Campus Guide Pre-Arrival Info and - The Future Reimagined - UJ

Page created by Herbert Yates
Campus Guide Pre-Arrival Info and - The Future Reimagined - UJ
Pre-Arrival Info and
   Campus Guide

        The Future Reimagined
Campus Guide Pre-Arrival Info and - The Future Reimagined - UJ
A Word of Welcome
Dr Pinkie Mekgwe
Executive Director,
Division For Internationalisation
The University of Johannesburg (UJ)
extends a warm welcome to you, as an
international student, and invites you
to become an active member of the UJ
community. You are joining a university
that is young, vibrant, and was built on
the footholds of possibility, tenacity,
and a ‘can-do’ attitude, all of which are
attributes that it shares with the city it is
located in, and whose name it carries:
Johannesburg. Make time to get to know
this cosmopolitan city, and claim it rightly
as your home.
You are now a member of an institution
that upholds excellence in all facets of its
work and life. You will be wholly supported
in order that you can excel in all your
academic pursuits. As an international
student, you have the opportunity of a
life time to attain well-rounded education
that goes beyond the academic. An
international education imbues you with,
amongst others, attributes of adaptability,
                                                     for personal, social and intercultural
flexibility, and cultural fluency: the soft skills
                                                     growth, so richly afforded by our campus
so sought after by employers world-wide.
                                                     life and the broader Johannesburg
Your international education at UJ then,
                                                     community and South African society.
sets you on a path to be highly competitive
as a graduate. It also prepares you for              The Division for Internationalisation is your
leadership, entrepreneurship, innovation,            home-away-from- home. It is your first port
and creativity, all of which accord you              of call as you enter the university,
the tools to lead; to be an employer; to
                                                     and remains a resource for your support
contribute positively to humanity, at home
                                                     throughout your time at UJ. Make use of all
and beyond.
                                                     the opportunities that UJ offers you.
Your presence at UJ is highly valued and
                                                     Seek assistance when you are in doubt.
you stand to contribute to cultural diversity
                                                     Most of all, claim your place of excellence
as well as academic enrichment which are
                                                     and open your mind to the UJ notion of
the hallmarks of our internationalisation
programme. We trust that you will find your          being a shape shifter in your own right:
stay enjoyable, hospitable, friendly and an          rethink, reinvent.
enriching academic and social experience.            Welcome!
We encourage you to seek opportunities
Campus Guide Pre-Arrival Info and - The Future Reimagined - UJ
1  About UJ                                        18   Annual International Festival
1    Education for the 21st century                18   Facilities
2    First-year Experience                         18   Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
2    Facilitating teaching and learning            20   Doornfontein Campus
2    Campuses of the University of Johannesburg    20   Auckland Park Bunting Road Campus
                                                   21   Soweto Campus
2    Division for Internationalisation
2    International Admissions and Welfare Office   21   Other Services
3    English Proficiency Test                      21   Protection services
                                                   23   Access control
4    Academic Calendar for 2018                    23   Campus Health
5    Registration 2018                             23   Inter-Campus Transport
5    Arrival                                       23   South Africa
5    Registration procedures for 2018              24   Location
7    First-year Seminar                            24   Climate
8    Study Visa                                    24   Currency
8    How to apply for a Study Visa                 24   Credit cards and travel cards
9    Endorsement of relatives visa                 24   Taxation
9    Changing conditions of a Study Visa           24   Electricity
                                                   24   Telephone & Internet communication
9    Fees                                          25   Time
11   Banking details                               25   Banks
11   Undergraduate students                        25   Foreign exchange
11   Postgraduate students                         25   Living in S.A.
13   Financial assistance                          26   Public transport
13   Medical Aid                                   26   Emergency Information
13   Comp-Care                                     26   Procedure
13   Momentum Health                               26   Police Services
15   Accommodation
16   The Buddy System
16   What is a buddy System?
18   Culture shock
18   Homesickness
18   Socials
Campus Guide Pre-Arrival Info and - The Future Reimagined - UJ
About UJ
                                                                             The University of Johannesburg was                has eleven traditional universities (offering
                                                                             established on 1 January 2005. It is the result   traditional formative degree programmes),
                                                                             of the incorporation of the Soweto and East       five universities of technology (offering
                                                                             Rand campuses of Vista University into the        vocational and professional programmes)
                                                                             Rand Afrikaans University – which took place      and six “comprehensive institutions”
                                                                             on 1 January 2004 – and the merger of the         (offering both formative degree programmes
                                                                             Rand Afrikaans University (into which the         and vocational programmes).
                                                                             two Vista campuses had been incorporated)
                                                                                                                               The University of Johannesburg falls in
                                                                             and the Technikon Witwatersrand on 1
                                                                                                                               the category of comprehensive institution.
       1                                                                     January 2005, to create the University of
                                                                                                                               The term “comprehensive institution” is
                                                                             Johannesburg (UJ).
                                                                                                                               an instrument of educational policy and
Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018

                                                                             The Technikon Witwatersrand had been in           has no statutory definition. Each of the
                                                                             existence since 1925, the Rand Afrikaans          “comprehensives” has developed an identity
                                                                             University since 1967 and the Vista University    that best suits their own strategic objectives.
                                                                             since 1982. UJ has four campuses spread
                                                                             over Central Gauteng: the Auckland Park           Education for the 21st century
                                                                             Kingsway Campus (APK), the Doornfontein           As one of the largest residential
                                                                             Campus (DFC), the Auckland Park Bunting           universities in South Africa without distance
                                                                             Road Campus (APB), and the Soweto                 education programmes, the University
                                                                             Campus (SWC). A fifth campus, the East Rand       of Johannesburg’s teaching and learning
                                                                             Campus is currently dormant. With over 48         programmes result in degrees and diplomas
                                                                             000 full-time students and 3 000 permanent        in an array of subjects, ranging from Fine Arts
                                                                             employees, it is one of the largest residential   to Engineering, from Business Management
                                                                             universities in South Africa.                     and Accounting to Haute Couture and
                                                                             The incorporation and merger, which led           from Theology to Homoeopathy. The
                                                                             to the establishment of the University            University has nine faculties located in
                                                                             of Johannesburg, was part of a major              greater Johannesburg and it accommodates
                                                                             programme of the restructuring of higher          a diverse student body on four campuses
                                                                             education in South Africa. The National Plan      located in Doornfontein, Auckland Park,
                                                                             for Higher Education, published in 2001,          Bunting Road and Soweto. Although these
                                                                             charted a course for a major revamp of            campuses are fairly recent additions to the
                                                                             South African higher education institutions.      urban landscape of the city, each is located in
                                                                             The most important consequence of the             an area that made a significant contribution
                                                                             restructuring exercise conducted by the           to its history and growth. For example, the
                                                                             Department of Education was the reduction         campus in Doornfontein was developed
                                                                             of thirty-six universities and technikons to      in the heart of one of Johannesburg’s
                                                                             twenty-three higher education institutions.       oldest suburbs, which was laid out in 1889,
                                                                             This reduction was achieved by mergers and        shortly after the discovery of gold on the
                                                                             incorporations of existing higher education       Witwatersrand. The Soweto Campus, where
                                                                             institutions, the planning and implementation     major development commenced in 2008,
                                                                             of which was executed from 2002 to                is set to become the flagship of the new
                                                                             2004. The final decision of the Minister of       generation university and will contribute
                                                                             Education on the restructuring of higher          significantly to its surroundings. The Bunting
                                                                             education institutions was published as           Road and Kingsway Campuses in Auckland
                                                                             Government Notice 855 in the Government           Park, a suburb laid out in 1895, have brought
                                                                             Gazette of 21 June 2002. As a result of the       a vibrant new student population to this
                                                                             restructuring exercise, South Africa now          suburb.
Campus Guide Pre-Arrival Info and - The Future Reimagined - UJ
First-year Experience                             The FYE gives strong motivation for the
                                                  attendance of the First-year Seminar (FYS),
Facilitating Teaching and Learning                the implementation of tutorials, and the
As all students enter university with the aim     Residence Academic Adviser programme
of attaining a tertiary qualification, UJ seeks   (RAA) which provides students with
to support first-year students who need to        opportunities for active learning and critical
negotiate the transition between school           discussion of themes and topics, as well as
and university successfully, if they are to       opportunities for making friends.
succeed academically.
                                                  Campuses of the University of
Both internationally and specifically in the
South African context, students tend to
find this challenging, resulting in many          These campuses are:                                      2
students dropping out during the first            • Auckland Park Kingsway Campus at the
year. In response to this challenge, UJ has          corner of Kingsway and University Road

