been prepared           ALL WITH GREAT HELP,                      phase but also during their entire life
                         to solve the difficulties in the fastest                                                 cycle. Hence, it is important for us to
                         and most professional manner.                 STABILITY AND HOPE FOR                     nurture great relations with all the in-

                                                                           A BETTER FUTURE                        stitutions we work with. We push the
                         What else could the Serbian govern-                                                      companies forward and support them
                         ment do this year to help business-                                                      in their decision- making, therefore it is

in our best interest to have strong re-      of more sustainable energy as well              due to the immense bureaucratic ob-
lations with the Italian Embassy and         as waste recycling, is something that           stacles, rivalry and administration in
other institutions in Serbia. The main       needs to function properly in the fu-           Italy that really trains you for any oth-
issues we faced in 2020 were the mo-         ture. Digitalization is another sec-            er market. What I think Serbs can also
bility of our employees, specifically        tor of development that is trending             learn from us is innovation and creativ-
in Italy, as the country was kept un-        around Europe and Serbia is facing              ity and using them within the set lim-
der strict lockdown and restrictions         the same demands. These two sec-                its. Likewise, Italians can learn from
throughout the year. I hope that Ser-        tors have to grow and will have vital           Serbs about rigidness and organiza-
bian tourists will be able to come to        importance in the future of the coun-           tion which is very important in our en-
our country sooner rather than later         try’s economy.                                  trepreneurial world. Overall though,
since tourism is one of Italy’s biggest                                                      both countries have very similar char-
and most important economic sec-                                                             acteristics and friendliness which cre-
tors. I am glad to see that Serbia has                                                       ates a healthy working environment
made great strides with its vaccina-             BOTH COUNTRIES                              and hopefully, this will continue in
tion schemes and this provides us all
with great help, stability and hope for         OPERATE SERIOUSLY                            the future. Although it is a very differ-
                                                                                             ent market, I would like to take small
a better future.                               AND PROFESSIONALLY                            and medium-sized Serbian business-

As far as Italian investors are con-
                                              WHICH HELPS DIFFERENT                          es to Italy and push them to grow and
                                                                                             develop there. I think it is always bet-
cerned, what are the greatest advan-          PROCESSES AND CREATES                          ter to have a lot of smaller businesses
tages of investing in Serbia?
                                                OPPORTUNITIES FOR                            that operate in different sectors than
                                                                                             a big company which only supports a
I always first analyze the problems             NEW GROWTH AND                               certain industrial segment.
that we face in Italy. Entrepreneurs
in Italy, unfortunately, face very diffi-
                                                  DEVELOPMENT                                What projects will Confindustria im-
cult bureaucratic measures. Here, in                                                         plement in 2021 and what will you
Serbia, the government has been cut-                                                         focus on?
ting red tape and bureaucratic proce-
dures are much simpler, as the coun-         How do you cooperate with the Ser-              An idea which emerged a few years
try is smaller and younger and has a         bian institutions and are you satis-            back and unfortunately got stalled by
completely different dynamic. The re-        fied with the cooperation?                      the current situation in the world, is
lations and negotiations with institu-                                                       to support companies in their efforts
tions are also faster and more efficient     I can say that, fortunately, I’ve experi-       to staff and employees training for the
which leads to easier problem-solv-          enced very professional and transpar-           market of the future. We also want to
ing. Looking at Serbia through an en-        ent relations with the Serbian institu-         help new investments in companies in
trepreneurial lens, we have succeed-         tions, which allowed me much faster             every direction. We cannot forget that
ed in forming and opening companies          decision-making processes overall.              we are living in a very globalized world
much faster. If we have any upcoming         Serbian institutions operate seriously          and it is impossible to grow a company
projects, we start implementing them         and professionally which helps differ-          without properly preparing and train-
more efficiently and concretely. More-       ent processes and creates opportuni-            ing all of the employees which run it. I
over, the land here is very fertile, and     ties for new growth and development.            would say digitalization is also on our
the quality-to-cost ratio is quite strong.   All in all, it has been very satisfying.        list, and further development of the
Plus, the workforce availability is good,                                                    energy sector, which is something Eu-
and you have excellent managers and          What can Italian companies learn                rope is currently focusing on.
skilled labor which gives investors a        from Serbian and vice versa? What
great advantage here.                        connection do you feel to this                  Why is the new edition of Italy In-
                                             country?                                        Focus important for Confindustria?
Can the cooperation between the
two countries further grow and if            I made a lot of friends in Serbia. I enjoy      I believe that communication is impor-
‘yes’, in which segments?                    my time here very much as it was very           tant for any company, as well as to be
                                                                                                                                         ITALY 2021