                                                                                                   Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018
implemented a First-year Experience (FYE)            (APK)
initiative. The FYE aims to create an ethos       • Auckland Park Bunting Road Campus,
and a way of life at UJ that will facilitate         Bunting Road, Cottesloe (APB)
effective student transition from school          • Doornfontein Campus at the corner of
to university. It supports an institutional          Siemert and Beit streets (DFC)
climate and culture that is conducive to          • Soweto Campus at Old Potch Road,
first-year students’ success. The FYE                Soweto (SWC)
assists and guides students to take up the
challenge of adapting to university life and
becoming fully fledged and productive             Further information is available on the UJ
members of the UJ academic community.             website: http//

Division for Internationalisation
Your home away from home, one of                  International Admissions and
the main purposes of the Division is to
integrate international students into UJ          Welfare Office
student life. This is done on the following       APK
                                                  Mr Tshepang Marumo
 • Social interaction (International Festival,
                                                  +27 (0)11 559 2096
                                                  Supervisor: International Admissions
 • Student exchange programme
                                                  International House | Madibeng Building
 • Communication (newsletter, sms service,
    liaison with embassies, etc.)
 • Student support (buddy system, UJISS,          Mrs Mampou Ngqumshe
    orientation programme)                        +27 (0)11 559 4517
 • Study abroad                                   International Admissions Officer
                                                  International House | Madibeng Building
Please join the group “UJ Division for
Internationalisation” on Facebook to keep
up to date with developments in                   Ms Shantelle Sass
the Division.                                     +27 (0)11 559 7780
                                                  Academic Liaison and Student Welfare
                                                  International House | Madibeng Building
Campus Guide Pre-Arrival Info and - The Future Reimagined - UJ
APB                                           • social integration through orientation
                                                                                                                             and student activities
                                                                             Ms Palesa Makwela
                                                                                                                           • welfare services
                                                                             +27 (0)11 559 1027
                                                                             International Admissions Officer              The International Admissions and
                                                                             Room 104, Con Cowan Building                  Welfare Office is there to ensure that all
                                                                                                international students are provided with
                                                                                                                           necessary support for the duration of their
                                                                                                                           studies at the University of Johannesburg.
                                                                             Mr Thabang Mothebe                            You can contact or visit the International
                                                                             +27 (0)11 559 6510                            Admissions and Welfare Office for any
                                                                             International Admissions Officer              compliance related issues, e.g. study
                                                                             G 70, Maropeng Building                       permits and medical aid requirements.
                                                                                                                           English Proficiency Test
Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018

                                                                                                                           If English is not an official language or used
                                                                             +27 (0)11 559 5014
                                                                                                                           as a medium of learning and teaching in
                                                                             ADB 107, Ukhamba Building
                                                                                                                           your home country, you are required to
                                                                             You can contact or visit the International    provide an English Proficiency Test Score.
                                                                             Admissions and Welfare Office for any         Only the following will be accepted: IELTS
                                                                             compliance related issues, e.g. study         at an overall score of 6 and TOEFL at an
                                                                             permits and medical aid requirements.         average score of 80-104 for Undergaduate
                                                                                                                           programmes. Alternatively, you may elect
                                                                             The International Admissions and Welfare      to write the University of Johannesburg
                                                                             Office is located on all four campuses and    English Language Programme test (UJELP).
                                                                             is responsible for:                           Should you choose to write the University
                                                                              • advising prospective students about        of Johannesburg English Language
                                                                                 programmes offered at UJ and all legal    Programme test (UJELP), Ms Dumisa
                                                                                 requirements;                             Vinindwa will be the contact person.
                                                                              • clearing admitted international students   Ms Vinindwa’s contact details are as
                                                                                 for registration;                         follows: +27 (0) 11 559 4265
                                                                              • providing liaison services for             or
                                                                                 international students and faculties;
                                                                              • liaising with all South African Missions
                                                                                 (Embassies, High Commissions,
                                                                                 Consulates, Trade Missions) and the
                                                                                 South African Department of Home
Campus Guide Pre-Arrival Info and - The Future Reimagined - UJ
Academic Calendar for 2018
University re-opens for support employees           Tue 2018-01-02
Enrichment and academic development                 Tue 2018-01-02 – Fri 2018-01-05
programmes for UJ students
Academic employees, not involved in enrichment or   Mon 2018-01-08
academic development programmes, resume duty
Academic Research                                   Mon 2018-01-08 – Sun 2018-01-28
2nd Semester (n-1) Supplementary Assessment         Mon 2018-01-08 – Fri 2018-01-12
Online off-site registration opens                  Mon 2018-01-08 – Fri 2018-02-02           4
2 Semester (n-1) Special Assessment
                                                    Wed 2018-01-24 – Tue 2018-01-30

                                                                                      Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018
1st Year Seminar                                    Tue 2018-01-30 – Fri 2018-02-02
First Semester                                      Mon 2018-02-05 – Fri 2018-05-18
Mid-semester Vacation                               Sat 2018-03-31 – Mon 2018-04-08
Study Period for students                           Sat 2018-05-19 – Wed 2018-05-25
1st Semester final assessment                       Sat 2018-05-26 – Thu 2018-06-12
1 Semester consolidation of results
                                                    Wed 2018-06-13 – Fri 2018-06-15
Winter Vacation for Students                        Wed 2018-06-13 – Sun 2018-07-08
Winter Vacation Academics                           Sat 2018-06-16 – Sun 2018-07-08
• Academic research                                 Mon 2018-07-9 – Fri 2018-07-20
• Programmes for international students hosted
  by UJ
• Study-abroad programmes for UJ students
• Enrichment and academic development
  programmes for UJ students
Semester Supplementary assessments                  Mon 2018-07-16 – Fri 2018-07-20
Second Semester                                     Mon 2018-07-23 – Fri 2018-11-02
1 Semester (n-1) Special Assessment
                                                    Thu 2018-08-02 – Wed2018-08-08
Mid-semester Vacation                               Sat 2018-09-8 – Sun 2018-09-16
Study period for students                           Sat 2018-11-03 – Fri 2018-11-09
2 Semester final assessment
                                                    Sat 2018-11-10 – Tue 2018-11-27
2nd Semester consolidation of results               Wed 2018-11-28 – Fri 2018-11-30
Summer Vacation for Students                        Wed 2018-11-28
Summer Vacation for students                        Wed 2018-12-06
Campus Guide Pre-Arrival Info and - The Future Reimagined - UJ

                                                                             Registration 2018                                 for Internationalisation will not guarantee
Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018

                                                                                                                               your admission space due to popular
                                                                                                                               qualifications or reaching a registration
                                                                             Arrival                                           quota.) Notice should be submitted one
                                                                             Plan to arrive between 19 and 23 January          week before the given registration date;
                                                                             in order to settle in, acclimatise and            failure to adhere to the University request
                                                                             find accommodation. Students can be               will result in your admission being given
                                                                             collected upon arrival at the Airport,            to a national applicant meeting the
                                                                             they should inform the Division for               admission requirements on a first-
                                                                             Internationalisation at least one week prior      come-first-serve basis.
                                                                             to their arrival and provide their full flight
                                                                                                                               Registration information can be found
                                                                             details. The Division will need to make
                                                                                                                               on the University’s website or can be
                                                                             arrangements with the University Transport
                                                                                                                               requested from the faculty. Off-Campus
                                                                             Department for the pick-up of students
                                                                                                                               registration will only take place upon
                                                                             that will require the service.
                                                                                                                               complying with the financial and
                                                                                                                               international clearance requirements .
                                                                             Registration procedures
                                                                                                                               Enquiries for all international postgraduate
                                                                             for 2018                                          students residing in their home country for
                                                                             If you are a first-time student registering       the duration of their studies should contact
                                                                             at the UJ, please consult with your faculty       the Division for Internationalisation at
                                                                             for registration details.                         +27 (0)11 559 4517 or
                                                                             Registration for all first-time entrants to the   Please carefully follow the steps set
                                                                             University of Johannesburg will be from           out below when you arrive on campus
                                                                             02 January until 02 February 2018                 to register. You need to report to the
                                                                                                                               International Student Admissions and
                                                                             First-year students will register from
                                                                                                                               Welfare Office FIRST for clearance
                                                                             02 January until 02 February 2018.
                                                                                                                               before continuing to register.
                                                                             During the First-year Seminar (FYS),
                                                                                                                               Step 1
                                                                             please consult your faculty about your
                                                                             registration date.                                To avoid long queues, you may
                                                                                                                               opt for an electronic international
                                                                             IMPORTANT: Admitted or Conditionally
                                                                                                                               clearance by emailing your certified
                                                                             admitted international applicants are
                                                                                                                               documents as stipulated below, to
                                                                             requested to inform the University of
                                                                             the circumstances preventing them from
                                                                             registering on the given registration date        When reporting to the International
                                                                             to avoid forfeiting their admission at            Student Admissions and Welfare Office
                                                                             the University (though the University of          please ensure that you bring the following
                                                                             Johannesburg together with the Division           documents:
Campus Guide Pre-Arrival Info and - The Future Reimagined - UJ
Important documents                            After submitting proof of payment, you
• your valid passport;                         may proceed to the registration venue. You
• the appropriate valid study, work or         will find Student Finance at the following
   relatives visa endorsed to study at the     venues:
   University of Johannesburg;                 APK      E-Ring 102
• proof of your medical aid cover,
                                               DFC      Perskor Building, 2nd Floor
   registered and administered in South
   Africa, and paid in advance in the year     APB      Con Cowan Building, Lab D
   of study;                                   SWC      Robert Sobukwe Building GNA07
• a valid Asylum Seeker Permit, Refugee
   Permit, Refugee Identity Document           Step 3
   or Permanent Residence Permit – no          Proceed to the registration venue for the
   medical aid cover is required;              authorisation of your registration, capturing           6
• proof of payment. All international          information and to receive your proof of

                                                                                               Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018
students need to pay 30% upfront, the
remaining 70% need to be paid in the           The registration venues are as follows:
following instalment terms:
                                               APK      D 1 Lab Basement
     –– 35% at the end of April 2018
     –– 35% at the end of July 2018            DFC      Perskor Building
In case of 100% upfront payment, student       APB      FADA Building
will qualify for a 5% discount.                		       (FADA Students)
You will find the International Student        APB      Con Cowan Building,
Admissions and Welfare personnel at the
following venues during registration:          		       (Management, Economics
                                               		       and Financial Sciences)
APK      D-1 Lab K08
                                               SWC      Robert Sobukwe Building
DFC      Perskor Building, Room G300
                                               Step 4
APB      Con Cowan Building, Lab C
                                               Proceed to get your student card issued
SWC      Robert Sobukwe Building GNA07
                                               at the following venues:
Step 2                                         APK      D Lab 208
Present the proof of the payment of your       DFC      Perskor Building
fees to the Student Finances Department.
Payment should include tuition fee,            APB      Con Cowan Building
registration fee and the international levy.   SWC      Robert Sobukwe Building
Campus Guide Pre-Arrival Info and - The Future Reimagined - UJ

                                                                             First-year Seminar (FYS)                       Societies, get involved in the many cultural
Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018