                                             easy for me to fit in. Quite frankly, I first   able to publicly show whatever they
There is always space for improve-           made friends and then companies, so             are doing. We are thankful to you for
ment. From what I’ve seen and ana-           these friendly relations were of great          this opportunity. We are now able to
lyzed so far, the production of sec-         help. The Italian market is very compet-        inform the audience about our activi-
ondary raw materials in Serbia could         itive and it is very difficult for entrepre-    ties that are in our focus and who we
generate much-needed growth and              neurs there. If you manage to launch a          cooperate with, which is very impor-

development. The Serbian energy sec-         business in Italy, you’ll be apt enough         tant. You are our source of communi-
tor, which also entails the production       to launch it anywhere else in the world         cation and thank you for it. 


                         BANK IN SERBIA 2021
                                                                                                                  Comparing 2019 against
                                                                                                                  2020, our retail business
                                                                                                                  jumped by almost 12%, with
                                                                                                                  our housing loans portfolio
                                                                                                                  increasing by more than
                                                                                                                  17% and our cash loans
                                                                                                                  portfolio by close to 9%

                                                                                                                  become our clients’ and partners’ first-
                                                                                                                  choice bank. All the recognitions we had
                                                                                                                  pleasure of being awarded with we per-
                                                                                                                  ceive as a crown of our success, confir-
                                                                                                                  mation for the years of dedication and
                                                                                                                  commitment to our goals, but also as
                                                                                                                  a motivation that is paving our way to-
                                                                                                                  wards further achievements. Through-
                                                                                                                  out the last 15 years, Banca Intesa has
                                                                                                                  been recognized by leading internation-
                                                                                                                  al financial magazines such as Global Fi-
                                                                                                                  nance, Euromoney, The Banker, Finance
                                                                                                                  Central Europe, and the like.


                                                                                                                   Banca Intesas’s ambition is
                                                                                                                  to become the bank of first
                                                                    alize their plans. In addition, Bank In-
                                                                                                                   choice for our clients and
                            DRAGINJA ĐURIĆ                          tesa has won numerous world awards.                     partners
                         CEO of Banca Intesa                        We talked about the successful opera-
                                                                    tion of Bank Intesa with Draginja Đurić,

                                                                    who has been the head of the Bank since           The prestigious Global Finance mag-
                                  anka Intesa has a leading posi-   2001, first as the General Manager, and       azine award - „The Best Bank in Serbia
                                  tion in the Serbian market for    since 2005 as the President of the Ex-        2021“, which we have received for the
                                  ten years, where it has gained    ecutive Board.                                sixth time additionally confirms our
ITALY 2021

                                  the precious trust of 1.34 mil-                                                 leading position across all key indicators
                         lion clients. Through a network of 155     This March, you won your sixth award          of success. We are extremely proud of
                         branches in almost 100 cities in Serbia,   as Serbia’s best bank. How important          this award especially under the circum-
                         that employs over 3,000 people, Bank       is this to you?                               stances of overall changed conditions
                         Intesa encourages companies and en-        — Ever since Banca Intesa established         in the global economy, while constantly

                         trepreneurs in development projects,       its presence in the local market, the driv-   improving our business model through
                         helps families and young generations       ing force leading us to head the bank-        digitalization in order to adequately
                         to protect and increase savings and re-    ing market has been our ambition to           respond to the growing demands of