                                                                                                                            activities, join one of the many sport clubs,
                                                                             The University of Johannesburg would
                                                                                                                            join the gym or become a member of a Day
                                                                             like to welcome all its new first year
                                                                                                                            House. What’s that, you say? You’ll find out
                                                                             undergraduate students!
                                                                                                                            during the First Year Seminar.
                                                                             An informative and compulsory First Year
                                                                                                                            Academic registration
                                                                             Seminar programme has been arranged
                                                                             for all our new first years, beginning with    Off-Campus Undergraduate Registration
                                                                             the Dean’s Welcome address, academic           for first years is from 08 January to
                                                                             orientation to the Faculty, the Department     02 February 2018. Postgraduate
                                                                             and the specific programmes for which          Registration will take place from the
                                                                             students have been accepted. Students          08 January to 02 February 2018. In order to
                                                                             will get to meet lecturers, receive their      ensure that the registration proceedings
                                                                             time tables and get to know their fellow       are successful, it is imperative that students
                                                                             students and the campus they will be           adhere to the registration schedule, except
                                                                             studying on. The First Year Seminar            for unforeseen circumstances preventing
                                                                             programme is available from         you from registering on the set date.
                                                                             za/fys, then click on your Faculty and will    For procedures regarding late arrival,
                                                                             also be sent out with the Registration         please refer to page 5.
                                                                             Information packs.
                                                                                                                            International student orientation
                                                                             The First Year Seminar is also when
                                                                             students will be introduced to the wide        International students are assisted to
                                                                             range of academic development and              adjust to their new environment. In the
                                                                             support services the University offers – the   orientation programme provided by the
                                                                             Library and Information Centres, Reading       Division for Internationalisation, the main
                                                                             and Writing Centres, the Computer              focus is on the international students’
                                                                             Facilities, Psychological Services and         needs and providing students with vital
                                                                             Career Development and the Career              information and a tour of the campus
                                                                             Resource Centres. These services aim to        and city surrounds. This orientation is
                                                                             take our students from Good 2 Gr8!             compulsory for all students.
                                                                             Students will learn about the dedicated        All sessions for FYS (orientation) are
                                                                             team looking after their safety and about      compulsory. Please visit:
                                                                             the services available to them via the         for more Information.
                                                                             Health Clinics situated on each campus.        Lectures begin
                                                                             The First Year Seminar is not just about       5 February 2018.
                                                                             the very important academic aspects of
                                                                             student life: it is the time to join Student
Study Visa
How to Apply for a Study Visa                    The following documents are to be
                                                 submitted with the study visa application
It is advisable to apply 60 days before the
                                                 at the visa issuing authority to obtain your
expiry of your current visa when applying
                                                 study visa:
within the Republic of South Africa
through VFS Global. The link for lodging         1.   A passport valid for not less than 90
your online application is as follows: http://        days of the expiry of your visa.               2.   Administration fee equivalent to the
When applying through VFS, kindly select              value of R425.
Corporate Account.                               3.   If you apply within the Republic of
All International applicants who will                 South Africa then you will pay R425
be applying outside South Africa can                  plus R1350 (VFS Administration Cost).
submit their applications at the South                OutsideSouth Africa, you pay
African Visa issuing authority (Embassy,              R425 only.
High Commission, Consulate and Trade             4.   Confirmation and proof of payment
Mission) in their country of residence. If            of a South African medical aid cover
there is no South African representative in           with a medical scheme registered with
your country, you are advised to apply at             the SA Medical Schemes Council.
the nearest South African Embassy, High               Cover must remain valid for the
Commission, Consulate or Trade Mission.               duration of the calendar year.
5.   Letter of Offer from the University         part-time studies. The requirements are
                                                                                  stating the duration of degree,             listed below:
                                                                                  confirming that the student is not
                                                                                                                              BI1739 – Application for the endorsement
                                                                                  taking the place of a local student and
                                                                                                                              of a Relatives Visa
                                                                                  undertaking to inform the Department
                                                                                                                              • There is no cost for the endorsement
                                                                                  of Home Affairs when the student
                                                                                                                              • Letter of acceptance/firm offer letter
                                                                                                                                  from the University
                                                                             6.   A medical and radiological report           • Original passport and work permit
                                                                                  (less than six months old).                 • Proof of medical aid
                                                                             7.   Yellow Fever vaccination certificate,       • Proof of finance
                                                                                  if applicable.                              • Confirmation of employment letter or
       9                                                                                                                          contract
                                                                             8.   Relevant certificates if married,
                                                                                  widowed, divorced or separated.             Changing conditions of
Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018

                                                                             9.   Details regarding arranged 		               a study visa
                                                                                  accommodation while in South Africa.
                                                                                                                              A change of conditions of a study visa
                                                                             10. Proof of sufficient funds to cover tuition   refers to a situation where one holds a valid
                                                                                 fees and maintenance.                        permit to be in the Republic other than to
                                                                             11. A police clearance certificate for the       study at the University of Johannesburg.
                                                                                 past 12 months from the country you          This is usually the case of learners and
                                                                                 have lived in for a period exceeding         students studying at South African high
                                                                                 12 months after the age of 18.               schools, colleges and other academic
                                                                                                                              institutions and their visas would therefore
                                                                             Applicants are advised to keep a copy            be endorsed with a condition to study at
                                                                             of their submission documents and all            institutions in any of the categories above.
                                                                             receipts safely.                                 In order to register at the University of
                                                                                                                              Johannesburg the visa will need to be
                                                                             Endorsement of relatives visa                    issued in the name of the University.
                                                                             Please be informed that with effect from         Application for change of conditions of a
                                                                             the 1st of May 2015, a holder of a valid         study visa constitutes a new application
                                                                             temporary residence visa issued for the          for a study visa. Though the applicant will
                                                                             categories mentioned below will be               need to complete a separate form, the
                                                                             allowed to register and undertake part-          requirements are the same as for the initial
                                                                             time studies with institutions of Higher         application of a study visa.
                                                                             Learning as defined by the immigration
                                                                             Regulations of the Immigration Act, 2002         Refer to the following website: http://www.
                                                                             (Act No. 13 of 2002) during the validity
                                                                             period of their respective visas.
                                                                             a) General work visa                             Fees
                                                                             b) Critical Skills work visa
                                                                                                                              Please note: When an international
                                                                             c) Intra-company transfer work visa              student is accepted for study at UJ, the
                                                                             d) Business visa                                 student is required to pay 30% upfront,
                                                                                                                              the remaining 70% need to be paid in the
                                                                             The holder of a Relatives Visa is still          following instalment terms:
                                                                             required to get their visa endorsed for               –– 35% at the end of April 2018
                                                                                                                                   –– 35% at the end of July 2018
Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018
All students (local and international) who register at the University of Johannesburg are
                                                                             required to pay a non-refundable registration fee and ICT levy of R1040. Please pay
                                                                             your fees at the bank before proceeding to the UJ. Alternatively, fees can be paid at the
                                                                             Student Finance Offices on all four campuses. However, for safety reasons, students are
                                                                             encouraged to pay the fees by means of bank transfers at least twenty days prior to coming
                                                                             to South Africa.

                                                                             Please consult with your relevant faculty office for a full pro forma invoice.
                                                                             Kindly refer to pages 6 and 9 for Fee Structure.