all customer segments and maintain a          options for our employees and made           of the banking market started in the pre-
high level of their satisfaction. This year   products and services available to cit-      vious period and further growth of dig-
our achievement was even more com-            izens and the economy. The situation         ital services and innovation. Banks will
plete, taking into account that our Par-      seriously affected change in customer        strive for a personalized approach that
ent Company, Intesa Sanpaolo, also re-        behaviour, as well as their preferences      will lead towards the best possible user
ceived the award for „Bank of the Year        when it comes to interaction channels        experience, in order to meet the expec-
in Italy" in 2021.                            with the bank. This highlighted the im-      tations of their customers and provide
                                              portance of digitalization of the bank-      them with financial stability in the on-
What results have you entered 2021            ing operations, bearing in mind the fact     going uncertainty.
with and what do you believe are your         that the recommended measures of re-             As for Banca Intesa, the main focus
biggest challenges this year?                 duced social interaction have led to a       will be the implementation of the digi-
— Banca Intesa stepped firmly in the lead     significant increase in the use of digital   tal platform, which envisages an exten-
into 2021 in the Serbian banking market       channels. In that sense, I expect that       sive path towards the introduction of a
with high liquidity and a strong capital      the pandemic will encourage banks to         complete digital customer journey. The
base, best shown by its loan-to-depos-        make additional efforts towards further      digital transformation program provides
it ratio of 78.5% and capital adequacy        transformation of their business models      new Omni-channel approach: new online
of almost 20% at last year's end. We          in order to remain relevant in the new       and mobile applications for individuals
managed to achieve growth in place-           banking ecosystem.                           and legal entities, a new application for
ments, which contributed to — on the                                                       branches and the introduction of a pa-
one hand — recovery in economic ac-                                                        perless concept, a new Bank web site
tivity and — on the other — to further                      SUPPORT                        and a new, improved CRM solution and
improving the quality of life of citizens                                                  integration with direct channels.
in these times of crisis. Comparing 2019       Banca Intesa implemented
to 2020, our retail business jumped by           a loan programme with                     You have been the head of the bank
almost 12%, with our housing loans port-                                                   since 2001, first as its general manag-
folio increasing by more than 17% and             a state guarantee and                    er, and since 2005, as the chairman of
our cash loans portfolio by close to 9%.           allocated more than                     the executive board. Given that you
When it comes to corporate banking,             300 million euros for the                  have the opportunity to cooperate
Banca Intesa once again maintained its                                                     with Italian businesspeople, how would
leading position in the Serbian market,
                                                         support                           you rate the Italian–Serbian relations?
with our loan portfolio growing by 8.3%,                                                   — Traditionally, Serbia has a very in-
while our offering expanded to include                                                     tensive and strong relationship with It-
new loan products.                               Furthermore, the Serbian Govern-          aly. Recently, we celebrated 140 years
    Banks will most certainly remain the      ment has extended the support for en-        of diplomatic relations between Rome
main support for companies and private        trepreneurs and small and medium en-         and Belgrade, as well as ten years since
individuals in the coming period, as well     terprises as a priority step at the very     the establishment of the strategic part-
as strong partners to the government in       onset of the pandemic. I believe those       nership of the two counties. According
preserving economic stability and over-       measures were very important in main-        to the data of the Serbian Development
coming potential challenges. In an envi-      taining economic activity under the new      Agency, Italy is a leading investor in Ser-
ronment of low interest rates, the main       business conditions, especially for small    bia, the biggest investor in terms of FDI
challenges for the banks will be to fo-       businesses and SMEs, which have been         investments and the second biggest in-
cus on customer needs while increasing        exposed the most to the blows of the         vestor in terms of the number of imple-
operational efficiency and organization-      crisis, but which should be the main         mented FDI projects. Almost 600 Italian
al resilience through risk management,        drivers of economic recovery in the          companies operate in Serbia, employ-
capital base strengthening, and techno-       post-pandemic period. As the country’s       ing 39,000 people mostly in finance, in-
logical innovations.                          largest bank and leading creditor, Ban-      surance, and the manufacturing indus-
                                              ca Intesa actively implemented a loan        try: automotive, textile, leather, wood
How has Covid-19 affected the bank-           programme with a state guarantee and         processing, etc... In addition to the dec-
ing sector?                                   allocated more than 300 million euros        ades-long successful cooperation with
— Despite of all the challenges, the Ser-     for the support.                             Serbia and significant subsidies offered
                                                                                                                                         ITALY 2021

bian banking sector entered the pandem-                                                    by our state, Italian investors are often
ic era much stronger than it had been         What new trends await us in the bank-        drawn by the geographic vicinity of our
at the start of the global financial crisis   ing sector and Banca Intesa in particu-      market and logistics advantages, as
over ten years ago, with adequate capital     lar? What are your plans for the com-        well. Banca Intesa is a proud member
and liquidity buffers. Since the onset of     ing period?                                  of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, one of
the pandemic, our absolute priority was       — I am convinced that the most impor-        the largest banking groups in Italy, with

to protect our customers’ and employ-         tant trends in the local finance sector      a long-standing presence in Serbia as a
ees’ health — we offered remote work          will certainly remain the consolidation      top-of-mind bank for the last 15 years. 

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