                                                                             Banking details
11                                                                           University of Johannesburg Banking Details
                                                                             Account holder’s name:         UJ Tuition fee account
Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018

                                                                             Bank name:                     First National Bank
                                                                             Account number:                62615873199
                                                                             Branch code:                   210-554
                                                                             Reference on deposit slip:     Your student number
                                                                             Swift Code:                    FIRNZ AJJ
                                                                             The physical address of the UJ is:
                                                                             Corner Kingsway and University Road, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, 2092.
                                                                             Fax: +27(0)11 559 2866
                                                                             The following fees are payable before registration:

                                                                             Undergraduate students
                                                                             Students from African countries:
                                                                             Prescribed tuition fees plus an international levy of R2 000.
                                                                             Students from other countries:
                                                                             The prescribed tuition fees plus an international levy of R17 000 per year.

                                                                             Postgraduate students
                                                                             All postgraduate students pay the tuition fee as prescribed plus
                                                                             an international levy of R2 000.
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Financial assistance                            second year of study. All international
                                                                                                                             students are eligible for postgraduate
                                                                             Financial aid is not available to
                                                                                                                             bursaries and should apply. For more
                                                                             undergraduate international students.
                                                                                                                             information, you may enquire from the
                                                                             However, merit bursaries are automatically
                                                                                                                             Bursary Division, Student Finance and the
                                                                             awarded to deserving full-time international
                                                                                                                             Postgraduate Centre.
                                                                             students from SADC countries from their

                                                                             Medical Aid
                                                                             All international students need to comply       arrangements for the medical aid cover
         13                                                                  with the visa regulation as determined by       prior to entry into South Africa. Should
                                                                             the Immigration Act, Act 19 of 2004.            the student rely on a sponsorship, he/she
Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018

                                                                                                                             should ensure that the sponsor is advised
                                                                             Regulation 10 (1) (i) determines the
                                                                                                                             of the requirement at the onset of the
                                                                                                                             sponsorship of the admission offer from the
                                                                             An applicant for a study permit is required     institution. Most institutions do not accept
                                                                             to provide proof of medical aid cover with      a letter from the sponsor in lieu of payment.
                                                                             a medical scheme registered in terms of         Payment for the required medical aid cover
                                                                             the Medical Schemes Act, Act 131 of 1998,       fee is made directly to the medical aid
                                                                             recognized in the Republic.                     company, separately from the tuition fee.
                                                                             Although you may, with some other               The following are medical aid companies
                                                                             international insurance or medical product,     with developed student-focused products
                                                                             secure a study permit from a South African      that are registered in terms of the
                                                                             visa issuing authority, the University of
                                                                                                                             Medical Schemes Act. They offer the
                                                                             Johannesburg, in accordance with the
                                                                                                                             minimum benefits that a student may need
                                                                             Immigration Act, does not recognise such
                                                                                                                             while in South Africa. These schemes
                                                                             medical cover for registration purposes.
                                                                                                                             have weekly consultation sessions on all
                                                                             The University requires proof of full medical   campuses throughout the year.
                                                                             aid cover with a South African based
                                                                             medical aid scheme from the first day of the    CompCare
                                                                             month in which a student seeks registration
                                                                                                                             +27 (0) 82 651 4610 or +27 (0) 11 867 4450
                                                                             to the 31st of December of that year.
                                                                                                                    or student@
                                                                             Study abroad and exchange students    
                                                                             must secure medical cover for the     
                                                                             duration of their stay. A minimum of six (6)
                                                                             months cover is provided by medical aid         Momentum Health
                                                                             companies.                                      +27 (0) 83 308 1081 or +27 (0) 12 671 8511
                                                                             Month-to-month medical aid cover will 
                                                                             only be acceptable from dependents on 
                                                                             submission of the confirmation letter from
                                                                             the main member’s medical aid service           Other Medical Schemes
                                                                             provider undertaking to make monthly            You are welcome to visit the website of the
                                                                             contributions and to provide proof of these     Medical Schemes Council in South Africa to
                                                                             contributions to the University on a monthly    explore other medical cover options.
                                                                                                                             The address is
                                                                             It is thus advisable that international
                                                                             students make the necessary financial
  R368                 PER MONTH

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                      CompCare Wellness Medical Scheme is administered by Universal Healthcare Administrators (Pty) Ltd
                                                                             Please note: If you have applied for campus accommodation and you have not yet
                                                                             received a confirmation of allocated accommodation, you may have to make alternative
                                                                             arrangements. The subdivision of Student Accommodation and Residence Life sends
                                                                             confirmation letters by October to all students who have applied and who have
                                                                             been accepted.
                                                                             As an alternative to University accommodation it is suggested that you obtain
                                                                             private accommodation. It is important to note that the Division for Internationalisation
                                                                             does not accept responsibility for any possible problems arising from a student’s
                                                                             private accommodation.
15                                                                           The Division is able to help identify University approved private accommodation.

Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018

                                                                                                     MALE / FEMALE       PLACEMENTS OFFICER      EXT     EMAIL
                                                                             Thomas Sankara          Post Graduates      Bonny Tshabane          2065
                                                                             Faranani                Post Graduates      Bonny Tshabane          2065
                                                                             Afslaan                 Sport               Bonny Tshabane          2065
                                                                             Junior Residences       Male                Nondumiso Xaba          3022
                                                                             Junior Residences       Female              Daleen Strydom          2092
                                                                             Sophiatown              Mixed               Maryka Kirstein         1566
                                                                                                     MALE / FEMALE       PLACEMENTS OFFICER      EXT     EMAIL
                                                                             Junior Residences       Female              Maryka Kirstein         1566
                                                                             Junior Res              Male                Maryka Kirstein         1566
                                                                             Goudstad                Post Graduates      Bonny Tshabane          2065
                                                                             Mayine                  Post Graduates      Bonny Tshabane          2065
                                                                             All residences: Boniswa Khuluse x5015 (
                                                                             All residences: Veronica Ngobese x6552 (
                                                                              Off-Campus Accommodation:
                                                                             Please access the following link to view Accredited Off Campus accommodation
The Buddy System
What is a buddy system?
The University of Johannesburg Buddy System is a special programme that was established
for the purposes of providing support to international students and ensuring cultural
integration. All new international students are paired with a buddy for support in navigating
the University systems and Johannesburg in general. The duty of a buddy stretches further
than just the new student. They introduce the new student to the culture of UJ and South
Africa through social events and excursions. All buddies report to a Buddy Coordinator in
the Division for Internationalisation. The Buddy Coordinator will take up matters with the
Division for Internationalisation should the need arise.
All buddies are trained in orientation matters, cultural immersion and mentoring.
Who can apply to be a buddy?                        the Library, PsyCaD, Academic
                                                                                                                                 Development, the University
                                                                             Any registered student of the University of
                                                                                                                                 of Johannesburg International
                                                                             Johannesburg, whether South African or
                                                                                                                                 Student Society (UJISS), the Student
                                                                             international. The applicants should at least
                                                                                                                                 Representative Council (SRC) and the
                                                                             be in their second year of study.
                                                                                                                                 relevant faculties;
                                                                             Advantages of being a buddy                     •   assist international students to adapt
                                                                             • Formal training from the Centre                   socially by introducing them to friends,
                                                                               for Psychological Services and                    exposing them to cultures in South
                                                                               Career (PsyCaD).                                  Africa and introducing them to societies
                                                                             • A certificate after completion of                 on campus;
                                                                               the term as a buddy, proving extra-           •   instil a sense of belonging to
17                                                                             curricular participation at the University.       international students;
                                                                             • An impressive entry on your CV.               •   take the students on a campus tour;
                                                                             • The opportunity to learn about                •   provide guidance and support to
Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018

                                                                               international cultures.                           students;
                                                                             • The opportunity to build international        •   provide basic information to students,
                                                                               contacts.                                         such as public transport (bus routes),
                                                                                                                                 medical facilities, shopping centres,
                                                                             The following characteristics are required
                                                                                                                                 other information that could make the
                                                                             from a buddy
                                                                                                                                 day-to-day life of the students more
                                                                             • Social responsibility
                                                                             • Good interpersonal skills
                                                                                                                             •   meet with students on an informal basis
                                                                             • Empathy/sympathy
                                                                                                                                 as often as possible;
                                                                             • Sensitivity to other religious beliefs and
                                                                                                                             •   meet once a month with the assigned
                                                                                                                                 students on a formal basis on a date set
                                                                             • Committed to the duties of being a
                                                                                                                                 up by the Buddy Coordinator;
                                                                                                                             •   meet with the Buddy Coordinator a day
                                                                             Role and tasks of a buddy...                        or so after the formal meeting with the
                                                                             A buddy should:                                     students to discuss relevant matters;
                                                                             • treat students with respect;                  •   report any problems, complaints or
                                                                             • hold a positive outlook towards South             suggestions that might need attention
                                                                                Africa and the UJ;                               to the Buddy Coordinator. The Buddy
                                                                             • help international students adapt
                                                                                academically, by providing information
                                                                                about UJ. This information includes
                                                                             • services to international students,
• Coordinator will in turn report it to the    are given the opportunity to showcase
  Division for Internationalisation for        their various cultures to the UJ student
  further investigation and/or action;         community. You are encouraged as an
• attend feedback sessions at the end          international student to bring traditional
  of each term with the Division for           recipes, traditional costumes and other
  Internationalisation;                        items from home representing your country
• participate in a final written evaluation    for this wonderful event.
  at the end of September.

Culture Shock
                                               The University of Johannesburg supports
Coming to a new country is both exciting       the academic and informal student life by
and somewhat nerve-wrecking. The key to        providing a range of facilities for student      18
preventing undue stress is to allow oneself    use. The various campuses have modern
to ease into the new environment and to        facilities that enable students to use the

                                                                                                Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018
ask questions. In South Africa especially,     latest technology in education, training and
the people around you will be glad to help.    research.
Attend the orientation programme
and make full use of the student buddy         Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
assigned to you by the Division for            Library
                                               The library on the APK-campus houses over
Homesickness                                   540 000 volumes and serves more than
                                               32 000 users (students and staff members).
When the excitement wears off, a person
                                               The library caters for the academic and
is confronted with daily life in his/her new
                                               research needs of students. From books
environment, where everything can be
                                               and periodicals to electronic resources and
quite different from what you are used to
                                               the Internet, you will find almost everything
back home. Make use of our buddy system
                                               you might be looking for.
to meet new people, make friends and get
                                               Upon registration, international students
to know your new environment. PsyCad
                                               have access to the University libraries on
is also available to help you deal with
                                               all campuses.
                                               Computer laboratories
                                               The extensive computer labs offer students
The Division for Internationalisation,         not only desktop facilities, but also Internet
the buddies and the University of              access. These facilities are situated at E-Les
Johannesburg International Student             2 as well as at the D laboratories.
Society (UJISS) arrange several social
events for international students during       Lecture halls
the two weeks of registration. By attending    The lecture halls are mainly situated in
these events, international students can       buildings B (red), C (orange) and D (yellow).
meet one another.                              These lecture halls are referred to as Les
                                               and the administration offices as Ring. The
Annual International Festival                  lecture halls are equipped with all the latest
The Annual International Festival              audio-visual equipment.
is presented by the Division for               Information technology
Internationalisation with the assistance of
the international students in September.       Technologically, the Auckland Park
The International Festival has always been     Kingsway (APK) campus is one of the
a great success. International students        leading campuses in Southern Africa.
A multi-functional teaching-learning            Lecture halls
model that has been developed, integrates
                                                A total of 84 lecture rooms providing 5 142
traditional lecture-based approaches
                                                seats are available on this campus. The
with technology-based opportunities, to
                                                lecture halls are equipped with all the latest
achieve the goal of learning improvement.
                                                audio-visual equipment.
Students also have access to free WiFi
on campus.                                      Internet Café Style Cyber Centre

Student Centre                                  Various computer laboratories provide
                                                students access to educational software,
The Student Centre on the APK campus            the internet and email.
houses more than 30 shops, including
banks, ATMs, bookshops, a medical               Convenient shopping
doctor and a dentist, a computer store,                                                          20
                                                There are two cafeterias for both staff
postal, courier and photocopy services,         and students on campus. The campus

                                                                                                 Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018
a hairdresser, a convenience store, many        shop sells stationery, art materials, mobile
fast-food outlets, and a meal-of-the-day        phone packages as well as mechanical
restaurant to cater for all tastes.             and architectural drawing equipment. This
Sports facilities                               shop offers services such as binding, colour
• Athletics stadium (Tartan track): seats       copying and the printing of T-shirts. ATMs
   10 000                                       are also available on the campus. ATMs are
• 6 rugby fields and a clubhouse                also available on the campus.
• 3 soccer fields and a clubhouse               Sports facilities
• 5 hockey fields and a clubhouse
   (including an Astroturf field)               This campus has squash courts that are
• 3 cricket fields and a clubhouse              open to staff, students and the public.
• facilities for netball, basketball and        Most sport facilities are situated at the APB
   tennis courts with floodlights and a         campus so that the Sport Management
   clubhouse                                    students could have easy access to train,
• 5 squash courts and a clubhouse               gym, etc. For any enquiries regarding sport
• 1 sports hall (indoor)                        participation, please call +27(0)11 559
• 1 recreational sport facility (including an   3068/1308
   action cricket court)
• 1 aerobics facility
                                                Auckland Park
                                                Bunting Road Campus
International students are welcome to
participate in any of the sports offered at     Library
the University. For any enquiries regarding
                                                The APB Library can accommodate about
sport participation, please call
                                                475 learners who want to study, while all
+27(0)11 559 3068/1308
                                                students and staff are welcome to use the
                                                library services at any time. Photocopy
Doornfontein Campus
                                                services are available on the Ground
Library                                         Level of the library. Upon registration,
                                                international students have access to the
The Lesley Boyd Library on the DFC
                                                University libraries on all campuses..
campus can accommodate about 430
learners. Photocopy services are also
provided at the library. Upon registration,
international students have access to the
University libraries on all campuses.
Laboratories                                      Soweto Campus
                                                                             Our computer labs offer students not only         Library
                                                                             desktop facilities, but also Internet access.
                                                                             These facilities are situated at B RED 45 as      The Library can accommodate
                                                                             well as at the Green Block laboratories.          approximately 430 learners. Photocopy
                                                                                                                               services are also provided at the Library.
                                                                             Lecture halls                                     Upon registration, international students
                                                                             A total of 55 lecture rooms providing 4 412       have access to the University libraries on
                                                                             seats are available on this campus. The           all campuses.
                                                                             lecture halls are equipped with all the latest    Lecture halls
                                                                             audio-visual equipment.
                                                                                                                               There are 28 lecture halls with 3513 seats.
21                                                                           Information technology                            All lecture halls are equipped with the
                                                                             Various computer labs give students access        latest audio visual equipment.
Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018

                                                                             to educational software, the internet and         Information Technology
                                                                             email. The Cyber Centre on the APB
                                                                             campus is situated at the Upper Level of          There are 10 computer labs with more
                                                                             the library.                                      than 900 computers. These laboratories are
                                                                                                                               situated at the Robert Sobukwe and
                                                                             Coffee shop and restaurant                        Braam Fischer buildings. Added to this
                                                                             The coffee shop and restaurants on the            we have 60 computers at the Library
                                                                             APB campus deserve special mentioning,            with internet access.
                                                                             run by the School of Tourism and
                                                                             Hospitality, they double as training facilities   Other Services
                                                                             for Food and Beverage Management
                                                                             students. The School moved into its               Protection Services
                                                                             own newly built facility with high-tech
                                                                                                                               The University Protection Services provide
                                                                             equipment and the promiseof world class
                                                                                                                               a 24-hour security service to students on
                                                                             catering. The restaurant is open to both
                                                                                                                               all campuses. The Protection Services staff
                                                                             staff and students for reservations.
                                                                                                                               respond to emergency calls and investigate
                                                                             Sports facilities                                 reports of theft, harassment and other
                                                                                                                               crimes that are reported to them. Students
                                                                             Most sport facilities are situated on
                                                                                                                               are advised not to walk in deserted places
                                                                             the APB campus so that the Sport
                                                                                                                               on or off campus, particularly at night.
                                                                             Management students can have easy
                                                                                                                               Hitchhiking is extremely dangerous and
                                                                             access to train, gym, etc.
                                                                                                                               forbidden by law.
                                                                             •   1 Grass athletic track field                  APK
                                                                             •   1 Cricket field                               Library bridge basement
                                                                             •   4 Soccer fields and a clubhouse               Telephone no.: +27(0)11 559
                                                                             •   Basketball courts                             2555//2000/3400
                                                                             •   Softball field
                                                                             •   Gymnasiums                                    APB
                                                                             •   Indoor volleyball court                       Main entrance
                                                                             •   1 Aerobics facility                           Telephone no.: +27(0)11 559 1312

                                                                             For any enquiries regarding sport                 DFC
                                                                             participation, please call                        Main entrance
                                                                             +27(0)11 559 3068/1308.                           Telephone no.: +27(0)11 559 6450/6085
                                                                                                                               Main entrance
                                                                                                                               Telephone no.: +27(0)11 559 5555
Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018
                                                                             Access control                                   • screening and monitoring chronic
                                                                                                                                conditions, e.g. blood pressure
Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018

                                                                             Access to the campus is controlled by
                                                                                                                                monitoring, blood sugar, cholesterol,
                                                                             means of a central university card and a
                                                                                                                                anaemia and urine testing;
                                                                             student’s finger print. This card is also used
                                                                                                                              • pregnancy testing;
                                                                             for access to some residences, computer
                                                                                                                              • HIV/AIDS counselling and testing (VCT).
                                                                             labs, and the library. This card is also
                                                                             referred to as a student card. The card is       Consultation hours are from Mondays to
                                                                             issued to a student once the registration        Fridays from 08:30–15:30. You need to call
                                                                             process has been completed. Student              on the day to schedule an appointment.
                                                                             cards are issued by the Enrolment Centre.        Consultations are free of charge.
                                                                             If a card is lost, a student may obtain a new    Telephone numbers for Campus Health
                                                                             card after an administration fee has been        Services on all four campuses:
                                                                             paid. If a student should experience any             –– APB +27(0)11 559 1238
                                                                             problems to access a facility, the student           –– APK +27(0)11 559 3837
                                                                             should contact Protection Services.                  –– DFC +27(0)11 559 6544/6132
                                                                             A student should not lend his/her card t             –– SWC +27(0)11 559 5571
                                                                             o another student, or use another
                                                                             student’s card.                                  Inter-campus transport
                                                                             Campus Health                                    Transportion is provided between the
                                                                                                                              DFC, APB, APK and SWC Campuses.
                                                                             The University offers health services for
                                                                             both staff and students. Services include:       There is a student shuttle service that
                                                                             • consultation and referral;                     travels between these campuses during
                                                                             • health education and promotion;                week days. Bus schedules will be available
                                                                             • first aid (for any medical emergencies         upon registration.
                                                                                please call Protection Services):
                                                                                –– APK +27(0)11 559 2555//2000/3400
                                                                                –– APB +27(0)11 559 1312
                                                                                –– DFC +27(0)11 559 6450/6085
                                                                                –– SWC +27(0)11 559 5555
South Africa                                    Currency
                                                The South African currency unit is the
Location                                        Rand, denoted by the symbol R. (R1.00 =
                                                100 cents.) There is no restriction on the
South Africa lies at the southern tip of the    amount of foreign currency you may bring
African continent between latitudes 22°         into the country, but it must be declared at
and 35° south. It is flanked in the west by     Customs & Excise when you arrive.
the Atlantic Ocean, in the south and the
east by the Indian Ocean, in the north by       Credit Cards and Travel Cards
Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe, and in
the north-east by Mozambique                    MMost international credit cards such as
and Swaziland.                                  American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard
                                                and Visa are accepted, as well as travel
Climate                                         cards. Foreign currency is accepted in           24
                                                South Africa, and may be converted into
The climate is mostly sunny and temperate,      local currency.

                                                                                                 Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018
and the average number of sunshine hours
each day is among the highest in the world:     Please note: A commission fee is charged
8,5 compared with 3,8 in London, 6,4 in         every time you exchange currency.
Rome and 6,9 in New York. Winters are
mild and clear, although snowfall often
occurs on the higher mountain ranges            The Value Added Tax (VAT) rate is 14%
of the Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, causing          and is included in the price you see on
brief cold spells in the surrounding areas.     products. It is levied on most products
The south-western Cape Province enjoys          except staple foods. Students should
a Mediterranean climate (dry summers            obtain proof of payment for all capital
and winter rainfall). In general, the rest of   items purchased during their stay to
the country experiences summer rainfall         claim refunds at the port of exit, provided
usually in the form of short afternoon          the value of the items exceeds R250-00.
thunderstorms. As the country lies in the       Information leaflets on the procedure to be
southern hemisphere, seasons are the            followed are available from the VAT Refund
reverse of those prevailing in the northern     Administration offices at the Beit Bridge
hemisphere.                                     Border Post and OR Tambo International
                                                Airport (Johannesburg).
Average maximum temperatures in
degrees Celsius for some of the major           Electricity
cities (tourist centres) are:
                                                City and town power systems mostly
                   Summer       Winter
                                                operate at 220/250 volts, AC 50Hz.
  Cape Town           26°        17°            Adapters for electric shavers and hair
 Bloemfontein         29°        16°            dryers are obtainable locally.

    Durban            28°        21°            Telephone & Internet
 Johannesburg         28°        17°            communication
   Kimberley          32°        18°            South Africa has a sophisticated
                                                telecommunications network. International
    Nelspruit         29°        22°
                                                dialling codes can be found in South
    Pretoria          29°        19°            African directories. A direct dialling service
                                                connects all the local centres, except
For more accurate information, please visit     the more remote rural districts. The
the South African Weather Bureau website:       international telephone service links South                             Africa with more than 111 countries around
                                                the world. All the hotels and businesses
                                                have fax services.
Time                                           It is recommended that international
                                                                                                                            students open a local bank account. It
                                                                             Throughout the year, Standard Time
                                                                                                                            is a relatively simple process to open an
                                                                             in South Africa is two hours ahead of
                                                                                                                            account at one of the major banks. For
                                                                             Greenwich Mean Time, one hour ahead of
                                                                                                                            this purpose you would require proof of
                                                                             Central European Winter Time, and seven
                                                                                                                            registration, your passport and proof of
                                                                             hours ahead of US Eastern Standard Winter
                                                                                                                            accommodation while studying in South
                                                                             Time. Consult the local telephone directory
                                                                                                                            Africa and a letter from the Division for
                                                                             for detailed world time zones. There is no
                                                                             daylight savings time in South Africa.
                                                                                                                            Foreign exchange
                                                                                                                            The closest foreign exchange facility to the
25                                                                           South African banks are able to
                                                                                                                            APK and APB campuses is available at the
                                                                             accommodate all international transactions.
                                                                                                                            ABSA Bank in Annet Road, Auckland Park
                                                                             Banks are open from Monday to Friday
Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018

                                                                                                                            (2 km from the APK campus). Traveller’s
                                                                             (09:00 to 15:30) and on Saturdays from
                                                                                                                            cheques and foreign currency can be
                                                                             08:30 to 11:00. There are Automatic
                                                                                                                            exchanged at most banks, American
                                                                             Teller Machines (ATMs) on all campuses,
                                                                                                                            Express +27 (0)11 476 3045, HRG Rennies
                                                                             although not all banks are represented.
                                                                                                                            Travel +27 (0)11 407 2400, or at the airport.
                                                                             These operate 24 hours a day.
                                                                                                                            Businesses, tour operators, airlines and
                                                                             Apart from the ABSA and Nedbank                hotels generally accept international credit
                                                                             on the APK campus, other bank facilities       cards, including Visa, Master, American
                                                                             are available at Campus Square and in          Express and Diners Club cards.
                                                                             Melville. International students may contact
                                                                             Standard Bank Melville situated in the
                                                                             Campus Square Mall on +27(0)11 853 4329.

                                                                             Living in S.A.
                                                                             The following figures are only an estimate and the needs of students may vary.
                                                                             Personal monthly expenses
                                                                             Housing (depending on the type of private housing)		          R4 000 (average)
                                                                             Food				                                                      R3 000
                                                                             Entertainment & transport		                                   R2000
                                                                             Other				                                                     R 900
                                                                             Total per month			                                            R9 900
                                                                             Annual expenses
                                                                             Books, etc. (Annual, variable depending on course)		          R9 350
                                                                             Medical cover (Annual, compulsory)		                          R4 000
                                                                             Clothing (Recommended for winter months in Johannesburg)      R2 750
                                                                             Settling-in (Recommended for first arrival)		                 R2 750
                                                                             Deposit for rent (Applicable if renting an apartment)		       R 4000
                                                                             Study permit renewal (Applicable if a student needs to
                                                                             extend the study period)		                                    R2000
                                                                             Total				                                                     R24 850
Public transport                                When reporting an emergency:
The University of Johannesburg campuses         1. Stay on the line with the
are on several bus routes going to the             Control Room officer
centre of Johannesburg. The APK campus          2. Provide the location and description
is on the route to the West Rand and the           of the emergency
south of Johannesburg. Minibus taxis
can be hailed and stopped at any point,         3. Provide your phone number
but we do not recommend this as these           APK (Auckland Park
taxis are often overloaded and/or in an         Kingsway Campus)
unroadworthy condition.
                                                Control Room
The bus routes can be found on the official     Library Bridge Basement
Johannesburg website:,                                                     26
                                                +27 (0) 11 559 2555//2000/3400
Quickhelp, Transport.                 

                                                                                          Pre-arrival Information and Campus Guide for International Students - 2018
                                                APB (Auckland Park

Emergency                                       Bunting Road Campus)
                                                Control Room
Information                                     Cnr of Ibis and Bunting Road
                                                +27 (0) 11 559 1312
International Student Emergency       

Contact Procedure:
                                                DFC (Doornfontein Campus)
Protection Services is your first point of
call in any emergency:                          Control Room
                                                Near Main Entrance
Any time, Day or Night!
                                                +27 (0) 11 559 6450/6085
Reporting an Emergency:               

What is an emergency?                           SWC (Soweto Campus)

An emergency is any immediate threat            Control Room
to life and property that requires an           Near Main Entrance
immediate response of the appropriate           +27 (0) 11 559 5555
authorities (e.g. UJ’s Protection Services,
or the fire and ambulance emergency
                                                Police Services
services.) Examples of emergencies
                                                • The Johannesburg Central Police
include serious injury or illness, fire,
                                                  Station may be contacted on +27(0)11
or crime in progress.
                                                  497 7000/7116/7535
If you are unsure whether a situation           • The Brixton Police Station may be
constitutes an emergency or not,                  contacted on +27(0)11 248 5520/5521
contact the Protection Services                 • The Sophiatown Police Station may be
control room anyway!                              contacted on +27(0)11 670 6300/6401
                                                • The Hillbrow Police Station may be
How to report an emergency:
                                                  contacted on +27(0)11 488 6511/6809
You must contact Protection Services in all
emergencies. The Control Room, which is
operational at all times, will coordinate all
emergency responses and contact other
emergency services if necessary.
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